, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday Septemer 8, 2008 Allan E. Parrish

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Sep 8, 2008

Monday Septemer 8, 2008 Allan E. Parrish

Theme: A Few Drops of *OYLE

18A: Card game authority: EDMOND HOYLE

61A: "The French Connection" role: POPEYE DOYLE

3D: "Monster's Ball" co-star: PETER BOYLE

30D: 1940 Ginger Rogers movie: KITTY FOYLE

None of the above 4 theme answers were gimmes to me today. I've actually seen the movie "Monster's Ball", but I do not remember this name PETER BOYLE. Have heard of EDMOND HOYLE, but I could not retrieve his name so readily from my brain. The other 2 were complete strangers to me.

I did a quick google search, and found another *OYLE name, Allan MOYLE, the Canadian film director. But I suppose his name is way too obscure to be gridded in our puzzle.

But boy, what an arduous TOIL for me this morning! Too many unfamiliar names. Very hard struggle. Felt like it's tailor-made for Barry G.


1A: Milk-carton abbreviation: EXP

4A: "The Grapes of Wrath" family: JOADS. No idea. I've never read this novel or any of John Steinbeck's work.

9A: Pal of Porthos: ATHOS. And Aramis. The Three Musketeers. "One for all, and all for one".

15A: Jetson boy: ELROY. ASTRO is often clued as "Jetsons' dog".

20A: Model: EXEMPLAR

23A: Pine product: ROSIN. What's the difference between ROSIN and RESIN?

24A: Noted Swiss psychologist: JUNG (Carl). The only Swiss psychologist I know. Founder of Analytical Psychology.

27A: "My Life in Court": NIZER (Louis). I forgot. Identical clue in Parrish's June 24 puzzle. He sure loves names with letters J's & Z's.

33A: Family of Canadian quintuplets: DIONNE. The second girl from the left looks very pretty.

37A: Dockers' org: ILA (International Longshoremen's Association)

39A: Dernier __ (Latest fashion): CRI. "CRI de coeur" would be a great clue too. Kazie probably could come up with more.

40A: Cooper's Bumppo: NATTY. Unknown to me. I've never read "The Last of the Mohicans".

45A: Tea Party site: BOSTON. I was immediately thinking of a beautiful flowery GARDEN where afternoon tea is served, then realized that "Party" is capitalized.

48A: Chutzpah: MOXIE

51A: Artistic piece: OPUS. Ha, I got it this time. Aren't you proud of me? Here is some Mozart, for you, Lois. It's soul-calming.

53A: Letter flourish: SERIF

58A: Lounging attire: BATHROBE. Probably Garrison Keillor's choice, not mine. What do you wear when lounging around?

67A: Golfer Calvin: PEETE. He was the most successful African-American golfer before Tiger. I've never seen him play though. Nice vintage card (1981 Donruss), but it's worth much, even though it's a limited issue.


2D: PlayStation rival: XBOX. Launched in 2001. Microsoft product.

4D: Army vehicles: JEEPS. JEEP was the ultimate symbol of power when I grew up. Only the very high-ranking government officials had JEEPS.

5D: Tired pickup attempt: OLD LINE. I've never heard of "OLD LINE" being used in this sense.

6D: Big name in fashion: ARMANI. Here is George Clooney in ARMANI.

10D: Certain sandals: THONGS. Hmm, this is not the THONG I am wearing. I like the low-rise one.

11D: Wilhelm of Cooperstown: HOYT. He is the best knuckleballer in baseball history, isn't he?

12D: Heraldic border: ORLE. No idea. I know nothing about heraldry.

19D: "Advise and Consent" writer: DRURY (Allen). Another unknown. Wikipedia says he won Pulitzer for this novel in 1959.

24D: "Star Wars" warrior: JEDI

25D: Red of firefighting: ADAIR. Not a familiar name to me. He does look fiery.

28D: Preston rival: ZEREX. I forgot. This constructor used the same clue in his May 19 puzzle. Dennis said both of them are antifreezes.

31D: Rocker John: ELTON. I love his "Candle in the Wind".

32D: Singer Newton: WAYNE. I don't like him. I like this WAYNE.

45D: Crop pests: BEETLES

49D: Because follower?: I SAY SO

55D: Per unit: A POP

58D: Flapdoodle: BOSH. I did not know the meaning of "Flapdoodle". I only knew "Baloney" & "Hogwash". Maybe you can educate me today with more "Nonesense".

