, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday February 1, 2021 Rebecca Goldstein

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Feb 1, 2021

Monday February 1, 2021 Rebecca Goldstein

Theme:  KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT (61. With "The," 2010 Annette Bening/Julianne Moore film ... and a hint to the ends of 17-, 30- and 45-Across) - The right parts of all theme answers are all "kids".

17. Ponce de León's pursuit: FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH.

30. 2009 title chef played by Meryl Streep: JULIA CHILD.

45. Collectible '90s-'00s stuffed toy: BEANIE BABY.

Boomer here. Congrats to Rebecca Goldstein on her LAT debut!

Happy February!  Regards to the Groundhog. I am not sure we will see him because his hole is filled with snow.  Weather report from Minnesota.  High in the 30s for the next 7 days.  Golf clubs are getting lonely in the garage.


1. Stone-shaping tool: RASP.  Why would anyone need to shape a stone? 

5. Hindu noble: RAJA.

9. Whirlpool brand: AMANA.  I believe Amana appliances were founded in Amana, Iowa and Whirlpool bought them.

14. Trade fair: EXPO. C.C. and I went to an electrical expo sponsored by Graybar at U.S. Bank Stadium where the Vikings play.  Most of those kind of expos are non existent now due to Covid.  And Montreal Expos are now the Washington Nationals.
Boomer, Oct 6, 2016

15. Dressed (in): CLAD.

16. Apple's apple et al.: LOGOS.  I guess the Golden Arches are most famous.

20. Second most populous nation: INDIA.  China #1 and India #2 are well ahead of #3 USA.

21. Hereditary unit: GENE. Cowboy star Mr. Autry.

22. Dark blue shade: NAVY.  "He joined the NAVY to see the world, but what did he see, he saw the sea.

23. Org. concerned with reducing emissions: EPA.  I have doubts about the electric cars replacing our favorite gasoline guzzlers.

25. Buddhist teachers: LAMAS.  Dalai was the most famous.

27. Smooch: KISS.

35. Year, in Medellín: ANO.  Latin is ANNO as in ANNO Domini which comes after B.C.

36. Title for Judi Dench: DAME.  "There is nothing like a DAME".  "South Pacific".

37. Cartridge filler: TONER.

38. Big signs hung in arenas: BANNERS.

40. "I dunno": BEATS ME. C. C. BEATS ME in Scrabble so I don't play anymore. 

42. Bagel flavoring: ONION.

43. Fishing sticks: RODS.  Actually its a pole unless you attach a reel.

44. Pull hard: TUG.  O'War

48. Measures of cell reception: BARS.

49. [Scowl]: I'M MAD.  No I'M NOT, I just would like a vaccine!

50. Pronoun with 51-Down: SHE. 51. Pronoun with 50-Across: HER.

52. Wall St. debuts: IPOs  Lots of GameStop confusion out there last week. 

55. Light controller in a lens: IRIS.

57. Overjoy: ELATE.

64. Turn out to be: END UP.  Sometimes it's hard to figure which END is UP .

65. Airbnb visit, say: STAY.

66. Chief Greek god: ZEUS.

67. Positive feature: ASSET.

68. Head of the Sorbonne?: TETE. Just "head" in French.

69. Whirlpool: EDDY.  Or the company that bought AMANA years ago.


1. Lower-APR loan: RE-FI.  I don't trust these commercials, especially the Tom Selleck ones.

2. Neural transmitter: AXON.

3. Tater: SPUD.  I have cousins in Idaho.  Fun commercials on TV.  Potatoes look tasty.

4. Youngsters' zoo rides: PONIES.

5. Color TV pioneer: RCA.  A long time ago.  I remember our first TV.  A 19 inch black and white console.  Then when it stopped working, my Dad would remove all of the tubes and take them to the drugstore for testing so we would know which one to replace.  Told you I'm old! 

6. Sacha Baron Cohen persona: ALI G.  C.C. and I went to his first Borat Movie.  Pretty funny.

7. "Hidden Figures" co-star __ Monáe: JANELLE.

8. God, in Hebrew: ADONAI.

9. American gymnast Raisman with three Olympic gold medals: ALY.  I once had a baseball card store, and one day a customer came in who was a gold medal winner in swimming years ago.  He said it was in a safe so I did not see it, but I believed him.

