, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday December 10, 2008 Allan E. Parrish

Gary's Blog Map

Dec 10, 2008

Wednesday December 10, 2008 Allan E. Parrish

Theme: SKI Trails (Famous Polish Americans)

20A: "Morning Joe" co-host: MIKA BRZEZINSKI

38A: 1967 Triple Crown winner: CARL YASTRZEMSKI

55A: Longtime Duke coach: MIKE KRZYZEWSKI

SKI is "of", like English suffix "son", Norweigian "sen" and Spanish "ez". Irish put their O' and Mac in the middle, so do Arabs with their "ibn" and Italians with their "di/de". Does anyone know what's the difference between "di" and "de"? What would be my name in Polish? Xi'anski?

I only knew 55A as "Coach K". And Seattle Slew popped into my brain for 38A. I was thinking of the racing Triple Crown. I've actually got quite a few Carl Yastrzemski baseball cards. But I did not know that he is a triple crown winner. Even if I did, I would not know how to write out his surname.

As for Mika Brzezinski, I think I will know how to spell her family name when hell freezes over. There is a reason why Jim Miklaszewski (NBC Pentagon correspondent) is called "Mik".

Did you have a hard time with this puzzle? I didn't. I googled those three names very early on. And now I have got absolutely no satisfaction from filling in all the blanks. Such an empty feeling. Terrible. From now on, I will only seek Google as a last resort.

Did you notice the style difference between Barry Silk and Allan E. Parrish? Both of them are great creators of scrabbly puzzles. But Silk uses lots of Q's, while Parrish is an expert on Z's. I often found letter Q missing in his puzzles.


1A: Richie's mom, Fonzie-style: MRS. C

14A: Junior of the NFL: SEAU. He is a 12-time Pro-Bowl linebacker for the Patriots.

16A: Like the Arctic: POLAR. My first reaction is frigid.

18A: Israeli weapons: UZIS

24A: Chilean catch: SEA BASS. Why "Chilean"?

25A: Maker of 6D: MOTOROLA And 6D: Slim cell phone brand: RAZR. Does anyone have a iPhone?

32A: Ancient Turkish city: ADANA. Here is the map again. I simply forgot. Identical clue in this constructor's last puzzle. Wikipedia says ADANA is the fifth most populous city of Turkey.

42A: Deep __ bend: KNEE. Gym term?

43A: "Science of Logic" philosopher: HEGEL. See this book cover. Unknown to me.

48A: School of Paris: SORBONNE. Here is a list of famous SORBONNE graduates. I did not see Jackie Kennedy there.

50A: Old name for a 2-wood: BRASSIE. I thought of mashie, which is 5-iron.

54A: Like some NYC theaters: OOB. OOB is Off-Off-Broadway.

65A: High: pref.: ALTI. Like altitude.

67A: French WWI fighter planes: SPADS. The plane is an aronym of its manufacturer Societé Pour Aviation et ses Dérivés. Foreign to me.


2D: 20 quires: REAM. Nice trivia.

4D: Swiss ticker: CUCKOO. CUCKOO clock?

5D: Mixer: CLUB SODA

7D: Yavapai Coll. state: ARIZ. I've never heard of Yavapai Coll. Curt Schilling's alma mater.

9D: Way from Rome to Brindisi: APPIAN. My first encounter with APPIAN Way. Wikipedia states that it "was the most important ancient Roman road".

10D: Romantic light: MOONBEAM

11D: "I Still See __" ("Paint Your Wagon"song): ELISA. Here is the song. Unknown to me. I've never seen Clint Eastwood in a musical before.

13D: Gilmore of basketball: ARTIS. What a strange name, ARTIS, ART IS (long?). It's begging for a T.

22D: Buddhist discipline: ZEN. SATORI is often clued as "Zen enlightenment".

27D: Shredded: TORE. 51D: Shred: RIP UP

28D: Whip-wielder LaRue: LASH. Is he well-known? I've never met this guy before.

40D: Focuses (on): ZEROES IN

46D: Glacial ridges: ESKERS. New word to me also.

47D: 3/23/01 Newsmaker: MIR. It's de-orbed on this date. I would not have got MIR without the across fills.

