, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Saturday, Jan 26, 2008 Tom Pruce

Gary's Blog Map

Jan 26, 2008

Saturday, Jan 26, 2008 Tom Pruce

Theme: None?

I could not identify a theme for this puzzle. Please let me know if there is one.

I cheated a few times, but managed to finish this puzzle within 45 minutes. That's a very good time for me.

Here are what tripped me:

16A: Antenna: AERIAL.

31A: Troublesome: ONEROUS. It was clued as Burdensome on Thursday's Star Tribune.

32A: Malay Thatch: NIPA. Kind of palm in Southeast with leaves for thatching. New to me.

55A: Brief summary: APERCU. The spelling of this word drives me nuts.

57A: Like a requiem: DIRGEFUL. Appeared in Star Tribune a few days ago, the same clue.

4D: Blue Hen St: DEL. I got the answers from the across clue, but had no idea that Delaware is nicknamed Blue Hen. I wish I were born and grew up here in the US, I would have nailed this one, and many others I suppose.

5D: "Presumed Innocent" Writer: SCOTT TUROW. He wrote ONE L also. Saw him at Celebrity Jeopardy last Oct. Very intelligent man.

12D: Alan Ladd film, "The Blue _": DAHLIA. Never watched it.

30D: Clan pattern: TARTAN. Here is more information if you want to have a better understanding of the Clan Tartan.

36D: Vindictive: VENGEFUL.

40D: Buddhist scriptural language: PALI. Nope, never heard of it. The Encyclopedia Britannica says Pali is the "sacred language of the Theravada Buddhist canon, a Middle Indo-Aryan language of north Indian origin".

43D: Singer Cyndi: LAUPER. I always thought her name is LAUDER.

C. C.


  1. I like to tell myself that its ok to "cheat" a little because that is how I learn new things. puppy

  2. Thanks for the comment puppy. I do feel that I can learn a lot from "cheating". Besides, I keep telling myself "I cheat today so I won't need to cheat tomorrow."

    C. C.


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