, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday January 30, 2009 Josiah Breward

Gary's Blog Map

Jan 30, 2009

Friday January 30, 2009 Josiah Breward

Theme: Change of Location

17A: Pretend to be confident: PUT UP A GOOD FRONT

37A: Empty-nester's weight problem: MIDDLE-AGE SPREAD

54A: Australia's Never-never: THE BACK OF BEYOND

A couple of things first:

1) From now on, I will only comment on answers that I feel deserve attention. As I've been blogging TMS puzzles for over a year, some of answers are not fresh to me any more, though they might stump certain new solvers. If you need immediate answers for the missing entries and the rationale behind the cluing, just visit the Comments section and ask.

2) Please respect the etiquette in blogging comments. Read others' posts before you post yours. No need to reply to questions that have already been addressed by others, unless you have something new to add.

Back to the puzzle. I've never heard of "Never-never land" or THE BACK OF BEYOND before. Thought the answer might be OUTBACK OF BEYOND. I don't think I fully understand the constructor's logic in putting FRONT in the back, MIDDLE in the front and BACK in the middle. Am I missing something here?


1A: "Seascape" playwright: ALBEE (Edward). Besides "Seascape", he also wrote "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?". Another frequent crossword playwright is James AGEE, who wrote "A Death in the Family" and the screenplay for "The African Queen". Both were Pulitzer winners.

6A: Arthur Marx's stage name: HARPO. I wonder why those Marx Brothers all have a letter O at the end of their names. Why not ER? You know, Harper, Groucher, etc.

22A: Hit with a blackjack: SAPPED. This is a new meaning of SAP to me. Dictionary says it's also a noun, meaning a "leather-covered hand weapon or a blackjack."

28A: Brownish grays: TAUPES. Like the color of her gown.

32A: Florence flooder: ARNO. I would prefer "Florence flower?" (flow-er) rather than "flooder". Is flooder a well-accepted word?

33A: Defoe character: CRUSOE. He and Man Friday, that's all I know about this Defoe novel.

45A: Denim buys: LEVIS. My instinctive response was JEANS.

50A: Make certain: ASSURE. Thought of ENSURE first. Besides the "Gurantee against loss" definition, INSURE also has "Make certain" meaning.

61A: Van Dine's Vance: PHILO. Have never heard of this fictional detective PHILO Vance. Not familiar with the author Van Dine either.


3D: Flying mammal: BAT. How bats sleep upside down is beyond me. But again, I did not know that turkeys fly.

4D: Second-largest bird: EMU. Oh, I did not know this trivia. The largest bird is ostrich.

5D: Descried: ESPIED. I confused "Descried" with "Decried".

8D: Botanical anchor: ROOT. These sweet potato chips look delicious.

9D: Schools of whales: PODS. "Schools of seals, dolphines" too. Learned this meaning several months ago.

22D: Transparent fakes: SHAMS. Why "Transparent"?

29D: Indicate by signs: AUGUR. So close to the hole making tool AUGER in spelling.

44D: Hogs the mirror: PREENS. I liked this clue. Reminded me of my college years. One of my roommates (we had 7 girls living in a tiny room) hogged the mirror all the time. She was very pretty.

45D: Gracefully slender: LITHE. Sam Snead could still kick the top of a 8-foot ceiling in his late 70s. Very LITHE. And he loved steak, potatoes and ice creams all his life. Exercise probably plays more roles than diet in terms of enhancing human longevity.

46D: Mrs. Fred Mertz: ETHEL. Cute barbie set. From the Chocolate Factory episode I suppose.

51D: Coating: SKIN. How come? Coating of what?

57D: "The __ and the Pussycat": OWL. I guessed. I've never heard of this poem before.



  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - a pretty easy puzzle this morning, right up to the bottom. Didn't know Philo Vance, and had no idea what Australia's 'Never-never' was. Fortunately, the perps were easy enough to give me both. I now know that it refers to the most remote area of the outback.

    We need another Silk puzzle.

    C.C., you're right - sweet potato chips are unbelievably good.

    Today is National Inane Answering Message Day - anybody have a particularly bizarre one?