50D: Coll. hotshots: BMOCS. BMOC is Big Man on Campus.

52D: Japanese dog: AKITA. This clue made me think of Mkat. She used to comment here often, together with Katherine and Dennis.

53D: Pound and Stone: EZRAS. Knew the poet Pound, not Stone.

58D: Swiss painter: KLEE. I don't know what he tried to express with this "Flower Myth", do you? Is it something DF?

59D: Holm oak: ILEX. I got the answer after I cheated on coach K's name. Both the clue and the answere were new to me. ILEX sounds like an animal, like IBEX. Holy hotwick curvy horns!



  1. Good morning CC etal,

    OK day today - had to google Mika (no idea - still - what "Morning Joe" is about), knew Yaz, but had to google for spelling, same for Coach K.

    CC: "Chilean Sea Bass" was a "hot" seafood dish served in restaurants for a while - chefs seem to go through phases (think Orange Roughy or Mahi-Mahi). Certain fish are "it" for a time and then they're on to the next best thing.

    No clue on ESKER or ILEX (which is Holly).

    Happy hump day to all!

  2. Chris,
    Thanks for SEA BASS. Were APPIAN (9D) and LASH (28D) gimmes to you? Also, I wonder why RUES is clued as "Regrets bitterly". It's always "Regrets".

    LB & Argle,
    Thanks for bringing attention to the wrong clues for OPIE and NORAS yesterday. Argyle, that "CD Collection' really bothers me. The new quip is OK.

    Mark - Buenos Aires,
    I've asked you twice, why did you bring up E.T. (He has short legs) comment the other day?

    A.R. Engineer,
    Sorry for the mistake. I confused you with Mark from VA. He also responded to the AMAIN/flank question.

  3. Ink and Kittyb,
    Is Patrick Fitzgerald well respected in IL? Would he be a good governor candidate?

    Thanks for ubi caritas. Are you familiar with the ubi caritas hymn?

    I love reading your interesting tidbits on various actors/actresses. You are very funny. Play it again, "Sam".

    Why "Cross-Dresser" for the quip?

  4. I wonder how many people looked at this puzzle, screamed "AAAA!", TORE the paper in two and RIPped it UP. I kept thinking "O, MAN, this is tough (IMO)!" 22 minutes 33 seconds (online).

    Martin PhippSKI

  5. Mr. PhippSKI,
    Did you sleep well last night? Did you use Google? If so, did you google in the end or in the middle?

    You meant you did not know congress before? I love all your music links.

    What a maestro you are! I want to have you magic language baton.

    Thanks for the beer commercial. Very funny.

  6. 18:10 today! thanks in part to people with difficult names to spell isn't anyone named Jones or Smith anymore?

    20, 38 & 55 can take a hike!

  7. C.C.

    Let's just say today was a red letter day.


  8. CC:

    Appian Way was easy - 5 years of Latin and I've been looking for that clue/answer for months! Lash Larue was also stuck in my brain - don't know why. I'm OK with "RUES" as in "you'll rue the day...", so that one came easily as well.

  9. Good morning, c.c. and gang -- nothing like having the house alarm go off at 3:30 to get your day started. After sneaking around the house for several minutes expecting to get in a shoot-out, I had so much adrenaline going that it took me over an hour to fall back to sleep. Second time in a year that the alarm's gone off for no reason.

    Anyway, a challenging puzzle for me - I knew the spelling of 38A from seeing it so much, but didn't have a clue on 20A and 55A. Perps helped a lot.

    I don't think I've ever seen or heard "zeroes on"; only "zeroes in on".

    Have a great day - actually getting up into the 60's here today, but with heavy rain.

  10. Chris,
    I associate "bitterly" with very strong emotions. Also, is Brown Betty a popular dessert in the US? Do you like apple strudel?

    65A: ALTI, so 40D is ZEROS IN. Sorry about the incident. What's the day today?

    Nice to hear from you yesterday. Hope your eye is doing fine now.

  11. Good morning.
    Knew all the skis but had to google to make sure of the spelling. The lower left corner was a bit of a pain.

