, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday August 3, 2009 David W. Cromer

Gary's Blog Map

Aug 3, 2009

Monday August 3, 2009 David W. Cromer

Theme: E Pluribus Unum

17A: Data set available to many: SHARED FILE

57A: Professionally managed investment type: MUTUAL FUND

9D: Property co-owner: JOINT TENANT

25D: Unifying objective: COMMON CAUSE

Argyle here.

Wish OUR (44D: Wilder's __ Town) were clued as "Sharing word". Would be a good tie-in answer.

Very little today that should cause trouble but then CRS (Can't Remember SH?T) can strike at any time. Our constructor today has puzzles for every day of the week. Very good.


1A: Pear variety: BOSC. From Wikipedia: The Beurré Bosc or Bosc is a cultivar of the European Pear (Pyrus communis) grown in California, Washington, and Oregon, Australia as well as in British Columbia and Europe, where it is sometimes called Kaiser.

Characteristic features are a long tapering neck and russeted skin. Its flesh is denser, crisper and smoother than that of the Williams or D'Anjou pear. It is called the "aristocrat of pears".

5A: Philbin's co-host: RIPA. Kelly RIPA. Regis Philbin is of Albanian root too, so is Alan Shepard, in addition Mother Teresa & John Belushi, whom PBJ-Chicago pointed out yesterday.

9A: Sharp punches: JABS.

13A: Rights org.: ACLU. American Civil Liberties Union.

14A: Broadcast booth sign: ON AIR.

16A: ESPN sportscaster Hershiser: OREL. At his peak in the 1980s, Orel Hershiser was at the top of the National League, the ace of a stacked Los Angeles Dodger rotation.

19A: Division word: INTO. And 42A: Math comparison: RATIO.

22A: Obama was in it until November 2008: SENATE.

24A: __set: construction toy: ERECTOR. from an earlier age.

26A: Dances in 3/4 time: WALTZES.

27A: Surgery ctrs.: ORS. Surgery centers-operating rooms. And 32A: Barn bundle: BALE. And 45A: Barnyard brooder: HEN. And 63A: Part to play: ROLE And 4D: Mangy mutt: CUR And 5A: Cowpokes' competitions: RODEOS. (Do you notice a sub-theme here? All alliterative clues!)

28A: Lindbergh, notably: PILOT. Also, from an earlier age.

29A: Mel, "The Velvet Fog": TORME. Vintage Torme.

33A: Vigorous spirit: ELAN.

37A: Japanese cartoon art genre: ANIME. "A Japanese style of motion-picture animation, characterized by highly stylized, colorful art, futuristic settings, violence, and sexuality." Based on the Random House Dictionary.

39A: Pointy-hatted garden statue: GNOME. Gotta have a picture!

40A: Taken-back auto: REPO. Origin: by shortening of repossess. Is forming a word by shortening the same as abbreviation? I think not.

41A: Thumbs-down reviews: PANS.

43A: Like the Vikings: NORSE. The ugly "troll" is of NORSE origin. And don't forget LEIF ("Sage of the Greenlanders" hero), son of Eric the Red.

46A: Treat for Fido: BISCUIT.

49A: Wetlands growth: CATTAIL. cattails

53A: Many vows are taken at them: ALTARS.

60A: Gets grayer, usually: AGES.

61A: Periods, in telegrams: STOPS.

62A: Big Apple theater award: OBIE. One of a group of awards given annually, by New York City's The Village Voice newspaper for achievement in the off-Broadway theater. Based on the Random House Dictionary

65A: D.C. lobbying orgs.: PACS. Political Action Committee.


2D: Autumn leaf color: OCHER. Not heard very often: "My, what lovely ocher leaves." Also spelled as OCHRE.

6D: Reason out: INFER.

10D: Desi who married Lucille Ball: ARNAZ.

11D: Midler of 'The Rose": BETTE. The Rose - Bette Midler & Wynonna Judd.

18D: Serving after the salad: ENTREE.

23D: "Don't Bring Me Down" rock gp.: ELO. Electric Light Orchestra

26D: Loses crispness, as celery: WILTS.

28D: "The Age of Reason" author Thomas: PAINE. Quotation by Thomas Paine: "A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be."

29D: Sea dog: TAR. Old sailor.

30D: White Monopoly bill: ONE. Before you ask what the other colors are...Monopoly money.

31D: __ cord: parachute activator: RIP.

35D: "__ seeing things?": AM I.

39D: Sister of Hansel: GRETEL. Hansel and GRETEL. Grimm tale.

41D: Light-refracting devices: PRISM. Probably the most famous prism

44D: Wilder's "__ Town": OUR. The play with the stage manager out front.

45D: Bother continually: HARASS.

46D: Kid-lit elephant: BABAR. Intro, extracted from the episode "The City Of Elephants".

47D: Volunteer's offer: I'LL GO.

48D: Pittsburgh product, historically: STEEL. East Coast gimme?

49D: Two-door car: COUPE.

50D: Caribbean island resort: ARUBA. Map Somebody said it wasn't that nice, but I'd like to find out for myself.

51D: Greek column style: IONIC. Hmm, the classic DIC (INOIC, Doric & Corinthian, thanks again, Kazie).

52D: Mine bonanzas: LODES.

58D: Beehive State native: UTE. Not capitalized, a utility vehicle; with a capital, a member of the American Indian people of Utah.

59D: Fancy dresser: FOP. Synonyms: dandy, coxcomb, swell, dude, Beau Brummel, beau, clotheshorse, fashion plate, macaroni, peacock, popinjay. Oscar Wilde was one vain FOP, wasn't he? He once said: "One should either be a work of Art, or wear a work of Art."

Answer grid.



  1. Good Moning, All. A nice easy puzzle to start off the week. Hope the work week goes as well. I loved the two clues relating to used cars: (15D) ~ RESALE and (40A) REPO.

    BOSC ~ are there any other pear varieties in the Xword world?

    Whenever I seen a GNOME, I think of the gnomes in The Full Monty. One of my favorite films!

    This date in History:
    ~The US established the Ohio territory (1795)
    ~ Vice President Cal (Silent Cal) Coolidge was sworn in as President (1923)
    ~ 90 cadets at the US Military Academy were dismissed for cheating (1951)
    ~ Ruth Bader Ginsberg was appointed to the US Supreme Court (1993)

    QOD: Patients is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead.

  2. The L in OREL and SLOES was a guess for me but I had no clue as to the P in FOP and PACS. ARUBA was in a puzzle back in July. The OB in OBIE stands for Off-Broadway. An award for an on-Broadway play would be a TONY.


