, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday May 12, 2009 Don Gagliardo

Gary's Blog Map

May 12, 2009

Tuesday May 12, 2009 Don Gagliardo

Theme: Be Quiet!

20A: "Shh!" from a plumber?: PIPE DOWN

26A: "Shh!" from a hosier? PUT A SOCK IN IT

37A: "Shh!" from a mail carrier?: ZIP IT

42A: "Shh!" from a hunter?: SHUT YOUR TRAP

52A: "Shh!" from a seamstress?: BUTTON UP

SHUT YOUR TRAP is a new to me. Any other similar phrase for "Shh!"?

Very nice puzzle (34 black squares). I've never solved a puzzle with only four 3-letter fills. So unusual. Every job descriptive "Shh!" theme clue is lively. I like clues that evoke vivid images. Imagine how boring it would be if all the theme answers were clued with just a simple "Shh!".

The Down entries are exceptionally good too, with 6 long words (8 or 9 letters). I like the clues for the paralleled A MINUS (27D: Almost perfect) and SUPER (28D: Perfect). Another good pair is SPADE (49D: Prospector's tool) and PICK (50D: Prospector's tool). I wish ALBA (57A: Goya's "Duchess of __") were clued as "Jessica of "Into the Blue" to pair up with BIEL (52D: Jessica of "7th Heaven").

I enjoyed this puzzle very much. Still in awe of Don Gagliardo's last GEES. Superb!


1A: Iranian ruler until 1979. SHAH. And SHAW (10A: Clarinetist Artie). The first 3 letters are identical.

5A: Prickly plants: CACTI. The first row of the grid is always consonant-heavy. That's because most words start with consonant.

16A: Prefix with space: AERO. Aerospace.

18A: Prepare to drive: TEE UP. Well, if you are Laura Davies, you don't need the tee. Just kick some dirt and smoke the drive.

25A: "CSI" city: MIAMI

31A: Greek fabulist: AESOP. Isn't it strange that the word is fabulist rather than fablist?

34A: City bonds, for short: MUNIS. The interest income of MUNIS is exempted from the state income tax.

36A: Editor's "Leave it in": STET

38A: Red coin?: CENT. Oh, penny. I was thinking the clue was asking the coin of former Soviet Union.

39A: Agt.'s cut: PCT. What's the abbreviation for commission? COM?

40A: Corn breads: PONES. OK, is this the correct PONE photo?

45A: Salon services: PERMS. And DO UP (21D: Fix, as hair). Is DO UP a common phrase? I've never used it before. Can you DO UP my hair? Sounds weird.

46A: Shady areas: ARBORS. Lots of trees in Ann ARBOR, I imagine.

50A: Subdued shade: PASTEL. Alliteration again. Very precise clue too.

54A: Polite "I think", in chat room: IMHO

58A: "We gotta get movin'!": C'MON

60A: "Kills bugs dead" spray: RAID. Just realized Tara Reid is spelled differently. Always thought it's Tara RAID.

61A: "Keystone" bunch of film: KOPS. Got the answer with Down help. I can never remember "Keystone KOPS".

62A: Proctor __: kitchen appliance brand: SILEX. Holy moley. Have never heard of this brand. Our kitchen appliances seem to be all GE products. I could only think of Proctor & Gamble.


2D: "Deal or No Deal" host Mandel: HOWIE. Are you a fan of "Deal or No Deal"?

4D: Attraction for Winnie the Pooh: HONEY POT. Sweet. I love my honey too. Want some?

7D: Normandy city: CAEN. Sometimes the answer is ST. LO.

9D: Not expressly stated: IMPLICIT

11D: Windchill factor's opposite: HEAT INDEX. Awesome fill.

13D: Left the land of Nod: WOKE. "Nod" here should not be capitalized, correct? I learned yesterday that the Greek god of dream is Morpheus, son of Hypnos (god of sleep) and Nyx (goddess of night).

25D: Single-principle believer: MONIST

31D: Once-sacred slitherers: ASPS. I suppose it's not sacred after the snake killed Cleopatra?

32D: Inscribe: ETCH. Love this little word. Three consonants.

