, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday December 29, 2008 Allan E. Parrish

Gary's Blog Map

Dec 29, 2008

Monday December 29, 2008 Allan E. Parrish

Theme: Unmovable Vehicles

20A: "An Aperture Monograph" photographer: DIANE ARBUS

59A: Guy with "really big shew": ED SULLIVAN

11D: Cher film: MOONSTRUCK

29D: Island off Africa: MADAGASCAR

Hmm, we need a *JEEP for a pangram grid. But still, this puzzle will rank high in scrabbliness, with three X'es, two Z's, two V's and one Q, all hallmarks of a Allan E. Parrish puzzle.

I was not familiar with the book "An Aperture Monograph" or the photographer DIANE ARBUS. What is a "Monograph" anyway?

I wish ENOS (23A: Son of Seth) were clued as "Slaughter of Cooperstown" and EXPO (12D: Large intl. show) were clued as "National, formally". So together with ORTIZ (17A: Baseball's "Big Papi"), they would form a nice baseball sub-theme. Too bad, David ORTIZ was hurt all the time when he was with the Twins.

I hope we get a Barry Silk puzzle soon. I miss his wicked Q's.


1A: Belle or Bart: STARR. Only knew Bart STARR, Packers' quarterback, and Ringo STARR, not Belle.

9A: Packing heat: ARMED. OK, tell me why the answer for "Looking for big bucks?" is IN HEAT?

14A: Minor prophet: HOSEA. What's the difference between a "Minor prophet" and a major one? Who decides that?

16A: Two-month pope of 1605: LEO XI. This would have been a tricky one without the crossing help, you know, it could be LEO IX, LEO II, LEO IV or LEO VI.

18A: Latin 101 verb: AMO

19A: Parkinson's medication: L-DOPA. Another "My Pet Goat" moment for me. How can I remember this weird medicine name?

24A: Brandy letters: VSO

25A: Some binary compounds: OXIDES. Whatever you say. I know nothing about chemical compound.

27A: Salinger girl: ESME. Salinger's "For ESME – with Love and Squalor". Learned it from doing Xword.

32A: Type of gong: TAM TAM. I tend to confuse this one with Tom Tom drum.

36A: Mont of the Alps: BLANC. Does anyone own a Montblanc pen? This one looks very expsensive.

37A: Episcopal cleric: VICAR

40A: Hit by Billy J. Kramer & the Dakotas: BAD TO ME. No idea. Here is the clip. I went from BED TIME to BAD TIME, then BAD TO ME.

42A: Follow-up to a hit film, maybe: PREQUEL. I am eager to see "Angels & Demons", a PREQUEL to "The Da Vinci Code".

45A: Socialite Perle: MESTA. My brain keeps rejecting this name.

47A: Ticket: DUCAT. New slang to me.

57A: Richie's mom, to Fonzie: MRS. C

64A: Copier brand: RICOH. Canon and Xerox both have 5-letter too.

68A: Writer Calvino: ITALO. His name has become a gimme to me.

73A: SALT topic: N-TEST


1D: Like broken horses: SHOD. Why "broken"?

3D: Cinema canine: ASTA. TOTO is 4-letter too.

7D: Ice-smoothing machine: ZAMBONI. I was so happy I nailed this one. Have never been to a hockey game.

8D: Plains people: SIOUX. I like some of their names: Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, so evocative.

13D: Portuguese explorer: DIAS. He discovered Cape of Good Hope.

28D: Drudge: SLAVE

33D: What to make with Monty?: A DEAL. I guessed. I've never heard of "Let's Make a DEAL". Did not know who Monty is.

34D: Valetta's island: MALTA. Interesting "honey" etymology. Now I want a jar of MALTA honey. A bit trivia: MALTA is the smallest EU member.

36D: Ajax rival: COMET

41D: Reagan's attorney general: MEESE (Ed). If confirmed, Eric Holder will be our first African-American AG.

43D: Result of division: QUOTIENT. Have you taken a IQ test before? I have not. I fear I am borderline.

49D: Pop brand: RC COLA. Have never tasted this cola before. That's a great 1969 Mets collectible I suppose.

