, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Saturday November 8, 2008 Allan E. Parrish

Gary's Blog Map

Nov 8, 2008

Saturday November 8, 2008 Allan E. Parrish

Theme: None

Total blocks: 30

This does not feel like an Allan E. Parrish puzzle, does it? There are no Z, Q or X. I think Barry Silk's puzzles are more consistent, with all those scrabbly letters.

I just had a quick look at my blog summery earlier. Since Jan 21, we've solved 45 Alan P. Olschwang puzzles, 28 Alan E. Parrish, 25 Michael T. Williams, 20 Barry Silk and 18 Josiah Breward. I wish John Underwood could be more productive. Some of Norma Steinberg's and Stan Whitten's puzzles are very entertaining too.

I don't expect much grumbling about this puzzle today. Pretty straightforward cluing. Most of the new words are obtainable from the adjacent fills. The clue for TRADE NAME (33D: Corporate ID) should not be abbreviated.


1A: '80 arcade game: MS. PAC-MAN. Stumper for me. I only knew PAC-MAN.

15A: Bologna tongue: ITALIANO. Both Jude Law and Matt Damon are great in "The Talented Mr. Ripley". I like "Tu Vuo' Fa L'Americano", though I don't understand the meaning of the lyrics.

17A: Denial: NEGATION

20A: Loss of memory: AMNESIA. I also love "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". It's about AMNESIA, lacunar AMNESIA to be exact.

23A: Show shock, e.g.: REACT. "It's not what happens to you, but how you REACT to it that matters". Hard to obtain Epictetus' stoical self-discipline though.

26A: NASA orbiter: ISS (International Space Station). Our editor likes to clue ESA as "NASA's ISS partner".

27A: 1997 Nicolas Cage movie: CON AIR. Some of it is too violent for my taste. I like the song "How Do I Live".

31A: Space station visitor: ASTRONAUT. I have an autographed John Glenn picture.

34A: Behind with bills: IN ARREARS

39A: Ones with a will: TESTATORS. What is the word for "Ones without a will"?

45A: Old-time actress Renee: ADOREE. I forgot. Saw this clue before. She was a silent film star. And she died when she was only 35, without a will.

46A: D-Day vessel: LST. It's used in "Saving Private Ryan".

55A: Aircraft pioneer: CESSNA (Clyde). Ha, I forgot all about him & his aircraft. My poor graying brain!

59A: Spanish pianist Jose: ITURBI. No idea. Here is ITUBRBI playing Chopin's "Fantaisie-Impromptu".

61A: Molded dishes: ASPICS. I am going to try this vegetable ASPIC someday. Marvelous idea to sprinkle over some pistachio nuts.

62A: Pittsburgh players: STEELERS. They have won 5 Super Bowls. Vikings: 0.


1D: Mediterranean island: MINORCA. Great map. See MINORA & Majorca? They belong to Spain. I've never heard of it before.

3D: Public spectacle: PAGEANT. What a mysterious case with that little PAGEANT princess JonBenet!

5D: Tickets: CITATIONS

12D: Vertical bar between panes: MULLION. Unknow to me. These are not MULLIONS, are they? They are horizontal.

24D: Piranha: CARIBE. No idea. Ozzi Guillen likes to call Twins players "Piranhas".

30D: Greek advisor at Troy: NESTOR. Another unknown. Dictionary says NESTOR is "the oldest and wisest of the Greeks in the Trojan War and a king of Pylos." He was an Argonaut and was 110 when the war started. I don't remember seeing him in "Troy".

32D: Conductor Toscanini: ARTURO. I forgot his name, again. He has appeared twice in our puzzle before. He was a conductor for the New York Philharmonic for 10 years (1926-1936). He looks so intense.

35D: One-time link: AT A. One AT A time.

36D: Island near Martinique: ST LUCIA. See this map.

37D: Mollycoddles: COSSETS. Any other synonym besides pampers?

