, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 Zhouqin Burnikel

Gary's Blog Map

Dec 10, 2024

Tuesday, December 10, 2024 Zhouqin Burnikel

Punctuation Marks.  One word in each theme answer is another word for the punctuation mark that Stops sentence.  In the first theme answer, the POINT is at the beginning of the answer.  In the second theme answer, the DOT is found in the middle of the answer.  Finally, in the last theme answer, the PERIOD is at the end of the answer.

17-Across. Film scene from a character's perspective: POINT OF VIEW SHOT.

26-Across. Garment with patterned circles: POLKA DOT DRESS.

46-Across. Lasting mere moments: FOR A BRIEF PERIOD.

And the unifier:

62-Across. Break during a road trip, and what can be found in 17-, 26-, and 46-Across: STOP ALONG THE WAY.

Our Blog Hostess has also prepared a delicious mini-theme of Japanese foods.  You'll have to hunt for your dinner, though!

1. Insect that builds a paper nest: WASP.  Everything you wanted to know about Wasp nests, but didn't know to ask.

5. "Snowy" wading bird: EGRET.  They are beautiful birds.

10. Tiniest bit: IOTA.

14. Actress Fanning: ELLE.  Elle Fanning (née Mary Elle Fanning; b. Apr. 8, 1998) is the younger sister of actress Dakota Fanning (née Hannah Dakota Fanning; b. Feb. 23, 1994).

15. Little Haiti's city: MIAMI.  The Little Haiti neighborhood of Miami is known for its restaurants, colorful street murals and fruit stands.  It also has a flourishing art scene centered on small, indie galleries.

16. Flatbread full of bubbles: NAAN.  Yummers!  This bread makes frequent appearances in the puzzles.

20. Adagio or allegro: TEMPO.

21. Lunar festival in Saigon: TET.  Tết short for Tết Nguyên Đán, which means Festival of the First Day.   It is the most important celebration in Vietnamese culture.  Tết celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese calendar.  It usually falls in January or February in the Gregorian calendar.  The festival is celebrated for several days.  The next Tet celebration will fall on January 29, 2025.
22. Sorority residence: HOUSE.

23. Pioneering ISP: AOL.  As in America OLine.

25. Deep fryer liquid: OIL.

33. Purring pets: CATS.

34. Broth often made with bonito flakes: DASHI.  I am not familiar with this Japanese soup.  Apparently it is easy to make and is the base for Miso soup and is made with only three ingredients: water, kombu (dried kelp), and bonito fish flakes.

35. Fly like an eagle: SOAR.

37. "Whadja say?": HUH.

38. Defeated, as a dragon: SLAIN.

39. Go green, perhaps?: DYE.

40. Choose by ballot: ELECT.

43. Stat indicated by tree rings: AGE.

44. Pebble's big cousin: STONE.  Everything you wanted to know about stones vs pebbles but didn't know to ask.

49. DOD intel arm: NSA.  As in the National Security Agency, which is a division of the Department oDefense.  

50. One day __ time: AT A.  One Day At A Time was a sit-com that ran from 1974 to 1984 that starred Bonnie Franklin (née Bonnie Gail Franklin; Jan. 6, 1944 ~ Mar. 1, 2013) as the mother and Mackenzie Phillips (née Laura Mackenzie Phillips; b. Nov. 10, 1959) and Valerie Bertinelli (née Valerie Anne Bertinelli; Apr. 23, 1960) as the daughters.

51. Temaki fish: TUNA.  Yummers!  More Japanese food.  Temaki is a type of sushi that's rolled into a cone shape and eaten by hand. The name "temaki" is Japanese for "hand roll".  //  And 53-Down. Temaki cone: NORI.

54. More slippery: ICIER.
58. Like muted colors: PALE.

Bright and muted colors explained.

65. Whittles (down): PARES.

66. Animal that loves mud: PIG.

67. Atmospheric layer with holes: OZONE.  The ozone layer sits in the stratosphere between 10 and 25 miles above the earth.  It shields living things from the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation.  Ozone layer depletion could have serious effects on human health and the environment.

