, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday, February 3, 2014 Peter Schaefer

Gary's Blog Map

Feb 3, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014 Peter Schaefer

Theme: Make your Bed - Items found on a bed.

17A. Linus' trademark in "Peanuts" comics : SECURITY BLANKET

27A. 1959 Hudson/Day film : PILLOW TALK

48A. Song publisher's output : SHEET MUSIC

63A. Waistline concern : MIDDLE-AGE SPREAD

Argyle here. I believe this may be a debut puzzle. An oddment is the two grid-spanners have their theme word at the end while two shorter ones begin with a theme word. The fill is good. On the whole, a fine Monday. Missing: {J,Z)


1. NetZero and AOL : ISPs. (Internet Service Provider)

5. Winter precipitation : SNOW

9. "Poison" plant : SUMAC

14. NBAer O'Neal : SHAQ

15. Classic film character whose last word was "Rosebud" : KANE. (Citizen Kane, 1941)

16. "The Devil Wears __" : PRADA. Novel and movie(2006).

20. Bone: Pref. : OSTEO

21. U-shaped river bend : OX-BOW. (The Ox-Bow Incident (1943))

22. USN rank : ENS. (Ensign)

23. NYC dance troupe : ABT. (American Ballet Theatre, usually a later in the week entry)

25. Daunting duty : ONUS

33. Emulated Michael Phelps : SWAM. I may not sink but I couldn't emulate! 51D. Olympians' dreams : GOLDS

36. School subj. with a lab : SCI.

37. Link with : TIE TO

38. Stable newborns : FOALS

39. Chatter : YAK

40. Mistaken : IN ERROR

42. Wine, on le menu : VIN. Vino on il menù or el menù.

43. Increasing in vol., musically : CRESC. (crescendo)

45. __ firma : TERRA. (solid earth)

46. Decline : EBB

47. Rope material : HEMP

50. Othello's confidant : IAGO. Shakespeare's bad guy and a crossword mainstay.

52. Barnyard clucker : HEN

53. Former Texas governor Richards : ANN. Played herself on "King of the Hill".

55. Church keyboard : ORGAN. Somewhat odd clue.

59. Say : UTTER

66. Without a break : ON END

67. "Not a problem" : "SURE"

68. Sky bear : URSA

69. Fizzy fountain drinks : SODAS

70. Lowly laborer : PEON

71. CPR pros : EMTs. (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation/Emergency medical technician)


1. "That __ last week!" : IS SO

2. Females : SHEs

3. War-ending agreement : PACT

4. Rat on the gang : SQUEAL

5. Hit the slopes : SKI

6. Belg.-based peacekeeping gp. : NATO. (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

7. Black stone : ONYX

8. Jack who played Sgt. Joe Friday : WEBB

9. Breed, as salmon : SPAWN

10. Keats' Grecian vase : URN

11. Disturbs the status quo : MAKES WAVES

12. Port in Yemen : ADEN

13. Litter box users : CATS

18. Like some high-tech machines : ROBOTIC

19. Search (for) : LOOK

24. Bed with a mate : TWIN

26. GI show gp. : USO. (United Service Organizations)

27. TV show about a consultant thought to have ESP : "PSYCH". On USA Network Original Series.

28. "As if __!" : I CARE

29. Having similar opinions : LIKE-MINDED

30. Canines and molars : TEETH

31. "But only God can make __": Kilmer : A TREE

32. "The Maltese Falcon" actor Peter : LORRE. (1941)


34. Suspect's story : ALIBI

35. "Hardball" airer : MS NBC

38. Case of false incrimination : FRAME-UP

41. Surg. branch : ORTH. (orthopedics)

44. Restful retreat : SPA

48. Achy : SORE

49. False : UNTRUE

53. "Famous" cookie guy : AMOS

54. Chile boy : NIÑO

56. Surprised sound : [GASP!]

57. Fluish feeling : AGUE

58. Wolfe of detective fiction : NERO

60. Time in office : TERM

61. Sunrise direction : EAST

62. Nutritional stds. : RDAs. (Recommended Dietary Allowances)

64. Forensic ID : DNA. (deoxyribonucleic acid)

65. D.C. bigwig : SEN. (senator)
My bed's made, now I'll go lie in it.



  1. Morning, all!

    Pretty smooth Monday solve today. Wasn't thrilled about GOLDS, but everything else was nicely in the language I thought and went down quickly.

