, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday November 12, 2008 Edgar Fontaine

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Nov 12, 2008

Wednesday November 12, 2008 Edgar Fontaine

Theme: TERROR TRAIN (55A: Film starring first names of 21A, 33A and 42A)

21A: "The Naked Chef": JAMIE OLIVER

33A: "The Father of Radio": LEE DE FOREST

42A: "Old Iron Pants": CURTIS LEMAY

Boy, I was not familiar with any of those nicknames. I recognized JAMIE OLIVER's face when I googled his name. I must have seen him on "Iron Chef America" or some other Food Network program.

I was stumped last time when LEMAY was clued as "Wallace’s running mate". But I never bothered to read details of the Wikipedia entry. "Old Iron Pants", what a strange nickname! Have never heard of LEE DE FOREST either. I always thought Edison or Tesla is "The Father of Radio".

Easy puzzle though. Most of the unknowns were obtainable from crossing fills. I really like the clue for I DO (41A: Rite answer?"). Yesterday's "Union Contract?" is great too. ASIA is the answer for 66A: One side of the Urals, so to avoid any kind of remote duplication of clue/answer, I would have clued ABACI (2D: Asian calculations") as "63A counters" (63A: Sphere of sweat: BEAD)

The clue for EDGAR (67A: Degas or Bergen) made me laugh. Way to go, Mr. EDGAR Fountaine.


15A: Gag reflex?: HAHA. Funny clue.

16A: Waterfall fallout: SPRAY. The clue reminds me of "Deliverance", with those dangerous stretches of rapids.

18A: Joie de vivre: ELAN. I love Frédéric Fekkai's "A Year of Style". I like his view on "Joie de vivre".

19A: Irregularly notched: EROSE. Probably only a crossword word, isn't it?

23A: Mythical mariner: SINBAD. I wonder if SINBAD worshipped Poseidon/Neptune as his god of sea. Or do Arabs have their own sea god?

29A: Jodie of "The Accused": FOSTER. She won an Oscar for "The Accused". I've never seen it. I don't like her movies. "The Silence of the Lambs" is very scary.

39A: Gen. Arnold's nickname: HAP. I forgot. He is a five-star general. Was he as famous as Gen. Omar Bradley/George Marshal?

46A: Sagan series: COSMOS. I guessed. I've never heard of Carl Sagan or COSMOS.

48A: Bounding main: OCEAN. I know "main" can refer to "sea", but why "Bounding"? Or is it a common phrase?

49A: Greek god of war: ARES. It's Mars for the Romans. Do you also think that Americans are from Mars, Europeans are from Venus?

65A: Singer Simone: NINA. Nope, I've never heard of her name before. Which song(s) is she famous for?


1D: "Gigi" setting: PARIS. "Thank Heaven for Little Girls". I like the happy ending. "We will always have PARIS" at the end of "Casablanca" is so sad.

3D: Neighbor of Oman: YEMEN. It's also the "Neighbor of Saudi Arabia". San'a, strange capital name.

4D: Indy 500 sponsor: STP. Often clued as "The Racer's Edge".

9D: "The Waste Land" poet: T. S. ELIOT. Here is the poem. Why "For Ezra Pound" in the upper left corner? Hmmm, "April is the cruelest month...". I disagree.

11D: Part of Can.: PROV. I was thinking of the actual name of the provinces.

21D: Green shade: JADE. Ersatz JADE can bring you bad luck.

22D: Lummoxes: OAFS. Add one letter F, we have "flummox". English can be very confusing.

24D: Summoned: BADE

27D: Quantum theorist Niels: BOHR. He won Nobel in 1922. His son Aage Niels BOHR also received the Nobel Physics in 1975.

28D: Muse of verse: ERATO. "Muse of Love or Erotic verse", to be exact. "Muse of epic poem" is Calliope, and "Muse of lyrical poem" is Euterpe.

34D: Japanese novelist Shusaku: ENDO. I guessed. Have never heard of him. Wikipedia says his most famous work is "Silence" and Martin Scorsese "announced his intention to shoot a film based on the book in summer 2008".

35D: Cain's nephew: ENOS. Also HOF Slaughter.

47D: Tomei of "In the Bedroom": MARISA. Have you seen "In the Bedroom"? Is it good? I only saw her "My Cousin Vinny".

