, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Limit on Comments

Gary's Blog Map

Aug 1, 2008

Limit on Comments

I would like to keep the comments around 100 per day. I've been having great difficulty managing the posts in the past 2 weeks.

Please write fewer but longer posts. They can be equally as enjoyable as the back-and-forth banters if you stretch your imagination and get creative in your wording.

Posts after #100 should be exclusively for the further discussion of that specific day's crossword.

Thank you for the understanding.



  1. C.C., you might want to make it clear that it's a question of sheer numbers, and nothing to do with content. Seems the censor of the masses is confused.

  2. C.C., you've created a very nice place to resolve puzzle issues and generally have a good time with the morning coffee. I think we posters can never say it enough. Thank you! I don't know how much time you put it here, but, as for me, lay down whatever rules you need. Best, Ken

  3. Ken said it for me, too, C.C. I'm sure I couldn't deal with all the e-mail, and I don't expect you to, either. Thanks for the guidelines.

  4. C.C. You have my co-operation too, anything you want! We all have had so much enjoyment from this blog and I am sure we all want it to continue.

  5. C.C. I appreciate your work and your generosity in hosting this crossword site. I regret that so many people were so angry about the comments of their fellow bloggers that they were mean to each other. It's your column; you run it.

  6. I echo the statements of dennis, carol and the others. I have too much respect for you and this community to do otherwise. Your wish is our command.

  7. C.C. I have nothing but respect for the house you've built. Happily, I go wherever you lead.


  8. Hi C.C., as one of the lurkers, I prefer to be known as a silent enjoyer! I have learned so much from you and the bloggers about CWs. I will continue to enjoy from the wings, and thank you for this great effort. Off to volunteer at the senior open here in Colo. Springs. Have a great weekend C.C.

  9. C.C., I agree with you, however, it'll be hard to keep the fun down. Most of the comments, although unrelated to the puzzle, are a lot of fun and can put you on the floor in stitches. But I agree. We'll try to keep the comments related to the puzzle.

  10. Dennis et al,
    Let me make it crystal clear that the reason behind my limit on the comments is NOT because of the subject matter, which has been perfectly fine with me. The simple truth is that I am very overwhelmed by the unexpected development of this blog, and I am not prepared to handle this heavy demand on my time and my attention. Please give me some time and let me do things my own way.

  11. C.C. - You are just awesome! Thank you for your patience with all of your DFs. As you are the owner of the best blog going, I will always do my best to make it easier for you.

    Again thanks for all you do, sorry we have been so chatty lately.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

Please click on Comments Section Abbrs for some blog-specific terms.

Please limit your posts to 5 per day and cap each post length at about 20 lines in Preview mode.

No politics, no religion and no personal attacks.