10. Apollo launch: MOONSHOT.

11. Río contents: AGUA.

12. Imp's punishment: NO TV.

13. Like used fireplaces: ASHY.  We have one of these in our basement.  Too much of a hassle to burn.  I use one of those portable electric heaters,

18. Bar beer source: TAP.  "When you say BUD, you've said a lot of things nobody else can say."

19. Disaster relief org.: FEMA.  I hope they do something about the southeastern floods and the fires out west.

24. Open a bit: AJAR.  Hahtoolah.

26. Portray: ACT AS.

27. Skewered meat: KABOB.

28. Silly: INANE.  I know you think all this is silly but I'm almost done.

29. Justice Sotomayor: SONIA.

31. Verbal hesitations: UMs.

32. Popular video-sharing app, familiarly: INSTA. Instagram.  I don't have videos to share, but I use Facebook frequently.

33. Ring-tailed primate: LEMUR.

34. Bottom-of-the-barrel stuff: DREGS.

36. Jeans fabric: DENIM.  Never liked jeans. I wear Reeboks.

39. Topic of little importance: NON-ISSUE.

40. Short hairdo: BOB.  Great pitcher Mr Gibson.

41. "Grand" ice cream brand: EDY'S.

43. Give off: RADIATE.  The aforementioned electric space heater works fine.

46. Mideast leader: EMIR.

47. Most spartan: BAREST.

48. Central American country bordering Mexico: BELIZE.

52. Swedish superstore: IKEA.  We see this IKEA a lot in crosswords. We visited the IKEA in Bloomington, Minnesota but we were not impressed. 

53. Bowling targets: PINS.  Yes I know, just do not call the lane an alley.

54. Numbers that may be long or stacked: ODDS.  Craps tables in Las Vegas a fairly favorable.  I've never figured the odds in 21. I'm sure the odds are not too good at slots so I don't play them too often. 

56. Fence piece: SLAT.

58. Improved in a barrel: AGED.

59. Hitting-the-ground sound: THUD.

60. Site offering handmade crafts: ETSY.

62. Fitting: APT.

63. Caustic cleaner: LYE.



  1. The RAJA and the EMIR sought an audience with ZEUS.
    To seek his opinion on which of them, in truth,
    Was greater than the other,
    Tho they were like brothers.
    "It BEATS ME why you'd even care, forsooth!"

    In my YOUTH I was a tamed CHILD,
    My tantrums were noisy and not mild.
    I was a bratty BABY,
    No if, nor but, nor maybe!
    Now I'm AGED, but my soul still feels wild!

    {C, B-.}

    1. Owen, I know you are hurting, but your muse comforts the rest of us... and I hope you are comforted as well!

    2. A tamed child doesn't throw tantrums. Lol 😂

  2. Good morning!

    I liked this puzzle; no kidding. Zipped right through with nary an error. Nice debut, Rebecca. Enjoyed the tour, Boomer. (Hope you can get your vaccine soon.)

    BARS: I live in a cell phone desert. Folks go outside to make phone calls.

    DENIM: A little denim every day keeps the neckties away.

    BELIZE: Many expats settle there in retirement. The official language is English.

  3. Like D Otto, I zipped through the puzzle today and FIR. But I had a close call, noticed during my last lookover before reading the review, ENsUe instead of END UP. So one WO for me. The puzzle was fun as was the review. Thanks Boomer and Rebecca. Nice debut, Rebecca. I look forward to more. It is interesting how many possible themes like this there seem to be! I had circled around the puzzle getting the end of the reveal first and wanted to fit in a Y to make REALLy RIGHT so was surprised to see KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT. Monday fun. Also nice to see your poetry lately, OwenKL.

    My first look at what I call (in)AccuWeather showed snow in Atlanta this morning, but later it didn't. Any actual snowfall probably will stay north of us in the Georgia mountains, a more likely scenario. I'm fine with that. Hope you all are managing well.

  4. Zippy Monday - only hesitation was waiting for perps for the 10 ways to transliterate KABOB!

    Thanks Boomer and congrats to Rebecca!

  5. Rabbit, rabbit.
    4:48 to finish.
    Navy and bars were also to the right, but you have to be older to get into those.

  6. Rabbit, rabbit. Today would be my grandparents' 120th wedding anniversary and my parents' 76th.

    A very fine Monday debut Rebecca and another female constructor added to the mix. Happy black history month. As always a fun ride with Boomer driving the bus. Thanks.