  3. Dennis,
    This is getting worrying. Are you alright?

    I've seen BARLETT & ANJOU once or twice before.

    Both OREL and SLOES have appeared in our puzzle so many times. You should eat worms for even guessing.

  4. Argyle,
    Superb write-up. Generally abbreviation and acronym are shortened words formed from the first letters of the original phrase/word, such as USA and NATO, but the latter can be pronounced as a new word.

    What is that famous PRISM called? You'd better not to go to ARUBA, which often reminds me of Natalee Holloway. I like upper right corner, very scrabbly. I am lost on your sub-theme. Fight?

    Thanks also for the great links yesterday. Interesting that King Zog is a Muslim.

  5. Al,
    Very clever Dustin Hoffman connections.

    Nice to see you back.

    How are you doing?

    Keep whining. I enjoy reading your criticism.

  6. Famous prism is album cover from Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon released in 1973.

    I'm lost on the sub-theme as well???

  7. Good morning Argyle, C.C. and all, another Monday morning walk in the park. I got most of the fills with the first pass of the horizontal clues. I would like to someday get all the fills with one pass. Not really much to comment about the puzzle except I tried to put troll in for 39A in lieu of gnome. Other than that pretty straight forward puzzle.

    I loved my erector set when I was a kid and I see that they are still available. Dennis probably sells them from his shop.

    Argyle, I have been to Aruba several times and in my humble opinion it is nice. BTY Argyle, nice job again.

    Hope you all have a great Monday.

  8. Cowpokes' competitions was my favorite.

  9. @Clear Ayes from last night: I am not trying to start a religious debate, but I feel compelled to respond to your comment about the Golden Rule. You expressed surprise that such a tenet was found in many of the world’s religions.

    The concept of the Christian Golden Rule predates the teachings of Jesus. The “Golden Rule” is found in the Hebrew Bible (Leviticus 19:18). One of the more famous stories about this “Rule” is found in the story of Hillel (circa 65 BCE ~ 10 CE). He considered the “love of your fellow man” to be the basic kernel of Jewish teaching. When asked if Torah could be explained while standing on one foot, Hillel responded: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the commentary; go and learn" (Shab. 31a).

    We haven’t heard from Dennis in some time. I hope he is all right. From his last comments, he mentioned helping neighbors who had suffered damage following a bad storm that blew threw his area. This exemplifies the “Golden Rule.” The Rule is not ignored today ~ it can be found in individual actions.

    Dennis may have lost electricity, hence, cannot check in with us. Hopefully, he will be able to check in soon. We miss your witty repartee, Dennis.

  10. Good morning, Argyle, C.C. and gang - typical Monday puzzle, no muss, no fuss. However, also no comments, as there's nothing to talk about; just a simple, easy puzzle with a good theme. I wonder, though, if these are as hard to construct as, say, a Friday puzzle.

    A late post this morning - it's been a rather long weekend and I decided to sleep until I woke up and skip the gym today. It's been pretty much non-stop since Friday evening's 'event'; made a lot of progress Saturday, Saturday night, and Sunday morning, then we got hammered again with several more inches of rain, which brought down some more already-weakened trees. Had 7 different power outages yesterday alone. Kept stopping at the house to reset everything and check on things, but the outages just kept coming. The county had declared a state of emergency, and as a result, I think we had more utility and fire/rescue vehicles in our town than residents' cars. We were fortunate in that our own house was relatively undamaged, but with the power losses, we lost the fish in our saltwater tank. Really sucks, but pales in comparison to what some lost. One family took 3 trees to their house and a 4th to their car.

    Anyway, the sun's out this morning, so life is good. I'm gonna sit on my ass at the store all day, let things heal and try to stay awake. I skimmed the past couple days' comments and thanks for all the good wishes; really means a lot. From last night, TJ in Osseo, no, unfortunately you don't make anon "feel small" by your comments; rather, you puff him up by acknowledging his existence - it's exactly what he wants.

    Today is National Watermelon Day.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "While we drink, and call for garlands, for perfumes and for maidens, old age is creeping on us unperceived." -- Satirist Juvenal

    Couple more Qute Quotes:

    - Women with a past interest men. They hope history will repeat itself. -- Mae West

    - Most girls are attracted to the simple things in life. Like men. -- Henny Youngman

  11. Good Morning CC, Argyle and All,

    Back from my week off which was only a partial because of a funeral and work. Cut it short as well for my youngest to play in a Little League Tourny. They made it to the semi finals which was a decent showing.

    Dennis, Glad to hear you survived relatively intact. The severe weather here has been impressive.

    Nice and easy intro back into the real world this morning. The only erasure was when I spell ARNAZ with an e. I've never heard of CUR either. Nice cluing.

    Have a great day!

  12. G'morning all,
    Argyle did a great job, didn't he? Precise and to the point. But I too am lost on the alliteration, I just don't see it.

    The puzzle went as fast as I could write, so no problems there. For those who don't remember, my DIC on the columns was to remember them in order of ornateness, simplest to most ornate.

    Great to see Dennis back in the land of the living, glad all is well for you, and hopefully nobody else hurt or injured either.

  13. Both OREL and SLOES have appeared in our puzzle so many times. You should eat worms for even guessing.

    Call it an educated guess then.


  14. CC; Glad to be back!

    Spelling the words correctly is my bane: orel oral oril-arnez arnaz-sloe slow, gretel gretal gretle-harass harras :( Really ups my time...)other than that...typical, EZ Monday except that looking up and down at the monitor and key board (Argyle and I had the same typing teacher) set off my vertigo...

    Dennis: Great to see you back! (and your front, too!)

    Argyle: Alliteration aids ancient air-heads.(true in my case)

    Jimbo: I`ve had some pretty bad experiences on-line. I really think you`re a good guy...but I still don`t feel comfortable giving out my address, as much as I`d love the material. Understand? I tried your private E address and it came back...too full?

  15. C.C., is "eat worms" a Chinese expression or just yours?


  16. Hey All, Quick puzzle today, very enjoyable. Of course I have that ELO song playing in my head now, should take an hour or so to be replaced with some other annoying jingle or song.
    Dennis, I am glad you are well. Having spent my whole life in S. Fla I have experienced some incredible storms. It is amazing how a horrible event can bring people together in a time of crisis. Hope everyone has a great day.

  17. Argyle,
    Now I see it--I was looking at the answers instead of the clues. Too much hurry to get DH's breakfast.

    Just as an afterthought on your spelling dilemma--not criticizing, mind you, just helping: Gretel is a diminutive of Margarethe, or a shortened nickname form. Like Gretchen. In German, and these were German fairytale characters, those "pet name" endings don't change, always -el and -chen. "-al" is very uncommon as an ending in German, and "-en" is much more common than "-an".

