, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday April 3, 2009 Jack McInturff

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Apr 3, 2009

Friday April 3, 2009 Jack McInturff

Theme: It's IR-RI-tating!

18A: Words to a drunk?: YOU'RE FRIED (Fired)

26A: 2000s Senate leader's turndown?: FRIST (First) REFUSAL

40A: Hilton on the ice?: PARIS (Pairs) SKATING

50A: What you never sees after strikes?: SPARE TRIES (Tires)

I did not know FRIED is slang for "drunk". Thought Trent Lott instead of Bill FRIST for 2000s Senate leader. And, of course, baseball rather than bowling "strikes" came to my mind when I read the 50A clue. PARIS SKATING crumbled easily. But shouldn't it be PAIR SKATING rather than PAIRS SKATING?

Why "Circus performers" for FLEAS (19D)? I don't grok it. The AGAPE clue (58A: Brotherly love) left me agape. Holy cow! Is it a familiar meaning to you? I truly have never heard of it before. Also, shouldn't the clue for RANIS (30A: Indian royalty) be in plural form? I filled in RAJAH first, thinking the clue is asking for a singular answer.

I hope you guys struggled. I don't want to be the one child left behind.


1A: Beachfront property?: SAND. Not a real trick. I am waiting for someone to play with George SAND. Her original name is Aurore, French for Aurora, goddess of DAWN (39D: First light).

5A: Sp. misses: SRTAS. "Fr. misses" would be MLLES.

10A: Robert who playd Anthony Soprano Jr.: ILER. I forgot all about him. Dennis mixed ILER with ILLER last time.

14A: Jumbo __: scoreboard display: TRON. Like this one. I am used to the "Disney film" clue.

15A: Sacred five-book collection: TORAH. Literally, "instruction/law" in Hebrew. I still don't understand the necessity of having a letter H in the middle or at the end of the word when it's not pronounced.

16A: Residencia room: SALA. The Casa room. I actually mis-read "Residencia" as "Residential first".

17A: Numeral prefix: OCTA. Prefix for eight. Octagon.

20A: "Is there more?": WHAT ELSE. Quit a few multiple words in today's grid.

22A: Chigger, e.g.: LARVA. I did not know the meaning of "Chigger". Dictionary says it's also called redbug/harvest mite, with 6 legs. And the adult on has 8 legs. This one has only 7 though. It can also spelled as Jigger.

23A: Creedal holding: TENET. Had no idea that creed has an adjective form.

24A: One concerned with 13-Down: SPEEDER. And RADAR (13D: It can trap a 24-Across). Oh well, I was thinking of bunker and golf balls.

29A: Rifles: LOOTS. I need a "Ransacks" clue to get LOOTS immediately.

35A: Amazes: STUNS. Look at our fellow LA Times solvers Wolfmom's food painting and Elissa's scarves. Stunning!

36A: "Was it you?" answer: NOT I. Mine was "IT'S I".

38A: Stinker: MEANY. Always thought "Stinker" means something difficult.

39A: Bourne portrayer: DAMON. My favorite Matt DAMON movie is "The Talented Mr. Ripley". Which is yours?

42A: Vague: GENERAL. I suppose so.

45A: Novelist Shaw: IRWIN. Heard of his name in Ben Bradlee's "A Good Life". Don't know what novels he wrote.

46A: Apply to: USE ON

47A: Pharyngeal tissue: ADENOIDS. No idea. Aden/adeno is a prefix for "gland". Did not know the adjective for pharyx is pharyngeal. The plural for pharyx is pharynges or pharyxes .

54A: Spelling of TV: TORI. See her name in gossip magazines often. Have never seen any of her TV shows/films.

56A: Years during Nero's reign: ANNI. Plural of anno. I thought the clue was asking for how many year Nero reigned. FOUR/FIVE does not fit. He actually rules 31 years.

57A: 2000 N.L. home run champ: SOSA. My first ever crossword fill in SOSA. I think the clue was "Slugger Sammy". What about you? Do you still remember the first time you solved a crossword?

59A: D-day transports: LSTS


1D: Lade: STOW. LADE is often clued as "Stow" in our old puzzle.

3D: Marginal comments: NOTATIONS

4D: Evidence in paternity suits: DNA TESTS. I suppose no abbreviation hint is needed.

5D: Actress Trudie who's married to Sting: STYLER. She won big when she bet on Giacomo in 2005 Kentucky Derby. Giacomo is named after their son. I could only picture how she looks. Don't know her name. STYLER fits her quite well.

6D: Motorboat's wake: ROOSTER TAIL. No idea. Is it because the wake looks like a real rooster's tail?

7D: "Right you are": TRUE. Not "You are right"?

8D: Rhine tributary: AAR. Three letter river has to be AAR. It lies entirely within Switzerland.

9D: Miss identification?: SHE. "Mrs. identification" too.

10D: Where Mount Carmel is: ISRAEL. See this map. What's the difference between mount and mountain?

11D: Scottish landowner: LAIRD. I keep forgetting this word. It's Scottish for lord. THANE is feudal lord.

12D: Collège attendee: ELEVE. Thought of étudiant.

21D: Middle Earth beings: ENTS. No idea. Those tree creatures in Tolkien's book?

24D: Eggs order: SUNNY SIDE UP. I like this answer a lot.

25D: Preceders of Omega: PSIS. Sigh! I don't know this letter precedes Omega.

26D: Stream: FLOW. Noun or verb? Or both?

27D: "Lady Jane Grey" dramatist: ROWE. No idea. Nicholas ROWE. Wikipedia says the title is "The Tragedy of Lady Jane Grey". Clear Ayes mentioned several months ago that Lady Jane Grey had the shortest rule of England (less than 2 weeks). I forgot the reason, but she was beheaded.

28D: Man-goat deities: FAUNS. Last time when I linked a picture of SATYR, it says the Roman equivalent is FAUNS. See this picture. The man with goats' ears, horns, tail and hind legs. The picture of the "Horse-man" CENTAUR leapt into my mind

31D: India and Pakistan under British: DOMINIONS. Can only think of colonies.

32D: School founded by Henry VI: ETON. In 1440. Unknown trivia to me.

33D: What birds take?: WING. Great clue. I wanted SEED.

35D: Medical supplies: SERA

36D: Like some pride: NATIONAL. Was this a gimme to you? Did not come to me easily at all.

38D: Strategic WWI river: MARNE. Here is the map again. Alfred Joyce Kilmer, the poet of "I think that I shall never see /A poem lovely as a tree" was killed at the second battle of the MARNE in 1918.

40D: Everycity, USA: PEORIA. See this map. Obama gave a big speech there a few weeks ago, from Caterpillar's HQ. Williams clued PEORIA as "Location of Bradley University" on a December puzzle.

41D: Kmart founder: KRESGE. No idea. Have never heard of this guy before. He looks like a mafia member. Walmart founder is Sam Walton.