  7. FIR, although I spent more time than wonted on LAMAS for some reason. I walked into BELIZE on an RV caravan in Mexico in 2004. I hoped to return there on a cruise or kayak camping adventure, but it hasn’t happened yet.

  8. Good Morning everyone ! I chose to watch CNN for the morning news today. In between commercials for insurance for Home shield, Car shield, and Medicare enhancements, I learned that our friends in the Northeastern America are about to receive another blast of two feet of that white stuff that comes out of the sky. Having lived in Minnesota most of my life, I have had that experience more than I can remember and I wish our friends Spitzboov, Irish Miss, and anyone in that area to stay indoors and stay safe. Only six more weeks of winter on the plate. (Maybe 7 or 8 weeks in Minnesota).

  9. RE: RASP 1 across....

    1) A rasp is a WOOD shaping tool, though sometimes used with plaster. It would not last but a few moments shaping stone.

    2) Why shape stone? Because a block of marble does not magically transform into the figure of David.

  10. Congrats Rebecca on your debut. A good way to start off a snowy week with an FIR. An excellent excuse for avoiding snow removal. And thanks to you Boomer for a CHILDISH, groanworthy review. You really backed it into an ALLEY and PINNED it down.

    1A A RASP might be useful in sculpting soft stones like marble and soapstone. Wouldn't be useful for harder stones like granite and basalt. And diamond cutter wouldn't let you near one of his stones with one.

    21A GENE - and thanks Boomer for the tip of the 10 gallon hat to the "Singing Cowboy". Tired of that tiresome DNA and RNA stuff.

    25A The One L Lama, not the beast!

    48A And thanks for the clue and the map of BELIZE. I knew the answer, but never realized that it borders on the gulf coast of Mexico.

    And a side note. His handlers should be charged with "cruelty to an animal" if they get Punxsutawney Phil out of bed this morning!


  11. WHO would have thought 'My Generation' would get this puzzle right away. No kidding!

  12. Boomer: Good job on the write-up & links.

    Pinch, Pinch ... Looking forward to the Groundhog predicting 6 more weeks of Winter.

    AArrggg ... GO BUC's !!!


  13. Good Morning:

    This had a little crunch for a Monday, with Adonai and Janelle but perps were fair for the newbies. I think this was the most culturally diverse puzzle I’ve ever solved: Raja, Adonai, Lamas, Dame, Zeus, Kabob, Emir, Belize, Agua/Año/Sonia, FEMA/EPA. Cute pairings were Edys/Eddy, She/Her, and Radiate/Emit. Nice CSOs to Boomer at Pins, HG at Moonshot, Misty at RCA, and our resident Imp, CED, at No TV. ((He’s too old for that, now, though). The theme was nicely executed with age progression in reverse.

    Thanks, Rebecca, for a nice start to a new week and month, and congrats on your LA Times debut and thanks, Boomer, for the chuckles and commiseration for the denizens of the Great Northeast.

    Other than a sore arm and achy feeling, no serious side effects from the vaccine. I’m just so relieved to get the shot, I’m not complaining one bit. I’ll get the second shot on or around February 28. (The medical staff and the numerous volunteers at yesterday’s clinic deserve much credit and a great big thank you for their dedication and compassion. Amen.)

    Have a great day.

  14. Good morning.

    Thanks, Rebecca, for snowy Monday fun. I wanted Yahweh for ADONAI, so I added something new to my old brain, since that didn't fit at all with the crosses. I liked SHE crossing HER. That's probably just glee for an old English teacher. Nicely done.

    Thank you, Boomer, for the tour. I was on the long theme entries today. I didn't see the actual theme until 61A when I looked back. FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH fell first and without question on my part. Yay!

    Way to go D-O!

    Nice way to spend a snowy Monday. We had about 12 inches of snow from 3PM on Saturday until about dinner time last night. I don't have to go anywhere, so I can enjoy the sun on the new-fallen snow. Yesterday, it was so nice to see neighbors helping each other. It reminded me of my YOUTH when my brother and I would help neighbors dig cars out of the alley. It was fun and we felt good about our deeds.

    Have a sunny day. This storm is moving east and northeast. Good luck all. Don't shovel alone. Be safe.

