, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday September 21, 2008 Willy A. Wiseman

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Sep 21, 2008

Sunday September 21, 2008 Willy A. Wiseman

Theme: BG's AEIOU




97A: Organic fuel delivery is delayed?: PEAT BOGS DOWN IN TRAFFIC (PEAT BOGS, BOGS DOWN IN TRAFFIC)


The clue for 119A is inaccurate. The order should be reversed to "50s dance/sci-fi movie". Still, I could not find anything about "BUG-EYED MONSTERS" movie this morning. Or did I read the answer wrongly?

I caught the BAG, BEG, BIG, BOG, BUG vowel progression very early on, but did not get the "Before and After" concept until the very end. I am not good at this "Before & After" word game. Have never watched "Wheel of Fortune".

Nevertheless, it's a very unique puzzle, with five 21-letter running-through theme entries, the least I've seen since I started blogging in late Jan. I am not clear about TMS puzzle rule, but LA Times requires at least 6 theme entries (minimum 84 theme squares) for a Sunday 21*21. NY Times requires a minimum of 80 theme squares (at least 5 theme entries I presume).

Did you notice that SONTAG (40D: "Illness as Metaphor" writer) comes up a lot on Sundays? I think I've also seen enough of AGORA (82D: Old Greek market).


1A: Formal judicial order: WRIT. Habeas corpus is the most important WRIT.

5A: Make oneself presentable: CLEAN UP

12A: Designed to conform: ADAPTIVE

21A: Red phone: HOT LINE. I don't understand this Hillary "Red Phone" parody. Who are those characters in the middle of the clip?

22A: Bad repute: DISFAVOR. Are they really interchangeable?

34A: Balanced conditions: STASES. The singular form is STASIS. The plural for equilibrium can be equilibria or equilibriums.

39A: Old English characters: EDHS. How so?

40A: Fort Stewart neighbor: SAVANNAH. Pure guess. I've never heard of Fort Stewart before.

51A: Bad pun: GROANER. New to me. Can you give me an example?

52A: Verbena plant: LANTANA. Also unknown to me. I don't think I've seen this kind of flowering plant before, have you?

76A: Radioactivity pioneer: CURIE. I suppose this can refer to either of the couple. Without this answer, MME (23D: Fr. woman's title) could be clued as "CURIE title".

77A: In good working order: A-OK. Funny how the same hand-gesture can mean different thing in different culture.

83A: Wall St. letters: NYSE. And ASE (14D: NASD competitor). I am more familiar with AMEX & NASDAQ though. Are there any differences that I am not aware of?

90A: Poetic time of day: MIDMORN

101A: Jerkwater: ONE-HORSE. I did not know the meaning of "Jerkwater". What a strange name!

126A: Blood deficiency (var.): ANAEMIA. Dates, you need lots of sweet dates, they are very rich in iron content.

128A: Marine celebrities?: SEA STARS. Very nice clue.

129A: Author of "Kissing the Gunner's Daughter": RENDELL (Ruth). I've never heard of the book nor the author. Nice library.


5D: Hot lunch?: CHILI DOG. I've never quite understood this food Chili. Does it always have beans in it?

10D: Two-toed sloth: UNAU. I forgot. Here is a two-toed sloth UNAU. And this is a three-toed sloth AI".

31D: "Star Trek" role: UHURA. Nope. I've never watched "Star Trek". She is the communications officer on the Enterprise. I did get LEIA (88D: "Star Wars" role). How to pronounce UHURA?

32D: Windows basis: MS-DOS

34D: Actress Thompson: SADA. I filled in EMMA first. Have never heard of SADA Thompson. Here is SADA in "Family". Do you like "The Princess Bride"?

42D: Can't be beat: NO-LOSE. The clue feels like it's asking for a verb, doesn't it?

46D: Water depth: abbr.: FTH. I suppose it's for FATHOM. Not a familiar abbreviation to me.

48D: Insect: pref.: ENTOM. As in ENTOMOLOGY.

49D: Levels in London: RASES. I like our RAZES. Good alliteration in the clue. "Levels in Leeds" is great too.

57D: Stallone sequel: ROCKY II.

69D: Rolling Stones hit: ANGIE. Here is the song. It sounds so sad.

