, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, October 20, 2020 Roland Huget

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Oct 20, 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 Roland Huget

Hello, Goodbye.  The last few letters of each theme answer is another word one might use when departing.

20-Across. Bach mini comic opera about a beverage addiction: COFFEE CANTATA.  October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

25-Across. Modern car receivers: SATELLITE RADIOS.  Today's Spanish Lesson.

47-Across. He played the interviewer in "Interview With the Vampire": CHRISTIAN SLATER.

And the unifier:

53-Across. Last parting, or what can literally be found in 20-, 25- and 47-Across: FINAL FAREWELL.  The last 4 or 5 letters of each theme answer is another word for saying "Farewell".

1. Play divisions: ACTS.

5. Citrus coolers: ADES.  Hi, Lemonade!

9. Caroline, to Bobby Kennedy: NIECE.

14. Site of many a college party: FRAT.

15. Vatican leader: POPE.
The New Pope, played by John Malovich.

16. Garden trimming gadget: EDGER.

17. Singer __ Amos: TORI.  Tori Amos (née Myra Ellen Amos; b. Aug. 22, 1963) is a classically trained musician.

18. Stuffed shirt: PRIG.

19. Pastry with tea: SCONE.

23. Pillow filler: FOAM.  My pillows are stuffed with feathers.

24. Anthem contraction: O'ER.

33. Letter-shaped plumbing trap: U-BEND.

34. Shade tree: ELM.  I hear people have Nightmares on Elm Street.

35. Layer on a stagnant pond: SCUM.

36. Opp. of 56-Down: MAN.  //  And 56-Down. Works-by-itself setting: AUTO.  Think of Manual transmission and Automatic cars.

37. Secretly: SUB ROSA.  Sub rosa is a Litin phrase that means "under the rose".  In ancient times, the rose was a symbol for secrecy.

41. Denver-to-Chicago dir.: ENE.  One must go East-NorthEast to get from Denver to Chicago.

42. Beginning on: AS OF.

44. Hide-hair connector: NOR.  The phrase, "neither hide nor hair" dates back to the time of Chaucer.  It alludes to the fact that the outside of an animal is made up of hide and hair, which therefore constitute its entirety. The negative version, nearly always meaning that something or someone cannot be seen or found, became common in the mid-nineteenth century.

45. German camera: LEICA.  The Leica Camera company has been around since 1869.  It was founded by Ernst Leitz (Apr. 26, 1843 ~ Sept. 12, 1920).  The word Leica is derived from the first three letters of the founder's surname, Leitz, and the first two letters of the word Camera.

Ernst Leitz

51. Yellowfin tuna: AHI.

52. Very often: ALOT.

59. Liberty Bell flaw: CRACK.  The Liberty Bell traveled across the country in 1917.  I have never actually seen the Liberty Bell.  I have a friend in Philadelphia.  Maybe when it is safe to travel again, I can go visit her and the Bell.

60. Artificial bait: LURE.  They come in all shapes and sized depending upon what you are fishing for.

61. "The First __": holiday song: NOËL.  This word is derived from the Latin verb Nasci, which means, to be born.

63. "Voices Carry" co-songwriter Mann: AIMEE.  Below is Aimee Mann's solo version, not the one made famous by 'Til Tuesday.

64. Perched on: ATOP.  Not going to have my picnic lunch perched upon a construction beam.

65. Impulse: URGE.

66. Models strike them: POSES.

67. Acknowledges applause: BOWS.

68. Mexican bread?: PESO.  More of today's Spanish lesson.  1 Peso equals 0.047 US Dollars.

1. Back on board: AFT.  Hi, Spitzboov!

2. Gator's cousin: CROC.

3. Poi source: TARO.

4. React to an insult, maybe: STIFFEN.

5. Legal challenge: APPEAL.  The United States Supreme Court has the final word on appeals in this country.

6. Scale starters: DO RE MI.

7. Grand-scale production: EPIC.

8. Genesis creator: SEGA.  Maker of video games.

9. Snapple rival: NESTEA.

10. They're often swiped at work: ID CARDS.  Poor Leslie.  She is a non-essential employee.

11. Entertainment awards acronym: EGOT.  This acronym has been making quite a few appearances in the crossword puzzles recently:  Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony.  To date, there have been 16 EGOT winners.