  15. I read that first as "Don't shower alone. Be safe." Good advice.

  16. Musings
    -Kids are the RIGHT fill and they are on the RIGHT side of that fill. Cool!
    -My sister has been storing BEANIE BABIES for years in her garage.
    -Boomer, I think I can see why she always wins :-)
    -Kids saw NO BARS 650’ below ground in the Hutchinson, KS salt mines
    -Don’t you have a H.S. classmate that shocked you where they ENDED UP?
    -Potential heirs hate Selleck’s reverse mortgages and nursing homes
    -This NASA guy found it hard to watch Hidden Figures
    -A Sixty Minutes segment last night said don’t use places like for DNA testing!

  17. FIR except I had Apple's apple, et al as BOGOS (buy one get one). I figured a second apple would be the "get one" to the first apple that you bought. However, I don't ever remember buying fruit this way. So, I had Ms. Raisman as Aby instead of Aly. I was pretty sure that Aby was not right but I figured Aby was a name.

  18. Rebecca/Rich, I am sure it was inadvertent, but you should know, it is a pretty big sin to a highly observant Jew to actually write out the word that answers 8 down.

    This word is never written, even in Jewish Prayer Books, but is instead substituted with the Tetragrammaton (Yud Hey Vav Hey). That is how sacred it is. Many who are not familiar with Jewish texts think that actually spells out the name of G-d, and pronounce it Yahweh, thinking they are referring to the Jewish G-d, but that is not the case. The 8-down word is never pronounced except during actual prayer. Should one be practicing, such as a student studying for Bar Mitzvah, Adoshem (meaning "the name") is substituted for the word in 8 down as the syllables work when learning incantation.

    When necessary the words A--nai, and G-d are written the way I have just now as it is considered a violation of the commandment not to take G-d's name in vain to write them for any casual purpose.


  19. Don't imagine zoos allow kids to ride their animals or even exhibit PONIES. State Fair maybe?

    Musta been thinking Saturday: put buss for KISS. Plus: Sonya/SONIA. Belise/ BELIZE. Those fishing sticks can get reel expensive. AÑO solved my usual Ke/ABOB debacle. (Like my bud InaneH)

    NOTV punishment is super outdated with all the digital electronics today's Imp owns. Saw the film, THEKIDSAREALLRIGHT, it's not about a family of conservative children. ....wait a minute...KIDS, CHILD, YOUTH, BABY? am I sensing a theme here? YES !! Correctly pronounced: FOUNTAIN OF UTE (Native American water supply?)

    AMANA back so soon? Modern appliances just don't last. .ELATE: a CW only word or is it actually a dreaded Enoun in disquise? "I didn't make my digital conference on time. I was ELATE!"

    Once again the dark side of DAME Judi Dench no one talks about!

    Can't buy just one, they come as _____ ASSET
    Eliminate UMS, ohs, ahs, from CW's and _____ BANNERS.
    007: Sir _____ Moore.....RAJA
    Package warning: This _____ ENDUP
    When ired at his first mate Cap'n Hook ______ BEATSME

    Welcome Rebecca Goldstein: Another Irish constructionist, wonderful!

  20. Marvellous Monday. Thanks for the fun, Rebecca (congrats on your debut) and Boomer,
    I FIRed in good time with just a slight inkblot at the vowel choice in KABOB, and changing Uhs to UMS.
    Any unknown names were decided by perps.

    I noted SPUD and THUD, ALY and ALI G.

    BEATS ME was another use of the word, but I think we BEAT the dead horse (not PONIES) last night.

    Wishing you all a great day.

  21. Good morning everyone.

    What IM and others have said. Relatively easy with a little bite. Got the theme after the solve wrapped up. FIR.
    Stone shaping : RASP - - Soft stone is stone so RASP is APT.
    INANE - CSO to our Hiker.

    Got our weekly victuals this am to beat the storm. Sounds like NE and coastal areas will get it worse. We'll see. # days ago, the weather guessers said we would be missed entirely by the storm.

  22. Lovely debut, Rebecca--many thanks. I really enjoyed the puzzle, and always love your commentary, Boomer. I too have not yet been able to get a vaccine--hope we all get one soon.

    Fun pairings, like ADONAI and ZEUS, and RAJA and EMIR. Wonderful to see JULIA CHILD--I used to enjoy watching her cooking show. Irish Miss, thank you for remembering that my Dad worked for RCA for decades and decades, beginning with their expansion when color TV began. He's 92 now and still in good shape.

    Liked your poems, Owen.

