, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday March 4, 2009 Josiah Breward

Gary's Blog Map

Mar 4, 2009

Wednesday March 4, 2009 Josiah Breward

Theme: Bar Hop

17A: "Frasier" location: CAFE NERVOSA

56A: "Family Guy" location: DRUNKEN CLAM

11D: "Friends" location: CENTRAL PERK

24D: "I Love Lucy" location: BABALOO CLUB

Of the above 4 sitcom locations, CENTRAL PERK was the only gimme to me. "Friends" was a very popular show when I lived in Guangzhou (Canton). I had difficulty adjusting to the English dialogues when I first moved here. Had been so used to their Cantonese conversations.

Easy solving though. Lots of gimme 3-letter words are structured in the grid to help. If the constructor Josiah Breward (aka Willy A Wiseman, alias name of our editor Wayne R. Williams) wanted this puzzle to be more difficult, he would have reclued many entries. Take DCCI (54D) for example. He used the most straightforward number clue 701. "Start of the 8th century" would be very hard, and "First year of John VI's papacy" would be very very hard if not impossible. I really think a puzzle should be made more difficult by tough cluing rather than putting in some obscure or imagined words.

Some extra notes:

Due to the increase of the posters in the past two days, I've decided to lift the 100 comments limit I imposed a few months ago. But the 5 posts/per day/per person rule still applies. I would appreciate your efforts in sticking to that. I am very interested in a detailed first post of your crossword solving experinces, but please keep your post #2 to #5 concise and succinct.

Also, you might have noticed, I've been less involved in Comments section as I once was. I simply don't have the time/access to the computer. If you need an immediate answer to a crossword clue or want a prompt reply to some question, please ask Dennis. He has agreed to help me responding to the inquiries, which means he obviously won't be bound by the 5 post limit.

As I said before, every comment is forwarded into my mail box. So I will still read every one of them in the evening time. And I will address the unanswered questions on the next morning. I won't be able to thank each of you for the great answers you provide to me on the blog or via private mails, but I am truly grateful for your help. Every bit of information/post is valued, including the negative remarks.

I will try my best to make my main blog entry as informative as possible. And I need your active participation to make this crossword corner vibrant and entertaining. Serious crossword discussions are welcome, so are simple poems, sports talk, music links, jokes, movie star gossips, favorite food, etc.

Please join the fray and let's entertain ourselves, esp when the puzzle gets very boring. Let's Nero-fiddle and leave the burning Rome to those ELECTED (53A: Chosen by vote). Let's have some fun.


1A: Humbles: ABASES. Nothing ABASES the pachydematous Rod Blagojevich, who just signed a 6-figure book deal to expose "the dark side of politics". Is that a doctored photo?

25A: Break in the audience: AISLE

26A: __ diem (seize the day): CARPE. The late Twins great Kirby Puckett used to say "Don't take anything for granted, because tomorrow is not promised to any of us." This motto originally came from Horace's poem: CARPE diem quam minimum credula postero (Seize the day and place no trust in tomorrow). "Seize the day tomorrow" is "CARPE diem cras". How to say "Seized yesterday" then?

29A: Letter after zeta: ETA. Greek H. Or "JFK infor" occasionally.

30A: Asta's mistress: NORA. Nice to see Asta as a clue rather than answer. NORA Ephron is a great candidate for NORA clue too. I like her "Sleepless in Seattle". Have to admire Carl Berstein for not revealing the Deep Throat secret to Ephron while they were married.

31A: Facing the pitcher: AT BAT. Always fun for me to see NL pitchers AT BAT. But I kind of like AL's DH too. I wonder who first thought of this DH idea.

40A: Valuable dental items: GOLD TEETH. Any diamond teeth?

42A: At bay in a bay: TREED. I don't get this. Does the second bay refer to bay tree?

46A: Indy-winner Luyendyk: ARIE. Learned his name from doing Xword. He is a two-time Indy 500 winner. Is ARIE Dutch for Ari? It sounds like a nickname to me.

47A: Oar holder: THOLE. What kind of wood is THOLE made of?

65A: Mark of infamy: STIGMA. Good clue. I wanted ANTONY. Mark Antony & Cleopatra. Also thought of the Watergate Deep Throat Mark Felt.


5D: Nine: pref.: ENNEA. I've never used a word with ENNEA as a pref.

6D: Wonder of Motown: STEVIE. Who is the singer at 0:58?

7D: Actor Telly: SAVALAS. All Greek words of male gender end with letter S. That's why we always see S at the end of those Greek male surnames.

8D: Substitute for soap: AMOLE. This word has appeared in our crossword so often that it's become a gimme to me, though I have no idea what exactly is AMOLE.

18D: Put on a revival: RESTAGE. And RERENT (14A: Find a new tenant). There should be a limit on these prefixes.

21D: Feldon of "Get Smart": BARBARA. Pure guess. Have never heard of "Get Smart".

30D: Bk. after Ezra: NEH. Before Esther.

34D: Bit of clowning: SCHTICK. Very nice word, 5 consonants. Vowels are boring!