70D: Auto racer Niki: LAUDA. I googled his name. Wikipedia says this former Austrian Formula one champion owns 2 airlines: LAUDA Air and Niki.

71D: Farm: GRANGE. This is a new word to me. Isn't GRANGE a kind of music genre?

73D: Violet essence: IONONE. Another new word to me. Dictionary says it's "a colorless to yellowish liquid, C13H20O, having a strong odor of violets and used in perfumes."

91D: Old Greek coin: OBOL. No idea. Here is some very interesting information about OBOL & Hades.

95D: Type of molecular geometry: TRIGONAL. New to me also. Same as triangular I suppose.

99D: In the act of: DOING. This clue just feels so awkward to me.

104D: Indian princes: RAJAS. Wouldn't have got 119A without the letter "J" from RAJAS.

106D: Siamese fighting fish BETTA. No idea. Dictionary says it's also called "Fighting fish". Wow, what a strange idea to put a plant and fish together in a vase.

109D: Befell:: TIDED. I did not know that TIDE can mean "Befall" also.



  1. I just finished Saturday's puzzle-first one I've solved online in a week as we have been without power since last Sunday at 2:10PM. (finally restored yesterday midafternoon) When the hurricanes make it to Ohio you know the weather is getting weird!

    At any rate I thought Barry Silk's puzzle was on the tough side. Will have to check out yesterday's post as I still do not understand MENE-I had MENS. Also did not know GEMMATE. Hope you have all had a good week.

  2. "We die only once, and for such a long time.”
    = Moliere

    drdad will like this photo.

  3. Good morning CC etal,
    Not bad today - got stuck in NW corner ("adaptive" and "disfavor" would not present and didn't know "ase").
    CC - Uhura is pronounced "ooh-hoo-rah". Also, most chili has beans, but the really good stuff they make in TX sometimes does not.

  4. Good Morning All,

    Could not get the theme for the longest time and when I finally did, I could finish up the puzzle. Did need to use Mr. G a few times.

    C.C. Grange can mean farm or an organization of farmers. Grunge is a type of music and dress. The Red Phone skit is using the Batman T.V. show as a parody. I guess a groaner would mean the joke was so bad instead of laughing you may groan out loud.

    Thanks for the frozen banana idea. My problem is I would love to dip the frozen banana in chocolate.

    Have a good day, enjoying the cooler temperatures here in the Northeast but dreading the cold winter.

  5. Good morning, C.C. & DF's. Happy first day of autumn/fall.

    Not too bad for a Sunday puzzle. Perps helped out on ones I didn't know.

    I just though bug eyed monsters was a phrase.

    I wanted ill favor instead of disfavor.

    Chili does not have beans in it. The dish with beans is called Chili con Carne.

    Uhura - Ooh-her-ah. Nichelle Nichols was going to turn down the role but Martin Luther King Jr. convinced her to take it because of what it would do for civil rights.

    C.C. - how did you do the subscripts? Was that a cut and paste for the molecular formula for ionone?

    We used to have a betta/fighting fish in an aquarium. Put a mirror up to the side and they "flare up" or "fan out" to look two to three times their size because they think there is another male in the tank. They really do fight when you put two males together.

    Can't really make out the picture flyingears but will keep trying to make it out.

    Today is International Day of Peace, Miniature Golf Day, and World Gratitude Day. Also:

    The Hobbit, written by Tolkein, is published, 1937;
    The Birth of the Ice Cream Cone -- September 21;
    Sandra Day O'Connor was confirmed by the Senate as the first woman Supreme Court Justice, 1981;
    "NFL Monday Night Football" premiers, 1970;
    "Perry Mason" premiers, 1957;
    Tiffany's founded, 1837;
    Women's Friendship Day - Recognized on the third Sunday in September.

    Have a great Sunday.

  6. flyingears - is that a photo of a galaxy or star cluster of some sort?

  7. Good morning, C.C. and gang.

    Nytanonimo, nice to see you posting again. You, too, Chris in la.

    I had to Google on four of the clues, but the rest went fairly smoothly. I didn't know the word for the two-toed sloth (UNAU), the author of "Kissing the Gunner's Daughter (Ruth RENDELL), Auto Racer Niki (LAUDA), or, oddly, Defies authority (REBELS).

    I didn't know IONONE or OBOL, but they came through the fills.