40D: Mouth: ORIFICE

44D: French port on the channel: CALAIS. Forgot also. Shouldn't the clue be "French port on the English Channel"?

47D: "Countdown" network: MSNBC. I only watch "Hardball with Chris Matthews" now.

51D: Fractions of a joule: ERGS. 1 joule = 10 million ERGS.

52D: Frobe of "Goldfinger": GERT. No idea. Got his name from the across fills.

58D: Latvian chess maker: TAL (Mikhail). He was born in Riga, Latvia. See this picture. I've never heard of Iakov Damsky.



  1. 32 min 6s. Truly awful. I wanted SOON for ANON, TINT for TONE, GET OVER for RECOVER, PENQUINS for STEELERS, HURT or HARM for MAIM and (Howard) HUGHES for CESSNA. I had no idea about CESSNA, which unfortunately crossed with SRI which in turn crossed with ITURBI and ASPICS. I also had no idea with SLOEGIN, MINORCA (although I've heard of MAJORCA), MULLION, CARIBE, ARTURO or CERT.

    Dennis, I meant no offense the other day. The fact is though that you will also feel the sensation of blood rushing to your head if you stand on your head, in which case the force acting is still 1G. You'd feel several gees if you go bungee jumping too: I imagine you'd get an intense sensation of the blood rushing to your head when the bungee cord goes taut. But "weightlessness" is 0G, not negative gees.

    I've just been marking exams. One question was "Describe the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family." One student answered "An advantage is that you don't have as many children to cook" and another student answered "Children who don't have brothers and sisters will be lonely and will have to play with themselves". What do people think? Should I explain why the students are wrong or just fix the mistakes?


  2. Martin,
    Those are innocent mistakes often made by people like me who study English as a second language. You should explain them to your students. Isn't it strange that Japanese does not belong to Sino-Tibetan family? They got most of their words from Chinese.

    I agree: Life itself is a thrill, full of unexpected turns. Is nose-pressing a unique Maori way of greeting? Does any other place have similar custom?

    Dennis & Kittyb,
    I find it very hard to prepare a perfectly coddled egg. It takes lots of persistent & purposeful practices. So I was really thrilled when I finally got one done.

  3. Argyle, Clear Ayes et al,
    What does "Monkey Time" mean in Major Lance's "The Monkey Time"?

    Man Booker Prize: Now I see why you love certain movies/books. Did you see Hugh Grant/Judy Davis' "Impromptu"? Is it good?

    Yes, my link is indeed ONYX. I was also surprised that there are non-black ONYX.

    The two BROWN's escaped me yesterday, otherwise I would have whined. Thanks for sharing your thought on "The One I Love".

    Don't worry about late posting. I am interested in what you have to say about certain clues/topics on the blog.

  4. Sorry, C.C., but I'm not going to explain to that student why "play by themselves" is better than "play with themselves" in that context.

    Korean doesn't belong to the Sino-Tibetan group either and yet at least 70% of Korean vocabulary comes from Chinese.


  5. good morning, c.c. and gang - pretty simple puzzle today -- I was expecting an end-of-week hammer. My only screwup was putting trademark instead of trade name.

    martin, certainly no offense taken - you had said that there was no such thing as a negative g, and I was pointing out that there was, as any pilot can attest to. And yes, of course, weightlessness is 0g.

    kittyb, thanks for asking about the toe - seems to be 100% again, all ready for the next door jamb.

    c.c., I think we've seen Nestor before, unless it was in a NYT puzzle.

    For our few remaining DFettes, I can't tell you what came to mind with the "Bologna tongue" clue...

    Hope it's a good weekend for everyone.

  6. Godd morning all!!!!!

    Martin the answers your students gave just made me chuckle. I have a couple sons that would write something like that. Their idea is to write as little as possible and hope the teacher understands what they really meant. When I sit them down and really discuss with them their answers they quickly realize their mistakes. I think you should correct them. BTW I had some of the answers you did.