38D: Napoleon's marshal: NEY. Marshal Michel NEY, "bravest of the brave". He was arrested, tried and executed after the Waterloo.

47D: Two toppers: TREYS. Crockett's "Deuce toppers" is better.

56D: Fly-fishing action: DAP. Not a familiar "action" to me.

58D: USN big shot: ADM. Thought of Obama's Security Adviser James Jones immediately. Forgot he was a Marine general. Both ADM and general are 4-star ranks.

Dennis flitted occasionally to my blog in Feb, 2008. But a year ago today, he started his daily morning comment and I could count the days when he was missing. Thanks for the interesting information & humor you bring to us every day, Dennis. To quote Xchefwalt, "you are the funniest guy I've never met".



  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - a most enjoyable puzzle today, with several unknowns. I really liked the theme; it was fun trying to recall the names of those places, and the one I didn't know, 56A, came easily with perps. I had trouble with 'put on a revival', as I kept thinking of tent revivals. Thought 'at bay in a bay' was very clever.

    Today is Hug a GI Day - always a good idea.
    Today's Words of Wisdom: "My idea of forgiveness is letting go of resentment that does not serve your better interest, ridding yourself of negative thoughts. All they do is make you miserable. Believe me, you can fret and fume all you want, but whoever it was that wronged you is not suffering from your anguish whatsoever." -- Della Reese

    And today's Fun Fact: More than half of the coastline of the entire United States is in Alaska.

  2. Dennis,
    Why is "at bay in a bay" clever? I forgot, does GI include those who serve in the Marines/Air Force/Navy? Certain things are very hard to forgive, like what Japan did to China during Sino-Japanese war.

    Thanks for HOMILY and sermon. So what puzzle do you solve on Sunday now? NY Times' or Frank Longo's (as Crockett mentioned the other day)?

    What? I would not call a naked UNAU picture nice!

    You talk like an American. Do you like Osseo Meat? I want to have those collectibles!

  3. Wow, thanks, C.C. (and xchefwalt) for the kind words, albeit undeserved; means a lot coming from you two.

    We'll all do our best to keep making you proud of this world-wide force you've created.

    Off to the gym.

  4. C.C., no one would think first of a bay tree; you'd think of the body of water.

    Yes, G.I. (government issue) is a term applied to any serviceman/woman.

  5. Tuesday's puzzle was miserable. Many misleading clues. Portico in the dictionary is a covered porch, not a walkway, some of the words she has don't even exist and are just made up. There's no "plant factory."


  6. Hazel, from Portland, Oregon, and while I don't read daily I do pop in every now and then. I work graveyard shift, so my breakfast is typically my dinner and vice versa. I'm really into bagel and fake sausage sandwiches lately.

  7. Embien,
    The fact that you love "Unfaithful" so much really surprises me!

    Hey! What if the baby is a boy? What will you name him? Els? We are really tired of "Golfer Ernie" clue.

    Jimmy in SC, Kazie & Lemonade,
    China does not recognize dual citizenship. So I will have to bear whatever the tax disadvantage I have.

  8. Redsmitty & Democrat,
    I don't always respond to your posts but I do enjoy your links. Thanks.

    Barry G,
    If once day I can echo your solving experience, I will be a good solver.

    I forgot where I read it. But it seems that GI only refers to those who serve in the Army. If "bay" refers to the water, how come the answer is TREED?

  9. OK, maybe GI originally only refers to an Army soldier.

  10. Good morning all:

    I enjoyed the theme, had to use the perps to get the Frazier one, even though I have seen the show, and could picture Frazier, Niles and Roz at the table with their lattes....

    Lots of Latin and Greek today; do not recall ever seeing ENNEA, always have used NONA for 9.

    GET SMART was a big movie last year, remaking the TV series, which was the ultimate parody of the James Bond movies. BARBARA was th anser to the Bond girls. Again, I refer anyone who has not seen at lest a few episodes to TVLand to expand your horizons. There were lots phrases that came from the show.

    It seemed to be a difficult puzzle, but I got it done a little faster than yesterday, so I guess it is all good.

    There are still many things you can do C.C. to avoid the taxes, you just need to talk to a tax expert.

  11. Good evening from India,
    Did reasonably well today needed help on few of the clues.
    I don't think Thole is made of wood anymore they are made of metal now.

  12. Good morning CC and all,..A nice taxing puzzle today. I was able to get all the fills except for 56A and I just could not pull that one out. I am surprised that I could not get the answer for 56D as I love fly fishing, but did not know the term DAP.

    Finally, three days in a row with no snow to plow. Are all of you east coasters dug out yet?

    Hope you all have a great Wednesday

  13. Oh oh oh, and...

    The Reno clue really bugs me. I got married in Reno and am (hopefully soon) getting divorced in PDX.

    I wish my cat had thumbs, then he could clean his own litter box.

  14. Nice puzzle.... fairly easy... but clever in spots like TREED.

    CC. Hunting dogs chase raccoons etc up trees and start to "bay". Baying is their type of barkiing noise once the prey is treed... it lets the trailing hunters know that the prey is at bay in the tree.

  15. Good Morning All, I don't watch enough TV apparently because I struggled with the places.

    Dennis, thanks for the explanation for Treed. Stared at that one forever.