33D: Go into business: SET UP SHOP

37D: Attachment for closeups: ZOOM LENS. Reminds me of Jackie's "Hustler" nude photos.

38D: Bare fixture of rhyme: CUPBOARD. "Old Mother Hubbard/Went to the CUPBOARD..."

40D: Ceremonial heap: PYRE. I am surprised the PYRES are still used India.

41D: Like Granny Smith apple: TART. Granny Smith & honeyed walnuts & celery. My own Waldorf salad. Granny Smith apples are originated in Australia.

43D: Wyoming range: TETONS. Fun name Grand Teton.

44D: Like adult movies: RATED X

47D: Dental crown alternative: ONLAY. Easy guess. I don't really know anything about ONLAY, inlay or crown.

48D: Man with a cube: RUBIK. He is a Hungarian. This Monty Python Hungarian Phrase Book clip is really funny.

56D: Law, in Lyon: LOI. French for "law". New word to me. Alliteration in the clue again. It happens so often with foreign word clues.

Answer grid.



  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - loved the puzzle today, even if I went through it quickly (3:40). Great theme, fresh clues, and anything with both Jessica Biel and 'Alba' in it has got to be good.

    I still don't like 'unarm' - I know it's legit, but 'disarm' is the right word. Couple recent repeats in 'IMHO' and 'Utne'. All in all, a fun puzzle.

    Today is Fatigue Syndrome Day, International Nurses Day (let's hear it for international nurses - Lord, the stories I could tell), and.....uh oh, Limerick Day. I can't seem to remember the rest of "There once was a man from Nantucket....".

    Today's Words of Wisdom, short and sweet: "I don't care, frankly, what people think. I do what I like." -- Julia Child

    And a couple more Fun facts:

    - A study (probably with our money) concluded that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, it would chuck about 700 pounds.

    - There is a bar in London that sells vaporized vodka, which is inhaled instead of sipped.

  2. Dennis,
    Too bad ALBA is not clued as "Actress Jessica". It would pair up with the BIEL clue nicely. Good quote today. If we care too much of what others think, we would be too crippled.

    Re: VINS. Foreign word answers are only required to have some hint of their foreign origin in the clue. No need to go full foreign. Like "Nice summer" or "Summer on the Seine" for ETE. I like your thinking though.

  3. I found this one much easier than yesterday's: I finished in 17 minutes. Mind you, I wasn't eating lunch or riding on a bus as I did it. I wanted HONEY JAR for HONEY POT, SEE YAH for SEE YOU and I was a bit confused when I couldn't fit IMPLIED into the spaces allowed for IMPLICIT. (I thought "Not expressly stated" was asking for a past tense verb and not an adjective!)


  4. Good morning. Another tame puzzle.

    Yep, I would have thought it would be fableist or fablist also.

    Never heard them called "munis" but it goes well with the intersect of "A-'minus'"

    Occasionally we get reference to Al Capp's Li'l Abner. So - Dogpatch's most famous hero is the Civil War General "Jubilation T. Cornpone." That's what I think of sometimes when I see "pone" in xwords.

    The holiday of Arbor Day originated in Nebraska City, Nebraska by J. Sterling Morton. Before it was called the Cornhusker State, it was called the Tree Planter's State.

    Dennis, you know darn well you can remember the rest of that limerick. If not, Lois, Carol and other DF's can help you. I could put it in here but am too kind to do so.

  5. There once was a man from Nantucket
    Who kept all his cash in a bucket.
    But his daughter, named Nan,
    Ran away with a man
    And as for the bucket, Nantucket.

    -Princeton Tiger Magazine, 1924


  6. Good morning C.C. and all, a nice easy flowing puzzle today. Only problem for me was I tried to put zip up for zip it (37A)and button it for button up (52A). Otherwise there were no erasures and no problems.

    Dennis I am not going to help you with the "Man from Nantucket...", you are on your own here.

    Nice day here today and as soon as the frost burns off it is off to the links.

    Hope you all have a great Tuesday.

  7. Good morning, all.

    I goofed and deleted the puzzle before I checked to see how long it took me, but I'd guess I fell halfway between Dennis and Martin. I'm just not a speed solver.

    I agree with Dennis on 'unarm.' It feels really awkward.