    Congrats to all the Seahawk fans out there, and my deepest sympathies to the Bronco fans. I'm not a huge Peyton Manning fan, but even I found that painful to watch.

  2. Old Sammy had naught but a BLANKET.
    What fortune came his way, he drank it.
    Or so they all took it,
    Till he kicked the bucket,
    And revealed millionaire Sammy would bank it!

    I take a potassium pill, oh!
    A horse pill that weighs a good kilo.
    My quotidian goal
    Is to swallow it whole,
    Though I'd easier swallow my PILLOW!

    Wayward spouses, when they kiss and don't tell,
    Will go to a "Hot SHEET Motel."
    Where the staff is discreet
    About patrons who cheat,
    And the lovers are "hot SH**T" as well!

    Be it quilt, or comforter, or SPREAD
    That covers the whole guest-room bed,
    It's always a quandary
    Is it part of the laundry,
    Or to the foot, do you fold it instead?

  3. From another New England SNOW day,Hi everyone,

    Not much of a problem today, but I needed to rely on the down clues a bit more then usual. ISPS, PRADA, ABT, & CRESC were the main reasons. For once, I was aware of the theme, but didn't help too much.

    Didn't have a problem with GOLDS. A competitive athlete would be looking for as many as he could win.

    Achy/SORE describes me today. I fear age is beginning to catch up. Weekend card shows the likely culprit.

    Congrats to Pete Carroll & the Seahawks. Bronco coaches and Payton, prepare to be roasted big time this week. Hell, it's simple, the superior team won. Broncos could have played mistake free and would still have been crushed. Too bad it wasn't the Pats.

  4. Good morning!

    I thought this was tougher than your average Monday. Found myself IN ERROR in a couple of places, GABbing when I should have been YAKking and studying CHE rather than SCI. But those were quickly fixed.

    I was surprised at "Bed with a mate" -- this non-theme entry could easily have been clued without the bed reference.

    Ann Richards was one colorful governor, with plenty of famous quotes to her credit. It was she who said that the senior George Bush was born with a silver foot in his mouth.


  5. Good morning everyone!

    Easy peasy puzzle this morning, as Mondays should be. My only slow down was ABT, so I had to check perps. Then I did a double take and briefly wondered if "Bed with a mate" referred to two people sleeping together? Then I thought of "bunk" before TWIN finally appeared. Whew!

    Too bad last night's game was so lopsided. I had no vested interest in either team, but it would have been nice to see a closer game to end the season. Oh well…

  6. Thank you for a good start to the week’s puzzles, Peter. Thank you for a fine review, Argyle.

    Pretty much what HeartRx said. Easy peasy, as it should be today, in my normal Monday time. I also needed a few perps to point me in the right direction in the north, such as ABT, SCI, CRESC. I had SWUM before SWAM.

    Hand up for GAB before YAK.

    The south was so easy there were Down clues / answers I never saw until I read Argyle’s review, such as LORRE, UNTRUE, TERM, RDAS.

    Exactly what HeartRx said about the Super Bowl.

  7. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Peter Schaefer, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for the fine review.

    This puzzle was a nice start to the week. Enjoyed it. Theme appeared after most of the puzzle was finished.

    Enjoyed Jack WEBB, while I was a youth, on Dragnet. I guess he was pretty tough acting in real life, too.

    I have been around SUMAC all my life and never got poisoned. Of course, I never ate it.

    In the factory where I used to be headquartered, we had state-of-the-art ROBOTIC machines that built our product. They were amazing to watch. And that was many years ago.

    Well, that game last night was a disappointment. I was really rooting for Denver. I guess that 2 points in the first few seconds was an omen of what was to come. I hope Peyton Manning comes back next year.

    It was 5 below zero when I got up today. That is also a bad omen.

    See you tomorrow.