    Interesting fact on Alaska having half of the coastline in the US. If I am not mistaken Maine has the most on the eastern seaboard.

    A gorgeous day here. Crystal clear with the temps around 4 degrees F. Kicked off snow removal operations around 4:30 AM. The sunrise was beautiful.

    Have a good one!!


  16. Dennis, you say clever, (treed> for 42a - bay tree) I say devious.... ;-) I'm sure there are a lot of people out there (like me) who are ignorant as to where bay leaves come from. I always thought they came in a jar! ;-)

    Congrats (or is it condolences) on being the official liaison!!

  17. C.C., the term G.I. is mostly used in describing Army personnel, but it's frequently used by non-military people to describe any serviceman/woman.

    Nicknames abound in the various services; anybody want to share some?

  18. Morning, all!

    Running really late today and have to get some work done. Good puzzle today, although I struggled with each of the theme answers. Fortunately, most were easy enough to guess once I got most of the perps. Other than the theme answers, the only unknown for me today was DAP. It's just not in my vocabulary, sorry. Maybe if I'd actually ever been fly-fishing...

    Have a great day, everyone!

  19. Mornin' All, Only ones that were trouble were DAP, and all the theme answers. Everything filled in OK, and they revealed themselves, but, even though I've seen those TV shows occasionally, the meeting places (except 24D) were unknown!
    Only one I had wrong was 7d 'cause I forgot how to spell Telly's last name. Should be AS, not ES. I knew 29A, ETE didn't look right but left it and never went back to proofread!!
    CY'All Later

  20. Hi all!
    I couldn't get the SW corner until I came here and saw Babaloo club. then I quickly got thole and racy.The other theme answers I knew except for drunken clam, which fell in by itself.

    ENL still didn't make sense for a while. I was looking for a sign to put on the door of a dark room. I never would have got DAP without perps.

    Sorry to hear of your citizenship problem--I was the same, as I said, for the first 30 years here. But like Lemonade714 said, maybe there are other solutions you should explore.

    About bay leaves, is the tree actually called "bay" tree? I thought it was really a laurel. In French the leaves are lauriers.

    Yesterday we discussed the theme answers, and came up with the fact that each is two ways of saying the same thing: a factory is also sometimes called a plant.

  21. I looked it up. The leaves are from the European laurel tree. Bay refers to a family of shrubs and trees resembling the laurel according to Webster.

  22. And the ultimate anthem for local hang-outs, whether it be a church social or a red-neck bar, Cheers!

  23. Hi all. I must not have watched much TV. Found all the locations to be unknown.
    Found it interesting the according to Google the pronounciation of "amole" is two syllable in England and three in the US. Thole was also new to me.

  24. The G.I. Bill, whether titled that way or not, is meant for all who served in the military.

    cc, I understand your feelings about that particular war. But to quote a few references about forgiveness,"Any one can seek revenge: it takes a king or a prince to forgive" A.J. Rehrat

    "To carry a grudge is like being stung to death by one bee".W.H. Walton.

    On the "war" between the sexes "Once a woman has forgiven a man, she must not reheat his sins for breakfast" Marlene Dietrich
    Everyone have a nice day!!

  25. What is the answer for 13 Down: Della or PeeWee? I never watched the show and so I just can't figure it out.

  26. I stumbled on your crossword puzzle blog a few months ago and enjoy it very much. Although I'm not one for commenting and/or especially criticizing, I wanted to let you know that I too was taken aback by the March 3 puzzle and found it most disconcerting. Keep up the good work.

  27. Anon@9:20 - 'Reese'. PeeWee Reese was a Hall of Fame shortstop for the Brooklyn Dodgers back in the 50s.

  28. mark - Buenos Aires

    Re Thole - Is this derived from "the hole". "where shall I put my oar - "put it in th´ ´ole, stupid.

    In Uk we use the word rowlock, pronounced "rollock" - a fun word.
    "Dont crash that oar down on my rollocks!"

  29. The Singer at the :58 is Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys.

    The Dave

  30. David in Portland, just in case no one else got it for you... the singer at 00:58 is Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys. (pretty sure)

  31. I haven't watched many situation comedies on TV in a very long time, so the only theme clue that I knew was BABALOOCLUB. The others I got from the perps, which were a bit slow in coming.
    I got TREED from the perps, but really like that clue, the meaning of which only became clear when reviewing the blog. ENNEA, THOLE, DAP were a complete mystery - don't remember ever seeing/hearing them before. I learned something again today, which is why I do the puzzles.
    Today could also be called March Fourth(Forth) to Hug a GI Day

  32. Good Morning All, This puzzle, with all the show biz names was pretty easy. I haven't watched Family Guy, so I got all the theme locations, except for DRUNKEN CLAM, which came with the perps. I noticed that 33A seemed to be a little hint, letting us know that the theme answers were where the cast ASSEMBLES. It wasn't exactly in the middle of the puzzle, but close enough to notice.

    I got TREED via perps, but thought it must be some navigational term. After coming here, I had the same thought as Kazie about a bay tree, but a post-puzzle Wikipedia check used both laurel and bay as the tree name.

