, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday March 18, 2009 Adele Mann

Gary's Blog Map

Mar 18, 2009

Wednesday March 18, 2009 Adele Mann

Theme: Natural Elevations


29A: Candy bar, formally: PETER PAUL MOUNDS

47A: Pennsylvania destination: POCONO MOUNTAINS


Refreshing to see "Wales" as a clue today. Our editor likes to clue WALE as "Corduroy ridge". It's the only gimme theme answer to me. Does the apostrophe bother you?

I've never heard of PETER PAUL MOUNDS. Thought the candy bar might be called Peter, Paul & Mary or something. It seems that both AS OLD AS THE HILLS and "As old as Methuselah" are from the Bible.

I really like the theme entries today. Very consistent. All of them are at the end of the phrases and all in plural forms.

Some of the fills strike me as very obscure. The intersection of CLUJ & JEHU was utterly impossible for me.


1A: Strasbourg's region: ALSACE. Between France & Germany. ALSACE -Lorraine was annexed by Germany in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War and returned to France by the Treaty of Versailles (1919).

7A: City in Transylvania: CLUJ. Only till 1974. It's now called CLUJ-Napoca, the third largest city in Romania. Aburdly hard!

11A: Govt. med. grp.: HRA. Health Reimbursement Account/Arrangement. Was this a gimme to you? I really have problem remembering this program.

16A: Greek Aurora: EOS. Goddess of dawn. Sister of Helios (God of sun). Jimmy in S Carolina posted a great poem named "Rosaline" on the blog Comments section last night. Some of the lines are very sensual: "... Her cheeks are like the blushing cloud /That beautifies Aurora's face... Her paps are centres of delight /Her breasts are ORBS of heavenly frame...". Beautiful poem.

25A: Chapel Hill inst.: UNC. Mia Hamm's alma mater. The Tar Heels.

28A: Hubbubs: DINS. Instinctively wrote down ADOS.

34A: Defoe character: CRUSOE. Interesting, Wikipedia says "Robinson CRUSOE" is sometimes regarded as the first novel in English. It's published in 1719.

37A: Star Wars letters: SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative). Reagan's program. Have you read anything by Patti Davis? I kind of like her style. Simple & elegant.

39A: Old Turkish title: AGA

43A: Saxophonist Mulligan: GERRY. No idea. Was he the guy who spoke?

54A: Waiting to bat: ON DECK. I mis-read the clue as "Waiting to bait".

66A: Serpent tail?: INE. Serpentine. "Hero tail?" too. The new editor might use the IN E approach.

67A: Paddock papa: SIRE. Don't google, tell me who SIRED War Admiral?

68A: Turkish inn: IMARET. Sigh. How can I remember this word. MARE between IT?

71A: Diarist Pepys: SAMUEL. Often see PEPYS clued as "Diarist Samuel". Anyway, Pepys is pronounced the same as "peeps". He recorded the 1666 London fire in his diary. 1666 is often called Annus Mirabilis (Year of Miracles). I really hope the stock market has reached its bottom and this year will not become an Annus Horribilis for us.


2D: "__ Girs": LES. See this poster. Got it this time.

4D: Dahl and Francis: ARLENES

5D: USN rank: CMDR. Who does CMDR report to and who reports to him?

7D: Component of some TV: CRT

9D: Shoshones: UTES. They live in Utah and W Colorado. The University of Utah's sports team is called Utah UTES. What are those white stuff on the left of letter U? Feathers? This picture is clearer.

10D: King of Israel (842-815 B.C.): JEHU. No idea, the year range means nothing to me. What was he famous for? Wikipedia says "The speed of Jehu" was once a common idiom in America. Very fast? Very slow? Just right?

11D: Kept back: HELD IN

12D: Dancer Petit: ROLAND. Nope. Don't know this French guy. His lips are so thin, must be a glib talker.

18D: Predatory shorebird: SKUA. Always thought SKUAS live in Arctic. Turns out you can find them in Antarctic too.

19D: Kashmir river: INDUS. Unknown to me. See this map. The River is on the east side of Kashmir. It originated in Tibet, China and flows into the Arabian Sea.

22D: Pet protection grp.: SPCA

26D: Crux: NUB. NUB, nib & neb often confuse me.

27D: Book of "The Alexandria Quartet": CLEA. Gimme for Ink I am sure. She's been reading this Quartet. My answer was COMA.

30D: Al of the '50s Indians: ROSEN. Ah, gimme. Another great old time Jewish baseball player is Dodgers' Sandy Koufax, who refused to pitch for Game 1 of the 1965 World Series (against the Twins) because it fell on Yom Kippur.

31D: Pitcher Martinez: PEDRO. Another gimme. He has won Cy Young. He sucked every time I watched him pitch. Don't know which team he wants to go this year. Indians?

32D: Actress Follows: MEGAN. Got her name from across fills. Have never never heard of this Canadian actress. Interesting "Follows". Is there anyone surnamed Leads?

33D: Pictures of illusions: OP ART. Thought of MIRAGES.

40D: 20% of CCLXV: LIII. Roman 53.

41D: Ms. Rowlands: GENA. I forgot. Which movie is she famous for again?

