, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday October 21, 2008 Verna Suit

Gary's Blog Map

Oct 21, 2008

Tuesday October 21, 2008 Verna Suit

Theme: The Man, The Myth, The Legend

17A: Scene of 38A's 63A: BEIJING OLYMPICS

38A: World's best swimmer: MICHAEL PHELPS

63A: 38A's take: EIGHT GOLD MEDALS

Do you know that his nickname is "Baltimore Bullet"?

Sensational! MICHAEL PHELPS had the audacity to dream and audacity to realize his dreams.

I believe this puzzle was created immediately after he broke the record, but our editor was not flexible enough to publish the puzzle earlier. Guess he has plenty of puzzles in his pipeline.

Great puzzle, isn't it? I really like the WELT clue (33D: Mark of Zorro?), very clever, though I always associate rapier rather than whip with Zorro.

Nice to see GOA (64D) clued as "Indian tourist haven". I never liked the "Himalayan gazelle" clue before. Without Argyle, I would not have found any picture of that mysterious gazelle.

I don't understand the PODS clue though (41D: Movable classrooms). How so? If PODS refer to "Schools of whales", then the clue need a question mark.


1A: Office clerk: FILER. None of the companies I've worked has a FILER. Secretaries do the filing job. I like the TERM clue (71A: In-Office time).

10A: Koi: CARP. Look at this huge CARP.

15A: Sound defeat: ROUT And UPSET (21A: Underdog victory).

20A: Black sea port: ODESSA. I had no idea that it belongs to Ukrain.

22A: Court figure: LAWYER. I was thinking of tennis court.

27A: Tokyo, once: EDO. Kyoto was the capital city during EDO period (1603-1867). Nobel author Kawabata wrote a book called "The Old Capital".

32A: Major bore: YAWNER. Have you seen Leslie Caron's "Gigi"? "It's a bore"!

36A: Nebraska river: PLATTE. I forgot. Saw PLATTE river as a clue somewhere before. It flows into Missouri.

46A: Sucker on a shark: REMORA. New word to me. I've heard of sucker fish though. Dictionary says REMORA can "attach itself to sharks, whales, sea turtles, or the hulls of ships." So ugly.

49A: Source of archery bows: YEWS. Can you make bows out of these YEW? They don't look good to me.

69A: Yorkshire river: OUSE. This river used to stump me. Not any more.


1D: Word for the Beatles: FAB. Do you collect FAB Four items? Here is George Harrison's "When We Were FAB".

4D: Relish: ENJOY. I was thinking of the hot dog relish.

5D: Commando: RAIDER. I always thought RAIDER is a person who RAIDS and seizes counterfeid products.

8D: Solzhenitsyn setting: GULAG. I got the answer, but I did not understand the clue. I've never heard of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn before. He won Nobel Literature in 1970.

10D: Dogpatch creator: CAPP (Al). Li'l Abner comic strip.

12D: Move like a hairline: RECEDE

19D: Undergo genetic change: MUTATE

24D: Dry riverbed: WADI. No idea. How is it different from arroyo/gully?

39D: Pest from a nest: HORNET

42D: Overcharge: SOAK. I was not aware of the slangy meaning of SOAK.

46D: Surgically remove: RESECT. New word to me.

47D: Complete: ENTIRE. I wanted INTACT.

48D: Hardly sufficient: MEAGER

55D: Smoke mass: CLOUD. See, The Rolling Stones used "Off of" in their song "Get Off of My Cloud".

59D: Oates novel: THEM. No. Have never heard of this novel before. Our editor likes to clue OATES as "Bellefleur" writer.



  1. Good morning, c.c. and gang - another fast-as-you-can-write one today, especially when the theme became apparent. Nothing to even comment on.

    At drdad's request: today is both National Babbling Day, and National Count Your Buttons Day. Go figure.

    Have an outstanding Tuesday.

  2. Dennis,
    Why PODS is clued as "Movable school"?

    RE: Self-Contradictory Words Link. Yeah, I think that's the same link Clear Ayes found a couple of months ago. That's why I thought the MOOT clue yesterday is solid.

    Thanks for "The Egg". The Empire State Plaza picture you got is fantastic! Your puzzle is so so.

  3. Good morning Cc, DFs and Dennis has already stated it was another quick one today.I did falter a bit with 54a when I put CBS in lieu of NBC. This gave me some odd words for the perps so I quickly saw the mistake. I also tried to make 68a ERIE and again that screwed up the perps and showed me the way.

    Hope you all have a great day. It will be wet and cold here in the Burg today and probably for the remainder of the week. UGH!

  4. Cc ....My understanding of the clue for 41d was that there are portable buildings that look like truck trailers but are in fact classrooms. The term PODS is also used when people are moving the "Pods" are deliveede to your house and you pack all of your belongings into the pod and then a semi comes and picks up the pod and delivers it to your new home. These pods are also used for storage in lieu of the standard storage buildings you see everywhere.

  5. c.c., when schools get overcrowded, they'll sometimes bring in portable classrooms that look like trailers - they're called 'pods'.