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "Nothing except possibly love and death are of importance, and even the importance of death is somewhat ephemeral, as no one has yet faxed back a reliable report." -- Writer Gerald Durrell

  2. Good morning CC and all...a nice walk in the park today. I needed this one after the disasters of the last two days.The only word that did not come easily was 54A as I had never heard of The Outback referred to as Never-never. However, I did recognize "front" and "middle" in the other answers and guessed back which is correct.

  3. Dennis,
    How can we get more Barry Silk puzzle? Why "Coating" for SKIN?

    What's your definition of love?

    NYTanonimo & Thomas S,
    Now I know the connection between K Street and the lobby industry now. Thanks for the map. Great airport link too.

    Buddha is always smiling and happy. I think he is a vegetarian, are you? I liked "Tetley rival" for LIPTON.

  4. C.C., the Silk thing is obviously out of our hands; we can only hope.

    A thin coating can be called a skin; I'm blank on a good example.

    Gotta get to the gym.

  5. Crockett,
    Great clue for PRE.

    Clear Ayes,
    Wow, I've never paid attention to our "Onion soup mix" brand. Thanks.

    I am still waiting for someone to guest blog Barry's puzzle. Are you interested?

    Seattle John,
    Thanks for the additional ALIDADE information.

  6. Seattle Sam,
    Knowing too much about a certain subject can be a handicap in solving a blank. No?

    Gator Mom,
    Do you know how LIPTON Toyota got its name?

    Nice tie-in "Brand for 36A" clue.

  7. Good Morning

    The Owl and the Pussycat is a Streisand/Segal comedy you might like.

    omnivore argyle

  8. Morning, all!

    OK, I will try to be more succinct from now on. No guarantees, though...

    Easy, breezy puzzle for me today. I got hung up a bit when I initially put ENSURE instead of ASSURE for 50A and AUGER instead of AUGUR for 29D, but that was about it. No unknowns today, except that I was completely unfamiliar with the phrase THE BACK OF THE BEYOND (and, to be honest, I can't really understand the clue, either). Oh -- and I am familiar with PHILO Vance, although I didn't know who his creator was.

    There you go! Short and sweet and to the point. See you tomorrow...

  9. Skin is the outside layer, thus it is the coating. I cannot recall a Friday puzzle that was so easy, though the Australia reference is beyond me.

  10. When I was young, many years ago (the 50's) when we would have hot chocolate, there were times when a thin layer of milk would separate and appear on the top of the cup. My parents referred to this as skin. It was a coating...

  11. G'day to all,
    Well, I sailed through this entire puzzle. As you might guess, the Oz clue was a gimme for me. As far as I know, the "Never-never" is related to the Aborigines' Dream Time concept, in that if you go too far, you are beyond the influence of time.

    There is another expression, more rooted in the white population: "beyond the black stump" (where the crows fly backwards). Nobody knows where the black stump is, it's just somewhere vague as far away from anywhere as you can imagine. There are a lot of places like that in Oz. So "the back of beyond" is presumably farther than the black stump.

  12. Hi C.C> and gang,
    Smooth sailing today. Had read the phrase Back of Beyond someplace else.

  13. Dennis,

    My answering machine greeting was made by a talking avatar with a female British accent. "Thank you for calling, please a message or call me later."

    Haven't looked at the puzzle yet been busy doing other things.

    Red Smitty

  14. Good morning, C.C. and gang
    thank you C.C. for the link on the Owl & Pussy-cat
    i absolutely love it

  15. The UK "Phrases" site says both never-never land and back of beyond are Aussie terms (though I also had not heard of either) referring to their inland desert.

  16. Good morning all.
    Once,I had posted an answer; by the time it was posted, there were two above me that had also answered. The time lag does that sometimes. So it is not always inattention or not reading the blog.

  17. 12:30 today. I was able to answer the theme questions by working around them until I had enough letter I could guess.

    I'm speechless that I was able to do the puzzle this quick.

    Enjoy some Isley Brothers.....

  18. I have been so busy trying to wrap up all my projects that I have not had the time to visit her for a few days. Well, after the last two days’ hammerings, today’s was a very easy puzzle. I did manage to complete all the recent puzzles without help, but each took a lot more time than usual. And there were times I really thought I would not be able to complete them.

    SPOILER ALERT regarding Wednesday’s puzzle: I assume everyone has finished the Tweedledum-TWEEDLEDEE puzzle of Wednesday, but I still wanted to weigh in on the answer to 11D, SALMAGUNDI! I was very upset with that answer as in my opinion it did not fit the pattern DEE. Nuf said!