43D: Hooked by a horn: GORED. Ouch! I really like Borked. If GORED became a real word, what would be your definition?

44D: Mirror image?: YOU. Depends on who is looking at the mirror at the moment.

46D: Layered pavement: MACADAM. This is another word I keep remembering then keep forgetting. It's named after the Scottish engineer John Loudon McAdam who invented this crused stone pavement method. Wonder why they added an extra letter A. Easy to prounounce?

47D: Oracle of Delphi region: PHOCIS. First encounter with this region. Here is the map. It's on the upper right corner. Wikipedia mentions that this region is mainly pastroral, neither rich in material resources nor well placed for commercial enterprise. No large cities grew up within its territory, and its chief places were mainly of strategic importance.

48D: Wife of Paris: OENONE. I could only think of Helen. OENONE is an Oread (mountain nymph). This lady must drink lots of wine, since OENO is the Greek prefix for wine (Vino in Roman).

55D: Crescent end: CUSP. Not familiar with this astrology definition.

58D: "Topaz" author: URIS. See this bookcover. I just realized this morning that some of Leon URIS books have very scrabbly titles: "Exodus", "The Haj" and "QB VIII".

63D: Soviet mil. intelligence: GRU (Glavnoe Razvedyvatel'noe Upravlenie, Russian for (Chief Intelligence Directorate). It appeared in our puzzle before. Wikipedia shows that GRU still exists. And it's Russia's largest intelligence agency. So the clue is not accurate.



  1. Good morning, C.C. & gang - well, do you think Ms. Mann missed any names? Jeez, this was like filling in a phone book. I never would've gotten through this one without serious perp help. The 'book of "The Alexandria Quartet"'??? 'Wife of Paris' and 'Oracle of Delphi' next to each other? And 'City in Transylvania' crossing 'King of Israel(842-815BC) was just sadistic. At least the 'Pocono Mountains' was a gimme; they're a couple hours from here, and where I first learned to ski.
    I also have no idea how I knew 'Peter Paul Mounds', but as soon as it started to fill, I remembered. Weird, the things that stay in random memory. Like the time in Tijuana....oh wait, wrong forum.
    Today is both Goddess of Fertility Day and Supreme Sacrifice Day -- possibly one could lead to the other?

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "The story of love is not important - what is important is that one is capable of love. It's perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity." -- Helen Hayes

    And next in a random string of Fun Facts (at least until someone finds the same source and prints them out all at once, lol):

    - During eight years of Seinfeld, Cosmo Kramer went through Jerry Seinfeld's aprtment door 284 times.

    - Tom Cruise had attended fifteen schools by the time he was fourteen.

    - In all three 'Godfather' films, when you see oranges, there is a death (or very close call) coming up soon.

  2. Dennis,
    See, different puzzle hits different sweet spot on different solver. That's what makes solving crosswords fascinating. CLEA is a sure gimme for INK. I love "The Godfather" series. But I don't remember the dangerous orange signs. Why orange? Orange symbolizes wealth and good fortune in China.

    I forgot, why do you wear orange on St. Patrick's Day?

  3. Irish Jim,
    Karen Stupples' 2004 British Open win is probably one of the most memorable in LPGA history. Spectacular final round. Eagle & double eagle on the first two holes. But she has not cultivated a fame in the US yet. At least, not as well-known as LAURA DAVIES.

    Be patient. It might take us a couple of months to get used to Rich Norris' cluing style.

    Is the size of your puzzle grid getting smaller? Bigger?

  4. Early morning to all

    I have noticed about myself as I continue with doing x-words that I become very good at guessing the right letter. I don't retain (besides water) the name or place or thing but retain the letters??? Does that make sense?? Putting in the right letters allows me to get some other answers and again i guess right and I get more answers. Some days my guessing is not all that great but today it was. Okay moving on...

  5. C.C., no idea on the significance of the oranges; I'm sure the answer's out there, but I've gotta get to the gym.

  6. Kristen,
    It takes skill to make knowledgeable guesses. You are getting better.

    Crockett & Tobylee,
    As I told Embien yesterday, I suspect your puzzle is TMS Daily Commuter. They don't normally publish the constructor's name.

    David Toms is a good theme candidate, so is David Duval.

    Outstanding Irish name list yesterday.

  7. CC - Thanks!
    The way I remember Turkish Inn is -
    IMARET = I'm a ret...iring in a turkish Inn :)
    I have tons of these stupid little association games I play with my mind. I hope my mind continues to play with me as I get older. That's wide open.....

  8. Good morning CC and all,...WOW did this one kick my a**!! I haven't Googled this much in a very long time. I agree with Dennis about the endless crossings of obscure clues.

    I really don't have any more comments on this sadistic puzzle.

    Off to the links today.

    I hope you all have a great Wednesday.

  9. Good Morning:

    Perhaps our puzzle constructors will take the Irish names and create a puzzle for next St. P's.

    The wearing of Orange by Irish Protestants was a source of tension around my home town, which was predominantly Catholic.

    This was very a difficult one, with certain guesses like JEHU and CLUJ, being just luck. The Peter Paul Mounds was a blast from the past, as they were advertised that way for years. "Some people feel like a nut, some people don't." The company was in my home state of Connecticut. INDUS and SKUAS, wow. Well, I will be back after lunch and the LAT.