54D: Morris or Stewart of Arizona: UDALL. No idea. Stewart UDALL is JFK and LBJ's Secretary of the Interior. Morris UDALL ran for the president in 1976. I wonder what's the origin of this UDALL. It sounds so made-up to me.

56D: Composer Berg: ALBAN. Got his name from across fills.

58D: "Norma Rae" director Martin: RITT. New name to me also. Wikipedia says he also directed "Hud" and "The Long Hot Summer" . He must like Paul Newman a lot then.

61D: Clinging flora: VINE. Nice morning glory VINE. Rise and Shine!



  1. I'll be back later after class with more comments. I just want to address C.C.'s questions.

    "What is a monograph?"

    Hmm. Mono = one and graph = picture. Sounds like a made up word to me.

    "Why is 'Looking for Big Bucks' IN HEAT?"

    My God. What that the New York Times puzzle? A buck is a male deer. So 'Looking for Big Bucks' could be translated as 'Looking for well-hung male deer'. I'm serious: the clue is very DF as is the answer. A female animal is said to be IN HEAT when it is giving off mating hormones that attract males.

    "'Minor prophet' and not a major one. Who decides that?"

    Well since MOSES was als o five letters and MOSES probably rankls ahead of HOSEA in terms of prophetness (prophetability?) I figured MOSES was wrong.

    "L-DOPA. How can I remember this medicine name?"

    I wrote L-DOPE. L-DOPA sounds Spanish.

    "SHOD. Why broken?"

    SHOD means "shoed". A "broken" horse is a tame horse.

    I have to go to class now.


  2. Martin,
    Yeah, IN HEAT appeared in an old NY Times puzzle. How did you know?

    I need time to digest your J information yesterday. I saw NEIN clued as "It's declining in Germany". Why?

    Thank you so much for the EFFETE quote. Very helpful. Do you solve Tribune Sunday puzzles regularly? If so, how long did you spend on yesterday's puzzle?

  3. Dennis,
    I want the funny "Today is the day...".

    Wolfmom & Jeanne,
    Now I want to have turkey eggs and I want them scrambled.

    Oh my God. Who is the author of your Sunday's puzzle then? I hope it's simply an aberration.

  4. Embien,
    Have not heard from you for a few days. Hope everything is fine with you.


    Barb B,
    I love hearing your childhood stories. Thanks for sharing.

    What happened to Santa yesterday?

  5. Barry et al,
    Why is EAR clued as "Gift that not everyone accepts"?

    Clear Ayes,
    I would like to hear your view on "blushing girl" and "shrinking viloet". Yesterday, Richshif said "Generally I think of a blushing girl as some one who is easily embarrassed. A shrinking violet is a very shy person. A wallflower and shrinking violet would be the same." Can you give me examples also? Thanks.

  6. Wolfmom et al,
    How is a fertile egg differs from a normal egg?

  7. Good morning CC etal,

    Google-free today (most Mondays are) - worked straight through with only minor hiccups that resolved on the perps.

    @ Martin re: monograph. Graph is "writing" not "picture". L-Dopa (short for "levodopa") is a fairly common, but aggressive, treatment for Parkinson's Disease. You're right-on in your explanation for "shod".

    @ CC re: EAR - I suppose it's legit as one can offer an "ear" to a friend who might be troubled, but that person might not always accept any advice which might be forthcoming - best I can come up with.

    Hope all have a gr8 Monday!

  8. NAILED IT! Not because I KNEW all the answers but it all flowed together like an EBBing tide.
    Truthfully, I think I just got lucky.
    CC, It's funny you should mention Barry Silk. When I looked at todays constructor I, too, wondered what has become of Silk. We haven't heard from him in a while.
    Wild horses do not have thier hooves shod. When a horse is tamed (broken) they are usually shod to prevent damage to their hooves.
    CY'all Later

  9. Minor and Major prophets refer to the length of the book in the bible-new to me.

    Monograph is defined at wikipedia as "a work of writing upon a single subject, usually also by a single author". Good link to Aperture Monograph here and Diane Arbus image here.

  10. 16:04 today was fairly easy for me at least either that or the answers came to me faster than normal.