    @All wishing me good luck: Thank you for your good wishes regarding my unemployment. I won’t say that I am not worried. Though I have been an independent consultant for more than 30 years and am accustomed to some down time for which I conscientiously save, this is a different market, and there are two college tuitions hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles. It is unclear how the economy will affect my business. Companies that are going under will not need consultants, and with companies like Microsoft laying off employees, there may be more techies on the market than usual. But for companies with hopes of survival, they may be looking to IT to streamline their business processes to give them the competitive edge. This is where I could benefit. Only time will tell. In the meantime I am looking forward to time for catching up on many things, getting ready for the gardening season and working the daily crossword puzzle.

    My mother who lives in Evansville, IN is without power and had to leave her home until power can be restored. She guesses that will take a week or two. In the meantime she is worried about the possibility of ruptured water pipes. I may go down in the next week or two if she needs help with the house or downed trees/branches in the yard. It is so worrying when your aging parents are so far away!

    On a happier note, Illinois now has a new governor! With luck, we will no longer be the laughing stock of the nation.

  19. @democrat Koalas eat eucalyptus, not bamboo.

    Off to donate platelets.

  20. thanks for the correction Crockett1947 I should use the google more often than I do.

  21. Good Morning All, An easy puzzle this morning. I suspect I might have set a personal best. I had even heard of a sap before, so SAPPED fell into place. I hadn't heard of THE BACK OF BEYOND, but it was also an easy fill. I could imagine the grin on Kazie's face when she saw that one.

    Today would be a good opportunity for Marx brothers fan, Buckeye, to pop in and give us the etymology of their names.

    RE: PODS of whales - Yesterday I just had to check up on James Lipton. He wrote a book An Exaltation of Larks about "venery" , which are collective nouns/names for groups of animals. Wikipedia also has name lists for birds, fish & plants, reptiles and animals in general.

    Dennis, I loved today's Words of Wisdom.

    Doesitinink, Good to hear from you. It sounds like you have a great attitude about the problems you are facing. Let's hope President Obama makes some serious progress in turning the economy about problems!!

  22. Clear Ayes,
    You were right about my smugness on the back of beyond! Sometimes I really wonder if the constructors have us in mind when they write these puzzles.

    Crockett and Democrat,
    Where was the mention of koalas and bamboo? I don't even think it grows in Oz. Another interesting fact: Koalas rarely come down to the ground to drink--they get all their moisture from the eucalyptus leaves.

  23. The easiest puzzle in a while. I never heard of "The Back of Beyond" thanks for the explanation.

    @Kazie... Is it true that Koalas look wided and move slowly because they get a drug effect from the eucalyptus? Anyone?

  24. Good morning. I've been enjoying this site for a while and waited until I could complete a puzzle on my own before joining in. Now I see that everyone thought it was very easy. Oh well. Whale pods: Last July my 5 brothers and I went out on a whale-spotting boat from Morro Bay and encountered perhaps a dozen gigantic humpbacks feeding on a cloud of sardines. It was spectacular (and worth mentioning in a blog!) This blog is a great community.

  25. JB

    Only wild turkeys can fly the domesticated birds have too heavy of a breast to be able to get aloft. The comment reminded me of an episode on "WKRP in Cincinnati" where "Mr. Carlson" Gordon Jump had a promotion to give away live turkeys by throwing them out of an airplane. Probably one of the funniest sitcom episodes ever.

  26. Well, this waSalada easier than yesterday. I've heard BACKOFBEYOND used before but never knew it's meaning. CC, If you look at at the top of the grid as the FRONT, then MIDDLE and BACK naturally fall in line.
    CY'All Later

  27. Good Afternoon C.C. and ALL,

    Thanks for the offer to guest blog Barry's puzzle, C.C. I don't feel qualified, though. I am sure someone else could do a better job.

    I got totally hung up in the bottom middle. Like others, I had never heard of 'THE BACK OF BEYOND'. I also had ENSURE and I had never heard of Van Dine or PHILO Vance. Perhaps, it would have helped had I figured out the theme. I guess I'll never know.

    Last spring I encountered these Fruit Bats while bicycling down the side of a volcano in Bali.