42D: Windy day features: GUSTS

43D: Finland's second largest city: ESPOO. Close to Helsinki, Finland's largest city. I've never heard of it before. Wikipedia says Nokia is headquatered somewhere in ESPOO.

48D: "Stop": DON'T

49D: Street supplies?: SKIS. For those who ski on the street? (Note: Street refers to Olympic skier Picabo Street)

52D: Enrolled: Abbr.: REG (Registered). Not a familiar abbreviation to me.

Answer Grid.



  1. Good morning, C.C. & gang - well, I got through this one, but had lots of 'huh?'s. There were several that I didn't think were exactly synonyms, but perps saved me yet again. 'Stinker'/'meany' is a good example of that. Loved the theme, though; very clever.

    It's amazing how much I don't know, but when I get a partial fill, the answer will sometimes pop to mind, even if I really didn't know it. 'Dominion' is a perfect example; I didn't know India & Pakistan under British influence were called that. Weird.

    Today is National Walk to Work Day, and National Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun Day. Might not be fun by the time you get there.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack." -- Winston Churchill

    Congratulations to Penn State - GREAT win!!

  2. C.C., 'royalty' can imply plural. Also, 'agape' is a word I think we've seen before, or else I saw it in another puzzle. I only remembered because Philly is "The City of Brotherly Love".

  3. Dennis,
    So Philly is actually the city of AGAPE? What about PAIRS SKATING? Shouldn't be PAIR SKATING? Excellent quote to today. I am going to use it now.

    I am tired, I was, a few days ago, by your "I won" style #69 exclamation. Try something else, write something meaningful & thought-provoking with your #69 post.

    How long have you been in Taiwan?

    Very interesting "pet peeves", worthy of discussion.

  4. Al,
    Congratulations! You are blue now.

    "Barrel Of A Pencil" replied to Southern Belle in the separate post I published. The solution will be given next Tuesday.

    Fascinating information on colors.

    Thanks for the Inker roller. I need that image.

    Sam in Miami,
    If Farsi is different than Arab, how can AGHA be the same for both Irani and Turkish?

  5. Good morning CC and all,..this puzzle was a real stinker. There were many unknowns for me. First I always thought the spelling of 38A was meanie and not Meany. Meany (George) was a labor leader.

    CC I struggled with this one and needed some help to complete. In addition to the above comment I found several of the clues to be ir-ri-tating like frist (I am still not sure that is a word) and ranis, singular/pleural.

    Oh well they promised more difficult puzzles as the week progresses and they have lived up to their word.

    Hope you all have a great Friday and weekend.

    Off to the gym since I missed yesterday.

  6. Dick,
    FRIST refers to former Senate Majority Leader Bill FRIST.

    Clear Ayes,
    Oh, "Cà d’Zan, Venetian dialect, no wonder. Thanks a bunch.

    Is the connection between Volkswagen and Hitler well-known?

    Can you believe I don't know the meaning of SOTA despite having been living here for almost 8 years? Do you collect anything as a hobby?

  7. Good Morning,

    Agape for brotherly love was Greek to me. Actually, it is Greek.

    I have always heard and seen it on TV as PAIRS skating.

    When I completed and didn't get the window shade, I thought my last fill of agape was wrong, so I switched to regular skill level. To my surprise, it was that I had put koran instead of torah. Doh!

  8. C.C.,
    I believe the definition of Volkswagon is "people's car", coined by Hitler in the the late thirty's.

    Am I wrong, anyone?

    TJ in Osteoburg

  9. maybe it should have been Osseoburg... oops!

  10. Morning, all!

    I finally got around to doing yesterday's puzzle last night. I won't go into details, but I found it surprisingly hard and it took me an unusually long time before I was finally able to finish it.

    Today's puzzle, on the other hand, didn't seem particularly hard to me (sorry, C. C.!). I did it online in 6:49, which doesn't seem all that long for a Friday puzzle. I figured out the theme pretty quickly, and the only true unknowns were KRESGE, ROWE, ESPOO and STYLER (all of which I got easily via the perps). I needed almost all the perps before I finally remembered MARNE. Oh -- and I actually remembered AGAPE from my undergrad days as a philosophy major, so that helped.

    Today's "Tricky Clue of the Day" award definitely goes to SKIS clued as "Street supplies." Fortunately for me, I knew who Picabo STREET was... ^_^

  11. Well, I breezed right through this puzzle, thinking "so what's the big deal about Friday?". Only after I finished did I notice that I had just been treated to the "daily commuter pussle". ( Intentionally misspelled as a clue about who this "puzzle" was intended for).
    So now I need to yank someone's chain at the Lexington Herald-Leader. Or maybe I also could apply the WoW. I'll let you know.
    Windhover, really pissed.

  12. TJ,
    i answered that yesterday. c.c.'s question today refers to it.

    I imagine it's not well known here. Most of the good things Hitler did at the beginning are thought to be intended to win popularity, like the development of the Autobahn system and reopening of the industrial area on the Rhine. That's what made him so popular at first. The evil is what we want to remember him for. It overshadows the good by such a great margin.

    I also found today's puzzle easier than I expected after yesterday. I was slow at first but then picked up speed and the only g'spots were for the W in WES--it could have been D or L, and KRESGE. Wiki actually named someone else as founder, but Kresge's name came up in one of the links. But then FLOW looked obvious and the rest of the west wall fell into place. I didn't know AGAPE, and was held up there for a while because I was looking for a past tense form for REG. I hardly ever figure out the themes, and this was no exception, but managed to guess all those answers.

    In France, collège is the term for the middle school level, so that would be confusing if you thought it was tertiary like here.

    I thought the street clue was clever, and fortunately, like Barry G, I remembered Pikabo, so realized the trick.

    I guess I like Matt Damon in everything. I loved the Ludlam books, so enjoy all those films, though they bear little resemblance to the books.

  13. Good morning CC et al., CC, I don't know how you do it. And you will NEVER be the one left behind - ever! You'll always be leading the pack. You are amazing!

    I disliked this puzzle. The clues were unfairly misleading...sera for medical supplies?..I'm thinking bandages etc whereas sera would be medicines, vials etc. In addition to what Dennis and Dick said, 9D she? Where's a trashcan -no, a hammer -no, a flame thrower!

    However! CC, the vision I keep of that Satyr is still vivid in my mind...Holy Hotwick! Goes along with 48D Stop-Don't = Don't stop! Also a chigger is an itchy mite and never a jigger in my world. A jigger is a 'shot'(glass) full of 'sera' - which I am looking forward to in about 3 hrs with the beginning of Spring Break. At that time a 'rooster tail' will take on a whole new dimension and that Satyr's pride? gonna look like a pimple on a 'flea's' ass compared to what I'm going to find at 'old dominion(s)'beachfront property'. Who'll be looking at 'sand'? 'NOT I'! The 'dew' of 'dawn' will glisten on every blade of seagrass and on each mound underneath but I will notice only what rests on the drifting wood (much like Robin Hood's wood -good catch, Melissa).