53D: Post sans postage: EMAIL

54D: Knobby: NODAL

59D: Pisa's river: ARNO. Or "Florence's river". A 4-letter Italian river has to be ARNO.



  1. Good morning, c.c. and gang - another smooth sail this morning. When's the last time we had a real hammer?

    I didn't know 'Endo' Shusaku, but remembered Lee Deforest; my father was with RCA for some 40+ years, and that name was brought up more than a few times during impromptu dining room table history lessons. Enjoyed seeing "Bombs away with Curtis LeMay" - I had forgotten that he ran on Barry Goldwater's presidential ticket.

    Hope it's a great hump day for everyone.

  2. Dennis,
    I am used to seeing ENDO clued as "Prefix for inner". But I rather like the ENDO clue today. Good to learn something new.

    I was rather surprised by Argyle's answer to my "How did your service with the Marine Corps change your life? " yesterday. Would you mind sharing with us your thoughts? What did you learn from the Marines? Did you become more disciplined? More focused? Or more indifferent & detached to certain happiness/pains in life?

    Why did you volunteer for the Marines? Childhood dream? Are the Marines the most elite force in US Military?

  3. Kazie,
    Is "die" the article for all the plural nouns in German?

    I am so happy to hear that you feel "This group seems like family to me". I have the same warm feeling.

    I looked at the coral polyp picture again, your observation is so true. Funny how you thought of putting your fingers inside and I was thinking of eating them. I like your comments on Winslow Homer too.

  4. Lickety-Split,
    Thanks for the KLMN clue yesterday. I later saw it clued as "J train?" in another NY Times puzzle too.

    Gorgeous, gorgeous photo!

    Thanks for providing those leader names from Oaxaca. I did not know that "Seymour Cray was a Minnesota boy".

  5. It was hard for me. For 36D ("Larger than life") I was thinking HUGE OR TALL, NOT EPIC. I typed in ROUGH FOR 19A instead of EROSE. For 43D, I had PIMP instead of USER (Same thing). The clue for 26A ("Clay brick") meant nothing to me: I would have prefered the clue "Filipino dish". Oh and I misread "Gigi setting" for "Gigli setting" which meant I was trying to think of a five letter word that meant "New Jetsey". 21 minutes 33 seconds, but I really needed those red letters to tell me where I was going wrong: none of the theme names were gimmes. And since when does a B movie like Terror Train warrant being the theme to a puzzle?


  6. c.c., that'd be a book, and I doubt most on here would be interested in what the Corps does for a person. Suffice to say, it turned my life around; I was an immature 'class clown' in school with little ambition or discipline.

    I joined because I knew the Marines were the best, and I wanted to see if I could do it.

    As to your question about individual change, the more pressure in a situation, the calmer I tend to get. Nothing will ever be as bad as what I've been through. And I savor each day because of it. For instance, I never take a drink of cold water without thinking of what I would've done for it back in '65.

    I do believe the Marines are the elite of the four branches (and they're all great), but within each are specialized groups such as the Navy Seals -- those groups are some very bad boys.

    Hope this answers your questions.

  7. Good morning.

    Though De Forest is often credited with being "the Father of Radio" because of his invention of the Audion vacuum tube that could be used as a radio detector and amplifier, without the circuitry enhancements provided by Nikolai Tesla's "Tesla Coil" to transmit radio waves the vacuum tube detector would've been worthless. Kind of like waiting for mail at your mailbox. If no one sends you a letter, it doesn't matter how elaborate your mailbox is - it is useless. Based on that, Tesla is the "true" father of radio.

    I kept thinking of Benedict Arnold not Hap Arnold. He was famous for his struggles to create an Air Force independent (so to speak) of the Army and Navy. As famous as Bradley, MacArthur, Who know? You hear of Bradley and MacArthur more often, I think.

    Today is National Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day. Too bad - I like anchovies. It is also Elizabeth Cady Stanton Day. She was a social activist and leading figure of the early women's movement.

    Wake up and smell the pizza and have a great day.

  8. Good morning, C.C. and all.

    This was an easy puzzle. It will take longer to write about it (because the cat is helping) than it took to do the puzzle.

    I didn't know JAMIE OLIVER, LEE DEFOREST, or TERROR TRAIN but they came easily once I had a few of the fills, as did ENDO and EROSE.

    I learned today that an ADOBE brick has soil with a high clay content. I was a little thrown off by the clue, because I think of adobe as a mix of dirt and straw, rather than clay.