59D: Wally's bro: BEAV. I remember BEAVER from our previous slang discussion. Had no idea that it can be shortned to BEAV. Kind of similar to Barb or Barbara, isn't it?

60D: "Only Time" singer: ENYA. Beautiful song.



  1. "Half the lies they tell about me aren't true."
    =Yogi Berra

    Love Yogi's quips.

    I haven't seen C.C.'s solutions, BUT this puzzle is a category 7 in the puzzle scale!!! Tough one for a Monday. I'll be visiting later. Have to make my buck today.

  2. Good morning, c.c. and gang - nice way to start the week; kinda ease the brain back into gear, and gettable without the g-spot. Didn't know 'Joads' or 'Kitty Foyle', but they fell into place with the perps.

    c.c., thanks for the vikky secret catalog - there goes my Monday.

    Also, always good to see the beav in the morning.

    Have an outstanding day.

  3. I figure is a toughie... C.C. came to her site AFTER 6:45 am ET.

  4. flyingears, we may be taking a toll on her - she probably needs more sleep after dealing with us all day.

  5. Flyingears,
    What is Plate20face?

    When was the photo taken? Where are the dimples? I presume you would also have got NIZER without the perps?

  6. c.c., yes, 'nizer' was in there somewhere. Picture was taken at a celebration party just after the signing of the Magna Carta.

  7. Good morning, cc and all - today's puzzle was an effort in futility for me... Just too many unknown names caused numerous trips to see Mr G.

    Oh well thee only way to go this week is up. By the way Dennis seeing the beav at night is not all bad either. BTW Dennis did you have any damage from the storm?

    Have a great day.

  8. Rough one again this morning - not a typical Monday morning puzzle - again it took both Bill & I working together to come up with all the correct answers.

    It has been a long time since I have heard Flip Flops called Thongs. I know we used to call them that.

    I knew Hoyle for the card games but never heard his first name - Bill had to tell me the first name when I was getting ready to give up.

    Well have a 9:00 a.m. (EST) doctor appt. so will be leaving here in about 40 mins. Everyone have a great day.

    Nancy & Bill

  9. Good morning, C.C. & DF's.

    A big cloud hanging in New England this morning because of Brady's knee. We'll just have to wait and see.

    I liked C.C.'s "theme." I knew three of them all the way but didn't know Hoyle's first name. Got it from perps.

    Peter Boyle was Billy Bob Thornton's father in "Monster's Ball." His more famous role was as the monster in Mel Brooks' "Young Frankenstein." And then there is his role as Frank Barone in "Everybody Loves Raymond" for which he is probably best known.

    Though he wasn't an original member don't forget d'Artagnan.

    Natty Bumppo brings to mind a work by Mark Twain called "Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses" in which he details the absurdities and misconceptions in Cooper's writing of the story.

    Here is Eugene the Jeep whom, rumor has it, was the origin of the name. I don't know if it is true.

    Nice pictures of thongs and slinky, sexy lingerie, C.C.

    Red Adair is supposedly the basis for the movie "The Hellfighters" starring John Wayne as an oil well firefighter. Also starred Jim Hutton, Katherine Ross, and Vera Miles.

    Today is International Literacy Day amd National Boss/Employee Exchange Day. It is also Frank Cady's Birthday (born 09/08/1915). He played Sam Drucker on Petticoat Junction and Green Acres.

    Have a great day.

  10. dick, hanna was overrated by the time she got here - lots of blowing, but no big finish.

    Thanks for asking.

  11. drdad, another theory is that the name Jeep came from 'G.P.', or general purpose, as the vehicle was originally designated. No one knows for sure.

  12. flyingears there are so many "yogi" quotes but the two I like best are
    'I Really Didn't Say Everything I Said' and "When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It!" I suppose there are many others that could be included as favorites as he is very quotable.

  13. Morning, folks!

    Yeah, I was feeling pretty proud of myself after getting JOADS and ELROY right off the bat, and I actually knew who EDMOND HOYLE, PETER BOYLE and POPEYE DOYLE were. I didn't know KITTY FOYLE, but it was easily gettable via the perps. I also knew DIONNE, MOXIE, ROSIN, NATTY, ATHOS, JUNG and, of course, BOSTON.

    Having said all that, though, I ended up crashing and burning in the center section of the puzzle. I just couldn't get the crossing of NIZER and DRURY, and I wasn't even sure about the Z in ZEREX. For awhile, I thought that 28D was XEREX and that 27A was NIXEN, but that gave me DRUXY for 19 and that just looked wrong. Of course, DRURY looks just as wrong to me, so what do I know?