    Can someone tell me exactly what a coddled egg is?
    Everyone have a great day today

  7. Good morning CC, DFs and DFettes...I liked the puzzle today and flew through it in fine fashion except for the NW corner. I could not get 1A and I drew a complete blank on citations 5D. I also struggled with 1D but got most of it with the crosses and finally got the last letter when I Googled for 1A. I had trademark for 31D in lieu of tradename.

    @Martin you are right that weightlessness is zero G's but since our standard G force is 1 G when you are weightless you are in a period of negative 1 from the standard gravity, thus negative G force.

    Sort of rainy this am but supposed to clear up so I guess my bride and I will go to the farm for the remainder of the week end. Hope you all have a great one.

  8. dick, what's the most negative g's you've experienced, and what happened?

  9. dennis I don't know what the actual measurement of the negative G' were but we were flying a 680 turbocharged Aero Commander and flew a parabolic arc and of course we went weightless for some period of time. My reaction was very strange and embarrassing as I wet myself. I had done parabolic arcs in smaller planes and never had any problem other that the fun experience of doing the maneuver. Guess because we were higher, faster and it lasted longer I sort of lost it so to speak.

  10. Good morning c.c. & DFs et al(ia),

    Not too bad this a.m., only 14 min or so and one g-visit for Renee Adoree...btw, the Steelers have won 5 SB's c.c., b/c they were victorious in probably the worst one of the past 10 yrs vs Seahawks 3 seasons ago (coming from a biased Giants fan, who thinks last season's win over the Pats and SB XXV victory over the Bills were 2 of the Top 5 SBs of all-time) to errands and later a big family dinner at the Japanese Tapas restaurant in town tonite to honor the impending birth of my first nephew in 19 years!! Enjoy our first weekend as we countdown to the End of an error in just 73 more days >>>

  11. dick, can you email me with your email address? I tried the one on your profile but it kicked back.
    Had a question for you.

  12. I have a question about negative G's. If a second person is sitting upside down and back to back to the pilot, would he be receiving negative or positive G's, in relation to the pilot?

  13. Dennis,
    No, I don't believe I've seen NESTOR in TMS puzzle before.

    I've corrected my STEELERS Super Bowls mistake. Thanks. Great to see you earlier in the morning.

    Re: Coddled Eggs. It depends on the definition of "is" is. To me, bologna is just bologna, and coddled eggs are just coddled eggs. They have a completely different meaning to Dennis & Lois I am sure.

    Maybe Dennis can tell us how he wants his eggs to be coddled and Lois can disclose her secrets for coddling eggs.

    Or Kazie can tell us what's the French/German for coddled eggs and Clear Ayes can come up with a poem for coddled eggs.

  14. @ dennis I will email it Sun. evening

  15. 12D: Vertical bar between panes: MULLION. Unknow to me. These are not MULLIONS, are they? They are horizontal.

    mullioned windows
    Harry Potter and friends looked through mullioned windows, according to J.K. Rowling.

  16. Morning, folks!

    This was mostly a straightforward puzzle, but I got dinged at the intersection of MULLION and LAD. Never heard of MULLION and I was thinking TAD, so I ended up with MULTION. Oops.

    I've heard of CARIBE before, but the memory was just barely enough there to confirm the word in my mind once I got it via the crosses.

    I did not know MINORCA or GERT, but those I was able to get easily enough via the perps.

    Overall, I liked the puzzle. My only extremely minor quibble was that I would've liked to have seen 31A clued as "Visitor to 26A" for the sake of symmetry.

  17. Argyle, Clear Ayes et al,
    What does "Monkey Time" mean in Major Lance's "The Monkey Time"?

    Time to do the dance called The Monkey.


  18. Kazie, I am from Madson.

  19. Good morning CC & DF's: what a hoot of a puzzle. Laughed from beginning to end...from Ms. Pac Man, to Bologna tongue, to Marine bottom...thought of Dennis on all accounts. Oh, how 'suite' it is! Then my head spun around with
    'orifice'and 'inarrears'.
    'Grimaced', but having 'amnesia' here with 'sloe gin' and 'recover' was brilliant and a lesson I'll never forget. I soon joined the 'testators' and became a 'deadset' believer in 'none' of that ever again. It's all 'relative' and all good.