    I didn't know that Aesop was a 'fabulist.' Learned something new today, thanks to C.C.

    'Cent' came to me right away, but I had to think for a bit on 'Teeup.' Anything sports oriented slows me down.

    C.C., Everyone has their own idea of what corn pone should be, and I'd assume the greatest variety of corn pone can be found in the south. I'm from the Midwest, and when I think of corn pone, this is the image that comes to mind.

    This was a sweet puzzle for Tuesday morning. I'll pass on the honey, though. Hot baking powder biscuits were meant to have butter slathered over them! MMMM!

    Have a great day.

  8. Dr. Dad noted that J. Stirling Morton was the founder of Arbor Day in Nebraska. He was also Secretary of Agriculture for President Grover Cleveland.

    His love of trees influenced generations of his family. His son, Joy Morton, founded the Morton Arboretum, in Lisle, Illinois, in 1922. The Arboretum comprises 1700 acres with 4,000 kinds of trees and shrubs and other plants. The family expanded the research and education aspect of the collection while making the grounds open to visitors.

    I drove my mother through the Arboretum's winding roads ten days ago so that she could see all the blooming trees and the daffodil meadows.

    Here's a Link for those who might like to see some of the grounds.

  9. Enjoyed today's puzzle - good clues


  10. Fun puzzle today. I enjoyed it immensely. Nothing sneaky, interesting clues and a bit of thinking, but no stumping.

    More shh's: shut your gob, dry up, give over, let it go, keep it down.

    There are expressions with "red cent" meaning something of little or no value. In Oz I used to hear "brass razu" used the same way as in "I don't give a brass razu".

  11. 'Mornin all - How about "shh" from seafood chef? Hush Puppy. Enjoying the puzzle more every day, due to the 'new' clues. Not the same old, same old.

    C.C., Al & Crockett1947: Tried the website at United Features, but their sample was a Nov. 2008 puzzle. I have a good memory....but not that good. Also the other puzzles featured on the website were not today's puzzle.

  12. Though normally I'd cringe at some fill being longer than at least one theme entry (ZIP IT), I think in this instance it's a-ok. Loads of color in an otherwise straightforward puzzle. Approved!

  13. Oops,
    Brain going faster than fingers today: Shh from seafood chef to barking dogs? Hushpuppy.

  14. Or maybe "Shh from a dog trainer".

    Enjoyable puzzle. Seems like a good one to give to people that don't do crosswords. Might get them started, on Mon. and Tues. at least.

    I thought the clue for "IMHO" was much better than yesterday's.

  15. CC: This is really your season, huh? Are you seeing any games in person? How do the locals feel about Bret Favre possibly coming?

    Both puzzles were fun today...enjoyed them both although the NYT is nearly a month delayed.

  16. Hi C.C. & ...

    An easy puzzle with clever clues, I liked the land of nod clue the best I think.

    I found out that Aesop is listed as a fabulist from this link.

  17. This was an easy puzzle for me today. I would guess it took me under 10 minutes which is a good time for me. A couple of clues I got from the perps that I still don’t understand. “editors leave it in” Stet? Also can anyone explain “attachment for closeups” Cupboard?

    C.C. I have a brother that lives in Ann Arbor, MI and I wouldn’t say they have all that many trees. If you have never had the chance to visit the Arboretum in Chaska, MN, I would highly recommend it to you. I think you personally would find it beautiful seeing how you love your flowers.

    Dennis, I have inhaled vodka before, just not literally.

    Isn’t nice how corn pones and honey from a honey pot go so well together. Yummy.

  18. Argyle, you're right - this would be a great starter puzzle for beginners.

    tarrajo, you just mixed up the clues, that's all. The clue for 'cupboard' is 'bare fixture of rhyme' (Old Mother Hubbard).

    And amen on 'honey pot'...

  19. I enjoyed the puzzle. After I got 'shut your trap' the rest of the theme answers fell into place.

    C.C. Nod is the name of a place (albeit, a fictional one), so it should be capitalized. Here is the Stevenson poem. I loved this when I was a child. It went together with a Dutch lullabye about "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod", which my parents read to me as a bedtime story.