    And please, let's not talk about Tom Brady. I'm heartbroken enough as it is with being reminded of it...

  14. Oh, and C. C.:

    ROSIN is a specific type of resin. So ROSIN is resin, but resin isn't necessarily ROSIN.

  15. Good morning, C.C. and all.

    I'm out of step with the rest of you. I thought today's C/W was fairly easy. I had to plumb the depths to find the Z in NIZER, and JOADS came through the fills. I had to do a little guessing on EDMUND until the perps gave me some help, but it all came together without a lot of struggle.

    Dennis, I don't think I've ever seen a black suit or a tux with short pants. You're the "first stare of fashion," fella!

    drdad, I'll have to make note of "Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses." It sounds like a fun read. Thanks for the link to Eugene the Jeep. I'd forgotten about him.

    Nancy, I hope the doc visit is just for a checkup. Safe travels.

    C.C. using BEAV or "the Beav" is a very slangy take on the nickname "Beaver." This might be the way a contemporary or his brother would refer to him, but it's unlikely an adult would call him that.

    We're expecting a morning of scattered showers. I'd be happy to have a little more rain. It makes pulling weeds easier, and helps the plants edge their way into Fall.

    I hope you all have a great day!

  16. Long time no visit.

    I had to google NIZER, EDY'S, CRI, KITTY FOYLE, OVIONE, PEETE and POPEYE DOYLE. I got JOADS, A POP and EDMUND HOYLE from the perps. Oh and speaking of perps, I just finished watching Law and Order and Law and Order: Criminal Intent back to back: they had been pre-empted by the Olympics on the channel I watch it on and have apparently just started up again; that's why I wasn't on here sooner.

    C.C., can you open powerpoint files? I made up a few more crosswords for you to look at but I imagine they look pretty pathetic typed up using yahoomail's equivalent of ASCII. Basically it was all an exercise in seeing if I could actually make a crossword in Chinese and not an attempt at making crosswords that looked just like the one's in newspapers: if I were really that good at making crosswords then I'd do them in English. A student told me today that textbooks in Taiwan sometimes have crosswords so it is actually something that's been done before.


  17. Ruth and I had a wonderful time with some very talented musicians at a banjo camp this weekend. However, I think all that playing fried my crossword skills. Nothing filled and what I guessed was wrong. I did know Drury.
    Drury's "Advise and Consent" comes from "by and with the advice and consent of the Senate." This is from the US Constitution, Article 2, Rule 2, clause 2. It is the president's power to make treaties, appointments and war. It requires a 2/3 majority. It was a huge book in those years, fresh on the end of Senator Joseph McCarthy's communist witch-hunt, a dark time in US history.
    The movie starred Henry Fonda in an unusual role for him, the bad guy as Sen. Robert Leffingwell, a questionable appointee to the cabinet as Secretary of State. It's an Otto Preminger film with some big name co-stars of that era.

    "Nobody goes there no more, it's too crowded. Yogi Berra

  18. Here is the chemical difference between resin and rosin. Resin is in almost all instances a viscous (often very, very, very viscous) liquid produced by plants, usually conifers. It can be poured, albeit slowly. It has volatile components in it called terpenes (alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, etc.) that can be boiled/distilled off. After the terpenes are removed and the resulting hot liquid is cooled, it can no longer be poured because it is a brittle solid that is now called rosin. It will liquify at stove top temperatures. An example of a resin is the tree sap that often entraps insects, like mosquitoes, when it flows over them. Over time, the terpenes will evaporate, thus encasing the insect in the solid rosin which we call amber.

  19. drdad, great explanation of rosin/resin. Thanks. My mother used to refer to what we used on our ballet shoes as rosin, and I hadn't heard it for years, and wondered if she was just mispronouncing resin--too lazy to look it up, of course.

    c.c., no, I can't come up with another ready example of a cri--though I found "cri de guerre" in my French dictionaries, but I've never heard it used in English.

    I think dennis' new outfit must be the dernier cri too.

    Today's puzzle was a bear to me--too many names, both people and products, although I got edys and popeye doyle. Aren't Mondays supposed to be easier?

  20. jd, thanks for the heads-up yesterday; rest assured almost everything will be buttoned up. Almost everything.

    kittyb, kazie, the outfit was actually a protest; was the day after my wedding and they wanted more pictures of the wedding party, but it was hot as hell, so I got the men to all go with a 'modified' look.
    I do remember a time back in the seventies, I think, when someone tried to market short-sleeve suits; they even made short sleeve shirts with french cuffs. Very odd.

