, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday April 6, 2009 Elizabeth A. Long

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Apr 6, 2009

Monday April 6, 2009 Elizabeth A. Long

Theme: BE QUIET (36A: "Shh!" (and a hint to the feature shared by the answers to starred clues))

20A: *Shari Lewis puppet: LAMB CHOP

52A: *Act all innocent: PLAY DUMB

11D: *Duster's find at a crime scene: THUMB PRINT

28D: *Precariously situated: OUT ON A LIMB

Hmm, no scrabbly JAMB. All B's are silent. Great puzzle. I like how BE QUIET is positioned in the very middle of the grid. Very creative theme title. I also like how letter B starts the puzzle (1A: Narrow-necked pear: BOSC) and ends the puzzle (65A: Swedish auto: SABB). Nice touch!

B is such a strange letter. Sometimes it's also silent when it's in the middle of the words like debt, subtle, doubtful, etc.

I did not know CALEB (21D: Biblical spy). But "spy" should not be part of the clue as SPY is the answer for 46D: "James Bond, e.g.". Come to the Comments section if you have a better clue for CALEB. Dictionary says it means "dog" in Hebrew.

Will be busy in the next few weeks, so my blog Comments will be very limited.


5A: James who robbed trains: JESSE. Learned this name on my first day with Pinkerton China. We focused on Intellectual Property investigation and surveillance/debugging. Several of my ex-colleagues are EX-COPs (6D: Many a security guard), ex-Marines, British/German military force, etc. Most speak fluent Chinese.

17A: "Pow!" relative: WHAM. Also George Michael's ex-band. His original Greek name is insane, lots of vowels. I like "Careless Whisper".

18: Immune system agent: T- CELL. T stands for thymus. The B in B-CELL stands for bursa. Anyone knows the difference between T-CELL and B-CELL?

19A: Litter's littlest: RUNTS. I like this clue.

24A: Open-bodied truck: FLAT BED. Oh, I did not know this kind of trailer has a special name.

26A: Moon mission name: APOLLO. Reminds me of JD's comment on Pan the FAUN. She said Pan "created panic by showing up unannounced and scaring "people." He fell in love with the moon, but the moon said he was too ugly to marry and smelled like a goat. So he dressed up as a sweet fluffy lamb and lured the moon into the woods.When she recognized his voice, she hid behind the earth's shadow for many days, creating the 1st eclipse."

30A: No-goodnick: LOUSE. Just noticed that the plural for "No-goodnick" LOUSE is louses. But the plural for the insect LOUSE is lice.

31A: Really punch: SLUG. Hence slugger.

32A: Hops. scanners: MRIS

39A: Legal Lance: ITO. Has he written a book about the Simpson trial as well?

42A: Hit, in billiards: CUED. I like the ambiguity in tense.

45A: Jeff Gordon was its 1993 Rookie of the Year: NASCAR. Oh, I don't know this trivia. Do remember his messy divorce though.

47A: Cavern: GROTTO. And the person who explore caves is a spelunker.

50A: Gucci of fashion: ALDO. No idea. He looks like a mafia too. His father, the founder of Gucci, is named Guccio Gucci.

57A: Soft-tipped pen brand: FLAIR. Another unknown. FLAIR is just a baseball card brand to me.

60A: Dole's 1996 running mate: KEMP (Jack). I forgot. His name appeared in our puzzle before. Someone mentioned his football career last time. Wikipedia says he was a quarterback for 13 years. Reminds me of Senator Jim Bunning (KY). He was a former pitcher. Hall-of-Famer.

61A: Give up: WAIVE. Forgo also has 5 letters.

62A: This, in Tegucigalpa: ESTO. Or ESTA. "That" is ESO. Crossword editors seem to be very fond of alliteration. I had no idea that Tegucigapla is the capital of Honduras. What do you associate Honduras with? Me, banana.

64A: Force units: DYNES. Rooted in Greek dunamis (power), the same origin of "dynamic".


3D: Pillow covering: SHAM. Wonder when Rich Norris will take a shot at the ilks of Bernie Madoff/Allan Standord. I don't think I will buy Topps Ponzi Cards of Shame. Certain card inserts hold no attraction to me.

4D: Drummer's crashers: CYMBALS. Same pronunciation as symbols, correct? I'd love to hear how UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pronounces bad/bed, sax/sex. I think he might have the same problem as I do.

5D: Rockers __ Tull: JETHRO. No idea. What's their most famous song? Al mentioned the British band ELP yesterday. Look at side two of this album. Isn't it interesting? The Three Fates (Clotho, Lachesis & Atropos).

10D: Layer: STRATUM. Can you think of another clue?

12D: Tennessee-born country singer Ford: ERNIE. His face looks very familiar. I must have googled him before. So many ERNIES to clue: ERNIE Els, ERNIE Banks, who else?

13D: Like a subdued trumpet: MUTED

22D: Paw's mate?: MAW. Comic book? I don't know. I've never heard of MAW & Paw.

25D: Opera box: LOGE. The Italian magistrate is DOGE.

27D: Protruded-lip expression: POUT. Thought of Angelina Jolie and her POUT. Do you think she is beautiful than Chinese actress Gong Li?

31D: Cheerleader unit: SQUAD

37D: Pilate's "Behold!": ECCE Pilate is the guy who said "Ecce homo!" Here is Titian's painting "ECCE Homo". Williams once clued ECCO as "Behod, to Guido". I thought he made up the word.

41D: Trounces: WALLOPS

44D: Annoying people: NOODGES. Variant of nudge. New to me. I only knew the "gentle push" meaning of nudge.

47D: Piercing looks: GLARE. Probably the most piercing and unforgettable eyes in the world.

50D: __ and kicking: ALIVE. I like Celine Dion's "I am ALIVE."

52D: It can be chronic or shooting: PAIN. What is shooting PAIN?

53D: Bear among the stars: URSA. URSA Major & URSA Minor. Latin for "bear". I also found out this morning that Latin for duck is anas.

55D: "We're not serving liquor," briefly: BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle).

57D: Bk. introduction: FWD

58D: Make, as a wager: LAY. Mine was BET. I am not familiar with the term "LAY a wager".