  6. I finished in 15 minutes and 19 seconds, online but with a baby on my lap. The only places where I had to guess wer the R in RESECT and REMORA, the O in GOA and OUSE and the A in PLATTE and APSE. Verna Suit has a nice sense of humour because she deliberately crossed HORDES with HORNET and EDEN with ADEN. Did anybody else notice that MICHAEL PHELPS crossed with SPED? I will say that a CLOUD isn't necessarily smoke, that it is usually water vapour but, seeing as how I was able to figure it out, that would be MOOT. :)


  7. Good morning all. For some time now I have wanted to tell Clear Ayes how much I enjoy her poetic contributions. They always seem to fit and often bring tears to my eyes. You must have vast resources at hand to be able to call to mind just the right verse. Perhaps you have heard of The Writer's It comes in my email every morning and most times gives a lift to my day. In any case, thank you for your contributions to my life.

  8. Morning, folks!

    For the most part, this was a breeze. I got hung up momentarily in the east central section due to PODS/SOAK/SOAK. I'm sure Dennis and Dick are correct, but I've never seen or heard the word PODS used to mean a temporary classroom. Actually, I wish it had been clued "Movable schools?" instead of "Movable classrooms" since C. C.'s explanation of whales is so much more interesting.

    I also got hung up briefly with the GOA/OUSE crossing. I only know GOA as a "Himalayan gazelle," and that only from crossword puzzles. Fortunately, I was familiar enough with OUSE to guess that it was the reiver in question, even if I didn't remember that it was in Yorkshire.

  9. Good morning, C.C. and all.

    I'm flying through on the way to a dentist appointment. My mother's caregiver called in sick, so Mother gets to go with me. Lots to do!

    The puzzle was a cinch. Once I filled in MICHAEL PHELPS, the rest fell into place fast.

    I agree with the earlier posters on PODS, being movable classrooms.

    I'll have to come back later for more comments. Have a good day, everyone!

  10. Will someone please explain to dumb, dumb dora the meaning of GMG for 25 across? Clock-setting std. I got the answer, but have no idea what it means.

  11. Oops, meant GMT. Fingers seem to have a mind of their own today.

  12. southern belle, GMT = Greenwich Mean Time. It's where all the time zones begin from.

  13. "Sucker on a shark" made me think of some poor fool trying to ride on a shark's back. lol

  14. c.c., I believe yews are very flexible, which is why they are used for bows.
    Alexandr Solzhenitsyn was a Russian author who wrote long morose works based on his experiences while imprisoned in the gulag, or network of work camps on the steppes. Best known for "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich."

    A wadi is probably the same as a gully, but wadi is the Arabic word for it--a river bed that is usually dry except in the rainy season.

  15. @ Miss FUBAR Reflects I don't remember seeing you here before so welcome aboard and have fun.

  16. I think I have enough time to blog before I have to run off to a meeting.

    Ok…so today’s puzzle was quite easy. I worked most of it waiting for the car dealership to open this morning. There were no unknowns, though in my caffeine-deprived state I had a devil of a time seeing BEIJING OLYMPICS until I had almost all of the crosses filled in!

    cc: In case Buckeye does not see your questions of yesterday…”tabcky” is tobacco, and “munchies” is snacks, which you will want a lot of if you have indulged in illegal tabcky (marijuana).

    Martin/Clear Ayes: Thanks for the links to the Wiki article on self-contradicting words. I must have missed it the first time it was posted.

    Clear Ayes: I am so glad you and G.A.H. enjoyed In Bruges. Crude language (ok, the f*** word mostly, but a lot of the f*** word) and the violence made this comedy a very, very, very dark one indeed. As for liking the two hit men played by Colin Ferrell and Brenda Gleeson, I think it is in part because they really wanted to be nice people and even to do the right thing…well, except to the people they were hired to kill! The character played by Ralph Fiennes on the other hand was anything but likeable.

  17. doesitinink, I also felt the same way about "In Bruges". a quite likable movie despite the violence and language.

    jd, I also watch "Boston Legal". In fact it's one of our favorites. We always are assured of a giggle as well as some good political commentary.

    I forgot to comment on the puzzle earlier, but my hang-ups were all in the southwest corner due to not knowing remora and resect, which doesn't sound like remove to me for some reason.

  18. Good morning, C.C. and gang. I thought this would be harder than it turned out to be as I'm not an Olympics fan, but I knew the other clues, so I completed it without help. I had 43A right away, but spelled it HOARDS rather HORDES(love those sound alikes.) I know the difference, just not enough coffee.

    @Southern Belle. As Kazie stated GMT is Greenwich Mean Time. Greenwich(pronouned GREN itch) is a town in England, a bit Southeast of London and the site of the Royal Observatory. The English adopted it as the standard for time, terming it the prime meridian, in the 19th century and most seafaring nations agreed. In President Chester Arthur's time, a conference he instigated agreed that Greenwich would be the world standard. The French, of course!, disagreed and their maps continued to use Paris for several decades.
    In the US, Eastern Standard Time is 5 hours late, that is when it is midnight in Greenwich, it is 7pm of the previous day in Boston, NY, etc.