    (ierdomac mean)

  8. Very nice start to the week. My only hold up was having put HEN in the wrong 3-letter space, 53A, rather than 52A. I think my eyes are getting worse, or the newsprint is getting smaller. Anyway, I got that straightened out and everything else worked well.

  9. We have 16 below here and the prediction is for 19 above. Heatwave compared with some days lately!

  10. Speed run today with no red letter or Google helps. I love Mondays. I got the Tada so quickly that I didn't even see the theme. Thanks Argyle!

    SNOW this winter makes me ACHY and no exercise causes MIDDLE AGE SPREAD!

    Since I am here before YR, I will post Trees by Joyce Kilmer.

    I think that I shall never see
    A poem lovely as a tree.

    A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
    Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;

    A tree that looks at God all day,
    And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

    A tree that may in summer wear
    A nest of robins in her hair;

    Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
    Who intimately lives with rain.

    Poems are made by fools like me,
    But only God can make a tree.

  11. Nice east Monday as several have said. Thanks again, Argyle, for the link under the white blank space. It is appreciated.

    On my way home to Montana today.


  12. Hi All ~~

    Fast and fun today ~ there were a number of clues I didn't see because they had filled in. Thanks for the info, Argyle.

    ~ I liked that the BLANKET and SPREAD sort of enclosed the PILLOW and SHEET on the grid.

    ~ Learning moment: OXBOW - in a river or lake, not just on the ox!

    ~ Like Barry, I was bothered by GOLDS. I know it can be used in the plural here, but I guess I'm using to hearing things like "Go for the GOLD" ~ which can refer to one or more than one.

    ~ SNOW is falling and it's another day schools are closed. Bring on Spring Training!

  13. Good Morning:

    A very nice, easy start to the week. Nicely done, Peter, and ditto to Argyle for a concise review.

    The only enjoyable moments in last night's game were a few of the commercials, especially the ones featuring animals. Now that I think of it, I don't recall seeing any c- a-t-s, CED. Seriously, though, I felt bad for Peyton, et al; they got off on the wrong foot and never recovered. Seattle deserves the accolades.

    Have a gret Monday.

  14. LaLaLinda,
    Oxbow lakes are formed when a senile (meandering) river rejuvenates itself and cuts through taking the shorter route to the next bend, leaving the "oxbow" shape behind, cut off, and forming a separate lake. I remember learning about them in high school Geology. Rivers are senile when the water flow is slow and doesn't rush, or cut deep and fast running paths. So if that changes, they can become "rejuvenated".

  15. Good afternoon everyone.

    It was a good puzzle, but I needed some help from DH on the tech ones. He managed ROBOTIC, which corrected my CRESs by changing the s to c.

    Nit: I do not understand how without a break is ON END. Makes no sense to me. But the perps made it so I did finish.

    I must add that it is 79°, but we may get a few showers later in the day. You should all move to Naples as I did. Are you listening CED? Come down sooner.


  16. That was a pleasant, easy puzzle. I had the same glitches with GOLDS, BUNK/TWIN. Thanks Argyle and Peter.

    A local newscaster was frustrated when her TimeWarner cable service went down right at the beginning of the halftime show. (Apparently, she is a Bruno Mars fan.) Anyway, she spent a while on the phone and they offered her a $0.53 refund. I wouldn't have minded the outage as much as the unsatisfactory customer service. I guess I'm glad we switched to Verizon FIOS.

    I enjoyed the Budweiser puppy advertisement and the Coke advertisement with a brief shot of the Manhattan Beach pier in the background.

  17. Oh yeah pretty easy; likeminded great, cresc, on us, abt, ursa, emts, oesteo, some sci (Science) classes dont have a lab but BIO SUBJECTs do!!!! Great monday words or abrevs.

  18. Easy straight forward puzzle.
    I love reading westerns. The OXBOW INCIDENT was a novel and a movie starring Henry Fonda. Three innocent men are lynched. What happens when emotion and mob rule over ride conscience?

    From WIKI: About SPITZ "He won seven gold medals. . . . . an achievement only surpassed by Michael Phelps who won eight GOLDS at the 2008 Olympics.