    CC: To answer your question on coddling... eggs or whatever: I just heat 'em up tenderly until they're hard enough.

    Enjoy your day. Thanks for the outstanding links,CC. Loved the Chopin one especially.

  20. Good morning, my dear friends.

    I thought I would give you a personal update. My new residence is the "Pia Zadora Golden Buckeye 'Retirement' Home" The local authorities decided I should stay here for awhile. It all started when my computer, which consumes spam faster than Hawaii, popped a site called "Your Real Age". I took the questionaire, only to find out that my calender age is 65.2 and my "RealAge" is 86.9. That's right folks - 86.9. Seems like my two heart attacks, one with bypass surgery and the other with a balloon cathaterization didn't help, nor did the fact that I drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney, consume more red meat than a cannibal and sleep like Rip Van Winkle's alter-ego. (Check my 2:00am postings). I thought I made up points by saying I use condoms and am monogamus (sp), since I only have sex with ME! (If I ever made myself pregnant I'd never forgive myself -hence the condoms- and if masterbation were against the law, I'd be on death row) but that didn't seem to help, I guess. Sooooooooooo! I've made a lifestyle decision. I'm turning LESBIAN!!! What the hell! Women live longer than men; I'm post menapausal so I don't need "Heurve's stay free mini pads"; I can become "bitchy", dye my hair blue and hit from the RED TEES. There's no DOWNSIDE!!! I SHOULD change my name to "Buckeyette" but a Buckeye is a Buckeye. Oh crap! Here comes Nurse Ratchet. I gotta go. I'll have PLENTY of time for the puzzle, since they don't allow me a T.V.

    I must be off!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Good morning, C.C. and gang. I had some stinkers this morning. I thought the Greek advisor might be NESTOR from the perps because ADOREE sounded right. However, I'd read Old-Time Actress as "Did-Time Actress" as I had a little fold in the Oregonian.
    I had HARM, not MAIN, but couldn't figure out what a NEGATRON might be. Perhaps a gizmo to measure Negative G-forces?
    After googling CONAIR, the NW corner fell into place. Same method with ITURBI helped me work out the SW corner.
    I often do the puzzle in public if I'm at a cribbage tournament or waiting for an appointment. I'm glad this was a home-bound one.

    C.C. I agree that Corporate ID was inaccurate for TRADENAME. Also, your use of lacunar amnesia brought that WOTD back to me.

    Btw, I don't always use the Merriam-Webster WOTD as some of them I consider to be in the vocabulary of the literate wordsmiths in this group. If I've not heard of a word, then perhaps you've not either.

    WOTD HAPTIC HAP tik adjective

    *1: relating to or based on the sense of touch.
    2: characterized by the prediliciont for the sense of touch.

    The seamstress could tell fabric quality purely by haptic clues.

    From the Greeks, this word entered English as a medical synonym for tactile. In the 20th century, it was used to describe those whose perception was by touch rather than by sight. M-W doesn't particulary cite sightless folks, but that would be my interpretation.

    A great day to all.

  22. Fairly easy puzzle for a weekend.Very familiar with mullions as I had to constantly look around them in what ever control tower I worked in.
    To the pilots here: have you ever caught Bob Hoovers air show? He could do unbelievable stunts with his Shrike Commander. circa 1973

  23. Hi CC and all
    Not too much trouble with the puzzle this am.Had to google Minorca, forgot about MSPac-Man, didn't know mullion but most of it came through the fills. Thought of Dennis and sirens with orifice, bologna tongue and others.

    I love your posts! Makes me LOL!

    I grew up in the Chicago suburbs, went to high school in the west suburbs. Our graduating class was over 1000, the largest ever. Some good memories.