    Did not like 51D (Shred) and 27D (Shredded). At least, IMO (31A).

    Chilean Sea Bass is still a hot seafood dish because of its "white meat appeal." However, it is really called the toothfish and is not really a bass (different species) and is not always caught in Chilean waters. The U.S. currently imports about 10,000 tons.

    No i-phone. I have a RAZR.

    Personally, I liked the Sopwith Camel as that is what Snoopy flew when he fought The Red Baron.

    Today is Human Rights Day. It is also the Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales. Emily Dickinson was born in 1830. The Nobel Prizes began being awarded on this day in 1901.

    Have a great Wednesday. I am off to Tarrytown tomorrow and won't be back until Monday.

  12. c.c., my mistake on 'zeroes in'; makes a lot more sense now. Drdad's got the day covered.

    And I'm sure Lois agrees with you that she'd like to have a 'magic baton'...

  13. Morning, all!


    You said you didn't have a hard time with this puzzle, C. C., but then went on to say that you Googled the three theme names very early on. Well, I did have a very difficult time with this puzzle, specifically because I didn't Google those names. I managed to finally finish unassisted, but it was only after I realized all three theme names likely ended in SKI that I was able to get the NE corner filled in (at first, I thought the theme was simply "Ridiculously Difficult Names to Say and Spell").

    Anyway, of the three theme names, I knew who MIKE KRZYZEWSKI was (but couldn't spell his name to save my life), knew who CARL YASTRZEMSKI was (although I thought the clue was asking for the name of a horse and still couldn't spell his name to save my life even had I known it was asking for a baseball player), and had no freaking idea who MIKA BRZEZINSKI was (or how to spell her name to save my life, obviously).

    And then, of course, there was ARTIS and ELISA, which were two more complete unknowns crossing the aforementioned Ms. BRZEZINSKI. ADANA and BRASSIE were also unknown, but gettable via the perps.

    One thing I was proud of was remembering ILEX. I haven't seen that word or clue for many, many years, but I somehow managed to pull it from the dustbin in the back of my brain. Nice to know I still have a few functional brain cells back there.

  14. CC:

    I think "rue" can be a very strong emotion, more-so than "regret". I can regret a bad selection in a restaurant, but can rue (and therefore pay the price for) a bad decision made in life. In a nutshell, I think "rue" entails significant negative consequences whereas "regret" can simply mean "oops" or "I'm sorry".

    Not sure about "brown betty", but enjoy apple struedel - only occasionally, though, as I don't have much of a sweet-tooth anymore. Why do you ask?

  15. c.c.,
    No, I'm not catholic and our hymns are all in English. I remember when we joined our church it was partly because the songbook had a Bob Dylan song in it.

    I'm with Martin on this one. I spent the first five minutes just trying to find a clue that meant something other than gibberish to me (except 1A and 9A), until I looked at the SE corner. I don't listen to ads or take notice of brand names, and I know nothing of spectator sport or golf. I did guess the SKI part of those names after getting some perps, but the rest was all Polish to me and not worth g'ing before coming here.

    I did know APPIAN, HEGEL, KLEE, SEAN, ARGO, LARA, EZRAS, SORBONNE, SID, but all other proper nouns were unknowns. Just those names all in one puzzle is too many, but when you add all the others! POOH!

  16. Your 40D does not match with 55A

  17. @anon @8:26
    ZEROES is missing the "e" is all.

  18. C.C.
    Brown Betty is a variation on apple crisp or apple crumble. Instead of putting the oatmeal/brown sugar mixture on top of the sliced apples, it is layered with the apples. Very delicious and easy and quick to make. Any kind of apples can be used. I sometimes use two or three varieties. Served warm with heavy cream is "out of this world", ut don't count the calories!

  19. Pattispa, you're right - it's deadly good.

  20. Hey all! Well, yesterday I knew it all and today I knew diddly squat!!
    This was an untamed animal for me. Got about two thirds and gave up. Had to resort to "G" for the rest.
    Even if I had known the SKIS I wouldn't have been able to spell them.
    I did get 38a but used "G" to spell it.
    In any event, a lot of unknowns. Enough to ruin yesterdays high!!
    CY'all later.