    I've heard of glad tidings, but not TIDED.

    Once the first two clues for theme fell into place the last three were easy. A Bug-eyed Monster might be the gigantic ants in "Them."

    c.c., I've grown Lantanas. They're a wonderful low-maintenance annual for warm colors.

    I think the chili purists say no beans, but I always add them to my chili.

    My youngest sister has a fish and a plant together in a vase. I think the plant helps to aerate the water, and provides habitat or cover for the fish.

    It looks to be a gorgeous day in the Chicago area. I hope you're all as fortunate. Have a great Sunday!

  8. I thought EDH was Anglo-Saxon but I think this it what it looks liked ∂

    Chili can have beens in it but not all the time. Not a lot of people know but chili is actually short for chili con carne or chili peppers with meat. It's a spicy beef stew made with chili peppers and chili powder. Often people add tomatoes and beans

    I've notices that Betta fish make better decoration then pets. I've seen them in vases with flowers, also in wine glasses and bottles, and goblets. The do fight each other.

    I had to rush through the puzzle today... so much stuff to do.

  9. ALucidDreamUndreamt.
    the terms Old English and Anglo Saxon overlap.

  10. Hey, I live in Savannah and didn't figure it for neighbor of Ft. Stewart - it's 45 min. away!

  11. 71D. All of sudden the song "home on the grange" popped into my head.

  12. To anonymous at 10:40

    Good example of a (51D) bad pun
    **Home on the Grange**

    (Home on the Range)

  13. Good morning, and welcome back chrisinla and nytanonimo! You both were missed.Can't imagine being without power for a week. That is such a sweet picture, nytanonimo.

    C.C.: I don't get Sun.puzzle, but enjoyed the clip on A-OK.One could be very puzzled by another's reaction to that gesture if not educated, esp. if you ended up paying a fine!

    I always buy chile without beans.

    Lantana grows well in places like FLA or So. CA where it gets sun year round.

    oh-lay,oh-lay oh-lay

  14. Good Morning All, No puzzle, but it is fun to check in on what always seems to be an easy-going Sunday.

    Here's a sample of a GROANER joke. I heard this when I was four years old and my parents thought it was so cute (don't they always), they made me repeat it to anyone they could force to listen. Here goes....Abe was Anna's boyfriend. One day they had a big argument. And that was the first time Abe and Anna split. TA..DA!! I challenge anybody who reads that not to groan.

    Anon @10:40 Another example of a GROANER joke. OK...Awwwwwwhhh

    We have two hanging planters of LANTANA on our front porch. They are such pretty cheerful little flowers.

    I think La GRANGE means "barn" in French. We drive though California's La Grange ever time we go shopping. It was a booming Gold Rush town, but there are only a couple of small stores and a saloon there now. There are over 20 towns in the U.S. named La Grange (or Lagrange, or LaGrange).

    What constitutes authentic CHILI have kept discussions going for years. Look at all the "Best Chili" competitions that are held everywhere. G.A.H. and I have attended several of them over the years. I like it medium hot with chopped, not ground, meat. Some beans are good, but they shouldn't take over the meat and sauce.

    Drdad, thanks for the Heads-up on Women's Friendship Day. I'll have a lot of emails and phone calls to make today.

    Cokato, Thank you for the lovely compliment.

    Autumn is my favorite season of the year. It just feels so invigorating. We don't have to think about approaching snow and ice here, so it may be more pleasant for me.


    "The breezes taste
    Of apple peel.
    The air is full
    Of smells to feel-
    Ripe fruit, old footballs,
    Burning brush,
    New books, erasers,
    Chalk, and such.
    The bee, his hive,
    Well-honeyed hum,
    And Mother cuts
    Like plates washed clean
    With suds, the days
    Are polished with
    A morning haze."

    - John Updike

    C.C. Still thinking about that Newsday puzzle theme.

  15. I finished today's puzzle very quickly, no googling. My only miss was the H in the cross of UHULA and EDHS.

    LANTANA was an excellent suspense movie set in Australia and starring Anthony LaPaglia and Geoffrey Rush.

    cc: The music form you are thinking of is grunge.