    I worked on my masters thesis for days ON END, but I enjoyed it. I love research.

    The ubiquitous SUMAC is not poison. Poison sumac grows in very wet areas and is extremely rare.
    Link pictures

    Another SNOW cancellation tonight.

  19. I love a clever speed-run on a Monday morning, and this one was a total pleasure. Many thanks, Peter, and congratulations on a terrific debut!

    Loved all the bed references with fun images of sweet Linus and the delightful movie PILLOW TALK. Lots of other fun strolls down memory lane, CITIZEN KANE, DRAGNET, NERO WOLFE, etc.

    And my biggest bonus: I even got two sports references, the Michael Phelps and SHAQ.

    Anyway, a total delight, accompanied by your always fun expo, Argyle.

    Yellowrocks, thanks for posting the Kilmer poem. I forgot how sexy he makes that tree.

    I didn't mind missing the Superbowl, but I really wanted to see Renee Fleming sing "The Star Spangled Banner." Happily someone posted the YouTube clip on Facebook. My goodness, she did a lovely job!

    Have a great week, everybody!

  20. Speaking of OXBOWs, the only one I think I've seen "in person" is the one in the Connecticut River. It was the subject of a famous painting (View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm) by Thomas Cole, one of the Hudson River School of painters. It would be nice if the "yoke" in "Holyoke" had something to do with the "ox" in "oxbow" but, alas, it comes from an early settler, Elizur Holyoke.

    (Hey! I snuck in a reference to the beautiful Hudson River!)

  21. Pretty easy Monday puzzle, fun as always.....but, I think the sun Rises in the East and it's direction is WEST.

  22. But if you look in the direction of the sunrise, you're looking east. Semantics.

  23. Happy Monday everybody!

    No overwrites, just an "as expected" quick finish for a Monday....

    Got the first two theme answers right away, which certainly helped. I just changed the sheets on my bed - coincidence...?

    Finally, I think the title of Argyle's Peter Lorre link is also apropos to the Seattle beat down of Denver yesterday - When you're slapped you'll take it and like it...!

  24. Greetings!

    You did a great job, Peter! Same to Argyle! Nice theme! Not a speed run for me, especially since I had a stupid spelling error.

    Liked Downton Abbey. I am familiar with Gary Carr from Death in Paradise, a favorite show. (Can't wait for the new season.) He does his own singing, says IMDB.

    Sherlock left me perplexed about a few things (as usual). Superb acting (also as usual).

    Kitty (Lucky) is home ($2000 vet bill) and seemingly OK after unfortunate attack by Millie. Former colleague staying here (who was up all night with Lucky, taking her to far-away emergency vets) will have nothing to do with Millie anymore. Too bad, as he used to give her a late night run around the block.

    I see that YR got credit for the poem anyway!


  25. YR, we had poison sumac near the creek when I was growing up; we learned to be very careful.

    Misty, if you are a Nero Wolfe fan, Robert Goldsborough, has just published the 9th of his continuation of the series, approved by the Stout estate. Murder in the Ball Park. Road, January 2014. I have read the 1st 8, which except for the recent pre-quel were all fun.

    Speaking of fun, thanks Peter and Argyle, not much left to say even with the post stupor bowl let down of only 25 comments.

  26. Hello Puzzlers -

    WEES. Nice, properly easy Monday puzzle with which to ease into the week.

    Howdy Al Cyone, you beat me to the Oxbow, a landscape feature quite near my place. Much of the Oxbow land belongs to the marina, which is run by a former co-worker of mine. The area is famous for floods, and the nearby low-lying houses have been swamped many times. They're used to it!

    Fermat - Unlucky's vet bill reminds me just how expensive pet ownership has become. Every vet we've worked with around here has struck us as a little greedy. One office in particular has kind of a "production" feel to it - a large staff of vets, cramming in as many pets per hour as they can manage.

    DA fans - uh oh! Looks like a bit of a mess for Edith! And that guy who is surveying the big estates seems a little ungrateful, considering he's getting room and board.

    Sherlock fans - wow, that was complicated! We TiVo'd it to watch again, to work out the details. Quality stuff!