    "As far as I know, the "Never-never" is related to the Aborigines' Dream Time concept"
    kazie, I mentioned to C.C. a couple of days back that the English band YES is another rock group whose name is three letters. In 1989, they released an album with a song titled "Birthright". The liner notes for that song read:
    "In 1954, the British government, in order to maintain the balance of power between East and West, exploded their first atom bomb at Woomera (South Australia). They failed to contact all of the Aborigine peoples at the time. The Aborigines still call this 'The Day of the Cloud'."

  28. I'm off (my rocker) for the most of today. I'm not kidding. I'm hosting a Mama Mia DVD movie and lunch party for eight of my women friends. Some of them haven't seen the movie, so it is "no men allowed", while we dance,sing along and generally act like idiots.

    Have a good day everyone.

  29. the domesticated birds have too heavy of a breast to be able to get aloft.

    Let's hear it for the domesticated bird!

    Crash, good of you to join us; keep 'em coming.

  30. C.C. and all...I think I almost did a "Dennis" on this one. When I saw the name, I thought uh oh...another Joshiah Breward, but nope...easy no real hang ups except the same ones C.C. that good?

    C.C. Thank you for the blogging ettiquette post. I hope I haven't been a bad guest. Have a Sunday deadline for some paintings so a great day to you all...

  31. JMC,
    I remember that WKRP episode too. I think I must have generalized from that about the turkeys and not flying. It certainly was a good one!

    This is the best I could find to explain Koalas I didn't know, so googled. It says in part:
    Scientists have debunked this belief (about drugs). Koalas do love gum leaves - but these contain no drugs. In fact, only a few species of eucalyptus are suitable for food trees and the koalas need a varied diet from their leaves.

  32. CC: the "o" at the end of each Marx Brothers` stage name was a marketing ploy... Although their names also were based on personal characteristics. Harpo did play the harp, Groucho`s wit could be quite acerbic and Chicko liked the "chicks'. Other stage names for brothers were Gummo and Zeppo. Incidentally, Groucho`s "other" name was Adolph, a fact they downplayed because of the other "Adolph" during a period of strong anti-German sentiment.
    I used to have quite a crush on George Fennemin, Groucho`s announcer on "You Bet Your Life."

  33. Hi c.c. and all:

    c.c. Lipton Toyota named after Robert L. Lipton, Inc. Wouldn't you be the best prospect for guest-blogging Barry Silk's puzzle? You're so amazing with your knowledge and I'm sure Barry Silk would love it!

    Dennis: I agree we need another Silk puzzle!

    Off to the gym! Yesterday I said the same thing, but after going for a haircut and then a pedicure I didn't want to leave my recuperating husband for any more time so I didn't go. He is going stir crazy I think!

    Have a great day everyone!

  34. #3 of the guidelines. Have a good day.

  35. Re: National Inane Answering Message Day

    The one I had that was very popular, was me singing a few bars of Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap by AC/DC(or Acca Dacca) Have I got that right, Kazie?

  36. "C.C. ... Wouldn't you be the best prospect for guest-blogging Barry Silk's puzzle?"
    g8tormomx2, after her interview with Barry Silk, C.C. shared with us the Barry Silk Tribute puzzle. She later blogged about it in addition to blogging about the daily puzzle. I had been unaware of it until this morning but, apparently, she is looking for someone to fill in for her and blog about his Fairfax County Fair XW.

    C.C., please let me know if it is I who is confused.

  37. The Arno is the river in Florence, how can that be "flower" instead?

  38. Jordan, it flows, hence it's a flower. Deliberately misleading.

  39. Argyle,
    It was you who informed me on AC/DC. I left Oz in '74, before they were well known, and I guess my friends there never made me aware of their local nickname. I have to admit too, I haven't really been interested in their progress either.

  40. Progress? AC/DC? That's an oxymoron, if ever there was one. I do like Big Balls, though.

  41. Re.22D, clued Transparent Fakes --
    The word "transparent" in this usage means "obvious".

    Re.coating/covering --
    Think of a coat of paint.

  42. PromiseMeThis,
    Maybe that oxymoron is why I never got interested in the first place. My favorites were deeply rooted in the '60's at that time, though I've broadened my tastes since.