    Not sure I would call 'Grand Tetons' a fun name. My parents brought me a sweatshirt back from a trip out west. The first time I wore it - with Grand Tetons emblazoned on my chest - a French speaking friend mentioned how 'appropriate' a label it was. That sweatshirt stayed in the drawer with the t-shirt I had been given that read "Bee Healthy, Eat Your Honey" for quite a while.

  20. @dennis Amen for corn pones.

  21. Hi Tarrajo,

    I learned about the editor's command STET from my wife.


       /stÉ›t/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [stet] Show IPA ,verb, stet⋅ted, stet⋅ting.
    –verb (used without object)
    1. let it stand (used imperatively as a direction on a printer's proof, manuscript, or the like, to retain material previously cancelled, usually accompanied by a row of dots under or beside the material).
    –verb (used with object)
    2. to mark (a manuscript, printer's proof, etc.) with the word “stet” or with dots as a direction to let cancelled material remain.

  22. The South Florida Sun Sentinel clued 38 D as "Bare fixture of rhyme." That was a lot easier for me.

    Old Mother Hubbard
    Went to the cupboard,
    To give the poor dog a bone:
    When she came there,
    The cupboard was bare,
    And so the poor dog had none.


  23. Dennis,

    Without a word you can make HONEY POT a classic df, nicely done.

    I agree with the crowd a fun puzzle, new clues, lots of letters. I enjoyed the use of the X and Z. Also any puzzle that reminds me of Jessica ALBA and BIEL is all right in my book.

  24. Well aren't we all off to a good start today!! Honey pots, corn pones,(I read that wrong at first), limericks..."There was a young man from Kent...."
    Funny, I seem to remember the Nantucket limerick in a different way.
    To the puzzle: I had fun with it and loved the 13D clue (Left the land of Nod)although it took me a minute or so to figure out it was not referring to an actual place.
    I have never heard the word ONLAY (apparently neither has my spell checker). I didn't know who Jessica Biel was either but the other answers took care of them.

  25. Tarrajo,
    c.c. also had "Attachment for closeups" listed for 38D, as well as for 37D, which probably caused your confusion.

    STET actually is the Latin subjunctive form meaning "let it stand", from the verb "stare" = to stand.

    Madison WI has a nice arboretum too, but not as manicured as the one KittyB linked.

  26. Good morning CC and all,

    Fun puzzle today, loved the theme.

    Warren, enjoyed the list of fabulists. Hadn't realized that Beatrix Potter's stories were fables. But, of course they are!Great definitions on stet also.

    CC, thought your Monty Python link was hysterical!

  27. good morning c.c. and all,

    just wanted to check in before mom and i go wreak some ha- .. er .. enjoy the sunshine. fun, easy puzzle today, nothing new to add except i've never heard it called do-up. in salons, it's always up-do.

    great WOW today. gotta love julia child. the julie and julia movie (with meryl streep as child) is coming out soon, i saw a trailer .. looks very good.

    daylight's burning ... bzzz.

  28. Hi and quick puzzle. Really enjoyed a lot of the clues. For some reason I put in RATED R for 44D then realized my mistake because I did actually remember SILEX. If its food or kitchen tools I usually do great. Names...not so.

    Dennis...Thanks for the Julia quote. She is my all-time favorite person and hers was the very first cookbook I ever bought...Mastering the Art of French Cooking 1...I upgraded my cooking from her early shows and also Jacques Pepin. They were my teachers. When Julia died all my cooking friends got together and had a Julia dinner where we cooked one of favorite Julia recipes...I did Quiche Lorraine. I also have a Julia quote sign in my kitchen that says : "If you are afraid of butter, use cream" motto exactly! I sent her a letter right before I went to cook in France thanking her for the difference she had made in my life and got a postcard back from her...that too is hanging in the kitchen.

    For all of you who kept fingers crossed on the art thing...we got the venue and I am hanging work on Friday. They are also interested in purchases down the road. For now I get rental fees based on the prices of the paintings...WOOT!

  29. Shh from a baker - Close (or shut) your pie hole!

  30. Any other similar phrase for "Shh!"?

    Archie Bunker (Carroll O'Connor) used "Stifle yourself!"