Answer Grid.



  1. Good morning, C.C. & fellow solvers - 4:05 on this one; just about as fast as I could write. I didn't tie the theme answers together until I went back and looked at them.

    Tennessee Ernie Ford was popular back in the late 50s, early 60s. His biggest hit song was 'Sixteen Tons'. I remember his TV show back then, called 'The Ford Show'; it was named not for him, but for the sponsor, Ford cars. I don't think I've seen 'noodges' in print before - I've heard it and probably used it, but never thought about how it'd be spelled. I disagree that 'scalped' means 'sold for a big profit'; it means selling for more than face value, period.

    Today is Plan Your Epitaph Day. Moot point for me, as I plan on being cooked extremely well-done; save the space for someone else.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "All the cliches say as you grow older you grow wiser. I don't feel one damn bit wiser! Wisdom is not concomitant with age. I've met some extremely stupid people who as they've hardened and grown older have become more selfish, intolerant, vindictive, driven to outrage easily, and they dwell in their disappointments. But a kind of acceptance isn't easily arrived at. I'm talking about graceful acceptance, a recognition of your own foibles, your own limitations, and I'm not talking of physical limitations. Somehow to make peace with the fact that you, like the trees, plants, and landscapes, are going through an inevitable process." - Hume Cronyn

    And Mr. Fun Facts couldn't resist this one: Casanova wore condoms made of linen.

  2. Dennis,
    Good point on SCALPED. Mr. FF is lying. How can linen condoms work?

    I liked Leonardo Dicaprio's Howard Hughes. Thought Cate Blanchet's Katharine Hepburn is too pretentious. Some of your "Today in history" comments are very witty.

    Here is 77. Type in "Rise and Shine", and look for meaning #3.

  3. c.c.

    What an interesting blog. I really enjoyed reading through your thoughts about the answers. It is rather like the way my son and I handle the LA Crossword that is run in our local paper on Sundays in Vancouver Canada.
    I'm sure to be back for more.


  4. C.C., Mr. Fun Facts stands behind his fact - linen condoms date to the early 1500s. Mr Fun Facts is old enough to have been there.

    Off to the gym.

  5. I wanted PALE for ASHY, WAIL for BAWL, BASH for POW, CASE for SHAM and STARES for GLARES. I couldn't finish on my own.

    How long have you been in Taiwan?

    Five and a half years.

    How can linen condoms work?

    Not very well. But at least he would have deniability when the girl got pregnant.

    I finally found a paper today but because I didn't have one this morning I didn't work on it until this evening.


  6. Hi C.C.

    Have recently been found your blog and am enjoying it. Could not figure out the theme - did not particularly like it. By the way, it is "Jesse" James not "Jessie". "Noodged" not "nooged".

    Dennis sounds very pompous!!

  7. Good morning CC and all,..a very easy puzzle today. There were no stumbling blocks and the fills came easily. I did try to put GEARS for 24D, but my error quickly showed itself. Not much else to add so until tomorrow.

    @crossedlover we find Dennis knowledgeable, intelligent and witty, but not pompous.

    Hope you all have a great Monday.

  8. Good morning:

    Well I was out of town and no puzzle access yesterday, so I was rather unprepared when I came back to a Monday puzzle, with NOODGES, something I was accused of being when I was little, and like Dennis, I have never seen written; and C.C. providing guidance on 77, and not tied to the old TV show, but a more detailed breaking and entering. WOW! I have lived an interesting life, but when I read about 77 and shockers (two in the bush, one in the cheney; hysterical!) I realize I will always be the one off to the side, shaking my head in amazement.

    C.C., as to your collection question, my flippant nature wants to answer something like, "All I can see collecting now is unemployment checks if work does not pick up." But, I really don't have any left, having sold off my comic book and coin collections, and the incredible elephant collection that I had. For years, anyone who knew me brought me elephants from around the globe made of anything and everything. I do have books by authors that I like, including some autographed copies, but no more collections.

    I literally cannot read and write fast enough to do a puzzle in 4 minutes, even when I know the all the answers.

    Linen Condoms.

  9. Great Monday Morning to All!!

    Worked right through this one. Had some errors that I straightened out with perps and fills, similar to Martins. This was easy, had to be for me to finish quickly. Not even close to four minutes!

    Had to bolt on Friday (my driveway was washing out) and didn't get a chance to reply on the "buzzed" synonyms. Thanks all. There are some regional aspects to the terminology.

    CC, I didn't consider myself very bad in my youth, just didn't have any priorities. I still consider myself young but prioritized! I'll need some education on DF. When I first started on the blog there was some discussion on the meaning but I think I came at the half way point (good excuse anyway).

    Planning my epitaph is easy. I'll be nothing but fish food when its all said and done!!

    Work calls. Have a great day!

  10.'re probably right that it comes across that way; I have a great amount of self-confidence. In my defense, had you been through what I've been through in my life, I suspect you probably would too. Anyway, I hope you'll stay with us regardless, as C.C. has done a magnificent job of creating and nurturing this blog. And SkipC, welcome.

    Dick, thanks.

    C.C., you really should share some of your more interesting Pinkerton stories with us.
    Also I've already ordered a case of the Topps product that has the Hall of Shame cards in it, for the hobby store - demand is already high.

  11. You just know it's going to be a great day when Dennis starts us off with linen condoms - FIRST THING! Usually takes most of the day to get to someplace like that - Dennis - I'm SO impressed. Any maybe there was more to that Casanova than meets the eye, so to speak.

    I thought the use of double letters or letter repeats interesting (Jesse, Byob, Mata, Saab, soso, tcell etc.)- almost a 'sub theme'. I also noticed some interesting word connections - be quiet or I'll slug you, let me blow up my flatbed (have fun with that!).

    Nice easy puzzle but I too wanted bet for lay and that hung me up. Guess we'll also have a day fun of comments involving lay, blow, flat, ebbs, and those linen condoms.

    Gonna be a great Monday!

  12. Good morning, C.C. and all,

    An easy puzzle today, for me. 19 minutes with pencil and paper. The only unknowns to me were Aldo and noodges, but got them through the perps.