    Enjoy your day. I'll check in periodically, whenever I come back to earth.

  14. CC said--
    Sam in Miami,
    If Farsi is different than Arab, how can AGHA be the same for both Irani and Turkish?

    I can only guess that the languages are related somehow. Maybe it's like certain words in English, French, Spanish and Italian having similarities. I think they're called cognates -- all coming from the same root.

  15. c.c.,
    I forgot--a flea circus is an attempt by someone to attract an audience with performing fleas doing tricks. I've never seen one, but have heard of them. I can't imagine how they would be trainable, or how you'd get a large enough audience able to see what they did to make it profitable.

  16. CC and gang,

    I am back after a week of fun in the sun. Now to work. My husband had his wallet stolen yesterday at the rental car location so we have lots to do today to rectify that little problem. I just did the puzzle online in the regular mode - too tired to take anything more on.

    I had trouble with both the NE and SW corners and decided to use some puzzle solvers so as not to get to frustrated. Not good to start a week with a Friday puzzle. I like the puzzle though - or at least most of it.

    Our priest and deacon regularly refer to agape in their homilies so I was familiar with that greek term. They always refer to it as unconditional love. I agree with Dick that it should be meanie vs. meany for stinker.

    We are all a little sunburnt here, but had a nice vacation. Back to the grind. Hope everyone has a good day.

  17. IR-RI-tating indeed. I had trouble all over this puzzle. I had 'skunk' for stinker. And I had a told brain fart for the SRTAS/SHE intersection - my brain wouldn't process 'Sp. misses'. Didn't know STYLER, ROWE or ESPOO.
    AGAPE for 'brotherly love' - it's definitely Greek to me. But SKIS for 'street supplies' - once I read the comments I'm impressed with that clue. I knew KRESGE, because that was the name of one the 5 and 10 cent stores when I was a kid, before it became K-Mart.

    I got NOT I for 'Was it you?', so I thought "Is there more?' was actually a question and put THATSALL. Oh, well.

    The H in TORAH is needed because it is a long O (pronounced toe-RAH).

    I'm very honored to be part of a clue explanation. Thanks for the compliment.

  18. About the only good thing I can say about today's puzzle is that I loved cc's links to Wolfmom's paintings and Elissa's scarves. Beautiful work by both. My husband and I own a french/belgian inspired restaurant, so I especially love the french influence in the paintings.

    Just in case anyone is looking for another online outlet for handmade goods, I just learned about Apparently has grown from $160,000 revenue in 2005or 2006 to $88 million last year, according to the CBS Sunday Morning show.

    Back to the puzzle, I liked Sunny Side Up. And now that I've seen Barry and Kazie's explanation for Skis, think it is very clever too. Unfortunately, it went right over my head...

    Have a great weekend all. Keep your fingers crossed that the 3-7" of snow we're supposed to have Sunday changes its mind.

  19. Kazie: I never really believed that a 'flea circus' was a real thing. I always thought it was just a gimmick by the boys to get me to either come over or bend over. Of course, I only fell for it if they were cute or handsome. Never did see fleas.

  20. Good morning, all.

    C.C., you are not alone. Had to G-spot this one, even after I groked the theme. ROWE, ESPOO, STYLER, ILER were all unknowns. As Barry G would probably say for AGAPE -- WTF?

    The competition for two skaters is absolutely called PAIRS SKATING. I thought the clue for 49D (SKIS) was clever. Remember Picabo? KRESGE was a gimmee. K-Mart was a mega Kresge. I think ROYALTY can indicate a plural just by itself. I immediately went to bowling for SPARE TRIES. I thought you'd do the same with boomer in the house. And don't get a teacher started on NCLB! If you're still trying yo make sense of this American English, my advice would be to surrender and just accept that sometimes that's just the way it is. I feel so sorry for the non-native speakers who come here and have to struggle with this extremely dynamic word usage we have here. I'm surprised that CHIGGER was unknown to you. I would think they're rife in the MN woods just like they were in OH. Nice links to the paintings and scarves. They certainly are talented, aren't they? Don't have a favorite Matt DAMON movie -- don't go to or rent movies. My first crossword puzzle solve is lost in the fog of yesteryear.

    I'll post this and read the other comments and then return, if necessary.

    @dennis, thanks for the "Pencil crossword" answers. It was readable even with the smudges and blots.

    Couldn't sleep well last night and was up early this morning -- that MUST be the reason I've run on so much, LOL!

  21. Kazie/Lois: Maybe you didn't have the right viewer. Check this out - the artist for the Flea Circus Art Museum? (JD sent me this link.)

  22. Crockett, I didn't send it yet. Someone else must've sent one to you. So you no longer need it?

    Lois, hopefully no fleas or crabs.

    Elissa, you are amazingly multi-talented.

    Andrea, I saw that piece on "Sunday Morning" - they really built one hell of a business.

  23. CC: Your constructor needs to study "Love" a little better. There are three words for three kinds of love:
    eros: sexual/romantic, philos: brotherly (as in Philadelphia), but agape is the unconditional love that very few humans demonstrate with any consistency . It is most often associated with God.
    In our language we only have the one.
    We love our children, baklava and our new lips stick...all with same word. Pity.

  24. @tj Responded to your late (early?) post yesterday.

    @barryg Sorry to put words in your mouth for AGAPE. I know we've seen the word with other meanings, but this was a newbie for me. Good to see you.

    @cc The reference for 19D (Circus performers) is for a Flea Circus. Google that for some more info. I see kazie chimed in on this as well.

    @lois Awesome as usual. Have an outrageous Spring Break.

    @karenq Bummer on the wallet being stolen. Hope you get everything resolved quickly.

    @dennis Right, I no longer need it.

    Have a great Friday, all.

  25. Good Morning,

    The theme was fitting for this one because that what it did to me! Gave up on the pencil and went online. I gave up on that and went to regular skill to bull my way through. I finally got the 24A and 13D which I thought was clever cluing and that they were linked. AGAPE for brotherly love? Maybe I'm burned out from working to much this week. I'm not having fun so I'm going home!

    "Fried" is a term I am familiar with referred to after smoking pot (or before). i.e. Totally fried, let's get fried. Also baked, toasted, smoked up, twisted, pie eyed, catch a glow on, etc, etc.

    Drunken terms I'm familiar with are tight, sauced, snockered, hammered and really rollin'.

    Anyone else have any unique terms for being stoned or drunk? I've noticed some seem to be regional in nature.

    Speaking of Agape, my brother is showing up tonight. He teaches motorcycle safety classes in a city nearby and graces us with his presence on occasion. Drinks my beer, eats my food, uses up all the hot water and bolts in the morning. He's been going through his mid life crisis for the last ten years so we usually end up in an argument because I get sick of his whining. What am I going to do? Family, gotta love him!!

    Maybe I'll go home, get plowed and go to sleep before he gets here!!

    Rainy weather here. Down to a foot of snow in the backyard. Maybe it will be gone after the weekend.

    Have a good one!!