    That is probably a lot more than you wanted to know, but it is National Babbling Day. *S*

  19. Word of the day. Shunpike SHUN pyke.
    A side road that avoids turnpikes or main highways.

    If you're going to Philly from NY, would you prefer the turnpike or the shunpike.

    This is a new one for me, but the word turnpike isn't used in the West. Any of you Eastcoasters have a clue?

  20. Hi c.c. and all,

    Easy puzzle for me. Had Remora spelled wrong at first as Ramora, but finally saw Entire and the rest fell into place nicely.

    Kazie and JD: I love Boston Legal, what a hoot!

    Have a great day everyone!

  21. Good Morning, C.C. and DF's,

    I liked my Sunday puzzle because the last two Sundays were a list of National parks and a list of firsts.

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn moved to Cavendish, Vermont in 1976.

    Hey, JD, my first car was a TR-3. What with it being so narrow and the fact you could take the wind screen off, oh, the places I could go with that car. I did get smacked in the nose by a June Bug one time I didn't have the wind screen on; that sort of put the end to driving around that way.

    Ken, turnpikes were often private roads, usually of logs or boards that would get you to your destination faster and cleaner(because they weren't muddy) but they would cost you. A movable pike or pole would block your access to the road. Shunpikes were alternate roads that you didn't have to pay a toll but took you out of your way.

  22. Good Morning All, After yesterday's difficulty, it was pleasant to get up to the online puzzle.

    As everyone else has commented, it wasn't a toughie. The only place I too had a little difficulty was in the SW with REMORA and RESECT, but the surrounds took care of that. I had to skip 17A "Scene of 38A and 63A". But when MICHAEL PHELPS was the obvious 38A answer, I jumped back and forward and filled in both 38A and 63A.

    Pattispa, I am so happy that you are enjoying the poems. I do have a half dozen books of poetry, but there are so many poetry sources on the internet, I can't imagine ever running out.

    Doesitinink, RE, likability, Ralph Fiennes character did love children and he was a man of his word. :o)

  23. I got called away to the phone and I still had some babbling to do on "Our Day"!

    Kazie & JD, "Boston Legal" is one of my favorite shows too. It always has such interesting topical story lines and all the characters are so memorable.

    This blog is always reminding me of homonyms (I just used one - topical), antonyms, heteronyms and contronyms.

    The English Language
    Some words have different meanings,and yet they're spelt the same,
    A cricket is an insect, to play it is a game.
    On every hand, in every land, its thoroughly agreed,
    The English language to explain, is very hard indeed.
    Some people say that you're a dear, yet a dear is far from cheap,
    A jumper is a thing you wear, yet a jumper has to leap.
    It's very dear, it's very queer, and pray who is to blame,
    for different meanings to some words pronounced and spelt the same?
    A little journey is a trip, a trip is when you fall;
    doesn't mean you have to dance, whenever you hold a ball,
    Now, here's a thing that puzzles me: musicians of good taste,
    will very often form a band - I've one round my waist.
    A door may often be ajar, but give the door a slam,
    then your nerves receive a jar - and then there're jars of jam.
    You've heard, of course of traffic jams, and jams you give your thumbs,
    and adders, too, one is a snake and others add up sums.
    You spin a top, go for a spin, or spin a yarn maybe -
    Yet every spin's a different spin as you can plainly see.
    On every hand, in every land, it's thoroughly agreed,
    The English language to explain, is very hard indeed

    -Harry Hamsley

  24. Argyle: I did get the difference, but do tend to forget that earlier in time, the best roads would be turnpikes. In Oregon history, the Barlow Toll Road was the only way over the Cascade Mountains, rising to nearly 12,000 feet. The lowest pass is 4,000 feet and a stinker in winter still.

    I had a 1955 MG TF-1500 for many years. The wind screen folded down and it was a riot to tool around. I did catch a bug in the middle of my forehead and realized that it could have taken out an eye. Great car for gathering females around me tho'.

  25. Good morning C.C. and all,
    I agree that pods refer to portable classrooms, but they also refer to some of the classrooms built in the late 60's that had moveable walls. I taught in one for awhile, and we decided not to use the walls and do team teaching.

    The SW corner of this puzzle took a little longer than the rest, as I didn't know Michael had won 8..thought it was 9, and 46D,47D, 48D did not jump out at me.As soon as I g'd Oates novel, it all fell into place. I'm not aware of her works.

    C.C., did the movie "Gigi" really bore you, or is that part of a song in the movie?

  26. Mark - Buenos Aires

    A week on the Atlantic coast in Mar del Plata now. In Buenos Aires there are golf ball size hailstones but here its a lovely sunny day.

    I have heard of temporary classrooms being called pods, and also temporary offices. Also, I think there is a term for a pod of whales, and a school of whales. Do you think the setter is having a laugh?

    Boston legal is called "ciego justicia" here, "Blind justice" and I agree its a must.

    The south west corner was a trite difficult because my spelling of "meagre" was wrong at first.

    In the end, only one letter wrong, I had desect and therefore demora, I guessed "D" instead of "R".