    On the other hand, Desi Arnaz always gets me too. Most of the Spanish names ending in "-z" that I know, end in "-ez". And I am always wanting double "r" in harass.

  18. A nice walk in the park Monday puzzle. Any day I don’t have to hit the g-spot for anything is a good day for me. I did get some perp help with orel, élan, anime, pac, and Paine. Argyle, nice write up this morning. I too always thought ocher was spelled ochre. I am not sure about the “thumbs down review” – pans answer and how it relates.

    Dennis, good to see you are well and didn’t suffer too much damage. I enjoyed the Henny Youngman quote this morning.

    Lois I hope the wedding was beautiful and you and your family had a wonderful celebration.

    Brady and I are easing back into our regular routine, which is nice.

  19. Good morning, all!

    Like Dennis, I've blown off exercise, but there's plenty to do to fill up that time.

    Argyle, great job! Thanks for pointing out the alliteration.

    In the early nineties, DH surprised me with box seats at Orchestra Hall in Chicago to hear Mel Torme sing. I believe one of his sons was the drummer in the trio that accompanied him. Even at that point in his career, he was just fabulous. I think that may have been the best concert that I've ever attended.

    Lois, I hope that you'll have wonderful stories to tell about the past weekend.

    tarrajo, I'm glad that LGJ is back with you. How are the zucchini coming along?

    Dennis, I'm glad to hear that you made it through the weather.

    It's clouding up here. I need to get out ahead of the storm, so I'll wish you all a good day.

  20. Breezed through the puzzle. Got the theme right away, but didn't really need the help.

    Dennis: Glad to see you back and safe and glad you are having sunshine.

    We are having weird weather today - with heavy overcast that is actual drizzle in some places. It isn't supposed to rain in California in the summer. It was one of the biggest adjustments moving from the East coast to the West - the grass goes brown in the summer and green in the winter here and the ocean is on the wrong side. In San Diego on one highway direction signs said "Beaches" and I kept forgetting that was west.

    Re Calvin Coolidge: At a dinner party the man across from Coolidge said, "Sir, I bet I could get you to say three words." Coolidge replied, "You lose."

  21. Good morning, everyone. Martin, the saying of eating worms is one most kids say: "I'm gonna eat worms and die." I believe it's a sort of challenge to his mother or another child who is teasing her too much.

    Dennis, glad you're back and in good form.

    Argyle, splendid job, as usual.

    I had no idea about Japanese cartoon genre and I wrote owe for Monoply bill, so a mistake there until I came here to see the error of my ways. Had to use perps to get coupe, as my knowledge of cars is about nil. (But my 1996 Honda Civic is about 44,000 and gets 29 to the gallon.)

  22. Good morning, everyone.

    Another thorough and entertaining write-up, argyle.

    @dennis Good to see you back. Hope things can return to relative normalcy soon.

    Have a great Monday!

  23. I am always curious when the anon posts in Chinese what they are saying. C.C. can you translate?

  24. tarrajo, according to C.C., they're just spam.

  25. Hi everyone!

    This was an easy one even for a Monday. There was only one word I really did not know: 37A (ANIME), but the good 'ol perps took care of it. I keep thinking how much fun it would be to speed through a Fri./Sat. puzzle that fast. Of course, if I did, I wouldn't be able to get my bike helmet on. :)

    Dennis, I am soooo glad you and yours are alright. I cannot imagine having 3 trees into my house and another on my car. I am sorry about your fish, but as you say, it could have been you on the receiving end of the trees!

    Still hot here, but tomorrow is supposed to be the beginning of a cooing phase - geez, I hope so!! We have not had rain in 22 days - and I know that does not sound like much to some of you, but in the NW that is dang near parched! Rain is forecast for Thurs. and I will even smile as I pedal through it! It has been an odd year for weather all over the country!

  26. good morning c.c. and all,

    typical breezy monday puzzle. my only pauses were misreading 'obama wasN'T in it,' and for some reason i wanted to spell BISCUIT with a Q. great job argyle, your write-ups are the best thing about monday puzzles.

    tarrajo: a thumbs-down review of a movie is a PAN.

    thought of lois with ALTAR and RODEO, and windhover with BALES. looking forward to the photographic evidence of that meeting.

    windhover: hope your mini-vacation was delightful.

    off to relieve some SORE muscles ..

  27. Good Morning All, Good blogging, Argyle. Your Monday contributions are very much appreciated.

    Monday's challenge for me is to see how far I can go in one direction without a blank fill. I didn't get very far because of the first Across theme answer SHARED FILE. I had to switch to the Downs and then go back and forth to complete the puzzle. Even though I flubbed my challenge, the puzzle was a good one for a Monday with some fun fills, ENTREE, BISCUIT, CATTAIL and ANIME.

    Oh yes, any day with BETTE Midler is a good one. Thanks for the link, Argyle.

    Hahtool, Thank you for the Hillel story. I guess I could have expressed myself more clearly. My surprise was based on the irony that, although many religions and philosophies express a similar principle, it is, sadly, so widely disregarded.

    Dennis, after looking at the whole eastern seaboard weather forecast yesterday morning, it is nice to see that you have some clear weather. Too bad about the fish, I've heard that salt water fish are very sensitive to their environment.

    Hopefully, Lois's daughter's wedding wasn't too soggy. Not that it matters much, joy has a way of bringing its own sun.

    Sallie, Love those Hondas! Our Insight Hybrid is getting around 44 MPG. Getting used to the smaller car has been an adjustment, but even on the 100 mile round trips to town(s) it is a very comfortable ride.

    Melissa Bee, LOL the new avatar.

  28. @Argyle, that Random House description of Anime left out one of the more significant parts: The theme music. It is often highly dramatic and sometimes is quite pretty despite not being able to understand the words.

  29. Hello All--An "eezy-breezy" puzzle today. Thank you Argyle for the secondary alliteration theme. Good take. I didn't see it until I came here to the site.

    I had only one erasure today (really good for me) because I put in ired for Really teed off instead of sore. The perps of Gretel and harass soon fixed that.

    My favorite clues today were for Gets grayer, usually--ages and Have a Bug--ail.

    My pear cookbook says that Bosc pears are good poached in wine. My hubby and I have wine-poached pears quite often for dessert when pears are in season. They smell SOOO good while cooking.

    Dennis, I'm glad you are back with minimal damage to you and your property.

    Tarrajo, I left a zucchini story for you late on last night's post.