    DAP and THOLE were new. I liked Mark in BA's explanation of THOLE.

    Anon@9:20, Also see Dennis WofW at 5:31 for Della REESE.

    Best WofW yet. I've been plenty mad at people in my life, but grudges and resentment have only given me a stomach ache and some sleepless nights. I don't do that anymore. "What goes around, comes around" and I leave pay-back to the universe. Papajim, some nice additions to WofW.

  33. Clear Ayes, someday when I grow up, I hope to ascribe you your philosophy, but for now I live by the old saying, "revenge is a dish best served cold." I have to admit, half the fun is in the planning.

  34. CC
    Dennis is correct in that Govt. Issue applies to all service men/women-what does not apply is SOLDIER--You never want to call or ever hear in the media a marine called a soldier-a marine is called a marine, not a soldier. My fourth of five boys has done 2 tours of Iraq as a Marine and just recently finished his 4+ years and now is in the reserves-this is the only reason i know this.

  35. This was an easy puzzle despite a theme referencing television shows with which I am not familiar. Generally it was the crossing words that saved me! I have never heard of AMOLE or DAP and as with cc did not understand TREED for “at bay in a bay”, though Frey cleared that up nicely!

    37A NEARING reminded me of something I wanted to post when there was a lot of discussion about oatmeal and recently again when people were posting their favorite breakfasts. Helen NEARING, wife of famous back-to-lander Scott NEARING who died at age 100, wrote the cookbook Simple Food for the Good Life “intended for the use of people of moderate fortune who do not affect magnificence in their style of living”. ;-o Here is her recipe for Horse Chow, “the simplest granola of all”. It may sound radical but is delicious and very nutritious:
    4 c rolled oats (old-fashioned, not the quick-cook kind)
    ½ c raisins
    Juice of 1 lemon
    Dash of sea salt
    Olive oil or vegetable oil to moisten
    Mix all together. Eat it in wooden bowls with wooden spoons.

  36. Hi all, first post to C.C.'s blog although I have lurked for a few weeks. I am a puzzler of modest skill and inconsistent practice. I rarely solve a puzzle without some help from Google or a blogger like C.C. Average time for these Star Tribune puzzles is about 45 minutes. I get the puzzles in the Newport News, VA Daily Press, a paper now owned by the Chicago Tribune.

    Thole (oarlock in modern language) are now made of metal --- usually bronze --- as said by the Col from India.

    Today's puzzle was OK, but I am a purist in the sense I like puzzles with no proper nouns or names. Like Scrabble --- just common words! They are, of course, non-existent these days.

  37. Dennis, Maybe my philosophy is due more to the fact that I've become more and more forgetful as I get older. Perhaps that is nature's way of keeping my head from exploding from too much thinking. ;o)

    That doesn't mean I think Bernie Madoff isn't a total A**hole. If I were one of his investors, I might very well want to see him up strung up. His personal pay-back may (or may not..what do I know?) come from the universe, but in the here and now he should be spending the rest of his life in prison.

    Doesitinink, Good comments about the tattoo. Every generation is different in what they consider to be attractive. I have tattooed eye-liner myself. I wouldn't do it again though, it was pretty uncomfortable. It did make me smile that my mother had issues when her daughters had their ears pierced.

    BTW, :o) although I definitely qualify as "a person of (less than) moderate fortune who does not affect magnificence in their style of living”....Horse Chow?? I'll have to think about that one for a while. As far as the wooden bowls and spoons go, good ones are quite expensive and I don't think I could whittle my own.

  38. Good morning C.C.and everyone!
    I sure hit a small wall with this one, due to the fact that I have never watched any of the sitcoms mentioned with the exception of "I Love Lucy". I still don't understand the clue for that (24D)..'Ricky' worked at the Tropicana, and SANG 'Babaloo'. Non of the rest of the theme answers made sense at all, what in the world is 'Drunken Clam'?

    I didn't have too much trouble with the rest of the puzzle so it wasn't a total loss. Needed to come to C.C. for 51A and 56D, but at least I knew 'thole':)

  39. Crockett 1947

    I followed your instructions but this is what I got......

    Your search for Star Tribune Crossword Corner Blog around this map area did not match any locations.

  40. From Yesterday
    CC.I am still in Alabama ..leave on March 16 by cruise ship for Italy.Will be in UK(home)2nd week in April.So brain rested from xword s for a bit!

    Colonel...Chukka Uppa is a dyslexic Up Chukker

    Ha Ha

  41. AMOLE The root, bulb, or another plant part of several chiefly western North American plants, such as certain species of Agave, Chlorogalum, and Yucca, used as a substitute for soap.
    Never heard of it...

  42. Never could get 23D or 27A. What are the answers.

  43. Hi everyone...really surprised myself as I have had more problems in the past with "Josiah Breward" puzzles. Once I got CENTRAL PERK" and understood the theme I could fill in CAFE NERVOSA as I actually have a cute little cookbook of the treats they ate. BABALOO was a guess, as was DRUNKEN CLAM...never seen the show. Most everything else fell into place easier than I expected although I wanted LOCKS for THOLE...?? and couldn't grok TREED for the longest time.

