, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday September 15, 2008 Michael T. Williams

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Sep 15, 2008

Monday September 15, 2008 Michael T. Williams

Theme: Food Idioms

17A: Raring to go: FULL OF BEANS

26A: Male body part: ADAM'S APPLE

36A: Braggart's cry: EAT YOUR HEART OUT

49A: Face-saving disdain: SOUR GRAPES


I don't like 36A. I know people do eat HEART in some parts of the world, but it just conjures up such an unpleasant picture.

I thought of "hard nut to crack", "cool as cucumber", "bring home the bacon" and "cream of the crop", but none of them fits. Can you think of a 15-letter food idiom?

Too many abbreviations for my taste. SEL (3D: Choice abbr.) could easily be reworded as "French salt" to avoid this annoying "abbr." in the clues. The clue for TORTES (13D: Rich cakes) is very amaterish, as CAKE is part of the answer for 58A. Xchefwalt might not like "Flourless dessert", but it's a perfect clue here.

I think Dennis has warped my thinking. I pictured this sacred Greek stone (Herm) and the "frank and beans" in front when I read 26A: Male body part.


1A: Phylicia or Ahmad: RASHAD. Ha, the Pop Secret commercial couple.

15A: Satellite of Saturn: RHEA. She is also the mother of Hera/Zeus/Hades.

29A: Disney dwarf: SLEEPY. And Sneezy, Dopey, Doc, Happy, Bashful and Grumpy.

33A: "Straight Is the Gate" writer Gide: ANDRE. I've never heard of this book. (Addendum: The correct book title is "Strait Is the Gate"). But why obsessed with Gide all the time? How about pianoist/conductor ANDRE Previn (Mia Farrow's ex) or this ANDRE?

42A: Govt. security: T BILL (Treasury BILL). I've always liked this misleading clue.

44A: Largest piggy?: BIG TOE. The sophisticated podiatric term is hallux.

48A: Graphic artist M. C. ___: ESCHER. I only know this "Relativity". Not familiar with his other works.

53A: Australian isl: TASM. It's here. Why are this Tasmania Devil's ears red?

64A: Way in, in brief: ENT (Entrance). Hard one! I kept reading the clue as "Way in, in briefs".

66A: Went out: EXITED. Very quick "in" and "out".

67A: His: Fr.: SES. Or her/its.

68A: Daly of "Cagney & Lacey": TYNE. Know her name, not familar with "Cagney & Lacey".

69A: Albert Pinkham and Winona: RYDERS. Know Winona, not Albert Pinkham.


1D: Coast of Morocco: RIF. This has become a gimme to me. Here is map again.

3D: "2001" mainframe: HAL

6D: Pay for: DEFRAY

9D: Bo's number: TEN. No idea. Who is Bo? Why TEN?

10D: Swed. flyers: SAS

30D: Picture taker, briefly: PHOTOG

34D: Org. of Rangers and Ducks: NHL. I would prefer the clue to be "Org. with Penguins and Ducks". It's more fun, would be very misleading for those who do not follow hockey.

37D: Over in Ulm: UBER. Vs. UNTER.

38D: Delicacy: TACT. I was thinking of this delicacy. I vodka and caviar you.

44D: Backs of singles: B SIDES

45D: Cut stinger: IODINE. Are you OK with this clue?

48D: Old Testament book: ESTHER

51D: Calvin or Rodney: PEETE. Know golfer Calvin PEETE, not familiar with Rodney PEETE.

56D: Lolita-ish: SEXY. I've never read "Lolita", have you?

61D: Plunk starter?: KER. Or "Flop starter?". What else?

63D: Goddess of folly: ATE. If not for EAT in theme answer 36A, I would prefer the clue to be a simple "Had a bite", considering so many food choices in today's puzzle.



  1. I beleive that the "10" refers to a Bo Derek movie.

  2. Ghbabe,
    Thank you. I was not aware of this movie "10". I kept thinking Bo was the name of a gymnast, and TEN sounded like a perfect score for her.

  3. Morning, folks!

    Bit of a struggle for me this morning, although I eventually managed to get through it unassisted. I did not know RIF (glad it's a gimme for you, C. C.) ANDRE Gide or SAS, but managed to get them via the perps. And I initially had AVID instead of AGOG for 5D, which messed me up for awhile.