  10. I got most of this puzzle... but probably like most did not know CLUJ, HRA (WHA!!??),PHOCIS, OENONE... bummer

  11. Morning, all!

    Well, this one utterly defeated me. All the obscure names really beat me down until I got to the point where I just didn't care anymore. Usually I'll at least make a wild guess where two unknown words intersect, but today I didn't even bother (except for the crossing of ROSEN and GERRY, where "E" was the only reasonable letter).

    As a result, I was left with CLU_/_EHU, H_U/_OLAND, and UN_/_LEA. I thought of guessing ROLAND for 12D, but that would've left me with HRA for 11A, and that couldn't possibly be right...

    The SW corner was the absolute worst part today, due in part to the fact that I put TEE instead of INE for 66A [it's the last letter of "Serpent" and is therefore the "tail," right?], and was left with PHOCT_ and OENOE_ crossing __S. I had a feeling that 69A might be SES (I just have so much trouble remembering French pronouns), but just couldn't accept that 47D and 48D could possibly be PHOCTS and OENOEE. The actual answers (PHOCIS and OENONE) weren't any better and didn't clue me that my answer for 66A might be wrong.

    The only other unknowns, which I was able to get via the perps, were MEGAN and GRU. Oh -- and 65D threw me for quite awhile until I finally realized we weren't talking about Catholic officials here.

    On the bright side, I did know ALSACE, PETER PAUL MOUNDS, STEN, EOS, SKUA, SDI, AGA, IMARET, SAMUEL, ARA, ESAI, ETUI, MACADAM and (eventually) ARLENE. That last one took me awhile because I kept thinking of the the clue from Monday's puzzle for DAHLS ("Arlene and Roald"). So when I saw this clue ("Dahl and Francis") my brain just sputtered for a bit as I tried to recall if there was a Roald Francis and wondered why ROALD wouldn't fit in the grid...

  12. C.C. and all.... so I looked up on Useful Trivia about the oranges... here is what it said:

    "In The Godfather, when Don Corleone dies of a heart attack in the tomato garden, he has an orange in his mouth. The scene was actually improvised because the child actor playing Corleone's grandson was having difficulty performing -- he only reacted once Brando starting playing with the orange. However, the presence of the orange was no accident -- oranges in all three Godfather movies suggest that a death may soon occur. For instance, Vito is shopping for oranges just prior to the assassination attempt on his life, Sonny drives past a billboard promoting Florida Oranges just before he is gunned down at the turnpike tollbooth, and Michael dies with an orange in his hand."

    I loved this series but never paid attention to any of the orange symbolism.

  13. Good morning all,

    This one kicked the back and front sides! I got two of the themes (corduroy and as old as) and that was about it. Rather than leaving this one laying around to start the wood stove, I shredded it!!

    Jack and Jill went up the hill
    Each with a dollar and a quarter
    When they came down
    Jill had Two Fifty.........
    I don't think they were after water!

    Have a good one!!

  14. Obscurity to the enth degree.
    Just think, Monday we get to complain about a whole different animal!! whoo-hoo!!!
    CY'All Later
    I've actually gotta go work this AM.

  15. Good morning all -

    Barry G - I also got to the point where I didn't I went to the LAT instead! At least it doesn't have 14 or 15 proper names. But I don't know why you forgot "ses" since we have had it so many times in the last few weeks.

    Monday's LAT was a worthless use of time, didn't have time for Tuesday, today was just okay, maybe tomorrow will be better. Pollyanna?

    High 70s today....perfect! I'm really sorry for those still shoveling snow, ha ha (from a former northerner).

  16. Why does my post always have a garbage can at the end of the post? Is it THAT bad?

  17. Good evening from India,
    As usual was stuck with all those names but managed to complete the CW with some help.
    Regarding the Cmdr, (Commander - we abbreviate it as Cdr here) he reports to a Capt (Captain) and a Lt Cmdr (Lieutenant Commander) reports to a Cmdr, thats how it is in the Indian Navy must be the same in the USN.
    Some info about the Indus, it initially flows towards the North through Leh which is part of Kashmir and then turns eastwards to flow into Pakistan takes a turn there southwards and flows through the length of Pakistan into the Arabian Sea. India and Pakistan have a treaty called the Indus River Water Treaty regarding sharing of river waters, as all the major rivers of Pakistan originate in the higher reaches of the Himalayas in India and then flow down into Pakistan after crossing India

  18. Wow...this puzzle was very difficult for me. I was glad to get to the blog and see some of the
    comments and find out I was not alone. I think the only answer I did know was that Man O War was the sire of War Admiral. It reminded me that it is only 6 weeks until our annual trip to the Kentucky Derby!Suddenly I feel better!

  19. But I don't know why you forgot "ses" since we have had it so many times in the last few weeks.

    Well, as I said, I thought it might be SES, except that really didn't work with the other letters that I mistakenly thought were correct. Plus, I've just got this mental block when it comes to all things French...

    Why does my post always have a garbage can at the end of the post? Is it THAT bad?

    That's so you can delete it if you want. Everybody can see a garbage can next to their own posts.