  43. C.C. Skin: A thin skin formed over the paint as it dried on the palette.

    ClearAyes: Thanks for info on "venery"...I surely didn't realize that is what that word favorites are A MURDER OF CROWS and an UNKINDNESS OF RAVENS. Can always remember A POD of WHALES, though.

    3 paintings down and 3 to go.

  44. @Dennis - Thanks for requesting another "Silk" puzzle. I have submitted 20+ puzzles to the TMS editor during November and December, but to date I have not received a reply.

    Just to set the record straight, the crossword puzzle I prepared for the presentation that I gave on 1/17/2009 took place at the Fairfax County Public Library. It was not part of any "Fairfax County Fair."

    I was delighted that Lois was able to attend. It was very flattering that she drove 2.5 hours (one-way) just to hear me. If no one has volunteered to guest blog the presentation puzzle, I would really like to encourage Lois to do so! I think it would be quite appropriate in this case.

    I'd like to hear if anyone had success in solving the puzzle... without revealing the answers/theme until the puzzle is blogged, of course.

    Barry Silk

  45. "It was not part of any "Fairfax County Fair."
    Barry, I stand corrected and I defer to your judgment on who ought to guest blog.


  46. Guday, all. Another long day, as I went with my "double-knee-replacement" friend to get his staples out and many other things.

    Easy puzzle today. I, too, put in "jeans" but changed to "Levis" quickly. All the rest went quickly.

    "The "Owl And The Pussycat" has been my favorite poem since puberty.

    I've heard of the outer "skin" of an apple or pear.

    LOVE - Physical and mental attraction accompanied by emotional security. Short but accurate. Not TOTALLY descriptive, but not bad. Like art, I know it when I see or feel it!!!!

    Chico -Leonard- Marx 1887
    Harpo -Adolph- Marx 1888
    Groucho" -Julius Henry- Marx 1890
    Gummo - Milton- Marx 1892
    Zeppo -Herbert- Marx 1901

    I must be off

  47. Buckeye:
    I stand corrected...when I checked my facts, it was indeed Harpo who was named "Adolph". "The old, gray memory ain`t what it used to be..."
    Good to hear from you.

  48. Actually, C.C. referred to Barry Silk's puzzle as "Fairfax County Fair" but the theme answers do come up to something different.

    Barry, I solved it, but had a problem getting the thing to print properly, so my grid and clues are very tiny. I didn't know if the hyphen was needed in the clue for 14A. I like the 15A/51D clue pairing. Don't see 37A much here in the States but saw it a lot in Italy this fall. 6D was obscure to me, but I don't follow pop culture. I enjoyed the puzzle.

    @kazie In democrat's original 10:37 post he said he wanted KOALA for 24D, implying that koalas feed on bamboo, and I knew that they eat eucalyptus since the inability to keep food for them was a problem for zoos who wanted to display them (about 40 years ago). Why it's no longer in that post, I don't know.

  49. BTY I'm completely upset with the banking industry. We gave them $750B to bail themselves out and they're spending it on furniture, jets and pay raises; and with the same guys running the ship that ran into the iceberg. I went to my bank today to get a $250,000 personal loan to get some new stuff. (Computer gear - my gerbil is getting old and is tired of trying to catch the cheese just beyond his reach; when he goes, I'm down - some carpet, a trip or two, etc.). They asked what I was going to use for collateral. I showed them copies of 25 e-mails, PROVING I had over $750 million coming to me, just from NIGERIA, alone. Those self-interest, bastards turned me down.

    Here's something I posted previously, but most did not get.

    My Uncle Edgar was a DEEPLY religious man. Went to church everyday. One day while he was walking downtown, a mugger shot him in the chest. As it turned out, Uncle Edgar always carried a Bible in his left breast pocket. Miracle of miracles, we all rejoiced. Uncle Edgar had something to read while he laid there and bled to death.


  50. Here it is, only 5 PM-ish California time, and I am already regaining what sanity I had left. The ladies have gone home after a fine time, singing, eating, dancing and more drinking than I thought possible for a bunch of 60+ women...we found out that we really like Cranberry Chillers!

    Glad to see you back Buckeye . I knew you would have the Marxist information at hand. Your Uncle Edgar story is just as deeply disturbing the second time around. But, as you know, I am a fan of the deeply disturbed. Sorry to hear about your bank loan. I'll be glad to lend you some money as soon as my own check arrives from Sierra Leone. Sorry to hang you up, but I have to wait until the "facilitation" check I sent them clears their bank.