68. __ kebab: SHISH.  More food.

69. UFO passengers: ETs.  As in ExtraTerrestrials.

70. Fuses with heat: WELDS.

1. Broke down in tears: WEPT.

2. Healing succulent: ALOE.

No, Splynter, it never gets old.

3. Unlikely, as a chance: SLIM.

4. Letter-exchanging friends: PEN PALS.

5. Panic! at the Disco genre: EMO.  Apparently, Panic! at the Disco was an American pop rock band.  It was active from 2004 until just last year, although the band members changed throughout the year.

6. Natural talent: GIFT.

7. Party with electronic music: RAVE.

8. Radiate: EMIT.
9. Cause for overtime: TIE.

10. Shoe cushions: INSOLES.  Catherine, Princess of Wales wears Alice Bow insoles.

11. Island northwest of Molokai: OAHU.  One of the Hawaiian Islands.

12. New Mexico town in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains: TAOS.

13. Poker stake: ANTE.
18. Confiscated: TOOK.

19. Propeller noise: WHIR.

24. Young fellows: LADS.

25. All-father of Norse myth: ODIN.  Odin is the Norse god of war and death.

26. São __, Brazil: PAULO.  São Paulo, Brazil’s financial center.  It is the most populous city in Brazil.

27. "None of the above" choice: OTHER.

28. __ Lama: DALAI.

29. Missouri River tributary: OSAGE.  The Osage people appeared in last Thursday's puzzle.  They were the subject of David Grann's book, Killers of the Flower Moon, which was later adapted into a film as Waseeley explained.

30. Crook: THIEF.

31. "Same here!": SO DO I.  This clue and answer also appeared in 14-Across in last Thursday's puzzle.  

32. Pass on an offer: SAY NO.

33. Many a cookbook author: CHEF.

36. Basketry plant: REED.

41. Cocktail hour appetizers: CANAPÉS.

42. "Impractical Jokers" network: TBS.

44. Ready to proceed: SET.

45. Bar for circus acrobats: TRAPEZE.  The song, The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze was a tribute to Jules Léotard (Aug. 1, 1838 ~ Aug. 16, 1870).  In addition to his daring trapeze performances, he invented a one-piece knitted garment streamlined to suit the safety and agility concerns of trapeze performance, hence, the modern Leotard worn by ballerinas and gymnasts.  Although Jules Léotard died young, it was not due to a trapeze stunt, but rather by an infectious disease.

47. Public transit option: RAIL.

48. Hair line?: PART.  Cute clue.

51. Fish sauce amts.: TSPS.  As in Teaspoons.

52. Arches National Park state: UTAH.  The Park has over 2,000 natural stone arches, hundreds of soaring pinnacles, massive rock fins, and giant balanced rocks, hence its name.

55. Get by: COPE.

56. Still competing: IN IT.

57. Ingredients that are cracked to make khai jiao: EGGS.  Yummer!  More food, this time with a Thai theme.  Khai Jiao is the name for Thai-style omelet.

59. USAF truant: AWOL.  As in Absent WithOut Leave.

60. Hit the runway: LAND.

61. Organs with lids: EYES.

63. Barbecue residue: ASH.

64. "__ did you do that?": HOW.

Here's the Grid:


Thank you all for the birthday wishes yesterday.  That brightened my day.


  1. Good morning!

    Tried IN IT, changed it to LIVE, changed it back to IN IT. Whew. Also tried SPOT rather than STOP -- all the punctuation marks are spots. Perps decided. Thanx for the amusement, C.C., and for the cute expo, Hahtoolah.

    TET: There was a big "celebration" in '68, though some thought it was offensive.

    1. Ha ha! Except, the Offensive itself wasn’t funny. Brutal.

  2. I note the cleverness of C.C.’s “point” placements. Otherwise, I don’t have
    much to say about this puzzle, which seems pretty straightforward. FIR, so I’m happy.

  3. FIR without erasure, in spite of knowing nearly nothing about cooking.

    I thought the theme was going to be anagrams of STOP, as the first two themers contained.