    When I first saw the "Bo" clue, all I could think of was the athlete Bo Jackson and figured that TEN was his jersey number. It wasn't until after I solved the puzzle and went to Google him to see if I was right that I suddenly remembered Bo Derek and her famous movie.

    I've always been a huge fan of M.C. Escher's works. Here is his famous "Rind" and here is my own interpretation of it that I did for a Photoshop contest.

    Oh, and C. C. -- I think the food metaphor in 36A is simply the EAT part. I don't think it's really talking about HEART as a food item, since the expression EAT YOUR HEART OUT is an idiom that means the same thing as "so there!" or "nyah, nyah!" and doesn't literally have anything to do with eating anything.

  4. Hi. Only have a few minutes before class. I still don't know 16 across, 31 across, 11 down, 12 down or 28 down. Oh well. Maybe I'll do some googling after class.


  5. Good Morning, C.C. & DFs,

    There is a problem with that book name. As your picture shows, it should be Strait is the Gate and not "Straight is the Gate". Two entirely different words with different meanings.

    Today's theme should have had August Moon Cakes, am I right?

  6. Good morning, c.c. and gang - late start this morning; beautiful day here, so I got an early bike ride in.

    Got through this one pretty easily with a bit of perp help. I enjoyed the picture of Herm -- should make men everywhere feel pretty good about themselves. I assume he never had children?

    I had a different meaning for 'Raring to go' after seeing the answer.

    Do people still use iodine?

    Have a great Monday - been a while since we had a day when no one was worried about severe weather.

  7. Barry,
    Very impressive ESCHER interpretation. I know RIF because it keeps coming up on our Sunday puzzles. I see your point on 36A. Still a strange theme entry to me since it does not fit the other "food" pattern. Also, I know pwn/pwned, but what is p3wn/p3wn? What does 3 stand for?

    16A: CHO
    31A: AVAILS
    11D: SCAMPI
    12D: SHRILL
    28D: AVERTS

    Wow, you are right about the book name. Moon cake? You are so sweet!

    What is an "odd duck"?

    "BEMAS (Down east pronunciation of the BMW)". I don't understand this comment.

  8. Better than last week! Didn't finish w/o help but finished all the same.
    33a: had no idea 'cause I didn't see the whole clue. Read it as "Straight To The Gate" writer. No NOTION til I got here and saw CC's "Gide" at the end of the clue. Looked at mine again and, sure enough there it was, on a line all by itself, tucked under the rest of the clue. I even had on my cheater glasses and still didn't see it!!!
    42a: started with TNOTE then got uBer, so changed it to TBOND. There, that'll work!! OOPS! No, it won't!
    33d: no notion
    34d: obviously a Hockey league, but which one??
    35d: What ATL Coast state could end with "D"??
    As you can see, without "ANDRE", none of the others would make sense.
    I guess I need to increase the strength of me cheaters!!!
    Good xword though. All the rest was easily getable by the adjacent fills, even if I didn't know exactly what I was getting!!
    Let's see:
    BO Derek
    OSTE (bone)
    I guess that's enough to set somebody OFF.
    BTW, I do not like 25D AT ALL.
    Office asst. ??? To me secretaries are a lot more than ASSISTANTS. In my experience a secretary is the one who runs the office. Maybe I’m being to picky but that seems to denigrate the position.
    ‘Nuff said,
    CYA’ll later.

  9. Old fighter's scars: CAULIFLOWER EARS

  10. settled one's hash: to have silenced or subdued someone by decisive action.

  11. CC, Since Barry is our resident
    downeaster", I'll let him fill you in. I was actually poking a little fun at him for the accent I'm sure he must have!!!
    OK, Barry, you're on!!!

  12. Dennis: If HERM had kids they were probablt CHIPS off the ole block!!

  13. Also, I know pwn/pwned, but what is p3wn/p3wn? What does 3 stand for?

    I'm not sure the 3 really stands for anything, unless it's just a sideways "w". But p3wned is just an extreme leet (l34t) spelling of pwned (which is itself a leet spelling of "owned").

    "BEMAS (Down east pronunciation of the BMW)". I don't understand this comment.

    BMWs are often referred to as "Beemers". The stereotypical New England accent drops the letter R from the end of many words, so it would be pronounced "beemahs" or, if you prefer, BEMAS.