    Have a great day everyone

  24. Buckeye: LMAO You are hilarious!

  25. Hi c.c. and all:

    I had to google Adoree, Iturbi, Minorca, Caribe and Cossets. As Barry did I also had Tad instead of Lad so ended up with Multion, ditto on the Oops! I also had soon, tint, and harm at first as Martin did, but did figure the correct words out. Cessna was a gimme for me because my dad was an airplane pilot and we owned a Cessna 150 when I was growing up.

    c.c: Intestate is dying without a will

    Buckey: You are too funny! Sorry you don't have a TV, but guess they allow you a computer, lol!

    Argyle: I should have remembered mullioned windows! I read all of the Harry Potter books.

    Marme: I believe coddled eggs are cooked similar to a soft boiled egg which is to place the egg still in its shell in water just below boiling then remove and cover for a few minutes. Or, you can put it in a special porcelain jar that has a screw on top and you place that in heated water. I don't have an egg coddler, do you c.c.? I do like soft boiled eggs, but not too runny.

    Everyone have a wonderful Saturday! GO GATORS!

  26. C.C. Merriam-Webster states that there is no such word as intestators. However, INTESTATE, as in "He died intestate", is the common expression for such a person. We also have intestacy and intestacies for such situations.

    We get the word testimony from the same root. Etymologists are unsure of the idea that the Romans swore to the truth by placing their hands on their testicles.

  27. Ken! WAY TOO FUNNY!!! I love it!


  28. Good Morning All, Today's puzzle was a lot easier than finding a poem about coddled eggs!

    I finished the puzzle without any googling. MINORCA was new, but I figured when there is a Major(ca), there is probably and Minor(ca). CARIBE and ADOREE were also new.

    C.C. I did a lot of googling to find a coddled egg poem. I found out a lot about different egg cooking methods. Coddling is variously described as, 1. cooking in the shell, as in soft to hard boiled, 2. putting a cracked egg in a coddler and submersing that in hot water, 3. Synonymous with poaching.
    BTW, your photo looks more like shirred eggs which are baked in the oven.

    Anyway, there were some very depressing poems about eggs (dead grandfather made poached eggs for house smelled like coddled eggs and musty linen...old lady breasts that looked like fried eggs...etc). The only cheery poem about any kind of eggs was this one, which was apparently written to teach second graders about the basic food groups. (I think we can take "steamed" to mean "coddled".)

    Dairy Products

    Dairy products are food from the farm
    That came from pasture and coop;
    Milk from cows and eggs from hens
    Are part of the dairy group.
    We eat our eggs cooked soft or hard,
    Scrambled, poached, or steamed;
    From milk we make our cottage cheese,
    Our yogurt, and ice cream.

    Monkey Time "The Monkey" was just one of the fad dances of the 1960's. There were a lot of them, like "The Pony", "The Mashed Potato", "The Frug" and "The Swim".

    Buckeye, Glad to see you are settling in. When are we going to see a photo of your 65.2 self, rather than your projected 86.9 photo?

  29. I too did not understand the answer CARIBE for “piranha”. Looking now, I see it is a type of piranha. I had always thought the stories of their feeding frenzies was exaggerated, but from this video of Caribes eating a mouse, I guess not! As for TRADENAME…the word seemed forced, and though it may be a correct term, I think “trademark” is the word commonly used. I got CESSNA quickly as it was an answer in another recent puzzle.

    @cc: Thank you for the link to Jose Iturbi’s performance of Chopin’s Fantaisie-Impromptu. When my daughters began taking piano classes around ten years ago, I took lessons also. I had never studied an instrument before and could not read music, but I had always wanted to play the piano. I was thrilled to tears when after a year of study I was given a Chopin Etude to play. Chopin speaks to my heart as no other composer has. Though I now play two Chopin nocturnes, I do not think I would never be able to play the Fantaisie-Impromptu.

