, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Thursday September 18, 2008 Alan P. Olschwang

Gary's Blog Map

Sep 18, 2008

Thursday September 18, 2008 Alan P. Olschwang

Theme: Don't Forget... (Evan Esar)

20A: Start of a quip: WRITING THINGS

32A: Part 2 of quip: DOWN IS

41A: Part 3 of quip: THE BEST

48A: Part 4 of quip: SECRET

59A: End of quip: OF GOOD MEMORY

This will be a short write-up. I cut my left index finger while peeling a nectarine earlier. Difficult to type. All I can say is that I had no problem understanding this quip.


1A: IV quantities: CCS. Or "E.R./O.R. quantities."

9A: Samantha of "The Collector": EGGAR. This is her website. I've never heard of her name or the movie before.

14A: Cheer in a bowl?: RAH. I wonder when/how this "bowl" came into being.

16A: Director of spaghetti westerns: LEONE (Sergio). No idea. Only knew Sierra LEONE the country. Who is the guy on the left? Would you call Clint Eastwood an OATER (33D: Shoot-'em-up) in those movies?

18A: Slowly, in music: LENTO. Like the opening tempo of this Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 I suppose. Do you like it?

19A: Wide receiver Terrel: OWENS. Poor Jessica.

24A: Japanese honorific: SAN. I cannot believe this restaurant's name is Mama-SAN. So audacious! Maybe they meant okaa - SAN?

34A: Workday start, often: NINE AM

37A: Jetson's dog: ASTRO. I bet Mr. Olschwang hates Houston ASTROS.

44A: Ivan of tennis: LENDL. So the ball hit McEnroe's chest only?

50A: Beset by problems: HARRIED. Are you OK with this clue?

54A: Spicy stew: OLLA. It's clued as "Earthen ware crock" in his last puzzle. I've never had OLLA before, have you? Is OLLA really cooked over a fire?

64A: Plays' players: CASTS. I like verbs in the puzzle, so I would clue it as "Flings".

72A: Coffee concoction: LATTE


3D: Australian lass: SHEILA. I've never heard of this expression before. Kazie, what's the slang for "Australian lad"?

6D: Band of pals: GANG. Have you heard of China's "GANG of Four"? The lower right lady is Jiang Qiang, Chair Mao's wife. They were arrested and charged with treason after Mao died.

9D: North Carolina University: ELON. I can never remember its name. See this Phoenix Rising statue at Elon University. Their sports teams are called the Phoenix.

10D: Baubles: GEWGAWS. What's the origin of GEWGAW?

13D: Legal thing: RES. And ESSE (63D: Latin being)

27D: Those, to Tomas: ESOS. Singular is ESA.

30D: Durham sch.: UNH. Got stumped again. Here is their Wildcats logo.

39D: Highland dance: REEL. No idea, it's "a lively Scottish dance".

40D: Penned in: ENCLOSED. Maybe I should be a cattle. I would have had no problem penning in ENCLOSED. Cleverly misleading clue.

45D: Forced inductee: DRAFTEE. I don't like this clue. Would prefer something "non-volunteer" related.

47D: Tap on a table: DRUM. I don't understand this clue/answer. What kind of DRUM is a "Tap"?

51D: Wagnerian heroine: ISOLDE. It's clued as "Tristan's beloved" last time.

57D: Main artery: AORTA

61D: Shoulder muscle, briefly: DELT (Deltoid). I forgot. See here. Isn't woman always looking for a warm shoulder to cuddle her head on?

62D: Carnivore's choice: MEAT. I don't think so. It's "Carnivore's diet". Would be OK were it clued as "Omnivore's choice".



  1. Good morning, c.c. and fellow dfs: I actually could relate to the 'quip' in this one - if it wasn't for post-its, I'd be out of business.

    No real issues, couple 'crossword words', but everything fell into place fairly well.

    c.c., tapping your fingers on a surface is often called 'drumming'. The guy to the left of Eastwood is Lee Van Cleef. Also, Jessica Simpson is seeing Tony Romo, not Terrell Owens.

    Today is a great day - National Cheeseburger Day - and I intend to honor it appropriately. Hope it's a great day for you all as well.

  2. Dennis,
    Oh, I was not aware of that "drumming". Terrell Owens publicly asked Jessica to leave last Dec, saying she took Tony Romo's focus away. The finger is OK. Lots of bleeding earlier. I've got a bandage on right now, so it's very slow to type.

  3. Morning, all!

    Sorry to hear about your finger, C. C.! I hope it heals quickly. I was thinking of you when I saw the answer to 1A, btw... ^_^

    Relatively easy puzzle for me today. A few missteps, but nothing major and no unknowns for me today. I was going to complain yet again about these stupid quip puzzles and ask why they can't provide some indication in the clue as to what the quip is about. But then I finished the puzzle and realized that the quip was so dull that there's really nothing you could say about it in a clue that would be any help.

