, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday July 6, 2008 Michael T.Williams

Gary's Blog Map

Jul 6, 2008

Sunday July 6, 2008 Michael T.Williams

Theme: What's Cooking?

23A: Ideas to consume?: FOOD FOR THOUGHT

33A: Regain one's cool in the kitchen?: SIMMER DOWN

35A: Much to do in the dining room?: FULL PLATE

54A: Chef's doomed instructions? RECIPE FOR DISASTER

80A: Take in dinner conversation?: DIGEST INFORMATION

101A: Dispense freely in the lunch line: DISH IT OUT

103A: Steamed in the stove?: BOILING MAD

117A: Entree at a tribute?: CELEBRITY ROAST

I really like how SPEAR (31D: Asparagus unit) intersects NECTARS (48A: Bees' finds) & FULL PLATE. I am not sure if CLARET (32D: Red table wine) pairs well with TUNA (62A: Yellowtail or albacore). LAMB would be a beautiful companion for this flavorful wine. STIR (114D: Mix up) is a perfect closing for the puzzle, very thematic.

The clue for FNN (35D: Stock-ticker stn) is simply wrong. FNN (Financial News Networking) stopped ticking in 1991. Anyone who loves CNBC's Sue Herera/Ron Insana should know that.

Only 2 Roman numerals in the grid, but the clues just feel so heavy. "Caesar's 701" would be great for 67A: Fifth of MMMDV (DCCI), and it matches nicely with IDES (85A: Bad day for Caesar"). Can you come up with a better clue for MCL (83D: Twice DLXXV)?

The "He or/and He" clues are very annoying. I understand this might be the constructor's intention to highlight his CELEBRITY ROAST theme answer, still, way too many names for my taste. Besides, don't you think John EDWARDS would be a more topical clue for EDWARDS (95D: Blake or Ralph)? I would go with "Winter Olympics participant" for SKATER (102D: Boitano or Button). I got BESTS (103D: George and Edna) from the across fills. I am not familiar with either of them. Would be a gimme if the clue were "Outperforms".

On the other hand, I am elated to see ALECTO (98D: One of the Furies) makes an appearance today. Her sister MEGAERA tortured many of us yesterday. Be prepared, the last Fury TISIPHONE is ready to attack us SOON (27A: At any minute), I can almost feel her whip and torch. For those who only do TMS Sunday puzzle, once again, Bouguereau's "Orestes Pursued by the Furies". Furiously awful, isn't it, esp compared with Raphael's Three Graces.


1A: Shout approval: ACCLAIM. Would have filled in BRAVO if there were only 5 blanks.

14A: Zero of Broadway: MOSTEL. Foreign to me. He won three Tony Awards, amazing. Why was he nicknamed "Zero"?

21A: Sustained note: TENUTO. Not familiar with this musical term. It's defined as "(of a note, chord, or rest) held to the full time value." Sound so abstract to me.

25A: East African country: RWANDA. Did anyone pen in the bordering UGANDA?

26A: Protection grp for pets: SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

30A: Subatomic particle: ANION. Negatively charged ION.

31A: Hit the slopes: SCHUSS. Boy, I always crash (definitely Bode Miller style) on this word. Really struggled with the letter H and the first S.

41A: Queasiness: NAUSEA . Also the English title of Sartre's novel "La Nausée".

44A: Word Series semis: NLCS (National League Championship Series). And 87A: Associations of teams: LEAGUES.

48A: Bees' finds: NECTARS. I suppose that's where NECTARINES get their sweetness.

64A: Lancelot's lady: ELAINE. I always forget her name. Can only think of Queen Guinevere. What a destructive love affair!

65A: Brave feats: COUPS

72A: Household gods of Rome: LARES. Unknown to me. Very interesting, the singular form is LAR.

77A: Rocky outcrop: CRAG

79A: Sure thing: CERT. I've never heard of CERT expression before.

86A: Resin used in plastics: ACRYLIC. I am more familiar with ACRYLIC painting than with "Resin used in plastics".

