, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday January 28, 2009 Ed Voile

Gary's Blog Map

Jan 28, 2009

Wednesday January 28, 2009 Ed Voile

Theme: Dee-lightful

17A: Small gray-and-black songbird: CHICKADEE

31A: "The Four Seasons" composer: VIVALDI

49A: Restaurant employee: MAITRE D'

66A: "Gidget" star: SANDRA DEE

11D: Miscellany: SALMAGUNDI

30D: One of two rivals: TWEEDLE DEE

I have never heard of SALMAGUNDI before. Thought it would be the same as the Swedish smörgåsbord. But Dictionary says it's a kind of "salad of chopped meat, anchovies, eggs, and onions, often arranged in rows on lettuce and served with vinegar and oil." Doesn't sound good to me. Right now, I am hankering for some French toast drizzled with maple syrup and slices of fresh strawberries.

I solved this puzzle the way John Roberts administered Obama's swearing-in. It looked quite simple yet I still botched a few spots. Interesting theme concept, but I felt the constructor overdid the theme entries. Six is a lot for a weekday puzzle.

I would have picked up one DEE ending, one DI ending, and add a DY ending and worked out a puzzle with four theme answers (together with MAITRE D'), or simply a puzzle with all DEE ending theme entries. I don't know, let me have your opinion.


14A: Anthracite, e.g.: COAL. I forgot the meaning of "Anthracite", thinking of the dreadful anthrax.

20A: Shinto temple gateway: TORII. Like this one. TORI means "bird", the last I is from Iru meaning "To dwell". Japanese kanji 鳥居 literally means "Bird's Dwelling". Wikipedia says it's originally designed as a large bird perch. In Shintoism, "birds are considered messengers of the gods". I wonder how Angels' TORRI Hunter got his name. People often misspell his name as Tori.

25A: Verbena plant: LANTANA. Very pretty. Wikipedia says "LANTANA berries are edible when ripe though though like many fruit are mildly poisonous if eaten while still green." I stopped picking up and sampling exotic wild berries after watching the movie "Into the Wild".

35A: Ayres and Wallace: LEWS. Both were unknown to me. My answer was ELIS.

38A: Phony: PSEUDO. Adjective here?

41A: Game similar to keno: BEANO. Have never played BEANO or bingo.

43A: Nabokov novel: PNIN. I suppose letter P is silent? "Nabokov novel" answer is always "Ada", "PNIN" or "Lolita".

44A: Audience loudmouth: JEERER. Sounds like a made-up word.

46A: D.C. old-timer: POL. This "old-timer" confuses me. Now, if Minnesota recount mess clears up and Al Franken becomes our senator, he will be a POL, but he won't be a "D.C. old-timer", right? He will simply be a "D.C. newcomer".

47A: Rehan and Huxtable: ADAS. ADA Rehan was an actress. ADA Huxtable won Pulitzer in 1970, and is currently the architecture critic for "The Wall Street Journal". Both were unknown to me.

53A: Henry VIII's court painter: HOLBEIN. No idea. Strange necklace. Is S a special symbol for something? (Addendum: The painting is Thomas More. Here is HOLBEIN's self-portrait).

57A: Profit makers: EARNERS. What do you think of the clue/answer?

64A: Arboreal lemur: INDRI. You should eat worms if you miss this answer again.


1D: $ in the bank: ACCT. I was thinking of amount.

6D: Focal point: NODE. Is this a math term? I am not familiar with this definition.

9D: Pairs of twins: GEMINIS

22D: Polliwogs: TADPOLES. Last time TADPOLE is clued as "Frog of the future".

24D: Cerebrum's neighbor: MIDBRAIN. I guessed. I don't know anything about my brain structure.

27D: King in "The Tempest": ALONSO. I only knew King Lear.

28D: Biblical prophet: ELIJAH. "According to the Bible, he did not die but was carried skyward in a chariot of fire." Does it mean that other "Biblical prophets" all died?

29D: Moon: pref.: SELENO. New prefix for me, though I do know the Greek goddess of moon is Selene.

36D: Former Sov. unit: SSR

39D: Reg. agcy.: EPA. Luckily I got the crossing PNIN, otherwise, this would be an impossible for me. The clue is so vague.

50D: Having actual existence: Lat.: IN ESSE. Opposite IN POSSE.

54D: Actor Bostwick: BARRY. I googled his name, then I realized who he is. "Bostwick" sounds Scottish.

56D: Praise: EXALT. Extol also has 5 letters.