    Dennis has got you covered with Mr. Van Cleef, I see. I'll just mention that "shoot'em-up" and OATER refer to the movies themselves and not to the characters. So, no -- I wouldn't call Clint Eastwood an OATER.

  4. Doh! I wrote down "WRITING THINGS DOWN IS THE BEST SECRET OF A POOR MEMORY" thinking that if one secretly has a poor memory then nobody will know if you write everything down. I would have got it if I knew that my shoulder muscles were DELToids. "TOP up" also made more sense to me than "TOG up". I guess if you're wearing a toga...?

    I also had STARTER instead of STARTUP for a while. My guesses for "equal" were first SAME and then later FAIR (once I had the perp RESEED).

    Other words I didn't know were EGGAR, LEONE, OWENS, ELON, GEWGAWS and RES so basically the entire upper right hand corner had me stumped. Of course I don't have time to google between classes.

    A week ago my wife was singing karoke at home and I noticed that she had a list of Chinese songs on the karaoke machine. Here's a partial list of some of the songs.

    寂寞讓我如比美麗 by 陳明

    不免驚我愛的人 by 詹雅雯

    我用自己的方式愛你 by 陳明真

    從前我所緊抱的 by 劉德華

    做總統大家有機會 by 陳小雲

    不想我 by 趙詠華

    我的愛我的夢我的家 by 趙詠華

    你說的 by 張俐雲

    These eight song titles form the basis of a beautiful 9x9 grid (with the first five titles being across fills and the last three being down fills). I'm not familiar with any of these song titles or any of these singers so I don't know how cool this is but I suspect it's pretty cool.


  5. Good morning C.C.,

    Well, learned something this morning. Gewgaws???!!!!

    Was thinking about Durham, NC - not Durham, NH.

    "A Fistful of Dollars," "For A Few Dollars More," and "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly." Eastwood (the good), Van Cleef (the bad), and Wallach (the ugly). The ring tone on my phone is the theme song.

    Knew "Sheila" from the Crocodile Dundee movies.

    Nine a.m. reminded me of Nine to Five.

    For a really great restaurant name (instead of Mama San) try this restaurant's name.

    National Cheeseburger Day. I think I will have one for lunch.
    Jimmy Buffet said it best - Cheeseburger in Paradise.

    For all you morel people out there, it is also Mushroom Picking Day. Finally, it is National Play-Doh Day.

    I hope your finger gets better quickly, C.C.

    Have a great Thursday.

  6. OK, DrDad, I'll bite. Just how would you answer the phone (without sounding crass?)
    Slow today. A couple of interruptions and other things. Did pretty well except for LEONE. I had TEONE and wondered how ETON had gotten to NC! Maybe a geographical shift while I slept! Haven't heard the term GEWJAWS in years. I wanted BAUBLES but, of course, it didn't work.
    BTW, Like dennis, the quip is pretty much the story of my life lately, and works rather well, till I lose the scrap of paper I wrote on!
    Back to check later.
    No mischief while I'm gone, OK??

  7. drdad, the restaurant name is priceless, and the question is even better. I'll bet it's a popular place, if for no other reason so that people can say where they've been.

    By the way, my calendar shows National Pla-Doh Day as the 16th.

  8. Bill - it may be answered just the way everyone will probably think. I'm not sure. I'm going to tiptoe around this one and say that I'd answer it as "Fook My Restaurant."

  9. Dennis - you are correct in that some sites say it is the 16th. Here are two that say the 18th: Play-Doh #1;
    Play Doh #2.

    Let's just say it is and have fun playing with our "Doh."

  10. Good morning, c.c. I hope your finger is better, soon. Have you ever taken a day off since you started this blog? I think there should be a national "C.C.'s Day Off" Day, so you can recuperate! (OF course, we'd miss you, and all you do.)

    Easy puzzle. I always thought it was GEEGAWS, so I needed the fills to help with that, and I had no clue on ELON.

    I'm joining Bill and Dennis on the Post It crew. I have two dispensers on my desk, and a pad of the double width notes in the drawer. I'd be lost without them. I keep a spiral bound notebook of things which need to be done. Often the Post Its go onto a page in the book, to be pitched when the item has been accomplished. We all find ways to deal with fading memory but Post Its are one of the best.

    C.C., I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I didn't care for Rachmaninoff's interpretation. (Wondering if I'll be struck down by lightning...) It felt mechanical, cold, rushed, and lacking in emotion. Had I not known the performer's name, I would never have guessed, because Rachmaninoff is known for his lyrical playing, and I identify him with the Romatic era of composition, rather than Neo-Classical.

    And to tap on a table might be called "drumming" on the table. Frequently, when someone is waiting impatiently for something, they will drum their fingers on the counter or table.

    I hope everyone's day is as easy as the puzzle. Have a good Thursday.