    73A: SALT topic: N-TEST I wanted A- TEST

    A monograph (Classical Greek, "One Writer" or "Single Writing") is a work of writing upon a single subject, usually also by a single author. It is often a scholarly essay or learned treatise, and may be released in the manner of a book, journal article, editorial or written rant.

  11. Morning CC, Jeannie and all who blog here.

  12. Unknowns were STARR, HOSEA, LEO XI, ORTIZ (I wanted MR TIZ because I had TAME for SHOD), AMO, L-DOPA, DIANE ARBUS, ENOS, ESO, ESME (although I finally got it), BAD TO ME (I had BAD ?O?E), MESTA, DUCAT, OSU (Ohio State University?), ITALO, LEN (although it's been in TMS puzzles before: I wanted KEN), LDS (short for what?), N TEST (Nuke test?), ASTA (Who???), OMAR (easily gettable though), DIAS (although "Actress Cameron" I would have gotten), MEESE (I had guessed REESE), UDALL, ALBAN and RITT (rhymes with Pitt). I wanted CUPS or MUGS for URNS.

    Whoa. I bought the paper this morning and when I read 36D "Ajax rival" I knew I had seen the clue before but I couldn't think what the answer was and I had almost NO help from the perps. (I had ???ET.) When I looked at the paper again this afternoon COMET came to me and then so did BLANC and EBBED. I wanted EMMA for ESME but I knew that MLAVE was wrong so I went through the alphabet until I got SLAVE and had an "Aha!" moment: I was thinking the verb "drudge" and not looking for a noun! I still didn't have ORTIZ, DIANE or VSO so I was stuck on REINVENT, trying REASCEND or REAMMEND but neither of those made sense to me. It probably would have helped if I had had SHOD, ASTA and/or RAZES but without knowing STARR or HOSEA I was stuck. Basically the entire NW corner did me in. (ALL I had was TORI.)


  13. I knew that didn't look right when I read it.
    EBBing tides are the opposite of flowing, huh? So I guess if something flows it can't be EBBing at the same time! What a dunce! Too much holiday snacking fogs my brain!
    CY'all Later

  14. Morning, folks!

    Not too bad today. Plenty of unknowns, including LEO XI, BAD TO ME, DUCAT, DIAS, MESTA and RITT, but they all managed to resolve themselves. Normally, having two unknowns cross would be deadly, but the intersection of LEO XI and DIAS really could have only been an I, so that worked. I know MALTA, but had no idea it was "Valletta's Island." And I actually know who ALBAN Berg was, so that made the _TEST for 73A easy to get.

    I think there was a recent movie about Diane Arbus starring Nicole Kidman, but I could be wrong...

  15. OK, CC(upgraded from C.C.)

    I didn't realize Aperture referred to a magazine, so Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph was a story solely about her by the magazine, yes?

    Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (2006)With Nicole Kidman, Robert Downey Jr., Ty Burrell. Turning her back on her wealthy, established family, Diane Arbus falls in with Lionel Sweeney, ...
    but why is it called Fur, anybody know?

    NEIN clued as "It's declining in Germany". To decline is to say no and no = NIEN

  16. Hi CC, thanks for explaining the "Bad To Me" answer. I got it from the perps but read it as "Bad Tome" which certainly didn't sound right (though I suppose many tomes make pretty bad reading, it didn't seem like a good title for a hit song).

    Good question on who defines minor prophets. My suggestion: those who are mainly known only to xword puzzlers!

  17. They are determined by book length...Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel are all major, the other twelve are minor.

    Pastor Jim
    Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

  18. Good Morning All, I really liked this puzzle. I didn't start until after my first cup of coffee and most everything seemed to flow. The only hangup I had was the 56D/73A cross. I wasn't sure of the last letter of ALBA? or the first letter of ?TEST. I settled on "N" just because ALBAA didn't look right...lucky guess.

    Perle MESTA was a famous Washington DC hostess in the 40's and 50's. The musical Call Me Madame was based on her. One of the great numbers is You're Just In Love, a duet with Ethel Merman and Donald O'Connor.