  27. No hits, no runs, no errors. No web access until now and so…

    -SHEET MUSIC on a music stand is a SECURITY BLANKET for me when I play
    -4” - 6” of SNOW tonight
    -An OX BOW on the Missouri claimed the SS Bertrand 30 miles from here in 1865
    -A lot of cruise ship passengers have been glad to be back on TERRA FIRMA after wrestling with the norovirus
    -Judging from all the hemp being grown there, Colorado must use a lotta rope
    -Don’t care much for the ORGAN but like the riff in this song
    -You can see that old URSA every night of the year
    -He who MAKES WAVES is not always welcome. Believe me!
    -“That’s my ALIBI and I’m sticking to it”
    -GASP! The Broncos got beat by how much?
    -ROBOTICS make for fewer labor unions
    -The National Anthem was sung as well it could be. The Coke commercial where America the Beautiful was sung in many languages sparked a lot of discussion pro and con.
    -Downton gets curiouser and curiouser!

  28. What happened to my post thanking Canadian Eh! for the poem, Trees? It also had a comment about the Devil Wears Prada.
    Ferm, I am so sorry about Lucky and your high vet bill.
    Keyboard can mean a keyboard instrument like an organ or piano, so no nit.

  29. FYI to the Corner TV Anglophiles, BBC America is running an interesting 6-part series entitled "Fleming, the man who would be Bond" on Wednesdays. Part 1 was last Wednesday, and it chronicled how a young, rakish Ian Fleming first joined the British Naval Intelligence group at the beginning of WWII....

  30. Gary: But, but..., did you notice the Manhattan Beach pier in the Coke commercial?? It's near the beginning, right after you see two surfers in the water. It's got a distinctive round house at the very left end. My wife didn't notice it either and she walks on it almost weekly.

    I have tried to like Sherlock a couple of times but I can't get past not liking the updated characters or the lead actor.

    I didn't know about the continuation of the Nero Wolfe books. I'll have to try one.

    Off for a windy bike ride, espresso and afterward, tutoring.

  31. Fowler here.
    Yes, the S-Bowl was painful to see. It was a reminder that, despite all the hoopla that these teams were evenly matched, MOST of these big games are uneven contests.
    For a 49ers' fan (me) it was doubly painful, because we know if Sherman hadn't deflected Kaep's pass to Crabtree a couple of weeks ago, WE would have been the winners yesterday, and the spread would likely have been even greater. Just sayin'.
    Ah, well, such is the great game of life....
    As for Mr. Schaefer's offering:
    I enjoyed this more than the usual Monday routine. Maybe it was because I'm never sure of the initials ISP (... or URL or DSL? etc etc) connected with tech protocols, so that meant I had to write over 1A a few times.
    It was educational too. I was happily reminded of what an OXBOW is (and where my writing mentor Walter van Tilburg Clark found the title for his wonderful story, "The OXBOW Incident"), and of that great American epic, "Citizen KANE" (the first movie that showed my impressionable young brain what cinema genius could do), and of course, of the great Austrian character actor, Peter LORRE (who was actually a matinee idol in Vienna before he played the child killer in "M," then emigrated to get out of Hitler's Reich).

    LORRE's name reminded me too how much Hollywood to this day owes to Hitler's antisemitism. Of the two world catastrophes that gave Hollywood dominance in motion pictures, the Holocaust was probably the greater factor. Just as the Nazis lost the edge in atomic physics by forcing Jews to emigrate to our side, so on a lighter level they caused an enormous tidal wave of Jewish actors, directors, and cinematographers to flow into the golden state in the 1930s -- and not just brilliant Jews, but other anti-Nazis such as Dieterle and Brecht.
    Come to think of it, even Orson Welles' "Citizen Kane" benefited from that diaspora. Although Welles' co-writer, Herman Mankiewicz, wasn't an emigre, his father was; and although his cinematographer Greg Toland was definitely American, Toland was heavily influenced by the moody, deep focus photography prevalent in German expressionistic films.

    Hmm. Lots of connections for me in today's puzzle.