  11. Good morning, C.C and clan. Sorry to hear of your cut finger, C.C. Those can be so frustrating. We tend to forget how much we take our hands for granted.
    I'm batting 1000 this week, but sounds like everyone else is too. I had UNC for Durham, NC also with "OURBEST" rather than "THEBEST" in the quip, but 28A and 29D got me back on track.
    Merriam-Webster cites gewgaw noted as early as 1529, but origin unknown

  12. "Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass."
    - Mark Twain, Notebook, 1898

    Hope you heal soon and uneventfully...

    Another easy puzzle. Three in a row!!! No Googling or dictionary used. GEEGAWS is the spelling, but seems that there is another one.

    Samantha Eggar, beautiful British lady. Used to be pretty active in the screen in the 60s.

    Nothing to get you too excited... Unless you enjoy the game of tennis... The balls used are soft, but the racquet has a fairly long handle...

  13. Drdad. Where do you find these links. lol on the restaurant name. Btw, I always enjoy your "day" notifications. Too bad there aren't more National Chocolate Days. Maybe "National M & M Day" or "National Rollos Day"??

  14., I like your ring tone. I suppose, in keeping with a Clint Eastwood theme, you could answer it "Make my day."

    When I saw it was National Cheeseburger Day, my first thought was the "Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger" skit from Saturday Night Live.

    On the clue for the workday start, I wanted to be seven or eight. Who gets to start at 9:00 a.m. these days??

  15. c.c., the only aussie word for lad I can think of is bloke. At least it's used in the same tone as sheila is for women. Kind of like guys and gals here. Except that nowadays it's considered "old-hat" to even use the old Australian expressions, and people tend to say "you guys" in the same way as here.
    For me today's puzzle wasn't easy. I started googling for Durham sch., also thinking unc and not knowing how it would fit in. also never heard the word gewgaws before and wondered how to make it jewel something. Ended up totally frustrated and came here for answers when I didn't have time for further fruitless googling.

  16. c.c., I'm sorry I forgot to wish you well on your injury. Take care of it, it can get worse in a hurry if you don't. Isn't it amazing how we discover how much we need all of our various parts as soon as we hurt them?

  17. C.C. Ditto the good wishes for your cut finger.
    Everyone! Be sure to go to the site mentioned below the restaurant for what kind of food might be served. You will have missed the best part if you don't go there. (I've never heard of eating like that. Has anyone?)
    I think of "drumming on the table" as using all digits in order, not like tapping which I think of as using fingers together.
    I too had geegaw, which made the rest impossible. My spellcheck just said it is to be gewgaw.
    I also had (have) poor memory, not good.

  18. sallie, thanks for pointing out that link; very interesting, but:

    a)she's wrapped in plastic, and
    b)"carefully placed flowers or shells"????

    Kinda spoils the fun for both parties, doesn't it?

    Would've given a whole new meaning to "Honey, we're eating out tonight"...

  19. Yes, I am going to hell, but the company will be familiar.

  20. kazie, I detest the phrase "you guys!"

    I will admit to being "over the hill." I have taken to gently admonishing some of our waiters when they refer to Dear Husband and me as "you guys." There are some kids I don't bother with, because they really won't care to hear what I have to say, but those who seem intelligent, who provide quality service, and who are aware that how they are received will make a difference in the tip, will take the time to listen.

    Usually, I tell them that ladies of a certain age don't care to be referred to as a "guy." It can be a very funny conversation, especially if it comes at the start of the meal, because the server will try all evening not to say the phrase.

    Geeze...I feel like "Miss Manners," now. I'm not a prig, I just really don't like to be called YOU GUYS!!

  21. Dennis!!! Man, oh man!!! I will meet you down there. That statement is funny!!! I hope you don't have to explain it.

  22. Well, if dennis needs to explain, then it'll be his just desserts!

  23. Hi C.C. and D.F.'s (and the rest of you too) :)
    Dennis, my you are going to be "dancing" again today...and I'm sure you will have partners! Bon appetit!

    C.C. I hope your finger is better soon, I HATE finger cuts!! Seems they are more annoying since we all use our fingers so much (we forget that until we hurt one).

    The puzzle was "puzzling" to me. I had a lot of trouble in the NE corner and had only a part of the quip, which did not make sense to me.

    54A I put Olio, which is correct too. I thought Olla was a pot. It is also a "stew". AGHHH! At least I learned another definition.

    I also could not do without post-it bathroom mirror is a patchwork of them, but they work to jog my memory for appointments, etc.

  24. crockett @10:35, great line.

    By the way, any sirens volunteering for lunch duty?

  25. kittyb, actually I agree wholeheartedly, but haven't bothered admonishing anyone yet. It sounds like a fun way to liven up the dining experience though. The first time I ever encountered it I remember being put out by the unisex-but-male-chauvinistic-implying-reference, but it's become so commonplace I guess I've ignored it lately. Thanks for the idea--I'm going to try it!

