, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tribune Media Puzzle Pattern Poll

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Feb 29, 2008

Tribune Media Puzzle Pattern Poll

I am convinced that the Tribune Media puzzle (Monday to Saturday) does not follow the tougher-as-the-week-goes pattern as the New York Time's puzzle does. But obviously some of you disagree.

I want to take a poll. Please vote. I will announce the result on March 3 Monday.

Also, the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament is holding their annual competition on Saturday and Sunday. Both Orange and Rex Parker will be there. I just want to wish them good luck.

C. C.


  1. Hey!

    I do think the puzzles increase in difficulty as the week goes on. Perhaps not as regularly as the NY Times, but I definitely have run into my share of really difficult Friday and Saturday TMS puzzles. For years I didn't even bother with Mondays and Tuesdays because they were too easy. I have started doing them again because I am working on some puzzle construction and it's useful to see all levels of difficulty. Who knows? Maybe someday, I'll have a puzzle in the TMS or the NYT !!! Wouldn't that be a hoot?


    P.S. I did vote in the poll. It will be interesting to see how it comes out. :)

  2. I Like the high releif clue,
    lots of e's and o's and an a,

  3. Its no fun doing a puzzle with words so obscure that even educated folks never heard of them. MCP??? Not clever

  4. joseph,

    I agree. But alto-relievo has yet to make an appearance in the TMS puzzle.

    I also find aioli to be attractive. I wonder why crossword puzzle constructors tend to shun it.

    Anonymous at 4:04pm,

    I second your opinion.

    C. C.

  5. To some extent, I agree, but I don't think that would be a consistent statement. Usually sat puzzles are harder, and Thursday has that quote which is hard for me.

    I also agree with anon at 4:04.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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