63D: Broadcast: SENT. I often forget that the past tense of "Broadcast" is still "Broadcast".



  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - a bit late this morning; started my day shoveling snow.

    Today's puzzle started off looking like it was going to be a repeat of the last two days - smooth sailing. That ended pretty quickly. I had snags all over the place; like C.C., I never heard of 'salmagundi'. Most of the problem areas fell with perp help, but I had to g-spot 53A. And didn't we just see 'indri'? All in all, an enjoyable puzzle; difficult but doable.

    Today is both 'Fun at Work Day', and National Kazoo Day - you might want to try combining the two and see how that works out for you.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "Money can't buy you happiness....but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." -- Spike Milligan

  2. Dennis,
    We just had INDRI on Monday. So true, money definitely can't buy happiness. Why "Old-timer" for POL (46A)?

    Linda, NYTanonimo, Frey, JD, PromiseMe & Useless Organ,
    It's comforting to know your views about religion. Thanks. I do believe there is a God existing in this world though. Also, Linda, don't worry about what to post on the blog. Cooking recipes are fine.

    The Hayraker,
    Thanks for Nittany Lions. You were indeed one day late for Chinese Spring Festival.

  3. Col_Gopinath,
    Aced the puzzle? How long have you been solving crossword? Did you study in the US/UK before?

    Besides music, what other courses do you teach at school?

    Jason & Calef,
    Thanks for OTTO Graham and "Stop up".

  4. C.C., I agree that 'pol' is a bit weak for D.C. old-timer; also thought 'tear' was weak for 'cry', but we've had that one before.

    Off to the gym.

  5. 30 minutes!

    63 Down Broadcast I wanted airs.

    66 Across Gidget star all I could think of was Sally Field. The clue refers to the 1959 movie not the 1965 TV series.

    other unknowns:
    11 Down Miscellany
    25 Across Verbana plant
    53 Across Henry the VIII's painter
    22 Down polliwogs
    30 One of two close rivals

    Today's puzzle was learning experience.

    Smooth Jazz Favourite Bob James Angela

  6. Editor should be made aware that Ukraine no longer requires an "article", Spanish or otherwise.

  7. Dennis; My Dad was a "meat and potatoes" man, (while my husband prefers "bull and spuds")...aka, "I hate casseroles". When my Mom made a casserole, he called the food "slumgullion". I always wondered where the term came from...a corruption of "salmagundi" would be my guess. :)

  8. Morning, all!

    Ditto what Dennis said about shoveling snow and getting a late start. I am sooooo ready for Spring....

    Today's puzzle was a very nice challenge. Lots of fresh fill that I really had to think about, but amazingly I managed to get it all. It took me a bit to remember LANTANA, SALMAGUNDI, TORII, PNIN, ADAS, HOLBEIN, SELENO and (I'm ashamed to admit) INDRI, but I was finally able to get them all. And 54D was an unexpected delight -- I don't know if I've ever actually seen my name in a puzzle before.

    Oh -- I also put ELI instead of LEW initially, but then I remembered the actor's name was actually Eli Wallach and not Wallace... ^_^

  9. Good morning all,
    I had similar difficulties as those already mentioned. But I did know Holbein was a painter, and had most of the letters in and could guess, despite not knowing he had anything to do with Henry VIII.
    I also wanted Sally Field for 66A, but that fell in too. SALMAGUNDI is completely unknown, and having GABBY for GASSY for a while and forgetting LANTANA didn't help, but googling BALMAGUNDI I was asked if I meant SAL--. SELENO was my other hold-up because I had to guess LEWS.

    No snow here today but the high will only be 15 above and we still have about 10 inches of snow on the ground. Even the turkeys are coming out of the woods into town and getting into our crabtree on the front lawn picking the berries off in their quest for food. I never thought they'd fly into a tree. Deer have become a real menace chewing our arbor vitae, driving my husband to distraction.

  10. Hi CC,
    Don't need to study in US/UK to do the crosswords. Yes I do get stuck when I come across names of US Baseball players and baseball stats as the game is not very popular here in India, I have to google those. Have been doing crosswords for the past 30 years!! This particular one for the past 5 years as it gets repeated in our local paper after a couple of months, of late though I do it on the net. Now that I have retired from the Army I spend the morning hours doing a couple of crosswords.
    By the way I did todays on the net before you'll woke up.
    Managed to get most of it except a few. Never heard of Salmagundi sounds weird even for this part of the world.