  26. Lois and Elissa,
    I must admit, I have wondered about the feasibility of the whole idea of a flea circus. Maybe related to flea market? Not sure about the guy in the link, Elissa. Sounded like a put-on except the part about his sale of the work at the end.

    I also was highly impressed with the artwork links. The works are all beautiful. I feel totally uncreative in the face of such talent!

    Dennis is right about royalty--it is a collective noun, used as either singular or plural.

  27. CC thanks for your answer at 5:59. Frist blew right over my head. Shame on me!!

    Ciggers are nast little bas**rds. Last year my wife and I were in Tennessee and she got bitten by chiggers. We were not aware that she had been bitten until she had a large rash all over her body. When her eyes swelled shut I took her to the hospital where they administered large amounts of steroids to combat the swelling. Fortunately, that was the end of the swelling, but it took a long time for the rash to disappear. Hate those damn critters!!

  28. Dennis: Need your expertise in collectibles. What are three-legged, cast iron, 10 gal. "slave" or wash pots selling for in your area? (no handle). Want a serious answer please. :)

    BTW: The puzzle might as well have been in hieroglyphics! CC...your intellect constantly amazes me! Did very poorly even after peeking at the theme answers.

    Wolfmom: I`m going to have fun where ever I am. I figured making learning fun would benefit all of us. For instance: We all got a bell to wear around our necks on December first. I overheard one teacher say, " Here comes Mrs.______`s class and those d___ bells!" After that, our ritual was to sneak to her door, knock and all ring them and wish her greetings!! She "thawed" from a stern, gestapo type to actually having fun with her classes! She taught me to have my students make paper airplanes, fly them, then figure out the aerodynamics of why some flew further!

    We teachers should get together and write a book!

  29. 49 down: Peelaboo Street, olympic skier.

  30. Dennis 9:41: LOL No fleas, flies, or crabs allowed in my world - trained or otherwise. They all stay on the sand. I've got other things that nipple -I mean nibble out of my hand and do amazingly wonderful tricks to satisfy my ...uh, curiosity. It's all good.

    Crockett: good to see you. Thank you. 'Outrageous' and Spring break sound good together. I don't think D.C. will ever be the same. I'm going to go play w/the big boys, starting tonight at Vabeach ending in DC by Fri. No fleas, flies or crabs expected, but it might be a 3ring circus just the same. It's all good. The only ring I'll avoid is that 'wedding' one. I've developed an allergy to that kind. But, it's all good. Should be 'outrageous'!

  31. A quickie this am...have to be gone in about 1/2 an hour...

    C.C. you were not alone...Crashed a burned all over the place am eatie worms and drinking Acorn coffee this morning...totally forgot the ILER cluing suggestions a few weeks ago, couldn't remember ENTS and thought that SP. MISSES was SPelling MISSES and wanted ERROR...Jeez! Did get TORAH, SERA, ETON, LAIRD and a few more in that vein...just didn't want to leave the puzzle until late this afternoon when I will be getting home.

    BarryG, so good to "see" you and thank you for the Picabo clue...totally didn't get it, even after I filled it in...must have been in literal mode today :0P

    C.C. Glad you like the color lesson...comes in handy.And remember if you mix complimentary colors you mostly get brown...

    Great Day to you all

  32. Good morning all. I found this puzzle to be nearly impossible. I may start out doubtful that I can do it and fulfill my own expectations. I missed some I should have known. I missed the accent over college, so I was stumped. But even after seeing the answers, I doubt that I'd ever get the ir-re theme answers. I never knew that faun could be satyr. Thought it meant only a deer. This level of difficulty is not fun .

    The Naples News had four letters today complaining about the LA Times, two threatening to cancel subscriptions. And asking for Wayne Williams, apparently not realizing the difference between constructor and editor.

  33. Good Morning All, Getting through the puzzle...very slowly...was one thing. I never would have figured out the theme without coming here for C.C's help.

    The puzzle itself was my familiar back and forth, up and down technique of chipping away a few letters at a time. When, via a perp, I get the first letter or two of a word, the answer, answers come more easily. PARIS SKATING was one of these. I had to work a little harder with (26A) F-IS- -E-US-L to fill in the blanks.

    Also familiar was getting stuck in the SW corner. I have never heard of ESPOO and I didn't get the bowling connection with SPARE TRIES. I totally guessed at the crossing P, and even though I knew it was right, I had to double check here.

    The International Skating Union (ISU), which governs the rules for World and Olympic skating championships, calls it "Pair Skating". The ISU offices are located in Switzerland. The United States Figure Skating Association (USFSA), which governs United States competitions and championships, calls it "Pairs Skating". American sports (or is it "sport"?) announcers mostly say "Pairs". I guess this is just another example of Amer-speak vs Euro-speak.

    Things that make you go Hmmmm. Maniac, you sure know your intoxication terms. ;o)

    Got to go with today's WOW. Hitler's later annihilation policies did more than "greatly overshadow" his early jingoistic accomplishments. The Autobahn made it easier to move troops and munitions. Those industries on the Rhine were easily converted to war-related manufacturing. What he did early on was only in preparation for his master plan of world domination and genocide. That it coincided with the desperation of the German people after the devastation of WWI was not in any way "good", but a part of his monstrous and diabolical plan.

  34. Hi C.C. and all,
    As to 40A(Hilton on ice) means PARIS HILTON, the blonde bimbo. PARIS ON ICE.

    I am with Sallie on this puzzle. Way too difficult for me. Sallie, I thought the baby deer was a FAWN not a FAUN.

  35. Sorry about my mistake- I meant to type PARIS SKATING for 40A

  36. Better than yesterday's debacle but then again I was in a MUCH better mood after PSU's win last nite so I started the day out much happier, although a tad hung over from the extra wine - started the weekend early which is the nicest thing about being retired.

    Loved Wolfmom's food paintings - my s.o. has a wall of food related pix in his house but nothing as spectacular as some of those mouth watering candy apples. Yum!

    As a former resident of S.E. PA not sure I would ever apply agape to Philly and I do love the city. That brotherly love thing only goes so far in parts of Philly. Not a good clue for agape.

    My fav Matt Damon flic is still "Good Will Hunting" - the more I see it the more interesting I find the character relationships. And it has one of my all time favorite quotes "how about them apples" to the jerky college kid.

    Riddle: What common English word is 9 letters long, yet each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains a common English word down to 1 remaining letter?


  37. good morning c.c. and all,

    this one was a MEANY. for starters, never heard of ROOSTERTAIL for a boat's wake, did not know LAIRD or ELEVE. had to circle around several times, and took some red letter help to finish. enjoying the struggle for the two-word fills. FAUNS was new, as c.c. wrote, it's generally satyr or centaur. mythology makes my head hurt. liked the bird/wing and speeder/radar clues.

    have had many a chigger in my day, they burrow under your skin and itch like crazy. i never knew they were larva .. which makes me picture something worm-like. our remedy was a little dot of nail polish, which would suffocate them. fortunately they do not seem to be here on the west coast.

