, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday February 20, 2009 Ed Voile

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Feb 20, 2009

Friday February 20, 2009 Ed Voile

Theme: Nidget's Pal





All the above theme answers feel like normal clues, don't you think so? "Squirm about": FIDGET. I hope this is an aberrant rather than a pattern. I don't like this reverse pattern. Hate when the clues rather than the answers are the theme. We just had "Snow, Show, Slow & Stow" the day before yesterday.

Our editor clued SANDRA DEE as "Gidget star"a few weeks ago. But the movie escaped me completely this morning. Difficult solving. The intersection of AL OERTER & ERDE is hard.

I disagree with the clue for OILER (47A: Crude workman?). OILER refers to the crude oil carrier rather than worker on the oil field, right?


5A: Acquire canines: TEETHE. "Acquire molars" too.

15A: Batman's butler: ALFRED. New to me. Not a fan of Batman or Superman. Heroic figures should not have a butler anyway.

19A: Sturm __ Drang: UND. "And" in German. "Storm AND Stress". I always think of Munch's "The Scream" whenever I see this term.

28A: Forest dweller: WOODSMAN. Did not come to me readily. Just realized that this hot-tempered Welsh golfer is called Ian Woosnam, not Ian Woodsman.

32A: Lacy houseplants: FERNS. Seedless and Flowerless. Oh, by the way, Chinese word for fig is "fruit without flowers". Do you think the flower is inside the fig fruit?

33A: Sleeve card?: ACE. Good clue.

35A: Clamps: VISES. With the ?idget theme, "Carpenter's gadget" might be a better clue.

38A: Threescore: SIXTY. Learned the meaning of "score" from Lincoln's "Fourscore and seven years ago...". I like his barebone, economical yet powerful writing. You could find some of his style in JFK's speeches.

44A: Fell as ice: SLEETED. Did not know SLEET can be a verb.

48A: Pressure meas.: PSI (Pounds per Square Inch). Also a Greek letter of course.

56A: "Das Lied von der __": ERDE. I googled. Mahler's composition. "Lied" is a German art song for solo voice and piano. ERDE means "earth". So this work is literally titled "The Song of the Earth".

58A: V-shaped fortifications: REDANS. No idea. This one is indeed V-shaped. I can't see how it serves its fortification purpose. Wikipedia says Russians used REDANS against Napoleon during one battle.

59A: Eurasian deer: ROES. Where is his tail? I learned a few days ago that antlers are deciduous. So I presume the deer shed their antlers every season? Last time our editor clued SIKA as "Japanese deer", brutal clue.


2D: Old French coin: SOU. 1/20 of the old franc. Sometimes the answer is ECU, a silver five-franc piece.

3D: Swiss river: AAR. Hmmm, Williams is not in the mood for "Swiss flow-er".

6D: "Enigma Variations" composer: ELGAR (Edward). British composer, stranger to me. What does "Nimrod" mean?

7D: Studio apts: EFFS. Saw this clue before. Not clear what exactly is an efficiency apartment.

8D: Angle or pod lead-in: TRI. "Cycle lead-in" as well.

9D: Mischievous children: HELLIONS. New word to me.

10D: O'Brien and Rostand: EDMONDS. EDMOND O'Brien was an actor who won Oscar for "The Barefoot Contessa" (Best Supporting Actor). EDMOND Rostand was a French poet and dramatist best known for his play " Cyrano de Bergerac". He said: It is at night that faith in light is admirable. What does that mean?

24D: Type of magnetism?: ANIMAL. Excellent clue.

26D: Comic Amsterdam: MOREY. Another unknown. He is best known for his role in "Dick Van Dyke Show", the guy on the most left.

28D: Adam and Benjamin: WESTS. Adam WEST played the Batman on the TV series. Benjamin WEST was an American painter of large scale historical scene during the time of American revolution. I feel sad for myself, the only WEST I know is Mae WEST.

35D: Waltz type: VIENNESE. I have no idea there are so many styles of Waltz.

36D: Olympic discus legend: AL OERTER. I don't know this legend. He won a gold medal in four consecutive Olympics, steroid-free, A-Rod.

44D: Suppress, as info: SIT ON

46D: Turkey label letters: USDA. Hey, I have the autograph of the current USDA chief.

50D: Advanced deg.: SCD (Scientiae Doctor, Latin). Doctor of Science. Same clue/ANSWER appeared our puzzle before.

53D: "__ Girls": LES. Have never heard of this comedy film. It's also known as "Cole Porter's LES Girls".



  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - I was amazed that I got through this one without g-spotting; as I went along, I skipped over several spots where I couldn't get any traction. The theme, which I really liked, helped immensely. Unknowns included Batman's butler, the discus legend, 56A, (I guessed at the crossing with the discus legend, and 'e' looked right), and 20A. Haven't heard the word 'hellions' in many, many years. Good puzzle.