  20. Barry G - thanks, your answer to my garbage can made me feel better!

  21. Harumph! This puzzle infuriated me. I think we've complained too much about the easy ones. I counted 23 clues I marked for googling as I went through, so I decided to come here instead of wasting the time on names and facts that will never be of real use to me. The whole thing was a WTF "moment" to me.

    BTW, shouldn't 29A be formerly, not formally? If it's an old name that would be correct, if it's a full form of something known by an abbreviation it could be formal, but I have never heard of either.

    Les Girls made me smile. In Sydney, there's a very racy area known as Kings Cross, where a nightclub called "Les Girls" has, (or used to anyway,) a revue performed by transvestites.

    Re the orange and green in Ireland: Green symbolizes the Catholics and their Irish saint, Patrick, and orange is worn by Protestants on July 12, Orangeman's day. The English, in their efforts to take over all of Ireland, were trying to enforce their church of England on them. In the song (which one I forget), they sing "and they're hangin' men and women for the wearing of the green". Hence the antipathy between the two groups. The English have never been kind to their conquests.

  22. C.C.
    I also wear orange on St. Patrick's Day. My Irish anccestors were from the north of Ireland and were Protestant. Based on some earler act by a king of England the Orange Order came to be the representative of Prostestant Irish. St. Patrick is honored by both Protestants and Roman Catholics.

    To gore is a real word. The bull gored the man = the bull rammed his horn into the man.

  23. CC: What time do you get up to do all you do by 5:43 AM? This puzzle hit a "sour" spot with me!

    Kazie: Perhaps "candy bar, formally" refers to the proper name of a particular candy bar.

    As to "military intelligence"...I`ve heard countless military members say these words are to weigh in?

    kristen: I love "memory helpers" "Kindly plant corn on father`s grave, son" is a good way to remember the divisions of the plant and animal kingdom. Until they demoted "Pluto", "My very excellent mother just served us nine pizzas" would help my students remember the planet names in order. Probable letter combos, ie: "able" "tion" ect. are great helps in solving to me.

    Lemonade 714; Wasn`t it "Sometimes you feel like nut, sometimes you don`t. Almond joy`s got nuts, Mounds don`t" mind retains useless trivia but not Roman numerals! As in "I`m a Carnation cow..." (no cracks, please...)

  24. I was GORED at the super market yesterday. = Everyone was talking so much about political change that it froze my brain.

  25. Good morning CC et al., Well, don't feel like dancin' the 'hula' around this bleeder of a puzzle. Laughed at Dennis feeling like he was filling out a phone book. I was feeling like a census taker. It was nice to see the reference to age as old as the hills, instead of dirt for once. And of course there is Peter and the Poc-o-no Mtns...peaks my interest! Cordory isn't the only place to find ridges, and intend to play w/the mounds tonight. All hands 'on deck'!!

    Dennis: hope your eye has improved even more today.

    Enjoy your day.

  26. Gored - To be duped by a former United States Vice-President...

    Razz ;~p

  27. About my "military intelligence"' comment: Lest someone be off-ended: I meant no disrespect to our fine servicemen and women. I owe you my life and life-style and I`m grateful...the people who have said that to me were referring to some of the policies practiced by the countless miles of red-tape keepers. Mea culpa.

  28. I think the Mounds bar clue should read "formerly" as Peter Paul made them starting in the '20s, and they are now made by Hershey. Either way, they're yummy!
    Gored was a gimme, as my great uncle was fatally gored by a bull on his farm in MN.
    Megan Follows was Anne in "Anne of Green Gables" which is shown on public TV occasionally. A lovely production.

  29. The Peter Paul Company made the Mounds, Almond Joy and York Peppermint Patty.

    Their famous tag line for Mounds and Almond Joy was: "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't!"

  30. Hi C.C.Al Rosen hit two home runs in an All Star Game with a broken finger and thats what I remember him batting with his taped up finger sticking up in the air. Sometimes all you have to do is meet the ball.

  31. I agree with Barry - I thought Cardinal was a catholic reference, but got the answer from the fills anyway. My husband knew GERRY Mulligan and I googled ROLAND Petit, which helped. Never heard of HRA, didn't remember EOS. Don't want to talk about CLUJ/JEHU - it was just mean, rude, obnoxious, . . . . . . And I always forget it is ERIK rather than ERIC for Estrada and didn't know SKUA, so that didn't help.

    As the Col mentioned - CMDR is not the abbreviation for commander. It is CDR. Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) is next junior. Below that Lieutenant, Lieutenant Junior Grade and Ensign. (I knew a guy whose last name was Commander. When he was in the Navy and would answer his phone "Lieutenant Commander" there was always a pause while the caller waited to hear a last name. He got lots of hang ups and call backs.)

    GORED - when you almost have possession of something and someone snatches it away. "I was about to pick this great dress off the sales rack, but I was gored."

    I learned to ski in the Poconos, too. I hated it because I didn't like the cold. Then I moved to California where people ski in shorts and it just seemed too weird to ski where it was so warm. Finally decided I just didn't like skiing.

  32. Good morning, C.C. and all.

    This puzzle started off so well, that I was bummed out when I got to PHOCIS and OENONE. I'm sure this was easier to solve on-line. Had I done it on paper, I'd have erased my way through the paper in no time.

