, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday October 26, 2008 William S. Richardson

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Oct 26, 2008

Sunday October 26, 2008 William S. Richardson

Theme: Green







All those answers really feel like clues for GREEN, don't they? I wish BLUE AND YELLOW were structured in 3D to form a symmetry with ADOLPH OR HUBERT.

I've never seen a TMS Sunday puzzle with the majority of the theme answers clued in Down. I wonder what's the reason for this change. The puzzle looks nice too if you turn it 90 degrees.

The first theme answer I got is PLACE FOR PUTTING, which prompted me to expect "Masters jacket color", thinking this might be a golf-green related theme.

The clue for SUISSE (1D: Genevan nationality) is not to my liking. Since SUISSE is the French spelling, the clue should have inclued "Genève" as a hint.

Had to resort to OneAcross & Google for help, too many new words/names for me.


1A: Moroccan port: SAFI. Here is the map. Have never heard of the port before.

14A: Acid of apples: MALIC. New to me. It's derived from Latin "malum" meaning "apple".

20A: First Hebrew letter: ALEPH. First Arab letter is ALIF.

26A: Fuzzy or frizzy: NAPPY

31A: Guinea - ___: BISSAU. See this map. BISSAU is also the capital of the country. Another unknown. It's a Portuguese colony before.

36A: Lab vessels: BEAKERS

37A: Like cars in a traffic jam: END-TO-END

46A: Case for Fox Mulder: X- FILE. Or "Case for Dana Scully".

57A: Pastoral paradise: ARCADIA. Unknown to me. So close to ACADIA in spelling. Dictionary says ARCADIA is "a mountainous region of ancient Greece, traditionally known for the contented pastoral innocence of its people." Kind of like Shangrila, isn't it?

64A: Dutch commune: EDE. I only know Swiss canton URI. See EDE?

69A: Language of Bangladesh: BENGALI. New to me also. I thought they speak Bangladesh language. Dictionary says "jute" is from BENGALI "jhuto".

72A: Hole in a needle: EYE


81A: Immune system component: T CELL

87A: "Gypsy Love" composer: LEHAR (Franz). No idea. Have only heard of his "The Merry Widow". Here is a clip. She is not singing in Italian, is she?

93A: Sportscaster Scully: VIN. He "holds the distinction of the longest consecutive service of any current major league broadcaster for one team." I've never heard of him before. Not a Dodgers fan.

94A: Publisher' s mark: COLOPHON. It's "A brief description usually located at the end of a book, describing production notes relevant to the edition." I had no idea that there is even a word for that page.

97A: Skintight outfit: LEOTARD

102A: Juicy fruits: MANGOES. One medium-sized MANGO has all the vitamin A & C you need. Some of them are so stringy.

104A: Of words: VERBAL. See the origin of cruciverbalist. I like Ken's example last week: "I never talk to cruciverbalists; they are either cross or down."

108A: View again: RESEE. And I SEE (4D: Words of understanding). I don't like seeing two SEE's.

113A: Mortise insertion: TENON

115A: Ordinary language: PROSE. "Purple PROSE" is not ordinary.


5D: Squeals: TATTLE. The other ?ATTLE words are battle, cattle and rattle. Constructors always keep several options open.

8D: Columnist's opinion pg.: OPED. I would prefer a simple "Columnists' pg". I don't like the OP duplication.

9D: Remnants of a grenade: SHRAPNEL. I did not know that SHRAPNEL has no plural form.

14D: Wild ones: MANIACS. Mozart is genius MANIAC.

16D: One who loses faith: LAPSER. If you say so.

17D: To some extent: IN PART

18D: Indian pony: CAYUSE. New word to me. He is named after the Indian tribe CAYUSE I suppose.

38D: Restaurateur Shor: TOOTS. Learned his name from doing Xword of course. Is the Toots Shor's Restaurant still in business?

44D: Type of dysentery: AMOEBIC. The other type is bacillary. New to me.

45D: Jejunum connections: DUODENA. Singular form is DUODENUM. Another unknown to me. I did not know the meaning of "Jejunum". It's "the middle portion of the small intestine, between the duodenum and the ileum."

51D: Ruling house of Great Britain: WINDSOR

52D: English poet Siegfried: SASSOON. No idea. His eyes look very penetrating. SASSOON is "joy" in Hebrew.

