, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday, Feb 8, 2008 Michael T. Williams

Gary's Blog Map

Feb 8, 2008

Friday, Feb 8, 2008 Michael T. Williams

Theme: Brand Names for Chocolate/Candy Bars

17A: Giggler's treat?: Snickers

42A: One for all and all for one treat: Three Musketeers

65A: Astronomer's treat?: Milky Way

Also, 12D: Generic Treats: Candy Bars.

37D: Generic treat: Chocolate

It's a sweet puzzle. But some of the clues were beyond my knowledge, ie, 35D: Prehistoric tomb (CIST), 28D: Cardinal flower (LOBELIA), 51D: Pagliacci role (TONIO), 63A: Bacchante (MAENAD).

I don't like the clue for 18D: Hot peppers: CHILIES. Hot pepper is either chili or chile or chilli. I am confident of my across fills, so I guess this fake chilie stays here today. (Update: The plural form of chili is either chilies or chilis. So, the crossword clue is right. I was wrong. My bad. I should have checked the dictionary before I commented).

Here are some of the highlights, please correct me if I am wrong.

1A: O. T. book: ISA (Isaiah)

8A: "Two Women" director: De Sica. Sophia Loren won Oscar for her role in this movie.

14A: Mil. installation: NAS (Navy Air Station)

15A: French religious figures: STES

19A: Actress Moreau: JEANNE. French actress.

24A: Write Dickens: MONICA. Great-granddaughter of Charles Dickens.

27A: Actor Mineo: SAL (sorry for the typo earlier).

29A: "Enola __": GAY

32A: Director Browning: TOD. Director of "Dracula".

36A: Set in motion: ACTIVATE

40A: Dwarfed tree: BONSAI. Knew this Japanese miniature tree, but forgot the spelling.

44A: L'chaim and prosit: TOASTS. (Jewish & German)

45A: Show on TV: TELECAST

46A: H. S. subj. SCI

49A: Droop: WILT

58A: Nancy of "Pollyanna": OLSON. Unknown to me.

60A: Gadgeteer Popeil: RON. But wait, there is more!

61A: Vocalized team spirit: RAHS. Feel a bit awkward to me.

63A: Bacchante: MAENAD. Never, never heard of this word. "A priestess or female votary of Bacchus". Too hard. Both the clue and the answer.

68A: New York prison: ATTICA

69A: Morse code: DIT

Down clues:

1D: Concisely, briefly: IN SUM

2D:__ Domingo: SANTO

5D: Goddess of folly: ATE. Here is the definition from "an ancient Greek goddess personifying the fatal blindness or recklessness that produces crime and the divine punishment that follows it."

8D: Erving of hoops: Dr. J (Julius Erving)

11D: Corfu's location: IONIAN SEA.

18D: Hot peppers: CHILIES.

22D: CD's competition: DAT (Digital Audio Tape)

25D: Interviewer Dick: CAVETT.

26D: "Born Free" writer: ADAMSON (Joy)

28D: Cardinal flower: LOBELIA. New to me.

31D: R-V hookup: STU

33D: You don't say!: Do Tell!

35D: Prehistoric tomb: CIST. Note to you, this word can also be spelled as Kist, in case the crossword editor wants to trick us next time.

36D: Lawyers: abbr.: ATTS (Attorneys)

38D: Lionel products: TRAIN SETS

41D: Hummingbirds' eatery: NECTARY

43D: London garden: KEW. Royal Garden in Britain.

51D: Pagliacci role: TONIO. Here is more information.

53D: Mausoleums: TOMBS

55D: Like cut wood: SAWED

56D: Light olive brown: KHAKI

59D: Table salt: NACL

66D: Unit of illumination: LUX

67D: Vocal pitch: KEY

I am exhausted. Blog software acts weird this morning.

C. C.


  1. Good job except 27A...Sal Mineo...handsome actor of earlier years. "Chilies" is wrong...I agree with you. You help my day to be a good one, regardless. Thank you for your help.

  2. "Pollyanna" is a children's book from the early 1900s. Disney adapted the movie in 1960 with Hayley Mills.

    Sal Mineo is best known to me for his role in "Rebel Without a Cause."

  3. Thanks for pointing out the Sal Mineo mistake, Anonymous. After reading your comment, I decided to double check "chilies", and found out "chilies" is actually a correct plural form of chili.

    Mkatesq, I only associated James Dean with "Rebel Without a Cause", never knew that Sal Mineo was in it. Thanks also for the "Pollyanna" explanation.

    C. C.

  4. 6d- is pert another term for sassy

  5. Hi Anonymous, thanks for stopping by. Sometimes I ignore the clues/answers if I feel they are self-evident to everyone. I just get tired of keying in the words.

    I thought of putting a picture of my puzzle result on my blog. But I make so many mistakes, every day, and it just looks so ugly.

    Maybe in a few weeks time I can make some progress and produce some neat pictures.



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