    I thought the clue "Biblical spy" for Caleb was perfect. He was a real person whose fascinating story can be found in the book of Numbers, Ch. 14. Of all the former slaves who wandered in the desert for 40 years with Moses, only two of them, Joshua and Caleb, were allowed to enter the land of Canaan. The rest of them were caused to die off in the desert due to their unbelief, and only their descendants were allowed to enter.

    I think your objection had more to do with crossword mechanics than with Caleb.

  13. Good morning to all of you too.

    I finished this in less than 10 minutes. I am sure I could have gone faster, but I try to solve the easier puzzles without making any errors at all, so I take it more slowly. Didn't accomplish that though. I do like how, even on he easier days they try to have some more obscure clues - such as Legal Lance. It makes it more fun.

    I was stumped on NOODGES, that and ESTO being the only two I couldn't get today. All in all an easy puzzle.

    CC - Shooting pain is awful. You don't want to know what it is like. I have experienced too much of it in my day.

    I didn't realize a grotto was a cavern. I have always just related it to the outdoor spiritual areas, generally with Catholic churches. My husband told us (and our teenage boys) that he got his first kiss in 8th grade at the grotto at Mt. Mercy College in Cedar Rapids. I was very surprised he told our kids that. It was cute though.

    I remember Jethro Tull from the 70's music, but cannot remember a song he sings. He was very popular though. I don't think I particularly liked him.

    We just returned from Cape Canaveral and their presentations on the Apollo program was my favorite of the tour. They had some of the rockets and moon vehicles on display. Very well done. We were hoping to see a rocket launch from the beach, but they delayed it because of weather. Years ago, when we visited Disney, we saw the space shuttle go off during the evening as we were exiting the park. All the way from Orlando it was still quite spectacular.

    Dennis, I don't think of you as pompous at all, and I always enjoy your fun facts.

    Everyone have a nice day. I will be on the computer all day watching my daughters "online golf stats". It is good to see how she does while she plays her tournaments, but I waste the entire day updating the scores. I hope she does okay as she is in Columbus, IN and it is forecast for 38 degrees and mixture of rain and snow. Not ideal golf conditions. Only three tournaments left for her though.

  14. Have to agree that I've not found Dennis pompous. Au contraire. I look forward to his first entry of the day for his today is comments, f.f.'s, wow's and general willingness to share his extensive knowledge is such a funny way. Guess I share some of his sense of humor - sure wish I had more of his brain power.

    Thanks for sharing, Dennis, and adding to the blog - enjoy your and cc's 'back and forths' a lot.

  15. Good Morning, Everybody!

    Coincidentally, Jeff Gordon( 45A: Jeff Gordon was its 1993 Rookie of the Year) won yesterday after losing his last 47 races. He beat Jimmie Johnson to the finish line at Texas Motor Speedway.

    24A: Open-bodied truck: FLAT BED. Oh, I did not know this kind of trailer has a special name.

    I think the truck pictured has a diferent special name: roll back. The bed will "roll" back and tip down to allow putting a vehicle on it and then return to the original position. in mid-roll

    Well, I'm a standing on a corner
    In Winslow, Arizona
    And such a fine sight to see.
    It s a girl, my lord, in a flatbed
    Ford, slowin' down to take a look at me.

    from Take It Easy" by the Eagles.

  16. Goor morning CC etal:

    Easy-peasy puzzle today - most stumbles have already been covered.

    Re: Jethro Tull - a few links for you as he was an amazingly talented floutist who also had ahd a few contemporary hits Aqualung and Locomotive Breath among the most popular.

    The flute solo in the first link is about 8 minutes long, but is truly amazing - how do you sing while you're playing the flute?

    Hope all have a happy Monday!

  17. G'day all,
    I ditto what the regulars have said in Dennis' defense. But a mensa mentality can appear pompous to the uninitiated I suppose.

    I somehow got hung up at the bottom of this one, after moving smoothly through the rest. Maybe it was finishing breakfast that slowed the inspiration (poor excuse, I know), but I had DED (dedication) for FWD, and couldn't come up with WAIVED as a result. Couldn't find FLAIR anywhere online and only saw Giucci when I googled Gucci. So I gave up trying to find a way to fit cede or anything else in 61A, not ever having heard the word NOODGE, and G-A--S not suggesting GLARES and came here, disgusted with myself.

    If this is Monday I'd better WAIVE the rest of this week!

  18. CC,
    My whining so far in vain at Herald-Leader, only CC I have today is (C)rappy (C)ommuter puzzle. I may have call them with a few Chicago-style votes.

    I'm thinking of proposing a rule that you must post for a week before you trash someone you don't know. Guess it's just the price of fame.

    Melissa Bee:
    I was just checking, sort of a sarcasm dipstick.

    What's the weather in the Land o' Lakes today? Not as frosty as last week, I hope.

    Windhover, warmly.

  19. Jethro Tull was a band, not a person. Ian Anderson was the singer and "Thick as a Brick" was his most famous song/album. The music fell under the catagory of "prog rock", which most people find embarrassingly pretentious these days. Consequently his fame has diminished considerably.

  20. The correct answer for 44D: Annoying people is NOODGES -NOT- NOOGES.

  21. @crossedlover: i've seen alot of ways to join an established blog, and that's another one. what word would you use to describe yourself?

  22. It only took one time through the clues for me to fill in all the spaces - whatever I missed on the A's I got on the D's - a first for me.

    I remember the band Jethro Tull but not anything they played. I don't know if that reflects on their music or the times or the current state of my brain. SIGH!

    Crossedlover - I like your blog name. You probably need to understand that this Blog community has encouraged Dennis in his posts and I'm sure he will grow on you.

  23. Hi C.C. & gang,

    It was an easy puzzle as expected for Monday but I wanted ESTA for ESTO.

    Re: Jethro Tull? I remember that band for just a few hit songs e.g. Aqualung and Locomotive Breath

  24. Good morning C.C. and everyone - I had the same problems as others with 44D (NOODGES),I had never heard of it. Also did not know ALDO, ECCE and ESTO.
    Other than that, I 'enjoyed the play'.