    As to your question about Gerry Mulligan, yes, he was the person who spoke at the start of the clip. He plays bari sax, fantastically, may I say? Thank you for posting that link. I'd never heard it, and it's just as fresh today as it was fifty years ago, an incredible arrangement.

    As an aside....I was struck by how long his fingers are. He's a tall man, but his fingers are unusually long.

    Happy Day After St. Pat's to you all.

  33. "Military Intelligence" is a classic oxymoron. Here is a list of a bunch more. My favorite - "Microsoft Works".

  34. Elissa,
    Your commander story reminds me of Major Major Major in Catch 22. That book would tie into Linda's question on the oxymoron of military intelligence too.

    My maternal grandfather was also ultimately killed by being gored by a wild boor. He lost the feeling in the gored leg, and years later was unaware of an infection in that foot, which went too far before being discovered and it killed him. He died on my mother's 14th birthday.

  35. Since I obviously can`t spell Latin any better than "Inglish", I`ll try Espanol: A todo me amigos militar, lo siento. (Mae Culpa)

  36. My maternal grandfather was also ultimately killed by being gored by a wild boor.

    OK, normally I don't correct other people's spelling mistakes, but this one just made me laugh. Well, not the part about your grandfather being killed, of course. But did you by any chance mean that he was killed by a boar instead of a boor? If not, I'd love to hear the story behind that one... ^_^

  37. Linda, certainly no need to apologize; as Elissa alluded to, any of us who had been in the military know the irony of that juxtaposition. And you did have Mea Culpa right the first time.

    Elissa, loved the Lieutenant Commander story, and like Kaz, it reminded me immediately of Catch 22.

    Southern Belle, your 'garbage can' post made me laugh out loud; great line.

    Lois, as soon as I saw 'mounds', I knew you'd be off and running.

    Anybody seen Argyle? I miss his observations.

  38. Good Morning All, This puzzle was Anyway I looked at it, I was totally conflicted. I thought easy, when I saw 1D through 6D. They were all often seen answers. Then I had to leave the the cross of so obscure CLUJ and JEHU blank until I came here. More "ho-hums" with STEN, TERM, ETUI, AGA, LGE, AUG and CIAO. Things picked up in the bottom third. I had to come here to verify PHOCIS and OENONE. I thought POCONO was right, but wasn't 100% sure..

    I liked all the theme answers. It must be difficult for a constructor to come up with consistent 15 letter fills.

    BTW, the online clue for 31D was "Swimmer Morales", not "Pitcher Martinez".

    PETER PAUL Almond Joy was one of my favorite childhood candy bars. Although the sticky coconut filling was the same as MOUNDS, the coating for Almond Joy was milk chocolate. MOUNDS had a dark chocolate coating. I always ate around the almonds and saved them for the last bites.

    Elissa, that dress on the sale rack might have had a gored skirt.

    KittyB, How nice to see you again.

    GERRY Mulligan does have long fingers...and thumbs.

  39. Hi! I totally LOVE this blog. I thought I was the only crossword nut. Now I know I'm not alone. Kristen, I use the same kind of memory technique as you. It served me well in meteorology school. C.C., Gena Rowlands is one of my favorite actresses. She's so graceful and funny. I loved her in Hope Floats and the Notebook.

  40. Linda - Nice way to CYA but I hope this blog does not turn into one having to "watch out, you may offend someone"

    I think we should vote for a Censorer. (New word I just made up) This person (Lois) could read the comment and she ( Lois ) would let us know if and what was "offensive". I vote for Lois. I like her comments and I think she is really funny so I trust her.

    Signed: Wind In Hair ( this was my Indian name given to me )

  41. Good morning, everyone.

    "Sometimes you fell like a nut, sometimes you don't. Peter Paul Almond Joy has nuts, Peter Paul Mounds don't." I wasn't aware that this candy bar was no longer available. CLUJ/JEHU was also impossible. Had to G for ROSEN and ROLAND -- Got MEGAN, EOS, STEN, PHOCIS, OENONE and PEDRO from perps -- guessed the R in GRU/IMARET. So what is the HRA? The E of the ROSEN/GERRY cross was my last entry.

    Health Reimbursement Account/Arrangement is a group? I also made the ADOS error for DINS.

    Is there any link to TMS Daily Commuter?

    @southernbelle The garbage can lets you delete YOUR post if you so desire. We all get them at the end of our posts.

    @kazie I thought it did say formerly, LOL! I guess if you use the wntire name, you're being formal, If you say "Mounds," then I guess you're being informal.

    Have a great Wednesday!

  42. C.C. GENA Rowlands was a beauty in her early career. Rather than persue becoming a big star, she opted to join her husband, John Cassavetes, in making some of the first independent films.

    She was nominated for an Academy Award for A Woman Under The Influence and for (my favorite) Gloria, in which she played an aging mob moll who protects a little boy from her former associates. Both movies were directed by her husband.

    Now, at 78 years old, she is considered to be handsome. (LOL, I hate when that happens!)

  43. In the United States Navy, the United States Coast Guard, the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps, commander (CDR) is a senior officer rank, with the pay grade of O-5. Commander ranks above lieutenant commander and below captain. Commander is equivalent to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the other uniformed services.