  26. No, I don't mean the other dining experience being discussed here!

  27. good morning c.c. and all,

    sorry about your finger, c.c. ... you do not eat the peel on a nectarine? i, too, am a prolific note-writer and wouldn't remember anything otherwise.


    Would've given a whole new meaning to "Honey, we're eating out tonight"...

    right .. and also, 'playing with your food.' and then there's the question of .. where would you, um, leave the, er .. tip?

  28. LMAO!!!!!

    This thread has been really entertaining. I'm going to be late for an appointment because I've been sitting here waiting to see who is going to have to tap dance today.

    I believe we might have an on-line version of "The Dancing Dads!" *G*

  29. Good Morning All, I agree with Kittyb (again) this morning.... GEWGAWS, ELON, and I can't function without post-it notes. I'm sorry that Ken was confused about UNH, but at least I wasn't alone in thinking it was Durham, NC. All the words finally worked out with the help of their neighbors.

    Kazie, It's too bad that SHEILA and Bloke aren't used much anymore. I think it must be American television creeping and making those interesting words obsolete.

    Did anyone here see the movie "Sex In The City"? There was a scene in which Samantha (Kim Catrall) is laid out ala "nyotai mori". I didn't know it was a real Japanese "cultural experience". There's that "learning something new everyday".

    C.C. There are few things that hurt more than a cut finger. It must have something to do with all the sensitive nerve endings. Also, no matter how careful you are, there it is on the end of your hand constantly banging into things. They do seem to heal fairly quickly, so try to keep that in mind for the next couple of days.

    Melissa bee, I'm glad to know it isn't just me. I have never peeled a nectarine either.

  30. melissa bee, you are a true df - made me laugh out loud.

    And kittyb, you're right - if c.c. asks me, "what's so funny about 'Honey, we're eating out tonight'", I'll return to the blog in, say, January.

  31. clear ayes, Actually bloke is still used a bit, but sheila always had a somewhat derogatory feel to it, at least when you are one, so I didn't mourn its passing. But I definitely don't like being called a guy, and you're right, it is from the movies and TV programs. Aussies were always exposed to media productions both from here and Britain, so we're kind of cross-cultural in our English language abilities.

  32. Dennis, Finger food is always fun! I'm sure morel (fungi's) would "perk up" the meal..we could add some Hollandaise sauce too.

  33. C.C.
    Sorry about your finger. That can be really painful. You need some of Melissa Bee’s green cream.

    I wasn’t particularly fond of the Rachmaninoff piece, but I admire his skill.

    Northeast section defeated me with a stack of three proper names unknown, and crossed with a university I never heard of, and GEWGAWS. I’ve only heard of the variant gewgaws. You win, My Olschwang.

    I V quantities tricked me, because I was thinking about the donor’s point of view. Pint or quart – you know, they give certificates for how much you donate over a period of time.

    There were other problems, but the quip gave me the crosses I needed.

  34. Kittyb and Kazie, I don't like "you guys" either, but I don't think it is going anyplace else soon. I didn't know SHEILA was somewhat disrespectful..learning again.

    The one I totally despise is "beeatch". I've heard both boys AND girls use it. When I was a teenager, we used "bitchin'" to describe something that was really cool. I don't know how that one got started, but slang doesn't always make sense. "Beeatch" is directed at a woman and is so ugly sounding to my ears.

    It looks like another interesting blog day. We are off to do some shopping, so I'll check in later to see what has developed. Have fun.

  35. clear ayes, your reference to slang not making sense made me think of a German usage of the youth culture that drives people in our age group there crazy: the word "geil", which really means "horny", but is now used for "great!", "fantastic!" so it happens everywhere.

  36. If they would do away with the plastic wrap I'd volunteer to wash the plate!!!

  37. Barry,
    Thanks. I always thought OATER refers to the actor in those western movies.

    I love 寂寞讓我如比美麗, and 我用自己的方式愛你, very romantic.

    Good to know your take on Rachmaninoff's interpretation. How about Horowitz's version?

    I'd like to hear your view too.

    How about "mate"?

    I don't eat skin of any fruit.

    Sallie & Dennis et al,
    Naked Sushi is very popular in Japan and Hongkong. We have one restaurant here Mpls offering Naked Sushi night too.

  38. Dr. Dad,
    Mama - SAN definitely pales compared with Fuk Mi. I once went to a pub named XING in Yantai City. XING can mean both the fruit "apricot" and S_ _ (Kind of kitten or goddess)in Chinese. Incredible experience.

    Now, I don't want to lose Dennis for 3 months, so why don't you explain to me "Honey, we're eating out today"? I am gluten sensitive, so I don't get asked that question often.

    I'd like a long and detailed explanation.

  39. Dammit, Dennis!!! She's asking me!!!!!

  40. Well Dennis, have a Happy Halloween, Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year!! LOL

  41. Ooooppps! Sorry Dennis, so long drdad!

  42. Good morning C.C. & all

    Let me start out by stating how much I dislike quips as used in xwords. Mr. Olschwang is not my favorite author for that reason. It's like starting with a long list of clues missing and having to rely on obscure crosses to fill in the blanks. If authors are going to rely on quips, they should be clued! There! I've vented!

