, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Comments

Gary's Blog Map

Jul 23, 2008


1) To: Fellow TMS crossword solvers

As a result of the latest surprising surge in comments section, I won't be able to respond to every of your remark. However, I'd like you to know that each comment, even if it's for a 3-month lag behind puzzle, is forwarded to my email account. And I do read (and study) every one of them with interest and appreciation. Thank you for delurking and taking time to contribute to the blog. I hope we all learn something new from one another every day.

2) To: TMS crossword constructors & Mr. Williams

Due to my special background, inexperience in crossword solving and lack of understanding about crossword constructing, some of my criticisms may not be on solid ground. If you think my comments on certain cluing are simply wrong or you don't feel my summarized theme title is proper, please feel free to jump in the Comments section and let our fellow TMS solvers share your thinking. Or you can always write me a private email.

Thank you.



  1. CC: I believe my Chinese is limited to "tsao" with a lift of the tone. I learned it from a Chinese friend as good morning. He was Mandarin.
    Heliacal is a sun related word concerning the rising and setting in particular.
    Dan Inouye was one of the Japanese 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the most decorated fighting unit in WW II. They fought in Italy. I didn't know of his scandal, but in Hawaii, he could do no wrong when I was there in the 60s.
    Some of the names in the puzzle were googlers to me.
    I don't get the DOH for 1A, but the Oregonian doesn't tell us the theme.
    To "toe" in a nail perhaps comes from driving a nail to join 2 x 4 lumber when one is horizontal and the other vertical as in house construction. Since the lower 2 x 4 is near your toes, the term toe nail emerged. However, nails are toed in at several locations.
    Best, Ken

  2. Ken,
    It's "Zao Shang Hao" in Mandarin Chinese. I've copied and pasted your post to Wednesday's comments section. Thank you for providing me with nuggets of information every day.

  3. C.C., it sounds as if something unpleasant has happened. Has someone criticized your work on this blog?

    I started to write a long comment, and then realized all I need to say is that you do a FINE job!

    You have inspired me. I'm delighted to learn new words, and you've taught me to look at the construction of the puzzles. You're also teaching me about art, and your readers open my eyes on a variety of subjects.

    My advice to you is to disregard criticism. I can't think of a nicer place to visit, than your blog.

    Keep up the great work!

  4. C.C. Double ditto on what kittyb said. I love what you have provided. With the injections of coloqualisms into our language, it's forever evolving.

    Non Latin but I love the looseness of "Illigitimus non-carborundum"!

  5. CC:
    I concur with Carl and KittyB. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean everyone.
    A squeeking wheel is always complaining.

  6. CC: I humbly echo the other comments on your work here. It is great fun to exchange comments on the puzzles and clues. More than that, the comradeship of the group is a lift to my day. Ken

  7. CC: Another humble echo of keep up the good work. I don't comment very often but I check in every day for help and entertainment. Thanks CC.

  8. Kittyb et al,
    Yes, there have been some unpleasant encounters lately. Thank you for the encouraging words. They mean a lot to me.

  9. I have made very few comments, because I feel inadequate; but I faithfully follow all the comments made by your growing family every day. I love reading what they have to say and I think you are just amazing.

    would you consider posting a photo of yourself?

  10. C.C., the amount of time you spend on this blog looking up all of the intriguing clues and links is much appreciated. This community has evolved a lot since April. You are a treasure and are much appreciated.

  11. Jimbo,
    Pls don't feel inadequate. Every opinion is valued. My photo? Hmm, how do I look in your mind?

    Thank you so much. Your contribution to this blog is invaluable and highly appreciated too.

  12. I thought you were limiting your posts because of the uptick in volume and your inability to comment on everything time wise. Sorry to hear there's been some unpleasantness. I can only reiterate my thanks for your blog cc. I appreciate your insight and analysis.

  13. C.C.

    I picture you as somewhat petite, pretty, oval face, dark eyes, dark hair and bangs.

    How far off am I?

  14. Thank you for making my mornings such fun! I do the best I can without any aid, then to your site to learn what I missed. your insight and tidbits about the answers are the best. What a gift!

  15. C.C., No one can be satisfied. But your blog is just fantastic. I would not lose sleep on anyone making negative comments. When one reads the amount of info in YOUR blog, you know we are really enjoying this site!!! Even if I don't make contributions, I still like to read the comments. Some are informative, others are just plain ol' fun... and dysfunctional. Anyone NOT enjoying your site are readily invited to just leave us alone and find someone else to make their day....

  16. I think Jimbo is right on, C.C.!!!

  17. "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

    Sir Winston Churchill

  18. NYTanonimo,
    Thank you for the sweet words, and thank you also for the wonderful links you've brought to us.

    Jimbo & flyingears,
    Petite, dark hair, dark eyes, bangs, yes!! The others are off.

    Great Churchill quote. I am very inspired.

  19. C.C. I think you are being modest.
    We need to be the judge on the others.

  20. Jimbo,
    I am being honest, really. Have you been to Asia before?

  21. They made a mistake. It is Lelia Goldoni, not Leila

  22. I enjoy your site so much; I just wish you would publish ALL the answers like you used to.

  23. Cat lover,
    Thanks for the comment. You can always go to Chicago Tribune's crossword website for complete answers.

  24. I enjoyed Sunday's crossword, Oct. 5th but I had to comment on 65 down. There is no such word as severer. It is more severe or most severe. I have seen several instances of incorrect usage of english words in other crosswords and and it kind of irks me. Crossword Puzzle creators should only be allowed to use "proper" english terminology and spelling.


  25. I totally agree with Anonymous; it is very frustrating.

  26. Toni & Cat Lover,
    This is not the place for today's (Oct 5, Sunday) comments. You need to go to today's main blog post and click on "Comments" besides the envelop sign. FYI, I've copied and pasted your comments there a few minutes ago.

  27. That's Beatrice Potter (children's author) not Harry Potter books :)

  28. Anonymous @ 6:33am,
    Thanks. But your comment was misplaced. You should go to today's Comments section.

  29. Your puzzle for Monday October 20 is completely wrong. Please take a look at it. Your answers to do not correspond to the clues.