93A: Dog dogger: FLEA. I like the alliteration in the clue. Also SIC (39A: __'em, Fido). And ASTA (113D: Nora's dog). From "The Thin Man".

97A: Hypnotic state: TRANCE

111A: LeSage's "Gil __": BLAS. Have never heard of "Gil BLAS" before. Did not know until today that it's Alain-René LeSage who said "Facts are stubborn things", always thought it was from some Machiavellian politician.

123A: Retired faculty members: EMERITI

124A: Netlike caps: SNOODS

125A: Bean and Welles: ORSONS. ORSON Bean is new to me.

126A: Palindromic vehicle: RACECAR. Interesting, I've never paid attention to this before.


4D: Queen of Sparta: LEDA. I confused her with DIDO, who's actually "Queen of Carthage". It would be a gimme for me if there were a "Swan" hint in the clue.

5D: Booze, butts and bullets bureau: ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms). And 93D: Patted down: FRISKED.

7D: Actress Mason: MARSHA. No idea. She was in "The Goodbye Girl".

8D: Cultural value systems: ETHOSES. Tough cookie for me, esp since I had trouble with the intersecting SCHUSS. I thought ETHOS was already a plural form. See also 12D: Cultural: ETHNIC.

9D: Geological periods: AEONS. And And 81A: Glacial epoch: ICE AGE.

10D: Wildebeest: GNU. Why is he looking so sad?

11D: Classic Dracula: LUGOSI (Bela). Are you OK with the clue?

14D: Soviet orbiter: MIR. Literally "Peace" in Russian. So easy to confuse it with the Russian warplane MIG.

11D: Ahead: ONWARDS

29D: Mosaic pieces: SMALTI. The singular form is SMALTO, "colored glass or similar vitreous material used in mosaic". New English word to me.

38D: D-Day craft: LST (Landing Ship, Tank)

43D: Verizon, formerly: GTE (General Telephone and Electronics)

47D: Staunch: ARREST. Ah, the verb. I was adamantly "ARDENT" for a long time.

49D: Gust of wind: SCUD. No, nope, always thought SCUD was a missile. Wanted GALE.

52D: Soft-drink choice: FRESCA. My heart belongs to Pepsi.

53D: Musician Hayes: ISAAC. It's on a TMS puzzle before. I just forgot. I think I have very selective memories. I only remember what excites me, or rather what I want to remember.

55D: End of a bus.?: INC. I like this clue.

56D: Conciliate: PACIFY

58D: Maine national park: ACADIA. Got it this time.

59D: Meteoric fireball: BOLIDE. New to me. Pieced it together from the across clues. This word sounds like a chemical product to me.

60D: Protruding parts: BULGES. Wow, talk about protruding BULGES!

71D: Kite part: TAIL. Look at my beautiful TAIL.

76D: "The Tempest" role: ARIEL. ARIEL Sharon is still alive, isn't he?

78D: "Faust" poet: GOETHE. "Faust" is the poem from which we got "Faustian Bargain", isn't it?

84D: Nostril: NARIS. Plural is NARES.

88D: Mobster's rod: GAT. Slang for pistol.

90D: Old French coin: ECU

96D: Biscayne Bay city: MIAMI. I love Will Smith "MIAMI".

99D: Walk of life: CAREER. Walk? Not work?

104D: Singer K. T. __: OSLIN. Here is her "Hold Me".

106D: Small scale: MICRO

107D: Truman's V.P. Barkley: ALBEN. No memory of him at all. Was it a gimme to you?

111D: Cylinder diameter: BORE. Another new machinery term to me.

116D: '60s radical org.: SDS (Students for a Democratic Society)

118D: "Do Ya" rockers: ELO. "Do ya do ya want my love..."!



  1. good morning c.c. and all,

    don't get the sunday TMS puzzle but read your post, c.c.

    i like the food theme and probably would have managed those fills alright but alecto, (gil) blas, smalti, alben and tenuto are unknown to me. cert seems like a stretch.

    no idea why the name 'zero,' but he was in one of my favorite obscure movies 'the front' about the hollywood blacklist. actually was blacklisted and questioned by the HUAC - claimed the fifth.

    fun links. the protruding bulge does not look friendly.