    The rest of the puzzle was frustrating in spots due to the above and definitely not a gimmee. I haven't heard 'gewgaws' used in... way to long to remember! I guess I should have written it down on a post-it but then I would have forgotten where I put the note.

    I really don't like 50A but it actually works in a vague way. I also didn't like 64A because the players in a play are the cast(singular) - not casts(plural). A producer/director casts an actor into a role but the entire group is the cast.

    I thought some of the other clues like 52D, 53D and 68A were very thought provoking. 14A wasn't really very good as a clue but I have to admit that my first thought was 'ole'. I dislike the noun/verb disagreement in 38A but I got it. But, enough of this brain-battering so I'm outta here.

    C.C. - sorry to hear about the finger & hope it heals quickly. I hope it wasn't deep enough to need stitches or a butterfly but take care of it nonetheless.

    @drdad/dennis - good luck! I know it'll be an interesting read. Cya when ya' get out of the penalty box!


  43. CC: Put on some iodine, a bandaid and try not to bend it too much and it will be good as new in a week.

    Gewgaws has to be a made up word. Something I've started to expect from Olschwang.

  44. Carl, it said "plays'", so the plays are plural, and casts could be too.
    c.c., mate is still used but exclusively with males.

  45. I don't suppose "it can occur as a prelude to 'forking around'" is a good answer. No, I guess not. No guts no glory, I guess.

    C.C. - a picture is worth a thousand words. Also, here is something I found on it with regard to its place in Taoism. Perhaps you are aware of this aspect:

    Although not spoken of openly in Western society until recently, the act is accorded a revered place in Chinese Taoism. This is because the aim of Taoism is to achieve immortality, or at least longevity, and the loss of semen, vaginal, and other bodily liquids is believed to bring about a corresponding loss of vitality. Conversely, by either semen retention or ingesting the secretions from the vagina, a male or female can conserve and increase his/her ch'i, or original vital breath. In Taoism:

    The Great Medicine of the Three Mountain Peaks is to be found in the body of the woman and is composed of three juices, or essences: one from the woman's mouth, another from her breasts, and the third, the most powerful, from the Grotto of the White Tiger, which is at the Peak of the Purple Mushroom (the mons veneris).

    According to Philip Rawson, these half-poetic, half-medicinal metaphors explain the popularity of cunnilingus among the Chinese: "The practice was an excellent method of imbibing the precious feminine fluid". But the Taoist ideal is not just about the male being enriched by female secretions; the female also benefits from her communion with the male, a feature that has led the sinologist, Kristofer Schipper, to denounce the ancient handbooks on the "Art of the Bedroom" as embracing a "kind of glorified male vampirism" that is not truly Taoist at all. Ideally, by mingling the male and female liquids the Taoist aims to reconcile opposites and to recapture the mythical time that existed before the division of the sexes, the primordial time of the original ch'i.

  46. And with that, I will see you next January.

  47. Geez DrDad, That was really great. Even I was able to grok that. And learned something too!

  48. Hi c.c. and all. Another Oregonian here. Long time lurker, first post.

    The only "ink-overs" were at "ccs" and "unh" - otherwise not too bad.

    carl: Casts bothered me too until I re-read the clue and saw it was plays' (plural).

    Bear with me, it took me a long time to get this first post. I hope to be back on at least a semi-regular basis.

  49. @kazie

    My 'duh' light just came on. It was blinking slightly after I posted the comment but the fog finally cleared with your post. You are correct. I should have been in 'tough clue' mode and it just never clicked. Thank you.

    @dave Let me be the first to say welcome & thanks to you too. Where is home in 'O'? There's getting to be a real gaggle of us...

    & drdad... Wow! And, I'm sayin' nothin' more... period!

  50. drdad, I second the "Wow"! You do have "stones" to add THAT very explicit visual to your explanation!! "Good Show" as the Brits would say!!!

  51. Hi all,

    Well, never heard of Gewgaws, or Leone and had everything but the first "e" so had to google it.

    The rest was fairly easy, but did get stumped for awhile on 40D as I was thinking of Penned in (as in writing or inking in).

    c.c.: Hope your finger gets better. I always use hydrogen peroxide on cuts it helps to eliminate bacteria. BTW, The Outback restaurants have "Sheila" and "Blokes" on the restroom doors.

    Drdad: Nice long detailed answer as usual, see you in Jan lol!

    I guess a cheeseburger is in order for dinner tonight!

  52. 7:50 today. No unknown words (except GEWGAW). I always seem to struggle with the Thursday quip puzzles. Sometimes, as in this one, I have to solve nearly the entire puzzle before the quip comes into mind.