12. Wrestler John: CENA.  John Felix Anthony Cena, Jr. (b. Apr. 23, 1977) got married just last week to his 2nd wife, Shay Shariatzadeh.

13. Prior to, in poems: ERE.

21. Tosses in one's cards: FOLDS.

22. Expected outcomes: NORMS.

25. The "poison" type contains the skin irritant urushiol: SUMAC.

26. Disconcert: ABASH.

27. Pavarotti, for one: TENOR.  As was recently noted, the anniversary of Luciano Pavarotti's 85th birth (Oct. 12, 1935 ~ Sept. 7, 2007) would have celebrated last week.  I saw him perform many years ago in Boston.

28. Earth, to Cato: TERRA.  Today's Italian lesson.

29. "Xanadu" rock gp.: ELO.  As in the Electric Light Orchestra.

30. Seal the deal: ICE IT.  Sorry, Tin!

31. Prevention measure?: OUNCE.  A reference to the adage, An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure.

32. Makeup streak: SMEAR.

38. "Open __ 9 p.m.": store sign: UNTIL.
39. Avril Lavigne's "Sk8er __": BOI.

40. Give permission: ALLOW.

43. Bride-to-be: FIANCÉE.

46. Wiped out by excess costs, as profits: EATEN UP.

48. Burger joint drinks: SHAKES.

49. Limited in scope: NARROW.

50. Grabs some shuteye: SLEEPS.

53. Cold, in Cádiz: FRIO.  More of today's Spanish lesson.

54. Brand with a paw print in its logo: IAMS.

55. Love handles, so to speak: FLAB.

57. Old stories: LORE.

58. Relay race segments: LEGS.

59. Spending limit: CAP.

62. Sign of summer: LEO.

Here's the Grid:


  1. Quick and easy, noting the theme along the way.

  2. Good morning!

    That U-BEND would be called a P-TRAP in these parts...especially the one under the toilet. The Wite-Out remained in the "tool drawer" for this one. D-o even read the reveal, and then managed to see the theme. Yay. Thanx, Roland and Hahtoolah.

    FIANCÉE: For many years I thought FIANCÉE was spelled FINANCÉE.

    AUTO: My current vehicle is the first AUTOmatic I've ever owned. It's also equipped with SATELLITE RADIO, but I let that lapse when the free trial was over. Anybody here actually enjoy theirs?

  3. Finished in 5:16. Didn't see the theme. Didn't know sub rosa. Not much else to say.

  4. Easy Tuesday except DNF not knowing SUbROSA or bOI. Oh well.
    Really liked music Aimee Mann did in Magnolia. Paul Thomas Anderson always has great music

  5. FIR today . Saw the theme after the reveal. All is good with the world. Thanks for the puzzle, Roland and thanks for your rich review, Hahtoolah. I guessed it was you today when I noticed all the extras.

    My only slow area was SEGA, since I first thought of people in the Bible (SEth). PRIG was slow to come to mind though the perps for the first three letters were solid. Prit and prim (prude and prick were too long but lingered in my mind to add to the confusion) stuck until an alphabet run cleared things up and I also saw CANTATA. Lots of ink filled those two squares but, hey, I got 'er done.

    More nice fall weather again today. Enjoy!

  6. Terrific Tuesday. Thanks for the fun, Roland and Hahtoolah.
    Wow, I’m early today.
    I finished in good time, got the Goodbye theme, but arrived here to discover that I FIWed.
    I had Boy and did not notice the odd spelling of CHRISTyAN that resulted.
    Ah well (or AHI?), it was fun.

    Hand up for not knowing SUB ROSA (and I took Latin). Thanks for explaining, Hahtoolah.
    CENA was all perps too.

    I had to change Abase to ABASH again.
    SCONE reminded me that I haven’t seen Nice Cuppa here recently.

    Wishing you all a good day. I’m off for a flu shot.

  7. Hahtoolah: Your write-ups are wonderful. Enjoyed the "humor" of your links.

    This took a wee bit longer than my normal Tuesday Solve but it was worth it.

    Since I voted yesterday ... does that mean I won't get any more "RoBo-Calls."