    Have a good week coming up, everybody.

  23. Got my first jab this morning. Appt: 9:45; got there: 9:25; got jab: 11:16; allowed to leave: 11:31. So a bit over two hours. Next jab: Feb 22. As for CW: a typical Monday in difficulty but took me longer than usual (18 min) for some reason. Two write-overs: MOONSHIP:MOONSHOT; ENSUE:ENDUP (not sure why I thought “ensue”; DOH!)
    BTW, nothing to the injection itself, barely felt it, no sore arm, fever or anything else. Still be wearing that mask though!! Stay safe everyone!

  24. I should add my congratulations to Rebecca, well done! And thanx for a fun CW. Thanx too to Boomer for his time and hard work to produce his usual terrific write-up!

  25. FLN, PK and AnonT - re Canadians taking helicopter across US border:
    Yes, many Canadian snowbirds have used this method to get to their annual winter vacation. Since the Canada-US border is closed to non-essential travel by land (but flights are allowed - go figure!?), one enterprising company is taking Canadians (and their pets) across the border (Hamilton, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Buffalo) and reuniting them in Buffalo with their vehicle or RV which has been transported across the border by car carrier. Cost is currently listed as $1500 (for up to 3 passengers) plus $700 for vehicle, $1600 for RV, trailer.
    I suppose the decision varies depending on cost of air flights to southern US, car or RV rental and personal preference.
    Similar ventures are available from Montreal and on the West Coast.

    Some snowbirds are returning home before the Feb. 4 mandatory implementation of Covid testing (up to 72 hours before flight and then at Canadian airport) and hotel quarantine of at least 3 days (if still negative Covid test) but possibly up to 14 days or more if positive - all at the cost of the traveller (approx. $2000). Plus, all flights will return only to four airports - Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal. They really want us to stay home and not bring more of the new variants into Canada.

    We have NO production facilities for Covid vaccine in Canada at this time, and are reliant on production in Europe for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that have been approved here. There have currently been delays in supply and possible EU restrictions that are concerning.
    As a result, Long Term Care patients and staff, front-line workers, Indigenous communities, were prioritized to receive the vaccine. Supplies have dwindled for this week and next. None of the general public of any age have received the vaccine. Hopefully vaccine supplies improve soon. Canadian government still says that all Canadians that want to be vaccinated will be able to do so by Sept 2021. I'm hoping for April!


  26. Here in SC those 65-70 aren’t even in the first waves, despite comorbidities. So still waiting for the opportunity to get in a long line.

    No problems with this February 1 puzzle.

    Stay safe.

  27. Hola!

    Thank you, Rebecca Goldstein and Boomer! I finished this GEM before I went to count money from Sunday night's collection but had to rush and didn't post. One big error: RANA/RANELLE and didn't notice until reading Boomer's review.

    Gary, why was it hard to watch Hidden Figures? I thought it was excellent.

    At the Phoenix zoo the children could ride a camel instead of PONIES but I don't know if that is still available.

    I liked reading all your comments and agree with what has been said about the puzzle.

    Good poems, Owen and good puns, Ray!

    Have you noticed that today is 2/1/21?

    Have a joyous day, everyone!

  28. "40. "I dunno": BEATS ME. C. C. BEATS ME in Scrabble so I don't play anymore. ". Uh, duh unless your Erik Asgard. But my girlfriend used to beat me and then I learned how important strategy is in Scrabble. So I beat her and she quit. Women!!!*

    Re. Game Stop. Maybe I can open a store selling washtubs and rotary phones, get an IPO for millions and wait for the short sellers. At some point the shareholders are going to want to sell those shares…

    I lady interrupted our conversation at Beef o'Brady's to tell us how sick she was of seeing Tom's face. I liked the Guinness Joe Montana ad.

    So Boomer, Johnny Weismuller was in your store?

    Re. IKEA, But how'd you like the meatballs?

    I just met a dealer at Hard Rock. I won a couple hundred at blackjack at Atlantic City in 1981 and never played again. An engineer laughed at my "System".


    * lol.