54D: Marshy depression: SWALE. I wrote down SWAMP first.

82D: Wrenches: CONTORTS

88D: Football teams: ELEVENS. The same with soccer and cricket, both have 11 players on each side.

90D: Whaler's cohort: SEALER. Okey-dokey.

91D: Matador: TORERO

94D: Aircraft pioneer: CESSNA (Clyde). No idea. See this picture. He is in Aviation Hall of Fame. His company is still in operation, and "currently, CESSNA produces 2-, 4- and 6-place single-engine airplanes, utility turboprops, and business jets."

98D: Brooke Shields film, "___ Nevada": Nope, nope. New film to me. Only knew "A Fish Called WANDA".



  1. C.C.
    Concerning the Bible someone gave you that you have never opened:
    I can understand that you may not be interested in it from a viewpoint of religious belief. However, the translations of the Bible over the past few centuries have had a tremendous influence on the vocabulary of the English language, and you may be interested in it from that point of view.

  2. Calef & Jimbo,
    I read a kid's version of the Bible once. It has beautiful illustrations and very easy to understand. I find the real Bible daunting, lots of new words.

  3. My joy over finding the same Sunday puzzle on Thursday last week is shattered--this week it was a different one!

    But there's still a lot to learn by checking in here on Sundays.

  4. Good morning CC etal:
    Normal amount of googles for a Sunday, no oneacrosses for me today. Southeast corner kicked my fanny - couldn't seem to tease out hubert, nelson, sten or lehar. Never heard of colophon. Otherwise an unremarkable puzzle for me, although I thought the "reverse clue" theme was interesting - first one I figured out was "inexperienced", so that got me going.

    Tigers lost (badly), Bucks lost (great game, though), Rays lost (also a great game - though very late). So I must hold out hope for my Saints and their "home" game in England today.

    Who 'dat say they gonna beat dem Saints?

    Happy Sunday all.

  5. c.c., toots shor's closed in the late 70's. It had only average food, but if you were a celebrity, it was the place to be seen in NYC.

    Shrapnel usually refers to the metal pieces that fly off an exploding device - I got nicked by a piece back in the Vietnam days.

    And Cessna & Piper are probably the two biggest names in General Aviation; most people learn to fly in one or the other.

  6. Forgot to add - a wonderful day yesterday - first, Georgia won handily, then Penn State won a squeaker, and finally, the Phillies pulled out a bottom-of-the-ninth win. At around 2am. Now THAT'S a good day.

  7. I know it's Sunday and I don't get the xword but I had to post an update about the benefit yesterday. I'm awed and amazed! We started at noon and by 7:30 PM there had been a total in excess of $4000.00 raised! This in a small local barroom that, on a good day might hold 100 people (if they really liked each other).
    In view of the economic status of our world today that is phenomenal
    to me.
    At least the family will be able to defray some of the expenses.
    He had purchased life insurance a short while ago but there was a clause that it had to be in effect for a certain amount of time before it was valid. (and of coarse it wasn't)
    Bottom line to all of our bloggers-- Get your affairs in order NOW, it could happen any time!!!

  8. Alabama won another ugly win at Tennessee. The team is now with eight wins. Maybe Sabin is worth 4 million dollars. Lat year football program at Alabama grossed bout 65 million.

    I learned some new words today like "cayuse", "colonphon" "bissau" and "Bengali". It was tough puzzle today, but it all seems to work at the end except for 50 down. That long clue was a problem. As usual i had lew erasures.

    Is there anyone who works the puzzle with a ink pen????

    Abogato from Alabama

  9. Alabama won another ugly win at Tennessee. The team is now with eight wins. Maybe Sabin is worth 4 million dollars. Lat year football program at Alabama grossed bout 65 million.

    I learned some new words today like "cayuse", "colonphon" "bissau" and "Bengali". It was tough puzzle today, but it all seems to work at the end except for 50 down. That long clue was a problem. As usual i had lew erasures.

    Is there anyone who works the puzzle with a ink pen????

    Abogato from Alabama

  10. @ Dennis:
    I read your profile - what's your affiliation with Georgia? You rooting for the Chargers today, too?

  11. abogato, yes, there's several of us on here who only use pens.

  12. chrisinla, I grew up in Atlanta; lived there until I joined the Marines. Not sure why I would root for the Chargers...