    A "Toast-to-ALL" at Sunset.


  8. Good morning everyone.

    A bit chunky, yet doable puzzle. Alga or SCUM? Held back until perps gave direction. Only wite-out was at aborted effort on 'stifle' but letter count augured for STIFFEN. Otherwise, a clean finish with no help needed. FIR.
    AFT - Hi Hahtoolah. Enjoyed your un-packing of the puzzle and your whimsical takes on the entries. We have started using AFT in our house; my 'office'/den is AFT while our family TV living space is 'forward'. (BH tolerates it.)
    SUMAC - I think cashews are in the sumac family. I eat them, but wonder if I should.
    SATELLITE RADIO - - D-O, I've had it for 6 years. Mainly listen to the Escape channel. Sirius competes with other good local radio, and now we barely travel under COVID, so I'm thinking not to renew. BH has no desire to use hers.

    Tschüüß. (In keeping with today's theme.)

  9. FIR with one inkover (emmy/EGOT) and lots of perpwalking. Didn't realize Bach even wrote operas. COFFEE CONTATA sounds like a Starbuck's special Urushiol,an Old Testament prophet or king.

    Sk8ter BOI unknown at first till I LIU and recognized the lyrics. Catchy tune (almost 20 years old) but the music video in the narrative is a much more violent version than I remember.

    Never heard ICE IT to seal a deal (soothe a bruise?) Listen to SiriusXM everyday. Shoulda been a given but perpwalked. Remembered CHRISTIAN SLATER ("Mr. Robot") though. "Interview" was a great film. Have enjoyed most Anne Rice tales, novels and subsequent film adaptations. She initally didn't want Tom Cruise to play the part of Lestat and wasn't crazy about Brad Pitt either till she saw the screening.

    Don't slip on APPEAL, you won't get another chance...

    One may paddle the water but can't ____ the land.... OER

    ____ to my attention the pond needs to be cleaned...SCUM

    The battleship was christened "Maria" and the _____SUBROSA.

    the Japanese Nikon is nice but I'd___ German camera...LEICA

    On to Humpday.

  10. I loved the puzzle, and it was nice and easy.

    But how long did it take you to find all those images on the solutions page? I really enjoyed them, but that must be A LOT of work!

  11. Irish M. FLN re HOA fees

    Your board and/or management company is obligated to provide a detailed list of expenses and explanation line item increases. You should speak to the board president and/or someone at he managment justify the increases

  12. Good Morning:

    I needed the reveal to see the theme and that’s fine by me. However, I was completely off base by the first entry, thinking we were in for some wordplay, i.e. Coffee Can (tatas). Christian Slater dispelled that notion. Boi was an unknown and, for some reason, I put Abbie before perps led to Aimee. I also stumbled with P Trap/U Bend, Agree/Ice It, and Abase/Abash. Noticed lots of fun duos: Lure/Lore, Poses/Peso, Ere/Ene, Ere/Oer, Elo/Leo, and Nor/Norms.

    Thanks, Roland, for a Tuesday treat and thanks, Hatoolah, for another eye-popping review and visuals.


    Michael and Lucina, our new, present management company keeps us informed about all matters, especially finances. Unfortunately, because of past mismanagement and neglect, not to mention recent very costly infrastructure repairs, this increase is necessary. I understand the reason but I don’t have to like it. On the positive side, we finally have a group of experienced professionals at the helm.

    Have a great day.

  13. Musings
    -I love it when a theme just jumps up and smacks me in the face!
    -AS OF today, golfing is going to be more and more problematic. ¡Bebe esta frio afuera! (Baby, it’s cold outside!)
    -I had a phone solicitor keep going on last week with his talking points while I tried to ask real questions. He then said, “If you’ll just quit interrupting…” I STIFFENED, told him what I thought of his attitude and hung up.
    -The SUMAC around her are assuming their glorious crimson color
    -ICE IT – Harrison Butker did just that for the KC Chiefs last night with a field goal
    -Oops, me too Canadian Miss. Skater BOY seemed fine and I didn’t check it, so I’ll take one bad cell and try to move on with my life
    -SUB ROSA was a plot device in The Da Vinci Code
    -Satellite Radio is all we listen to in the car. Like Spitz, the Escape channel is our fav. Then The 50's Channel

  14. Somehow finished right. Guessed the B in SUB ROSA.
    Never heard p trap or p tube called UBEND.
    Thanks Hahtoolah and Roland.