    Today is Love Your Pet Day, Cherry Pie Day, and.....Hoodie Hoo Day, which supposedly is a day when everybody goes outside at noon, waves their hands over their head, and chants "hoodie-hoo!", to chase away winter and bring in spring.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "Throughout life, we get clues that remind us of the direction we are supposed to be headed in. If you do not pay attention, then you make lousy choices and end up with a miserable life. If you stay focused, then you learn your lessons and have a full and good life, including a good death." -- Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

  2. Dennis,
    Interesting quote. I try to be attentive and focused, but I often misread clues. As for your question yesterday, maybe Williams changes his constructors wholesale every year?

    In Chinese, it's Ai Ya. I OUCH now. Got YOW simply because our editor YOW (ed) before.

    I like "Candle in the Wind", though I don't think it describes Dennis well. He is a hard man, not so easy to be blown (off).

  3. Lois,
    Re: Qom coin (RIAL): "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the wildest of them all?"

    Why "miladonis" instead of "milliadonis"? I like your concept, very classic. What is the answer for "Monastic Officials (14 letters)"?

  4. 23 minutes 36 seconds (online).

    Some surprises today: VISE (grip) is pronounced like (Miami) VICE but not spelt the same way. I also wanted ARISEN for AROUSE but then the clue would have been "Awoken" instead of "Awaken".

    Complete unknowns: ELGAR, EDMONDS, AL OERTER, ERDE and REMANS.

    Funny "coincidences": LOLITA alongside MINOR ("One under leagl age"), HUMANE (as in the HUMANE society) alongside ANIMAL and Adam WEST and ALFRED in the same puzzle. I'm just saying.

    Iron Man, by the way, also has a Butler named Jarvis. Assuming you're now familiar with both characters, who would win in a fight, Batman or Iron Man? For that matter, who's the more formidible butler, Alfred or Jarvis? (In the Iron Man movie, Iron Man's computer was named Jarvis.)

    An EFFiciency is a studio apartment. OILER refers to either a ship or a oil rig worker (cf the NHL team Edmonton OILERS). An Nimrod is IIRC a name from the Bible.


  5. C.C., has Williams communicated with you at all? I think we'd all be interested in what's going on there.

    Off to the gym.

  6. He is a hard man, not so easy to be blown

    Actually, being hard is a prerequisite to being properly blown.


  7. Dennis,
    No, never. I talked twice with his office staff last year.

    Astute observation on those intersections. What is IIRC? I pick Iron Man, he sounds steely and unconquerable. I know an ALFRED. He is very sentimental. So I guess I will vote for Jarvis. Balloon is soft, yet easy to blow (up).

  8. Balloon is soft, yet easy to blow (up).

    Yes but once the balloon is blown up, it is very rigid indeed.


  9. IIRC = If I Remember Correctly


  10. Good morning CC and all,...this is the first puzzle in three days that was easy for me. The only trouble spot was the NE corner until I finally had the DUH moment. I just could not see shy for 11A for the longest time and it was the last to fall.

    I found this puzzle to be the right combination of difficult and doable. I was able to get all of the fills quickly and without help.

    Listed below is some information on Nimrod:
    The American Heritage Dictionary offers two distinct definitions of a nimrod -- either a hunter, or a person regarded as silly or foolish. The dictionary goes on to explain that the second meaning probably originated with the cartoon character Bugs Bunny. The wily Bugs used the term in its original sense to refer to dithering hunter Elmer Fudd, whom he called a "poor little Nimrod." Over time, however, the "hunter" meaning got dropped, and the "dithering" connotation stuck.

    And, Nimrod was in fact a Biblical figure -- the great-grandson of Noah. He was a haughty king who declared himself a "mighty one in the earth," founded the great city of Babylon, and presided over the construction of the mythical Tower of Babel. Nimrod was also a renowned hunter, though at least one source we found claimed his game of choice was not animals but men, whom he would enslave upon capture. Whatever his prey, his name became synonymous with a skilled hunter.

    Hope you all have a great Friday and an equally great weekend. More snow here today with a high in the teens. More ughs!

  11. C.C. offered no comment for 50D Advanced degree (SCD) and since I'm not well versed in higher education, it left me scratching my head and I had to look it up (it means Doctor of Science). I breezed through the puzzle until I got to the REDANS/SCD crossing. It always gets me a little riled up when what seems like a pretty easy puzzle gets something as obscure as a REDAN thrown into it... If the puzzle is pretty tough all the way through, it never bothers me, but this sort of thing makes me think the constructor was struggling a bit to find the finishing touches.

  12. Thanks dugglesmack, I guessed the "D" but I had no idea what SCD meant. How is it advanced? I only know masters and doctorates. It was one of those scary puzzles that somehow filled, but there were many new words for me. I also agree, it was too soon to have the theme rhyme again, but otherwise, reasonably challenging, and now done. Old television does continue to be a popular source of clues, which helps. It is hard to believe Batman's Butler would not be a gimme with the recent film and Heath Ledger tragedy. Oh, and the Oscars are actor? best actress? Heath Ledger did an amazing job as the Joker....