    No, I have never seen the movie Impromptu but would really like to. When I went to IMDB to find out more about it, I understood why I have never seen it. It came out in 1991 when my two oldest daughters were just 1 and 3 years old. When my first daughter arrived in 1987, I was still able to see films at the local movie theatre which would allow me to bring her with me in her buggy. I would get a seat on the aisle and park the buggy right next to me. As the film started, I would give her a last bottle, then lay her down in the buggy. After the movie, we would walk home, and I would carry her up into bed. When my second daughter arrived in 1989, I continued trying to do that, but she was a difficult child from the get-go and I had to stop going to films for a few years. As they got just a little older, all my movie-watching was restricted to Disney-type movies. There was one summer when the original, animated 101 Dalmatians was re-released. My second daughter loved this film. With tickets to see it costing only $1, we must have seen that movie at least 10 times! Finally when my girls were in upper grade school, we started going to multiplex theatres where they could go to see movies they liked, and I could see my type of films. Now my two older girls are in college and my youngest is a senior in high school, so our tastes in movies sometimes overlap (though it is almost impossible to fine one film we are all interested in seeing). For example, my middle daughter who loves science-fiction and violent films went with me to see In Bruges, and I took my youngest to see The Secret Lives of Bees. The next time my oldest is home, I want to rent The Jane Austin Book Club which I think she will like, even if Julia Roberts does not play in it!

  30. Hi C.C. and all,

    I remember seeing Nestor in one of the Star Tribune puzzles before.

    A mullion is the I-Beam shaped trim that is used to put two window units together into one large openning. This type is used on vinyl or aluminum replacement windows.

    Did not get Ms. PacMan because had harm instead of maim. Afew of the proper names i did not know.

  31. Oops, I just reread my last post. I think I should be one of Martin's students.

    It would be a neat trick if a "dead grandfather made poached eggs for breakfast".

    Perhaps Grandpa was just "pinin'", which reminds me of Monty Python's Dead Parrot

    I'm still hoping somebody can tell me if Pinot Grigio will go well with the BBQ goat we are going to have this afternoon.

  32. On coddled eggs: Here is my technique.

    1 fresh egg
    1 small fan, the battery kind you see clipped to cubicle desks
    1 desk lamp with 100 watt incandescent bubl
    1/2 cup cellulose fiber a la "Pet Rock". If you've a shredder, run some of the egg carton through it for bedding. The egg will find a comfort in transition from carton to dish. You may wish to put a ticking clock near the dish as you would with a new puppy.

    Preheat house to 74. (The extra heat seems to make the egg feel more secure.)

    Place the cellulose in a small bowl. Eggs dislike plastic containers.

    Set up the fan to keep a breeze on the egg.
    Set up the light to warm the breeze.
    This will swirl the air about the egg giving it a sense of serenity.

    Place the egg carefully
    on the cellulose. Provide gentle reading material or movie. I suggest the animated "Chicken Run." Do not provide reading material pertaining to chicken raising!

    Trust me, your egg will feel most coddled.

    Epilog: In about four days, you'll detect a slight odor which will worsen. Remove egg and continue processing in compost pile.
    Relax and feel comforted. You've been a good egg-coddler. Your soil will thank you for the fertilizer.

  33. Ken....It sounds like your egg may have something in common with many children. There is a fine line, going from coddled to spoiled.

  34. Ken: Very funny! Well done! You win as the world's best egg coddler in my book.

  35. papajim, Bob Hoover was an amazing pilot - there's great video of him pouring a drink from a thermos while doing a barrel roll. Sometimes he would dead-stick right into the parking ramp, skipping the runway, and coast to his spot.

  36. Martin and Dick: Beg to differ. If you fly an airplane upside down and level, the body will experience minus one G. If you fly an outside loop (where the airplane has the canope on the outside of the loop) the body will experience minus 4 G's at the bottom of the loop. I have done both of these and the G meter recorded the negative G's. Yes weightlessness is zero G's, but you can experience negitive G's although it is rather uncomfortable and you better have your seat belt and sholoder harness on tight.