    @c.c.: ROY G BIV was easy to remember for me, maybe because i was about 11 and at that age things stick quicker. i thought you might link some DEWy flowers for us this morning.

    @linda: totally agree with you about agape. agape (pronounced a-GOP-ay) is a sacrificial, serving love. phileo is brotherly love, as in philadelphia. interesting greek study in john 21 when jesus asks peter 3 times, 'do you love(agape) me,' peter replies 3 times 'you know that i love(phileo) you.' much is hidden in the english translation.

    @kazie: in my head i pronounce your blogger id as KAY-ZEE, as i remember you once wrote that it was for your initials. in light of yesterdays ZED, why not kazed?

    @dennis: i had the same experience today, some words i filled in without knowing that/how i knew them. LOVE the WOW today. tremendous whack, indeed. gotta love churchill.

    @windhover: clever.

  38. Clear Ayes,
    I totally agree that those accomplishments all fed into Hitler's master plan. I was thinking of them in terms of the crippled German economy, with the French refusing to allow any industry in the Ruhr, along with the crippling WWI reparations. Giving people work again was what popularized him in the eyes of the German people, most of whom should have seen through him. They are a well educated nation, and I've always wondered why they were so easily hoodwinked. Probably a combination of a scapegoat most of Europe would identify with, and the financial devastation of the 1920's, when inflation was so bad, people's pay was collected at noon so the shopping could be done each day before prices went up by the end of the day!

    When you consider the pograms in Eastern Europe throughout history, I guess his picking on the Jews as the scapegoat was a crafty move for that geographic area. But thinking about how many Jews are in all parts of the world, that had to influence how strongly many of the allied nations would feel about what he was doing, at least once they stopped denying the possibility of something so gross.

    Along the lines of "what if...", I've always thought he should have picked on the French. After all, they were the ones who refused to allow Germany to get back on its feet after WWI, and they and the English have always been at each others' throats for something or other. Not being a historian, I might be stretching here, but wasn't Germany pulled into WWI by its treaties with Austria after the Archduke's assassination? Yet they got most of the blame for the war's devastation.

    Well, it's interesting to speculate on what might have been different.

  39. Good morning CC and all,

    Linda's quote says it all:
    BTW: The puzzle might as well have been in hieroglyphics! CC...your intellect constantly amazes me! Did very poorly even after peeking at the theme answers.

    I think the new clueing has thrown me a bit, but it's always enjoyable to learn new words, and to see how all of you relate to them, such as today's agape.Actually, most of the words are not new, but it's the clue, such as creedal holding, that stumps me. CC, what do you do when you get stuck... or does that ever happen?

    Pan is my favorite faun.So many fun tales about him.

    The Bourne Identity was my favorite Damon film.

    Many of us had our adenoids removed with our tonsils as kids. Adenoids lay/lie(recline? LOL) behind the uvula, and can grow to the size of a ping pong ball,blocking airflow. I was 5 when it snowed in LA( an unheard of event), but I was stuck in the hospital having my tonsils removed.

    Linda and Wolfmom, my sentiments exactly on teaching. Teachers must love what they are teaching to make it fun. I'm so glad I didn't have to teach math!!

    Lois, have great spring break!!!Don't bring a stack of papers to correct.

    I am blown away by the talents of Elissa and Wolfmom!

  40. CC: In high school (LHS was, unfortunately a "party" school...and what high school isn`t nowadays)...the term for inebriated to the fullest sense of the word was "fried, dyed and laid aside".

    Haven`t returned for any reunions since I`m a teetotaler. (I`m silly enough on Sam`s Cola!) Am "tight' with my husband`s class, though...I just remind them that they are 12 years older than me, regularly! Ok...4.

  41. Kazie, Thanks for expanding your post. The German people were definitely betrayed by Hitler into believing that by following him they could regain their pre-WWI prosperity and influence. Desperate people do desperate things.

    There a good (and long, over 900 pages) book by Robert Massie "Dreadnought" that details the events that led up to WWI.

    C.C. Matt Damon has made a lot of good movies. I really enjoyed "The Talented Mr. Ripley" because he played a totally amoral guy so convincingly. I also liked "Dogma", just because it was so controversial.

  42. Well, I’m glad that I wasn’t the only one having trouble with this puzzle today.
    There simply wasn’t enough spare tries for me to complete it. Even though I got skis
    For Street supplies, I didn’t understand the answer until I read the comments. Picaboo
    Street was fun to watch. She kind of had an I don’t give a damn attitude flying down
    The hill.

    I got rooster tail for the motor boat wake as I spend a lot of time out on the lake. What
    Really makes a big rooster tail are those pesky jet skis. They are a sailor’s nightmare as
    They really don’t pay any attention to where they are going.

    I hate to say it but almost every year I get a case of the chiggers. Usually after going for a
    Swim in a lake. What I learned last year is to dry off immediately and spray on some suntan
    Oil. Helps the tan, and kills the little buggers.

    My favorite Matt Damon movie, if you haven’t read my profile is Good Will Hunting. My favorite
    Quote is when he talks about going to work for the N.S.A. Imagine having to memorize that!

    Maniac, some slang for being drunk: sloshed, sloppy, plowed, getting stupid For getting “stoned”
    Tweaked, hashed up, stoked, getting red-eyed.

  43. SandbridgeKaren posted a clever riddle today. Here's a poem of six riddles. They aren't difficult, but if you get distracted, I'll post the answers later.



    Once I could kindle fire;
    Now I am cold as ice.
    I have forgot desire
    Buried in earth's blind vise,
    Changed wholly, yet the same,
    Wild with abiding flame.


    This constellation isn't made
    Of frozen rock or fiery gas.
    This galaxy but fills a glade;
    These stars (they'll wink inside a glass)
    Are born in summer's falling shade,
    And fade like dew in summer grass.


    A crystal buckler
    Guards a dark hall
    Everything enters—
    And nothing at all.


    I am the window of time,
    In which a single scene,
    Always and never the same,
    Forms on a shimmering screen;

    The well of eternity,
    Receding in the center,
    Through which infinity
    Beckons where none can enter.


    The most successful suitors know
    When not to tell the truth.
    When girls are young we show their age;
    In age we bring them youth.


    A clock without a town,
    A lamp that sheds no light,
    A silver carriage drawn
    By horses black and white;

    A scythe that never swings,
    A bow without a mark,
    A bell that ever hangs
    Suspended in its arc;

    An egg without a yolk,
    A peach without a stone,
    A mantle blue as milk,
    A dandelion unblown;

    A vanished childhood friend,
    A woman wreathed with foam,
    The one who lags behind,
    The one who leads you home.

    - Catherine Tufariello

  44. Here is the end of the quote I was thinking about. The end result of him breaking a code.

    So what did I think? I'm holdin' out for somethin' better. I figure f&^% it, while I'm at it why not just shoot my buddy, take his job, give it to his sworn enemy, hike up gas prices, bomb a village, club a baby seal, hit the hash pipe and join the National Guard? I could be elected president.