  14. Sorry, that should be l33t and not l34t. In full, though, it's l337sp34k (numerical representation of leetspeek, which is derived from "elite speak", as in "only the elite know what what we are saying").

  15. Thanks, Barry! I knew you were up to it!
    Sorry, I couldn't resist . Spent a lot of time making pick-ups and deliveries in the great northeast and some accents are so strong that you have to listen closely to decipher whats being said!!!

  16. Good morning, C.C. and all. This filled slowly but surely. There were lots of fills from the perps for me; I enjoy a puzzle such as this one.
    4D reminded me of how HAL got its name. Arthur C. Clarke, a brilliant writer, drived HAL from Heuristic ALgorithmic. Someone noted that by changing each letter to the following letter, ie, H to I, A to B and L to M, one comes up with IBM. It was assumed that this was a bit of cleverness on someone's part, but Clarke stated it was not true but purely coincidental, despite the popularity of the story.

  17. I actually had no trouble with this one at all! Those I didn't know came out quickly with the crosses. And I liked the theme.
    Dennis, I feel the same way about "raring to go".
    c.c., an odd duck is someone who is a bit eccentric, in a humorous, likeable kind of way.

  18. C.C.,

    Thanks. For some reason I kept thinking of ANN Margaret. Margaret CHO never came to me. I should have gotten SHRILL because the same word was used in a puzzle back in July or August. I blame it on having too many classes in one day. Oh and I interpreted "heads off" to mean "begins a journey" or, possibly, "decapitate". The "intercepts" interpretation never came to me. Without the perps I couldn't get AVAILS. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


  19. Yes, '10' was a watershed movie with Bo Derek. Interesting to read about John Derek and his women.

    I'm OK with IODINE as 'Cut stinger' although it took me some time to figure it out. Moms used to put iodine on our cuts and scrapes and it usually stung like crazy - although it was probably the alcohol that actually was doing the stinging.

    Good puzzle today - just hard enough.

  20. Good Morning. Liked this puzzle. I got stuck on 22A, I answered swap. 29A I answered Grumpy, and so it took me a while to give it up and erace. Even though I have seen 44D before I spent a few minutes looking at the back of a dollar bill, until (smack in the head here) I got it. Bsides. Have a nice Monday.

  21. 9D: Bo's number: TEN. No idea. Who is Bo? Why TEN?
    I kept thinking Bo was the name of a gymnast, and TEN sounded like a perfect score for her.

    That was the premise of the movie; that Bo Derek was a "Ten" as in the sexist notion of rating women 1 to 10.

  22. Hi all. I hope Chris in LA is OK. as well as any others in this blog who are affected by Ike.
    I do not like 58A. I've never heard it to mean "win". It usually is a sarcastic comment about something being over the top. "That takes the cake!" if someone gets away with something.
    "Eat your heart out" refers to heart as a feeling, i.e.; heart ache about love, etc. It's not a food reference, so doesn't truly belong.
    I've lost my blog ability again. Sigh

  23. C.C.

    I had know idea there were so many kinds of M O O N C A K ES

  24. Easier puzzle today.

    Check out pic. It's one of M. C. Escher's work.

    I'll be back later...

  25. 15 letter food idioms

    "grist for the mill"

    "meat and potatoes"


  26. August Mooncakes? Why? Isn't today the Harvest moon? ... Harvest Mooncakes? Either way, we here in the usa could use an additional reason to celebrate anything, and mooncakes for full moons seem a rather appetizing reason to do so. Never seen a mooncake before. Maybe the queen and her subjects would have fared better had she suggested to "let them eat mooncakes."

  27. "August Moon"--maybe from the play called "Teahouse of the August Moon" set in immediately postwar Okinawa. Comical encounters between cultures--the locals and the occupying US forces.

  28. Good Morning All, Maybe it was NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA, but today's puzzle came pretty easily for me. There were a few "Hmmm" moments, but I switched directions and managed all the fills. It was fun to go back to see the unfilled words taking shape. ESCHER, ANDRE and IODINE were all helped by surrounds.

    I haven't thought about IODINE for many years. My mother always kept tincture of mercurochrome in the medicine cabinet. It didn't sting like iodine. Mercurochrome has been banned in the USA for quite a while. There was a concern about possible mercury poisoning. Isn't it strange that our 1950's teachers used to pour beads of mercury into our hands and let us poke it and roll it around in our palms?