  16. 51A Bad Pun -
    Before Al Gore was American Vice President - in fact, even before he became involved in politics - he spent some time as a drummer for a small band playing in local clubs.
    He was in fact quite a good drummer, and he developed quite a reputation for his impressive drum solos. Some of his routines were incredible for their mathematical precision.
    They became known as the Al-Gore-rhythms.

  17. drdad,
    It's a galaxy, BUT can't remember the name given. It's a Hubble galaxy cluster photo, but can't remember the name.

  18. Good day, C.C. and all. No puzzle today, but dropped by the read the comments.
    Clear Ayes, that is a very neat poem.
    Yesterday was a great work day, today is a paperwork day.
    I hope all are enjoying this day of rest.

  19. Warning....long pun:

    Milton (Mil) Famey of the Milwaukee Braves was a natural -- a once-in-a-
    lifetime phenomenon whose fast ball blew away the best hitters. His 90
    MPH curve ball would start out like it was going to hit the batter's
    ear, only to break at the last instant and hit the outside corner of
    the plate for a strike. His change up made the best hitters in the
    league cry -- they would swing, drop the bat, and stare incredulously
    as the ball hit the catcher's mitt. He was indeed awesome!

    Why then, you might ask, is he not in the Hall of Fame? Why haven't
    you ever heard of him?

    Alas, like many others before him, Mil's downfall was demon alcohol.
    Ol' Mil really liked to tilt the glass. His drinking became almost
    legendary around the country, but he never let it affect his pitching
    until The Braves and the Yankees were in the World Series!

    Excitement reigned!

    The series was tied at three games apiece, and the Braves were in New
    York for the seventh and deciding game.

    The night before the big event, Mil's thirst got the better of him. He
    snuck out of the hotel after curfew, and bought himself two cases of

    As you might imagine, the next morning Mil didn't feel too good. But
    being the pro that he was, Mil managed to do just fine -- until the
    bottom of the ninth inning. With the Braves ahead by one run, two out,
    and the bases loaded, Mil's revelry the night before finally caught up
    to him.

    Eight straight pitches -- eight straight balls. He walked in the tying
    run and the winning run, thereby, losing the game and the series.

    After the game, a reporter went to the jubilant Yankee's clubhouse and
    spoke to the last two players that faced Mil.

    "Tell me," he asked, "to what do you attribute this victory over the
    best pitcher in the major leagues"?

    In unison they replied, .... "It was the beer that made Mil Famey walk us"

    C.C., the pun is the last line....a play on the Schlitz beer ad that went: "the beer that made Milwaukee Famous."

  20. Jeanne,
    Thanks for GRANGE, grunge, Red Phone and GROANER.I was bothered by them this morning.

    Dr. Dad,
    If "BUG-EYED MONSTERS" is a phrase, why the "'50s sci-fi/dance movie" clue? Why "movie"? I do know that "MONSTERS" is a movie. Yes, "cut and paste" for the IONONE.

    A lucid dream... & Calef,
    But what does "EDHS" mean?

    Clear Ayes,
    Lovely honeyed poem. I just bought a big bag of Honeycrisp apples from Farmers' Market this morning. I look forward to hearing a "Aha" from you regarding the Newsday puzzle.

    NYTanonimo, Chris et al,
    Thank you for checking in. And thank you for the Chili information.

  21. Puns in keeping with Dear Husband's sense of humor:

    I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.

    I couldn't quite remember how to throw a boomerang, but eventually it hit me.

    There was a sign on the lawn at a drug re-hab center that said "Keep Off The Grass."

    Police were called to a daycare where a three-year-old was resisting a rest.

    A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said 'No change yet."

    Bu-dump bump!

  22. Kittyb, Doesitinink, et al,
    What's your view on BUG-EYED MONSTERS? If it's a idiom as Dr. Dad said earlier, what does it mean?

  23. cc: I think the phrase BUG-EYED MONSTER movies refers to a genre of film containing exophthalmic monsters. Here is an example of a BUG-EYED MONSTER.

  24. Doesitinink,
    Thank you for the quick response. I found similar information earlier this morning. I thought they were just sci-fi novels. Had no idea that it was a movie genre in the '50s. What other movies belong to this genre?

  25. cc: One of the most famous was Them. And of course, The Fly and The Return of the Fly. I am not a lover of monster films, but if you are interested in the genre, here is a link to one person's best 30 Sci-Fi films of the 1950. I really like the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers (#19 on the list).