  11. Good morning C.C. and Gang,

    I got so many wrong today. I am happy to say INDRI was not one of them. I did not know HOLSTEIN, but I did know ALONSO. I had never heard of SALMAGUNDI. I have heard of the Jamaican fish paste, Solomon Gundy. In fact, I have a jar of it in my refrigerator. Barry Bostwick was hilarious in 'Spin City'.

  12. I think Cabin Fever has caused my brain to atrophy. It's often the simpler clues I'll get hung up on, then all of a sudden the light dawns (but unfortunately, not the sunlight) and I'll feel so dense. Also, it's foggy today, so that might explain the condition of my brain. Think I'll switch to espresso.

  13. Good morning CC et al., Fun puzzle w/the same unknowns as others and reservations...but 'gassy' for boastful? That's a reach and for my take on that word check out 41A. It's perfect counterpart, which brought a chuckle.

    CC: psychology is the name of the game for me at school during the day....IB, AP, Intro, and psych in film...mostly jr's & sr's upper level kids. Usually a lot of fun.

    I'll be back. Enjoy your day.

  14. Good morning, C.C. and all

    Clear Ayes, could not sleep last night so at
    02.30 hrs i got your link of TMS puzzle and worked it out digital

    Imagine my surprise this morning when i printed the puzzle from my Sun Sentinel, to find out i had already done it ! !

    Well, its not me to waste a good puzzle so i did it again on paper , 11 min. now but it was
    48 min. earlier on , lol

    Maybe now i' ll get the Sunday puzzle as well
    Voila !

    Dennis must write faster than he can think !

    i love this Blogger

  15. I was hammered on this one. I had smee for snee (I always confuse that) which made sam the beginning of the star of "Gidget". Never heard of salmagundi, nor could I figure out Geminis. So the whole NW corner was a mess. I come here after I've picked my husband's brains. Thank you, C.C.

  16. true Blue Sheila,
    Are you another Aussie by any chance? I am making that assumption from your name. I'm originally from Sydney


    Another name for salmagundi.

  18. Hi c.c. and all:

    Well, I put "dee" in everywhere thinking that all the words were going to end in that. What a mistake. Never heard of Salmagundi, Holbein, or Inesse, couldn't remember Pnin or Alonso. Had Selene instead of Seleno, lotto insead of beano. Eventually everything got changed, but what a mess. Needless to say I did some googling!

    Wolfmom: My sincere apologies! I must be brain won't happen again.

  19. For the life of me I could not remember "indri"??!! I guess I have to eat a worm, ha.


  20. Just toss it in your Salmgundi, Carl. You'll never notice it with all that other stuff in there.

  21. Good Morning All, I managed to finish this without googling beforehand. But like most of you, SALMAGUNDI was a "Huh??" I had a hard time remembering PNIN and I had no idea that GASSY meant boastful. I thought it was longwinded and boring.

    BARRY Bostwick starred as Brad in The Rocky Horror Picture Show with Susan Sarandon and Tim Curry. It's very weird, but so much fun at a midnight sing-along showing.

    It does make it somewhat easier to work the puzzle online, just a backspace to correct, instead of cross outs or erasures. BTW Maria, I'm glad the puzzle link was helpful. If you forget to bookmark it, it is posted in the top right corner of C.C.'s Main Page.

    Welcome to so many new people, Col_Gopinath, Last Student of Scotland, and True Blue Sheila.

    True Blue Sheila, I looked at your website. I particularly liked your Red Dinghy painting, so bright and striking. It reminded me of William Carlos Williams poem The Red Wheelbarrow. What fun to have another artist here!

    C.C. Your Holbein painting is of Thomas More. The movie A Man For All Seasons is a well made account of his life. Here is Hans Holbein the Younger's self portrait.

  22. Hi CC and all
    I also struggled with this puzzle. I had sassy for gassy, but I didn't know what "seminis" were! Doh!
    The left side really did me in. Had to google some but finally came here.

    For some reason I can never see the themes until CC points them out.

    did you find Buckeye on another blog? I miss his humor!

  23. Good morning Cc and all, A very late start today as we had one he** of an ice storm here last night. I have been out all morning trying to get the ice off of my driveway. It is raining now, but is forecast to turn cold and snow this afternoon. I have had enough of winter!!!!!

    I did not like this puzzle as it had too many unknowns for me. I really struggled even using the G spot. Not much to add to the above comments on the puzzle.

    Kazie, turkeys almost always sleep in trees. This protects them from predators.