  29. Good puzzle but I was not on Rebecca's wave length, although I filled it right with time. I got the theme with the second answer.
    We were issued our dinners at noon today to take to our apartments and reheat later, so the staff could get home. We are expecting more than two feet of snow by tomorrow, maybe a good bit more.
    Adonai-"While the Tetragrammaton was not pronounced — except in a religious context — it occurs often in Hebrew scriptures. Scholars differ on how many times the name appears, since it shows up in various forms, but they agree that it is found well over 6,000 times in the Old Testament. Other words were substituted to be spoken aloud whenever YHWH appears in the writings. These included Elohim and Adonai. “Yah” also represents God’s name, since it is the first consonant of the Tetragrammaton. “Yah” appears most often in the Psalms, especially as Halle-lu-yah, or “Praise to you, YHWH.”

    I have been to quite a few Jewish services where ADONAI was said or sung, substituted for the name of G-d. It was printed right out in the handout.

    "There are many types of files and rasps that can be used for shaping stone. They are a very effective tool because they can change a very messy sculpture with lots of chisel marks, gouges and bumps and transform it into having smooth lines and curves."

    I did have a very successful refi years ago. I converted my mortgage to an ARM with a ridiculously low initial interest rate. I calculated that, at that rate, I could pay it off before the rate jumped. I saved a bundle in interest.

    Stay warm and safe.

  30. Puzzling thoughts:

    Not a single blotch or write-over today

    Welcome Rebecca and a great debut puzzle

    Thanks Boomer for the recap; I thought of your CSO when the word PINS appeared in 53-Down. As for the "ODDS" for BlackJack, they aren't too different from Craps. House percentages vary now as several casinos have changed to letting the dealer "hit" a soft seventeen. I had a system of sorts when I played, and that kept my ODDS pretty good. Never scored a huge win but I often left the table with more $ than my buy-in

    ADONAI filled completely with perps

    Liked the crossing of SHE and HER

    Three days after getting my Pfizer and still zero side effects. Hope that those who are in the current category can get their vaccinations soon


    Astronauts get their
    COVID vaccination in
    Their butt. First "MOON"SHOT?

  31. GENE Autry?
    Seeing that photo reminded me that as a kid I never cared for him. I told myself all "singing cowboys" were sissies. Anyway, he was before my time.
    My hero was Roy Rogers. The movie version, not the TV reboot.
    He had the Sons of the Pioneers do the singing for him. I don't remember Roy himself doing any singing. I guess he did. Maybe I just blocked it out.

    Good pzl, a little chewy for a Monday. Thank you, Ms. Goldstein.
    Glad I didn't write it off. It deserved to be taken seriously.
    ~ OMK

  32. Misty ~ Sorry to read you STILL haven't been able to get your shot.
    We are on the same list, and I found it so easy to sign up and to get it done right on schedule.
    Did anyone give you an explanation WHY they won't give you an appointment?
    ~ OMK

  33. Musings 2
    -Lucina, I found Hidden Figures hard to watch because of all the overt racism that was part of those women’s lives. I loved the scene where Kevin Costner used a crowbar to take down the Colored Ladies Rest Room sign.

  34. Musings 2
    -Lucina, I found Hidden Figures hard to watch because of all the overt racism that was part of those women’s lives. I loved the scene where Kevin Costner used a crowbar to take down the Colored Ladies Rest Room sign.

  35. Fun puzzle. Saw the theme after the second fill. Certainly thought of The Who at the reveal, but hadn't heard of the movie that I can recall. Congratulations Rebecca. Thank you Boomer for the recap.

    Refi: There's lot's of good refi reasons other than reverse mortgages (rate reduction, debt consolidation, etc). And while I don't have solid numbers, I'd guess that over a 35 year career I earned very nearly half my income as an appraiser due to refi's. So I'm thankful for that aspect of the business. The irony is that I never paid for one myself. Our first house was a loan assumption, all mortgages after that were HELOCs with a low enough LTV that no appraisal was required.

  36. Gary, thank you. Oh, yes. Of course. Those types of movies are ALWAYS hard to watch. My stomach churns throughout the movie. Did anyone watch last night's PBS program, The Long Song. Talk about stomach churning!

  37. Hi All!

    Thought I was going to #Fail - a movie with actresses I've wouldn't know if I met them...
    Enough perps and I saw KIDS ARE ALRIGHT; read the clue again and thought "Wouldn't it have been easier to just reference The Who's '79 rocumentary?"

    Right Jonet & MManatee? :-)

    Thanks Rebecca for the fun Monday puzzle and congrats on your LAT debut.

    Fun EXPO Boomer - enjoyed the pictures!