    Isnt it wonderful that wherever you go with a laptop there is WIFI, hotels, restaurants etc. I hope the "air ways" or "cyber waves", whatever the correct term is, are not messing my brains up more than they already are.

  27. clear ayes, the line: "A jumper is a thing you wear, yet a jumper has to leap." in your poem today reminds me of a joke:

    What do you get if you cross a sheep with a kangaroo?

    I'll see if anyone knows before giving it away. But anyway, did you know that in Oz a jumper is a sweater, not a tunic-like dress as it is here?

  28. A sweater w/big pockets.

    How 'bout if you cross an elephant with a kangaroo?

  29. Kazie, I have heard the term "jumper" refer to a sweater, always in movies from England or wooley jumper?

    Dennis, A big hole in Australia?

  30. Yes, big holes all over Australia.

  31. Morning C.C. and all, I had the same problem as others in the SW corner, but in all, a very easy one today! Did not know "remora" but "resect" made sense as "resection" is commonly used medical term and I figured this was just a shortening of that.

    Pods was a new one to me, as I kept thinking of the storage boxes that are delivered to homes. Waaaaaay back when I was in school, the "movable" classrooms were called "portables" but they didn't look very "portable" or movable to me, but rather like small buildings. They were made of wood, had roofs, windows etc., and stayed on our playground for years!

    Nice and foggy this morning - I love fog! When it burns off, we are supposed to have a nice day. Love this time of year.

  32. re: Turnpikes. I don't know that turnpike was a common term in the mid-west. Generally though it seems to me to be a somewhat antiquated term. I remember when limited-access highways were called "freeways", though most are not free any longer. In Chicago, the free limited-access highways in the city are call "expressways", though they are anything but that during rush hour. The limited-access highways in the surrounding ares that demand money at frequent intervals are call "tollways".

    However, I did not grow up in Chicago, rather a smaller town in southern Indiana, Evansville. I remember when I was a senior in high-school a girl moved to Evansville from the Chicago. She talked about listening to the traffic reports in the morning. I just could not imagine why anyone would need a traffic report! Now I know too well and listen to them morning and evening religiously.

    kazie: I am glad you too liked In Bruges. It is one of my three favorite comedies.

    Clear Ayes: Well, as for Ralph Fiennes not being so terribly likeable. The character played by him did live by a code of honor, but it was an immutable one. He never questioned his code or himself and never tried to be a better person. This is, of course, simplistic, but I think it is part of the difference in my reaction to him compared to how I felt by the other two main characters.

    The part of the movie that I did not "get" originally was the scene where Ralph Fiennes and Brendan Gleeson are going into the bell tower and are stopped by the guard. I missed that it was because an American had died going up the previous day. Really, that was quite funny, but I missed the dialogue entirely.

  33. clear ayes got it! A woolly jumper it is!

    I'm not sure about the elephant one though--a few big holes might be more like it!

  34. Doesitinink, G.A.H. and I have an ongoing discussion about likability of movie characters. I always tend to give credit for doing the best they can with what they have to work with.

    For example, I thought the sheriff in "Unforgiven", played by Gene Hackman wasn't a bad guy, considering the time and place he lived in. My husband says he got what he deserved.

    Harry (Ralph Fiennes) tried to give Ray a nice vacation before he ordered him disposed of. Definitely, not a good guy, but there was (for me) a measure of likability.

    Very amusing bell tower dialogue. Such a nice little throw away line about the tourist Ken and Ray had tried to warn the day before.

    Turnkpikes, Toll Roads and Freeways, Until recently California only had freeways. Turnpike is an unfamiliar term here. There are tolls for bridge crossings..think San Francisco.

    Our local elementary school is made up of PODS. Go...Coyotes! Their soccer team is doing quite well for such a small school.

    C.C. Thumbs down from you on "Gigi"? For me, Maurice Chevalier and Hermione Gingold were so charming together.

  35. Tricky for me today, but I loved the whole puzzle.

    Ouse, Aden (I should remember this next time), Goa, remora were unknowns to me. The NW corner was slow to fill, and I kept seeing JINGOLY in the middle of 17A. LOL, threw me off for a while; I kept looking for China.

    I thought nave neighbor was a clever clue for APSE, as well as flock leader for PASTOR. APSE was a gimme, but I had to tease PASTOR out with the perps. When I grow up, I’ll know how to make that into a cute df story, but I only saw the possibility after I wrote it out, and I still don’t know what to do with it. Sigh.

    Melissa Bee, where are you?

  36. good morning c.c. and all,

    not much to comment on the puzzle that hasn't already been said. it would have been funner right after closing ceremonies. the platte always makes me think of michener's novel centennial. great read.

    @doesitinink: how was secret life of bees?

    @c.c., kittyb & barb b (alot of bees here, eh?): 'a bronx tale' was GREAT. standing ovation, two curtain calls. if you get a chance to see it, GO. i am happy to say my son fell in love with the theater. sean penn and robin wright penn were seated a few rows behind us. i was lucky enough to have him standing next to me at the bar. holy hotwick haka dance.

    count your buttons day .. two today. but if it's also babbling day, maybe i should make it three and button my lip.