    RE: The movie Fur, was pretty strange. The Robert Downey character suffered from hypertrichosis, a disease that causes excessive body hair. He was VERY furry Robert Downey as Lionel Sweeney.

    C.C. We were gone most of yesterday. I'll catch up on the blog and be back later.

  19. I must be feeling better as this puzzle flowed fairly easy for me today. I only had to google Diane Arbus.

    C.C. in the fall in the deer family the does go "into heat" in looking for a mate. The bigger the buck the more desirable and they are pretty picky. The males are very aggressive with one another. It is know as the "rut" season.

    Also, if you ever get a chance to go see the Wild play hockey at the Excel Center I highly recommend it. It is a lot of fun even if you don't quite understand all the rules.

  20. Happy holidays everyone. Had a slightly difficult time today.
    I'm a little confused about the difference between "tamtam" and "tomtom". Oh dear I think I just answered my own's a drum, the other a gong? On another note, trying out my new gift, an iphone. Technology challenged so we'll see if I keep it. Good to see everyone again!!! Sincerely, Aloha Spirit in rainy Seattle

  21. Good morning, everyone. Did this last night online, and had minimum problems. Wanted ANSEL ADAMS for DIANE ARBUS, but the perps showed me the error of my ways. LEOXI came from fills, as did HOSEA, ORTIZ, TAMTAM, VSO (wanted VSP), BAD TO ME, MESTA, MALTA, and RITT. It will be interesting to see what C.C.’s theme is for this one. I can’t make heads or tails of it, LOL. C.C., you didn't disappoint. I guess I didn't look deep enough into the answers to get those connections.

    @martin ASTA was the dog in The Thin Man, which was originally a movie, then a TV series. Yes OSU is Ohio State University (it could also be Oregon State University or Oklahoma State University), in Columbus.

    C.C., if you get a chance to go, I would recommend that you go to a hockey game. "I went to a fight last night and a hockey game broke out." It's an electrifying experience, especially if the rink is on the smaller, intimate side, not a mega-dome.

    Well, now that the snow's gone, time to get out and do some errands. Remember to e-mail me with location instructions if you want to be added to the map.

    Have a great day!

    P.S. C.C., I like your pin. I just couldn't understand why you asked me specifically about it and not the entire blog.

    P.P.S. Embien, where are you? Haven't heard from you since you were snowed in. Where's Buckeye?

  22. @martin LDS is Later Day Saints, also referred to as Mormons.

  23. Good morning C.C. and friends, lots of unknowns for me today. I had to laugh at Dougl's comment at 10:00, as I had exactly the same thought about 40A.
    Others that eluded me: Tam tam, Prequel (why is it something that FOLLOWS, when PRE is something that "goes before"?)
    Ducat, Alban, Diane Arubs, Tori, Ortiz, Vso - well you begin to see why this was not a slam dunk! Oh well, there is tomorrow to look forward to.

    Our snow is gone, thank goodness and life as we knew it is back. Funny how a sudden change in ones environment can make you appreciate what you had.
    I hope all of you had a good Holiday and will have a safe New Year's celebration.

  24. Happy New Year everyone.

    C.C., how about a pic of u 4 us 2 enjoy for the new year?

  25. @ Carol,

    Hope you're having great holiday season. Re: Prequel - think "star Wars" - 1,2 & 3 were released after 4, 5 & 6 and so were technically "prequels". Seems silly to me as well, but what can you do - makes for a good xword word.

  26. You ask the difference between a minor and a major prophet? It is the amount of words accredited to them in the scriptures. It has nothing to do with importance of being.

    Appreciate you and your crosswords. I would hate to see you stop.