    SARA Teasdale was with us again. Here's another of her poems. I called the last poem of hers we had, "stalking by poetry". She certainly was passionate in her love poems.

    The Tree of Song

    I sang my songs for the rest,
    For you I am still;
    The tree of my song is bare
    On its shining hill.

    For you came like a lordly wind,
    And the leaves were whirled
    Far as forgotten things
    Past the rim of the world.

    The tree of my song stands bare
    Against the blue --
    I gave my songs to the rest,
    Myself to you.

  29. I liked this puzzle. Not because it was easy – easy can be boring. But all the food clues were fun, and the male body part clue added a touch of suspense. I was working from right to left, so it was interesting for a while.

    Also like the ‘largest piggie’ clue, dog dogger and cut stinger.

    I agree with others on the definitions; full of beans and takes the cake were always sarcastic remarks in my experience, but I don’t mind the difference.

    I was sorry to finish; but it was great while it lasted.

    I’ve never eaten moon cakes – do they have filling?

    Repeats KERplunk, SOUR GRAPES and SARA Teasdale

  30. Good morning everyone! Not a bad puzzle for a Monday. Once I changed AVID to AGOG for 5D I got things to fall into place. Did not remember CHO, don't know Albert Pinkham RYDER, RIF is Morocco's coast?, and didn't know the full name of El CID. Also didn't know 33A but got it from the perps.

    48A was a gimme. He is Jeanette's favorite artist.

    @dennis Iodine is used to scrub down my arm before I get stuck to give blood, so it is still in use, but probably not in the home, I would think.

    @anonymous @ 7:16 Good one!

    @argyle @ 7:17 An even better one!

    @jojo Cute fill for switch positions. I never thought of it that way.

    @argyle Nice collection of mooncakes! I've never heard of them before, but they do look yummy.

    @terry Good additions as well. We have a rather inventive group here today.

    Have an outrageous Monday, all!!

  31. I found moon cakes to be an acquired taste. Not that there's anything remotely disgusting about them, but I just have trouble reconciling red bean paste with "sweet." They look nice, they smell nice, but they taste like, well, red bean paste...

  32. Good morning, C.C. and friends.

    Clear ayes, barb b and I are on the same track once more. This was an easy slide into our puzzle week. Two trips across and down, and it was done! I think kazie and jojo may be joining the group.

    kazie, thanks for explaining "odd duck."

    Escher has had an affect on the quilting world. There's interest in tessellated quilts, where one interlocking shape is used across the face of the quilt, like a colorful puzzle.

    Welcome, terry, and ghbabe.

    The water is abating in our neck of the woods. The road is high and dry once more, and I think all the trees made it through the storms. I hope those who have suffered through Ike are doing well.

    Have a good day, all!

  33. mark - Buenos Aires

    To me "agog" is open mouthed, rather than eager.

    Re eating heart, an old UK recipe is "mock duck" which is a cow´s heart base dish.

    Also, I thought scampi was a particular species of prawns common in Scandanavia rather than a variation of a recipe.

    happy Monday to all

  34. mark again

    10 was Dudley Moore´s rating for Bo Derek in the film, but the most famous scene was the juxtaposition of the sex with Ravel´s Bolero - quite memorable.

    Comments were made about the similarity of John Derek´s wife Bo with other wives Linda Evans from Dallas and Ursula Andress and apparently he photographed them all for Playboy magazine. A case of "Eat your heart out" no doubt.

  35. testing (to see if a the picture has changed to a tessellated quilt)

  36. Good morning C.C. & all

    A fairly easy one this morning but tough enough to make me think... and rethink. I originally wanted 'avoids' for 28D but the crosses caught that one for me. 15A 'rhea' was an unknown but the perps filled that in also. I thought the clue for 38D was really bad. It is really a streeettttchhh... IMHO! I also thought 30D was lame at best. Knew Bo's number but I personally thought the system that rated her that high was flawed. But, I liked Dudley Moore in the film. Did anyone see her 'Tarzan, the ape man' film? I guess I prefer a little intelligence.

    @mark - I'm with you on scampi...