  13. Dennis:
    I guess it was just a coincidence. I "officed" out of ATL for a while, but could never get excited about the "dawgs". Was imppressed by Rutgers win, though - they really handed it to Pitt yesterday!

  14. If you like crosswords you really ought to come to porkies barn.

  15. C.C. If you have the "King James" version, I can understand your reluctance; But there are later translations that are much easier to read, because they are written in modern day languages.

    May I suggest you obtain a copy of "The Way" or "The Living Bible" and begin with the "Gospel of John" and read through the "New Testament"first.

    I believe you will find it interesting and life changing.

    Vaya con Dios

  16. Good morning c.c., As mentioned, I don't get the Sunday Trib. puzzle, but I need to check in to take my lumps.

    To Dennis, Jeanne and Dick congratulations on Penn State's victory over my Bucks. (Bad day, Chris in La.) Wasn't it ironic that PSU's Q.B. is from Youngstown, Oh. and OSU's Q.B. is from Jeanette, Pa. Dick, I predicted the winner but sure blew the score. PSU had NO penalties, and NO turnovers. Can't play better than that! My ol' fraternity brother, Woody Hayes, once said you can count on one loss per season for every true freshman you start in a skilled position. Pryor, at Q.B. and Brewster at center proves Woody's point. (We're 7-2 so, using Woody's philosophy, maybe we can run the table a get a decent bowl bid). The freshman mistake Pryor made on the sneak is what cost us the football game. At 6'6", 238# all he needed to do was plow straight ahead, but he tried to "make a play" and the rest is history. I hope Penn State wins out and beats Texas, Alabama, Florida, USC or whoever in the BCS Championship game and brings the National Championship back to Big Ten country. That would be very good for college football. (Don't forget Texas Tech.)

    OK, gang. Pile it on. I can take it.

    BTW. I know the Big 12 has some great QBs in their conference, but has anybody told them it's LEGAL to play defense. Oklahoma had the speed limit (55 points) in the FIRST HALF and Texas Tech scored, what, 63? Oh, well. Sour grapes????

    I must be off!!!

  17. Hi C.C. and all,

    Do not get a puzzle on Sunday, but in checking in on comments since Friday. Was in an APA pool tournament for team MVP's on Sat. and then league bowling in the evening. Finished Sat. c/w late.

    C.C. regarding deepest Africa. In the early days of exploring the
    African continent many areas were unexplored by the Western World. To describe Africa (the continent), it was referred to as the Dark Continent. Areas of the African terrain that were not explored as of yet were referred to as deepest, darkest Africa. In retrospect my clue for deepest w/o using an -est word may not work without darkest in the clue. Hope this answers your question.

  18. Good Morning All, The Sunday answers often seem to be more difficult than the rest of the week. Maybe it is because the puzzle is larger and the constructor can be a little more inventive. I always add a few new words to my crossword file. MALIC, BISSAU, COLOPHON and DUODENA were new to me.

    Kazie, I sympathize with your "shattered" dreams of being able to join in with the Sunday puzzle solvers. How aggravating to think you have it and then have it disappear. That is definitely a case of it NOT being "better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all."

    C.C., I really enjoy reading your original comments and your links often peak my interest. I find myself learning about subjects I never even knew existed. Thank you.

    A new poet for me is Siegfried SASSOON. Oh, happy internet! I found out a lot of interesting information in a short period of time. Sassoon was an early 20th century poet, who was a decorated officer in WWI. He was nicknamed "Mad Jack" by his men for his near-suicidal exploits. He eventually became a vocal anti-war activist. He is memorialized in Westminster Abbey's Poet's Corner. The inscription reads, "My subject is War, and the pity of War. The Poetry is in the pity."

    His poetry about war is often quite graphic, but this is a touching example of his "subject". It was probably written about his brother, who was killed in the battle of Gallipoli.

    At Daybreak

    I listen for him through the rain,
    And in the dusk of starless hours
    I know that he will come again;
    Loth was he ever to forsake me:
    He comes with glimmering of flowers
    And stir of music to awake me.

    Spirit of purity, he stands
    As once he lived in charm and grace:
    I may not hold him with my hands,
    Nor bid him stay to heal my sorrow;
    Only his fair, unshadowed face
    Abides with me until to-morrow.

    Siegfried Sassoon

  19. abogato, yes, there's several of us on here who only use pens...

    and White-Out.