  37. @ argyle and Ken..Since you are interested in old cars here is a site that will give you some information on the Pittsburgh Vintage Car Race held here every year.

    You will need to cut and paste but it will show the type of cars in the race. It is a real hoot to attend this event and it is free.

  38. 8:14 today. No unknowns.

    The theme (MICHAEL PHELPS) was also the subject of the NY Times crossword of September 3. You can read about it here: That puzzle had additional 15-letter theme entries of WORLD RECORD TIME and BUTTERFLY STROKE.

    @c.c.: You might remember GOA from the beginning of the movie The Bourne Supremacy. GOA is where Jason Bourne and Franka Potente are living when the action starts. You can see some GOA scenery in this clip.

    @jd: (from yesterday)
    embien, what kind of sports car did you take on those rallies? We had a TR3 . I was an awful navigator!!

    My roomie after college had a TR3 and when I got my first job I bought a TR-4A which I had for years.

    However, the real rallying I did was as navigator in a tricked-out Toyota Corolla--hundredth reading odometers, stop watches, etc. I was Northwest Rally Championship (NWRC) champ in "equipped" class in 1972?? and a couple other years. Our primary competition was, ironically, in the same club, Rallye Fanatics in Portland. The rallies ranged from "Thunderbird" in British Columbia on snow and ice-covered roads to time-speed-distance events throughout Oregon and Washington (sometimes at night).

    The gas crisis back then pretty much killed the sport. Even if you could afford the gas, you couldn't always be sure of availability, and especially not availability for fifty cars off in the middle of nowhere during an event.

  39. G'day, mates.

    jd, kazie and g8rmomx2 and clear ayes and mark, I enjoy Boston Legal, and I purchased the first two years on DVD because I had missed some of the episodes.

    Ken, one of the minor characters in the Harry Potter series is Stan Shunpike, a pimply-faced, callow kid who is the conductor on the Knight bus.

    melissa bee, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed 'a bronx tale.' How cool that the Penn's were seated behind you.


    I've never heard of thoroughwart, but I knew Boneset.

    Plainsong is NOT a monotone. A monotone is a single unvaried pitch. Think of "Gregorian chant" in place of "plainsong," and it should give you a picture of a melody that rises and falls over a limited number of pitches, in an unmeasured manner. Early plainsong was sung in unison.

    Geri, I'm so glad to hear that your Mom made it through the surgery and is already recovering. I'm sure your help is contributing to that success.

    melissa bee, barb b is calling for you. Read her post, just above yours. *S*

    Ta Ta!

  40. Good day CC et all:
    Easy day today - no real problems, one of the easiest puzzles yet for me.
    I'm not usually big on internet "funnies", but ex-wife shared this one and it made me giggle & so I thought I'd share:


    Men Are Just Happier People-- What do you expect from such simple creatures?

    Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress $5000 Tux rental-$100. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.

    Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You almost never have strap problems in public.

    You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stays its original color. The same hair style lasts for years, maybe decades. You only have to shave your face and neck.

    You can play with toys all your life. One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one color for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.

    You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.

    No wonder men are happier

  41. Gudday, all. c.c. Doesitininka answered your questions to me yesterday, but I responded on yesterday's blog, so you can go back and read it if you like. Speaking of Ink, did you ever go to the Executive Inn in Evansville? Bob Green owned it (I think his first name was Bob) and it was very lively.

    Loved today's puzzle. Neat crossing clues and cleverly composed. No problems.

    In Texas the roads next to toll roads to turnpikes are called frontage roads.

    Movable classrooms is a better clue
    than movable schools since "pods" are temporary classroom AT schools not the schools themselves.

    Don't let her kid you, gang. Clearayes has all of those poems memorized.

    A haunted chicken is a poultry-giest. Know any ladies that need a good goblin?

    Clearayes; loved your poem on the English language. Why is there no "wa" sound in the word "two" and there is a "w", but there is a "wa" sound in "one" with no "w"? Those "wa" sounds are not in "to" and "too" but the "wa" sound is in "won". And I wonder why I can't spell. Suddenly my head hurts.

    I must be off!!!!

  42. @ buckeye your are nuts LOL. Really enjoy your comments. Any prediction on Ohio State and Penn State?

  43. No complaint, was the easiest puzzle I ever did... Finished it in under 15 minutes, a record for me.

  44. G'day C.C. & all

    I'm just checking in post Omar! I'm back home but I'm still kicking myself for being in harms way. We suffered some damage but nothing that's not fixable so nothing much to whine about. And, (except for the foggy spots) it's a sunny day in O!

    The xw was pretty much a gimme all the way. With one exception, I've got nothing to add beyond what's already been said. 64D could also be clued as a music genre. Goa-Trance-Psycodelic-Rave It's not my type of music but Goa heavily influenced the Beatles and it did originate in India. And, that area is no longer the tourist haven it was twenty plus years ago so the clue is somewhat incorrect.

    @Ken Were you doing the SCCA or club rallies?

