, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Update on Argyle

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Apr 26, 2018

Update on Argyle

Hi Bloggers,

Jennifer here. Argyle would like me to update you all that he is still feeling poorly and unable to effectively control his hands in order to type on the keyboard. His hands and arms and legs are spastic. His overall health is a struggle at the moment. He is being monitored by Dr's and I am monitoring their care of our Argyle. As always he misses his work on the blog. He also enjoys the cards and notes sent from you all.


  1. Thank you, Jennifer for your wonderful care of Scott and thank you keeping us informed. Please give him my love and best wishes.

  2. Dear Jennifer,

    I am relatively new at this posting business. Argyle, who I call A+ for all the help he has given me, is blessed to have you to look out for his interests. Please tell him that Dave 2 AKA D4 misses him, and wishes him a complete recovery to his new life. Thank you for all you are doing for A+.


  3. Thank you Jennifer. Best wishes to Argyle.

  4. Huge thanks for the updates and for your loving care, Jennifer.

    Argyle was always very kind to email me with explanations. He was not just on the blog, he was out there in our community. We look forward to having him back with us again!

    Best wishes to you and Scott,

  5. Jennifer, thank you for your post.

    Argyle, as we said in the Convent, I'm beating on Heaven's gates for you! I hope that you are not only comfortable and receiving good care, but that you are progressing daily in your recovery.

  6. Jennifer or anyone,

    Perhaps you could post Scott's address again

    This despite my having sent a card

    At least I know it's not Florida*


    * Inside joke between CC and I (and IM)

    I have something to send him I hope he'll enjoy


  7. Wilbur, et al

    D. Scott Nichols
    Room #219
    Wesley Health Care Center
    131 Lawrence St.
    Saratoga Springs, NY 12866


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