    C.C. I like the new "Rules" for the blog, opens it up a bit.Thanks

    Dennis...WoW are, in their own way, very profound...I need to remember them...sometimes just have to vent...then I am done.

    Also a V-8 moment on the Square Root Day yesterday...3-3-09!!! the previous one was 2-2-04, the next one is

    Waiting to take mom home from hospital today...amazing progress.

  44. Anon@12:01, 23D is 'osteo', 27A is 'LSAT'

  45. Wolfmom, congrats on your mom's speedy recovery; the wonders of medicine, huh?

  46. carol said..@11:24 AM. I still don't understand the clue for that (24D0.
    On the show, Ricky owned the 'Babaloo Club'. Lucy always wanted him to let her perform there. He did start out at the Tropicana Club

    'Drunken Clam'? The bar on Family Guy.

    Cafe Nervosa is a trendy coffee shop where the Crane boys hung out. Meanwhile, Friends were at their own coffee bar, the Central Perk.

  47. Dennis, Thank you...yes, it is amazing.

    Argyle...Thank you for the clarification on the Babloo Club. It sounded correct, but I wasn't sure. Also...The Cafe Nervosa link is the cookbook I mentioned, lots of yummy stuff. BTW I am assuming you have finally finished that ugly bottle of Bloody Mary Mix by now??? How about the absinthe bottle again...that was quite attractive...this photo makes me slightly nauseous. ;0)

  48. clear ayes, I'm kinda new, what is Wofw?

  49. Anon@11:28. Bill furnished a link for the blog map yesterday at 12:16 as "or could I". Here it is again Star Tribune Crossword Corner Blog Map. Email Crockett1947 to have him place you on the map. AND don't forget to "Save To My Maps", so you can easily return.

    Papajim, WofW or WoW are Dennis' daily Words of Wisdom. BTW, any news on the baby front yet?

  50. Hello ALL!!
    C.C.~ very funny! My husband is an avid golfer, so Els wouldn't be such a stretch! ( I agree, I am tired of that clue as well.) He and I are also huge New York Giants fans, so I like the name Eli for a boy. We are leaning toward Josiah, which is another author of puzzles. Boy what a big decision....Great puzzle, only needed help with a few. Family guy clue brought a smile to my face, being from rhode island and all :)

  51. wolfmom, perhaps you find this bottle more...tasteful?

    You have to have a Google account to get the Crossword map, don't you?

  52. Hello C.C. & all.

    Just an ok puzzle today, not much thinking, just filling. Dap was a head-scratcher tho, but I'm embarressed to admit I knew "Clam".

    Ahh.. Agent 99.. fond boyhood memories.. [DF moment] Right up there with Jeanie & Emma Peel.

    I believe in the days of sail that tholes were made of leather.

    @C.C. Yes! Osseo Meat Market makes the best brats! Although the new locale lacks the ambience of the old, it still rocks. Better parking, for sure.

    "For sure".. another example of talking like an American, eh C.C.?

    Have a good one, all!

    TJ in Osseo

  53. Lindsay:

    It is good to see someone from Rhode Island speaking up for the Quahogs (for those of you not from New England, a Quahog is a type of clam, hence the Drunken Clam). I grew up in Putnam, CT, relatives in Woonsocket and spent lots of time in Misquamicut.

    You could name the child Cici, or Cece...

  54. Good Afternoon C.C. and Co.,

    C.C., I didn't think you would call that first Unau picture nice ... unless you were saying it 'tongue-in-cheek'.
    I never studied formally Latin, but I think "I seized yesterday" would be - ' Carpsī heri '.

    Excellent WoW, Dennis. So true!

    13:32 today ...
    Not having watched Friends I opted for CENTRAL PARK. Even had I noticed that I had TRAED for 'At bay in a bay', I am not sure I would have been able to figure that one out.
    Like Dick, I was surprised that I did not know DAP. I think 'Break in the audience' is clever for AISLE. I was thinking of a warm-up act, of course. Was that an old gimme for some of you? I had never heard of Pee Wee Reese. I have heard of Pee Wee Marquette, the announcer for this show.

    Mainiac, I just found this. It confirms what I believed; that Florida has the most coast line of the lower 48.

    "Re Thole - Is this derived from "the hole". "where shall I put my oar - "put it in th´ ´ole, stupid."
    If it isn't, it ought to be.

    "Today could also be called March Fourth(Forth) to Hug a GI Day"
    Clever! Did you think of that yourself, Elissa?

    Very observant on ASSEMBLES, ClearAyes.

    Nice to hear you mom is doing so well, WM :)

    Argyle, I am going to see if I can find a bottle of LUCID this afternoon (after the 'NHL' draft coverage ends). Wish me luck!

  55. Argyle...that is absolutely lovely!!! I might even treat myself to that very thing this evening.I am planning for a long afternoon getting mom settled and grocery shopping for her.Then a long drive home in icky traffic and rain.

    Thomas...right on! Even though I am of the female persuasion, Emma Peel rocked! Have been a Dame Diana fan ever since. Loved the Avengers!