    Mr. Fun Facts: all I have to say about those condoms is "OUCH". Linen? Geez!!!
    Linen was rather course in those days and I would imagine allowed some of the determined 'little swimmers' to wiggle through!

    To Crossedlover: Dennis is most certainly NOT pompous! If anything, he is just the opposite; always willing to help others with explanations and generates much of the wild humor on this blog! Please stick around a little before you rush to judgment.

    C.C. I was surprised at your 77 list! Wow, who knew!

    Lemonade, I guess you were surprised as well. We may be older but now I am wiser in THAT department and don't know if I wanted to be. Maybe TMI!

  25. Good Morning All, I am rather pompously declaring that this was a very easy puzzle for me. I zipped along getting all the acrosses, right up until BE QUIET. I thought I had conquered my two-word phrase block, but apparently not. I ran into it again with PLAY DUMB. But, it was easy to switch to the perps and complete the problem fills that way. My only continuing problem is not "getting" how THUMB PRINT relates to BE QUIET.

    Crossedlover, We all get a kick out of adding our own slant to the comments. In that regard, we all have a sense of our own self importance. This blog wouldn't go anywhere if everybody just said, "Thanks, C.C. See you tomorrow."

    Terry@9:04 Informational, not pompous

    Argyle@8:03 PM Sunday, Informational, not pompous. ;o)

    We enjoy good naturedly correctly the mistakes in other people's entries. You did that with C.C.'s spelling mistakes, only most of us would consider that being a little too picky and possibly a little pompous.

    If my family chooses to have a "She was a swell old gal." party after I have been scattered to the winds, I'd like them to play Jethro Tull's Skating Away On The Thin Ice Of A New Day.

  26. @CA:

    Link to your song - Skating Away - great funereal song!

  27. Clear Ayes: The Be Quiet refers to the silent B in the answers
    Today's puzzle was refreshing after Saturday's which made Sunday's seem like a breeze. It was cool to see a clue about Lost. I love that show!
    I have never heard of a "noodge" either.
    My favorite Jethro Tull song was one about Life in the Past or something. Haven't heard it in a long while. Alive & Kicking made me think of the group that did Tighter & Tighter. Remember that song?

  28. C.C.: Thanks for cluing me in on 77. I never heard that expression, but I'm eager to learn.
    I also thought that waived was a poor answer for give up, until I thought about it. You give up your rights by waiving them. I never heard loge for opera box. I think of a loge as the first balcony, but my online dictionary does list it as a box at the opera. So I'm learning all sorts of things today.

    Naples News is still going on and on about the discontinued puzzle. Now we must choose between LATimes and Newspaper Enterprise Assoc. The early complaints were that the LAT was too easy. Now all the complaints are that it's too hard.

  29. Good morning CC and all,

    Woo Hoo! This was an easy puzzle for me and I am groking most of the clues. Didn't know Gucci's son was Aldo, and legal Lance threw me until Ito appeared.Have never heard the word noodge, but it does sound like a nag. In GB they use the term sticky beak.My one problem was 61A give up. I didn't have the w, as I had "for." instead of "fwd." Gotta work on abbrevs.

    Other clues for layer?
    kind of cake

    grotto: All 1st timers to Kauai always take a boat down the Wailua River to the famous Fern Grotto, a huge lava amphitheater with ferns hanging everywhere. Musicians are there serenading with lovely Hawaiian music.

    CC, a high thread count linen would have been water repellant. Great FF, Dennis!

    I think that aging brings wisdom. It also can bring those things that Hume was talking about.There are so many things we learn just from living, and good advice comes from that wisdom, not from having a high IQ.

  30. CC, thanks for the excellent link to 77. I had no idea that had a name.

  31. DJ Girl, Lightbulb!! Thanks.

    Chris In LA, Thanks for the song link. I had a phone call going during my last post and I'm not particularly good at multi-tasking. Thank goodness, I never tried to drive (when it was still legal) while talking on the phone.

  32. crossedlover,you sound a tad negative. CC gets up at the crack of ass to complete the puzzle, finds interesting links, and then types it all up by 5:30.You drop in at 7 something and correct typing errors?? Look in the mirror when you are name calling.

  33. Today's WOW were exactly that. I hope I am headed in the direction of graceful acceptance that the wonderful actor Hume Cronyn talked about.

    Shel Silverstein is best known for his amusing poems. This one is a touching poem about some other aspects of growing old.

    The Little Boy and the Old Man

    Said the little boy, "Sometimes I drop my spoon."
    Said the old man, "I do that, too."
    The little boy whispered, "I wet my pants."
    "I do that too," laughed the little old man.
    Said the little boy, "I often cry."
    The old man nodded, "So do I."
    "But worst of all," said the boy, "it seems
    Grown-ups don't pay attention to me."
    And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.
    "I know what you mean," said the little old man.

    - Shel Silverstein

  34. Easy Monday, Horay!

    I can’t think of a short descriptive phrase for Caleb; T.Frank covered his story pretty thoroughly.

    I associate Honduras with missionaries. My sister lived near Tegucigalpa for a couple of years. Some culture shock, but she loved the people.

    Angelina Jolie and Gong Li are both beautiful. I prefer Gong Li.

    Tennessee Ernie was always a favorite in my family. He closed his show by saying “Bless your pea-picking heart.”

    Melissa Bee’s dad planned the best epitaph I’ve heard. “Oops”

    Welcome to the blog. I’m sure if you stick around you’ll change your mind about Dennis. Was your remark intended to be humorous, or did you intend to be rude in your first visit? Just curious.

  35. Ok guys, thanks for all the kind words, but you're just killing my image.

    Clear Ayes, I'd have changed the last line to read, "What?" said the little old man.

  36. JD (11:41) Good for you, give 'em hell!!

    Clear ayes, your artwork is amazing! I have been looking at your different pictures since you began 'showing' them. You had not mentioned your interest in it and I (we) were unaware of your talent. When did you study it, how long? I am interested in taking a class in pastels or water colors at a local neighborhood center. What would you suggest?