  21. Dennis, remember the picture of me in my "Penguin" outfit when I used to jump in the Atlantic on New Year's Day? I changed my picture back to that. Man, do we look similar in those photos.

  22. I thought I was so smart getting "JODES" - I just spelled it wrong and messed up the rest of the puzzle. Had to Google to straighten myself out. I knew HOYLE but not EDMOND. The other OYLEs I got OK.

    Now, in regard to thongs, I have been instructed by my daughter that the things that go on our feet are NOT called thongs - those are flip-flops or zoris. Thongs are what CC showed us in the VS link. But I have to say that when I was growing up we took a trip to California and thongs were all the rage. Circa 1955.

  23. drdad and dennis, your outfits would be close to normal in the aussie summer. Businessmen in the city regularly wear business attire on top (shirt and tie)with "business shorts" and knee socks. I think it's a nod to the heat, but I can't imagine that the long socks offer any relief. Loose pants would be cooler.

  24. drdad, good thing you had the red bow tie, otherwise we could've switched pictures, no one would've known.

  25. Good Morning All, I'm with Kittyb, I liked this puzzle and didn't have much difficulty with it.

    JOADS wasn't a problem. Both G.A.H. and I are big Steinbeck fans.

    I didn't know HOYLE's first name but it came with the perps.

    I knew PETER BOYLE, POPEYE DOYLE AND KITTY FOYLE. Apparently, there is an upside to cluttering my brain with movie trivia.

    The only place I ran into a real problem was with the cross of NIZER and ZEREX. I vaguely remembered Louis NIZER, and put it in, but xince ZEREX was a guess, I just lucked out. CRI was also a little tough, but with crosses of JEDI and CFOS, it made sense.

    MOXIE is interesting because it is an EPONYM. It's a soft drink which has become synonymous with "energy" or "Chutzah".

    EDYS ice cream is only sold in the eastern States. The brand is "Dreyers" in California. I did know it however, because I recently won a contest for a neighborhood ice cream party. This Thursday we'll be receiving (packed in dry ice) enough ice cream for 100 people. We're having a BBQ on Saturday evening with ice cream sundaes for dessert. Wanna come? We will certainly have enough.

  26. good morning c.c. and all,

    the only 'oyle' i knew right away was peter, but eventually filled in the others. i liked your 'drops of *oyle' theme c.c., very clever. thanks for the mozart. friedrich gulda was so intriguing i had to do a little research. very interesting character. he actually got his wish, to die on mozart's birthday. here is a beautiful collaboration with chick corea.

    @dennis: you sure that's not the cover of GQ? GREAT look .. it suits you.

  27. Good Afternoon, EDT.

    A trivia quote: What is the source of, "I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine"?

    c.c., it has nothing to do with the puzzle.

  28. Good morning C.C. and all

    Woo Hoo! Dennis and Dr. Dad..great legs guys!

    Fun puzzle for me, even when I had to Google. I watched a few Fred Astaire dances. Never heard of serif ,orle, Zerex, or Edy's ice cream.I do not "get" a pop, or my answer for coffee house. Is it really aaee????Didn't know Hoyle's 1st name, but we have his book.I remember what a huge deal it was when those quintuplets were born.Today multiple births do not make headline news.

    I hate bathrobes, and prefer pj bottoms and a T, with a blankie.

    Do you believe in ghosts?

    C.C.- I much prefer your Wayne, and am anxious for hockey season to begin. Our 1st home game for the Sharks is on Oct 9th!!!
    Thanks for relaxing

  29. argyle, another great line from that video/song is 'one night in bangkok makes a hard man humble' - I'll attest to that. A most exotic, intoxicating city. Went there as a young, hard-charging Marine, could've left there in a bucket.

  30. JD, It's CAFE. The perps are NSC (National Security Council) and CFOS, not CEOS.

  31. I hit the G-spot alot today. I just am not that good at authors and old movies. I tried to get most of them from crosses, but had to "cheat". I have never heard of the word Foment for Instigate. I guess I foment a lot!

    A flapdoodle sounds to me like it should be on the front of Drdads or Dennis' shorts!

    Hmmm National boss/employee exchange what? Anyone ever had an "exchange" with one of their bosses?

    Clearayes, how did you win the ice cream contest?

  32. Hi,
    I accidently found Crossword Corner one day through Google. When I am really stuck and don't want to spend a lot of time in Google, etc., I go to C.C.