  15. D-Otto. We have one vehicle with and one without, but I will not and do not pay the automatic renewal price the radio company expects. I travel a lot so the additional Nav Weather feature is handier than my phone for emergency warnings. NAV Traffic is not useful outside of major metro areas.

  16. Fun, fast FIR with only a few slow spots. Stifle to stiffen, Nikon to leica. DNK Boi at 39D which really looked odd, and had to get frio by perps. As for radio and t.v., I have no desire to subscribe to a satellite service because DW and I only listen to three channels in the car on a regular basis. The rest would be a waste. We have cable t.v. which carries 150+ channels, but again only watch 8-10 regularly. Our preferences are limited. Same goes for the cell phone with only a few apps used daily. Please transport me back to the 50's and 60's. Simplify, simplify, simplify.

  17. Thought I romped through today's puzzle, but saw the blank space where B belonged in SUBROSA and BOI after coming here. Obvs those were unknown to me. Still, lots of fun, Roland, and Hahtoolah, I liked all the 'splainin' and cartoons.

    D-O, my DH insists on paying for satellite radio in every car in the family so that he has a broad range of music and news whenever he rides.


  18. Hola!

    Thank you, Roland and Susan! I knew from the amusing graphics who was blogging. The information about LEICA was interesting and I'm surprised it was invented that early.

    Yes! I saw the theme and enjoyed the Spanish fill: ADIOS, FRIO and PESO.

    SUB ROSA is a rare fill but we have seen it in the past.

    I doubt that Cadiz experiences much FRIO being at the very southern point of Spain. It is where the ferry took us to Morocco.

    TORI Amos has become a CWD staple.

    Rita Moreno is the only actress that I know for certain has received EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony).

    Hand up for BOY before BOI.

    I hope you are all doing well. TATA for now!

  19. Satellite radio works best if you want to listen to the same channel during long car trips. I would have to channel surf local stations to maintain an NPR broadcast during the 4 hour + trip to my daughters; that's if I was lucky to find one. Once I got SiriusXM I set it and forget it.

    Tired of politics...I tune to 80s classics or standup comics. Opera...even Howard Stern.. always a channel to mood match

  20. Bit of a Tuesday toughie for me, but at least I got a good start with NIECE (know my Kennedys) and POPE (Catholic upbringing). Enjoyed some other items too, like the Pavarotti TENOR and one of my favorite Christmas hymns, "The First NOEL." Also PESO for 'Mexican bread' cracked me up. So, lots of fun--many thanks, Roland.

    And Hahtoolah, your pictures never cease to amaze me, and they were just a delight this morning. I loved seeing that picture of NORM. And how nice to remember "The Sound of Music" for Do-Re-Mi. A total delight--many thanks, Susan.

    Have a good day, everybody.


  21. Got it done without seeing the theme even with the reveal. Had to wait for Hahtoolah's tour through the grid.

    Only change needed was an A where an O should have been in CONTATA.

    I've had XM (now SiriusXM) satellite radio for over 15 years. Like others I like it for the continuity of listening while traveling. Plus the variety and the ability to get traffic reports in certain cities. We did drop it in our little Jeep Wrangler that is over 8 years old with only 12,200 miles on it. It's the puddle jumper that just runs around town. SiriusXM did offer us a reduced rate of $5.00/month for a year, but we turned that down also.

    I see that EGOT is in play again. I don't blame the constructors because I think Rich likes to wear certain words out.

    Took my DW for a ride through the countryside this morning to get her out of the house. We topped it off with an exquisite dining experience in the Dairy Queen parking lot with burgers and ice cream. Doesn't get any better than that, at least during the pandemic.

    Have a great day everyone and please wear your masks.