    Archie Bunker: Edith, that was an order.
    Edith Bunker: I ain't taking no orders. I can be a Sunshine lady if I wanna be. And I wanna be. And I am.
    Archie Bunker: You are in trouble, Edith. You are in big trouble.
    Edith Bunker: No, you are. 'Cause I ain't getting your dinner on the table until you take back what you said.
    Archie Bunker: What I said goes. And you don't gotta get no dinner for me 'cause I'm going down to Kelsey's.
    Edith Bunker: Oh no. You ain't gonna slam this door in my face 'cause this time it's gonna be your face AND I'M GONNA BE THE SLAMMER.

    Archie Bunker: Stifle yourself, will ya?


  31. Good Morning All, Tuesday easy. I agree with Dennis about UNARM. Not a word I would use. I hope I am never in a situation where the choice of UNARM or DISARM would arise.

    I've never heard the term ONLAY, but then I'm not a dental expert.

    I liked the clue "Prepare to drive". I was trying to find an automobile fill that would fit. Got an "Aha" when I had the perps filled and saw TEE UP.

    Martin, very clever and postable Nantucket limerick.

    WM, Congratulations!

    I'm a fan of poet Eugene Field, who wrote many children's poems in the late 1800's. Wynken, Blinken and Nod wasn't actually a Dutch lullaby, but a subtitle that Field added to the poem. This poem was a favorite of my daughter when she was little and I read it to her regularly at bedtime.

  32. Shh from a vintner - put a cork in it!

  33. Hi all,
    I loved the puzzle today; the theme was great fun,

    Can't disclose the name of the town we're in, we need to protect the innocent. :-)

    My grandaughter says she can help me brush up my skills on line dancing. Whoo hooo!!

    Wish you were all here.

  34. 10:34 today. Not nearly so easy for me as it seemed to be for others. I put in XRATED for the adult movie clue and that royally screwed me up in the Texas part of the puzzle for a good long while. Putting in REV UP for the "prepare to drive" clue had me slipping and sliding in the Wisconsin area, too.

    I also had some difficulty finding some of the theme answers--I came very late to the theme comprehension stage of the game.

  35. Elissa -
    Your shirt story reminded me of a shirt I saw many years ago when a King Tut display was on tour. A lady was wearing a shirt that had two Tut heads strategically placed, and the words: "Keep your hands off my Tuts." I an not making this up.

    Dr. Dad -
    "Munis" is typical financial vernacular short-hand for municipal bonds.

    Today's puzzle was 27D, but not 28D. In fact, I don't think "perfect" and "super" quite match up. "Pones" as a plural is suspect. With Pooh in the clue, 4D should be "Hunnypot," and that's what I entered. I've had some masonry done in my mouth and never heard of "onlay." But I do not claim to know all, and during the process was agape.

    Ann Arbor was founded by John Allen and Elisha Rumsey. Per Wikipedia, They named the town for their wives (each an Ann) and the "stands of burr oak in the 640 acres (2.6 km²) of land they had purchased for $800 from the federal government."

    Liked the theme, and the execution. Mostly good, clever cluing. A short themed answer in the center adds a little extra, 54A.

    Liked the Shah-Shaw symmetry, and 49D, 50D. 4D and 38D go well together. Would have liked to see a 52D - 57A Jessica correlation, but that's probably just 'cuz I'm a guy. OTOH, I have no idea who Ione Skye is.

    Musician's be quiet: tacet.


  36. How about "can it!" and "put a lid on it!"

    Didn't get a chance to do yesterday's but today was nice, I liked the theme a lot.

  37. "Put a lid on it" could be "Shh" from either a chef, or a haberdasher.

    Whatever "Shh" is used, they all sound so rude to me. I would never use any of them to ask someone to be quiet. If "Please be quiet, I'm on the phone." doesn't work, you might have to trade your friends and family in on newer, more civil models.

    Martin's Nantucket limerick is the first verse in the continuing saga of Nan, her man and her Pa. My favorite verse is

    Nan had it sent up to Alaska,
    It’s farther, she thought, than Nebraska.
    Did she and her man,
    Fool her Pa with this plan?
    The next time I see her, Alaska.