    I really liked Prince Charles' answer when he was asked if he was 'in love', after the announcement of his engagement to Lady Diana Spencer. He said, "Yes … whatever that may mean." What a guy!

  51. My 2 cents...I heartily agree with Mr. Silk that it would be entirely appropriate that Lois Blog his puzzle.

    No offense to all you other fabulous and terribly clever solvers.

    And to Mr. Silk...It is very impressive that you check in on this blog...and yes, we keep our fingers crossed daily for more of your puzzles. They are well conceived, clever and though often difficult for someone like me, I feel very pleased with myself when I finish it. All in all, not a bad deal.

    Buckeye...that story is just as funny the second time around.

    Only 2 paintings left to finish B4 Sunday...woo hoo!

    ClearAyes...Sounds like a great time. Saw Mama Mia in SF the first time it came through...incredible fun and the whole audience was dancing, singing and clapping at the end.

  52. "as you know, I am a fan of the deeply disturbed."


    Your seemingly warm reception of me has suddenly come into sharper focus.

    In my own defense ... in my wayward youth, I used a lot of drugs.

  53. I also agree that it would be apropos for Lois to blog Barry's puzzle. If for any reason she can't, I think Argyle does a great job of researching and providing explanations for puzzle clue/answers.

    And it goes without saying that the puzzle was most enjoyable.

  54. PromiseMeThis, Thanks for taking up the slack, poem-wise. (It could just as easily have been titled "My Brother-In-Law".)

    Maybe "deeply disturbed" was an exaggeration....Is "shallowly disturbed" more reassuring?

    I admit that I've been known to laugh at things that are on the far fringes of what is considered good taste. Buckeye has been known to teeter, sometimes precariously, along the edge. I get the impression that you are a "fringy" (is that a word?) kind of guy too.

  55. Wolfmom' When you paint, do you start at the top and work down? I don't know what to do. If I start with a certain number, and paint all of that number, I sometimes find my hand accidentally drags through where I've already painted. But I hate to have to keep changing colors (numbers) all the time. It makes a real mess changing the water all the time. Also, why in number 3 always yellow.


  56. Growing up in ireland a faraway place was said to be in back of beyond. Probably has the same meaning in Oz ...Kazie.
    Wolfmom as a big fan of ABBA would love to see the stage version of Mama Mia.
    Jimmy S Carolina

  57. "Maybe "deeply disturbed" was an exaggeration....Is "shallowly disturbed" more reassuring?

    That is fine with me, so long as that is a comparison to Buckeye. I would hate to think that I am as deeply disturbed as he.

  58. Wow! I just went back to yesterday and discovered a LOT of Roger Miller fans. (I`m a closet Ray Stevens fan too, much to my chagrin.) Can ya`ll quote this next line? "Santa Claus is watchin` you...

  59. Prommisemethis. I resent being referred to as disturbed. Except for Nurse Ratchet, nobody disturbs me. I'm left very much alone here at the Pia Zidora Golden Buckeye Retirement Home.

    BTY. My cousin Eamon used to be a paraplegic. The other day he had a stroke, and now we don't know what the hell to call him.


  60. Buckeye...LOL...I would recommend filling in all of one color before going on to the next. Sometimes you can take a coffee break while the paint dries, that way you won't smudge the colors around so much. For a less intense experience you might try some of those coloring books where all you need is a water and a brush to make the colors appear...very rewarding and fun too.

    Jimmy S. Carolina...If at all possible, do see a live version of Mama leave the theatre in an incredibly good mood...and thanks for posting. I am still a newbie here but these people are great!

  61. Promisemethis: You are probably right on! I do try to read all the blogs before I comment, but I'm sure I missed some. Apparently Barry Silk would like Lois to guest blog which seems very appropriate because of her long trip to see him.

    Lois: Go for it!

  62. Linda said @ January 30, 2009 8:44 PM
    Can ya`ll quote this next line? "Santa Claus is watchin` you...

    I believe it's..."He's everywhere, he's everywhere." which was also said about WKBW's(1520 Buffalo) "Chicken Man".

  63. @CC your 5:47 am question, what is love? Is this as opposed to what is being in love?


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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