  21. Ohhhh mannnnnn, this was a toughie!

    MIKA's name came mostly through the fills, and I had all but the Z in CARL's name. I had absolutely no clue who the Duke coach was, and the SW corner was the last to be completed. I needed help to finish this puzzle, and for a while I thought I was going to walk away, leaving it unfinished, and have a small tantrum.

    SEAU, OOB, and ESKERS, were new to me. I've heard of Off-Off-Broadway, but didn't associate it with those letters. I forgot that MIR had deorbed. I took a lucky guess with ILEX because I've never heard of a Holm Oak. I'll have to remember that a REAM is 20 quires. I wanted "mashie" where BRASSIE went.

    I just feel off-kilter about the whole darned thing. I might as well get to work. Hmpf!

  22. In Oz, I remember a brand (yes, I did say I don't notice brands!)of cooler called Esky--now I know why it's called that.

  23. Hi c.c. and all:

    Well, this puzzle was really hard for me. Did not get through without googling sorry to say!
    Congrats to all who finished this without assistance!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  24. C.C., generally, the herb Rue is not supposed to be taken internally. It can be poisonous, and in large amounts is very bitter. Perhaps that is what the clue refers to. Or, should you take large amounts of it, you would bitterly regret the gastric distress it would cause. I like Chris' explanation of how he would use "rue" and "regret."

    I can't answer your question about Patrick Fitzgerald. I've had my head down for months, and have not been paying enough attention to the news. But, I can tell you that most of the U.S. Attorneys who have worked in the Chicago area in my lifetime have been able to write their own ticket when they left public office. Many of them go on to be partners in high powered law firms, and most of them would make good governors, except that job doesn't pay enough to make it worth their time.

    Doesitinink is likely to have more information for you on Fitzpatrick. I'll be interested to see what she has to say.

    And, I thought ARTIS was spelled with a D, and that hung me up for a bit. :-(

  25. As to the herb rue, this quote may be of interest. It does explain why the clue was bitterly regret.
    "Down through the ages, rue has been the symbol of loss, regret and bitter lessons….
    The Catholic Church gave rue its association with repentance and grace, by using sprigs of rue to sprinkle holy water.
    In spite of its bitter taste, it is edible, and can still be found in rustic Mediterranean salads. But it is not advised to eat a lot of rue or drink it as a tea, as it can be toxic in large amounts. The sap of rue is also very strong and can actually burn the skin if it comes into contact….

  26. I had an "array" of problems with this puzzle. I tried not to "obsess" but it drove me "cuckoo" and kind of made me a "crab". It got to a "point" when I wanted to put it over my "knee" and "lash" it. So I did the next best thing...I got out the "razr" to just "rip up" the dang thing.

    It's darn right "polar" here in MN this morning. 2 degrees when I headed out to work this morning.

  27. I never would have had a chance at this without my friend google. Triple Crown means horses to me, and who could spell those Polish names? Hats off to those who did. I realized I could go for help or toss the puzzle. All those z’s called to me, and when I saw MOONBEAM and CLUB SODA I knew I liked it.

    I loved Lash LaRue. Such a corny name, but pretty exciting to us kids. I knew ILEX too- but as a holly, not holm oak.

    Regrets bitterly is a good play on words; to rue is to regret, and the herb rue is very bitter. Can cause rashes too.

    Never heard of a quire, so REAM was impossible. I was a little shell-shocked, and forgot how to spell cuckoo. lol

    I liked money holders/BANKS. Ain’t it the truth? Money holding has a whole new meaning these days. And alternatives/ORS is clever. BMOCS didn’t come to me- don’t hear it much any more; same for BRASSIE AND SPADS.

    I felt pretty good about knowing SORBONNE; heck, I felt pretty good about knowing any of the answers.

  28. mark - Buenos Aires

    I agree with Kazee - pooh

    c.c. no reason for the ET, its just an instance where the same words can have two meanings

  29. Good Morning All, I hate to Google to get an answer, but I had never heard of either MIKA BRZEZINSKI or MIKE KRZYZEWSKI.