  37. Lots of JT fans beat me to the punch, I see. I'll just add Bouree as the song that originally made me a fan.

    Simplistically, B-cells produce the antibodies, and T-cells tell the B-cells when to start pumping by comparing their "stored" antigen pattern to one on a macrophage which just "ate" an invader.

  38. I missed my epitaph. I'd want mine to be "Look, he's moving!"

  39. crossedlover...By the way, it was "noodges", not "noodged".

    nudge or nudzh or noodge:
    n. One who persistently pesters, annoys, or complains.
    v. tr. To annoy persistently; pester.
    v. intr. To complain or carp persistently.

    No surprise here; it's Yiddish.

    [From Yiddish nudyen, to pester, bore, from Polish nudzić.]


  40. A good morning to all...Perhaps crossedlover was in awe and stunned at Dennis' ability to complete a puzzle so quickly...I razzed him about it once and he linked me to a guy that completes a NYT weekly puzzle in about 2 min...Jeez, I can't even read the clues that fast much less form the letters that quickly...I like them nice and neat in their little boxes. We all know Dennis for the funny, kind and helpful person he is...sorry to ruin your tough-guy image D.

    That said...I enjoyed this puzzle and pretty much cruised through it until I unfortunately put in FOR for forward in a book...wrong abbreviation, which totally hung me up on the last 2 words, WAIVE and DYNE...had to finaly give up and come here and correct it...Big DUH!

    I really like the WoF today and as I grow older, like CA said, try to keep an open mind and keep learning as I go...this is great place to do that.

    Also...yesterday, Jeannie...Is that why ELI's is the answer to the clue Yale alumni? Could never figure that one out and it was always just one of those words I have to remeber...this makes so much sense now.Name of the founder of Yale...V-8 moment...Thanks.

    G'day to you all

  41. Hey all, I've been reading this blog for a few months now and enjoying it a lot. The themes are not always easy for me.

    Anyways I wanted to comment on the "maw and paw" clue since no one else did. I thought it was a cute clue, if a little ambigious. But then I loved Little House on the Prarie growing up, the show and the book series.

  42. Sorry WoW...must have been mentally combining FF and WoW...really hate this aging stuff.

  43. Fairly easy puzzle for me today. Only got temporarily held up by the grotto/noodges crossing. Who’ d thunk I wouldn’t have remembered grotto? There seemed to be somewhat of a violent theme today with answers like wham, wallops, blow-up, slug, scalped and pain. Anyone else notice that?

    @Windhover very sunny here in MN area today but really windy with the highs in the mid-30’s. They are promising 50’s by mid-week but unfortunately a bet I “layed” a wager on about the timing of the ice going out in my little town I am not going to win. So no slip-bobbers yet. My guess was tomorrow and by the looks of it on my way to work this morning there is no chance. Oh well, so my for my $5.00 wager.

    My Mom is from the south and you hear a lot of “maws” and “paws” sometimes referring to parents and other times grandparents.

    C.C. I actually started blushing when I started reading the link for “77”. Well, not really but holy hotwick who would have known there was a name for it?!

    @Dennis…linen condoms? I’m with Carol on that one. Certainly not designed for a woman’s pleasure. Ouch. Also Dennis you questioned my “bush whacked” comment from the other day. It was in reference to your talking about the ban on bikini waxing in NJ. What with the powers at be “beating around the bush” and “pussy footing’’ around I thought you just might be “bush whacked”. Just a thought. Just surprised I was the first to chime in on that little tidbit.

  44. Jeannie, did you not see my answer right below it? I said "why would you make a crack like that?".

    Al, you've gotta tell us about that picture.

    Barb B, loved "oops" - perfect.

    Wolfmom, your cupcakes make my mouth water. Jeez, how many times have I used that line...

  45. Dennis:
    I don't blame you for calling them off. They're "ruining your bad reputation".

    Easy clue for Caleb: " Windhover's youngest grandchild"

    Re: 40 years in the wilderness, Promised Land, etc. So where do Zeus and Thor and Apollo fit into this narrative saga?

    BTW, in my youth, and in Chuck Berry's discography, California was the Promised Land.
    Windhover, just sayin'.

  46. CC: Had family overnight and just got here to post. I`m constantly amazed at the little bits of your "former" life that you share. Do please tell us all about your Pinkerton days that you can without breaking security clearance... Fascinating!

    "Force units", "Miscellany" "Transmission stuff" gave me a little trouble but got them with other fills. Having Catholic friends,( they often have a "grotto" with the Virgin Mary inside in front of their churches) "grotto" came easily.. although theirs are often quite small and shallow...hardly caves...
    Shari Lewis has an excellent series on "One Minute Bible Stories" done with Lamb Chop...entertaining and informative and good for the ADD and ADHD people ( like me!)

  47. Hello C.C. & all

    Sometimes it's just so fun to breeze through a puzzle. Had slam for slug, but only like for a nsec.

    Yowzers! The things you can find on the web. Great research C.C., on 77! Another thing(s) to add to the to-do list.. Linen condoms? Something to never put on.. the list.

    Famous grottos? How about infamous grotto at the Play Boy Mansion? Something else for the list.

    C.C., doing anything special for Opening Day? Would you want to be sitting outside tonight at 7:05 in our new stadium with today's weather?

    TJ in chilly Osseo

  48. Not much more to say about the puzzle or the comments.

    ClearEyes, had to comment when you mentioned Shel Silverstein - "The Giving Tree" is one of my favorite stories. Always read my children Shel Silverstein poems and stories when they were young. For those of you who haven't read anything by him, please do. You will be happy you did.

    Taking off my Red Sox shirt and will try again tomorrow. Game rained out. Went to opening day at Wrigley about 15 years ago. It was warmer at a Penn State game in November.
    Safe day everyone.

  49. Here's an artificial grotto built for "mad" King Ludwig on the grounds of his Schloss Linderhof in Bavaria. It was designed to stage the first act of Wagner's Tannhäuser opera.
    Also, remember a few weeks ago I linked the Waitomo glowworm grotto in New Zealand near Rotorua?

  50. @ Thomas,

    I have actually been to the famed "Grotto" at the Playboy Mansion - New Year's Eve Pajama Party & everything. It is truly all you might think it would be, even in your wildest dreams. It was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, but it is one of my "life moments" (don't we all have one or two?) and yes, I was in the company of a Playboy Bunny.