  20. clear ayes,
    Thanks for the Sassoon poem today. Most of those killed at Gallipoli were Aussies and Kiwis. It was set up as a diversion tactic by the British, who felt that divisions from the Antipodes were more easily sacrificed than their own.
    The date of the first landing there, April 25th, is the equivalent to Veterans' Day in Oz, and by accident, also my birthday. So I am accutely aware of all that is associated with it.

  21. For me this was not a difficult puzzle generally, though I had a lot of headaches in the area where VIN Scully and EVANDER Holyfield crossed. I had “pine” instead of WANT for “crave”, which gave me Panda Nevada for 95D. Still, I had only four wrong squares without Google. Not bad, I think.

    @abogato 8:54 am - Is there anyone who works the puzzle with a ink pen???? If by ink pen, you mean a ball point, I do. However if you mean fountain pen, no. I love to write with fountain pens, but even the glossy paper on which our Sunday puzzle is printed is too porous to use them.

    @cc: Thank you for the Mozart concerto. It was beautiful.

  22. Hi C.C. and all,
    We dont get this c/w.But always check in.
    Today in my paper is the one you all got yesterday.
    since it is the season , where does the name "World Series"
    come from?
    Best to all and hope your fav team wins!

  23. I am surprised that "nappy" is the answer for fuzzy or frizzy. I had thought that nappy is a somewhat racist term and not appreciated by black people. Am I mistaken?
    And I have trouble with wrench being contort. They seem to be separate meanings to me. Am I mistaken about that too?
    Had to have help from my husband who, fortunately, does not do crosswords. But he is of help when I ask.

  24. Kazie, I'm glad the poem affected you too. I enjoy happy poems about love and devotion, but some of the most deeply felt poems are about death and loss.

    I didn't think about the ANZAC connection when I posted the Sassoon poem. I saw the movie "Gallipoli" in 1981 when it was first released and have seen it on TV since then. It was such a memorable movie. For anybody who hasn't seen it, one of the stars was a young and beautiful Mel Gibson.

    I think one of the first Australian movies I saw was "Mad Max", which also starred Mel Gibson. After seeing "Breaker Morant" and then, "Gallipoli", I started to look out for movies from Oz. I suppose Australian film makers do make some bad movies, but there seems to be a lot more hits than misses. They seem to be willing to make movies that would scare off Hollywood producers. G.A.H. and I recently saw "Jindabyne" via Netflix. Two of my all-time favorites are "Muriel's Wedding" and "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert".

    Hi, Leona Raisin!

    Bill, Glad your fund raiser went well. It is so nice when we are reminded of the basic goodness of people.

    I have occasionally worked a puzzle in ink, but that was only because I couldn't find a pencil. I usually have a correction (at least) and I don't like to over-write or cross out. Erasing is easier and looks better to me. Now most of my puzzling is on line, so I don't even have to look for a pencil ^—^

  25. Speaking of aircraft,
    I found this in a book ..Dear Sir by J. Lowell

    Consolidated Aircraft Corporation
    San Diego

    I have just finished a brake to be put on airplanes.
    This brake I have invented can stop a plane that is doing 400 miles an hour in less than ten feet.
    Now I am working on an invention to stop the pilot from going through the windshield.
    James J____________


  26. Sallie,
    You said, "I am surprised that "nappy" is the answer for fuzzy or frizzy. I had thought that nappy is a somewhat racist term and not appreciated by black people. Am I mistaken?"
    I am of the opinion that the term was an innocuous one for a long time, but that it came to be used as a derogatory reference to the tightly curled hair of African Americans. I would like to hear from some African Americans to know if the word is generally negative to them or only when it is in the context of their race.

  27. Dennis,
    What are the differences among plane, jet and aircraft? Did you fly Cessna or Piper plane before?

    I am so happy that you raised that much for your friend. You are such a kind guy yourself.

    I just checked, my Bible is "New International Version". I will listen to your advice and start with "Gospel of John". But holy cow, it's on page 1522.

    "I also have taught it and have studied the original languages." What are those original languages?

  28. Richshif,
    It's so sweet of you to check in on Sunday and respond to my question. What was your pool tournament result?

    Clear Ayes,
    Forgot to thank you for "we band of brothers" poem yesterday. I read those several lines in several JFK books, but I had never bothered to check where they were originally from.