    Papajim...great car! Grandchild info yet? You are in for so much fun. Our first grandchild just turned 1 last month and it is so much fun to be a grandparent...

    I'm up to 3 posts and counting...

  56. Haven't done the puzzle yet, just a brief followup.

    @carol: Embien, I worry about you! Do you ever eat at home? LOL.

    Carol, I used to do all the cooking in our household, but not quite two years ago I lost my passion for cooking. Now, I eat all my meals in restaurants--alone at breakfast and with my wife at dinner (except for the 17 days we were snowed in during December).

  57. Ha!

    WM, was doing the NYT puzzle in syndication here in Osseo & 55a was: 1960's role for Diana Rigg!! LOL She will always be remembered in that black leather outfit, & kickin' a**! Power to the woman!!


  58. I thought up I use(d) up all my talents on this one. I was treed. Then I restaged and shook off the stigma and realized I was sane afterall, and managed to finish with minimal G-spotting. I think I'll celebrate by heading to the Drunken Clam. Yeah, that's my schtick.

  59. clears ayes, thank you for the translation.
    wolfmom... the corvette is a 2002 model. it's the 2nd one I've owned. I bought a 1969,427,tri-power,425 hp,t-top when I came home from SE Asia.
    For everone interested, no news on the little one, my daughter is officially "late" today.
    Thanks, Jim

  60. CC, On Sundays I try the NY Times, but I just don't think like they do, so I bomb. The Salem paper has the Premier puzzle and I have more luck with that. I don't know where to find the Frank Longo puzzle. I would like to know.
    Thanks you so much for starting this site. I have done the puzzle for many years and I love the family atmosphere here, very important for empty nesters.
    I had a hard time with the puzzle today as I don't watch much TV now. (Read more) I finally G'd the family guy and frasier clue. I am getting better at solving and that is because of the community that is here.

    PromiseMeThis I was surprised that Florida would have the longest coast line of the lower 48, I really thought it was Michigan. Learn something new every day.

  61. Argyle, thanks much for the info on Babaloo Club, I really didn't know about the name change. I (and countless others)have watched that show and re-runs for years - don't know how I missed that. Also thanks for the explanation on the other shows, never having watched them, I was really stumped.

    Wolfmom, so glad your Mom is doing so well! You are lucky to still have her and she to have you !

    Embien, at least you don't have a messy kitchen and dishes to do each day. Have a bowl of cereal and some fruit a few mornings, we want you around for a long time;)

    Papajim, nice car, what is the thing in your hands? Will they induce labor on your daughter? Please be sure to let us all know when the 'arrival' occurs and all the stats.

  62. PromiseMeThis: I did think it up, but can't claim it is because I'm clever. I thought it was odd when I heard, through my sleep, the radio announcer say "march forth". But when I saw it was "Hug a GI Day" it all made sense.

    WM: Hope you catch the current clearing for your ride home from your mom's. Definitely not a day to ride my bike to the gym.

  63. @tobylee The Premier puzzle on Sunday in The Oregonian is by Frank Longo. It's usually in the Homes section, and the answers are somewhere else in the same section.

    Diana Rigg? pant, pant....

  64. Hi All Puzzlers,
    It seems to me that the crosswords (in the St Petersburg TImes, in my case) are getting a bit boring and the clues more irritating (esp. when "made-up" words are used, or "part of" non-words). These lead me to think of a lazy puzzle-builder and/or editor.
    I realize there's only one Will Shortz but a bit more reasonable quality might be nice.
    Your comments are always appreciated C.C., so thanks !

  65. Hallo, c.c. and everyone,
    Easy enough today , as i enjoyed all those shows

    Now thanks to Lemonade714 i know what a quahog is

    thanks to Frey for " treed "
    like Doesitinink said you cleared that up nicely.

    Had never heard of Dap either

    Argyle. new bottle, much nicer, reminds me of my favorite dessert rolled in a thin crepe, mm mmm

  66. @Clear Ayes...I think you can cheat on the wooden bowl and spoon. I had my mother try the Horse Chow recently, and despite her reservations, she found it to be very tasty. One of Helen Nearing's guidelines for her and Scott's meals was that it should never take longer to prepare a meal than to consume it. I think the Horse Chow definitely meets that requirement!

  67. Maria:

    The human brain is such a strange machine; I do not know why, but your reference to Quahog just reminded me of Asey Mayo, the main character in a series of old mysteries by Phoebe Atwood Taylor, set in Cape Cod. I think reading those books is where I learned the term.

    Anyway, yes this blog has taught me not only new words, but new perspectives on words.

    Elissa, did you get an agent before you rewrote your book? Before you sold it?

  68. C.C., are you kidding? that singer is none other than-Brian Wilson,of the Beach Boys.writer of many great songs!laszlo

  69. Lemonade: I rewrote the novel as the result of attending several writers' conferences. I submitted it to MANY agents, quite of few of whom gave me great feedback, but none of whom wanted to represent me or my book. After I had had as much rejection as my ego could take, we decided to post the whole novel on our website. A number of random web surfers found it and read it and sent me positive e-mails. While friends and family had been encouraging, this positive feedback from strangers pushed me to publish through a print on demand publisher. I have been selling it through the web (Amazon and other book sites) and at shows where I sell my hand painted silks and have continued to get great feedback. I also hear from people who discover it on Amazon and other sites through tags. I've sold several hundred copies, which isn't exactly best seller territory, but I think it puts me ahead of Joe the Plumber and his new book.