  30. Morning everyone.

    Dennis...relieved to see you back unscathed. I think that you had us worried.

    Fun, easy and Monday. a relief after the Fri/Sat/Sun slog...I keep thinking that they should get easier for me...but not so far.

    Tarrajo...Ochre is essentially the French spelling and you will often see it on tubes of color. I always get hung up with that and want the RE spelling...but then I spell theatRE also...

    Argyle...awesome job again. Your Monday blogging is terrific and much appreciated.

    Have to run to a Dr. appt for my husband with the surgeon today. Make plans for the surgery which will be at least 2 mos. from now.

    Also...I think after all our discussions re: Croc, Rhino, etc that Repo falls into the same Americans we seem to enjoy shortening everything we can and if we can't we turn it into an acronym...There is a terrifically fun book about the English language and why is it so different, by Bill Bryson, called the The Mother Tongue...very funny and informative.

    Gotta go for now.

  31. Good day, folks!
    A nice easy Monday puzzle. My only comment is one which has been mentioned by a few others already--OCHRE/OCHER. When that comes up, I simply fill in OCH__ and look to the perps. Same for TSAR/TZAR/CSAR/CZAR=__AR. With Monday out of the way so easily, now there's time to try to finish yesterday's puzzle. I'm stubbornly trying to solve without help other than perps. The puzzle that came in the LAT Sunday morning paper was much easier, much more fun, and had a great theme, constructed by Merl Reagle. Wonder why there are two on Sundays?

    Dennis--You are a hero! The world needs more people like you who rise to the occasion in times of need/catastrophe and selflessly give to others. Sorry about the fish.

    Tarrajo--The best to you as you re-nestle in with LGJ!

    Lois--Pictures, please?

    Jazz, Jerome, PBJ and all you other wits out there--Thanks for all the chuckle-posts over the weekend! I LOL so much my husband kept coming over to the 'puter to see what I was doing.

    Argyle--Thanks for the great write-up and links!

  32. WM, good luck to your hubby at the Dr's. today. The wait seems long before surgery, but it is advised by most oncologists. The wait is hard, though. Hang in there both of you.

  33. Quiet in our household. All the kids gone this am, unusual for the summer. And the hubby is back at work.

    Typical Monday puzzle. I too tried to do all the across first, and ran into an unknown by SHARED FILE. I just kept plugging along with across, then went to downs. Had SEDAN instead of COUPE, FLIER vs. PILOT and TROLL vs. GNOME. I was able to get them all fixed quickly with the perps. Flew through the puzzle fast enough that I didn't have to use the theme, but got it right off when I looked at the completed grid.

    There is quite the controversy here with the signs for our airport. We have a Lindbergh and Humphrey terminal. Apparently, people go to the wrong one quite frequently. So they are going to change the signs to Terminal 1 and Terminal 2. They are not planning on adding the airlines at each terminal to the signage. Can someone enlighten me as to how this will help?

    My mom loves cattails. She used to stop at marshlands on the way home from golf in the fall to pick them for arrangements in her house. I don't believe it was legal.

    Good that I posted late enough to see Dennis' post, as I was getting worried too. I have seen the results of enough storms to know what he is going through.

    Looking forward to Lois' post to hear all about the wedding.

    Thanks Argyle for another good analysis.

  34. Today's WOW reminded me of this poem. I think we have seen it before, but it fits in so well, that I couldn't resist.

    Robert Herrick was a 17th century poet, who wrote many "Carpe Diem" poems. This one is his most famous.

    To The Virgins, To Make Much of Time

    Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
    Old time is still a-flying :
    And this same flower that smiles to-day
    To-morrow will be dying.

    The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
    The higher he's a-getting,
    The sooner will his race be run,
    And nearer he's to setting.

    That age is best which is the first,
    When youth and blood are warmer;
    But being spent, the worse, and worst
    Times still succeed the former.

    Then be not coy, but use your time,
    And while ye may go marry :
    For having lost but once your prime
    You may for ever tarry.

    - Robert Herrick

  35. Forgot to thank Hahtool for the Monty video. It is my favorite scene of the movie.

    While ocher is not a color that one refers to frequently (I guess many of the more specific colors are not oft used) I always remember it from the song Joseph's Coat in the musical. It is one of my favorites. I saw it the first time with Donny Osmond as Joseph and fell in love with it. Such fun music.

  36. Jeez, I almost missed it - today is Melissa Bee's BIRTHDAY!!

    HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mustang Mel - I hope this turns out to be your best year ever.

    MJ, thanks, but I'm far, far from a 'hero' - what I did was nothing more than helping out along with a ton of other people, and I'm sure, what everyone else on this blog would've done if the same circumstances befell them.

  37. @kq Thanks so much for the Joseph link. Quite a song and quite a production, from the looks of it!

    @melissab Happy Happy Birthday!!! May you have a superbly outrageous day!


  38. Good morning CC, Argyle, and all,

    a quick 'n easy puzzle today without much to write home about. Great write up, Argyle, as always. Wanted Dumbo for Babar, and I usually have to let the perps take care of all the abbrev, like PACS and anime as I had a CRS moment.

    I had said in the past that Aruba was not my favorite vacation spot, altho we enjoyed our time there. The beaches are lovely; diving is great,but most of the island is desert(or ugly rocky )with numerous goats,iguanas, and all one kind of curs.

    Dennis, so glad you are safe and that you didn't have much damage. Losing your fish is the pits!This is the fish funeral from the Cosby show.

    Melissa Bee, did I miss where your avatar is hanging? LOL

    Doesn't tenant mean that one has taken up residence? We own a duplex, but our tenants live there.

    1st time I remember hearing the word prism was in Pollyanna where there was a magnificent glass chandelier.

    Hahtool gets on line so much earlier so I will not repeat any history.

  39. JD: Joint Tenant is a legal term related to ownership of property. Accordingly it doesn't have to make sense. ;)

  40. Kazie: Thanks for the tips. I have an aunt Greathel/ I`ll know how to spell it...maybe.

    KC: (But don`t tell your Mom) On cattails...I have read some of the "Cave of the Clan Bear" books and was interested to find that some Native American women put the "stuffing" in cattails to "good use" each month...(TMI?)

    Happy Birthday Melissa B!

    BTW, just what is/are sloe/sloes?

    WM: Keep us posted about your least yours will go to the DR...

  41. Hi,
    I have been waiting for someone to post a link to Dinah Washington's "
    What A difference a day makes."
    I hope Dennis has kept his chain saw handy. According to the weather channel, more bad weather is headed his way.
    Where were all of the Carols when I was growing up?
    Teri Polo was also a single mom with a small child. Hard to belive she is now 40.