    Now wonder étudiant is student. Thank you so much for the tip. Very very useful.

    I can never understand why "World Series" is so named when it only involves US and Canada. What puzzle did you get yesterday then?

  29. Sallie,
    NAPPY was fuzzy to me until Don Imus' remark. I think it's overblown. I don't have problem with CONTORTS ("Wrenches"), both have a "twists" meaning.

    What do "Ai Chihuahua!" and "Aye carumba, mais oiu!" mean? I don't speak Spanish at all.

  30. C.C.
    My c/w comes from the Vancouver Province. It is not published on Sat. However Sunday's c/w is the same as your Sat. I wont get this one at all, back on track tomorrow.
    I do take the Vancouver Sun on Saturday. The papers never publish the author's name. I don't know why.

  31. Clear,
    Re: Rut & Heat. Are all male animals in rut and female animals in heat? Or is it only limited to bull moose and cow moose?

    The Montreal Gazette have our Sunday puzzle on their Saturday "Weekend" edition. Many newspapers in the US do not print the crossword constructor' name either.

  32. C.C.

    Holy Cow, that's O.K.
    go for it.

  33. clear ayes,
    Glad you've enjoyed all those aussie movies--we liked them too. Some of those give you an idea about the Aussie love/hate feelings about the English, don't they? But Priscilla was just sheer fun.

    c.c., you're welcome for the é tips.

  34. C.C. - sorry 'bout the headache!
    I'm back early and since Arbyle's response was directed to my question, I'll offer my take on it. 'Ai chihuahua' is an actual Spanish street slang expression of surprise. Aye Carumba comes from The Simpsons (Homer)and is street slang used as an exclamation of disgust. The correct phrase in Spanish would be 'iAy caramba!' and the literal translation would be an expression of pain involving male genitalia. The rest of the phrase, 'mais oiu', is not Spanish. If you assume that 'oiu' is a typo and actually is 'oui' it would be French translated 'but yes'. Maybe language is different in Argyleville but that's my take on it.

    @dennis - re: last pm - duly noted and no excuse!

    No xw in O so I'm gone!

  35. What are the differences among plane, jet and aircraft? Did you fly Cessna or Piper plane before?

    c.c., if I understand what you're asking: planes are aircraft, and they're either propellor-driven or jet-powered. Not all aircraft are planes, however. Think helicopters, for example.
    And I flew Cessnas, albeit briefly.

  36. Kazie and Clear Ayes: Many years ago, I began commemorating days when war dead are honored. April 25th has been on that list ever since I heard Eric Bogle sing of it.
    I have put "Gallipoli" on my list of movies to see.

  37. 3:28 C.C. asked...What do "Ai Chihuahua!" and "Aye carumba, mais oiu!" mean?

    They are just exclamations, they don't mean much, literally. "Mais oiu" is French for "but yes". Other famous exclamations are, from Clark Kent's editor, "Great Ceaser's Ghost" and Little Orphan Annie, "Leapin' Lizards".

    "Heavens to Murgatroyd" is what the cartoon character, Snagglepuss, used to say and I have no idea what that meant.

    Thanks, Carl, language is different in Argyleville.


  38. 102A - should be MANGOES - not MANGOS as you have listed.

    Daily TMS puzzles are are available at

  39. argyle,
    Carl is correct--it should be "oui" for the French "yes".

    c.c., I forgot to say also that sometimes the é has an s added, rather than being replaced by it. e.g. établir = to establish

  40. C.C. According to my old friend Wikipedia, "During the rut (also known as the rutting period), males (terms include 'buck' deer, 'bull' elk and moose, and 'rams' (male sheep)) often rub their antlers or horns on trees or shrubs, fight with each other, and pursue estrus females by their scent."

    "The Rut is the period of time when antlered ungulates mate. Ungulates include deer, sheep, elk, moose, caribou, ibex, goats, pronghorn and Asian and African antelope."

    "Sheep, goats, deer and elk are sexually active in fall or winter. This insures that their calves will be born in the Spring when the weather is mild."

    Female mammals are the only ones that have estrous fertility cycles.
    Those cycles are called being "in heat". Mating only takes place when the females are "in heat". Some animals like cats, cows and pigs, are polyestrous and can go into heat several times a year. Dogs are diestrous and go into heat twice every year. Monoestrous species, like bears, foxes, and wolves, have only one breeding season a year. The males of those species don't have the rutting behavior of the ungulates, but often mark their territories and fight for mating rights. (Not so different from human males??)