    I got CARL YASTRZEMSKI without help. Although I knew of the baseball player, I was still trying to remember a Triple Crown horse race winner with that name...Duh.

    SPADS and ESKERS were new words.

    I got RAZR and MOTOROLA, but not because of familiarity with cellphone brands. I don't have a cellphone. There is no nearby tower and now automobile calls are illegal in California (Yippee!). A lot of people around here do have them, but the reception is so terrible, I can't see spending several hundred dollars a year for non-service.

    About cellphones - One of my pet peeves is being in a checkout line, grocery store aisle, doctor's office or wherever and being forced to listen to a usually inane private conversation. I understand the safety features for parents to keep in touch with their children, or when driving alone late at night. Other than that, I don't see the need to be constantly plugged into the rest of the world.

  30. Oops, Hands-free automobile phone calls are still legal in California. It is the hand-held phone that is illegal.

  31. Hi C.C. and all,
    I got about 1/4 of the answers and went to the G. Got some more there but it was such a hard puzzle for me. I've never heard of "Morning Joe" (well, not in that sense:)) and had no idea about 38 or 55A. (After seeing 38A, I did recognize the name). I was going to do what Martin suggested, and rip it up, but since I did that with the last hammer, I wanted to show more intestinal fortitude and try. It just wasn't very satisfying even if I did hit the G-spot!

  32. Clear ayes, boy, do I agree with you on the cell phones...why is it that so many people find a need to yak their heads off in every situation.. I was on a walk a few days ago and kept hearing someone behind me. When I looked back, a woman was at least a block behind me and across the street but I could hear everything she said. Maybe the person she was speaking to was hard of hearing, but it was very annoying. Fortunately I could turn the corner and go away from it. What the heck did they do before cell phones???

    As to the hand-held vs the hands-free phones, neither one is a good idea when driving. Tests (a lot of tests) found that the brain cannot process talking on a phone and driving at the same time..I think they even compared it to drunk driving and the drunks did better!

  33. I see a trend starting in golf club names. (I had mashie in another puzzle.) We know these constructors pick up words from other puzzles so here is a primer on golf club names.

    #1 - Play Club, Driver
    #2 - Brassie
    #3 - Spoon
    #4 - Baffy

    #1 - Driving Iron, Cleek
    #2 - Cleek, Midiron
    #3 - Mid-Mashie
    #4 - Jigger, Mashie Iron
    #5 - Mashie
    #6 - Spade Mashie
    #7 - Mashie-Niblick
    #8 - Pitching Mashie
    #9 - Niblick, Baffing Spoon
    #10 - Wedge, Jigger

    Putter - flat stick

    A more complete description can be found here. Very interesting, to a golfer.

  34. I was told that when the Toothfish was originally put on the menu it was a very poor seller. It was not until it was renamed Chilian Sea Bass did it become popular.

  35. Argyle, great info - thanks.

    Carol, I think you're ok if you're both drunk and on a cell phone when driving. They should cancel each other out.

  36. Argyle, Thanks for the golf list and link. Golf Addicted Husband will love it. Of course he isn't here right now....guess where...

    Stuart, I can see why Chilean Sea Bass has a much more attractive romantic allure than Toothfish. Just like a poem, genius is figuring out a good name.

    Dennis, nothing gets the heart pounding faster than an alarm going off in the middle of the night. I'm surprised you could get back to sleep at all.

  37. Dennis at 11:19...LOL! I'll be sure to take my cell phone along next time I'm out driving. Cheers!

  38. Good morning C.C. & all - The final blackout almost escaped me on this one. Thank goodness for perps and lucky guesses! The finished xword is really a mess with over-writes but, satisfaction is mine. But, one more 'z' would have put me to sleep... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


  39. Dr.Dad, I've meant to thank both you and Dennis for the ongoing "This is the Day" information. It is always fun and often gets the bloggers off and running on an interesting subject. Because today is Emily Dickinson's birthday, here is one of her perfect little poems. It was recited in the saddest and most touching of movies, Sophie’s Choice.

    Ample Make This Bed

    Ample make this bed.
    Make this bed with awe;
    In it wait till judgment break
    Excellent and fair.