    Have a great day!


  42. Chickie, that was a cute zucchini story, and KittyB we just picked 6 more yesterday. Ready for me to send you some more?

    Melissabee, Happy, Happy Birthday! I hope you take Windhover's advice and knock off a little early today.

  43. Add my thanks to Hahtool for the Full Monty clip, a terrific movie about friends helping themselves by helping each other. In addition to the movie, I saw it on stage a couple of years ago when it was made into a theatre (spelling is for you, WM) musical.

    BTW, I didn't mean that the "golden rule" was dead, just pretty beat up. Our current world situation demonstrates how easy it is to separate "us" from "them". When it comes to individuals, that is a whole different matter. The world is full of random (and planned) acts of kindness. Dennis and his town are terrific examples of how people can pitch in and help without being asked.

    WM, Definitely keep us posted.

    Linda, Use that southern charm and get your husband in for a checkup. It is so important!

    GAH is at the doctor right now. Nothing serious, but some ankle pain has been keeping him from his best golf game. Wait a minute....that is extremely serious!!

    Happy Birthday Melissa Bee. No wonder you have a new party avatar!

  44. Hatool, My school teacher side is coming out and I feel that to be patient is a great virtue, but to have patience is an even greater one. So have patience with me for correcting your spelling. This is another one of our English Language idiosyncrasies. Regardless, I loved the QOD you gave us.

  45. Guday, folksesses. Typical Monday in "puzzledome". Not much to add to the general repartee.

    Comments: Happy B-Day M.B. Remember, discretion is the essence of "brainery". (See Fred)

    Argyle: U R BOSS!

    Dennis: I am about to get a new roof because of the aftermath of "Ike". Always remember, regardless of what we think or do, Mother Nature rules.

    America: Thank you for making Ohio a territory in 1795. If it weren't for you, I would still be eating corn with the Native Americans. On second thought.......

    Clearayes: My Sister! You are bragging about getting 44 MPGs with your Honda. BIG DEAL! I get 110 MPQ (miles per quart) with my Moped. (Of course, they don't allow me to drive it). Also, The Herrick poem is no longer politically correct, nor true. Ye need not "gather rosebuds" while young. You can always gather them. Just yesterday, I went to the gambling boats in Indiana, and a nubile, young lady came up to me and said, "I'll give you the time of your old life for $1000". I correctly responded, "Lady, lets get busy - and you don't have to pay me a cent".

    I'm going to follow this submission with a serious piece of advice (crap). If you don't want to hear the tirades of an old scholar-pass over the next post.

    I must be off

  46. [phew] I finally found what I wasted WAY too much time looking for this morning: phragmites. They are an invasive, non-native species threatening the cattail habitat.

  47. Dennis- I know of constructors that make a lot of Friday/Saturday puzzles but can't make a Monday. It takes an entirely different thought process. You have to really bring yourself down to earth and realize a Monday puzzle is meant for the solver looking for a 15 minute fix.

    Si, I do like the word norse, senor.

    We have STOPS in the grid today. Stop is a very fun word. It's short and has only one vowel. But look what we can do with it- STOP,

    A search for a sub-theme today will only lead you on an eternal quest.

  48. Not to minimize your loss, Dennis, but the Cosby Fish Funeral really had me chucklin'. Must have missed that episode -- thanks for posting, JD!

  49. The Golden Rule! It's been around, in one form or another, throughout history. I prefer Descartes's,
    "Make every act as though it were an act UNIVERSAL".

    To Tarrajo and others who have been on the receiving end of ANON comments on this blog;

    Eighty five to ninety five percent of all of the things that take place in our lives are handled through our brains as "EMOTIONS!"
    Only YOU control that process. I once said on this blog that NOBODY can offend me. It's true. I listen to what people say, analyze it, and decide MYSELF if what they are saying has merit. If so, I try to change; if not, I disregard their comments as shallow or hurtful and without purpose.

    ONLY YOU control your emotions. I cannot make you angry, happy, guilty, jealous, offended unless you allow me to "trip your trigger" so you ALLOW YOURSELF to feel that way. I refuse to allow anyone to have that type of control over me. You must be honest with yourself, and allow "constructive criticism", but if those critics are wrong, "DO NOT DWELL ON THEM!"
    Move on. Dennis and Argyle have repeatedly said, "DON'T FEED THE TROLLS". IGNORE THEM!!!

    Well, that's off my chest! I have to repair for surgery. Apparently, they didn't take out enough during my last frontal lobotamy, so they have to go back in and get the rest. I don't get it. I took a look at my xray, and my brain looks like an apple with a bite taken out of the left frontal lobe. (Or is it the right frontal lobe? Maybe the xray was in backwards).

    At any rate, Merry Christmas to all of you!


  50. CA: He does go for blood work/gen. every six`s the hearing and vision specialists he refuses to see. "It`s not light enough in here" "This print is too small" Why are ya`ll mumbling?" (when watching TV) "If they`d turn that music down..." "What did he say?" Friends and family have tried...but you can`t make a Hessian do anything! (Do any of you men see yourselves here?...Please, do the right thing, if you do.)

  51. 5:57 today. Not much on which to comment on a Monday puzzle.

    This kind of theme (common phrases in which one of the terms has a similar meaning) generally leaves me a bit cold, but I did enjoy seeing JOINT TENANT in the grid. That's a common legal term describing ownership and has nothing to do with "tenant" meaning a resident. One puts title in joint tenancy to avoid probate when one of the parties dies.

    Has virtually no application in a community property state, like California, since everything owned by the married couple is presumed to already be in joint tenancy.

    In non-community property states (like Oregon), put your assets in a living trust to avoid probate. I think your assets have to exceed $3.5 million to be subject to probate these days, but talk to your estate planner to be certain.

  52. @Linda, what? Did you say something?

    Here's another take on the male attention span. Perhaps in your case it really is him not hearing, that is entirely likely from what you have described, but there's also the difference in the male brain's nothing box vs the female brain' hard wiring to take into account.

    First you have to watch all of this vid to gain a unique perspective, then this one to see what it takes to make a change in our behavior.

    Admittedly, the above vids are from the perspective of a male, but he is also a pastor and a highly successful marriage councellor, too...