    No, I'm not kidding, it really happened & was one of the most magnificent nights of my life & yes, Mr. Hefner is a wonderful host and a very pleasant man.

  51. Kazie, I have been to the Linderhof Castle and been in the grotto. It is filled with water and crazy Ludwig liked to lie naked in the boat and watch the plays presented on stage in the grotto. Strange man, I always wondered if his doctor did him in.

  52. Chris in LA,
    You're my hero! (he said drooling with envy)

  53. Also meant to say it looks like crossedlover noodged most of us with his comments.

  54. Dennis…..oh, now I get it….bad hair cut? There’s no pulling the wool over your eyes.

    Chris in LA now you’ve done it…we might not see you or Thomas for the rest of the day.

    Okay girls….one for you. I actually got to party with three of the Chippendales last time they
    were here in Minneapolis. Turns out one of the guys used to date my girlfriend. Not only did
    we get back stage passes, but partied with three of them in their hotel. And let me tell you,
    they are as gorgeous up close and personal. Also very nice guys... Darnnit.

  55. Jeannie:
    I was inquiring about your personal weather report. It's cloudy here in the Bluegrass in both respects. By the way, your Mom, how Southern?

    To the solvees and postees (maybe Melissa Bee can define?), re:strange uses for linen:

    Since I am currently LA Timeless, I am doing the NYT. There was a clue today "spurred a horse". Sadly, the answer was not "bareback".
    Windhover, thirdly.

  56. CC – Yaks & Loons + Newbies & Noodges

    As it pertains to HRH Dennis – No one here has the audacity to doubt his veracity or even insinuate that he might prevaricate. Pompous my big toe… yeah, I know that I should “Be Quiet” and let it “Be” ;~P

    Missed a few days last week on XWing and posting. If I’ve missed a question, sorry ‘bout that!

    Enjoyed today’s submission for our efforts. I to had no problems with this one and look forward to growing in the style that Mr. Norris brings to us.

    Thought that “Precariously Situated” (28D) was the best clue today.

    I’m guessing with the innuendo that can be gleaned from the clues, answers, and blogger entries this could bring out a modicum of DFness in our group.

    Is that enough Pompous Ass Words?

    Things that make you go Hmmm?!?!

    + If a man says something in the woods and there are no women there, is he still wrong?

    + How come you don't ever hear about gruntled employees? And who has been dissing them anyhow?

    Truisms to live by…

    + Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?

    Posted this link before but in honor of their mention today - Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick

    Had most of this composed before our network servers crashed…sorry for any redundancies.

    Oh, my epitaph – He Was Always Prepar…

  57. Dick,
    His psychiatrist was found drowned along with him in the lake--Starnbergersee, in 1886. There are all sorts of conspiracy theories about the deaths, and the doctor may actually have had something to do with it yet was overcome himself as well. Ludwig was an excellent swimmer apparently, so natural drowning seems unlikely. In fact, it was possible they were planning to swim across to a waiting coach on the other side to escape before being confined to an asylum after they declared him insane.

    The real problem was, he spent too much money building castles and they couldn't afford him any more. He was actually brilliant: colored lights in the grotto, running water in Neuschwanstein castle despite its being on the hilltop, an elevator dining table (it would rise from the kitchen below when ready for a meal), central heating in parts of Neuschwanstein through the venting from the kitchen. All this before 1886!

  58. Good Afternoon C.C. and Co.,

    How about 'Dean's role' or 'corporate swindler' for Caleb? I like the former because it is a bit misleading. One might be inclined to think of the dean of a university first.
    I would be willing to bet that there is not one shred of hard evidence for the existence of the Biblical Caleb.

    Have you previously mentioned your background with Pinkerton? If you did, it must have been before I joined your blog. I see that they have offices in Guangzhou. I assume that is why you lived there. Are you a spy? Maybe you are not Chinese at all. Maybe you are not even a woman. Talk about things that make you go "Hmmmmmmm....".

    "What do you associate Honduras with?"
    Scuba diving. The Bay Islands have terrific scuba diving.

    "Same pronunciation as symbols, correct?"

    "STRATUM. Can you think of another clue?"
    'Miner's interest?'

    "So many ERNIES to clue: ERNIE Els, ERNIE Banks, who else?"
    Actor Ernie Hudson played Warden Leo Glynn on the HBO series Oz

    "Paw's mate?: MAW. Comic book?"
    Apparently, there was a comic book that appeared in the UK titled Maw and Paw. However, I suspect that the constructor, was referencing the American theatrical animation of the same name made by Walter Lance, the creator of Woody Woodpecker.

    "Do you think she is more beautiful than Chinese actress Gong Li?"
    Yes. Not that there aren't probably many Chinese women who are as beautiful as Angelina Jolie.

    ECCE Pilate!

    "What is shooting PAIN?"
    Any one of these things.

    Fairly easy one today, but I did get slowed a little here and there. It took me 14:21.

    As for the Playboy Mansion...

    Maria, Do you have any friends or family that live in Abruzzo? I hope not :(

  59. I had an Isaac Hayes album in late elementary school that I wore the grooves out of playing over and over. Thankfully Stones, Tull, The Who, Zepplin etal beat out the disco craze shortly thereafter for me.

    Dennis, this ones for you cause you still a bad MOFO in my book.

    Home to watch the championship!

    Have Good Night All

  60. Okay, its not the 69th post. Just use a little imagination, but here is what went on in history on April 6th.

    1830 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was organized by Joseph Smith in Fayette, N.Y.

    1896 The first modern Olympic Games opened in Athens, Greece.

    Was this the era that they participated naked?

    1917 Congress approved a
    declaration of war against Germany.

    1971 Composer Igor Stravinsky died at age 88.

    What is your favorite Stravinsky piece?

    1983 Interior Secretary James Watt banned the Beach Boys from the 4th of July celebration on the Washington Mall, saying rock 'n' roll bands attract the "wrong element."