    I also enjoy reading the comments of the regulars, and wanted to join the discussion about comic strips last week. I think of myself as fairly computer iterate; however, I was not able to get into the comment section correctly.

    Could you let me in on "how to do it"? I thought today was fairly hard--didn't know Hoyle's first name, etc.

    Anyway, thanks for an interesting way to check one's crosswords.

    Golf Gal

  33. golf gal, welcome - looks like you got in ok. What specifically were you trying to do? (this is not a good place to ask 'how to do it', lol)

  34. Clear Ayes,
    Golf Gal' post is from me. I got her email a few minutes ago and I've sent her a very hasty reply. I am not sure if my explanation is good enough for her.

    I think I need your help for a more detailed, easy to understand, step-by-step instruction. Can you respond to her? I will work on whatever you write and publish a special post on "How to Comment" and then link it as a special sidebar on the front page of the blog. Thank you.

  35. Dennis, you are right, of course. I had that tune running through my head the last few days so I had to download it. Actually hearing a song usually will get it of my mind. I wonder why that is.

    One Night in Bangkok

  36. Good morning C.C. & all

    Wow! A tough puzzle this morning! This one took me about an hour... way longer than normal. Maybe the extra coffee finally did its job because I only ended up really unsure in the center section. I had a lot of doubts and misdirects but, for the most part, crosses managed to straighten my thinking. For me, the center had a lot of write-overs because NSC - Cafe - cfos - zerex intersects just wouldn't work for the longest time. Plus, I've never heard of Edy's ice cream. In my crowd here in "O" it's Häagen-Dazs or nothing.

    Going back and looking at it I'm sure it was just me. The clues seemed good after-the-fact but my brain was still in weekend mode I guess. Spent it on the Oregon Coast & it was so beautiful I couldn't find any reason to bother to think about anything. I checked on Hanna a couple of times but was very happy it blew itself out.

    Y'all have a good day. I've got more catchin' up to do.

  37. I'm back - power & cable (internet) restored this morning. Tree landed on the house (ouch), and lost three more 100' pine trees that (fortunately) fell away from the house. One got me real good, though, right through the breezeway.
    Keeping a watchful eye on "Ike" - if the "himmicane" heads for me, will probably disappear for a few days again.
    Catching up on puzzles from the last week, but got through today OK.
    Hope all are well!

  38. Dennis, Barry et al,
    RE: BOSH (58D): How come you were not willing to provide me with more slangy synonyms for "nonsense"?

    Dr. Dad,
    Did you see the Osso Bucco recipe Xchefwalt provided to you on Saturday?

    Good to see you again. I've replied to you via email.

    What about Barb and Barbara then?

  39. OK C.C., I tried. I hope this makes sense.

    Posting a comment:

    Under the orange "Choose an identity" at the top right side of the screen

    EASIEST: Put a little black dot in the circle directly to the left of "Anonymous". Then type your comment in the "Leave your comment" square in the top right of the screen. If you do use "Anonymous", it's polite to sign your name.

    NEXT: It's always a good idea to click on PREVIEW (which will show up in a yellow square at the bottom of the left side of the screen). If you like what you've written, click on "Publish this comment", or you can edit what you've typed. Once you click on "Publish", your comment will be added to the bottom left side of the screen.

    BEST WAY TO COMMENT (and the most fun!): If you don't have a Google Account, click on the blue underlined "Sign up here". The next screen is a very easy sign-up procedure.

    Once you have a Google/Blogger identity, come back to C.C.'s blog comments. Make sure you put the black dot to the left of Google/Blogger. Enter your email address (NOT your display name) on the "USERNAME" line. Enter your Google password on the "PASSWORD" line.

    Then type, preview and publish your comment. Your comment headed with your blue underlined display name will show up on the left side of the screen after the previous posts.

  40. Kazie,
    I thought of "CRI de guerre" too. FYI, TMS puzzles do not follow New York Times' difficult-as-the-week go pattern. So sometimes our Monday puzzle is more difficult than Wednesday's.

    MH & Nancy,
    THONGS are always underwear to me.

    Clear Ayes,
    Thank you so much. You certainly have a clear, concise way of expressing things. You are my hero. I will work out a special post tomorrow. Are you sure about MOXIE being a EPONYM though?

    I am glad you enjoyed the Mozart clip. It's a very special piece to me. I liked the Chick Corea link, and I think Katherine will love it too. You always bring wonderful links. I vodka you.

  41. JD,
    Thanks for the response on lounging wear. Sometimes I do believe in ghosts, don't you?

    So good to hear from you again. Did the city help you to remove the big tree that fell on your house?