    Not a single drop of rain yet for the month of September here in 'O'. It seems to make up for our lousy August but so quickly we forget the bad when we're surrounded by a beautiful fall day. Hope y'all survived Ike & the massive amounts of rain through its path.

    @Buckeye - Oops! Oh well, I don't think anyone else can beat them either. Oregon State will have their hands full!!! But, the Pac10is a funny conference... and on any given Saturday... yada, yada... but wait, they play on Thursday! Drats!

    Re: Iodine... isn't Betadine the replacement of choice due to alergic reactions with Iodine??? I think Tincture of Iodine is still available at most drug stores and Iodine tablets are used for water purification in survival kits. I carry it in my boat & haven't heard about a ban... yet!

    With that... I'm outta here!


  37. I should have remembered M.C. ESCHER more quickly than I did. G.A.H. has a book, "The World of M.C. Escher". It features 184 of his works, including this very famous Drawing Hands and one I thought C.C. would like Dewdrop

    I know it is different in other countries, but I think that SCAMPI is usually a snooty American menu notation to hike up the price of the shrimp ("Luscious shrimp scampi grilled to perfection").

    I'm afraid I agree with Barry about the taste of bean paste. Most of our food likes and dislikes were formed at a very young age. I still try cottage cheese once in a while, thinking I might have learned to like it. But I hated it when I was four years old and I still don't like it now.

  38. Dennis & Kazie,
    Re: "Raring to go". I'll bite. Explain to me which path you were coming/going with FULL OF BEANS.

    Thank you for letting me know your take on IODINE.

    Chris is sound and safe. I agree with you, EAT YOUR HEART does not belong here.

    Terry & Anonymous @ 7:16am,
    Thank you for the food idiom suggestions.

  39. Argyle,
    How do you pronounce "ayup"? Very nice moon cake photos. Thank you.

    OK, you sent me OFF. Clearly you know what you want to know. I wonder what Nancy is thinking.

    Interesting HAL/IMB connection.

    I've seen people eat real duck heart.

  40. A very easy puzzle...though I did not like TASM as the abbreviation for the Australian Island Tasmania. Rather like having a 4-letter fill ILLN as an abbreviation for Illinois. It fits, but it is not a standard abbreviation.

  41. @ Sallie:
    I'm OK - cleaning up after Gustav (4 - 100' pine trees down, one on the house), waiting on insurance, etc., etc. Ike was just windy, hardly any rain for me.
    Thanks for asking - I'm checking here every day, but have little time for input.
    Hope all are well - especially those in Houston, Galveston, etal.

  42. "Death is a distant rumor to the young."
    "Andy Rooney Some great prints are available for those interested in "infiniteness". I like this style as well as Salvador Dalí's. Always enjoyed the unexpected and the need to look deep into the nature of the painting. I don't like the Picassos.

    I saw "10" and was a fairly good flick with the monumental Bo Derek T think it was directed by her hubby John, but not sure. Dudley Moore was funny and good. He died some years ago of a weird brain illness.

    You probably enjoyed 26A clue... BUT it was not...

  43. Clear Ayes,
    You are amazing! I could only think of "Cup of Tea" earlier this morning. Is "You"="Tree of my song" in the poem? Thank you for the "Dewdrop". It melted my heart.

    It's sweet because of sugar & honey in the red bean paste.

    Barb B,
    No wonder you enjoyed this puzzle, you started with TORTES! Moon cakes are real delicacies. They are eaten only during Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls on August 15th in Chinese Lunar calendar (Sept 14, 2008). The moon is always bright and full, hence moon cakes.

    There are many different kinds of fillings: melt-in-your-mouth tender meat, creamy red bean paste, sweet & rich dates etc. Very often you will find 1 or 2 salted egg yokes in the center, a symbol of full moon. Sometimes I open a moon cake just to eat those 2 egg yokes, they taste so good. An irresistible blend of chewiness, saltiness & sweetness. Yummy.

  44. Good morning all
    I'm working very hard to keep up with kittyb,clear ayes,barb b,kazie, and jojo..but alas,I ended up with some empty squares. Acronyms, and abbrev. throw me. Explain "ate" for goddess of folly, and hal for 2001 mainframe.

    Escher is a fascinating artist. We constucted tesselations in my art class, which were always a bit bazarre(pig going one way, and birds flying the other way).Kids loved doing them. I can see why quilting would also use these tesselations. Can't wait to see that quilt, kittyb.Do you ever use a mandala pattern for quilts?