  45. Good afternoon, all,

    I am late today after taking Jean to the therapist. Started in the waiting room with pencil and paper and had some problems. Got home and G.ed Rowe, Styler, & Espoo. I still don't understand the clue for Peoria. I guessed at fauns after satyr was not a starter, and like you, C.C. was thinking baseball for strikes and tried to make spiketries work. I never understood the Street clue as I have never skied or followed the sport.

    I never glomed onto the theme.

    As for chiggers, I was eaten alive by them as a kid growing up in MS, but did not know they were a larva. They seemed to prefer the scrotum as a dining place.

    I appreciate everyone's comments today and am amazed at the collective wisdom and talents of all the bloggers. As humans, we take pleasure and satisfaction from the communities to which we belong; i.e., church, work, schools, civic organizations and the like. This blog is a new one for me, and most enjoyable. Thank you C.C. for starting and nurturing it.

  46. T. Frank - if chiggers prefer the scrotum then I'm thrilled that I don't have one. I've never experienced the little buggers and from all the comments today re: their nastiness I hopefully will go the rest of my life without having any contact with them.

  47. @barryg Sorry to put words in your mouth for AGAPE. I know we've seen the word with other meanings, but this was a newbie for me. Good to see you.

    No problemo. As I said, I only knew if from philosophy classes (where it was pronounced "ah-gah-pay" in case anybody cares).

    As for flea circuses, my understanding is that there were two main varieties. The first was a total "scam" involving motorized or clockwork miniature circus rides (a small ferris wheel, a miniature trapeze, etc.). Since fleas are so small, the proprietor would convince the audience that fleas were moving everything.

    The other variety was much the same, except that real fleas were glued to the equipment. Some might be still alive and cause things to move in an attempt to, er, flea, but often it was once again motors or clockwork that did the bulk of the moving.

  48. Linda & Melissa,
    You've convinced me, the AGAPE clue was inaccurate.

    What does Jesus AGAPE question and Peter's Phleo answer say about themselves? Jesus thinks himself is God? Peter does not believe Jesus is God?

    Barry G,
    It seems that Friday/Saturday puzzles are always easier for you somehow. Thanks for Picabo Street.

    Whoa! How could they change the horse in the midstream?

    Great post @12:19pm. Don't you feel Germans are generally quite cold and detached? What's the French name for college then?

  49. Lois,
    What is 3 ring circus? Do check in when you are free with the long-stemmed winecup!

    Karen Q,
    Nice to see you back. Sorry to hear your husband's wallet loss.

    I see no H & long o connection in TORAH, esp since TORAH can also be spelled as TORA. Maybe you can give me another example?

    Surprising, isn't it? I've never developed a passion for bowling. Do you bowl? Are you against No Child Left Behind? Why? The puzzle maker himself emailed you & several others the answer sheet.

  50. Mainiac,
    Thanks for the great "drunk" & "high" slang. Were you very bad when you were young? Does "Get plowed" have any DF meaning?

    Maybe you can paint what you had for breakfast this morning.The worms and the acorn coffee.

    What does "How do you like those apples" mean? I saw "Good Will Hunting" long time ago, in Chinese. Don't remember that line. I don't understand your STARTLING riddle. Can you remove the letter one by one for me?

  51. Clear Ayes,
    So curious to see who will answer your riddles first.

    Yes, I am stumped all the time. I often use Google & OneAcross to cheat. I like Google more because I can save the information I've gleaned for my blog post later. Tell us one or two fun things about Pan the FAUN. Why panic?

    "I never glomed onto the theme". What's the meaning of "glomed onto"? I can't find the phrase in any dictionary.

  52. c.c.,
    Some Germans in the west might be considered cold, but not all of them. I made friends there with whom I feel very comfortable in all situations. However, there are some who are harder to get close to. Their perception of Americans is that it's easy to make friends with us, but we don't stay in touch so they think the relationships are superficial.

    In the east it's a different story. When it was East Germany, they were afraid to even be seen talking to foreigners. What I've experienced since then is a genuine warmth, lots of hugs and affection much more openly than in the west. Our d-i-l's family seem to all want to have lots of fun with us and each other, almost like they're making up for lost time when they had nothing to be joyful about.

    Tertiary institutions in France are called universités, instituts, académies and facultés (really like our "schools of" on university campuses). But sometimes they employ the term collèges like that too. I looked it up in three dictionaries to make sure, and it's a bit confusing because it seems all those terms are used. When I was in Montpellier, it was always la fac(ulté)--"Je vais à la fac." --which could sound a bit DF if you didn't know better.

    Karen Q,
    Good luck with the wallet. It's a terrible feeling to lose something like that, especially these days with all the identity theft now. I hope you come through unscathed.

  53. Good Afternoon C.C. and Co.,

    Great Work on the theme!

    I believe the term is 'PAIRS SKATING' because in competitions, there are multiple pairs or couples competing against each other.
    As for FLEAS, take a look at this.

    I question 'Rifles' for LOOTS. You can rifle through some things and not necessarily take anything.

    The Talented Mr. Ripley is my favorite Matt DAMON movie, too!

    I am sorry to say that I do not recall the first crossword I ever did. I am sure it was when I was a boy.

    DNA TESTS. "I suppose no abbreviation hint is needed."
    I am not so sure. I tend to think that, technically, it ought to have one.

    "Is it because the wake looks like a real rooster's tail?"
    That's correct. It is because of the shape of the water being thrown up.

    ""Right you are": TRUE. Not "You are right"?"
    Both ways work.

    "What's the difference between mount and mountain?"
    As far as I am aware, there is none.

    "Those tree creatures in Tolkien's book?"
    Yes. The ENTS are the tree creatures.

    "Stream: FLOW. Noun or verb? Or both?"
    In this case it they are verbs of the infinitive form:"to flow out" is "to stream out". They can both be nouns in other instances, though. One might refer to "the flow of the stream", in which case both flow and stream are nouns but are not synonymous.

    "I forgot the reason, but she was beheaded."
    In a nut shell, it was because Mary I, the daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, never truly accepted any of Henry's other wives as legitimate queens of England. Since Mary was the only child of Henry and Catherine, upon his death Mary felt that she was the rightful heir to the throne. Through political machinations she arranged to put and end to Lady Jane. You should watch the Tudors. It is a terrific show.

    I like the Guillermo del Toro film, Pan's Labyrinth, which features a FAUN. I am looking forward to his upcoming film, The Hobbit.

    NATIONAL. "Was this a gimme to you?"

  54. This one was kind of difficult. Despite my recent research for my upcoming trip to Helsinki, I had to get ESPOO from the perps. While I did know AGAPE (The U.S. Grand Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis uses the word for the name of its newsletter.), I also had to get KRESGE and ROWE from the perps and I did not understand the clue for SKIS until I came here today.
    Thank you, Barry G. :)

    SERA is the plural form of serum, blood plasma with the clotting factors removed.