    One Day at a Time was part of the "jiggle era" of TV, when many actresses performed braless.

    I'm not so sure PIGs love mud as much as it is just hard to keep a pigpen clean. IIRC, hippos and rhinos actually like mud and will seek it out for its cooling effect.

    At one point, my DW had an office in Dallas, Maimi and Sao PAULO.

    Thanks to CC for the fun Tuesday romp, and to Ha2la for another excellent tour.

  4. FIR. Seems we have another Monday puzzle on this Tuesday. I found this to be super easy. The theme came to me early on, although I've never heard of a point of view shot. Oh well, doesn't matter. I got the "point".
    Overall an enjoyable puzzle.

  5. Took 4:54 today to punctuate this one.

    I knew today's actress (Elle), but neither of the temaki clues.

    Arches National Park is stunning. But, beware of "monsoon season" - they don't mention that as much as they should. I'm speaking from experience on that one.

  6. Good Morning Crossword friends. Anonymous, I was not familiar with the Temaki clues, either.

    QOD: Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, and don’t get so worked up about things. ~ Kenneth Branagh (né Kenneth Charles Branagh; b. Dec. 10, 1960), British actor

  7. It is always a treat to see a C.C. puzzle explained by Hahtoolah. The cartoons were great with the "Stop and smell the roses" exquisite and the "save me" was great. Being married to a Thai chef made much of this puzzle easy; I enjoy when I am presented with Khai Jiao as the breakfast fare. I did not know of the use of fish sauce in Asian cooking until I met Oo. I never heard of Panic! at the Disco but three letter music style had to be EMO . Sao Paulo was the capital of Brazil when I was in school before they made Brasilia . Thank you werowance and Susan.

  8. I also noticed how many actresses use their middle name as their professional one. Any thoughts on when this started?

  9. Tuesday puzzle, CC points out the way……Greet the day.

  10. Today's offering by C.C. is a great example of why I like well-crafted theme puzzles.
    Well-illustrated and well-explained by Hahtoolah.
    I liked the punctuation cartoon and visiting dogs.
    There's a large hornet's nest in the top of my magnolia tree. They're goners by now.

  11. Was this a puzzle by Martin Yan (can cook)or C.C.? With the CHEF fixing NAAN,TUNA, SHISH Kebab, NORI, khai jiao, DASHI, Temaki fish, EGGS, and PIG parts used on a few CANAPEs cooked in OIL? You get the POINT and all I'll say, PERIOD.

    My breakfast today? Boiled EGG, two strips of bacon (PIG), and Cosmic Crisp apple.

    Good morning all. It took a few perps to get the correct food today. I'd never heard the term POINT OF VIEW SHOT but the perps took care of it.

    EMO and ELLE- perps for those unknowns.

    AOL- anybody remember Prodigy?
    "One Day AT A Time" with a Mamas & Papas daughter (Phllips) and Eddie Van Halen's wife (Bertinelli)

    1. I had not read your post when I created my travelogue with food. Our menus are similar LOL, I missed the PIG and CANAPÉS.

  12. Thanks for the "tight" and enjoyable puzzle, C.C. Now, if only I can get this new take on "Stop and smell the Roses" out of my head! 😄

  13. Entertaining puzzle. Easier than Monday's puzzle. I liked the theme, but never thought of punctuation, so I needed to come to the blog to get it.
    I didn't know eggs or Elle, but perps were kind.
    I guessed that Panic! is a rock band. Three letters, must be EMO.
    AI says, "Pigs roll in mud, also called "wallowing," primarily to regulate their body temperature as they lack functional sweat glands, so the mud helps cool them down by evaporating on their skin, essentially acting like their own personal air conditioner when it's hot outside;."
    I guess I'm old fashioned. I don't care for Crayola crayon box colors as hair dye.
    I have made home made dashi. Easy. I needed to go to an Asian market to buy the ingredients. Instead, you can buy a dashi packet to cook with just water. While I was studying theJapanese language, I cooked several Japanese dishes. My sensei, a native Japanese, sampled some of them and said they were authentic and delicious. I made an America dessert, apple crumble. She loves apple pie and similar desserts.
    My experience with temaki is as a roll your own dish. Fun. The nori and fillers are provided . Fillers can be different types fish, rice, veggies, and a type of egg like an omelet. You can make your own combination.
    The cartoon was an excellent explanation of point of view shot.