  27. Good morning C.C. and all. I'm with Carol...several ARGH! moments and head scratching. As usual, I knew the weird words. I didn"t know TAMTAM was a gong, but filled in the letters anyway. Wanted XEROX for copier and quickly realized my error, but did know RICOH. Never heard DUCAT used this way...etc
    C.C. Definitely get to a hockey game. I used to coach and play roller hockey(very similar) and I get way too excited(lots of yelling) at hockey games so we don't go any more. I once got asked to be the coach for an amateur Ice Hockey team because I kept yelling at them to play a certain way and they won their first game ever...anecdote for the day.
    On the fertile egg thing...some people think fertile eggs are healthier and taste better. It just means that it has the potential of becoming a turkey, chicken, bird, etc. What controls the flavor and color of the egg(yolk) is what the chicken/turkey eats. A healthy animal that eats vegetable matter and bugs will produce dark yellow/orange and very tasty yolks. Battery hens are not given this outdoor option and the yolks tend to be pale and the flavor bland. McDonalds actually feeds all the hens that contribute eggs to McD foods the exact same formula feed so the egg color is consistent(yuk).

  28. Martin,
    Cute new photo!

    NEIN--I don't know why it would be declining, unless because so many people say "Nee" instead now. Could it be a cryptic clue?--Thank you Argyle--just got to your answer!

    PREQUEL is a play on the word SEQUEL because it is both PREceding (the action that happened before the previous movie), but the prequel is actually made after the original, so that is where the -QUEL part links it to the word sequel, which means something following.

    I won't bore you with all that I didn't know, but I ended up with LEO II, EI_O, ALBAA and ATEST (never heard of N-Test). I was in a hurry to leave for a meeting and probably would have corrected a couple of these if I'd looked at the crosses again.

  29. I did not have an easy time with this one. I didn’t know Diane Arbus, couldn’t remember Zamboni, Meese or Mesta, and the only Portuguese explorer I knew was de Gama.

    I didn’t know the university in Columbia; funny that it’s right next to OKLA, since both have OSU’s.
    When everything fell into place – with a lot of help from Google – I still didn’t get TOPSEED. Totally new word for me, since I don’t follow sports at all.

    I went to a local hockey game in Canada once and found it too violent for my taste; fights, bloody noses, shouting, etc. Same with a wrestling match I saw in Salt Lake City. I don’t know if that was faked or not, but there was blood, an ambulance and wrestler carried out on a stretcher. It upset me to see a crowd of people who are well-mannered people - my mother included - turn into a mob screaming Get HIm! Kill Him. I'm sure there's a comic side to it, but it's on the wild side for me.

  30. C.C. I would like to hear your view on "blushing girl" and "shrinking violet".

    The song lyrics from Cabaret are

    "She wasn't what I'd call a blushing flower.
    As a matter of fact, she rented by the hour."

    In that context, I think "blushing flower" means a virginal young woman, not necessarily embarrassed or shy like a shrinking violet would be. The Elsie of the song was a prostitute, who was quite satisfied with her wild "in your face" lifestyle.

    Good examples of "blushing flowers" would be just about any of Jane Austen's heroines, virginal, but not always shy.

    Emily Dickenson was both a blushing flower and a shrinking violet, virginal and very shy.

  31. Chris,
    Thanks for EAR. I was only familiar with "Lend an ear", not "Give ear". Was DIANE ARBUS a gimme to you this morning?

    We've got 4 puzzles in Dec from our editor himself. Those could have been Barry's slots. If EBB does not flow, what is the word to describe its action then? EBB again?

    DIAZ, not DIAS for "Actress Cameron".

  32. Dougl,
    You have not answered my 6:22am question.

    Thanks for the late CC upgrade. Where did you get the idea that aperture is about magazine? I thought it's a book.

    Thanks for the IN HEAT & RUT information. Now I remember Clear Ayes covered this DF topic before.

  33. Aloha Spirit,
    Nice to see you again.

    I asked you because you are special to me.

    Anonymous @ 11:40am,
    Imagine! Reality is always not pretty.

    Thanks for the explanation on fertile eggs.

  34. Dennis,
    Too much S, S & S to come to the blog?

    Barb B,
    "Fights, bloody noses, shouting...": exactly my impression about hockey and those hockey players.

    Clear Ayes,
    Thanks for "blushing flower". Wow, I did not expect the "virginal" part.

  35. I have been checking your crossword blog regularly, and it has been most helpful.

    For a non-native speaker, you have an amazing command of the English language and the American idioms which figure so prominently in the puzzles.

    You also ask interesting questions, and assuming that they are not just rhetorical questions, I can answer at least one.