  13. Good morning CC et al., Before I do the puzzle, I just want everyone to know that our own sweet and wonderful Argyle is having a birthday today. We are Irish twins! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ARGYLE.

    I shall return.

  14. Dugglesmack,
    I just added SCD. Had some discussions on this clue with Dick the last time it appeared.

    SCD is Scientiae Doctor in Latin. Doctor of Science. Doctor's degree is advanced compared with bachelor's or master's degree, right? Mickey Rourke & Kate Winslet.

    Happy Birthday! Anything special today with your clan (or extended family as you often say)?

  15. Morning, all!

    For the most part, this was a very easy, straightforward puzzle for me. My only hangup, no surprise, was the SE corner. ALOERTER meant nothing to me and just looked wrong. In fact, I thought it was somebody's last name until I came here and discovered that it's actually AL OERTER. It still looks wrong, though. Fortunately, I knew ORO, ROES and ERDE and was able to guess LES, so that corner eventually fell into place. I really didn't think that ALOERTER could possibly be right, but it was!

    Oh, wait. I just realized I left a blank in the grid. And I also just realized that I have no idea what goes into it! SC_ / RE_ANS? Beats the crap out of me. OK, I see from the comments it is SCD and REDANS. To which I respond, WTF? I guess I can't finish this puzzle unassisted after all... :(

    "It is at night that faith in light is admirable." What does that mean?

    I take it to mean that it's easy to have faith in something when it's right there in front of you (like believing in light during the day), but it's harder (and therefore more admirable) to have faith in something unseen (like light at night).

  16. I think the only reason I knew 'redan' is from infantry training - it's not an unusual fortification.

    Lemonade, I knew Heath Ledger died, and I knew the movie was out, but neither of those facts told me who Batman's butler was.

    I think Heath is a shoo-in for best actor, and I'd like to see Kate Winslet win best actress.

  17. I neglected to mention that SCD was an unknown for me: I wanted PHD. I've never heard of a Doctor of Science: just about everybody who has a Ph.D. is a scientist, not a philosopher, although science was historically considered a branch of philosophy (ie "natural philosophy").

    I also neglected to notice that C.C. said "blown off" when a candle is, in fact, "blown out". Or should that have remained unsaid?

    Last September, I asked students what movies they had seen during the summer. Because they are used to hearing movie titles translated into Chinese, I explained to them who "Batman" and "Iron Man" were. "One is a rich man who, as a result of a traumatic experience, dons a high tech suit and fights injustice," I said, "and the other one is Iron Man."

    I found a shocking article on Nimrod here.

    Finally, another coincidence: two days ago I used the (misspelled) word "midget" and C.C. asked what it meant (IIRC) and today the word was used as a clue. I was actually surprised to see that word in a TMS puzzle because it could be considered offensive.


  18. I agree with DICK... this was a difficult but doable puzzle. I knew Al Oerter right away... he was an amazing athlete. I don't know of anyone who could have done what he did over 4 olympics. He was MR DISCUS.
    CC. Got my Twins tickets yesterday... they play the Yankees March 20th... can't wait.

  19. C..C.
    "V-shaped fortifications: REDANS. No idea. This one is indeed V-shaped. I can't see how it serves its fortification purpose."
    If you look at the photo you posted with this comment you will see that soldiers on top of the Redan will be more able to shoot at enemies who are along the base of the main wall.

  20. Calef got in before me--I was going to explain the same thing about redans. On medieval castle walls, the round turrets served the same purpose.

    I had to g'spot ELGAR, and then remembered ALFRED, since I had all but the F at that point. Also g'ed REDANS and AL OERTER. I had the ALOER_E_, but it meant nothing to me. ROES I had forgotten. The FILM part of 17A took a while too, but I got it after I gave up looking for a girl's name.

    c.c., thanks for ai ya!

  21. I forgot too, on those fortifications, the bowmen often stood protected behind the wall, rather than at the top, and had only narrow slits through which to shoot. So having the different angle provided by the tower or redan would give more flexible options to aim at targets not directly in front of the wall.

  22. This was a very easy puzzle except for the cross of 58A “v-shaped fortifications” and 50D “advanced deg.” I have never heard of as ScD degree. Is this a common degree, or am I just very removed from the higher levels of academia? There was only one unknown, 36D AL OERTER, but I was able to fill that in with the crosses.

    I was surprised to see 26A and 31A in the same puzzle. So…a child collier then would be a MINOR MINER, eh?

  23. Good morning everyone. I had to leave the D in REDANS and SCD out. I truly do not like ScD. I met my late first husband when he was working on his PhD in geology, married him, and traveled to ME, NY, NJ, and New Mexico with him being in Universities in all those places. All had PhDs, many were in science, and I never heard of a ScD in all those years or since. It may be legal, but it surely isn't used in this country. Grump.
    It's cold here today in Naples. It's only 58 out now. High of 68. Have to wear a sweater! Another grump.
    But I've got a good book, so all is not lost.
    Stay warm everyone.