    WO: SONyA
    Fav: SHE | HER is cute considering the movie in 61a is about (ILU) a female gay couple and their kids.

    At most petting ZOOs you can ride PONIES.

    1981 Stevie Nicks' hit: EDGE OF SEVENTEEN [15]

    {B, B+}
    LOL Moe-Ku!

    C, Eh! - Thanks for the vaccine explanation FLN.

    Ray-O: I laugh every time I see Tracy Ullman bit.

    AveJoe - I RE-FI'd my other house to get it out of the VA loan so I could use the VA for my newer more expensive house (no PMI on a VA Loan). Also, that lowered the payment on the other house (doesn’t hurt much when not rented). Re-Fi'd the more expensive house to 15yr three years later; it'll be payed off when I'm 58.

    Cheers, -T

  38. Welcome, Rebecca! Thanks, Boomer!

    OK, so I guess I’m the only one who didn’t know ALIG and JANELLE and the answer to 8D and has not seen BORAT. Putting in COAT (instead of CLAD) at least gave me 7D, but it didn’t save me from myself with the other two. Perps got ALY for me. Other than that….

    I had no problem with the theme, thank goodness.

    FLN – Thanks, waseeley, for the explanation. I think even I can remember the difference now.

    Also, FLN --- Thanks, -T, for the Letterman/Zindler video ---He WAS a character --- and for the ZZ Top video!

  39. I liked Saturday's, Sunday's, and today's puzzles. Had to look up several items in order to complete the Sat and Sun puzzles but didn't need to look anything up today. I felt enjoyment and satisfaction with all of them. The last cell to be filled today was the H crossing SHE and HER. Congratulations, Rebecca Goldstein.

    Good wishes to you all.

  40. Lucina, we watched The Long Song last night. Reminded me a lot of Roots.

  41. LeoIII - Sacha Baron Cohen's character ALI G is an ignorant hip-hopper that con'd many folks into interviews with him (google it; some are really funny but MA and or political).

    Here's a tame(ish) performance at Harvard.

    Cheers, -T

  42. Anonymous @9:58 Thanks for clearing that up about YHWH and the nuances of the Hebrew sacred words used in liturgy and prayer. There is much confusion on this subject, even among those who take the sacred seriously. A few years back the Archbishop of our diocese issue an order to expunge the full spelling YHWH from the Catholic liturgy. I don't recall if this was for theological reasons or to avoid giving offense to our Jewish neighbors. Baltimore is a major center of Judaism on the East coast and my parish in particular is in the middle of that. That said I can't recall ever reading or hearing the A--NAI name used in our liturgy or scriptures. I am familiar with it only through music, as it is mentioned during the sacred prayers recited every year at Yom Kippur and these are played on our local classical radio station. I believe it is also mentioned during Kaddish services.

  43. More than you ever wanted to know about the Ineffable Name.

    >> Roy

  44. Hi everybody,

    Thanks Rebecca and Boomer. Very enjoyable.

    Thanks for the many happy birthday greetings. Things are slowly becoming a new normal for me. I am feeling many pangs of loneliness that come and go. I see my son, daughter and grandson several times a week so that helps. Thank goodness for cable TV and this puzzle blog.

    Random thoughts about movies…

    I often see "Citizen Kane" touted as one of the greatest movies of all time. I happened across it on cable recently, recorded it, and watched it again. It doesn't appeal to me much at all. There wasn't any character in the movie that I felt much empathy toward. If I don't care about the characters, I tend not to like the movie very much. That's just me…

    My favorite big movie is still "Casablanca". It's romantic, has a great cast and lots of drama. I might go watch it again since I enjoy it so much.

    For other favorites, I really like Groundhog Day, The Apartment, The Third Man, and Love Actually.

  45. Anonymous@9:58: I, too, was shocked to see 8-Down clued as it was. My initial answer was HaShem (the Name), which, as you pointed out, is the proper usage when not in prayer. A better way to have clued the word would have been to indicate it was Modern Israeli Hebrew for "Sir." In Israel, one might say סלח לי אדוני (excuse me, sir), which is perfectly proper language without offense. But of course, since Israelis are known for being brisk, no one says, Excuse me, in Israel. LOL.

  46. Jayce:
    Yes. I also thought of "Roots". I see that it's a three part series.

    While flipping channels I came upon Thunderball with Sean Connery. He was a hunk! So handsome. May he rest in peace.


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