    You asked about "Looking for big bucks?" It could be a reference to female deer (“in heat”) who are interested in mating with healthy males (big bucks).

    Wild horses who are tamed and trained are referred to as “broken”, or “broken in”. After that, they may also be fitted with horseshoes, so they are shod, but it’s not a great clue. Thanks for all of the many clever answers you have figured out and shared.


  36. C.C.
    "Decline" has several meanings. In the puzzle it is used as in: I decline the offer, that is I say NO to the offer.
    I understand FLOW to refer to water that is moving, usually forward. Water that ebbs is going out back away from the shore.
    ASTA was a gimmi to me because we named one of our dogs after the movie dog.

  37. Good afternoon C.C. and all,

    C.C., you continue to amaze me. I filled in the 4 theme words, but didn't see the theme. Had not heard of Diane Arbus, but the perps filled 'er in; also oxides, ducat, Italo, Mesta and Udall. I did this puzzle at the train station , so I couldn't "G' until I got home. I had 2 unfilled squares: the i in Ricoh and Ritt, and the n in Alban and ntest.

    I laughed when filling in L-Dopa. This week in "Pickles" Grandma wants her grandson to call her Nana, like he used to. Then she asks her husband if he misses the name her grandson used to call him. He says he didn't like the name Dopa.

    I've never had a Mont Blanc pen. We used Esterbrook pens all the way thru school, as it had to be real ink. In high school we had to write manuscript.. even had a 1 hr class on it every Sun morning.We practiced while copying pages from a "Courtesy" book.Sooo boring!

    Chris inla and Kazie, great explanations on prequels.

  38. @ CC:

    Re: ARBUS - nope, got her on the perps.

  39. JD, Crown molding really adds a lot to decor. I'm sure it looks great.

    BTW, I also love ABBA. I'm having a Mama Mia party in January for my girlfriends. We're going to watch the movie DVD, sing along, have a couple of drinks, and generally make fools of ourselves.

    Talking about flowers earlier reminded me a little of this poem, although this one isn't about "blushing flowers".


    Life is a stream
    On which we strew
    Petal by petal the flower of our heart;
    The end lost in dream,
    They float past our view,
    We only watch their glad, early start.
    Freighted with hope,
    Crimsoned with joy,
    We scatter the leaves of our opening rose;
    Their widening scope,
    Their distant employ,
    We never shall know. And the stream as it flows
    Sweeps them away,
    Each one is gone
    Ever beyond into infinite ways.
    We alone stay
    While years hurry on,
    The flower fared forth, though its fragrance still stays.

    - Amy Lowell

  40. Hello c.c., df’s and all! Just a quick note to CC and barb b defending my chosen sport- hockey.

    While I do not deny that it is a violent game, and that there is fighting (a necessary evil, but that’s a discussion for another day); if you sit and truly watch the beauty of THE GAME- the grace, power and skill of the skaters, the things that they do and think while moving at 25 MPH, the teamwork necessary to change players every 30-45 seconds and the overall speed of the game, I think you will find it is the greatest game to see live. While it doesn’t translate well to TV, may I suggest that you watch the outdoor game on New Years Day (Red Wings vs. Black Hawks) on an HDTV if possible, and give it another try.

  41. Clear ayes, lovely poem. Although I love winter, I get so anxious for the tulips, daffodils, and first round of roses to say hello to spring.

    Doesn't sound like anyone else is a big hockey fan. Gooooo Sharks!
    Zamboni and his brothers were very inventive.At 1st they built refrigeration units for the dairies in So. CA.@ 1920. They expanded their business to include produce, so they built a plant where they created blocks of ice. As refrigeration technology improved, they had to look for another way to use their ice expertise. At that time the sport of figure skating was growing, so they built a HUGE ice rink in 1940 which held 800 skaters. Their Iceland Skating Rink is still there, down the street from the ice factory. They decided the ice was not great, so they built a dome on the rink. At that time it took them over an hour to resurface the ice with a tractor that pulled a scraper. Three or four guys got out there with squeegees,etc. Then came the Zamboni.They are cute machines and kids love to ride on them between periods.TMI?