    Thanks for the 'Art in the Eye of a Needle' clip. Very cool!

    As teenagers, we smoked weed to get 'blitzed'.

    Those participating in today's Hitler discussion the might enjoy the book 'Skeletons at the Feast'.

  55. Here is a better look at a rooster tail and a clip from the group Blotto
    –adjective Slang. very drunk; so drunk as to be unconscious or not know what one is doing.

  56. C.C. @2:58,

    To me, "glom" means to understand,or see the light. I don't know where the word originated and am surprised you could not find it anywhere. (Maybe I made it up in my sleep!)

  57. @C.C. Yes, I am not a fan of NCLB. Completely ridiculous expectations for anyone with limited ability, be it physical, emotional or mental, and no funding support or guidance at the local level where all the work is done.

    I bowled before I developed knee problems, but not at a high level and mostly just for the social interactions.

    I have the answers to the pencil puzzle. Thank you.

    TORAH doesn't have a long o. It is tor-ah.

  58. Carol, you are absolutely correct in fawn being the deer, not faun. Thanks for clearing my head! I was completely flummoxed on this puzzle. Hate to think what tomorrow and Sunday brings.

  59. To me, "glom" means to understand,or see the light. I don't know where the word originated and am surprised you could not find it anywhere. (Maybe I made it up in my sleep!)

    I've always known it to mean grab, seize, steal, catch, etc., but the reason C. C. probably couldn't find it is that you spelled it glomed instead of glommed... ^_^

  60. Maniac: You are showing philos and agape love to your brother...I have children who behave the same way... :(

    CC: You had to know I would take a stab at the Jesus/Peter exchange...Jesus was asking Peter, "Can you love Me with the same kind of love I have for you?" (the kind of love that would cause you to lay down your life for a person.) Peter wasn`t ready to show that kind of love...that was evidenced when he denied Jesus three times while Jesus was being mocked and beaten. What I find glorious is that Jesus gave Peter three chances to redeem himself in John 21! Love it! God is not mad at anybody! God wants us to succeed and be able to be with Him! He truly "Agape`s" us.

  61. Jeezus, I'm still laughing at 'Peelabo Street', the stripping skier.

    Barry's correct, glom is usually used to mean grab onto something, such as "I glommed a piece of pie when she wasn't looking". But -- I've also heard it used to mean to catch on.

    Crockett, I always thought it was pronounced 'toe-rah'. However, I have no real idea.

    Jeannie, I confess - I was one of those powerboaters/jetskiers who used to delight in seeing how big a rooster tail I could throw up. (After a very close call with jetskis involving a good friend and myself, we decided we should stick with the powerboats.)

  62. Linda, I'm sorry - I don't have a clue. That's not my area of expertise with collectibles. I know sports memorabilia, and collectibles from the 50s-60s.

    SandBridgeKaren, amen regarding Philadelphia - I worked in the city for almost 30 years when I was in the corporate world, and their tag is almost as big a misnomer as "The Garden State" is for this gray state.

    Melissa Bee, GMTA.

  63. CC Barry G and Dennis

    Glom Prob alter E. Dial glaum to grab. 1 Slang : take ,steal.
    2 slang Seize, catch.
    Glom on to : take possesion of.
    From a Websters 1973 Dictionary.

    Jimmy S Carolina.

  64. Re: agape ... It's pronounced with three syllables, ah-gah-pay, and is used by Saint Paul in the New Testament.

    Rev. Wayne

  65. On the 69th post each day I am going to share with you what happened this day in history.

    Arpil 3rd 1860 the pony express began service between St. Joseph, MO and Sacramento, CA

    April 3rd 1882 Also in St. Joseph, MO Jesse James was shot to death.

    April 3rd 1924 Marlon Brando was born in Omaha, NE

    April 3rd 1996 Ted Kacynski, the unibomber was arrested.

    Oh, and Dennis if you “glommed” a piece of pie when she wasn’t looking that is damned impressive!

    I am changing to 66 today as I have to leave, and I like the way bottoms all line up?

  66. Now that we've established how to pronounce AGAPE, can you imagine someone not familiar with the word trying to spell it from how it sounds? UHGAYPAY? I never knew that EPITOME was spelled that way until I finally looked it up while reading something and was quite surprised to see that I knew the word -- it WASN'T "EH PE TOME," LOL! Something to be learned in this big world every day.

  67. Hi y'all. Still trying to get this computer fixed. Will Check later.

    I must be off

  68. re Torah.
    This is a word that comes to us from Hebrew refering to religious writings. Written Hebrew did not contain any vowel symbols, so it would have looked something like TRH ( in their alphabet, of course). I am guessing that the H is kept in the English because of the ancient spelling of the word, and that the A in the English is the addtion. Anyone have any knowledge of this?


    C.C. - The hebrew word torah is תּוֹרָה or tav, vav, resh, he (tav = T sound, vav = O sound, resh = R sound, he = H sound). All the sounds are pronounced and the emphasis is on the second syllable - toe-RAH. I think TORA would probably be pronounce TOR-ah with a soft O and A and the emphasis on the first syllable - as in TORA! TORA! TORA!

  70. One more thing, there is a little 't' shaped mark under the resh (the third letter from the right - as hebrew reads right to left) which indicates a soft A vowel sound.

  71. I am relieved that Jeannie has given up on the 69 for today, then I won't feel guilty if this is it...I finally am home and had to go back and read everything again...I must have been in a total caffeine-deprived haze not to see the link...

    C.C. how very kind of you to link Elissa and I to is the effect I try for, but it doesn't always succeed. Also, I will will have to think on the worms and Acorn coffee painting...

    Jeannie...good idea for the infamous #69 post. the pommegranate drawing...we have 2 pommegranate trees in our yard and every year they are loaded with grateful that my neice comes over and takes bagsful. They are such a beautiful fruit, and I really like the taste, but very labor intensive to deal with. I will go back later and read the poems...

    MelissaBee: The bad news...we may not have chiggers but we most certainly have ticks...the nail polish treament also works on them.

    Things that make you go Hmmmmm:

    Why do we leave our very expensive cars in the driveway and put all our worthless stuff in the garage?

    Why are there braille dots on the drive through ATM?

    When he had the chance, why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitos?

    Dennis...I only have to walk into the sunroom to start "work" and it is always fun!

    Favorite drunk word: British slang for really drunk...PISSED...ya gotta love the Brits.

  72. Oops, left one out:

  73. Hi

    I am out of town, but did the puzzle very early. I like all the anagrams in the hteme.

    TOE RAH is a pretty accurate Anglicization of the Hebrew; there have been vowel notations for a while, and since the wors ends with an “H” Jews always say TORAH.

    IRWIN SHAW wrote "Rich man, Poor Man" a very successful miniseries.

    Loved the movie "DOGMA, " and “Pan’s Labyrinth.”

    I also associate GLOM with staring at someone, big in pulp fiction "he glommed the doxy."