  14. Good Morning! How nice to see CC as our constructor.

    I relied on perps to get me past some sticky spots and came away with only 2 WOs: RAgE -> RAVE and ciA -> NSA.

    Pebbles/STONE: cute diversion – I was heading toward the Flintstones.
    Which reminds me, I’m looking for some pebbles for start some paperwhites. I may have to go with potting soil.

    FOR A BRIEF PERIOD reminded me of the inspiring song One Moment in Time sung by Dana Winner. Gives me chills.

    ESP – DASHE.

    Thanks, Hah2lah, for POINTing out the theme. I missed it. And for the fun ALONG THE WAY.

  15. Aways nice to see a C.C. puzzle, because we know it is in good hands: well-constructed and fun to solve, as today's.

    Her theme of dots and periods was straightforward, and interestingly punctuated in the grid by myriad culinary terms. The latter slowed me down only in the SW corner, where I ran into a Temaki natick (51 Across and 53 Down). But perps like Utah and shish kebob saved the day.

    Thanks, C.C., for a satisfying and enjoyable solve. You've always got the best interests of the solver in mind.

  16. Ooh! Lots of food I don’t eat in this puzzle, but as usual with a CC CW, perps helped me solve this successfully. So FIW in good time.

    I missed the punctuation however. When I saw the word VIEW, I kept looking for tourist attractions.

    Thank you Hahtoolah for such a fun recap. I loved the take on the card playing dogs but this time with fat cats.

    Now I’m suffering from CED’s malady. I used to be able to open videos on this blog, but not anymore. Yesterday I thought I had found the solution by opening the YouTube app but when I did that this morning, still not working.

    Our library system here announced a new and better web site to begin this morning. It’s a disaster. Why, why, oh why, mess with good enough.

  17. I just switched browser and now I can open the video in Hahtoolah’s review.

    1. I can't comment on this issue any longer, because I sound like a cranky old man... plus, I am allergic to Malls at Christmas time, and genius bars give me hives. So just consider it another one of life's puzzles to be solved...

    2. Today’s YouTube videos opened with no problem on my iPad Safari browser, and I don’t have the YouTube app. But sometimes I have Canadian disadvantage when Canadian access to a certain video is restricted.

    3. All this is simply mysterious.

  18. Terrific Tuesday. Thanks for the fun, C.C. and Hahtoolah.
    I FIRed in good time and saw the STOP theme (although at first I was circling the STOP letters in the first two reveals, but no S or T in the third!).

    One inkblot to correct my S to Z in TRAPEZE.
    This Canadian had to WAG the S in that American cross of NSA and TBS. But I remembered NSA from previous CWs.
    DESHI was all perps.

    The “road” part of our trip today includes TAOS, UTAH, MIAMI. Roads should not be ICIER there. Or we could go by RAIL. But we will need to fly to OAHU and SAO PAULO, before we celebrate TET in VietNam. Further travels include food at more international STOPs. (Yummers.) We can have NAAN in India,, DASHI and temaki TUNA wrapped in NORI in Japan, EGGS in our omelet in Thailand, SHISH kabobs in Turkey.
    Hopefully, on our flight home, we will SOAR and LAND without literally “hitting the runway”. Then we can return to our HOUSE and RAVE about our trip to our PENPALS.

    Wishing you all a great day.

    1. Sorry Misty. I beat you to creating a story today.

  19. Thanks CC, good one for a Tuesday. Usual screw ups, like "at it" before "in it".

    Naan, and other flatbreads seem to have defeated me, I just can't seem to get them to inflate in the pan. I always wind up with something that looks like it was run over by a truck. There is one recipe for pita that's very easy, tastes better than store bought, and puffs beautifully! f Chef John and Food Wishes to the rescue! I'm not sure which step makes it work, but this works so well it almost made me diabetic...