    Somebody boot me in the butt, please. I need to get my day started and I'm feeling particularly lazy.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  9. Morning, all!

    Man, for the longest time I thought the theme of this puzzle was "Nicknames of Obscure People." I was actually stumped by the intersection of LEEDEFOREST and ENDO until I read the clue for 55A and realized I was looking for JAMIE, LEE and CURTIS in the theme answers. I've never actually heard of TERROR TRAIN, mind you, but I know Ms. CURTIS got her start as a scream queen in "Halloween" and I already had JAMIE and CURTIS from the other theme answers.

    Other than the obscure theme answers and the obscure horror movie, the only other unknown for me today was the aforementioned ENDO. Overall, a very easy puzzle, despite the sense of dread I felt when I first saw the clues to the theme answers and realized I didn't have clue (so to speak).

    Anybody else bothered with SEMINAR being clued as "Study group"? The two terms just don't seem synonymous to me.

  10. Dennis - I remember Sonic and A&W drive ins. That guy you spoke about is still there? Bet it was fun reminiscing.

    Anyone else here like anchovies?

    Barry, I don't consider a seminar a study group, either. A seminar usually has a speaker who is teaching something and a study group gets together later and discusses and studies the things presented at the seminar.

  11. C.C. - in German the plural form of the definite article, e.g., "the" is die for all three genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter).

  12. I wasn't really impressed with SEMINAR either. Although, after the initial presentation, there is often a question and answer period that could be considered a study period.
    Curtis Lemay. I remember the name well, as I was in the AF when he was, pretty much, forced out. I remember there was a lot of scuttlebut over the reasons, but, of course, the peons only had the media to get our info from.
    The rest wasn't real bad. A little better than some of EDGAR's xwords.
    Usually expect arcahic words with him.
    Eye is a little better, Still can't see and really bloodshot. But, I will win this one!
    CY'All later

  13. Good morning CC, DFs and DFettes..nice easy puzzle for a Wednesday morning. There were several clues that I did not know but were obtainable from the fills. I did not get the cross of ENDO and IDO it just would not come to my brain this morning.

    Barry and drdad I also did not like the clue for seminar,I think it was very weak. I do not agree with Lee de Forest as the father of radio but on the other hand we would not have radio without his invention(s).

  14. Morning all,
    Did not know Lee De Forest but got it from the fills. C.C. I was also looking for a name of a province but eventually got that.

    One of my fondest memories of teaching is when a former problem student goes into the military service and comes back to visit two years later as a young confident, mature man or woman. Such pride I felt for the student and the wonderful military training our country gives to these young people.

    Have a good day all.

  15. Jeanne,
    I have had that experience with an ex-student too. Another class clown who had seemed to be headed nowhere.

    c.c., Drdad is correct about "die" as the plural article for all genders, but it changes for the genitive case to "der", and "den" for the dative.

    I didn't know 33A, 39A, 42A, 55A, 27D, 28D, or 34D, but ended up with only the middle four letters blank--HAp, cuRTis, after guessing from the crosses/perps. I've started not googling unless it's something I really am curious about--so much faster to come here, c.c. does such a good job of explaining!

  16. My only error in today’s puzzle was the cross of LEE DE FOREST and ENDO. I believe Shusaku ENDO was in another puzzle in recent months, but I did not remember the author’s name. A reviewer of ENDO’s book Silence at compares him to Graham Greene in writing books that deal with “relationships that develop between individuals, Catholicism and the world”. A bit of an off-putting description though I did like many of Greene’s books, so I might like ENDO’s also. And if Martin Scorsese is making a movie from his book Silence, well, I will definitely read the book!

    I loved the 15D clue “gag reflex?” for HAHA! And the 53D clue “post sans postage” for EMAIL was also clever. For the second day in a row, the puzzle has had the 41A answer I DO, this time clued as “rite answer?”

    I have never heard of the movie TERROR TRAIN, so none of the theme answers was familiar to me. Reading the plot review of the 1980 remake of the 1953 movie makes me think I will not bother to rent it. Jamie Lee Curtis has played in a great many horror films, but she is also an excellent comedic actress. I liked her in A Fish Called Wanda.


    “Bounding main” is no longer commonly used for OCEAN, but it is part of the lyrics of a traditional sailing song. To listen to the song, go to the Twin Pirate site. Midway down the text is a link to play the song.

    How does JADE bring bad luck?