  44. CC,

    In the Godfather movies Don Vito (Marlon Brando) was shot while buying oranges, in part II he was playing with his grandson and while eating an orange he died of natural causes.

  45. Clear Ayes have you seen the remake of Gloria with Sharon Stone?

  46. Good morning C.C.(or it was until this puzzle)and all,
    The SW corner killed me. For 60A, I kept thinking of the country Wales, so the only words I had filled in were 51A and 54A and it was no help.

    Dennis, I agree this was a mess...I got a lot of it via Google.

    Clear ayes, glad you also noticed that 31D was 'swimmer Morales', I thought I had lost it for sure. I knew it couldn't be Pablo, but couldn't remember SDI so was stumped.

    Crockett, both Almond Joy and Mounds are available everywhere. Thank goodness, huh? (if you eat candy, that is)

  47. C.C.: I wear orange on St. Pat's Day because St. Patrick's Day celebrates Irish Catholics. My birthday is July 12, which is Orangemen's Day for the protestant Irish. I am a protestant. (My mother's b'day was March 17, so we were very amused at the juxtaposition, in that we are not of Irish extraction.) But I think people should be aware of the protestant day. I've always wanted to paint an orange stripe down some street.

  48. Kristen: CYA brings up an old saying: "All cloth and a yard wide."

    How many is that for me today?

  49. OK, here's the real deal...........

    Sometimes you feel like a nut
    Sometimes you don't
    Peter Paul Almond Joy's got nuts
    Mounds don't!

    Almond Joy

  50. Kristen,
    Very clever IMARET. I wonder how many of our comments would be deleted if Lois were the censor-er. Can't wait for her guest-blogging. She said she would do one this summer (Right, Lois?)

    Barry G,
    Worms for SES.

    Frey & Anonymous 11:28am,
    Interesting, I completely forgot the buying orange shot and orange-in-hand scene for Don Corleone. Do remember the fruit stand and the tomato patch.

  51. Linda,
    My paper arrives at 3:30am. "Sour spot" for you? "Salty spot" for me. "Bitter spot" for Kazie probably. I still don't understand why "Military intelligence"/"Free love" are oxymorons. Is that you on the photo?

    Still have difficulty making a link at the Comments section?

    Re: GORED. Duped how? Global warming? Very happy to see you again.

    You were missed. Melissa has been asking about you.

  52. Anonymous @9:33am,
    Re: "Sometimes all you have to do is meet the ball". YES! And swing hard in case you hit it?

    Thanks for the "Lieutenant Commander" fun. Loved your GORED definition. You have a very creative and resourceful mind.

    Clear Ayes,
    Exactly! It's not easy to come up with four 15-letter theme answers all in plural forms. PEDRO Morales would have stumped me. I still can't get used to the idea of an older woman being described as "handsome".

  53. Dennis,
    Argyle's computer is sick. How is the space shuttle Discovery today? Can you see it clearer? What are the crew busy with?

    DJ Girl,
    Welcome! What's the name of your newspaper?

    No, TMS Commuter is not available on-line. But it's also edited by Wayne R. Williams and is supposed to be easier than TMS Daily. Starting on March 23, there will be a new editor called Jackie Mathews.

  54. CC: Since I`m answering a question...this one is a "freebee", correct?

    The picture is of me taken the year Mrs. Narem never did convince me that I was not co-teacher of our Southward Elem. School, kindergarten class in Clearwater, FL. It took moving to other states before I realized how good Florida`s educational system used to and public kindergarten way back then!

  55. CC: An oxymoron is when the two words used together are exactly the "military intelligence". (It`s an opinion thing...) I don`t understand "free love" being an oxymoron, either...I can see it being an incorrect statement/assumption.

  56. CC: at the risk of completely embarassing myself more than I ever have in my whole huge long life, yes, I'll guest blog...since we're among friends who are kind, tolerant, understanding, patient, and willing to help. My paper is delivered btw 5:30 and 6:00 and since I leave for work around 5:45I sometimes have to go buy another one on the way in if it's a day I'll have time to play. So, given those circumstances, unless I can get the puzzle earlier, it'll be a later posting than you do. It's all good.

    Ding dong the bell has rung! Time for dessert...mounds here I come!

  57. Perhaps "free love" is like a "free lunch" - it is never really free - you always pay one way or another.

    C.C. - you say the kindest things, I'm blushing.

  58. Barry G,
    Sorry about boor--was considering boer but didn't think of boar, though I knew boor looked wrong. Too much rush. Good catch!

    In our paper, the Wisconsin State Journal, it does say formally. Did you just mean you misread it? I got the idea that it must have been a former name from the comments here. I guess I wasn't here when it was known by the full name, since I'd never heard it before.

  59. Wind in hair: love that name since I relate real well on a pretty day going topless in my car (convertible). Thanks for the vote of confidence and the compliment. I think putting me as a censor-er of anything would be like asking the fox to guard the chicken coop...heaven knows I do love a good 'rooster'...esp first thing in the morning with his "cock-a-doodle-do". It's all good.

  60. C.C. I was relieved to receive an e-mail just now from my Mail Administrator saying a message I sent you four days ago was never received. I was asking you how to post a profile on the blog.