    I was surprised by 10d: Baubles (GEWGAWS). I had only ever heard GEEGAW before and was surprised when I looked it up later to see that GEEGAW was the variant. I wonder if this is regional?

    c.c. says the origin of GEWGAW is Middle English giuegaue. (Not that that is particularly helpful.)

    We would call the Clint Eastwood/Sergio LEONE movies "spaghetti westerns" rather than OATERS, I'd think.

    And c.c.: you peel nectarines? I've never bothered as the entire fruit (except the pit, of course), is delicious.

    dave: welcome, there are about ten Oregonians who blog here, I think.

  53. I think the Horowitz piece is glorious.

    Welcome Dave. It's nice to have another Oregonian on the site. Which part of the state do you live in? Are you close to the forest fires? Ash was falling in Eugene and Springfield yesterday - a good 60 miles from Oakridge, and breathing was a serious problem. Children and older people advised to stay in.

    Now I understand what Clear Ayes experienced a while back. Yuk

  54. Welcome to Dave!
    But once you start with this it gets to be an addiction, so be careful.

    gr8rmomx2, you mentioned Outback Steakhouse dunny door signs, but I have to say that I'd forgotten that they do that. The servers annoyed me so much with their phony aussie accents the first time we went, we've hardly ever been back. Maybe they've dropped the accents now, but I'd still rather grill my own steak than go there!
    c.c., I understand your wanting to avoid the chemicals that might be on the fruit. I always wash anything of which I eat the skin with soap.

  55. In Chicago in the 1930's and '40's the word Oater in reference to a movie indicated that there were cowboys on horses in the film. Horses were known for eating oats, and that gave the name.
    In the same time & place the word Gewgaw meant a pretty object, often cheap jewelry.

  56. (Sliding in the side door) - looks like I'm safe for another day. Very nice job, drdad - I'm sure I'll appreciate it once I figure it all out. My take on it was much more simplistic. Sort of a 'tab A, slot B' approach.

    Again, thanks for letting me stay around a little longer...

    Oh, and I think Lois' head is gonna spin around like Linda Blair's when she reads this.

  57. CC: hope your finger heals quickly. Sorry about your pain.

    I just knew I was Oriental or Asian in a former life and it spilled over into this one! I'm going to have Sushi tonight but would prefer a different plate. Good job, drdad! That's a classic response! and a WOW'ser! Great job! See ya when ya get back. Happy New Year!

  58. Dave,

    Dr. Dad,
    Re: EAT OUT. Sometimes I am confused about what is obvious to you and others. What you think is obvious obviously is not obvious to me. So I appreciate your Ph.D prelude education. And to quote Confucius: "I hear, I know. I see, I remember. I do, I understand." I do, but I don't understand. See you tomorrow.

  59. I have been too busy putting together my own foodshow to do the puzzle or blog lately, but all this talk of "food" has left me famished. I must be satisfied...and I mean satisfied in every sense of the word.
    xchefwalt or Dennis or Drdad what is on the menu tonight?

  60. Calef, I'm having a DUH moment. Are you from Chicago? Or were you from Chicago?

    Lucid...did I miss your response to the same question or did you miss the question?

    Clear ayes, yeah....I know that my effort isn't going to stop the world from using "you guys." I find it creeps into my vocabulary now and then, too. But, every now and then, I just have to object.

    C.C. Of the two links for the Hungarian Rhapsody #2, I prefer Horowitz. His performance seems warmer to me. They are both amazing performers. Their technical ability at the piano is not to be surpassed. What really surprised me was that there was no rubato in the opening section by either of them. No doubt they know better than I what Liszt wanted.

    I spent some time browsing through You Tube to listen to other performers (including Tom and Jerry and Victor Borge), and discovered that the performance I must remember from my childhood it that of Jan Paderewski. It's quite different from Horowitz and Rachmaninoff performances.

    And last, but definitely not least... Dr.Dad, VERY IMPRESSIVE. I do believe that you have responded so thoroughly that you will be excused from further duty for a while. You can just type 9-18-08 any time someone wants you to sub for them in the explanation dance. Way to go!!

  61. TO ALL: I would like suggest that when you include a link to something very graphic that there be a warning in the text accompanying the link. Links such as the one from DrDad can cause problems for anyone viewing it, for example, in the work place. Had I known how graphic it was, I would have waited until I got home. Many employers view looking at such things as fireable offenses. I am a consultant and have to be even more cautious.

    As for the puzzle, it was reasonably easy. I knew everything except Terrell OWENS. I have heard the term GEWGAWS but like most had always used geegaws.

  62. Thanks all for the welcomes for the "newbie".

    In response to the location question, I'm on the Oregon Coast...roughly between Seaside and Tillamook.

    Now all I have to do is figure out how to get a profile up and get my name in blue instead of black and I'm sure I'll feel right at home!

  63. Kittyb.
    I was born and raised in Chicago, and graduated from Calumet High School in 1943. After several years of trying to find my niche in life I ended up spending it as a schoolteacher in Ohio. I retired in 1987 and now live in Broward Co, FL.