    I saw In the Bedroom when it first came out. It was an excellent film but serious and dark. I loved the comedy My Cousin Vinnie!

  17. c.c.,
    I read the T.S. Eliot poem you linked, and was amazed at the number of foreign elements brought into it. A Greek and Latin intro, Italian, German and French as well!

    I also liked "My Cousin Vinnie", but haven't seen "In the Bedroom"

  18. Good morning, c.c. and all. I was pleased to see Carl Sagan and the series "Cosmos" mentioned. I haven't thought of that series in a very long time until a week or so ago, I saw an episode on "Nova" about fractals. "Cosmos" was broadcast on PBS in 1980 and was the most elegant exposition of the subject I had ever seen. Nothing like astronomy to cut you down to size.

    Carl Sagan was a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Cornell and Harvard. He died in 1996 at the age of 62. The series is available on DVD and the book, on which it was based, is still in print. I might add that the musical score in the films is extraordinary.

    By the way, can anyone explain fractal geometry to one who is not a mathematician? Just the general idea, please.

  19. Good morning, C.C and gang. I whooshed through most of this, but missed "bead" which gave me fits in the SE corner. I didn't know LEEDEFOREST, and just missed the Jamie Lee Curtis connection which would have given me ENDO as well.

    @Dennis: The '64 election was Lyndon Johnson/Hubert Humphrey vs. BarryGoldwater/William Miller.
    George Wallace/Curtis LeMay ran in 1968, winning 46 electoral votes.

    I think you gave a great summary of the Marines and their impact on a young man. I nearly joined myself, but had always wanted to serve on subs.

    @Jeanne: You hit the nail right on the head with your comments about the change the military makes in a person. I think it is sad that only those who chose to serve have that privilege.

    Count me in with those who think SEMINAR was mis-clued.

    WOTD: PANTHEON PAN thee ahn noun

    1: A temple dedicated to all the gods: also, the gods of a people
    *2: a group of illustrious persons.

    When inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame, "Magic" Johnson joined the pantheon of legends of the game.

  20. Good Morning All, JAMIE OLIVER was a gimme for me. Our local PBS station showed "The Naked Chef" series a few years ago. I got the first couple of letters of 33A, 55A from the perps and knew the rest of the progression had to be LEE and CURTIS. I haven't seen TERROR TRAIN, but I must have heard of it before and filled it it fairly confidently. I've never heard of LEE DE FOREST, but all the crossing perps were easy.

    NINA Simone was a wonderful jazz/soul/pop singer and pianist. Here's her version of My Baby Don't Care

    Nowadays, T.S. ELIOT is best known as the author of "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats". Andrew Lloyd Webber set the poems to music and "Cats" was the result. The lyrics to the song Memory were based on Eliot's poems "Preludes" and "Rhapsody on a Windy Night".

    Some of Eliot's The Wasteland" can be pretty daunting and inaccessible. The poems I like best are like little snapshots of a moment in time.


    They are rattling breakfast plates in basement kitchens,
    And along the trampled edges of the street
    I am aware of the damp souls of housemaids
    Sprouting despondently at area gates.

    The brown waves of fog toss up to me
    Twisted faces from the bottom of the street,
    And tear from a passer-by with muddy skirts
    An aimless smile that hovers in the air
    And vanishes along the level of the roofs.

  21. Loved your comment about 49A.

    And the only reason I knew the answer to the "bounding main" clue is because of a song that I guess I learned in school when I was very young. Here is a Karaoke version for you:

  22. C.C.
    The sense of "bounding main":
    To bound is to leap forward or upward; to spring.
    The main as applied to water is the wide open ocean, not the calm bays or lakes.
    Thus, where the water bounds up and forward and causes the ships to bounce along, is the bounding main.

  23. For the record, a few of my Nina favorites:

  24. I didn't have too much trouble with the puzzle today, but had to google Lee DeForest.

    Drdad, I love anchovies. I have friends that do not but I make a warm dip they just devour.

    Bagna Cauda:

    Chop up four cloves of garlic and a 4oz tin of olive oil canned anchovies. Add to 1/2 cup of olive oil and a 1/4 stick of unsalted butter. Saute and whisk until the anchovies dissolve. Serve with crusty bread. I have also experimented with whisking in a half cup of half and half until the sauce thickens. Both are fantastic!