  2. Morning all,
    Liked the theme today. Since I get the puzzle later on Saturday, I was able to do it after a neighborhood picnic on a full stomach. Otherwise, I think I would have had to take snack breaks. Tenuto, scud, lares, smalti, and some others were new to me. Never remember seeing Alben in a puzzle before and did not know Truman's VP. Ethoses, I'm not sure I can pronounce it properly. I'm with you C.C., always thought ethos was singular or plural. Live and learn.

  3. reasonable puzzle with a few new words. I thought101 was " dished Out" It caused some confusion I didnot know about singer K.T. or the italo. Otherwise good sunday morning exercise.


  4. Happy Sunday! I liked 95D because the second name of the clue is my first name and the answer (without the S) is my middle name. I thought the clue was appropriate because us oldsters would remember radio and television host Ralph and those who remember terrible actress Bo Derek would remember Blake's "10". She may look good but can't act for sh**
    Didn't like ethoses and ethnic so close together, let alone in the same puzzle.
    Another Fury today - Alecto. Yesterday was Megaera. In Greek they are called the Erinyes.
    I did like rap sheet letters (aka) close to Arrest (for staunch).
    Rwanda was spelled the common way this time.
    Notice the two similar answers - coop and coup(s)?
    I agree that FNN is defunct and it threw me for a bit.
    About time that acrylic is associated more with plastic than paint.
    Marsha Mason was also in "Heartbreak Ridge" with Clint Eastwood (one of his bad movies).
    The gnu is looking sad because he is standing on an open plain and probably is going to be eaten by a lion.
    Isaac Hayes - The Duke in "Escape From New York" and the voice of "Chef" on "Southpark" (or at least he was until his scientology religion conflicted with the show). He has been in puzzles before.
    Hope everyone had a great 4th. Today is Republican Day.

    Had to babble a bit today as I was on vacation most of last week and the weekend and didn't get to the site. Not that I did anything special - just didn't get to the crossword until very late in the day.

    Have a good one.

    Dr. Dad

  5. I looked through the last couple of days' comments. No one missed me! I am so sad! Think I'll go eat worms.

  6. Good morning CC etal,
    Aside to drdad - you are always missed when you don't appear here.
    Had some trouble/google with names, but otherwise all went well.
    CC: I have "dishitout" for 101A. Alternate clue for MCL could be "Knee injury" - a Medial Collateral Ligament injury is fairly common, especially among lineman in football. Also, "Zero" Mostel was nicknamed by a nightclub press agent who said "here's a guy who's starting from nothing".
    Happy Sunday everyone!

  7. Hayes wrote the scores for several films of which SHAFT is his best known song and earned him an Academy Award for Best Original Song. I think he later won a few Grammies


    Who's the black private dick
    That's a sex machine to all the chicks?
    Ya damn right!

    Who is the man that would risk his neck
    For his brother man?
    Can you dig it?

    Who's the cat that won't cop out
    When there's danger all about?
    Right On!

    They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother
    I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft.

    He's a complicated man
    But no one understands him but his woman

  8. Good morning all.

    c.c., Im at my sister's today and they have a high speed connection; what a difference. I can see all your links in a blink, really can appreciate them. They get the Berkshire Eagle and it had today's puzzle in it but when I checked their online copy, it had the Universal puzzle.

    The hunt goes on for an online TMS Sunday puzzle that matches your's.

  9. Good morning CC & DF's:
    YEA!!!!! drdad is back!!! you were sorely missed here. Hope you had a wonderful time, w/no problems and great weather. Dick should be back soon too. Dennis was holding UP the fort admirably, being the morel guy he is, but I think he's got some competition w/the bulge link. Gives a whole new dimension to prick-ly! My oh my! I'm gone! Welcome back, drdad!

  10. Hello Cc and DFs. Happy to be back home and have the TMS to enjoy. I did not get a paper all week so did not have much mind exercise.

    I had MIR for 14D so Rwanda was a gimmie. I thought Cert was a real stretch.