    Be its mattress straight,
    Be its pillow round;
    Let no sunrise' yellow noise
    Interrupt this ground.

    - Emily Dickinson

  40. Good morning C.C. and all,

    Whew! Lots of unknown names.Bob helped me with Mika B. and brassie (thanks for the list, Argyle).I knew Carl Y( Bob loved the guy), but had to look in our 1968 copy of YAZ to complete the spelling.As for Mike K, I used the big G for some of the letters, and lots of other unknowns like Hegel,Adana, LaRue,Motorola. Used dictionary to see if ameba and spads were correct, and what a quire was. I had only seen ameba spelled amoeba , and so that threw me.Rues was my last fill-in, as pound and stone , I thought, might be weights (???). I had alta, not alti. It is hard for me to zero in those longer words that are perpendicular; I usually write them down to be able to see the word.

    C.C., that ibex must be the BMOC of his mt.! (never heard of that acronym before)

    favorite clue?5D Club Soda
    Amazing stuff to have around in case someone spills something on your carpet.

    Paint Your Wagon was such a fun movie, but I do remember some parts dragging a bit, like Clint singing that song. Yet, the words to it are lovely:

    "Her heart was made of holidays
    Her smile was made of dawn
    Her laughter was an April song
    That echoes on and on."

  41. Chris & Pattispa,
    I saw Brown Betty clued as "Certain baked dessert" in a puzzle today. I've never heard of it. Also, I mentioned apple strudel because I just had some earlier.

    Kitty, Sallie & Barb,
    Thanks for RUES. I did not know that it's a bitter herb. Now I think the clue is good.

    Awesome information on those clubs.


    I agree. That IBEX looks like a MOREL guy.

  42. Clear Ayes et al,
    Do you associate PASTRY with sweet only or savory stuff as well?

    Isn't crossword a great creation? I mean, as good a linguist as you are, you still had to struggle with the sports and other unfamiliar proper names today. This somehow comforts me.

  43. I SKIed downhill all the way on this one and wiped out at the bottom of the run. Uugh! Though the top half of the puzzle filled in rather easily, it soon became evident to me that I would never, ever be able to complete this puzzle without Googling the Triple Crown and Duke Coach theme clues. Once I filled those in – a total of 9 letters – I was able to finish the puzzle with no other problems.

    BMOC was cleverly clued as “Coll. hotshots”, though the abbreviation is so obscure that I would never have been able to fill it in without the crosses. I also felt IMO for “So I think, on line” was a bit obscure, but at least it is a part of popular culture. Generally I felt there were too many obscure terms and names to make this an enjoyable puzzle.

    I am curious as to why ADANA was clued as “Ancient Turkish city” as it is a thriving, modern city near Syria. I have never been to that part of Turkey. My first trip to Turkey started at Bodrum when I took a boat from the Greek island of Kos to the Turkish mainland. I especially loved Istanbul and the Cappodocia region. Cappodocia is an area comprised of lava which evolved into valleys, canyons and cones as a result of rain and wind erosion. Early Christians cut more than 600 churches in the cones during the 4th to 11th centuries.

    @cc: I LOLed on your comment about learning to spell MIKA’s family name when hell freezes over!

  44. Hi, I'm new to blogging here. I have been doing crossword puzzles for a couple of years and don't seem to be getting any better. (I was hoping it would stave off Alzheimers. Anyway, I enjoy reading your blogs and hope I can do 1/2 as good as all of you with the puzzles. (I won't discuss todays with you).

  45. Welcome, Arkrn - good of you to join us. I think you'll find this an interesting blog on several levels; hope you enjoy it.

  46. ARKRN has given me the courage to join the blog as well. I read it every day but have felt too intimidated to join. I've only been doing puzzles for about a year, but I'm hooked.

    And as a former waitress, I can tell you Chilean See Bass would definitely sell better than Toothfish

  47. C.C.Do you associate PASTRY with sweet only or savory stuff as well?.

    I use the term Pastry for either sweet or savory. Not only does pastry refer to the final result, but also to the doughs that are used.

    Samosas (Indian), empanadas (Spain and Latin American countries)and knishes (Jewish) are all examples of savory pastries. Danish pastries, cream puffs and baklava are sweet pastries.