  25. Good morning C.C. and group - Fairly easy and I was surprised because usually puzzles by Mr.Fontaine are difficult. I didn't know 41A, 46A, 34D, or 40D. I got Terror Train from the perps, but have never seen the movie.

    C.C. thanks, I have a bad habit of 'touching' things I shouldn't. My sister would not go in a gift shop with me (or any place where they sold fragile things) for fear I'd break something. I don't know why that bothered her, I would have been the one embarrassed. I have since learned to keep my hands 'off the merchandise'.
    (ok, so there is some 'fodder' for df'ness here, but that is not the way I meant it)

    Jeannie, what a lovely picture of you, and that is a beautiful dress.

    Bill, glad about the eye - don't strain it!

  26. carol, you must've been a lot of fun on a date...

  27. Carol, why am I not surprised you have a habit of touching things? Even those you shouldn't?

  28. Dennis, I'm still a lot of fun. Experience is a great teacher.

  29. Good morning, everyone! Despite not knowing the theme clues, this puzzle came together nicely with the perps. I had Marconi in mind as "The Father of Radio."

    @drdad Be a maverick. Go for the anchovies!

    @bill Good to see you, but don't push the envelope too much!

    @pattispa You've opened the flood gates now -- watch out!

    @jeannie That dip sounds almost obscene!

    Have a great Wednesday!

  30. Anchovies? I love 'em, G.A.H. does not. It's just as well,because he has a little blood pressure problem and has to watch his salt consumption. Not me, I love salty food. Unfortunately, even though I don't have to worry (so far) about sodium, salty foods do tend to be high fat too, and my hips don't like that.

    Jeannie, I'm going to try the anchovy dip at our next about calories....I don't care!

    Barry, I keep on laughing at your idea for today's theme.

    Pattispa...fractional geometry? OMG! Sorry, I can't help you. I think Crockett1947 is right.

    Take it easy, Bill, don't overdo.

    Buckeye, Where have you been?

    C.C. T.S. Eliot's dedication "For Ezra Pound il miglior fabbro (the better craftsman)". According to a couple of internet articles, Pound was Eliot's mentor and helped get Eliot's early poems published. Pound also helped edit "The Wasteland".

  31. Dennis,
    What do you mean by "very bad boys with the Navy Seals"? What was "Bombs away with Curtis LeMay"? A movie?

    Re: Ersatz JADE = Bad Luck. I think it's just some of our Chinese odd superstitions. I am curious, how long have you been working as a SAP Consultant? Why work in the computer field when you love cinema/literature so much?

    Kazie, Ken & Crockett,
    Those Latin/German nominative/accusative/dative/genitive make me headache. I am glad English is so simple.

  32. Fubar,
    I suppose your answer for my 49A question is YES?

    Clear Ayes,
    Thanks for the Ezra Pound.

    "Ah, there you are, Lois. I was thinking about what would be on your list and put an "R" where there should have been an "X" today." What is R? Is it a play on yesterday's MR. X?

    "And all our yesterdays have lighted fools"
    What does it mean? What are "lighted fools"?

  33. Clear Ayes,
    Have you heard of the idioms "Putting on the dog" & "Cut a swell"?

    Did you read the Wikipedia Natural Cycle yesterday?

    Melissa & Barb Bee,

  34. c.c., I meant that Navy Seals are the elite of combat forces.

    "Bombs Away with Curtis LeMay" was a saying used by both his fans and his detractors; he was extremely hawkish.

  35. Dennis,
    Oh, I thought you meant the DF bad boys. In "I Ain't Got Time to Bleed", our ex-governor Jesse Ventura mentioned his visits to prostitutes in Reno when he was with the Navy Seals.

  36. @c.c. I never thought I'd hear you say English was simple! WOW! No, I didn't see the Wiki article on the natural cycle. Interesting reading.

    The new picture was taken in Graz Austria a few weeks ago.

  37. 8:26 today. But the puzzle was not that hard. I was distracted by a Taylor Swift interview at

    I am with @crockett in associating Marconi with "the father of radio".

    I disagree with those finding fault with the cluing for 44d: Study group (SEMINAR). Any class or seminar could be thought of as a "study group". I think people have it fixed in their minds as being a study hall type setting, when in fact any group of folks gathering together to learn about something (i.e., "study") could be a "study group" IMHO.