    This was a good puzzle and I sailed through it until the SW corner. I did not know 103D George and Edna and 105D Aviator Balboa. 124A Snoods was here recently so that helped. I so wanted to put ARDENT for 47D but just could not make it fit.

    11D Classic Dracula was OK with me. I guess it is an age thing as Bela Lugosi was always associated with Dracula in my earlier life.

    Drdad welcome back although I did not miss you as I was gone also.

    Lois thanks for knowing that I would be back soon.

  11. Melissa,
    RE 60D: BUDGES. I bumped into this guy's blog while searching for some information on Adam Scott whom I have followed since his European Tour. The author of the blog is using the BULGES picture to demonstrate his opinion on some British condom manufacturer's longer/harder claim. Thank you for checking in on Sunday.

    I think there are more cooking methods (Simmer, Roast, Boiling)in the theme answers.

    Don't you get weekday TMS puzzles? ITALO was in yesterday's puzzle.

    I missed you. Thank you for "Erinyes". I did not know that lions eat gnus.

    Thank you for "Zero". I like your MCL clue. Have corrected my DISH OUT mistake.

    Thank you for the Shaft lyrics.

    Don't waste your effort hunting for stuff that does not exist.

  12. Lois,
    Wow, I am glad I asked you about ASTOR yesterday. I would have never got it. Now, does "Touch and Go" have similar Lois-que connotation? Also, I have been long confused about your version of "castle" & "king" & "enthrone" stuff, what are the fun behind them? Please write me an email if they are too racy for the blog! Thank you.

    As I told Mww earlier, 105D ITALO was just on yesterday's puzzle. I also have a question for you. On June 27 Friday, your comment @3:27pm "OMG Dennis and Drdad they have written a poem about the 3 D's." I presume you are referring to Bill's Oosik poem, but why 3 D's connection?

  13. Cc for some reason I think that Lois thinks the three D's are like the Oosik. Maybe that is wishful thinking on my part.

  14. Good afternoon, c.c. and all,

    I got about 80 % of the puzzle done without Googling. At that point, I decided I wanted to read your blog and the comments more than I wanted to finish the puzzle. *G*

    Welcome back guys, we missed you.

    I had to dig for "tenuto." It's been ages since I learned that term, and I wonder if it is used more in orchestral music than wind music. Essentially it is a style of performing where you give each note it's full value. Tenuto is similar to "legato," in that the music is very smooth, and the notes connect to each other, no spaces between them. The opposite of tenuto would be "staccato," where the note is very short and articulated hard. I hope this helps.

    A good week to you all!

  15. CC: A 'touch and go'is a term pilots use for practicing landing and of course in 'lois-que' (as you so cutely put it) it can mean a 'quickie'.

    In checkers, to 'king' your opponent means that you have to put a captured man on top of your opponent's man when he reaches your side of the board. He does the same to you when you reach his side of the board. Kings have special powers and privileges. I don't play chess but Castling in chess and enthroning in general are similar in meaning to me (dennis-isms) and basically are just funny...all just a matter of how you stack them. Hope this helps.

  16. Adding to Lois's comment about "touch and go," sailors use the term, too. A "Touch and Go" is an area in the harbor that is used for quick loading of passengers and supplies. Boats are docked just long enough to make the transfer, and then they are on their way. A quickie! *G*

  17. I was surprised you didn't comment on your blog on 30 A in this weekend's cross word ( which I get in the Saturday Toronto Globe & Mail).

    An anion is not a sub-atomic particle. It is an ionized atom.

    This had me stumped no end.

    Enjoy your blog though.


  18. Dick: Holy Hotwick Pants Bulge! are you implying that you and the D's are NOT oosik-like? Say it ain't so! I refuse to believe it could be true! I'm going to forever hold firm!

  19. I agree - ethoses and cert are real stretchs.


  20. Dick & Lois,
    Thank you for clearing out the fog. Now the weather is beautiful!

    Re: "Tenuto". Thanks. I learn so much from you on these musical terms.

    I did not possess the knowledge to complain about the clue.

    Those two words do exist in the dictionary though.


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