    When no answer was forthcoming, I began to assume all sorts of silly reasons why.... I was not welcome, etc. My apologies for attributing wrong actions to you.

    BTW, the message was sent to your gmail address.

    That said, how do I post a profile?


  61. Lois - SEE YOU ARE PERFECT FOR IT. You could be our Judge Judy. She's a fox too.

    OHHHH.... the stories I could tell about being topless in a Corvette convertible. hmmmm ....those were the days my friend.

  62. C.C. - I think my “Gored” definition is best described by this link Al Gore - isms

  63. 12:05 today. Several guesses: CLUJ/JEHU (at the 'J'), HRA/ROLAND (at the 'R'). Still don't get how Health Reimbursement Account is a "grp." Not a group in my book, no more than IRA is a "group".

    This puzzle, with all the obscure names/fill, definitely looked like it was constructed by a computer. No real constructor is going to cross CLUJ and JEHU at the 'J'.

    If the TMS Commuter puzzle is what we're getting this week in The Oregonian newspaper trial run, they can keep it. The puzzles are not very well done, IMHO.

  64. When I got totally stuck, I thought about looking up a lot of things on Google but came to this website instead for easier answers. Never would have come up with HRA or STL (if it hadn't filled in). Also thought the clue referred to Catholic cardinals and I knew I didn't know the answer. This was a tough one. I don't know sports and I have no memory for names of actors so puzzles with so many names are hard for me.

  65. @tarmstro To post a profile, click on "Dashboard" on the top blue line, and you should have profile options on the far left. Follow the bouncing ball and you'll be in like Flynn.

    @kazie I just misread it.

    @embien Yes, they're a bit lame, aren't they?

  66. Razzberry said...@ 3:19 PM

    C.C. - I think my “Gored” definition is best described by this link Al Gore - isms

    According to Snopes, These same quotes have been attributed to Dan Quayle, George W. Bush and John Kerry.

  67. @ Kristen I will take you for a ride in my Corvette convertible any time you want to go, especially after your 3:03 post.

  68. Lois, LOL - why am I not surprised that you would be topless in a convertible and with a cock-a-doodle in your back seat! Don't forget about your friend Jack Daniels under your front seat.
    I hope you do blog one this summer (a puzzle, that is) just not the time we are in LV.

    Embien and Crockett, I agree, the 2nd week of puzzles has not been good so far.

    If Lois was to be our censor(ette), we could all be in hot water, I can just imagine what she would censor ;)...LOL

  69. Uh....speaking of oxymorons -- Lois/censor??? Carol, when are you two going to Vegas? We need to alert people.

    Argyle, good to see you back; all fixed? The computer, that is.

    Kristen, I'm all ears.

    Anybody else do today's LAT puzzle? Thoughts?

  70. Dick-
    in my younger days and the younger days of my girls.... who seem to be racing to my waistline to see who can get there first...we would have jumped right in....Hmmm ... sounds tempting though..

    In the words of Lois
    It's all good

  71. Hi C C and all.
    Impossible to finish correctly for me today. Had clun and Nehu for 7a
    10D. They sounded good to me. Others were wild guesses such as oenone which i never heard of.

    CC Remembered Angela Stanford winning Brit Open but forgot about her great start. I remember she had all her family on hand when she won. Have seen Laura Davies in person and while very nice she is Big.

    Kazie thanks for the History lesson was humming about the "wearing of the green" trying to jog my old memory.

    Protestant King Willam of Orange defeated Catholic King James in the battle of the Boyne in 1690. This is celebrated by Protestants in No. Ireland every year on Jul 12th. The Irish Tricolor is supposed to symbolise the two sides Catholic and Protestand with white in between for peace.

    Jimmy, S. Carolina

  72. C.C.: One of my favorite obvious oxymorons is jumbo shrimp.

  73. Thanks, Argyle. is always the first place I check when I get an email claiming that "so-and-so" said this or did that. Usually, you find out that it isn't true.

    So don't forward emails saying Mrs. Obama is a secret porn star, or to have Bill Gates send you $1,000, or to sign a petition to deport all the Swedes without checking on, or a similar de-bunking site, to find out if it is legitimate.

    Jimmy S., It does seem a shame that people still celebrate an almost 400 year old battle because of their religious beliefs.

  74. Dennis, I've been working the LAT as noted in my 7:44 a.m. post. Monday was too easy, I didn't have time to look at Tuesday, and today the pen had to hesitate several times. Maybe Thursday will be better....get those little gray cells working!

  75. Dennis, have no fear, we will give you ample warning. You are correct, Lois and censor do not seem to go together! It would be a free-for-all for sure.

    Do still want to take your eyeball out and roll it around in a scotch on the rocks?

  76. Clear Ayes.

    Absolutely agree.
    There probably has been more persecution of people in the name of religion than anything else.

    Have used Snopes many times especially for E Mails you are requested to forward to every one you know about some perceived new laws or major changes in Social security for example.

    Jimmy, S Carolina

  77. Well, I have been doing the TMS and the TMS Commuter this week. (Thanks for the heads up on the source of this weeks puzzle) I can't believe how easy the Commuter puzzle is. It took me such a short time, it must be for a quick commute. I love the quote from Helen Hayes. She was such a beautiful woman inside and out. Wasn't her son James MacArthur from "Hawaii 5O"?