  26. Doesitink,
    Thanks. I am not a fan of monster movies at all. Now I am obsessed with this Newsday puzzle (Click on Sept 19). Have you tried it yet? Why the heck the theme is "52 of a kind"?

  27. BUG-EYED MONSTERS were regularly featured on the covers of science fiction magazines in the 1930's, 40's and 50's Here's an ultimate BEM.

    My first alien invasion movie was 1953's Invaders From Mars. I was 11 years old when I saw it and it kept me awake at night for weeks.

    I agree with Doesitinink about the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers being so much better than the remakes, although I did like the 1978 version with Donald Sutherland.

    I'm not a monster movie expert by any means. I didn't see any of the "Alien" movies until they were on TV. The big screen versions were too creepy for me.

    Please somebody, help C.C. with "52 of a kind". I'm becoming obsessed with it too!

  28. Clear ayes, I saw that movie too..same age as you, if I am rememebering correctly it was the one where the Dad goes in his back yard and over a hill and comes back with a "probe" in the back of his neck. Is that right? There were no ratings of movies in those days, so needless to say some of us were scared silly. I had dreams for weeks after that!!! 'Course Phycho did me in too and I was older than 11. I love those old 50's sci-fi films!!
    Also to you and to Ken, Joe and I played cribbage last night and in our last game, I had two 24 point hands!!! He still beat me by 6 points. I could have kicked him...almost did :) I haven't had a 24 point hand in months, and to get 2 of them in one game - aghhhh! Thanks, had to get that out.

  29. I couldn't quite remember how to throw a boomerang, but eventually it came back to me.

  30. C.C. and all, I clicked on the Newsday puzzle and actually solved most of it, but had to do something else and "ex'd" out of it, so lost it all....don't want to start it over but wondered what the question about 52 of a kind is about. I didn't get far enough to find the theme of the that what it is??

  31. The theme is on the top left of the puzzle, "52 of a kind" and the answer is...big groan everybody...there are 52 "L's".

  32. Has anyone e-mailed Stan about the 52 of a kind?

  33. Argyle,
    D'Oh. 6D: ELL. I only focused on the 3 theme entries and concentrated on the letters AL, AL, AL, Stupid!

    Yes, I was too desperate earlier and emailed Stan. He will probably get back to me tomorrow or Tuesday.

  34. So would that mean every word that has an L in it is part of the theme? If so, then there is a huge number of blocks theme-related.
    (I didn't do the puzzle. I just clicked "solve". C.C., I'll get to our local puzzle later, I'm feeling lazy today.)

  35. Well, I just finished the puzzle but I see I have been beaten to the punch. Yes, the 52 of a kind is the letter "L". So now, cc, you can sleep well tonight.

  36. Took a second look; every answer had L's in it. okay, then!

  37. Argyle,
    No, not a huge number of blocks. All of the words have a letter L. How did you notice the 52 L's?

    Did you notice the L's immediately?

  38. Argyle,
    Can you just give me the clues and answers for the theme entries from now on? No need to challenge me with the number of letters. I am no good.
    Also, your question regarding the theme entries for the L is very interesting. The 3 long ones look like just decoys, don't they?

  39. cc: No, I did not notice them immediately. In trying to understand the theme, I was looking for the Roman numerals LII (52). As I scanned the puzzle for these, I noticed the preponderance of Ls. A quick count then confirmed my suspicion.

  40. both across and down


    c.c., Looking at the complete puzzle, the sheer number of "L's" jumped out at me. You could say it was a puzzle from "L".

  41. I have to leave for work now but...MacArthur's promise: 12 letters.

    sorry, c.c., I couldn't resist.

  42. That's what I get for just looking at what seemed to be the theme clues. I had a deck of cards stuck in my mind and I couldn't get any further than that. It is easy to unnecessarily complicate things. Once I looked at the completed puzzle, it is obvious (Now!) to see that every word has at least one "L".

    It makes me think of the simplified version of Ockham's Razor principle , "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best."

    Then there is K.I.S.S. I'm referring only to myself here!

    Carol, Yes, same movie...probes in the necks of the grown-ups. What's a kid to do when most of the adults are part of the alien plot? Who will believe you? Wake up and it is all a dream....except when he looks out the window and sees the light in the sky. At the end of the movie, the tag line was "The Beginning". So creepy!!