  53. BTW. The Hammer brothers, Jack and Trip, went back to Montana. When their youngest brother, Ballpeen, whose nose was sewed on upside down, sneezed during a rainstorm and drowned himself, they found out that the undertaker was the doctor/barber. They figured that this guy got Ballpeens money for the shave and the surgery to put his nose back on, but he also got money from the family to bury Ballpeen. Jack and Trip Hammer got drunk and decided that this particular action violated the Sherman/Antitrust Act and the dude had a monopoly. So they went back to Montana and shot him. The jury found them innocent, but with lawyer expenses, etal, they have no money to get back to the GBRV. I'd pick them up on my Moped, but I can't get three of us on it.

    If you would like to help me get them home, send contributions to, "www.areyououtofyourfu*$

    Thanks for your help.


  54. When I saw garden GNOME in the puzzle, I immediately thought of the amazing movie Amélie in which Amélie sends her neurotic father's garden gnome around the world to convince him to go travel.

    A wonderful movie, which everyone should put on their Netflix list or check out from their local library.

  55. Melissa,
    This pink tulip looks pretty in dew, so are you, my favorite bee. Happy Birthday! May you have whatever you desire today.

    I am still in awe of your alliteration observation.

    Re: eat worms. I stole the line from Dr. Dad.

    I just notice there is a GNOME in your name.

  56. Just put a "lazy man`s" pie in the oven. I used 4 large, fresh from the tree peaches we picked up on our road trip. Melt 1 stick marg/butter in a 1 1/2 qt, cassarole.
    Mix 1 cup sugar,1 cup all purpose flour, 1 tsp. salt and 2 tsps baking powder. Add one cup milk and mix well. Pour slowly into cassarole dish (because it`s hot and the mixture is cold). Add pealed,chopped peaches and distribute well. (Can use drained, canned peaches) Bake 350 for 30 min. or until the crust is brown. Serve with any kind of cream, including ice. EZ and wonderful. (It will "shrink" as it cools.)

    Al: If it`s the little Puerto Rican guy, I`ve seen them...good stuff. But when we ask more than once..we`re "nagging..." We can`t win.

    Buckeye: Put me down for a dollar three-eighty. If you need more, I might could cough up a nickel`s worth of five dollar bills. Let me know..

  57. Good afternoon CC and all.

    Great job as always Argyle..

    Dennis, Glad all getting back to somewhat normal in Jersey.
    have gone through a couple of hurricanes.

    From Buckeye truer words of wisdom were never spoken.

    Linda. Have same problem with eyes and reading light. I had bypass over 18 months ago and was not one to go near a Dr. Now have more regular Dr appointments than I can believe. Have just accepted that it is part of the aging process. Hope it doesnt have to be something serious to see the light to coin a phrase.

    Jimmy S. Carolina
    Formerly thick headed Irishman

  58. Happy B-Day Melissa Bee! Cheers to ya!

    It's been a hot one here today. A sweltering 85. Thankfully it looks to go back into the 70's by the end of the week.

    I'm going to brag up my kids a bit.

    They were attending a music/arts camp before we left for our camp. Both had great musical performances, especially my oldest on guitar. I was sooooooo impressed and it wasn't just me being the typical biased parent. The crowd was hooting a hollering as well. Another highlight of the week was at the beginning of our stint at camp. Dad was there (Mom's knee was bothering so she came home) with his guitar. The two started jamming on the old standard sing-a-longs I grew up on. Brought a tear to my eye. Really cool!

    Then this weekend the athleticism of my youngest was showcased at his tournament. He made a couple of running stabbing and diving grabs in center field and hit the ball ok but ran the bases well.

    Even though it was short, we had a great week looking back now!

    Back at it now. Its nothin but a memory. Its all good!!

  59. MJ,
    I don't quite understand myself. But LA Times newspaper carries a different puzzle on Sunday's. So is Dennis's Philadelphia Inquirer and a few other big papers. I am glad you love Merl Reagle's puzzle. He is very entertaining, isn't he? He is regarded as the best Sunday constructor in this country.

    I really liked "Amélie".

  60. @buckeye Hear! Hear! And then LMAO!

    @linda That sounds like my kind of dish. Need to give it a try!

    @jimmys I didn't think you could reform from that condition!

    @mainiac File those memories in the "Good" drawer!

    Here's a few more exclamation points just for the heck of it: !!!!


  61. WM (11:42) I agree about our tendency to shorten words, I wonder why we do that? To save time, paper, our fingers, to avoid carpel tunnel syndrome? Don't get me started on acronyms.
    Thanks so much for the book reference, I'll order it. Also - give hubby a pat on the back for getting his prat into the Dr.

    Melissa bee, a very, very happy birthday to you!!! Love your new avatar! Go snort down a few and relax today.

    I did a dumb thing with cattails years ago. They were growing in an area close to where Joe was working, and he brought some home for me. I thought they were so neat, I immediately put them in a vase of water. Well, several days later they all happily exploded all over my living room. They also smelled to high heaven!! Just leave them where they will be happier and so will they!

    Buckeye, thanks for your advice on feeding the trolls...I do wish more of our bloggers would remember that advise and not take their bait. How long have all of us been saying this???
    I wish I could help get 'ol Jack and Trip home to you, but I have spent all my 'ponzi' money - sent it to a nice Nigerian who was down on his luck and needed to get home to tend his sick uncle's goats.

  62. @carol: I have great news for you! I received an email from another Nigerian who politely asked my help in getting $85 million out of his country. When I receive my share of the proceeds I'll forward it to you and Buckeye as "ponzi" sounds like a very good cause.

    Anyone else think our own @c.c. is like Amélie? She devotes time and energy into making all our lives a fuller, richer experience, just like in the movies! I think they even look somewhat alike.

  63. Carol, sorry, but you're too late. I bought those goats, and got one helluva deal. Ten dollars each, delivered, and I didn't even have to send the money; all he wanted was my checking account # and he said he'd handle the rest. Damn nice guy.

    Sometimes there's such good deals on the internet.

  64. Dennis, now you can sell your lawn mower on the internet, what with the goats and all.

    Melissabee...Happy Birthday to you!

  65. Embien and Dennis: Looks like our nice Nigerian friend gets around! So glad you were able to help him too. I know he will spread the word, and always think kindly about our soft American hearts..promoting world peace, one goat at a time.

  66. @buckeye What happened to brother Sledge? Family should be taking care of family, right?

    #4 with a bullet

  67. well, darn, Argyle! I love the stands of that feathery grass, and now you tell me they are an invasive non-native. Too bad.

    I used to collect cattails in the ditches along the side of the road until I realized the possibility of snakes. I collect teasel and milkweed pod instead, and buy the cattails.

    melissa bee...happy birthday, and many more!

    tarrajo, I figured it was you who sent the fifty pound box of zucchini.

  68. @ Dennis: Glad you are safely back with us, and suffered a minimal amount of damage.