  78. Thanks, Clear Ayes and C.C., for the welcome back. I may have a little more time in the future to do the crossword, and it will be pleasant to rejoin the group.

    Did I read that the TMS is no longer going to publish the crossword on line? If I got it right, will you all be shifting over to the LA Times?

    Lois, you have my vote for both censor-er and for a guest blogger! I'll be a hoot, and a fun day.

    And, I also vote for Mounds....gotta love the dark chocolate paired with the coconut.

  79. Crocket1947-

    Thanks for your help.

    T. Frank

  80. Dennis,

    I printed out and worked on the LA puzzle. Took me almost all day (off and on) but finally finished with a little help. Last fill was 45d. What was it referring to -----language?
    or shoes?

    I can relate to the Tom Cruise schooling experience since by the age of fourteen I had attended more than 60 schools. That's the way it was in the 30's when my dad operated a "Traveling Tent Show". Don't think the school systems would permit that sort of thing in this day and time. My term in each town was usually less than a week.

  81. Dennis @ 4.38

    Just finished L A T Puzzle.
    I found it very doable. No obscure places or people. No Jai Alai or similar overused clues.No made up words such as iller for more sick.
    I enjoyed it and look forward to next week.

    Jimmy S. Carolina

  82. Well, I had three incorrect squares again today, but I am thankful that was all. Really, I think there should be a sort of crossword law that prohibits inane, esoteric crosses like CLUJ and JEHU, HRA and ROLAND, and ROSEN, PEDRO crossing with GERRY Mulligan! Then there was the Greek corner with PHOCIS and OENONE side by side. I have visited Delphi twice and read a lot of Greek mythology and epics and do not recognize either of these. Oh, and there is the cross of IMARET and GRU, both unknowns. Bleh!

    @cc…A thought about remembering IMARET is somehow to associate it with “minaret”.

    @Kazie…I finally received the CD I ordered from Oz today by the Aboriginal singer Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu. It is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! All of the songs are beautiful, but here is one I especially like!

    @Barry G…many laughs from your corner today. Thanks as always!

  83. Yes CC

    I've tried but I am not able to do it.

  84. Southern Belle, you do know the LAT puzzles get more difficult as the week progresses?

    Carol, the eye is still a bit swollen, but the steroid drops are pretty amazing in how quickly they work. Thanks for asking.

    KittyB, good to see you back. Yes, we'll be switching to the LATimes puzzle very soon.

    Jimbo, 60 schools by 14? Good Lord, that's amazing.

    RedSmitty, if you like, email me and I can show you an easy way to do the links.

  85. Doesit,
    Thanks for the Gurrumul sample. It's haunting, isn't it? Which CD is it, and how did you know what to order? I would like to get one too.

    Irish Jim,
    Glad you liked it.

  86. Megan Follows played Anne in Anne of Green Gables back in the 80's. I'm not sure what else she's been in.

  87. @Kazie...The CD is titled Gurrumul and is available THROUGH Amazon. The Amazon copy is TOO expensive, so click on "22 new from $15.66". The second one down is an Australian company. The shipping is $2.98, but because it is coming from Oz, it takes a week or so for it to arrive. Otherwise order from any of the other vendors listed. I initially heard about this singer on NPR and searched around for his CD. It took quite some time for the price to come down - I was unwilling to pay $50 for it - but finally it did!

  88. Doesit,
    Thanks. I guess Amazon now has a similar price with the same shipping cost, shipping from the UK in about a week. So I might try that. Thanks so much for thinking of me!

  89. Always Dark defintely MOUNDS.

  90. redsmitty, Sorry I didn't answer you earlier. No, I haven't seen Gloria with Sharon Stone. Have you seen it? Is it worth a Netflix?

  91. C.C. The grid size has remeained the same - so far. The comics are smaller & the horoscope now appears at the bottom of that page rather than on the "Take Five" page.

    RE: Jehu In II Kings 9:20 the city watchman reported to king Joram of Israel,that a company of men was approaching and "the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi, for he drives furiously." The Message version says, "He drives crazily." When Joram rode out to meet him, Jehu shot him & took over as king. So driving like Jehu would be fast and possibly recklessly.

  92. Hi Karen Q-

    We live in Vancouver WA and my mother and step father live in Madison WI. So I will fly the kids out and every so often I will go along but it really is a time for the grandparents to spoil the grandkids (in which de-programming them when they get home has been getting harder every year). You sound like you are a golfer family. My step father was the Founder of Bishop's Bay Country Club in Madison WI and my brother-in-law and and sister own Dodge Point Country Club in Dodgeville WI. You would think I would know how to golf? I really do not like it AT ALL. Yes it is VERY beautiful at Ruttger's.

    CC- When we visit Bay Lake (which is outside Brainard) we always fly into Minnesota and get to stay at the Totem Pole Hotel and go to MALL OF AMERICA and have fun....weeeeee you betcha ...slang MN talk :)

  93. The Canadian actress Megan Follows starred in the Anne of Green Gables series put out by PBS.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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Please limit your posts to 5 per day and cap each post length at about 20 lines in Preview mode.

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