  64. Dave in Oregon,

    It is not hard to get the profile.
    Under the "LEAVE YOUR COMMENT" box, you'll see "choose an identity" and choose to "open an account" and that will get you there.

  65. Dave, welcome to our crazy world..I was just where you live on Tues. It was in the 90's in Portland (where I live) so we decided to go to Cannon was so foggy we couldn't even see the ocean when we were few hundred feet from it! Since I am a native Oregonian, I know how often that happens, we just "gambled up".

    Cokato, are you volunteering to be dinner tonight? Dennis was asking for them earlier..

  66. Thanks, calef. I'll try to keep in mind that you are transplanted "Chicagoan." I've lived in the far west suburbs most of my life. If you haven't been back to this area for a while, you'd be amazed at the growth toward the west. It's nice to have company here. It seems Florida and Oregon are really well represented.

  67. carol, that was for lunch. Dinner would require a couple 'platters'.

  68. Good evening c.c., DF’s and all. It’s been another one of those days! I have a new customer opening up who takes up gobs of time, and I too must prepare for a three day food show in Tampa Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

    @c.c.- I did listen to both versions, and I also prefer the Horowitz. Although I found the Rock’s version more technically proficient, Horowitz puts more soul into it. I also hope that your finger heals quickly, as there is probably FLOUR that needs to be tended to.

    @cokato- good luck at your show. I know how much fun (and how much work) they are. I am hedging in giving out meal plans here, as I have not so subtlety been accused of poisoning one of our most prolific contributors (drdad, you ROCK!).

    However, I will say that body shots are a part of any fine meal.

  69. Dennis, perhaps a nice "buff"et? Maybe an "all you can eat"??

  70. Chef: define 'body shots' please. I agree that they are part of any fine dining, but my take on those might be different than yours.

  71. xchefwalt, I am the one that does all the work on the vendor side. Collect the contracts/allowances, enter them, do the booth layout, and work with the exhibitor service and the venue. Decorations, the whole shoot'n match. I am glad our is just a one day show. I know Sysco in Mpls area is not doing a foodshow this fall. Good for us really.
    Never had a body shot, but have given one. I prefer the jello shots. Just slurp one down.

    Dennis, what are your platter preferences? There are many courses to a good "meal".

    I still haven't heard from you Drdad.

  72. carol, now you're talking.

    lois, I can't imagine what you mean...

  73. Dennis: LOL! I just bet you can even though I'm not talkin' fried pies and RC cola!

  74. Did anyone else find a problem with25 across? How is a page an aide unless the clue is paige? And what is ELON?

  75. Doesitinink is correct. I should have labeled it. I don't think I will do anything like that in the future. Got caught up in yesterday's forking around and it sort of backfired. Shouldn't have done it. Links like those deserve a warning. My humblest and most sincere apologies.

    C.C. as I said privately, no offense intended.

  76. Wow, I missed some interesting stuff this afternoon. Drdad certainly put a scholarly explanation out there. I had no idea there was so much to it. I'm sure I would have gone with the "it's a euphemism for" route, but this way I learned about the Tao of "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives"

    Dave, Welcome. C.C. has an explanation of how to set up a Google account, "How to Post a Comment?" in the "Read These First" column on the right side of her blog home page.

    Kittyb, I'll have to check YouTube for the Victor Borge links. He was so wonderful!

  77. Wendy @ 6:57pm,
    25A: AIDE. The clue "page" is solid. Your "paige" does not make sense. As for 9D ELON, please read my main blog entry.

    Dr. Dad,
    I agree with Doesitinink. It should have been labeled. But it's a new experience for all of us. So no offense is taken. I still vodka you as much as I did yesterday.

  78. KittyB,
    Forgot to answer your 7:49am question earlier. The answer is no, I've never taken a day off since Jan 21. What is "rubato"?

    Thanks for OATER and GEWGAW. I thought you live in CA.

    I only need to take care of my flower, not flour. I did not accuse you of poisoning Dr. Dad. I was merely trying to see if he cooked his meat properly. What are "body shots"?

  79. Hey drdad, you cook your meat??? As Lois would say "Holy hot wick!"

  80. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This

    Ru*ba"to\, a. [It.] Robbed; borrowed.

    Temple rubato. [It.] (Mus.) Borrowed time; -- a term applied to a style of performance in which some tones are held longer than their legitimate time, while others are proportionally curtailed.

    C.C., within a measure, or within a phrase, a soloist or a conductor may choose to lengthen some notes and shorten others. It's more often found in music of a Latin nature, and it can make a line of music very expressive. The trick to a rubato is that the phrase remains the original length while the values of the notes within it change.

    Xchefwalt, and cokato, good luck with your shows!

    Welcome, Dave, even if you're not from Chicago. *S*'re living on the edge! lol


    C.C. you're just amazing. Thanks for all your hard work!