  32. Bill G,

    I want to like "Sherlock," but am having trouble too. I do enjoy Benedict Cumberbatch (whom I know you dislike; I can't wait to see what he can do with Shakespeare coming up in London) and Martin Freeman as Watson, and I do not mind the updating--which is often quite clever. My problem is the sheer complexity of the postmodern plots by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.
    I really WANT them to succeed because they are experimenting with fresh ideas about how to construct TV narratives. But in doing so, they are introducing unnecessary layers of plotting; there are side stories within side stories, and it feels like the authors give themselves high marks for simply resolving tiny points of mystery within these side trips. This keeps the ball in the air and avoids dropping it, but it is never allowed to land with a satisfying Thump.
    I am hopeful that these gentlemen won't keep diddling us, but that they know what they're doing and where they are going--unlike, say "Lost."

  33. Hi Y'all! Enjoyed the puzzle, Peter! Thanks, Argyle!

    Did the puzzle last night smoothly and fast. Only nit was the clue for ON END. I understood it when filled. Just didn't like it for a Monday.

    Bedding seemed an appropriate subject to puzzle. I seem to want to hibernate sleep more right now with all the cold weather.

    I'm late posting because I spent the day doing my income tax. Still have to do state forms. Now to send it off so the powers that be can spend it foolishly. I still want a list of things for us to check off on the form for which we want it spent.

  34. Yes, that game was hard to watch but I had no dog in that fight so the remote got a workout.

    Security Blanket

    Pillow Talk

    Sheet Music

    Middle Age Spread

  35. Hello everybody. Our connection to the internet has been broken for the past 2 days (curse you, AT&T!), which has caused LW and me to ruminate on how indispensable the internet has become to us. I don't recall the last time I have spent so much time actually reading books and magazines!
    Enjoyed the puzzles of the last 3 days, including today. Spent more time than I expected to reading all your comments for the past several days. You are a bunch of interesting people.
    Best wishes to you all.

  36. Late to the party, just had to dig out of 8 inches of snow. Superbowl wasn't so bad, DW was in New Zealand, (& is now on her way to Australia) so I spent Superbowl Sunday eating My neighbors Chili!

    Not a bad way to spend a weekend....

    But all this work has made me tired, & the puzzle didn't help at all.

    I am now in the middle of cooking dinner for the (insert your fond name here...)

    & if I have enough energy, I will be back to post some funny links.

    But Fermat,,, Bummer, I had a cat named Lucky, (he got hit by a car) but he had an interesting life story, I would like to tell it some day...

  37. Bill it clearly is not supposed to be the Sherlock Holmes of the past. Cumberbatch is wonderful as the sociopath one with that intellect would have to be.Since we all know the old style of ratocination must deal with technology. I love him and Sherlock

  38. Always enjoy Monday puzzles...when I get to do them. Once "security blanket" fell...the other theme answers were easier. Mis-spelled Lorre at first and that threw me off...(spelling is not my strong suit!).
    Finished in time to do the NYT and Universal too, all before coffee break.
    Have begun Winter of the World...which is the second book of a trilogy...but the first was not available and it stands alone. Follett is adept at making you feel what his characters feel...and in pre WWII Germany, the US and Great Britain, there was much to raise all sorts of emotions.
    Has anyone heard the rumor that Manning was heard asking a ref "when am I getting paid?"

  39. Isn't that spelled ratIocination?

    If you are going to use "the process of exact thinking" shouldn't you at least spell it correctly?

  40. Lemon, Daughter #2 turned me on to the latest Sherlock, & she has been busting my chops to watch all the episodes she has seen.

    I have been an unwilling party to many a bootleg download just to see it before it was available. While she managed to get Season 2 Episode 3, I could not watch it because we could not get the sound to work. (something about a Codec?)

    I taped s2e3 last night from PBS during the Superbowl, & while I can't wait to watch it, I ended up watching S2E2 (the wedding) again just to get daughter #1 up to date, & now I hesitate to watch it because I would lose something I look forward to seeing... (It's that good...)

  41. I just loved "bed with a mate"..I was thinking of bed as a verb, so twin did not come to mind .

    Kazie, I'm glad I'm not the only ones who puts the answers in the wrong spots- mine was Amos.