    @ Carol: Loved your exploding cattail tale!

    @ JD: Didn't mean to take all the history from you. I'm sure there are tons of other things that happened on this date.

    @ Chickie: AARGH! I can't spell! So that's what the preview button is for! When I was a judge, I was always amazed at all the misspellings I would find in the briefs submitted by lawyers.

    @ Mainiac: How well I remember the days when 85F seemed like a sweltering day. Now if it's "only" 85F we think, "What a cool day!"

    Re: Joint Tenant. If the constructor had been a Louisiana native, the response might have been Naked Owner. Well, it's not exactly the same thing as a Joint Tenant, but it is a real estate term the civilian lawyers like to throw at common law lawyers to confuse them.

  69. Dear frinds of Quatloos, Tony the Wonder LLama will kindly help you disperse any (or all) of your extra millions (and lawnmowers) Just go to scram/

    Happy Birthday Melissa Bee.. such a beautiful day to celebrate.

  70. I'm back...everything went great. Robotic laproscopic surgery around the end of Sept first of Oct. Trust me...bits of nagging and reminding until he thinks it his own idea...this was a fluke, caught through a blood test. He is even saying that he needs to get his hearing checked...unfortunately, once it is fixed he won't have an excuse for not hearing me! LOL

    Happiest of Birthdays to MelissaB. Hope have something special planned.

    Lots of fun things on the blog today but I have already done a really long post and I have a bad habit of doing that...except for Elissa...face south at the beach and pretend you are facing north on the other difference. I always thought that our ocean was on the correct side...otherwise I would have beachfront property.

    Quick favor to all my good friends here...I submitted my American Landscape to an online competition and it seems to be more a popularity contest on how many votes at what am going to try that link thing to just the image...then if you could share it around...


    thanks in advance for your vote...

    Buckeye, I have been accumulating YoVille coins from my FaceBook game and will glad to contribute to your ponzi scheme. And you and WH must sit on the same fence. Good advice.

  71. Ok...yea! it worked! total agreement about Amelie and C.C.

    Thanks everyone for the clips/ much fun today. sorry about your fish...and thanks for the Henny Youngman quote...LMAO!

    Carol...Bill Bryson books are always a great read. He's an American who lived in Britain, married a British woman, came back to the U.S. and is now back in Britain...he also wrote a terrific book about ACTUALLY hiking the Appalachian Trail.

    Irish Jim...the trouble reading in low light is an aging thing...reading menus in dimly lit restaurants and driving at dusk...better reading glasses help. My husband and I are generally so healthy that we don't think of going to the Dr. unless there is an issue, but we are getting much better with preventative check-ups. Kaiser is an awesome medical group that focuses on wellness through lifestyle. husband and I are both Scots/German...two very stubborn and pig-headed people...passed it on to the girls. So we are definitely a match for each other...we've been together since I guess its working out.


  72. WM, the link to the photo/art contest was amazing. Did I read right, we can't vote until the 16th of Sept? If we go on-line to give you stars for your painting, does that constitute votes for you to be in the finals? Not sure of the rules. Maybe you could enlighten us.

    Buckeye, I had a wonderful laugh at your post again today. You also gave us some profound words of wisdom. Good for all of us and our EMOTIONS if we follow your lead.

    Happy Birthday Melissa Bee. Was your sign a BD present?

  73. Chickie..I think it means that final 10 in each the photos and the paintings will be selected from current voting through Sept 15th...then it starts again on Sept, 16th to select the from the final 10 in each vote now.

    And Thank You...

  74. I simply can't allow Buckeye to be disappointed in one of my posted poems. Robert Herrick was also well know for his fondness of less than virginal ladies. He wrote many slightly risque poems in praise of his mistresses (yes, that's plural). Julia was one of his favorites.


    WILL ye hear what I can say
    Briefly of my Julia?
    Black and rolling is her eye,
    Double-chinn'd and forehead high;
    Lips she has all ruby red,
    Cheeks like cream enclareted;
    And a nose that is the grace
    And proscenium of her face.
    So that we may guess by these
    The other parts will richly please.

    - Robert Herrick

    WM, I'm hoping we can vote early and vote often!

    Linda, I understand completely. Our music or TV is probably loud enough at times to be heard in your part of the country. GAH doesn't mind the joints, hair or eyesight going, but it seems that poor hearing is his benchmark of "OK, now I'm officially old".

  75. WM, that link was very misleading as I just went in to place my 1000 votes and it read voting starts the 16th of September. I will go back in and try again.

  76. Crockett: My favorite part of the cobbler is the crust formed on the edges!

    WM: let us know when and what number your entry is...Nos 1 through 4 were up today. Glad for your good medical news.

    Irish Jim: Hubby had triple by-pass surgery in 2000...I really think he needs cat. surgery...and one of those background noise dampening hearing aids...

    CA; I think you hit the nail on the head...

    Dennis: So that`s where all those herds of goats went! We passed herd after herd in February...then in goats!

  77. Happy Birthday, Melissa!

    I think what Dennis has done in the past few days is great. However, as he indicated there were probably many others out there practicing the Golden Rule. Because we hear more about people who break this rule, we become pessimistic & think the majority of people don't care about others but it's amazing how many respond in a time of crisis.

    For anyone in the Madison, WI area who is concerned about the people lacking health insurance, you may have a chance to help them. There is to be a community wide free medical clinic on August 29. It is available to anyone, no questions asked as to one's personal circumstances & will provide medical screenings, dental care, chiropractic treatments besides other useful services such as haircuts, massages, podiatry, even photographs. To learn more or to volunteer as an advocate (a person
    to ask as a guide, assist with paper work, etc.) go to
    Due to the number of unemployed people we expect a bigger turnout than we had at the Fall clinic which served 1400 or more people.
    We need lots of help.


  78. Crockett1947

    Not totally reformed,healthwise yes.

    Wm. Glad everything went Ok.
    Did not mean to infer that I run to Drs. Its all routine at this stage as any problems are well under control. My BMI is 21.9 we do eat healthy. My dear wife is very good about that. Funny we have been married since 1972.
    Have been using Bi focals for the past year.

    Jimmy S Carolina

  79. WM, that is a beautiful work. However, from what I can tell from the site also, it says you cannot vote until September 16th. Let us know if there is a way to vote earlier.

    Just got a video emailed from my friend about an earthquake in Mexico. Hah, we both have kids there right now. The quake was nowhere near them, but she wanted to scare me anyway I guess. Thank goodness for that miracle.


    Buckeye, as always, good to hear from you and thanks for the laughs.