  24. Good morning C.C.and everyone,
    I stumbled a little in the NE corner and like Dick, I could not see 11A (SHY) at all. 12D was a blank too...and I have never seen any StarWars movies. Other than that, I "enjoyed the play".

    C.C. a 'hard' man is good to find!

    I don't know about "hoodie-hoo" day, I think the neighbors might call 911 if I stood outside at noon and waved my arms around, oh, are we supposed to be wearing clothing?

  25. Hey Argyle, a very happy birthday to you young man!! Remember that at Christmas.

  26. I suspected that the ScD was a degree offered by lower-tier (or maybe foreign) institutions, but Johns Hoplins offers them along with their PhD programs.

    Had to look up both German phrases. I've had enough of thoes danged things.

    My favorite was hellions. A local restaurant has a sign that states that "unattended children will be given an expresso and a puppy."

  27. Good morning, everyone. Got everything, but had to check REDANS to see if I remembered it correctly. The D in the cross with SCD was also my last fill, just behind SHY.

    Happy Birthday, Argyle, our ace researcher!

    Have a great Friday.

  28. C.C.
    Nimrod - grandson of Ham & great grandson of Noah in Genesis

  29. good morning c.c. and co.
    not bad this morning, a few unknowns, but i also misspelled 23D as Humain instead of humane which hung me up a while, and I suspected 28A to be Woodsman but would not believe it , so when i finally put it in i was able to finish that NE corner.

    Dennis, thanks for the words of wisdom

    Martin, interesting comments, ahem. . and links

    Argyle, Happy Birthday to you

  30. Hi c.c. and all:

    As others have said I never heard of SCD for Advanced Degree, I wanted PHd, but I knew escrow had to be right. I put the R for staider, but still had to look up Redans because I just couldn't remember it. Never would have gotten Al Oerter without the perps. Alfred was a gimme to me! Other than Redan it was smooth sailing. I enjoyed the puzzle today.

    Argyle: A very Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a wonderful celebration.

    I have 4 minutes to go outside, raise my arms and should "hoodie-hoo"! Then off to the gym.

    Sallie: I am in Port Charlotte and says it is 61 degrees here at 11:45am and you are now at 63 degrees. Hoodie Hoo! What book are you reading?

    Have a great day everyone!

  31. out of the woodwork . . . i've been doing crosswords for over 30 years and still don't often get one without any help from google - or c.c. i love patterns! gidget, widget. midget, stow, snow, slow! am i weird?


  33. Of course now that i see ScD as the answer, it was a simple though obscure answer. I was totally unfamiliar with the a doctorate in Science, since like the rest, have seen untold PhDs for scientists. I had put the D in anyway, and filled the puzzle, but it did not feel saisfying.

    Dennis, I was not being a wise guy, I just was suggesting most people have seen either this Batman movie, an earlier one, or the old TV series , with (just for a tie in) Adam West as Batman. (I like him better as himself on "Family Guy"). With the FUROR over Heath Ledger's death and the compliments on his performance, I imagined many would have watched the movie, just to see what all the talk was about.
    Heath is only up for best supporting actor, as CHRISTIAN BALE was the lead. Which segues into the expletive laden tirade by BALE which has made all the rounds on news and talk stations recently, and was part of the plot of this past Sunday's episode of "Family Guy" proving the world really ius a circle. Being rich I am sure would be fun, but famous does not leave much room to live. Which brings us back to Heath and his death, which means it is time for me to go.

    Happy Birthday Argyle, I hope no one gives you socks for your birthday.

    I think Mickey Rourke is a punk, so I hope he does not win. I have not seen that movie, so I really should not say anything.

  34. Oooh! I think someone has not taken his medication today. Chill!

  35. Good morning C.C. and all,

    Happy birthday Argyle, oh wise one.Have a Hoodie Hoo day!

    First time around I thought merdi, merdi, but on the 2nd go around it all fell into place. I just need a few words to get me going. I did "G" Al O. because I was impatient.Had a bit of trouble filling in the about(squirm).I remembered roes, and we also had sambar (Asiatic deer). I loved the clue,"acquiring canines"and my head was elsewhere for fell as
    ice. I thought of calving when the glaciers fall into the water.That y in shy was my last'd Yoda.Now you can see why it takes me awhile.LOL

    C.C. I had no idea there were so many waltzes either. As soon as I had nn, it fell into place as that is the only waltz I know.I see that watching DWTS has not educated me.
    Thanks for explanation on EFFS, and SCD.The link to Elgar's E.V. was beautiful.

    Martin, I loved reading that link. I am very familiar with that epic of Gilgamesh, and realize that it is based on some factual events. I always thought Humbaba was symbolic of the volcano whose earthquakes frightened and killed his people. Enkidu's lover died and they together vanquished the "monster in the forest". He became their hero, and he changed from an evil ruler to a fair ruler, but he remained to be a pathetic character as he longed for immortality.