  37. 10:50 today. A nice easy puzzle for a Saturday, with only GERT being unknown (though I had MAJORCA instead of MINORCA at first). I remembered ADOREE from previous xwords.

    c.c.: Your picture is of shirred eggs (sometimes called baked eggs), and not coddled (as clear ayes said). Shirred eggs were a favorite of fictional detective Nero Wolfe, one of my faves. (Author is Rex Stout).

    intestate is the word for one dying without a will (it's a noun as well as an adjective). One of those interesting things in English where testator and intestate are antonyms.

  38. I can see it now...."Ode to a Coddled Egg," and "Concerto for Coddled Egg in E-flat Major," a cook book on how to coddle, and a sex manual on how to coddle.....perhaps even a line of undies. The only reference I found for music had to do with "Rita Coolidge's coddled-egg blues."

    Crazyhorse, my stepchildren had graduating classes like that, at Hinsdale. I was in awe because my entire school had about 600 students, and I knew almost everyone by name.

    Buckeye, you want to avoid Nurse Ratchet at all cost!

    CARIBE was new to me. The rest of the puzzle fell into place fairly easily.

    It seems like a wonderful time to take a nap. I hope you all have something fun planned for the evening!

  39. Gatormom, Clear Ayes & Embien,
    Sorry for the wrong link on coddled eggs earlier. This is how I coddle my eggs, not the conventional way.

    I am going to keep using the daily words you've been providing.

  40. Steve, thanks for the explanation. I suspected that "negative gees" might involve being upside down because otherwise it would mean falling at an acceleration greater than free fall and that would be an exceptionally bad thing. The only way you would experience anything like that on a rollarcoaster is if the rollarcoaster turned upside down and, oh yeah, some do do that. I was mainly responding to the claim that negative gees meant "weightlessness".

    Buckeye, don't feel bad because I've heard that if you have no brothers and sisters you'll feel lonely and have no choice but to play with yourself.

    Ken, I want to make a joke about eggs and testicles right now but I'm afraid that if I do C.C. will introduce a rule banning multiple DF jokes in a single post.


  41. Can I get an answer? Positive or negative G's depends on whether you're being pushed into your seat or against your harness?

  42. kazie said...
    Don't Eskimos nose-press or rub noses too?

    As to the coddled eggs in French and German, I'm not sure if they distinguish between that and poached eggs--in fact I'm not sure if I really know the difference. But the closest I found was pocher = to poach (Fr.) and pochieren = to coddle (an egg),(Ger.). The explanations for all the French words given for "to coddle" sounded like they had other meanings--not for eggs, and since the two words I found and quoted here are so similar, I'm assuming there can't be much difference from poaching.

    You could explain the difference between "themselves" and "each other" and suggest that it's clearer if they say "each other". I find a lot of Germans make the same mistake, because their reflexive pronoun is the same for both (e.g. When will we see ourselves again?)

    I live 65 miles west of Madison--so not too far away. In fact that is where we were all day today, visiting our son and d-i-l. Good to know one of this group is so close!

    I love your humor!

    And thanks to those later posts on coddling, I can now assume my earlier assumption re poaching was correct. I try to answer things as I read, for fear of not finding what needs a reaction after reading them all.

    Ken seems to have had the right idea about coddling!

    Racing to leave this morning I didn't have time to work all the puzzle out and had a few blanks on the west side--the rest was easy.

  43. argyle, your statement about positive/negative g's is correct. And to clarify something martin said, pushing the stick forward in level flight will also create negative g's.

  44. @c.c.: I saw the video you posted on coddling eggs. Indeed, that's not the conventional way. Although this video is pretty bad, here is my idea of the conventional way (using what is called an egg coddler, a ceramic vessel with a screw-on lid.) The advantage of coddling, as opposed to doing a simple soft-boiled egg, is that you can add cheese, herbs or other flavorings that will cook along with the egg.

  45. Hey are you a professional journalist? This article is very well written, as compared to most other blogs i saw today….
    anyhow thanks for the good read!


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