  38. WM, Congratulations! How long will the show run?

    Clear Ayes, the limericks about Nan and her bucket are a hoot!

  39. Nantucket's alone in this nation
    Of widespread communication
    That pretends not to show
    But all the rest know
    It's simply self-gratification

  40. KittyB and all...the show will run 2 months. Very cool.

    CA...thanks for the Limericks...LOL

  41. 18A Prepare to drive -- I, too, was seeking something that had to do with operating a motor vehicle. GASUP? The perps from 4D and 6D gave me TE and that was enough to flash on the golf term.

    I do the across and down clues together, so each group is helping with the other. I need all the help I can get.

    21D Fix, as hair -- DO UP is similar to "put up" one's hair.

    47D "Dental crown alternative -- Clear Ayes, be glad you don't know ONLAY. I have two of them. I had not heard "onlay" before my dentist used it; I knew it as "inlay". The in/onlay retains more of the original tooth.

    I also have some nice crowns -- some of gold, one of porcelain, that one for a tooth (number 6) that shows. I wanted gold but Dr.R objected that I'd look like George Raft in a gangster movie. Raft was in "Some Like it Hot", but I'd far rather look like Tony Curtis. Actually, I'd much rather look like Marilyn, but I don't have her fixtures.

    34A City bonds, for short -- MUNIS is a common term in investing.

    37D Attachment for closeups -- ZOOMLENS? Well, the lens attaches to the camera, but to me, an attachment is an auxiliary device, not something so basic as a the entire lens assembly.

  42. Kazie,
    Re: Brass Razu. What does Razu mean?

    Only one game in the Dome so far. As for Brett Favre, lots of conflicting opinions here. I like the controversies he has stirred so far.

    Yeah, I do remember your Grand Tetons sweatshirt story.

    3 of Four,
    Great theme candidates. Welcome to our corner!

  43. Jazzbumpa,
    Thanks for the additional information on Ann Arbor. "Keep your hands off my Tuts" sounds so
    Cleopatra-ly daring.

    Congratulations! Very cool!

    Barb B & Melissa,
    Have fun! I feel sorry for Dennis.

    KittyB et al,
    Thanks for the answers/links.

  44. Munis are short for municipal bonds. They are federally tax exempt in all states. They may also be state tax exempt in the state where issued. With interest rates so low, munis are a great source of tax-exempt interest. For example, Nuveen Value Fund currently pays about 5.04% fed. tax-exempt. For someone in 28% tax bracket this equates to 7% taxable. (100 - 28 = 72) (5.04/72 = 7.00%)

  45. c.c.,
    I guess I misspelled RAZOO. This is wiki's explanation of what I remembered. Other online references seem to be all over the place with different meanings and uses.

    The JVN,
    As to zoom lens--I think of them as attachments because a 35mm camera comes normally with a more conservative lens, and the zoom is an added option. I travelled many thousands of miles with mine, and it was heavier than the rest of the camera. I was glad to switch to a small digital when they came out. Now I can carry it everywhere in my purse.

    I agree about the sshes. I think ssh is rude too, so the other suggestions just match that, though some do go a bit further in rudeness.

  46. C.C. Thank you...yes, its very cool...I just love when stuff like this happens.


  47. 3 of four, what a clever find- "Bugs and Thugs".Very enjoyable- reminded me of going to the movies on Sat. mornings for a quarter.I kept listening for unarmed.LOL

    CA, fun limericks. Wynken, Blinken and Nod was a favorite in our house too. Carly Simon recorded it later on. My favorite Eugene Field poem is "Little Boy Blue" I memorized it for one of our dinner table poetry marathons.

    WM, I'm so very excited for you! Can't wait to see it.

  48. Chow Chin blogs and links before five
    With humor plus knowledge and drive,
    So that those still asleep
    Can come here and peep.
    Then our confidence won`t take a dive.

  49. JD, Our family took a more ghastly bent on poetry readings. LOL...At least on Thanksgiving it was a tradition for my mother to read Eugene Field's The Awful Fate Of Little Jim to all the wide eyed (and rather bloodthirsty) little children, who waited breathlessly for the line, "He had bursted all to thunder".

  50. fun to see you again...


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