  36. Good Morning All, Thank goodness for the perps. There were some sticky clues and well as answers. I wanted something to do with dogs for 5A. I didn't know EFFS, I guess I haven't lived in enough really big cities to have become familiar with the term.
    DESKTOP TOOLS was a new term to me. I had to look up "widget" post-puzzle. I'll probably forget it by next time around. Like many, SCD and REDAN was a lucky guess.

    About SAN Juan Capistrano: the rest of the country may have Groundhog Day to indicate how long winter will last, but Californians have the return of the migratory swallows (las golondrinas) in March. Whether or not the birds arrive on the assigned March 19th, there is a celebration and parade. Here's the legend of the swallows.

    C.C. FYI famous people named West: in addition to Mae, Adam and Benjamin, there were also Dottie, who was a Country/Western singer (amn't I right Jimbo?) and Jessamyn, who wrote the novel The Friendly Persuasion. Interestingly, Jessamyn West was a second cousin to Richard Nixon.

    Happy Birthday, Argyle. Have a great day, but selfishlessly, don't overdo. I'm looking forward to your B. Silk puzzle blog on Sunday. I've got a couple of glaring blanks right in the middle that are driving me nuts!

  37. The word SLEETED was 44 across and not 44 down. This puzzle was a little harder as some of the things I had never heard of.

  38. Clear ayes, thanks for the great link to San Juan Capistrano. Like San Luis Rey, it used to be just a small village in the middle of no where. Both areas have been surrounded by "progress." This mission is by far the most beautiful. I just reread the book I got on my 5th birthday,"Song of the Swallows" by Leo Politi.

  39. G'day to everyone and a very Happy Birthday to Argyle...hope you have a lovely day. Can't wait to see Sunday's blog...I only have one blank square!

    I surpised myself today by actually knowing most of the answers. AL OERTER came to me right away but I wanted 2 R's in his name which messed me up for SLEETED for awhile. Fought against myself on giving in to a few of the answers and ended up getting stuck on SCD and REDANS, which, once I saw C.C.'s picture, realized that I knew.

    All in all not a bad puzzle, looked more difficult than it turned out to be.

    Using Martin's IIRC: Elgar's variations was written in honor of a number of his friends, each variation for a different friend. So, I don't think that Nimrod had a negative meaning for him.

  40. I mentioned the other day that I think Kate Winslet will win the Oscar for The Reader. It's a very good movie and besides, how often do you guys get to see Ms. Winslet naked so much of the time? Melissa Leo is my second choice for Best Actress. The MILF thread (thanks to Dennis) from a couple of days ago got started with Sean Penn and Milk.

    Lemonade714, I also think Heath Ledger will deservedly win Best Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight. He was wonderfully creepy and such stringy, greasy hair!

    Wait a minute..."He was wonderfully creepy and such stringy, greasy hair!" also applies to Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler. Mickey Rourke is hard to look at (badly done cosmetic surgery) and his off-screen style is uncomfortable to watch, but he was sad and convincing in his nominated role. Oscar does love dead people and underdogs, so who knows?

    Speaking of underdogs, maybe Marisa Tomei will win Best Supporting Actress for The Wrestler. She was also sad and convincing AND **Bonus** was naked a lot of the time. My personal favorite is Viola Davis for Doubt, but I doubt (ha ha) she will win.

  41. Happy birthday Argyle. Like Clear Ayes, I'm waiting for the blog on Sunday, so don't overdo the celebrating! I too have three blank squares in the midsection that lack inspiration as yet.

  42. @ Argyle, do have a Happy Birthday!! I as well as others look forward to your Sunday blog. I have no blanks and am anxious for confirmation that I am right.

  43. g8rmomx2, I must answer your question about what am I reading on this blog because you haven't listed your email address.
    Dana Stabenow's "So Sure of Death"
    She writes about Alaska, and sometimes the Coast Guard there. Excellent reads.
    It's all the way up to 69 now. Wow.

  44. PL:
    Tisk, tisk

    Have a great birthday!

    Hard c/w for me today.
    Best to all,

  45. "It is at night that faith in light is admirable." What does that mean?" Barry G. already commented about faith in the unseen.

    I think it also means, more literally, that it is admirable to have enough faith when in the dark of night, to believe the next day will actually dawn. As humans, according to Rostand, we have no way of knowing, except by faith.

    The following is Robert Frost's view that since we cannot know the future we should take comfort in the darkness of night and not concern ourselves with the coming (or not coming) day. BTW, Frost was an atheist.


    When the spent sun throws up its rays on cloud
    And goes down burning into the gulf below,
    No voice in nature is heard to cry aloud
    At what has happened. Birds, at least must know
    It is the change to darkness in the sky.
    Murmuring something quiet in her breast,
    One bird begins to close a faded eye;
    Or overtaken too far from his nest,
    Hurrying low above the grove, some waif
    Swoops just in time to his remembered tree.
    At most he thinks or twitters softly, 'Safe!
    Now let the night be dark for all of me.
    Let the night be too dark for me to see
    Into the future. Let what will be, be.'