  81. Wendy, 25A clue "Page" is used in the sense of a Congressional Page, a high-school junior, hired to "provide supplemental administrative support to House operations in a variety of capacities". That's how the answer AIDE makes sense.

    C.C. I hope all the goings-on today helped you to forget about your sore least a little bit.

  82. c.c., hold out your hand; here are some kisses, X X X, for your cut finger. There, I hope it feels better.

  83. G'd night, Ma'am

    I am retiring for the night.

    (this is an image I used when I was a majordomo at a roll playing site.)

  84. Dr Dad: Please understand that I was not offended by your link but was shaken a bit because I viewed it while at a client's site.

  85. ...continued to Dr Dad: So do not hesitate to post such things in the future, but please do note their graphic nature so people can decide when or if they wish to view it.

  86. I don't like the quip puzzles much, unless they use a Yogi, or something I've heard before. But the answer to one across is bogus. "CC S" That is plural, and everyone on this blog knows there is only one C.C. There will only ever be one C.C.

  87. Good evening C.C..If I read thru everyone's blog, it will again be too late to write. PLEASE put something like Neosporin on your cut. I hope it heals soon, but depending how deep it is, you might want to have it checked.

    I went looking for morels today; no luck... gotta go to a fancier store I guess. Had to use buttons for tonight's dinner.

    Enjoyed the puzzle, but GEWGAW...that's a useless word! I had to look up how it was pronounced.

    That quip is so me. I have to write down everything. If I didn't have my files and folders, I'd be lost. The inventor of the post-it notes must be a billionaire by now.

    Dr Dad: Who is the good, the bad and the ugly in your world?? What a guy!

    Didn't read the blog early enough to celebrate with a cheeseburger today, but I did have lunch with my college roommate whom I haven't seen for 35+ years. Of course, we both look the same.LOL

  88. Ah, made me smile with "Of course, we both look the same."

    Melissa, I agree with your comment to boomer. He wins all the good guy points today.

    Argyle, you are one handsome dude!

    Carol at 5:46, you've really been stirring the pot, today! lol

    Good night ladies (and gents)...till we meet tomorrow.

  89. Boomer: That is soooo sweet and sooo true! We all can whole heartedly agree that truly there is only one CC!

    Argyle: what an absolutely totally handsome picture! Yep, my chimney is swept and waiting! I'm sure CC's finger will definately feel better now, thanks to you.

    BTW, I have an 'owie' right down here.Anything you can do to help?

  90. Lois, Argyle retired for the night. I'll kiss it and make it feel better. (SMACK) There, how does it feel now?

  91. Crockett: Ohhhh, a little over to the left...down... a little further... over to the right....there, ahhhhh, much better. You're so sweet. Feels great. Thank you. I'll return the favor someday.

  92. 47D: Tap on a table: DRUM. I don't understand this clue/answer. What kind of DRUM is a "Tap"?

    Have you ever seen an impatient person tap thier fingers?

  93. 62D: Carnivore's choice: MEAT. I don't think so. It's "Carnivore's diet". Would be OK were it clued as "Omnivore's choice".

    That is correct an Carnivore eats meat while a herbivore eats plants. An Omnivore eats both.

    This clue deals with dinosaurs.

  94. "There will only ever be one C.C."

    Actually, when I first started posting here I hadn't read C.C.'s profile and I actually wondered if she was Connie Chung.

    C.C., I cut my finger once when I was slicing a hot dog bun. There was so much blood that I went to the hospital emergency room but I waited so long in line that the darn thing had already healed up by the time the doctor saw it. How embarrassing!

    Anyway, do you also peel grapes? I saw people doing that in Korea. Back in Canada I had a Chinese friend and she used to just wash grapes: she almost panicked once when I said "Can I have one of your grapes" and she said "No, no, no, I haven't washed those yet!"

    People's food eating habits are interesting. One time in Canada I went out to have pizza with a lady from China and I was surprised to see her use a knife and a fork to eat her pizza. I noticed the same thing in Korea. I even had dinner with somebody one time and he ate fried chicken with chopsticks. Americans and Canadians eat most things (pizzas, hamburgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, fried chicken, fruit) by picking them up and eating with their bare hands. It must have seemed so barbaric to you when you first came to America!

    Then there was that one time when I had my Chinese friend (back in Canada) come over to my place for spaghetti and she asked me how she could eat noodles with a fork. I quickly located some chopsticks for her. Nowadays when I eat noodles I prefer to use wooden chopsticks because it is a bit easier. (Metal forks are too slippery and metal chopsticks are even worse.)


  95. I think C.C.'s point was that a carnivore does not _choose_ to eat meat whereas an omnivore could choose to eat meat.

    Actually, I think the "carnivore's choice" is a better clue. Take my cat, for example: I can give him dry food which is "beef flavor" but is actually made from vegetable products. He will literally choose to eat tuna when given the choice.



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