    The choice of the Jews as the primary group to hate in Germany was pretty easy; Jews have had problems since the debate over the crucifixion. The Spanish Inquisition did its best long before Hitler was around, and Poland was always having pogroms..

    It hit 90 degrees in South Florida today, but I am now in Orlando to visit my sons.

  74. wolfmom - the only thing I find weirder than braille dots on ATM machines in the drive thru lane is our local fire station. The City of VA Beach spent a fortune on a gorgeous new firestation down the street and all the signs inside include braille. I guess for our sight challenged fire and rescue personnel! I understand they got some federal $$ for construction and that was a requirement. Now I appreciate sight challenged people working in any field they desire, but somehow I doubt working fire and rescue is something very many would choose. ????

    cc - others gave the riddle answer so won't repeat. In "Good Will Hunting" if you remember the Matt Damon character has a run-in in a bar with the local college boys who are pretty dismissive to the "locals". He winds up getting the Minnie Driver characters phone #, walks up to the window of the bar, yells at the college boys "do you like apples" then holds up the paper with her phone number and says "how about them apples!" Very much boasting about his macho success - definitely slang and perhaps not widely used outside the area.

  75. Elissa...
    or startling

    I once heard, on Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the Story", that Hitler was addicted to amphetamines.

    Psychological effects of amphetamine can include anxiety and/or general nervousness, euphoria, metacognition, creative or philosophical thinking, perception of increased energy, increased sense of well being, increase of goal-orientated thoughts or organized behavior, repetitive behavior, increased concentration/mental sharpness, increased alertness, feeling of power or superiority, emotional lability, excitability, talkativeness, an increased expression of aggression or paranoia, and occasionally amphetamine psychosis, typically in a high and/or chronic doses.

    Could explain a lot. But I always took Harvey's stories with a grain of salt. Has anyone heard or read anything similar?

  76. SandbridgeKaren...LMAO That is hysterical! We thought that the new local firehouse was a bit over the top because they put in copper fittings, lights, drain pipes, etc...but your story takes the cake!

  77. Hi C.C.
    It was a hard puzzle for me today also. I had a few good guesses like 47A:Adenoids but my wife had to help me spell it. I finally cheated and used the online puzzle to see what was correct and could usually guess it after a few letters.

    BTW Ents are a tree creature from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series of books. They also turned the books into 3 movies .



  78. I have completed every puzzle this week, though I have been too busy with my new project to read or comment here. Generally I do better on these puzzles than our previous ones (all this week were 100% correct except for 2 incorrect letters in Thursday’s puzzle), but I prefer these puzzles simply because the clues are more interesting.

    Today’s puzzle was challenging to be sure. Initially I filled in “that’s all” for 20A instead of WHAT ELSE, and I had to guess on 5D STYLER. I did not know what “creedal” meant, so 23A had to come from the crosses. I had a big question mark next to 49D SKIS, but cc cleared up my quandary when she provided the name Picabo Street! AGAPE I knew, of course. I recognized the theme at some point and thought it very clever.

    TTFN…so much to do now on the weekends. I must get try to catch up on all the things I didn’t get done this week!

  79. Wolfmom, Thanks for the encouragement. I learned a lot with the pomegranate and black do not make a pomegranate jewel tone. I had to buy a few more intensely colored pastel sticks.

    So much about the noun agape today, but I didn't see anything about the adjective/adverb agape, meaning "wide open". It is pronounced a-gay-p, pretty much like it is spelled. It's been a while since we listed any heteronyms.

    Here are the answers to the Light Riddles poem from earlier today.

    A diamond


    The eye

    A mirror


    The moon

    Have a good evening all

  80. ClearAyes: Your Pomegranate is had to have had can`t be taught that well that quickly...

    Dennis: Thanks anyway...eBay lists them.

    Chiming in on Hitler`s "diabolical" plans; they were just that .
    Hitler regularly consulted mediums and attended seances. When you tap into the wrong side of the spirit realm (and you most certainly can...), you can get instructions on how to destroy what/who God loves the most (and it could often be your own self).
    I know from experience that it is nothing to play around with! That`s why we are warned so strongly in the Torah to stay away from such people and things.

  81. Andrea1263...I forgot to thank you for your compliments. Checked out you website...sounds like my kind of food.

    Do you chef in your restaurant? Or do manage the chef?

    If I am ever in your neck of the woods, I would definitely go there for a meal...I am an insuferable foodie...My first thought when I go somewhere is where do I eat?

  82. I am so disappointed that the puzzle has been changed. The LA Times puzzle is much harder, and just isn't fun any more.

  83. My favourite Matt Damon movies are the Bourne series.

    Great song from the movie

    Extreme Ways By Moby

  84. Hey most of you phony's I know who you are...go lurk on the other blog where you can dis people and share your high falutin' opinions in private. Sorry, probably spelled high falutin' rong. wat due eye no?

  85. Greetings C.C. and all

    I am not a drinker; however, I have heard some slang over the years and thought I would add to the list.

    Mainiac –
    Some more slang for drunk:

    Three sheets in the wind,
    High as a kite,
    High as a Georgia pine
    Got a buzz on,
    Blind a**ed drunk,
    Falling down drunk,
    Drunk as a sailor, (No disrespect to the military),
    “But officer, I only had “tee martoonis” for lunch.”

    The LA Times puzzles really have a different slant than the ones we were used to (sometimes more challenging than others). It took me a while to get through today’s puzzle. I have most of the same comments that have already been posted. After I realized Street referred to Picabo I thought it was a clever clue. Being from Florida and having watched boat races, water skiing, jet skis, I had no trouble getting roostertail.

    C.C. and T.Frank-
    I have heard the term glom (glommed) all my life and to me it has a conglomerate of meanings:

    Being able to understand something,
    Snitch something, take credit for someone else’s idea,
    Plus the ones Barry G., Dennis and Lemonade714 listed. I hope I haven’t left anyone out.

    I like your word play on startling. Do you have any more?

    I’ve often wondered about those Braille dots.

    An oldie but goodie – Why do we drive on the parkway and park in the driveway?

    Looks like there are several newbies and some very talented ones at that.

    Sorry for posting so late. I’d best be outta here.



  86. Mainiac,
    ever heard of ripped, or "getting ripped"?

    nobody seems to care, or to have read/seen the late night post from yesterday... so sad...

    Yes, you answered, but answered incorrectly, people's car is not people's wagon.

    Anyway, another post that won't be seen by the masses, being too late to contribute to the puzzle of yesterday. Apparently just another waste of my time.
    Fruitless Posting TJ in Osseo

  87. @thomas Sorry you're feeling down in the dumps. I feel a little bummed out too because you said "nobody cares" and I posted a follow-up post just like I'm doing today. Hope you have a fine weekend!


  88. Crockett the nobody,
    Maybe TJ was expecting his "somebody" for comments?

  89. Love your blog. I only use it if I'm truly stumped, which usually occurs on Fridays and Saturdays. I use these puzzles to keep my brain sharp.


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