  22. Puzzling thoughts:

    First, thanks to Roland and Susan for a very entertaining session, solving and learning. Great job to you both

    Second, my write-overs included: DOWN/FOAM; LAPS/LEGS. Otherwise, a clean grid

    Third, a few WAGS: SUB ROSA / BOI was almost a NATICK. "NORMS" would think that one of the two crossing words/phrases would be universally known, but I was OK with guessing. I am not averse to guessing ... most of my sophomore year in college was achieved due to guessing LOL

    Fourth, I have often wondered if a crossword editor would accept this clue for 54-Down: "Seuss's 'Sam' and his kin ..."

    A MOE-KU:

    Really sucks, playing poker;
    He most often FOLDS

  23. Another enjoyable CW, thanx, Roland!! And a fun write-up, thanx to U 2, Hahtoolah! Today’s CW seemed a bit easier than yesterday’s, which I complained (to myself) about how long it took me. Today was 21 minutes. I did see the reveal, which is unusual for me. Interesting that the three (TATA, ADIOS, and LATER) all start in the same column! Such precision in CW construction!! Hope everyone is staying healthy!!

  24. C-Moe, dyslexic wife calls me "Origami" -- she thinks I'm a fold art.

  25. A fine pzl from Mr. Huget and--
    Wonderful illustrations & commentary from Hahtoolah!
    This is what makes the Corner such a pleasure.

    My fave clue may have been for the "Genesis creator." (Maybe because I don't follow such cyber gadgets/games?)
    ~ OMK
    A 3-way on the far side.
    Today’s anagram (from the central diagonal) refers to the manner in which many modern westerners manage to indulge in music-enhanced meditation.
    Following Lao Tzu, they adopt the practice of…

  26. FLN, IM, don't do this alone. Get your neighbors involved. Ok, that was covered.

    SUB ROSA as in Rosicrucians. Holy Blood, Holy Grail talked about them too. The Da Vinci Code merely copied from HBHG.

    Sirius replaced YACHT ROCK with LOVE and now it's the Billy Joel station. 50s alternates between Chuck,Buddy,Fats etal and Little Nash Rambler ilk. Betsy puts it on Spa which drives me crazy.

    I managed to get the theme at the last minute with LATER. ADIOS followed and finally TATA.

    I've seen a Sam ref somewhere. Must be Wa-Post.


  27. Thanks, Roland and Hahtoolah! Susan, I loved the photos for 36A and 56D! Yepper! That’s exactly how I feel!

    Actually, I got the reveal fairly quickly, which made getting the long fills easier, which made the whole puzzle easier.

    Madonna struck a POSE.

    Can’t find my glasses, so I read 3D as “POT” source. Huh??? Perps had already taken care of it, so no harm, no foul.

    Had poison ivy once. That was enough! Don’t think I have ever seen poison oak or sumac leaves before, so thanks for the pics.

    I was actually trying to think of the correct name of Cat’s Paw Heels, before I realized that IAMS was the correct answer.

    A Facebook friend of mine celebrates Breast Awareness Month by posting a different bikini photo every day. Nothing X-rated, but definitely PG-13.

    Don’t know how I remembered SUBROSA, but it filled right in immediately. Just one of those little nuggets (well, grains) stuck back in the back that pops up sometimes. Maybe it’s because of all that history stuff I’ve read all my life.

    TORI and BOI and AIMEE were unknowns; SEGA and PRIG were not readily recognizable, but the perps got all of them.

    Tried to mess up IDCARDS/EDGER by putting in EATER (as in weed eater). Proofreading saved me there, so I did get an FIR.

  28. Oh, in case nobody noticed, today is 10/20 2020!

    d-o --- Yeah, my current car came with SiriusXM, but I didn’t subscribe after the trial period ended. I only listen to two radio stations here anyway, and when I travel (IF EVER AGAIN!!!), I can always stream both of them, if necessary. Oh, and if worse comes to worse, I can always plug in one of my CDs.

    (Yikes!!! What are they???)

    Actually, I have about a gazillion of them. Both my dad and my sister-in-law’s dad subscribed to CD clubs. When they each passed, and we were going through all the stuff that (by then) great-grandfathers could accumulate, old dummy here said, “Yeah, I’ll take them!” They go well with my own collection (no club involved).

    I DO have a bag of my favs that likes to travel with me on long road trips. Fits neatly under the dashboard on the passenger side, and I can play all the songs with my favorite bass lines over and over and over again --- and I do!