  24. Good morning,

    Jan 28, 2009 28D Elijah and Enoch were the only two who didn't die, and were translated.

    You will never know how much good you are doing, causing us to research, for hours, long after the puzzle is done, and put away.

    Thank you,


  25. @ True blue Sheila, I looked at your web site and was impressed with your work. I painted in oils for several years and then suddenly lost all interest. Hopefully I will get back into it some time.

  26. Dick,
    Thanks for that info. I guess I'd never thought about it too much. They just look huge in that little crabtree!
    I don't envy your ice, I'd rather have snow any day. My son had a horrific drive from Oklahoma City to Little Rock two days ago. He's still driving his AWD Baha he acquired in AK, so that helped, but he said it was 10 mph all the way and cars in the ditch everywhere. According to the reports they had more of the same yesterday, and it must have reached you then too. Stay safe!

  27. True Blue Sheila,
    I guess I should have looked at your website before my earlier question to you. It seemed too much of a coincidence though--"true blue" is used in Australia to indicate anything authentic, and sheila is a (somewhat passé) slang term for a woman, so I jumped to my conclusion too quickly!
    Welcome to the blog!

  28. Hello C.C,

    28D: Biblical prophet: ELIJAH. "According to the Bible, he did not die but was carried skyward in a chariot of fire."

    Yes, and so with Enos who walk with god and did not die but went to Heaven also, according to the Bible.

    Stay Well, Lou

  29. Good morning C.C. and all,

    This was a strange mixture of knowns and unknowns.I was flummoxed by some clues,like 40A and 36D where the answers were too obvious to think they were right.Even with our recent gassy discussion, it took awhile to fill. BTW, Beano is not a game; it is a serious pill. LOL! Tear for cry?That little s.e. corner did me in. I wanted to repeat elate for 56D.Nodes to me are the things they removed from my vocal chords.

    NYTA, thanks for the salmagundi recipe. When I looked it up these words came up: ana, varia,whatnot, chowchow.So yes, I cheated on that one.

    True Blue Sheila, I love your art work.

    Maria, I think you are right about Dennis.I'm still fiddling with my pencil lead by the time he's finished.

    a little if we have not had enough....
    Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks, or else it will digest itself.

  30. JD, "Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks, or else it will digest itself."
    How lovely :P
    My mother used to like something called 'ChowChow'. It was made by Cross&Blackwell. If I recall correctly, it is pickled cucumbers, cocktail onions, and other things in a mustard sauce. I never cared for it, but I would probably like it today. I have a mustard fetish (amongst others).

    kazie, 'True Blue' is also used here in the States.

  31. Hi C.C. and everyone, wicked little puzzle today! Don't think my brain will ever be the same..and pass the can of worms to me as I forgot INDRI.

    True Blue Sheila, welcome! I love your art work, Shell Seekers was especially lovely and you capture water beautifully, that is very hard to do!!

    Welcome also to Col.Gopinath and Last Student of Scotland - hope you stay with us.

    We are out of the snow now and I have a feeling that was it for this winter.
    Sure hope I am right :)

  32. Apparently, they still make it.

    I sure wish this wind would ease up. It is ruining my day. :)

  33. Good morning C.C. and all. Bugger of a puzzle in a couple of areas. Wanted BINGO for BEANO, GUSHY for GASSY...etc. At least I don't have to eat a worm.
    I think the usage of EMERIES is incorrect. Emery (OED) is a mineral substance, typically of corundum mixed with magnetite or hematite and used powdered, crushed or consolidated for grinding or polishing...emery cloth or emery plural.

    I had to look up JEERER, and darn, its correct...still a bad clue. I agree with C.C. on EARNER...I think you can be an EARNER without making a profit as so many of the banks and CEO's have recently shown us.

    g8rmomx2...S' we're on the same page.

    TrueBlueSheila...welcome and I loved your paintings, especially the water ones. Clouds and water are always tough and you handle them beautifully. Is your gallery a co-op?

    I would really like to find out if these recent puzzles are constructed by the editor under several noms de plume, or more correctly, alias, as several of these puzzles are a real crime.

  34. Hello,
    I don't understand the "late starter?" ISO connection, can anyone explain this to me?

  35. I totally agree with Carol – wicked. This is the first puzzle I just abandoned in frustration. Either my brain is not in gear, or this is just hard.

    To add to nap’s comment about the Jewish prophets, not only did they die, all, or most, were murdered. Jesus told the people “"Woe to you, because you build tombs for the prophets, and it was your forefathers who killed them.” People tend to ‘kill the messenger’ – perhaps that’s where the phrase come from.