    Most enjoyable CW and write up, Argyle.

  42. Hi All!

    Late to the party again. I had 90% of the puzzle complete before I even took off to work and then finished it during a conf. call. Easy & Fun. Thanks Peter and Argyle!

    FP - Sorry to hear about Lucky (and the vet bill!).

    Puzzle thoughts...
    I've heard OXBOW, but never knew what it meant, so learning moment there.

    I liked how SNOW was over KANE considering Rosebud.

    Do I need an ISP to surf the Jack WEBB? Yes, 'cuz Dragnet isn't on cable... Anyone every watch the movie re-make with Dan Akroyd as Friday?

    If you're on a TWIN bed with your mate do you make SHEETMUSIC or just PILLOWTALK? GASP!

    Cheers, -T

  43. Back from a bike ride, espresso and tutoring. Very pleasant.

    I found a bit of pleasant TV news too. Who's going to be on Ellen tomorrow? Sofia Vergara, that's who. And I stumbled across some reruns of Dirty Jobs. I really enjoy finding out something about the jobs, often behind the scenes, that are weird and dirty but need to be done. Plus, I love Mike Rowe's intelligence and wit.

    Keith and Lemon, I see what you are saying and I understand. Still I never enjoy any TV show or movie where I don't have a rooting interest in a character who I care about. With Sherlock, I just don't like him. And BTW, I totally agree about LOST. I felt cheated when it was all over.

    Speaking about Sofia Vergara, I have posted before about women I find attractive. Another one who you would never guess is Emma Watson, the actress who player Hermione in Harry Potter. She was cute in those movies and has grown into a very attractive young woman.

  44. Bill G.

    I too like Mike Rowe and Dirty Jobs. I don't mind getting dirty when work needs done (esp. if paid in beer for hard labor) and enjoy watching the jobs I didn't know existed. I saw a thing with Rowe - and leaned he started on QVC - not a dirty job, but thankless for sure. Peddling junk ONEND (whew, I made it puzzle relevent :-)) GASP!

    Cheers, -T
    [the fbicc] - I guess the G-Men are copied on this?

  45. Anon T, too funny about the sheet music & pillow talk.

    I mind getting dirty but used to do it anyway. Somethings the end justifies it. Tearing out old lathe and plaster ceilings in a 100+ house left me looking like Aunt Jemima.

  46. PK - Oh, those old houses! My sibs and I helped dad rip out the lathe / slats in the attic so he could finish it into his cigar-room. The house is +100 years and the dirt & soot where almost that old. We all looked like coal-miners at the end of the day. I have a picture of the 6 of us (pop included) holding beers* in front of a full-sized full dumpster. Good luck with the rest of the renovation.

    Cheers, -T
    * told you I was paid in beer :-)

  47. My daughter was helping Jordan with his algebra homework...

    Bonnie: The directions say to write a division sentence to match the word problem making the answer equal to P.

    Jordan (cracking up): You said P!

    I often listen to the local CBS news radio station while I'm in the bathroom in the morning. I wish I could find something better. They are just to the point now where their advertising time is equal to their news time. Then there are the obnoxious ads where they give the phone number three (sometimes four) times near the end followed by somebody reciting the legal crap so fast you can't make out what they are saying. I actually don't care what they are saying but it still sounds so obnoxious. Then there are the offensive ads on my home page where, when you accidentally touch them with the mouse cursor, they start the audio rolling. Geez, I sound seriously grumpy... I think I'll go watch reruns of TBBT, Dirty Jobs, Modern Family and start on tomorrow's puzzle. They should help.

  48. Lemonade, many thanks for the Nero Wolfe recommendation! I'll keep it in mind for some fun summer reading!

  49. PK @ 1051p


  50. "False River" is an example of an oxbow lake. The Mississippi River changed course, and, left behind a large lake now called, "False River" in Louisiana.

    Further south, Louisiana is losing marsh land because man does not let the Mississippi River change course anymore. Historically, the river would constantly change course, and, leave behind river mud which kept the marshes refilled. Because we have built levies and canals, and, we now control the river, we have upset nature's balance.


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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