    My hubby is due for one of those doctors appointments also, although, he is not one to shy away from them. It has been a while. It's his teeth that he doesn't go in for often enough. Unfortunately, despite his lack of flossing and very intermittent visits for cleaning, they always rave about what great shape his teeth and gums are in. Some people have all the luck.

  80. Ok Folks, when you go to WM's painting, there are some stars at the bottom. Click on the number of stars you want to use as a rating (5, of course), then click on Back. Go again and you'll see that the number of ratings has increased by 1. That's the way it is.

    #5 and out. Roger?!

  81. Ok...I think I have it now. The link I posted should take you directly to the painting...if it doesn't, my painting(one of the very first early submissions) is now on page 34 in the middle of the page(American Landscape). My name...Kathleen Wolf is at the top and there are stars underneath to click on to rate the painting(5 is always good ;o)) It seems like they are adding the new ones to the front of the queue so I will always be on the 3rd to last page...when I checked last there 36 pages and I was on 34...does that make sense?

    The voting is currently going on until Sept 15th to narrow it down to 10 paintings and 10 photos and then they will have one more round of voting. I didn't actually see anything in the rules on how many times you can vote...I better go back and reread.

    Crockett...thank you.

    Thank you all so much...and just a comment on aging...I really hate the upkeep and maintenance work.

    I think this is 5 for me g'night and see you all back in the peanut gallery tomorrow.

  82. Hey gang-

    We made a rare Monday trip to T-town today, so I am very late checking in. Everything to be said about the puzzle has been said. I did enjoy it. No whining today.

    Enjoyed all the comments.

    Dennis - glad you're OK. You might not think you're a hero. The rest of us know better.

    Carol -
    promoting world peace, one goat at a time.
    That is priceless.

    Tigers gave up 5 in the first tonight, and have battled back to a tie. Now in the ninth. Oh, WOW. Clee Thomas just hit it out! Center field 420 feet. Tigers win 6-5. How's that for real time reporting!


  83. Make that Clete!

    JzB the poor typing trombonist

  84. WM--Loved your painting. You have artistically captured the beauty and diversity of our nation. I think my vote (5, of course!) counted because when I went back after Crockett's posting it showed the stars under your painting. I think I was #49.

    CA--Thank you for your Sunday link to the Monsanto House of the Future at Disneyland. It opened a gate for a trip down memory lane.

    AL-- So it's the brain where the difference lies. I have alway blamed it on that pesky "Y" chromosome!

    Linda--Yes, we are nags to ask twice. My solution is to ask once, give a reasonable amount of time for response (at least 24 hrs.) then start to do it myself. It's amazing how quickly help arrives!

    CC-Thanks for your response.

    Gotta go eat some watermelon!

  85. Linda,

    Thats the surgery I had prior to my bypass. No fun, especially the after period, but had to be done.
    I also had a triple in 2007.

    Jimmy S Carolina.

  86. Crockett: Didn't know you knew the Hammer family so well. To get you caught up, Sledge is doing "soft time" in a minimum security facility in Idaho for "abusing a russet potato". Seems he was trying to impress the ladies at a local resort and put the potato in his swim suit. The problem was, he put in in the BACK of the suit. He should be out by November.

    I'll express your good wishes.

    Clearayes. I always love your poems and the lady who posts them.


  87. BTW: There is ONE emotion which you CANNOT CONTROL!


    Go figure!


  88. Buckeye, LOL...again.
    Sounds like 'Sledge' is really 'sludge'.
    Got himself 'turned around' so to speak..can happen to anyone. 'Ol Chester Drawers can probably relate. Kinda puts a new meaning on 'dress for success'.

    WM, I'll vote and vote again. Truly an original view and very clever. I loved it.

  89. Finally: Irish Jim: Had my triple done in 1991. It was the last surgery Micheal Debakey did as a lead surgeon. So far - so good. He said he was going to use the largest vein in my body for one of the bypasses, and it worked very well. Of course, I haven't had an erection since then.

    5 and out!!


  90. thank you so much for all the birthday wishes - was working today so couldn't respond earlier. took tomorrow off instead, headed for monterey aquarium to see the sea horses.

    c.c., thanks for the dewy pink tulip and the lovely birthday wish. i prosecco you.

    chickie: i bought that sign last year at girls weekend - i guess they saw me coming.

    off to drink well with others ..

  91. Great posts today.
    Easy puzzle. Finally gave up on yesterday's. Hit the trash this morning.

    Buckeye will gladly give you a buck ten ninety eight for your 'ponzi'. Will send you more when all those sweepstakes I've won on the internet come through:}

    Thought the weather would cool down after the t storms that came through Sat night. No such luck.
    Worked my prat off today. Finally did some yard stuff.Until the hornets ran me back inside.

    Time to go start tomorrow's puzzle. Catch ya all later.

  92. If you see a friend without a smile, give him one of yours. Remember ,it is SMILE WEEK.

    Hahtool, please keep doing the history because you arrive waaayyy earlier than I do. I started doing it when Jeannie took a small vacation. :( She wrote some great comments. I'm a little boring.

    KQ, thanks for the Joseph's Coat clip. Loved it. I don't know how I missed that musical. When my girls lived at home, we used to go downtown every month on a Sunday afternoon and go see a musical.


  93. Hi C.C

    Lots of fun here today, great blogs.
    Happy BD MB!

    As usual, you always bring a smile.

    Nite All

  94. Well, was icing LGJ's shiner. Here's the scoop in a nutshell. He and a bunch of neighborhood kids, including the bully neighborhood kid were playing over at Sierra's. Loud mouth bully asked where he had been for the last two weeks. He answered at my "Papas". That is what my Dad likes to be called. The jerky kid pipes up, "you don't have a Papa everyone knows you just have a Mom and she's skinny and can't come to your rescue this time. I have tried really hard to teach LGJ just to walk away but before he could, he had to open up his mouth to defend me. Next thing you know he has a black eye and this time Sierra jumped in and beat the crap out of the bully. Meanwhile LGJ's big, little man's feelings are hurt and he thinks he did the wrong thing about walking away. He was ready to defend himself but before he came to an answer Sierra had already taken measures into her own hands. Now that brat can't come to my house or Sierra's as her Dad was the one this time to walk him down the road towards home. Geez, he's been home two and a half days.

  95. anon, have you nothing better to do than sit on this blog, waiting to throw a cheap shot.

    You are such a coward.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

Please click on Comments Section Abbrs for some blog-specific terms.

Please limit your posts to 5 per day and cap each post length at about 20 lines in Preview mode.

No politics, no religion and no personal attacks.