    Most pastry dough (short, puff, choux and filo) can be filled with either savory or sweet fillings.

    I've made short crust and choux pastry dough, but I leave puff and filo to the experts. Those are available in most grocery freezer sections.

    Too bad xchefwalt hasn't made an appearance lately. He might be able to explain more fully.

    Hi Arkrn, are you a nurse from Arkansas?

    Ca-Jen, are you another California gal joining JD, MelissaBee and me?

    Doesitinink, maybe Adana was referred to as 'ancient' because it was first built 3,000 years ago, not because it isn't there anymore. China's Xian and Egypt's Alexandria, are examples of cities that are ancient in that sense.

    Govenor Blagojevich, talk about hubris....WOW!!

  48. 15:03 today. Due almost entirely due to my inability to spell any of the theme entries off the top of my head. (But really, what non-Polish speaker could?)

    Actually, I can spell CARL YASTRZEMSKI, but I was thinking of a horse for 38a: 1967 Triple Crown winner. I didn't know baseball even had a Triple Crown, but sure enough, when you go to the Hall of Fame website, there it is. Baseball Triple Crown is batting, RBIs, and home runs. Baseball Hall of Fame

    @c.c.: Clear Ayes et al,
    Do you associate PASTRY with sweet only or savory stuff as well?

    c.c., I may be wrong, but I always think of PASTRY as sweet, even though I know there are savory puff pastry dishes (choux puffs filled with mushroom duxelle is a common appetizer nibble at catered parties).

    PASTY, on the other hand, is a kind of meat pie (often called "Cornish pasty"). It's popular in the upper midwest (Wisconsin, etc.). I gather pasties were carried as lunches by the miners back in the old days in Wisconsin and Minnesota because they were hearty, nutritious, and portable.

    There is a bar in Portland which specializes in pasties, but I've never been there and never tried one. Saraveza Bottle Shop and Pasty Tavern

  49. Bombed on the puzzles today but looks like I had company. Didn't know how to spell APPIAN correctly. Always want the C in MRSC to be a B. Did not know Junior SEAU or ARTIS Gilmore though I had some of the letters from the crosses . Guessed the SKI theme but certainly did not spell all those names correctly either! ESKERS was an unknown-probably saw it somewhere before but it was buried under too much other stuff to pull out. Tough Wednesday!

  50. I'm a newbie as well. This is the first time I've run into this web/blog. It's wonderful. I usually get help from my handy dandy cross word dictionary. Todays puzzle just about killed me. I'm supposed to be studying for a psychology final for friday, but I got sucked into this dang puzzle! I think I need a psycologist now! thanks for the great help!

  51. Good afternoon, all. Lots of trouble filling in those names. Didn't have a clue about 20A, but knew the other theme entries, just not how to spell them. My final fill was 45A. Had the S but needed to G the others. I guess SEM is a SEMinary.

    C.C., I suggested Cross Dressing just because of the CD initials. I mean Compact Disc and Certificate of Deposit were so obvious. And "collections" tied in with "Ring," so I thought I'd run that up the flagpole. Did we ever have any resolution to Argyle's question?

  52. Bethann, Ca-Jen, welcome to our eclectic little group. This is an outstanding blog that C.C. has created, and as with all of us, you'll learn a lot of new things.

    Hope you enjoy it.

  53. WOW, three new bloggers today! Welcome, ARKRN, Ca-Jen and bethann.

    @Clear Ayes...hubris is right! Some might even say he has big cohones! Others just call him a sociopath. And thank you for the Ozymandias poem yesterday. It was very apt. Though not the point of the poem, I can only imagine that Blagojevich would hope that some day everyone will forget him too…and what he did.