  45. Michael T. Williams,
    If you are reading this blog, please let me know the rationale behind EAT YOUR HEART OUT. Or was it actually intended as the possible theme title?

  46. Kittyb, thanks for inviting me into the "group"--but I'm not sure I qualify--I'm definitely not as artistic as you with your quilting, or clear ayes with her poetry.

    doesitinink, I agree about Tasm. An aussie would refer to it as Tassie (as in aussie, the "ss" is pronounced like a "z".

    c.c., If you've ever eaten a lot of beans, like lima, kidney, red beans, you'll need a quick trip to the bathroom several times the next day or sooner--hence "raring to go"! At the very least, it causes gas problems which can be nasty.

  47. 9:13 today. Only unknown was RIF (filled in from the crosses).

    I guess the movie "10" isn't very politically correct these days, but don't forget it was very, very funny. I think it is still considered a classic comedy movie.

    We used to eat chicken hearts all the time back growing up on the farm (no part of the bird went to waste). There are many recipes for the "giblets" and offal parts of various creatures.

  48. embien: I love chicken hearts lightly sauteed in butter. Yummy!

  49. Good afternoon CC and DF's: Like MH said, just hard enough. Did not like 6D. If I defray the cost, I postpone, avoid, lessen or suspend the payment. Laughed at Big Toe, which is bigger than the armless 26A's morel equipment. Bet he has some 'sour grapes' and eats his heart out wonder he stays stoned! Being 'full of beans' reminds me of the sloughing of the wind instruments again. Would hate to be that conductor! Gives a whole new meaning to 'classical gas'.

    Flyingears: I was getting so excited w/26A and could not wait to see this one 'come out'. What a disappointment on many levels!

    Bill: LOL! Cute comment!

    Thanks for the links, CC.

    Enjoy this gorgeous day. Off to an academic rally...yeah, right!

  50. lois,
    You are so funny and a great sport...

  51. due to the flooding in my neighborhood, no cars are allowed to enter our street including the delivery people so no paper... :-(( but at least classes were canceled!!!

  52. C.C.
    I've been looking at all the different moon cakes argyle posted, and talking to my friend from Taiwan. Wow. No WONDER you like french fries dipped in milk shakes - you grew up eating salt and sugar together. I think I would really like them.

    Someone in the library today mentioned liking melon pan when they were in Hong Kong, but they don't look quite as appealing.

    I've been waiting for someone to post "beans, beans, the musical fruit..."

  53. @barb b It's not nice to leave C.C. hanging like that: "The more you eat, the more you toot. The more you toot the better you feel, So let's have beans at every meal!!"

  54. Crockett,

    Thanks. I didn't want to be alone in that posting. :-)

  55. Kazie, I laughed at your description of me as "artistic". I read poetry, I don't write it. When I was younger and much more romantic, I tried writing a few sonnets, but even I thought they were way too juvenile and treacly.

    I do take art classes and sing in a chorus. It is just for fun and not because of some great talent.

    C.C. I think the poet is the tree and the leaves are her poems/songs. Her poetry is for anyone to see. The "You" is her lover/the wind. Once he shows up she lets go of her leaves and is stripped naked, emotionally and physically, for her lover to see her as she is. The leaves/poems/songs don't matter to her anymore. The rest of us can have them. She is giving her true self, the tree, to her lover/the wind.

    We used to line up in the kitchen on Thanksgiving day, begging for the turkey heart and gizzard. Grandma would cook them with the turkey and then brown them in lard. Seems like everybody was begging for a heart attack to go along with the heart and gizzard.

    Aluciddreamundreamt, is the flooding due to hurricane aftermath?

    The biggest problem with the movie "10" was that so many woman ran to their nearest salon and had their hair cornrowed. They seemed to think if they braided and beaded their hair, they would be mistaken for Bo Derek the next time they hit the beach. It looked fantastic on Bo, but totally ridiculous on 99.9% of the rest of the women who had them.

  56. 9D: Bo's number: TEN. No idea. Who is Bo? Why TEN?

    The name of the movie from 1979 was called "10"

    calling a girl a ten was the 1979 way of calling her a "hottie"

    56D: Lolita-ish: SEXY. I've never read "Lolita", have you?