    Thank you Hahtoolah, lotsa links and a merry write up!

    also, seen along the way...

  20. I appreciated C.C.'s easy puzzle, but failed to understand the theme in spite of my best efforts! Luckily, Hahtoolah's efforts are better than mine. I'm grateful for her commentary, for this wonderful site on the web, and for all of you.

  21. Good Morning:

    Late to the dance due to a very busy and frustrating morning, “punctuated” by a dead battery. My mechanic of 21 years just retired but, fortunately, a long-time employee bought the business so I’ll still get preferential treatment, as in house calls!

    What a nice treat after yesterday’s surprise visit from sumdaze! Two Cornerites in a row! CC always manages to give us a fresh and clever theme and a clean grid with helpful perps where needed, plus a welcome break from the usual onslaught of pop culture entries. I needed perps for Dashi, but Naan and Nori were gimmes. In addition to the abundant foods, I enjoyed the critter sub-theme with Wasp, Pig, Cats, Tuna, and Egret.

    Thanks, CC, for a fun solve and thanks, Hahtoolah, for a fun and fact-filled review. Favorite comics were the poker playing cats, the “Roses”, the “Tie” game, Fluffy on the King’s lap, and the training-wheeled airplane! Funny stuff, indeed.

    Have a great day.

  22. Musings
    -A just right Tuesday puzzle from C.C., DASHI, khai jiao and Temaki notwithstanding. :-)
    -Hahtoolah, your “Stop and smell the roses” cartoon is already winging its way to my colleagues.
    -Our daughter’s sorority house finally got A/C 20 years after they graduated
    -Bad service and mediocre food make odds very SLIM that we will go back to this SLIM restaurant in Lincoln
    -One of my fav moives featured this scene about the The Man On The Flying Trapeze

  23. Hola!
    The theme escaped me, of course, and that is not unusual but I enjoyed solving C.C.''s creation. So thank you to Hahtoolah for explaining it all. In Costa Rica we saw EGRETs and it surprised my how small they are; from photos I expected them to be large.
    I agree that this puzzle gave us a tour through some lovely spots: TAOS, UTAH, OAHU, MIAMI as well as good food and a CHEF to cook it. I've never had DASHI but it sounds good. I have, however, WEPT from some really hot chile!
    Thanks again, C.C. and Susan! You are both wonderful and add joy to an otherwise mundane Tuesday!

    1. Nice catch Lucina. I missed the CHEF for all that food. LOL re your WEPT comment.

  24. Nice job CC. A good Tuesday outing. Very fun write up Hahtoolah. Well done to you both.

  25. CW

    Sailed through but forgot about the theme. 🙉

    Khai jiao? Temaki? “bonito flakes”? DASHI? C’mon CC it’s only Tuesday 🥺

    Inkovers: Maui/OAHU, rage/RAVE, moment/PERIOD

    Back in the days of xray film storage we had a film librarian named Dolores who was top notch. She could find any set of old films. We called her the “Dolly Lama”.

    Wow, I wasn’t looking at the polka dots. MUD? I thought the expression was “happier than a PIG in ___ “ 😉

    It sounded Greek to me so LIU, seems SODOI means “buttocks” in Romanian. 🤭

    Apparently “Pebble’s big cousin” isn’t Bam Bam Rubble, cuz they ended up getting married and had twins

    Glad it was the easily spelt SHISH and not the kebob/kebab/kabab part.

    DO: TET offensive 😊

    What a pod might do….TRAPEZE
    Denounce a “public transport option”… RAIL
    There she is: ICIER

    Loved the “Smell the Roses” toon. 😀

  26. A CC puzzle is always a delightful pleasure, as everyone has noted, so many thanks for this Tuesday gift. And thank you too, Hahtoolah, for your always helpful commentary.