    What is "dirty rotten rakenfratzen"? What is the meaning of "rakenfratzen"?

    How would you clue PAGAN then?

  42. Buckeye,
    I really hope your test results turn out fine today. I missed your OFF comments in the past several days.

    Argyle, Darling Santa
    Find me more Persian Blue! And don't let Lois open the box first!

    "If the person is too chicken to sign their drivel, then the comments deserve to be ignored". What's the meaning of "sign their drivel"? What is "Tschuss"?

  43. DAG Hammarskjold was the secretary general of the United Nations and was a personal hero of mine around the time I was in high school. He died in a mysterious plane crash in 1961 while trying to negotiate a peace accord in what was then known as the Belgium Congo. More recently it is suspected that his death along with that of the elected president of the Congo Patrice Lumumba was orchestrated by the CIA and IM5. The book “Markings”, a collection of his diary reflections, was published posthumously. Recently I rediscovered a passage in the book that resonates with me, “We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours.” Here are a few other quotes from this book that I like:
    • Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road.
    • Never measure the height of a mountain until you reach the top. Then you will see how low it was.

    On a lighter note…the clue “Because follower?” reminded me of the video The MOM Song. Any mom can relate to this! What is your favorite line?

    RESIN is what give the Greek wine Retsina its distinctive flavor. Traditionally the wine casts were sealed with pine resin. A hangover from retsina is undoubtedly the worst hangover a person can have.

    POPEYE DOYLE: Here is the original POPEYE. And Cary Grant played the part of Carson DOYLE in the movie Charade. The scene where he takes a shower with his clothes on is very funny.

  44. JVJ24601,
    Just a note to let you know that I've enjoyed very much reading your comments/links lately. The PEONY link is breathtaking! I sincerely hope that you can join Dennis and others for the afternoon fun if morning is too tough for you. You have so much to offer and I am sure others will enjoy bantering with you.

    I loved the frame of mind and the mountain quote. I don't understand "Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road." What does it mean? Shouldn't we look twice before we jump? Even in short run?

    I remember JFK also questioned DAG's mysterious plane death. I don't believe he ever suspected CIA though.

  45. c.c., I don't see anything wrong with shortening 'Barbara" to 'Barb,' as long as the owner of the name doesn't mind.

    If I recall correctly, the kid in 'Leave It To Beaver" was named Theodore, and his brother named him 'Beaver.' To call him 'the Beav" is shortening a nickname, one more step into slang. This particular slang is acceptable among boys, but not commonly used by adults.

    Chris in LA, I'm glad to hear that you made it through safely. Too bad about the trees. We lost a big mulberry branch down on the front lawn during the storms last week, but the kind of storm you weathered would have done much more damage here. Our commiserations., great penguin outfit. I suppose we could say "great minds" about you and dennis. *G*

    Melissa, I can't open your link to Chick Corea on this computer, but I'll be sure to visit later today. I'm sure it will be worth the effort.

    Argyle, same goes for 'One Night in Bangkok.' Let's hope it doesn't get stuck in my brain and bounce around for a week or so.

    clear ayes, if you ever need a little spare change during your retirement, you could take up writing technical manuals!

  46. cc: How would I clue PAGAN? "Heathen" is an easy clue. Or "Morse's nickname" for a more difficult clue.

  47. for some of us grammar nerds, npr's michael krasny had janice bell on his show 'forum' today. they were discussing her book, "Clean, Well-lighted Sentences: A Writer's Guide to Avoiding the Most Common Errors in Grammar and Punctuation." the archive is not yet updated, but here is the the page where it will be available.

    she addressed punctuation and tense, among other things.

    @c.c.: i see your vodka and raise you a champagne and caviar.

  48. I believe it was Eisenhower who ordered the assassinations. Though US involvement may have been suspected, it was kept secret for many years. Only recently has the US admitted involvement when the CIA revealed their Family Jewels, feeling it was better to air their dirty secrets rather than having it revealed in a more embarrassing manner by someone else.

  49. cc: And certainly JFK's comments suggest that he knew nothing about the US involvement and in fact held Hammarskjold in high regard.

  50. cc: re-"Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road." I think he meant that if you keep looking down at your next step, you will lose the vision of where you are headed.

  51. Oh, and I got all the puzzle except for the "P" in the lower left corner. Yuck...I should have know "a pop"!

  52. flyingears, what is the story behind your new picture?

  53. Finally back from a tough day at work...

    C.C. was probably sleeping, BUT I doubt it. She is into the puzzle and had a "great" time trying to figure it out.