    JD – tongue – mucus---Ewwwww! Lol I love your sense of humor.

    TrueBlue – your work is gorgeous. I’m sure I saw the OBX Wave moving.

  36. Anon @1:09: Starter of Late?
    iso = isolate.

    Welcome Trueblue, Col Gopinath and Last Student of Scotland and any others that are new that I didn't mention. Lots to learn on this blog with interesting people.

    Wolfmom: See I got it right! I agree with you on "emeries" as not being the plural of emery. I also didn't like tear for cry or gassy for boastful. A bit of a stretch I think.

    Off to the gym!

  37. Hi C.C and all.
    What is beano? Never heard of it.

    Gassy, have to remember that one.
    The Canucks are playing tonight, if they don't win soon there will be 30 millionaires sitting around a TV watching someone else win the Stanley Cup!
    Now if they do win, I just might get a bit gassy.
    Snow came and went.
    I'm off to Fl the end of Feb for a few weeks.
    Best ,

  38. Crazyhorse, No other blog to find Buckeye. He had posted at the Special Barry Silk entry of C.C.' blog on Tuesday. I just wanted to catch him before he snuck away again.

    About poetry, I'm glad that some of you like most of the poems I post, or at least, that most of you like some of the poems I post. Sometimes they tie into a blog subject and sometimes not. Sometimes the imagery contained in a poem makes me smile. This is one of them.

    The Bagel

    I stopped to pick up the bagel
    rolling away in the wind,
    annoyed with myself
    for having dropped it
    as if it were a portent.
    Faster and faster it rolled,
    with me running after it
    bent low, gritting my teeth,
    and I found myself doubled over
    and rolling down the street
    head over heels, one complete somersault
    after another like a bagel
    and strangely happy with myself.

    - David Ignatow

  39. Salmagundi sounds like Malgudi (a fictitious place in a book by one of my favorite authors). This puzzle took me longer than usual today. CC, keep up the good work. I don't google anymore when I get stumped, I come straight to this blog.

  40. Good afternoon, everyone. Errands to do early, then a real hammer and anvil puzzle that needed confirmation and adjustment after hitting the G spot for way too many clue/answer combinations. This Ed Voile puzzle was pure EVIL for me. LANTANA, BEANO, ADAS, HOLBEIN, SALMAGUNDI, ALONSO, SELENO, IN ESSE, BARRY -- all very difficult for me. Although SALMAGUNDI ends with the same sound, I don't like it as a theme entry -- should end in DEE, IMHO.

    More later.

  41. That picture is not of Henry VIII.
    I think it is Thomas More

  42. Anon, you should read the blog before posting. ClearEyes already pointed that out.

  43. Promise Me This,
    Thanks, I do get mixed up with some of the idioms from home and here at times. Hard to keep straight at my age!

    We are getting quite a few more bloggers--one from India today too, that would be interesting to add to the map if you are inclined. I'd like to see how many from different places we really have!

  44. Hey Gang,

    This puzzle was not a "d"elight for me. When I saw TORII, I thought that it couldn't be correct. WRONG!! Never heard of salmagundi and a few others i key places. Thank God for my electronic dictionary and this blog. I had to turn to both to finally wrangle this sucker.

    Lois, I have heard the term gassy before. Someone who brags alot is full of hot air. Hot air = gassy. I have'nt forgotten the pool challenge as of yet. Hopefully I can get squared away and shoot you under the table.

    Anyway Barry Bostwick was hilarious in Spin City and played a nerd in Rocky Horror Picture Show. Tim Curry stole the show as Frank'n'furter. Time Warp Again and Sweet Transvestite

    BTW no worm for me at least.

  45. cc - Picking exotic berries is like picking exotic mushrooms. You better know what you are doing before you put them in your mouth.

    I had a littl trouble today with "verbena plant" and "moon: pref".

    Earners I suppose refers to profitable stocks (earnings per share) although all my earnings per share seem to be negative these days.

    Seattle John

  46. Those clips are great, RichShif. I feel like I really missed out on something not having done to those late night showings.
    ClearEyes, did you actually go to them?
    I want to get the DVD, memorize all lyrics and the dance steps, and go to a midnight showing dressed up like Patricia Quinn.
    Hey, you only live once!