    - Robert Frost

  46. Good Afternoon C.C. and Co.,
    [Sorry for the long post]

    14:48 for this one ...

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Argyle!!!

    "Why "miladonis" instead of "milliadonis"?"
    Because I misspelled it ;)

    "What is the answer for "Monastic Officials (14 letters)"?"

    I have no objection to the clues making up the theme. This could have a lot to do with the fact that I often do not bother to try to discover the them.

    I had no trouble with ERDE (I love Mahler's music. Thanks for the link, C.C. :), AL OERTER threw me, though. Whenever I think of the discus, I think of poor Apollo and how he grieved after accidentally killing his beautiful young lover Hyacinthus with a discus. Apollo's tears gave rise to the flower that still bears the lads name, the Hyacinth.

    I believe OILER is correct. I, however, kept trying to bring to mind 'rough neck'.

    "Do you think the flower is inside the fig fruit?" I have never thought about it. I also am not sure I give a fig (j/k).

    As for antlers being deciduous,'s second definition reads:
    "2.falling off or shed at a particular season, stage of growth, etc., as leaves, horns, or teeth."
    This suggests that with deer and other antlered creatures, the shedding need not be annual.

    Sir Edward Elgar also wrote 'Pomp and Circumstance' which is played at graduation ceremonies.

    "Not clear what exactly is an efficiency apartment."
    I once stayed in an apartment in the Marais district of Paris that was so small that unless one were very efficient at it, one had to go outside just to change one's mind.

    ClearEyes, I have seen those swallows on the news. They are fascinating.

    Here is a tasty jazz waltz.

  47. Clear Ayes, i just have to chime in about the swallows , birds very familiar and dear to me, as a teen i lived in Trieste, It. and remember watching them go every fall only to return in the spring , so when i moved here could not understand why no swallows.

    Why they go to the west coast an not the east ?

  48. Argyle, Happy Birthday, you old fart, and many, many more. Go heavy on the pogey bait today.

    Hey, if anyone figures out what "whinning" means, please let me know.

  49. WHOA! PL - Take a valium. Pretty harsh words from someone who can't spell "Whining"

  50. Dennis...remember...don't feed the trolls.

    PromiseMe...That is so cool that you stayed in the Marais...I absolutely love walking around that area. If you go to my website there is at least one painting of the area. Alas, still do not have the NEW website yet...

  51. 11:40 today. For some reason MINIVERSION simply would not come to me for the longest time.

    c.c.: Hate when the clues rather than the answers are the theme.

    I have to disagree with you on this point, c.c. I find it a refreshing change of pace when the theme is in the cluing instead of in the fill.

    For one thing, even after you figure out the theme, it provides no help in solving the puzzle, as each answer is more or less independent. Too many times you just fill in the "theme" part of things for all the answers automatically (once you discover the theme, that is). Boring.

    That said, I'm a total "themist". I love a fresh or humorous theme. I guess that's why I'm so addicted to the NY Times early week puzzles because the themes are usually so much fun (and Will Shortz keeps a short rein on things so things are kept neat and clean). It's all about the theme, for me.

    36D: Olympic discus legend: AL OERTER. I don't know this legend.

    Somewhere, I have an autograph from Al Oerter. I was one of the "junior officials" at the Olympic Trials in Eugene, OR in (I think) 1956. Being a "junior official" meant I updated the sign board to show the top three current places and the next competitor. I also got an "official ribbon" which may be around here somewhere.

    Re: "WHINNING". Wife and I ate at a restaurant last night where the servers had "no wining" on their shirts, with a logo of grapes and wine glasses. Food wasn't that great, though, so I won't mention the venue.

  52. It looks like I won't make any progress on 'World Without End' today. I spent the morning at the market, the early afternoon doing the XW and the late afternoon preparing this, which I am still working on. My version is a twist. In addition to seasoning the lamb with sea salt and high-quality fresh ground pepper, I decided to also liberally sprinkle it with Ras El Hanout.

    wolfmom, I will look for that picture on your site. Unless there are other non-typical (no Arc d'Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, etc.) paintings of Paris, I may be able to pick it out.



  53. PromiseMe...YUM on the recipe, saved it to my recipe box...Loved the P.S., and, the Marais is the second picture in the Street Scene they all have titles.

  54. Maria, I looked up swallows in our copy of The Sibley Guide to Birds and found out that there are six species of swallow. The Capistranos are Cliff Swallows. Some Tree Swallows winter in Florida. They migrate farther north in the summer months. You may very well have swallows in your area, but they're probably not the ones you were familiar with in Trieste.

    Dennis, LOL I know we're not supposed to respond, but sometimes it is just TOOOO easy.

    Boomer....and emphasize their mistake by yelling (all capitals) too!