    @Ski Welcome to the group. Stick around and toss in your 2 cents worth anytime. I presume you are Portland area. The Blazers look a little rough in spots but a whole lot better than last year. They're young so expect some mistakes but I think the opener in L.A. will prove interesting. I know I'm impressed by what I see!

    Anyway, y'all have a good day.


  45. Oops! My question on the rallies was misdirected to ken sted of embien. Then, double oops... your answer crossed mine in the mail.

    I'm rusty at this.

  46. miss fubar reflects@8:54 am: I hope your log on name reflects your work situation, not you personally!??!

    Melissa bee@12:59 pm: The Secret Lives of Bees was beautifully filmed with excellent performances. Still, despite the fact that I cried twice, I felt somewhat emotionally disconnected from the film. And BTB, while the movie was generally faithful to the book, there was a scene near the end of the movie when Lily (Dakota Fanning) asks her father a question about he mother as he leaves her behind to live with the Boatwright women. His reply is not what I remember from the book and appeared to have been changed to give the movie a tidier ending. Anyway, I would say, go if you have an interest. It is good but not great.

    And how cool for you to be at the bar with Sean Penn, even if Robin was with him. Ooooh!

    chris in la@2:07 pm: Your piece about why men are never depressed was a hoot! I am going to send a copy to every man I know! And a few women too! (…in LA. Is that Los Angeles or Louisiana?)

    buckeye@2:07 pm: I still have family in Evansville, so when visit I do not stay in hotels. However, if the Executive Inn is the one I am picturing, it is where I spent my wedding night every so many, many years ago. My (ex-)husband and I were poor students, and an overnight there was all we could afford for a honeymoon.

  47. Add-on time. I had an Austin Healey 100-6 and a 3000. Loved 'em. My cousin had a TR-3 and don't recall the removable windshield. Another friend had a Sunbeam Alpine, another a Jag XK-120 and another a Austin Sprint - all at the same time. What a blast and truly "babe magnets".

    Dick my Pa. Buddy. Remember a couple/few years ago when they said Joe Pa was too old for the modern college game. Think again, Dumbies. I think PSU has all the pieces in place this year. If the Bucks play up to their abilities it will result in a OSU squeeker win. However, Pryor is too young and Joe Pa is not happy Pryor left Pa. for OSU. Final - PSU 28, OSU 13. BTW, thanks for saying you enjoy my comments. Sometimes I feel I'm addressing a void.


  48. Ink, Our comments must have crossed. The Executive Inn was GREAT. All the rooms are/(were) suites and they had a room that seated about 1500 people and always had live entertainment (Usually c/w). They had a bar in the back part of the motel that stayed open until 4:00 or 4:30 AM. SWINGIN'.


  49. buckeye, Austin sprint or sprite? My friend had a Sprite, and she wouldn't let anyone else drive it, but I rode in it many times.

  50. buckeye, back in the day (I think 1970), I had a used Sunbeam Tiger - had it for six months before I totalled it. What a surprise for the average muscle car when it pulled up beside me and revved his engine - all he'd see was those tiny little tail lights disappearing down the road.

    Argyle, Ken Embien, I used to love doing TSD rallies as well. A great test of multiple skills.

  51. Today at work someone left a copy of USA today. Of course, I snatched the crossword puzzle to work. It was fun to work a crossword puzzle from a different source...the rhythm of the puzzle was different than the ones in the Tribune. And I think it was a bit more difficult than the ones we normally are presented.

    But here is my of the clues was "Studio embellishment", for which the answer was ECHO. Does that make sense? (I know this answer is correct, because later I went on-line in "beginner" mode and typed in ECHO...and no red appeared!)

    There were a number of very clever clues in this puzzle. Examples: "Lead-up to a special delivery?"-LABOR; "Canal sites"-EAR; "Flirtatious batter"-LASH; and "Bit for a silent butler"-ORT. And for all you DFers "Uninitiated ones"-VIRGINS!

  52. Kazie,
    Thank you for the WADI origin. No wonder most of the WADI pictures I searched are from North Africa or middle east.

    Thanks for the tabacky explanation. I did not know that people experience bouts of hunger after taking the marijuana. Wow, that VIRGINS clue is very bold!

    Now you were a studio engineer before. Does the ECHO clue ("Studio embellishment") sound OK to you?

    Clear Ayes,
    Why "topical" is a homonym?

    J.D & Clear Ayes,
    I was referring the song "It's a bore".

  53. Melissa,
    You meant Sean Penn and his wife are still together? I thought they are divorced. Did they perform haka dance? All of your B's make this blog so sweet.

    Do you own any vintage car? Do you participate in the annual race?

    I had no idea that plainsong and MONOTONE are so different.

    Are you a happy person?

  54. doesitinink, the only thing I can think of is that recording studios might embellish a song with an echo effect.

  55. Barb B,
    I cannot wait for you to grow up. You've shown such a great DF potential.

    A lucid dream,
    Congratulations on your 15-minute record. You've made amazing progress.