    I totally enjoyed your narrative CanadianEh! and don't think it will do any harm if I add mine as well. I began by hoping that that WASP wasn't going to bite our EGRET, who was hopefully protected by some of his PEN PALS, including some CATS. But enough about critters--I was really more excited about seeing that lovely POLKA DOT DRESS, which would deserve some lovely new shoes with IN-SOLES. Once we're so fashionable dressed we should think about making a trip to OAHU or TAOS and going to a party where a CHEF is going to serve us some CANAPES before we get our TUNA, with a side serving of EGGS. Makes me hungry just to think about this, and I'd better head off and get some breakfast.

    Have a great day, everybody.

    1. Wouldn't mind seeing daily stories from both of you! That's a special talent to be able to do that day after day.

  27. Nice quick Tuesday - need the blog to explain the themers - thanks Susan and belated Happy birthday - yesterday was to busy to post
    OSAGE River is about 10 minutes from my house - further down the line it was dammed up and became the Lake of the Ozarks
    ELLE Fanning is in the new biopic about Bob Dylan that is coming out on Christmas day "A Complete Unknown" -it's been getting good previews especially for Timothee Chalamet's protrayal of the title musician

    Thanks Susan and CC!

  28. Hahtoolah Happy Birthday and thank you for the much-illustrated review. Fun to see ONE DAY AT A TIME. I enjoyed the show and had the hots for Valerie Bertinelli. I think all the boys my age did, too.

    CC Thanks for the enjoyable puzzle and well-constructed original theme.

    desper-otto I was just a kid, but I will always remember the TET Offensive. So many lives senselessly lost. At least we are friends with Vietnam now.

    We attended a feast on Saturday that included an entire roast PIG.

    It is called lechon in the Philippines. Because it is a milk fed suckling PIG. Mike (far left) was celebrating his 91st birthday. Next to him is his Filipina wife Angie who is the same age as Merlie. Merlie was in the kitchen for the photo. It was my first such PIG feast.

  29. Thanks to C.C. for her clever puzzle. Full stop!
    I enjoyed the international sub-theme, vertical symmetry, and clue angle for GIFT.

    I have paddled from Molokai to Oahu (not solo).

    Thanks to Hahtoolah, as well! FAVs were the TRAPEZE video and the punctuation lesson, lap CAT, and TIE game comics.

    I also wanted to add a second "thank you" to those that posted encouraging comments yesterday after I posted my "thank you" to the earlier comments. I very much appreciate each of you!

  30. FLN. Hahtoolah. I saw your comment about the podcasts. Yes, those are two of my favorites and I bet we have others in common. I absolutely love Karen from GJ,B! Her enthusiasm and delight in the world are contagious.
    Sort of on those lines, I'll add that you and I both love our iPods. I'm sad to say that mine died; BUT, I am thrilled with my new gadget. I bought a set of those bone conduction headphones. They do not go in your ears so you can still hear surrounding noises. Mine can also go in the water so I can now listen to podcasts when I swim laps. They have Bluetooth capability but they have plenty of memory so I load the podcasts directly onto them. I just drag & drop. If (dare I say it?) your iPod passes, you might consider these.

  31. FLN. TTP@9:02 p.m. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the podcast. Grammar Girl's questions were much more intelligent than that pair on TV.

    1. sumdaze, I referenced the WGN morning hosts because that is where I heard of Ben Yagoda and his book. It wasn't one of their better interviews, but they are always time constrained and I'm glad they got him on the program. And frankly, their segment producers aren't the best, but they are sincere.

      I am enamored with Grammar Girl. I listened to her again this morning for another 3 hours today! Thank you for sharing.

      You should start your own blog. Perhaps a lifestyle blog. You might gain tons of followers, and attract the attention of advertisers and sponsors. You are so good at this!

  32. It's been a busy day of wrapping, a little shopping, etc. I just now had a chance to read all your comments and I do enjoy that. Some of you are really clever. And yes, Canadian Eh! I have WEPT from eating some very hot chile. Picard, your photos are always a treat. We had such a feast in Hawaii but not with such a large PIG. I'm sure it was delicious. I love pork.
    I see that fires are again raging in California. Please stay safe anyone who is in that vicinity.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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