  29. From yesterday...

    SASSES....I don’t know what’s up with your FWD car but it has nothing to do with FWD...either your brakes need attention, your alignment is off or your tires have aged and gotten hard. The type of drive, front, rear or all-wheel, has absolutely nothing to do with stopping (or steering).
    If your back end tries to swap around to the front you have issues, get it looked at. Quick.

  30. I liked this puzzle. Had BOY instead of BOI, and was looking for someone named CHRISTY AN-something. Went smoothly after I sorted that out. I rather like Christian Slater as an actor. Other small stumbling blocks were my wanting SNOB, DOWN, and ALGA too much to easily let go. I liked the clues for POSES and OUNCE; I hope they were Roland's clues.

    I, too, have ever only called it a P-trap, though I see the term U-bend is legit.

    Since the clue specifically said "German camera" I knew it couldn't be Nikon or Canon, which left only LEICA. Interesting history about it.

    We have never used any satellite radio.

    I was interested about COFFEE CANTATA, both because of its name and because I didn't know Bach wrote any operas. Here's what Wikipedia says:

    "Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht (Be still, stop chattering), BWV 211, also known as the Coffee Cantata, is a secular cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach. He composed it probably between 1732 and 1735. Although classified as a cantata, it is essentially a miniature comic opera. In a satirical commentary, the cantata amusingly tells of an addiction to coffee."

    Desper-otto, "fold art" good one!

    Keep on being careful, all.

  31. D-Otto --> Fold Art - excellent!

    Jayce --> thanks for the explanation about the COFFEE CANTATA. The only other SLR cameras I could think of were Konica and Hasselblad, and neither fit

    To all, regarding SATELLITE RADIOS ... having just purchased a new car the end of June, my four month "free trial subscription" runs out the end of this month. I still have a credit from my previous car (on Sirius-XM) which I will apply once the trial ends. But I am thinking I won't renew for 2021, as I also have Apple Car Play, and can run my Pandora, et al, from there.

    And I will bet that Sirius will contact me three months after I "quit" (or sooner) and try to get me to sign up again for about 1/3 of the cost of renewal ...

  32. I love KBAQ the local classical station and that is what I play at home and in the car. Once in a while I listen to NPR for news especially if something unusual is happening.

    Today Mark and I tackled the carpets, both in the room vacated by my granddaughter and the living room. Her bedroom required a second run with the carpet cleaner! And then I decided to organize my books in alphabetical order!! She had stacked them all on the lower shelves. I know I should get rid of most of them but I just can't although I may before this project is finished.

  33. Late to the party. The puzzle has been well covered by Hahtoolah and the previous comments. I see, above, that the Yacht Rock station has been 86'd. I think that I first saw the term discussed here after the term was referenced in a puzzle. The only saving grace of "Yacht Rock" is that the moniker was originally a pejorative term. I wonder if it was meant that way when they named the station.

  34. Thanks Roland for all your fun fill. I loved Back on board for AFT. We’ll sure but I was thinking big being rescued from being overboard.

    I also loved Preventive measure . Good ole saying . OUNCE

    And many others. Fun puzzle.

    Hahtoolah, how DO you find all these visuals. I can’t even pick a favorite.

  35. Hezbollah, Wonderful visuals. Thank you for all the time you spend for us.

  36. Sorry, dang spell check. Hahtoolah

  37. Hi All!

    Late to the party. I took DW's car in this morning, started the puzzle, Lyft'd it home (finished the puzzle), logged in to work, and 10 hours later DW got me off the floor in my loft (office). Used my backpack as a pillow and I have a Frankenstein's Monster zipper face.

    Thanks Roland for the grid. Missed the theme and I have a lot of extra ink in the SW.

    Hahtoolah - Thank you for your effort. Love'd the NORMs!

    LOL MoeKu.

    D-O: I have a SATELLITE RADIO in the garage. I listen to it's NPR (Hi Ray-O!) when 88.7 (terrestrial NPR) gets boring or replays a show. Sometimes I'll listen to 80s on 8 or Classic Rewind on 25.
    DW has one in her car - she listens too (or watches) CNN All. The. Time.

    Cheers, -T

  38. Some y'all might like this... DW found it and I think it's frick-funny: Staged. It's on BBC & Hulu.


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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