    I have this movie.............

    Starring Jeremy Irons, Melanie Griffith and Dominique Swain

  57. back to the bean theme...
    In Frankfurt, there is a dish called Grüne Soße mit Musik--green sauce with music. When I asked about the music, they said it comes after a while--the sauce is not made of beans, but has the same properties.

    clear ayes, it takes an artistic temperament to appreciate poetry--it was in that sense that I meant it.

  58. I just changed up to the teen theme for my picture. I was 14 in this one. Pity we can't hold onto youth, isn't it?

  59. Blogger hates me. I've tried off an on all day to pull up a picture of a simple tessellating quilt, but every time I go to save the changes to my picture, it balks. Sorry ladies and gents. You'll have to go to Google and type in "tessellation quilts" to see some examples.

    Kazie, oh pshaw, girl! You fit right in with your mastery of multiple languages. Besides....I'm a dabbler in lots of things and a master of none. I think we should form a long distance Red Hat chapter for the ladies who do cross words and lunch! *G*

    Mark, I agree with you on AGOG.

    Carl, we've had more than a drop in the Chicago area. O'Hare Airport registered 12.91" by late Sunday evening, and it didn't stop raining until late morning on Monday. We must have gotten our rain, and your's, too!

    doesitinink, I agree with you on the TASM abbreviation. Awkward, isn't it?

    jd, get your red hat and join us! From Wikipedia: "HAL 9000 (Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic Computer) is a fictional computer in Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey saga." The book/movie where HAL is introduced is "2001: A Space Odyssey."

    And, no, I've never used a mandala pattern. I think I may have one of the early quilting books featuring mandalas, but at the time I got it, I wasn't far enough along in technique to make use of it, and it's been collecting dust all these years.

    Chris in LA, it's good to know that you are safe, and that the house is repairable.

    Lucid, are you in Chicago?

    Lois, you are such a hoot! *G*

    Have a good night, puzzlers.

  60. Kittyb, here's a couple of tesselation quilts for all to see Soaring High, Horse Head, Rhapsody. They are so beautiful. You have a lot more patience than I do.

    Kazie, thanks for the artistic compliment. I appreciate it.

    There was an earlier 1962 version of the movie, "Lolita". It starred James Mason, Shelley Winters, Peter Sellers and Sue Lyons. It was quite a sensation at the time. Lolita's age was raised from the book's 12 to 14 years for the movie. The censors might have shut down production otherwise. Interestingly, this first movie version of Lolita was directed by Stanley Kubrick, who also directed "HAL's" movie, "2001: A Space Odyssey".

    Here's a nice thought I received today via email from a good friend.

    Whatever you give, a woman will multiply.
    If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
    If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
    If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
    She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.

    So, fair warning... don't give her any crap.

    Goodnight all and sweet dreams!

  61. Make that "a few" tesselation quilts, not "a couple". They were so pretty, I couldn't stop linking.

  62. JD
    I am very much a beginner puzzler. I don’t very often do this puzzle with pencil, I do it online. That way, when I put a wrong letter in, it shows up red, and I don’t have the problem caused by misspelling, as in Abednigo – or Abednago. And putting in T note instead of T Bill to mess me up with the other letters. I consider myself a kindergarten student, and feel no guilt whatever for using training wheels. If you only had a few empty squares, and you didn’t do the puzzle online, then I vodka you, and hope to move up to your level when I grow up.

    Kazie –
    Huh? You have to qualify to be in the group? DRAT! Do you think they’ll let me stay? Oh, woe is me, if I have to have credentials. I’ll just throw myself on their mercy.

    KittyB- I love tessellation quilts, and I think there are a few very simple ones that I might attempt some day, like the T-block, that looks like little Kimonos. Thanks for trying to post the link. I still love your New York Beauty.

    Clear Eyes –

    That poem about women is priceless. I don’t ‘get’ Sara Teasdale, but this one is easy enough for even me. I take it the author is unknown?

    And the tessellation quilts? Absolutely amazing. Thanks.

  63. Kittyb,
    Thanks for the welcome. So glad I found this site.

  64. Monday 9/15/08 puzzle clue: Lolita-ish. Better to see the movie. It is a classic.

  65. Anonymous @3:47pm,
    Which version of "Lolita" is a classic? 1962 or 1997?


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