    Good for your 24 point cribbage hand! That doesn't happen too often. 24 is the most I've ever pegged. I'm waiting for the perfect of these days, maybe.

  43. Argyle,
    Can't be. "We shall return" has 13 letters.

    FYI, this L might rank as the #2 in terms of the same letter usage in one puzzle. There are 69 letter A's in a NYT puzzle in 2002.

    Clear Ayes,
    "Then there is K.I.S.S. I'm referring only to myself here!" What does it mean?

  44. C.C. I think MacArthur said, "I shall return".

    K.I.S.S. stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid.

  45. C.C. I believe the quote is " I shall return". 12 letters.

  46. Jimbo,
    It's so sweet of you to check in today. So, besides this "I shall return", and Arnold Schwarzenegger' "I'll be back". What other famous "I" catchphrases can you think of? Better between 8 letters to 15 letters.

    Clear Ayes,
    Seem question applies to you as well.

  47. C.C.
    EDH is the name of a letter in an alphabet used in the Old English/Anglo Saxon time period. EDHS is the plural form of the name.

  48. How about "I am not a crook" uttered by President Nixon.

  49. And who said, " I came, I saw, I conquered".

  50. Uh Oh too many letters. sorry.

  51. Evening, all!

    I don't normally post here on Sunday's since my local paper carries a different puzzle on Sundays, but I just wanted to pop in for two reasons.

    First, I was hoping to see if anybody had solved the "52 of a kind" mystery, and I see they have! I had a sneaking suspicion that the theme had nothing to do with the long answers C. C. originally provided, but that was as far as I got. I did actually e-mail the editor, but didn't receive a response. So, Bravo to those who figured it out!

    Second, I wanted to report in on how Clear Ayes's orange chicken recipe came out. I made one minor miscalculation in that I bought chicken breasts that were much too large (you might want to mention how many ounces or pounds are appropriate instead of just saying 4 breasts), so there wasn't quite enough marinade left over to cover everything. Other than that, though, it was quite tasty! It wasn't nearly as sweet as I was expecting, but my wife liked it much better than other orange chicken recipes we have tried as a result. So, thanks!

  52. Bonjour, everyone. Just returned from Winnipeg, Canada, where I attempted to solve a crossword in a Winnipeg paper. The theme was Beijing Olympics, and since not one answer was Michael Phelps, I failed miserably. Haven't tackled today's yet, but did check on the previous comments that I missed.
    Drdad: thanks for the Brussels Sprouts recipe. One reason I married my husband is that he enjoys them as much as I do. There's not many of us!
    cc: thanks for the links to the Zombies & Kinks; enjoyed the music & Ray Davies' impish smile.
    NoDak spuds are usually identified in the supermarkets as being from the Red River Valley, either from eastern North Dakota or western Minn. We produce all sizes from creamers to premiums. The deep red ones are the best IMHO. Scrub the skins well. After eating the spud, spread more butter on the leftover insides & sprinkle with a garlic/onion/chives seasoning mix & enjoy. Pop them back in the oven if necessary. Spud skins are a good source of fiber.
    Re: The Women remake now in theaters. Rent the 1939 original. Can you imagine this cast: Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford, Rosalind Russell, and more. Bitingly, wickedly funny.
    Happy Monday.

  53. How about "Honey, I forgot to duck"?

  54. "I have a dream." - Martin Luther King Jr.

    "I am the greatest." Muhammad Ali

    "I see dead people." Haley Joel Osment in The Sixth Sense

    Barry, I never thought of "sizing" the chicken breasts. I think the ones I usually buy are about 4 oz. It is true that the recipe isn't sweet. The only sweetness comes from the orange juice. If a little more sweetness is wanted, I think a tablespoon (or more) of brown sugar added to the marinade when it is reducing would do the trick. "Tweaking " a recipe is half the fun, so enjoy.

    Bea, those potato skins are making my mouth water.

  55. Barry, I weighed a chicken breast I had in the freezer. It is more like 6 oz. That seems like an adequate serving. I'll change the recipe instructions to 4 6 oz chicken breasts.

    Hi, Jimbo. Always nice to see your posts.