    Hmmmm....If you whine about what you consider to be somebody else's whining....isn't that whining too???

    PromiseMeThis, very nice jazz clip.
    Also, interesting that Ras Al Hanout is "often believed to be an aphrodisiac." Be sure not to feed it to the troll.

    Even though he can't read (or can he??), Happy Love Your Pet Day to Charley, the Schipperke.

  55. "Also, interesting that Ras Al Hanout is "often believed to be an aphrodisiac.""
    I find this to be doubly interesting.
    Firstly: You refer to it as 'Ras Al Hanout', which is what the particular variety I use is called. Never-the-less, I chose to link to the Wikipedia site which calls it Ras El Hanout.
    Secondly: You claim that it is a repudiated aphrodisiac. I was not aware of that.
    I am glad you enjoyed the Chick Corea clip :)

  56. Sallie: I'm sorry I don't think I have any info listed for me, but I can send you my email if you like. I was just wondering because I am an avid reader, but mostly I read fiction. i.e., James Patterson, John Grisham, Dean Koontz, Brian Haig, Scott Turow. 61 degrees here at 5:45pm!

  57. I made five posts yesterday (Friday) and this is my first post today (Saturday).

    JD, the "cedar forest" in the Eipc of Gilgamesh almost certainly refered to Lebanon: Gilgamesh degeated Humbaba (meaning his army?) and brought the cedar to Iraq by river to build the Iraqi cities. According to the link, Abraham would have lived in Iraq around the time of Gilgamesh's reign and the historical construction of cities at that time would have been the inspiration for the Tower of Babel story. Oooo.

    PromiseMe This, Am I to understand that Apollo claimed that he "accidentally" killed Hyacinthus by throwing a discus at him? Is that what he would have told the local authorities at the time? That he was inventing a new sport???

    Fanboys will wonder for the end of time who would win in a fight but one thing we can say is that Iron Man has a cooler theme song than Batman: "Do do dododo dodododododo do do do" is WAY COOLER than "Nana nana nananana Batman!"


  58. "Is that what he would have told the local authorities at the time?'

    Local authorities?

    And just who might they have been?

    Apollo was a god! Who would dare to interrupt whilst he wept over his favored one?

  59. Argyle... I am awaiting your Sunday blog as well, so don't get too loaded. I have 3 words I cannot fill in and I refuse to go to the G spot.

    Clear ayes, thanks for the info on the swallows! Also, you are right about the trolls being hard to resist at times. Cute about whine... we always ask if they want cheese with it.

    Promise Me, I liked your PS...wonder if PL noticed? He/she may have had a stroke after the 'melt down'.

  60. Embien was mentioning being in a restaurant and it reminded me of the signs we see outside of some restaurants and stores, etc.
    "No Shirt
    No Shoes
    No Service"
    I just wondered if it would be ok to go in naked from your shirt to your shoes?

  61. "I refuse to go to the G spot"

    It appears we are 'Birds of a Feather'.

  62. I picked up up the Barry Silk puzzle one more time and the last couple of words fell into place. It was B. Silk's advice to put the puzzle down if you are stuck and come back to it later. It worked!

    Careful what you suggest, Carol. You might give some of the men on this blog the idea to try it.

    PromiseMeThis, I can misspell with the best of them...Ras El Hanout. I don't think I was reading your mind, or channeling the labels in your kitchen cupboard either. It was the last sentence of your own Wikipedia link that referred to it as "often believed to be an aphrodisiac". ...somebody furnishes a link and I read the whole durn thing!

    Clever AND devious, Martin .....Nyah-Ha-Ha (my version of diabolical laughter). A little villainous mustache twirling might be appropriate.

    I may have one post left today (one post answered a C.C. question), but I'll have to go back and count. If not, have a nice evening everyone. Another fun day in the land of Blog.

  63. Dennis:
    I think I can help. I live near the "horse capital of the world" and I'm pretty sure "whinnying" (var.) is part of equine language. On the other hand, "whining" is usually heard from puppies and children. I leave it to you to decide in this case.

  64. windover, you're exactly right about "whinnying" and "whining". "Whinning", however, is not a word. I was merely making fun of the anonymous dolt's lack of spelling skills.

  65. Clear Ayes:

    Kate Winslet, best actress: "Ms. Winslet naked so much of the time?"

    Marisa Tomei, best supporting actress: " was naked a lot of the time"

    Do I see a trend here? In your opinion men watch movies for nufity, or do you work for Mr. Skin?

    Isn't it interesting that Marisa did no movie nudity until she was over 40.
    I am still waiting for the right part....

  66. "men watch movies for nufity'

    Is that what they are calling that thing now? It's no wonder I haven't been to a movie in a while.

  67. Hi, Everbody,

    I've had a busy day and am just now getting caught up with our blog. I'm only half way through it so I thought I'd better stop and thank all the people who gave me birthday wishes. Also, I'm into a bottle of absinthe, which is another reason to say,"Thank you", while I still can. ;~0

  68. Terry on Marco
    Glad to see there is another that is cold in collier County.

  69. Argyle: French or American Absinthe? I understand that the whole "wormwood" issue is now a moot point and they are making Absinthe again in both countries, although I think that the American version is lower in something(alcohol?) than the French version.