    Plate20face is the way I look after finishing today's puzzle. I ripped my face skin away... Not really. It's a plate I use when I teach head and neck anatomy stuff.

    Love that Yogi's quip. He's unique.

    I miss today's input from you, BUT at least I'll stay less dysfunctional... unwillingly...

    We missed you this week end. I'm glad you're back...

  54. flyingears, at the science musuem in St. Paul there was an exhibition called body world. That is what your picture remindas me of. It was pretty amazing. C.C. did you happen to see it when it was here?

  55. cokato, we had body world here in Philly - it was one of the most amazing exhibits I've ever seen. For those who don't know, people donated their bodies (fortunately upon their death), which were then 'skinned' and preserved through a 'plastination' process, so that you can see every detail of the structure. They were also dissected, sliced, etc. Just unbelievable to see that.
    Oh, and the women seemed very taken with the exhibit of a man running - was extremely well-endowed, and I'm sure they were examining him from a scientific standpoint.
    Don't miss the exhibit if it comes to your area.

  56. c.c., I didn't see crockett's post with Tschüß (accurate German spelling), but it means "see ya!"--just a casual farewell. He was probably practicing for his upcoming European trip.

  57. body world is fantastic .. it came through san jose when i was in massage school and most of my class went. highly recommended.

    the running man was clearly very morel .. it was big of him to donate his body that way. must have been a real fungi.

  58. melissab, what a surprise that you remember that specific exhibit. Did someone have to point out to you that it wasn't a "Please Touch" Museum?

  59. dennis,
    Love your USMC Saturday Night "uniform after returning from a pool shooting match at Joe's Bar... LOL. Was drdad with you that night???

  60. flyingears, no, I think he had duty that night.

  61. @dennis: if anyone pointed it out to me, i pretended not to notice. besides .. anything that points at me first is asking to be touched.

  62. Well, good afternoon C.C.and everyone: Busy morning so am late getting to this..hard puzzle for me today..lot's of names I did not know but being a Steinbeck fan, I knew Joad. Also knew 15A (Elroy). 40A stumped me as I didn't know what a "Bumppo" was. (somebody's ppo was not working?)

    Little Lord Dennis, is that you?? I didn't know you and the Cleaver's were friends. You have cute knees!

    Cokato @ 12:21, Very funny re: flapdoodle! LMAO! Now it looks as if Melissa bee can also see it!

    Melissa @4:01 Great play on words! We DO have a lot of fungi's here.

    Golf gal: welcome - as you might have read, we do have fun with the game and equipment of golf.

  63. I keep getting the VI.A.GRA ads. Boy! If they only knew I play 18 HOLES golf...

  64. Just rolled in from the semester’s first art class. Our community college has an off-site class at our local homeowner’s building, so it is close and inexpensive. I’m a very messy artist(e) and have paint all over my tee shirt and hands.

    C.C. I think you're right about MOXIE not being an eponym, since it isn't a person's name, just a soft drink. "In 1884, it was sold in carbonated form and merchandised as an invigorating drink, which claimed to endow the drinker with “spunk”." So Moxie, the soft drink, gave rise to the term "moxie", meaning energy and vitality and even courage. I don't agree with MOXIE meaning "Chutzpah". "Chutzpah" is nerviness or gall. The on line dictionary lists "temerity" as a synonym for chutzpah. Not the same thing as MOXIE at all.

    Cokato, A friend of mine won the same contest in 2007, by writing an on-line short essay at the Dreyers/Edys site, "Why I would like to win a neighborhood ice cream block party.” She entered it this year and talked me into doing it too. There were 1500 winners nationwide, and both of us won. She had her party a couple of weeks ago. Ours is coming up this weekend.

    Kittyb, a big part of my job before I retired was writing out “how to” instructions for other employees.

    Doesitinink, I don’t have a favorite line of The Mom Song. It is all so true! I’m rather partial to The Man Song myself. :o)

    For anybody who isn't familiar with it, here's a short Body World video.

  65. C. C.:

    "Hooey" and "hogwash" spring immediately to mind as synonyms for "nonsense."

  66. Here, C.C.
    I didn't care for these untill I got the blow-up picture. The thumbnail picture didn't show how beautiful they are.