    Kittyb and Aluciddreamundreamt, Are all the Chicago areas un-flooded now?

    Glad that Nytanonimo is back. Now hoping that Buckeye isn't having too much trouble with electricity and Ike's aftermath.

    Carol, excuse me....I should have offered double congratulations for two 24 point cribbage hands. That is really an achievement. How the heck did you still get beaten?

  56. Statements with I:
    "I'm the decider" George W. Bush

  57. Carol: Dang, I meant to offer commiseration on losing with 2 24s in the same game. I've never had a 29 either, but know people with 2, 3, and 4 29 hands lifetime. Go figure.

    I once had a five hand game:
    As non-dealer I had a 24 and caught him with the 4th 4 for around 40 holes. I next had a 20 hand plus a few crib points. It is 3rd hand and I'm about 54 out. I get a 16 hand with some pegs and I'm dealing 4th hand just outside the skunk line. I get some pegs to add to my 20 hand. I'm now 7 holes out with a crib to count! I get nothing in the crib, but go out in the 5th. Even more unusual, I don't skunk the guy! But I lose the next 7 games!! Grrr.

  58. Clear ayes, the western suburbs seem to be doing okay, but the southern neighborhoods in Chicago were harder hit. Dear Husband, who travels more than I do, says that most of the roads are in good shape now.

  59. I remember studying about "the grange movement" in US history in high school (35 years ago). I believe it was a kind of system for educating and helping farmers in the 1800s. There were also social activities. I agree that it comes from the French word for barn.

  60. There are still active grange organizations these days. They seem to be a dying breed, though (IMHO).

  61. Clear ayes and Ken, thanks for the "support" in my losing that cribbage game! I still cannot believe it! I dealt my Mom the perfect (29 point) hand in 1965, I still remember it as if it were yesterday. You sure don't see it that often and I have never had it.

    Clear ayes, thanks for the validation on the "scary" sci-fi movie. I watched it as an adult and it still gave me the chills.

    Hope you all have a good night and I'll "see" you on the blog tomorrow when I can participate in the puzzle.

  62. Hey c.c. sorry to reply so late, I was studying.

    EDH is the letter ∂. It was replaced by TH. I know its related to thorn, but don't know it was replaced by or if it replaced thorn

    Clear eyes:
    I know m neighborhood was flooded badly. I live in Albany park right along the north branch of the river. We didn't have power or gas for 2 and a half days. My university is a few blocks up river and 2 of the dorms also flooded. They didn't have water or power for 2 days and had to evacuate. The city had everything cleaned up by monday. If you google flood albany park chicago there are pictures that pop up.

  63. here's a vid of the flood at my school. if you watch at 2:20 some guys guys had the bright idea to get in the water and got carried away

  64. I'm back.

    Sibling's threat: I'm telling Ma / Mom / Mama (custom fit for your puzzle.)

    Child's defense: I didn't do it.

    Every prisoner's lament: I'm innocent

    And in Buckeye's case: I must be off.

  65. Theme: Body Language

    Edited by Linda and Charles Preston

    No constructor given. TMS

    24A: Completely in love - head over heels

    120A: Part of mililtary dress uniform - shoulder strap

    37D: Keep in view - have an eye to

    44D: On intimate terms - hand in glove

    50D: Is humiliated - loses face

  66. C.C.
    A lathe would very likely be found in a carpentry shop. A long piece of wood is put on the lathe in a position that causes it to spin, then tools are applied to shave off parts of the wood to form a particular shape.

  67. A coat check is when you go to a restaurant or event and they hang your coat for you.

  68. c.c.. these are from a local (Glens Falls The Chronicle) weekly paper. I thought I'd post them here to save space on Monday's blog.

    Theme: HAVIN' FUN

    By Robert Zimmerman

    No editer given. United Features Syndicate 21*21

    23A: Legendary Gene Kelly dance (1952) - Singin' in the Rain

    42A: Monroe solo in "Some Like It Hot" (1959) - Runnin' Wild

    78A: Joe Jackson hit - Steppin' Out

    96A: Astaire dance number in "Blue Skies" (1946) - Puttin' on the Ritz

    32D: Dance craze of World War I era - Ballin' the Jack

    35D: Broadway tear-jerker filmed three times (1922, 1932 and 1941) - Smilin' Through


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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