    @cc: Regarding Patrick Fitzgerald. I believe he is generally well respected in Illinois but is not in the political spotlight. But according to the state constitution, until the current term for the governor’s position expires, it is Lieutenant Governor Patrick Quinn who will succeed Rob Blagojevich if he either steps down or is impeached. This differs from the situation with the senate seat vacated by President-elect Obama. According to the state constitution, this seat is to be filled by appointment. However, at this point, the state legislature is expected to pass legislation to call a special election for the senate seat to prevent Blagojevich from appointing someone. Even if no money exchanges hands, it would be a tainted appointment if done by Blagojevich. What I am interested in seeing is who finally will fill the senate seat. My favorite is someone whose name was mentioned very early in the process, IL Attorney Lisa Madigan. My only reservation with her becoming our senator is that I believe she is doing such as good job as attorney general that I would hate to lose her in that role.

  54. Good evening CC et al. I learned what a wadded up puzzle says when it hits the trashcan today. It says "weiner, weiner weeeeiiiner"! And that pretty much sumes it up for the day. 'Hump' day was taken to a new level.

    Jeannie: funny stuff. I agree whole heartedly.

    Dennis: you do make me laugh. Magic baton? Yeah, think batteries...size 'D'.

    G8rmom: no, I won't be going to the BIG game, but would love to. Are you? Watching OU football in person is just electrifying.

    Embien: thank you for the Triple Crown in baseball clarification. Learned another new thing.

    Enjoy your night.

  55. Bethann, Arkrn and Ca-Jen welcome to our crazy DF group (still is!)

    Jeannie: LOL good one

    Lois, size D batteries does say "You Light Up My Life" or other areas!

  56. Even if I knew the names I would not have known how to spell them.

    The Seattle Times has seen fit to drop the daily printing of the New York Times crossword puzzle but has kept this one. It was nice to have both in my morning newspaper but I assume that it is a cost cutting measure in today's troubled economic times.

    Seattle John

  57. Hi C.C. and all,

    HELP! My brain's bleeding. If I could 'ski', I would take zee suicide slope while bending my elbow, downing a 'brewski'. I don't think Snoopy and zee Royal Guardsmen (Thanks, DrDad, for zee memory of wearing out zee 45. There was at least one more Snoopy and zee Red Baron at Christmas) could help. Maybe I'll go Off-Off Broadway and cut my throat with a Motorola Razr. Could possibly relieve zee agony of todays puzzle with a brassie to zee skull. Give me an Uzi and I'll find Allan E. Parrish!!! OK finished ranting now. Overall a difficult puzzle. I did remember Holm Oak from a month ago. Had SEAY (knew it didn't look right) for SEAU. I'm just cuckoo, thought cuckoo clocks were Bavarian. Did not google, but came here to finish and vent.

    C.C. Re: congress I did not know zee DF meaning. Also glad that you like zee music links. Once I learned how to do it, I find that I enjoy it and try to work it into my comments.

  58. Welcome ca-Jen,Arkrn, and Bethann! I still feel intimidated by all the knowledge that this group shares.Bethann, you've come to the right place. This would make an excellent "study group"(to analyze)
    for your psychology

    Where is xchefwalt???

    Richshif,"HELP" was very appropriate for today's x/w. I enjoy all the links, and SOON I will try

    Clear ayes, I agree with you completely about cell phones.It has brought out a new rudeness in many.Remember when we thought someone was looney if they walked around talking to nobody? Who knew!

    omg Argyle, you are toooo funny!

  59. Argyle: I just looked at your photo and am LMAO! Holy Hot Wick, Santa Baby! And it's not even gift wrapped..probably needs too much paper! Can't find a bow big enough! You are a riot! Can I have the honor of rolling you over? I'm cryin'! You are hilarious! Love it!

  60. Argyle, geez Santa!!! As the old saying goes: "Roll me over in the clover, do it again"! You got mistletoe over/under that thang?
    You're sure to have a very merry holiday, just watch out for Rudolph!

  61. I was wondering if anyone looked at the profile pictures.

    Congratulations! You'll get extra in your stockings.

  62. Argyle: would rather have that 'extra' somewhere other than in my stocking. I'll leave a note by your cookies and milk. BTW, my chimney has been swept and primed, just waiting for you to come.
    "Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus"....gotta love this time of year!

  63. DoesItinInk

    I prefer IL Veteran Affairs leader Tammy Duckworth. She is a decorated Iraq war vet who lost both legs when her chopper was shot down by an RPG.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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