    Somehow, I find this date wrong. 1983? Weren’t the Beach Boys mostly poplular in late 60’s early 70’s? I guess I wouldn’t consider them “rock n roll”. I think of Pink Flloyd, The Doors, Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin as rock n rollers.

    1987 Los Angeles Dodgers executive Al Campanis said on ABC's "Nightline" that blacks "may not have some of the necessities" to hold managerial jobs in major league baseball. (Campanis resigned two days later).

    1987; and there was, and still is adversity. I find that sad and close minded.

    1992 Science fiction author Isaac Asimov died at age 72.

    Is this the same Asimov where we get the Asimov quiz in the Star Trib?

    1998 The Dow Jones industrial average closed above 9,000 points for the first time.

    What’s it closing at these days? Anyone else take a beating on their 401K or retirement like I have?

    1998 Country singer Tammy Wynette died at age 55.

    I’ll get the link procedure down someday. Until then can someone link some Tammy Wynette songs?

  61. Jeannie,
    Here's Wiki's take on it:
    In 1983, Watt banned The Beach Boys from playing a Fourth of July concert on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., saying that rock concerts drew "an undesirable element"; the group had played each year on the Mall on the Fourth of July from 1976 to 1981. In 1982, The Grass Roots held a concert on the Mall attracting 600,000 people, and prompting Watt's ban the next year. This drew howls of outrage from many of the Beach Boys' fans, who stated that the Beach Boys sound was a very desirable part of the American cultural fabric. Singer Wayne Newton entertained with patriotic music in 1983. First Lady Nancy Reagan later apologized for the Beach Boys ban, and in 1984 the group appeared on the Mall again.

  62. Since I am not currently being distracted by actually working the puzzle this blog exists to serve, my mind is free to wander, and..........

    It is now clear to me that PMT has solved the mystery that has been nagging at my subconscious for weeks. If there was a way to distract the most brilliant minds in America for several hours a day, within oh, maybe one year or so, the economy would collapse, and would be ripe for Chinese takeover. But how would we ever do that? How about starting a blog based on a mediocre crossword puzzle? No, that would never work. The most brilliant group of minds, led by a pompous craft store owner in New Jersey, would never fall for such a ruse. Or would they? ...........

    Jeannie: My favorite Stravinsky piece? I only spoke with him once (told you I was an old fart), and he never mentioned her name.
    Windhover, fourthly.

  63. Being a frustrated beach bum, the Beach Boys were my favorite group for several decades; I remember being really pissed when they were banned from that concert. I've seen them in person maybe 25 times over the years, and now the group is made up of some of the sons. That'll make one feel one's age.

    Jeannie, yes, the old retirement fund is down approximately 63%.

  64. "+ If a man says something in the woods and there are no women there, is he still wrong?" YES (I know this is a rhetorical question, but I couldn't resist.)

    My epitaph - Not always right, but never in doubt.

  65. My epitaph: "She was right after all!"

  66. Jeannie, re: Igor Stravinsky...its a toss up...The Firebird Suite, Orpheus, or Le Sacre du Printemps(the Rite of Spring)...many of his works were very controversial at the time they were debuted.

    I'm enjoying this segment.

  67. LOL! All of you are so nice, except for the sticky beak. I thought CC wanted clues for layer, and now I see from Promiseme, it was stratum she was asking about. Possibly rock unit.. not very good;layer was easier.

    Clear Ayes, as always, loved your poem.

    Has anybody ever eaten at Fish Grotto #9 in San Francisco? It used to be one of the more economic places to dine on the wharf; we rarely drive the "the city" any more.I prefer having clam chowder in a sour dough bowl outside.

  68. 7:07 today. I'm not sure I can type much faster than that--at least not by much.

    I've got to rush out for dinner, so I'll just say:
    "Thanks, C.C. See you tomorrow." (quoting Clear Ayes).

    How's that for a shallow, non-informative post?

  69. "Was this the era that they participated naked?"
    Hehe ... uh ... no, Jeannie. That was way back in ancient times.

    "What is your favorite Stravinsky piece?"
    Many today may be surprised to discover that concert riots did not originate with Chicago teenagers at a Who concert or even by drunken red-necks in Montana at a Hank Williams Jr. concert. When Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring debuted in Paris in 1913, it was so revolutionary in nature that the audience members quickly found themselves divided over what to make of the piece. It wasn't long before things turned ugly. So ugly in fact that a full-fledged riot broke out and eventually spilled out of the theatre into the streets of Paris. Stravinsky forever changed music with that piece. He demonstrated that music did not have to be composed based on a melodic motif, but that a rhythmic motif could also serve as the cornerstone of a composition ... and boy does it in my favorite Stravinsky piece,The Rite of Spring.

    Thank you for asking, Jeannie :)

    "rock 'n' roll bands attract the "wrong element."
    I have just one question, "How did so many us wind up here?"

    Sure. The Beach Boys are rock and rollers. They were a huge influence on the Beatles from what I have heard.

    The DOW finished last week with its biggest four-week point gain since 1933. Never-the-less, it closed today at 7,975.85. This is down drastically from its all-time closing high of 14,164 set on October 9, 2007, just 19 months ago. And, yes ... I, too, have lost a good chunk.

  70. Windhover at 4:47 LOL that is tooooo funny!

    Jeannie, as to the Beach Boys - I agree, they are not "rock and roll" but few things are anymore IMHO. To me (and this is just me), "rock and roll" was the original classic 50's stuff. I realize that now anything is shoved into that category but I don't think it is accurate. I think it is done because it would be cumbersome to have so many categories.
    I did (still do) love the Beach Boys music and always think of summer fun when listening.

    Kazie, thanks for the info on them!

  71. I haven't counted my posts, but I am pretty sure I have one left.

    @Windhover, my personal weather is partly cloudy/sunny heading to warming up. Also, my Mom is from Richmond, KY. Not sure where that is in regards to you. Also, I think that Stravinsky's favorite piece was named "Shirley".

    @Crockett, thanks for the Tammy Wynette piece...I was hoping you would post that one. It reminds me of the Blue Bros movie when they had all the "rednecks" weeping during their stolen concert.

    @Promisme...are you sure they didn't participate naked? I put that one in for your sake.

    @Dennis....63%?? Jeez, there goes my plan to head east.