    All of these "guys" are attracted by the scent given off by the females. (Human women use perfume, but the idea is the same.)

    Humans are luckier than our animal kingdom friends. Women have menstrual, rather than estrus cycles. We don't have to wait for a heat cycle to get us interested. We can...and do...mate whenever the mood and opportunity present themselves.

  41. C.C.,

    Re: pool tournament. Finished 5th in my division out of a field of 25. Could of gotten higher but missed one shot on which my opponent capitialized.

  42. Geri @ 2:53 - Very funny

    Ken and Kazie, Eric Bogle's song The Band Played Waltzing Matilda. Fair warning to anybody who clicks on the link, it is a beautiful folk-type song about the tragedy of war. It was written about the ANZAC loss at Gallipoli.

  43. Clear Ayes: Of course, I was thinking of "The band played Waltzing Matilda." It is one of those great songs that touch us so deeply.
    I've a box somewhere with his tapes in it; I'd forgotten the title. Thanks.
    He did a gig here ..oh maybe 20 years ago. Where did you run across him?

  44. Clear Ayes: I went looking for that box but couldn't find it. Dang, it is even labeled. So thanks for the link to Eric's tune. I still tear up as I did the first time I heard it.

    Old men sending young men to die...when will we learn.

  45. I worked the puzzle yesterday, but didn’t have time to check the blog. I spent most of the day quilting. You know how it is to be near the end of a project and you can see the pattern emerge.

    So glad I checked in today – MOZART!! It was lovely, thanks C.C.

    Love seeing all the new people.

    I have no knowledge of sports, so can’t offer anything there, I know a little about the bible.

    Chris, Calef, Kazie and Jimbo seem to have covered the parables pretty well; I particularly like Calif’s explanation of the beam and speck. My imagery is a cartoon of a man with a big log in his eye presuming to remove a splinter from someone else’s eye. It’s ridiculous, and hypocritical. But funny.

    As far as reading the bible, Jimbo is right; choose something easy. “The Message” is a paraphrase bible; one of my favorites.

    I also like the Tao Te Ching; I find a lot of spiritual similarities to the bible, but it’s easier to understand.

  46. C.C.
    The Old Testament is originally written mostly in Hebrew. The New Testament is originally written in the Greek language of the First Century A.D.

  47. Ken, I don't have any of Eric Bogle's CD's. But I did get to be a fan of that particular song via my daughter, who was a fan of The Pogues. I became a Pogues fan too. Their cover version of "And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" is on the Pogues CD "Rum, Sodomy and the Lash".

  48. Carol, re: Friday night shed experience. Hey, I was trying to get xchefwalt to cum in and make us food and whoo to build us that extenstion WE so badly need. Let's keep this in mind, what happens in the shed stays in the shed. enough said.

  49. @Clear Ayes – Thank you for the very poignant song And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda. A very long time ago I fell in love with a young Australian man who was soon to become a cadet at Duntroon. We met in Belgrad as I was returning to Paris from Athens; he was en route to London having just visited the battle field of Gallipoli. It was from him that I learned about what had happened there. Later I read Alan Moorehouse’s readable history of the Gallipoli campaign. That Duntroon cadet is now a general in the Australian army.

  50. clearayes, another stab at trying to be d-f AND EXCEEDING with the "rut" talk. I am proud of you. Welcome aboard.

  51. Doesitinink, What a lovely story..a romantic interlude in Belgrad with a young Australian! We all need a memory or two like that one to keep us warm on a cold winter night.

    Cokato, Thank you. You're a keeper!

  52. clear ayes,
    Thanks a million for the link to "And the band played Waltzing Matilda". I was totally unaware of it, and it tells what we all know but are afraid to talk about concerning war.
    Ken has it right--old men sending young men to war--it's insane!

    A wonderful romantic story--great that you've kept in touch and know what became of him. I knew a boy who went to Duntroon straight out of high school, but never learned what happened to him.

  53. Anonymous, Sallie and CC,

    I'm black and in my culture, when another black calls your hair nappy, it is not a complement. When a white person uses it toward an African American, it is derogatory.

  54. Can I get your Sunday Puzzle that is featured on here on line someplace?


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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