    Just don't forget where to find us tomorrow and maybe a post-it on the computer to remind yourself about Sunday's blog...Happy Birthday to yoooouuuu! :0)

  70. wolfmom,

    It is French and I'm drinking from one of the best Key Lime Jelly Jars I have.

  71. Hi Martin.
    I love that you know all about mythology and Mesopotamia, etc. I agree that the cedar forest is indeed Lebanon, and that Gilgamesh brought back wood to build his city, but I don't recall that he defeated an army. I should reread.I really appreciate hearing your knowlege on all of this. As I recall,Enkidu's lover died in the earthquake and so they went to get revenge.Am I being to elementary with my reasoning? and, what does oooooo mean?Thank you. When you write back, I feel that I exist.

    OK guys, I am the googler of all times for this Sunday puzzle. Yes, I keep going back.Mostly I "G" to check spelling and to see if I guessed correctly.I found a great site for acronyms, those horrible unobtainable "things."

  72. 5th and last of the day.

    JD, You are a sly one!

    Lemonade714, First of all, I think "nuf-ity" should be a word. Some people have no business taking off their clothes in a movie and that should be (e)nuf-ity.

    On your question about movie nudity - G.A.H. and I usually go to movies together. I don't know about other men (at least in the past 25 years, although I have my suspicions), but I am positive he enjoyed both The Reader and The Wrestler much more than he would have if Ms. Winslet and Ms. Tomei had kept their clothes on.

    Why am I so sure? Because after watching The Reader did he comment about the dual nature of humanity, or the evil of Nazism? Well, yes he did, but he also mentioned that under the same circumstances, he wouldn't mind being Kate Winslet's "reader".

    AND, after seeing The Wrestler, he just flat out said that Marisa Tomei is HOT!!.

  73. Promise me, didn't you know that NUFITY is the ONLY reason that men go to the movies, oh, and to see lots of BLUD.Must be R Rated to be truly enjoyable.

  74. g8rmomx2, have you read The Watcher by D. Koontz? It was one of my favorites. I'm saving The Darkest Evening of the Year for my next trip.Both are about Golden Retrievers.

  75. Argyle: Way to go...when you are sober again I would love to know what the brand is. I am also a big fan of some of the French herbal aperitifs...great for after a summer Provence-style BBQ(I use the term to mean grilled stuff, California/French PromiseMe...leave it alone)

    JD: you "exist", but it is definitely more fun when someone acknowledges something you posted.

    PromiseMe...the BIRDS link was super. There is a lot of NUFITY in the movies nowadays...I changed the painting for you...this one is a "recipe" for ratatouille.

    Doesn't it seem terribly strange that in movies in this country we can slash and destroy but a bit of skin is such a "No No". It seems hard to believe that those Puritans have still got us, collectively by the b****...

  76. speaking about nudity in movies. Some women would like to see Brad Pitt or George Clooney naked. Why is it ok for women to watch a movie where a male actor is naked but if a man watches a movie that shows female nudity they call men a perv for watching?

  77. I saw The Wrestler the movie sucked and Mickey Rourke who cares I hope he loses.

    He had faded into obscurity and hopefully he will soon be back there.

    On nudity in movies, Alyssa Milano could be in a movie wearing a long sleeve blouse buttoned to the neck and a skirt that ends at her ankles and I would still watch any movie that she was in regardless if she were nude or not.

  78. promiseme
    That recipe for shepherd's pie (never mind the misspelled heading) looks great. I'd love to find a restaurant that had that dish (I no longer cook and wife is a vegetarian now so no chance of having that here at home).

  79. @embien Try the Cheescake factory at Washington Square. They have a shepherd's pie, but I don't know if it would be true to the recipe. They also have a lot of vegetarian food.

  80. I agree that the cedar forest is indeed Lebanon, and that Gilgamesh brought back wood to build his city, but I don't recall that he defeated an army. I should reread.I really appreciate hearing your knowlege on all of this. As I recall,Enkidu's lover died in the earthquake and so they went to get revenge.

    Being unable to read cunniform, I rely on what is posted on sites like this: "Enkidu and Gilgamesh gradually weaken and grow lazy living in the city, so Gilgamesh proposes a great adventure: they are to journey to the great Cedar Forest in southern Iran and cut down all the cedar trees. To do this, they will need to kill the Guardian of the Cedar Forest, the great demon, Humbaba the Terrible."

    Here's a story you'd like: a couple of weeks ago I wanted into a restaurant here in Taiwan, stubbed my toe and yelled "Ow!". Everybody turned to look at this strange foreigner shouting this strange word. To explain why, I started limping, pointed to my toe and said "Ai ya!" Everybody knowingly nodded and went back to eating.



For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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