  70. Please try to read previous comments before posting, so C.C. doesn't have so many emails to read. The Brian Wilson question's been answered 3 times now.

  71. Argyle, Yes, you are correct.

    Anons, you can look at the Star Tribune Map, but in order for Crockett1947 to add your location, you have to have a Google Account. It's easy to do, just follow the instructions under this Comments section, where it says "sign up here" in blue underlined.

    Doesitinink, OK, I will try the Horse Chow, but I'll have to substitute dried cranberries for the raisins. I've never been a raisin fan. With the quick prep, maybe Embien might be tempted to give it a try :o)

    Elissa, Let's hope that you outsell Rod Blagojevich too!

  72. Very late in doing Tribune puzzle today and didn't do that well as I don't watch much TV. Confusing info on TREED here. Says there is only one definition, then gives two! They are:

    Planted or covered with trees; wooded: a treed picnic area.


    The adjective has one meaning:

    Meaning #1: forced to turn and face attackers
    Synonyms: at bay, cornered, trapped

    Go figure!

    Did the NYT xword early this AM and aced it though, so fill good about that.

    Info on Advantages of U.S. Naturalization Versus Keeping Chinese Citizenship here C.C.. Hope it helps and good luck!

  73. Should be feel good not fill-Freudian slip!?

  74. 9:02 today. Definitely a mixed solving bag for me because I hardly watch any of the sitcoms. BABALOO CLUB was the only gimme for me (not from watching the show, but from a Lucy biography). I did watch "Frasier", but never noticed the name of that coffee shop. I've never seen "Friends" or "Family Guy".

    I hate clues like 16a: Map dir. (ESE). Could be any combination of NESW letters and is a copout clue, IMHO. And 51a: Part of ROK (KOR). Ugh-ly.

    @c.c.: Embien,
    The fact that you love "Unfaithful" so much really surprises me!

    Hmmm, not sure what you mean by that. I thought it was a fun movie and I love Diane Lane, who is quite sexy in this one.

    @clear ayes: OK, I will try the Horse Chow, but I'll have to substitute dried cranberries for the raisins. I've never been a raisin fan. With the quick prep, maybe Embien might be tempted to give it a try :o)

    Not too likely. One of the great pleasures of my day is sitting down with the newspaper over breakfast at my favorite greasy spoon, having several cups of coffee (and my admittedly unhealthful breakfast) and doing the NY Times crossword. I don't think I could give that up no matter how good "Horse Chow" is.

  75. Embien, I'm with you on Diane Lane - just a classic beauty. Always been one of my favorites.

    I'll bet you're not alone in your morning ritual - whenever I go to my favorite diner in the morning, there's a line of guys in booths eating and doing puzzles. Great way to start the day.

  76. @crockett: Diana Rigg? pant, pant....

    Whoa, there, big fella. Nothing like a little Emma Peel leather and bondage action for Diana Rigg fans: Emma Peel Tied Up

  77. I meant to add to the Emma Peel youtube bit that a couple of the lines echoed the chat here about "horse chow". (Namely "Tight girth!" followed by "You need to cut down on the oats.")

    Sorry for the extra post--my bad. Oh, and all credit to Rex's blog on the syndicated NY Times puzzle, which also had an Emma Peel in the grid and linked to the video. Rex Parker Does the NY Times Crossword. Thanks to @thomas for pointing that out.

  78. A little late in responding to questions a few days ago. I live in Massachusetts; the crossword is in The Hampshire Gazette, established 1786!

    My husband and I usually do the crossword in the evening. We have a good time. I found this site while googling some mysterious clue a couple of months ago.

    I especially enjoy CC's comments on language.

  79. Hello any of you do the Boston Globe Sunday crossword? I get it via The Detroit Free Press. Been hooked on it for 15 years or more, a really good puzzle with interesting themes and lots of humor. C.C., thanks for all the work you do.

    Are you all as sick of winter as we in Michigan? We've been promised a spring-like day on Friday. Hard to believe when it was 6 degrees overnight. If it gets to 45 on Friday, we're cleaning the garage of all the winter dirt--can't stand it anymore! Peace to all.....

  80. Papajim, A friend of mine, who I haven't seen in a while, had a 'vette from around 2002. His had a darned HUD in the windshield. You couldn't see it from the passenger seat, only if you sat in the driver's seat. I thought that was so cool. Does yours have that feature?

    Elissa, I think that still qualifies you as clever :)

    Argyle, that LUCID is expennnnnsive. The store I went to carries it, but they were out of stock. It was listed for about the same price as a 1.75 liter bottle of Grey Goose. I still intend to try it. However, even if I like it, I won't be buying it often.

    ClearAyes, You live in California and don't like raisins? Isn't that some kind of treason or something? What next? Are you going to tell us you don't like wine?