  47. True Blue Shelia:
    Still Lifes AND Scenery...(plus water AND glass) I`m am thoroughly impressed!

    CC; According to the Revelation and Daniel...there will be two "witnesses" who will preach for a period, in Jerusalem during the Great Tribulation. They will be invincible for the period of time they preach...then they will be killed and their dead bodies will lie where they fall for several days "and the whole world will see them" ( a prophetic reference to satellite tv, no doubt) and people will even give each other gifts to celebrate "getting rid" of them. Many scholars think they will be Enoch and Elijah because they did not die and "it is appointed unto man, once (seems to negates reincarnation) to die and after that, the judgement." Now...if all that is true...that means Enoch and Elijah have been in Heaven in natural bodies for thousands of years!
    But then, God can do anything...or He wouldn`t be God!

    indri indri indri...must remember indri...

    Had the "spot" frozen today...if it "falls off" by 4-6 weeks, we`re good. If not, I`ll go back for a biopsy. I feel very positive about it.

  48. C.C., I've been on hiatus for awhile, and missed the link to the Barry Silk special puzzle. Would you post the link again, please?

  49. Slumgullion turns out to be a real dish, also! It is a "watery stew"! Good thing Mother didn`t know!

  50. PromiseMeThis, Rocky Horror didn't come out until 1975, so by the time it gained "cult status" a few years later, I was a little past the Rocky Groupie prime.

    But, one of my younger sisters took me along two different times to San Francisco midnight showings. Even though I didn't have a costume, (I wore all black) I knew a lot of the lyrics and dialogue and The Time Warp dance is pretty easy to learn. It was so much fun and everyone there was really into it.

    Personally, my favorite in the movie is Tim Curry. He's a wonderful actor and had an enormous amount of nerve to pull off the part of Frank N. Furter. To his credit, he does have great gams!

    You're right, you do only live once. Get a wig (or do you already have "Magenta" hair?), a French maid's costume and go have a terrific time! You'll meet some really nice people who enjoy acting and acting silly.

  51. I totally missed the "other" theme entries: VIVALDI & MAITRE'D.

    @linda I also thought of slumgullion or just plain "slum," which can be considered a staple in my wife's family.

    @barry Congrats on finishing without help. I wondered if your name had been in a puzzle before.

    @promisemethis HOLSTEIN? Your daily temperatures are disgusting! Enjoy.

    Hello true blue sheila Welcome!

    @lois LOL!

    Welcome to all of the others as well. Quite a few new names here today.

    @wolfmom I would agree with you on emeries. Plural would probably be emery boards.

  52. Historical note on Holbein the Younger. He painted a miniature of Anne of Cleves that was said to flatter her overmuch. Henry VIII approved her as a potential wife, but when she arrived, he was appalled, but married her anyway.

    Wary of his treatment of his wives, clever Anne managed an annullment of their marriage and went on to live a very long, prosperous, and one hopes and happy life in England, never returning home.

    There is nothing left historically to prove that Holbein's portrait was any thing but honest. Henry, apparently disagreed.

    Crockett and Linda: I looked up Slumgullion because it sounded so is indeed a stew and also a weakened or waterd down beverage such as coffee or tea.
    There was also a mining reference that wasn't pertinent. always, love your poems...the bagel one is fun! Also a big Fan of Rocky Horror! Around where I live it isn't too hard to find Sat. midnight shows.

  53. Crockett1947,

    I did say I didn't know it :)

    That must be the latent Montanan in me rearing it's bovine head.

    Sheila, I like your paintings, too. I recommend that one contemplate 'The Red Dinghy' while listening to 'Lincoln Duncan' by Paul Simon.

  54. Rich: Good to see you back and still 'up' for the challenge. I'm looking forward to the new perspective of shooting 'under the table'. I've always played 'on the table' and reserved 'under the table' for drinking, but I'll try anything twice. Once to see if I like it and again just to make sure. Regardless of being 'up', 'on', or 'under', you're going 'down' in the 'end', buckaroo. Rest up. I've been practicing.

  55. Today's puzzle is online now. I finished it in 19 mimutes 10 seconds. It took me a while to figure out the quip.


  56. a clue for lipton tea.
    how about "I sooner-",it was an advertizing slogan in the OLD
    days.i sooner lipton.

  57. a clue for lipton tea.
    how about "I sooner-",it was an advertizing slogan in the OLD
    days.i sooner lipton.

  58. Lipton - Sponsor of Arthur Godfrey

  59. Lipton clue might have been: "Peggy ______" of the Mod Squad

  60. Clue for Lipton...Peggy of Mod Squad


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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