  72. The Rites of Spring was one of the pieces Disney chose when putting together Fantasia in 1940. The piece was said to be about primitive human rituals, but Disney's animators did a lovely rendition on the beginning of the Earth instead. I used to put this video on the TV while cleaning house; could really get a work out to Sorcerer's Apprentice!

    Actually, I'd rather listen to the Beach Boys!

  73. Good evening CC et al., Holy Hotwick! What a puzzle and CC, what a link w/ 77! Got me 'stoke'd.
    I learn so much from you all. Thank God condoms have improved! Wonder if 'osha' had any 'hand' in that being the 'protection' agency and all. They like to keep their 'fingers' in everything.

    Had to laugh that the AARP was so righteously close to some of the most DF words like wham, flatbed, blow -up, fluid, 'put' 'out' (on a limb - which is certainly percariously situated all right!) and would make an acrophobic
    'bluer' in many respects. Loved how 'force units' (dynes) crosses 'lay' and how 'flair' and 'fwd' all fit tightly together.
    Loved it!

    Speaking of love. Dennis, I hope you can feel the love here. I'm glad 'slug's appear every now and then. This one gave us an opportunity to express our appreciation for you and all you do for all of us. Your superb contributions are second only to your morel character which is admired and loved by us all...even envied by some. You rock!

    Epitaph: She who lies here
    Laid the best,
    So, let her lie
    She needs the rest.

    Off to DC. Look out! Another Hill to conquer. So little time.

    Enjoy your week.

  74. Let me just say that we have lost enough to pay for the new car that we are no longer planning to buy this year, which we were going to drive on the six week vacation that we are no longer planning to go on. Ouch.

    PMT, I love Sarah Silverman. I saw that clip on Bill Maher's HBO show about a month ago. I was sorry that she and Jimmy Kimmel broke more I'm F*#@ing Matt Damon videos, or Jimmy Kimmel's revenge, I'm F*#@ing Ben Affleck. Don't click the links if you are easily offended, but here they are, Sarah and Matt and Jimmy and Ben.

    That's funny, but..... My best laugh of the week came from Windhover. Thanks.

    Jeannie, You are a little too young to remember that this nitwit is James Watt. He was the Secretary of the Interior who famously said about his staff, "I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have talent." Within weeks of making this statement, Watt submitted his resignation letter.

  75. jeannie:
    Great weather report. I can see the lights of Richmond from my back porch on a cloudy night. It's 24 miles by motorcycle. If you ever get there, I'll buy you a beer at Madison Garden, a real neighborhood bar.

    Bet that was one clean damn house.

    Windhover, lastly.

  76. ClearAyes

    If you love Sarah Silverman did you see her in Monk? She was his "biggest fan" and it was hysterical. There are two shows with her in it.

    Anyone know how I italicize something when posting a comment?

    Watched my daughters scores all day. It was 35 degrees, snowed, rained, sleeted and hailed on the course, and she was sick and throwing up and still played 36 holes. She shot an 80 and 76, and is in 10th place - the field all scored really high due to conditions. I am so proud of her.

  77. Oh Lois, LMAO you are truly the best! What a I have said before, you really should have been a comedy writer! god help D.C. Dennis, alert the media and the airport! You know what she did in OK.

    Clear ayes, I'm with you on the James Watt crap...the guy was worthless! Hope the door DID slap his ass on the way out!

  78. Greetings C.C. and all

    JD at 11:41 AM –
    I was trying to come up with something clever to say to CrossedLover – but your message just about says it all for C.C. and Dennis. Good for you!

    Crossed Lover –
    I hope you will stick around and see just what an informative and interesting blog this is.

    My comments about the puzzle are about the same as everyone else. I got through it in record time (for me). I did have to look up Gucci (ALDO) and ESTO fell into place with surrounds. Believe it or not, contrary to most other posters, I did know NOODGES.

    Waiting so late to post really leaves me with not much to say. It’s all been said.



  79. KarenQ: Either of these:

    <i>text to italicize</i>

    <em>text to emphasize</em>

    Dennis, re pic: I don't actually dig holes, it's just symbolic of work in a corporate world, pretty much how things really work (or actually don't).

  80. Just so our posts come full circle (for you Lois) Ernie Hudson's first major successful movie role was in "Ghostbusters" driving the ECTO-1. He also attended the University of Minnesota, and his son Ernie Hudson, Jr., also appeared on "Oz."

  81. I'm with JD,
    I for one can't wait to see what Dennis has to say first thing in the morning.
    This is one of the best blogs on the net, thanks to C.C , her hard work and a great gang!


  82. Jethro Tull

    Farm on the freeway 1989

  83. C.C., Newbies, Yaks and Loons,
    I just can't believe what all the characters on this blog can come up with!

    Whether it's C.C.'s link to 77, to Sally of all people!; Dennis and his "pompous" fabric fetish; Windover and his conspiracy theory - which could be remotely plausible??? - no disrespect C.C.; Elissa's female superiority - YES!; all the epitaphs: LOL; Jeannie kicking the blog in the butt in the late afternoon; Lois's late day addition; CA's totally DF links to Sarah and Jimmy (those were definitely NOT poems!); and Karen Q; with the Monk reference, some of those best episodes, ever...

    LemonadeDCCXIV, Ernie and Ghostbusters III is on the way! C.C., recommend you watch I & II, good popcorn on the couch entertainment! Silly, but fun!

    Linda: Ouch! And not only for the female..

    DJGirl: the "Be" Quiet can also refer to lurkers who have nothing to say but negatives.

    Dennis: now every time I read your posts, I'll have duh... dah, dah, dah... duh, duh, duh, dah...
    running through my brain! Thanks a lot Mainiac!

    This has been one of the best Mondays in recent memory. Thank you all for the entertainment!

    Playboy Mansion.... ahhhh, hmmm, thanks Chris in LA!

    TJ in Osseo

  84. Where's our man Crockett1947 today? Miss your input. Hope you're ok.

    Your late, check the last day's post pal.


  85. Crockett1947,
    Missed the short 4:34 link, sorry! Tammy was a classic. Favorite of yours?



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