  42. Calef,
    Thanks for the EBB and flow.

    I don't understand your Dopa joke. Why did the grandson call his grandma Dopa?

    Clear Ayes,
    Petal by petal, my heart is so touched by your flower poem. Thanks.

    "The greatest game to see live"? No!

  43. Well, I will most likely be the last post for the day again, but I'm going with xchefwalt on this. Both Roller Ball Hockey and Ice Hockey are exquisitely artful games. The incredible skill that it takes to maneuver a puck or ball around at high speed and not run into people, keep your eye on the goal, the goalie and all the other players, takes huge skill. The game, when played correctly is awesome, particularly live. The fights, unfortunately are what keeps the fans coming back, like accidents at auto racing. I knew a lot of Roller Hockey players from around the world and their skills were awesome. Many of them actually came from an artistic skating background and could literally skate rings around anyone.They could bounce a ball on the end of the stick(ok, I see the jokes coming on this) and slam it into the cage. Really...go watch a game just to see the skill...and it is not in any way related to wrestling.

    Clear Ayes: What an absolutely lovely poem...

  44. JD,
    I don't understand your Dopa joke. Why did the grandson call his grandma Dopa?
    It was his name for his grandpa.
    That's baby talk.Right now Truman is calling his grandpa "Popo" and it will get clearer as he gets older.Will Bob always want to be called Popo? I don't think so.
    Guess you had to read it. Sorry.

  45. Xchefwalt,
    "The greatest game to see live"? No!

    I say YES!!!

  46. I think the clue for 20A) ["An Aperture Monograph" photographer / Diane Arbus] is misleading.

    Aperture is a quarterly photography magazine based in New York. The magazine is published by Aperture Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to fine art photography. The foundation also publishes books on photography.

    Both Aperture magazine and its book publishing arm are now run by the nonprofit arts institution the Aperture Foundation.

    The magazine helped publish a catalogue by photographer Diane Arbus, a year after her death. MoMA curator John Szarkowski was organising an Arbus retrospective in 1972, but the catalogue had been rejected by all the major publishing houses in the United States and Europe. Aperture agreed to publish Arbus' catalogue and it was released in time for the show as Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph.

    monograph – noun 1. a treatise on a particular subject, as a biographical study or study of the works of one artist., like a retrospective - noun. an exhibition of a representative selection of an artist's life work.

    I might say it is like Time/Life Books. They publish magazines and they publish books like The Pyramids; a Time/Life Book

  47. Argyle's comment on Time/Life books reminds me of their cookbook series. KittyB and Wolfmom were asking about favorite cookbooks and these were some of mine.

    Years ago I purchased the Time/Life cookbook series. There were probably 24 different books, each one concentrating on a particular ingredient or cooking skill. The photos were beautiful, the instructions precise and the recipes were delicious.

    When we retired and were planning to move to our present home, I had to downsize a lot, so I offered my Time/Life cookbooks to my S-I-L who is an excellent cook. He accepted and toted the books home with him. About a dozen other cookbooks wound up in our moving sale.

    S-I-L eventually decided that the Time/Life books weren't for him and asked if I wanted them back. I didn't have the room, so he sold them on Ebay and split the proceeds with me.

    I miss all those cookbooks sometimes, but I have found that even the most exotic recipes can be found on the internet. Not that I have much need of exotic recipes. Our "exotic" dinner this evening was meatloaf, baked potato and a salad. LOL

  48. Clear ayes, I agree with you cookbooks can be "space consuming"..and that the internet is a great place to find any recipe you are looking for. I wanted some new ones and my sweet hubby found this site and I really have loved looking at all the possibilities. It is:
    Check it out - I have found some great soup and stew recipes as well as chicken/noodle casseroles, etc. You name it - you can find it. It's all good!!

  49. @carol That's an interesting recipe site. You're right about finding anything. I looked for goetta, which is a Cincinnati area regional recipe, and there was one there! Check it out. I plan on making up a batch this week. It's yummy!

  50. 28:06 today..... Started fine but 17 Across hung me up I'd prefer a different clue for the same answer........


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