    I was sad to hear that you felt you are "addressing a void". It's so untrue. I read all your comments, including every comma and period. The reason why Barry thought "Movable school?" clue is interesting because PODS can also refer to "a school of whales".

  56. Dennis,
    I rather like your "sweater w/big pockets". With all these "Yes, big holes all over Australia" & car talks today, the word YONIC jumped into my mind. Remember Clear Aye's YONIC symbols education in early September?

  57. c.c., By haka dance are you referring to the dance the NZ Maori All Blacks do before a rugby match? If so were you asking if they were sucking face, since the dance includes the signature tongue poking out at the end?

  58. Hi C.C. and all, today was fairly easy. did most while waiting for lunch at work and finished at home.

    Doesitinink and Dennis,

    Echo effect is used alot in the studios. One example is Crimson and Clover by Tommy James and the Shondells. The chorus uses echo effect.

  59. @c.c., yes sean penn and robin wright penn did announce their divorce towards the end of last year, no idea if it was finalized. no haka dance, but they were clearly 'together' the other night.

  60. Richshif & Dennis & Argyle,
    If the turnpikes were made of "logs or boards", wouldn't they be rotten quickly? (See Argyle's 10:36am comment.)

    I asked Melissa the question because she said said "holy hotwick haka dance" at her 12:59pm comment. Now I realized she just meant "holy hotwick". I linked Maori All Blacks's rugby haka dance several months ago.

  61. Good evening CC & DF's: Another
    'yawner' except for the SW corner.
    'Pods' is not the 'term' used here for school out bldgs...we have
    'trailers' or 'learning cottages'.

    Buckeye, you crack me up. I'm always looking for a good goblin, regardless of the season. I love your comments.

    Melissa: How so cool to be so close to Sean Penn. He's one of my favorites.

    doesit: very interesting clues and to have 'virgins' as an answer. Wonder if the 'perps' would have to tease out that one .

    Gotta go. I'm practicing for the Halloween party on Sat, so I'll just count my buttons instead of play with them. I'm going as a nun. Holy Hot Buttons! I'll be a very one...with one bad 'habit'.

  62. @Cc... no I don't have a vintage car but have been associated for many years with people that do own them. I have always been a Corvette person and used to purchase wrecked Vettes and rehab them to sell in the early to mid 60s. I did have a 1924 Ford Model T once but sold it before completing the restoration. Sure wish I had it now.

  63. C.C.

    Good question. Seems to me that they had to be maintained.
    googled and found this link The last paragraaph tells about wooded roads. Maybe the logs or planks were treated with a pitch similar to what was used for shipbuilding.

  64. Kazie; Good catch!! It was a Sprite not Sprint. Used the wrong finger on the ol' keyboard. Thanks for the correction.

    c.c. & Barry; The light came on. School of whales (Pod)!! Also a great answer when clued your way.

    Dennis; Didn't the Tiger have a small bloc V-8 Ford engine in it? I know my friend's Tiger was much quicker than the TR3's and Austin's straight six. My Austin 3000 was great in the curves and the Jag was GONE on the straights. We had fun on the hilly, curvy roads of S.W. Ohio. How we all managed to live through those halcyon years is a testament to "God looks out for wild dogs, Englishmen and drunks."


  65. Pls. change wild dogs to mad dogs. Thanks.


  66. @ doesitinink:
    LA = Louisiana. I also do the USA Today xword ocasionally, especially when TMS puzzle is easy. Here's a link:

    CC: in answer to your question, generally speaking, no, not at all. Personal reasons, off-line discussion only.

  67. @ Lois...

    You're going as a NUN??????? Holy Hotbuttons doesn't begin to address that one! LOL(hysterically) Maybe we should ask one of our engineers to guide you through installing a lightning rod in that costume so you can survive??????? ZZZOT!(lightning sound?)

  68. buckeye, you're right - they stuffed the Ford Windsor 260 in it. It was just all engine, which explains why I totaled it. "Too fast for conditions", I believe was the citation.

    Lois, a freaking NUN??? Now that's a habit I'd like to depth.

  69. i loved today's puzzle!! this was the first puzzle that i ever got all the theme clues all by myself- woo! :] it helps that i am a huge michael phelps fan.

    re: turnpikes
    i live close to a few entrances on the pennsylvania turnpike, and i know there is a new jersey turnpike. i assumed every state had one. do you just call them by different words?

    @ buckeye: if penn state can play the way we did in the second half against michigan, i think it will be a fantastic game! but i'm very nervous... i think ohio state will win but they say penn state will definitely be getting a bid to a bcs bowl no matter what the outcome! hooray!

  70. Carl, I can think of another "rod" Lois would like to "enter" that costume!!! LOL

  71. Carl: I like the way you think! What a clever idea! Can they make a lightning rod that vibrates?

    Dennis: Set sail, mighty explorer! When you reach this place, I'll be the one in the prayerful position, on my knees, counting my buttons.

  72. @carol as buckeye(or someone- barry?) would say... ayup... or something like that!
    Lois Hmmmmm.... a vibrating lightning rod???? Hmmmmmmmm...