  81. Elissa:

    Thank you for sharing your experience. One thing your comments do underscore is how many of us trained in the law look for fulfillment elsewhere. I look forward to reading your book, and I actually started outlining the one that has been in my head since 1995.

    And I agree with PMT, you are clever, and I hope the plumbers' union do not boycott you.

  82. PromiseMeThis, Not a chance! In the morning I have a cup of coffee sitting next to the keyboard and at this time of the evening, there is a glass (or two) of California wine. We are rather partial to the zin from Twisted Vineyard in Murphy's, but I'm not a snob and will drink what tastes good, no matter the vineyard.

    Too bad about the raisins. Just have never acquired a taste for them. I have to make oatmeal raisin cookies for the Holidays (grandkids' favorite) and never taste them. It's a good thing I have a well-tested recipe.

    Wolfmom, I meant to comment on the photo you had up. You looked just fine! Never think for a minute that I (and probably others) didn't search long and hard to find a passable photo to post as an avatar. As years go by it gets more and more difficult. LOL

    G.A.H. is a serious Diane Lane fan, so I have some pretty insurmountable competition!

    Have a good evening everyone.

  83. Toby: your comment that you always thought Michigan had the longest coastline in the contiguous states is one of the funniest lines I've read lately. And this blog is full of funny lines. It's why I'm addicted.
    I've lived in Maine and am now in Florida, but was born in Michigan, so I triply appreciate your comment.

    Dennis: what about Hawaii?

  84. Jeannie, you crack me up. Keep up the great commentary. PR

  85. Sallie, I am not sure what you found funny about Toby's comment, but he is actually right in one respect: Michigan has the longest 'fresh-water' coastline of any state. What was funny about it?

  86. PMT: I'm afraid I'm with ClearEyes on the raisin thing...when I make granola I substitute combinations of dried cranberries, dried blueberries(yum), dried cherries, apricots...pretty much anything but raisins. If I do use them I rather like the big golden ones...otherwise they are at the bottom of my list of dried fruits. Would much rather have my grapes in liquid form in a glass, about 2 per evening. Oh...and I found another book for you, it's called "History's Greatest Lies" by William Weir...haven't started it yet, but looks interesting.

    Embien...funny clip! Caught the reference. Even(or especially) tied up she is one classy, sexy lady...Crockett...take a deep breath and let it out slowly...

    Papajim... I DO love shiny fast cars...I think I have a magpie gene or something as I am drawn to shiny other weakness, French copper cookware...

    Just to put things in perspective...I have been doing some of those "Penny Dreadful" xwords, just for practice as I am still new at this, and, if we think the clues on the daily puzzles are bad...these are just awful and really stretch the word I always feel that even though most of the weekly puzzles are not as good as they could be...there are a lot worse out there.

    C.C. Just wondering...if we took up a collection of a dollar a person and sent it the Star Tribune Puzzle editor with specific directions to use it to purchase our favorite cruciverbalists(love that word) do you think he might "buy" them? Wouldn't it be just like purchasing and ad in the paper?
    Win-Win situation...

    ClearAyes...thank always, so gracious. At least I could never be accused of primping in the mirror like C.C.'s college chum.

  87. Just finished this one and have one comment... The most common spelling that I found online for the "I Love Lucy" club is "Babalu".


  88. WM, Thank you for the book recommendation. I have pulled the book up using Amazon's 'LOOK INSIDE' feature. So far, I like the cover. I have also requested that the book be published in Kindle format.

    Elissa, Have you considered publishing for the Kindle? Amazon claims it is quite easy to do.

  89. Not yet. I'll have to look into it.

  90. C.C., I actually rather enjoyed the "at bay in a bay" clue, it's tricky though fun.

    Although I took four years of Latin, I cannot for the life of me remember what "seize yesterday" would be, though I am quite partial to "carpe noctem" (seize the night) as I am a creature of night.

    Dennis and C.C.- GI also stands for "galvanized iron", and probably did before it ever came to mean "government issue" (although the husband, an Army man and former Air Force man, will disagree). It was written on the side of the supply drums back in the 1930's and became synonymous with the armed forces.

    I think this is the first time I've ever posted more than once a day. Heck, more than maybe three times a week is unusual for me.

    Hazel, one of your many fans from Oregon.

  91. One would think that the primary function of this site is to answer the puzzle’s questions. Perhaps more time doing that and less time editorializing could be a good thing.

    If you must write long winded comments please do so at the end of your site so those of us who are only interested in answers don't have to wade through them.

  92. carol.. I think what's in my hands are my knees, or I don't get your drift, but then again I'm sometimes not too swift on the uptake
    ..Promise me this.. yes my car has a heads up display (hud). It is kinda cool.
    wolfmom... I'm a big fan of copper cookware. A pain to clean compared to other material, but it so damn nice!!

    "Do not be desirous of having things done quickly. Do not look at small advantages. Desire to have things done quickly prevents them from their being done thoroughly. Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished."

    Have a nice day!!


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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Please limit your posts to 5 per day and cap each post length at about 20 lines in Preview mode.

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