    Jamie Oliver is actually quite famous in foodie circles. In fact, he was the first of the new generation of celebrity chefs (people like Julia Child, Jacques Pepin, Graham Kerr, etc., being the old guard). His cooking style is amazing--there is so much natural, intuitive talent going on there.

    I always told friends that I "cooked like Jamie Oliver, but most enjoyed watching Alton Brown" (a mix of intuitive, no-recipe cooking with a total scientific approach at the stove).

  38. Good afternoon Cc & DF's: Another slam dunk and got to get 'lain' and 'sinbad' in the process. Nothing 'calm' around here. Maybe I need a 'seminar'. Might need the 'coroner' otherwise. 'Ye men!'

    Have a good night.

  39. Gee, I love the internet! In response to C.C.'s question, "Have you heard of the idioms "Putting on the dog" & "Cut a swell"?", I had to zip over to the, that is.

    I had heard of "putting on the dog", before, but not "cut a swell". They were late 19th century phrases and they seemed to be interchangeable.

    Here's what the UK Phrasefinder said, ""Putting on the dog" after the turn of the century, meant dressing up with a flashy display." Also, "To put on dog, is to make a flashy display, to cut a swell."

    "A swell" (online dictionary) is someone who is fashionably dressed or socially prominent, so "to cut a swell" would be to dress in a fashionable manner

    A similar American expression would be "putting on the Ritz". The origin of that one would be, if you were going to the Ritz Hotel in New York, you would want to get dressed "to the nines"...Oh oh, there's another idiom. "Nines", to the ninth degree. Why? I don't know why the ninth degree is better than the sixth. I guess it never ends. Anybody else have any ideas?

    Nice photo, Crockett1947. I forgot to compliment Jeanne's photo earlier...very pretty, Jeanne.

    Embien, You cook like Jamie Oliver? You've must have lucky friends.

    I watch "The Iron Chef" on the Food Network, mostly to hear/see Alton Brown's comments. He has an amazing knowledge of ingredients and how to prepare them.

  40. clear ayes,
    I remember hearing "dressed to the nines" and "putting on the dog" (usually pronounced dawg) in Oz. I always thought of "putting on the dog" to refer more to the way a person spoke--feigning an international accent instead of the normal aussie drawl.

    I agree about seminar. When/where I went to uni a seminar was a small group session scheduled weekly with a prof to discuss something together, so in fact we were studying material brought up in lectures with the whole class.

    Also, I remember Graham Kerr in Oz before I came here in '74. He's English, but I wonder if he had programs here at the same time, or if that came later?

    I like the new photo--you look relaxed as if you were having a good time!

  41. I forgot to say:

    Crockett, that is a fine photo. Mighty handsome! Very striking... a dignified DF if ever I saw one.

    Jeanne, your picture is beautiful and your dress is gorgeous! It's a perfect dress for a wedding.

  42. 29A: Jodie of "The Accused": FOSTER. She won an Oscar for "The Accused". I've never seen it. I don't like her movies. "The Silence of the Lambs" is very scary.

    Jodie's character is a victim of sexual assault in this movie.

    If this kind of movie upsets you then it's a good thing you haven't seen it.

    I saw Jamie Lee Curtis in 2 films, Halloween I and True Lies with Schwarzenegger.

  43. Hey Crockett, great new photo! Quite the handsome dude! Want a Walnetto????

  44. crockett, you look like you should be in the next Indiana Jones movie.

  45. What is R? Is it a play on yesterday's MR. X?
    It was at the cross of 16A & 10D. Oh yeah, I had erotica instead of exotica!

    What are "lighted fools"?
    Restated, it it would be "And all our yesterdays lighted the way for fools to dusty death."

  46. Last Sunday's Post-Star puzzle
    The usual stuff.
    Theme: Going to Extremes

    23A) A merry man of Sherwood - Little John
    102A) Orwellian concern - Big Brother
    25A) "The Song of Hiawatha" poet - Longfellow
    100A) Kind of cook - short order
    43A) Iced tea and lemonade - tall drinks
    79) White-collar accoutrements - briefcases
    36D) Redford film, with "The" - Great Gatsby
    39D) Television set - small screen

  47. @carol Thank you for the picture comment. But I guess I'll have to smack you with my purse! Didn't your mother ever tell you to not offer candy to strangers (Oh, wait! We're not strangers!)?

    @clear ayes, kazie, lois, dennis Thanks for your comments on the new pic.

  48. Lee DeForest was one of radio's first radio soap opera father's


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