    @richshif I want to add an additional to your 5:28pm post. Crimson & Clover does use echo but the effect toward the end of the piece was created with a microphone plugged into the amp for a reverb effect on the words "crimson and clover over and over" that come in at about 4:20. Crimson and Clover

    I just wanted to clarify what the echo/reverb difference was in that piece.


  73. Lois, when Dennis gets there you'll be "babbling", and not give a d--n about your "buttons" unless he is un-doing them:)

  74. @Carl,

    Thanks for the update. Love the link. Excellent song, one of my favorites.

  75. Greetings C. C. and all –

    Re: PODS - I guess it just depends upon where you are located and the local term for portable classrooms. My son works for the school board and was in charge of these and they simply called them “portables.” As far as the term PODS goes (building wise) I have only seen them advertised for storage spaces. I believe they use PODS for “Portables on Demand.” Just wanted to give you my two cents worth on Babbling Day.

    Clear Ayes – I liked your “English Language.”

    Buckeye: I liked your “wa” commentary. I often wondered about our English language. Gallagher (the watermelon smashing comedian) had some good shows on the English language. I think George Carlin did too. LOL :-]

    Chris in LA - Your “WHY MEN ARE NEVER DEPRESSED” is priceless! With your permission I would like to send it to a few people.

    Have a great day and keep on puzzling!


    Night Owl

  76. A true story related to wooden roads.

    We have a swamp, a bottomless swamp such as most areas have (or a bottomless pond). The Tamarack Swamp, as this one is called, had a road crossing the north end of it. The road was only a foot or two over the water and sometimes it would be covered by the water.

    One morning, in the early 70's, a man from the west side of the swamp was going to get some milk from a farmer up the hill on the east side. He saw the road was underwater but, as this was not uncommon, he kept driving. Before he could reach the east end, the water was in the engine compartmet and the truck stalled, so he walked the rest of the way to the farmer's and they came back with a tractor to pull his truck out.

    The truck was gone. An empty jug marked where it had been.

    After digging in the old town highway records, it was discovered the section of road was really a chain and log bridge! It had been there so long that no one remembered it. Big, really big, chains had been strung across a channel and logs laid across the chains. Then they were covered with gravel to make it smooth. Every year, a little more gravel was added and eventually, everyone thought it was just a dirt road. In fact, the highway department had been on it the day before with a dump truck and a roadgrader! It is thought that is what broke the chains and the passage of the gentleman's truck the next morning finished it off.

    His truck was never recovered.

  77. For all our grammar buffs:


    The boss had to fire somebody, and he narrowed it down to one of two
    people, Debra or Jack.

    It was an impossible decision because they were both super workers.

    Rather than flip a coin, he decided he would fire the first one who used
    the water cooler the next morning.

    Debra came in the next morning with a horrible hangover after partying
    all Night. She went to the cooler to take an aspirin.

    The boss approached her and said: 'Debra, I've never done this before,
    but I have to lay you or Jack off.'

    Chris inla, very funny piece!!Have shared it.

    Kelly, no turnpikes in California.Ours are called freeways, and we don't have to stop and pay.I guess they have one down in Newport Beach where you have to pay. They can afford it down there!

    kittyb, that is what I will do, buy the 1st season, because I started watching it the 2nd season. So clever!

    melissabee, so exciting about Sean Penn. I had heard the good news that they were back together . I think they live in Marin County.

    embien,my Bob also had a TR4,a TR4A and then a TR6.He was ALWAYS under his car, and I was gapping his spark plugs..such love back then.We did come in 1st in one rally; he belonged to a local San Jose club. Mostly we drove around in the Santa Cruz mts. and over on the coast. Like I said, I was (and still am) a terrible navigator.
    Wish I had my 1st car, a navy blue Mustang convertible with white interior.It was a '65, but I got it in '68.Traded it in for a station wagon in '71. :-(

    night all

  78. Buckeye, Thanks for the vote of confidence about my poetry knowledge.

    RE: "Mad Dogs and Englishmen. Is it the Noel Coward version you were thinking of? I think, considering the times, it must have been closer to Joe Cocker"s 1970 album and movie of the same name. Here's Joe's Delta Lady. Loved him then and just as much now!

    C.C. Topical -
    1 a: of, relating to, or arranged by topics b: referring to the topics of the day or place
    2: designed for or involving local application, as on the body, ie a topical anesthetic

    Melissabee, Glad you had a fun night seeing a terrific play and getting to hobnob (kinda) with movie stars!

    Argyle, That was quite a story about the swallowed truck.

    Doesitinink, Better to see it now or wait for Netflix for "The Secret Life of Bees"?

    Cokato, Have you been too busy to check in?

  79. Clearayes: Thought first of Noel Coward but I have Joe Cocker's "Mad Dog and Englishmen" on vinyl. An English friend of mine once said that God looked after Mad Dogs, Englishmen and Drunken Americans. He said, those three were the only things, citing Coward, that would go out in the mid-day sun. Knew you would catch the Coward reference and that's why I needed to clarify "Mad Dog" rather than "Wild Dog". I warned everyone you had these things memorized!!!



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