  67. Good night CC & DF's: Got 'skew'ed on this puzzle but didn't wish for a jack hammer...just the jack. He went 'pop-eye'd over the ovine asset. I 'shore' saw that one comin', did ewe? I also see we're back to getting 'lay'd and 'beav' again's just a little one this time. Love how it intersects bathrobe followed by 'enya'. Hello!!!! Is that according to 'Hoyle'? Might have to call the CW police on that one! Showing a little moxie there! Almost cri'd lauging when I saw 'peter boyle' next to XBox. He's a real 'fungi' (very funny, Melissa).

    Dennis: we got a gust of wind down here and thought Hanna had returned for a minute. Then noticed the time marked on your comment about turning west. What a coincidence! That might explain what your left hand is doing in your handsome new picture of you in your tuxedo shorts.
    CC & Argyle, those dangly earrings are safe from me, don't worry. I'll stick w/my preference for other dangling things.
    Flyingears: love the Yogi quips. I start golf lessons in 2 wks. Will be practicing w/a putter until then and learning how to keep the balls clean. Trying to decide what kind of clubs to get...Canadian Club, club soda, or just the whole liquor club. Decisions, decisions!

    Am off tomorrow to meet a friend from Hotlanta that I haven't seen in 40 yrs. Can't sleep tonight b/c I'm so excited. I doubt VaBeach is ready for this wind storm.

    Enjoy what's left of this good night.

  68. Oh, and CC: thank you for the Mozart link. Outstanding! Can never get enough of that.

    poppycock...wouldn't ya just know!

  69. lois, of course you'd come up with that one.

    Carol, yes, been buddies with the beav for quite some time now.

  70. adding new picture before I hightail it out of town this week sorry about your trees, but good to know that you are safe

    Clear ayes and Doesitinink:loved both The Mom and the Dad songs. Last year one of our teachers sang the Mom song at the kids' talent show. She was a big hit (middle school)

    When Bob and I were in Las Vegas we went to" Bodies, the Exhibition".. It was truly an amazing show, and covered many rooms.

  71. Nice photo JD. You're getting to be quite a pro at putting up photos.

    BTW, Dennis and Drdad... cute knees.

    I think it might have been Buckeye, or maybe Argyle who said a while ago, if a shirt didn't have a golf logo on it, he wasn't wearing it. G.A.H. subscribes to that credo. I think the last time he wore a tie was 19 years ago when daughter got married.

    Photo is back to 1946. No pony, just a ratty tricycle.

    Nighty-night, all.

  72. Looks like I came just in time to say good night. Too many things going on today to get to the puzzle until late. Had trouble with Ovine, CFOs, Rove (could only think of roam) – didn't know Calvin Peete, and I new Valvoline, but now Zerex. Still, it was a fun puzzle.

    I loved all the links today, especially Mozart – both clips. And the Tuxedos – YES! Love’em.

    Just my two cents about Barb and Barbara – I have some small experience with that. Barbara sounds so formal, and there aren’t a lot of options for a nickname. Babs – yuk. My late sweet husband just called me B. I did have a patron in the library last week who dubbed me ‘Bee-Bop” which I think is fun, but I doubt it’ll stick.☺ It's kinda late in the day for new nick names.

    Putting my current picture on…..

  73. Hello everyone! Everthing that was new today was a name! JOADS, NIZER, NATTY, PETER BOYLE, DRURY, and KITTY FOYLE. I've got to stop doing these on-line at o'dark thirty and get back into a regular pattern.

    C.C., love your theme. You're such a creative and insightful person. Thank you for the Mozart link. It was nice to hear in the morning. I'm sure THONGS were sandals long before they were underwear. The Enya song was also very nice.

    Yogi was such an original. I met him briefly in 1964. I was in Cleveland on a trip to upstate New York with other teenage boys and we heard that the Yankees would be
    coming into the hotel where we were staying late that night. A few of us successfully slipped down to the lobby to await their arrival. Yogi was the manager, and just about the only one on the team I could recognize on sight. I was from Cincinnati and thus a NL fan, so I didn't know the Yankee roster. When they finally arrived I went to ask Yogi for an autograph and he told me to get the H*** away from him (apparently they'd lost the game earlier in the day). So, dejectedly, my companions and I got onto the elevator with Mantle, Maris and a couple of others. Maris said something to the effect that "Yogi wouldn't give you an autograph, kid?" To which we responded, "Yeah." We got off and went to our rooms never realizing that we should have asked that elevator full of Yankees for their autographs, LOL!!!

    C.C. @ 2:01 The anonymous person hid behind that mask and did not identify who they were, so they did not "sign" their post, which I characterized as "drivel." "Tschuss" is an informal IMBO in German. Kazie @ 3:54 is right on.


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