, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday May 5, 2009 David W. Cromer

Gary's Blog Map

May 5, 2009

Tuesday May 5, 2009 David W. Cromer

Theme: Of Course!

17A: Golfer's java-dispensing target?: CUP OF COFFEE

62A: Drawing of the area next to the fairway?: ROUGH SKETCH

11D: Mound near a sand trap?: BUNKER HILL

29D: Really large putting surface? GREEN ACRE

Ha ha, no water hazard! Wish there were a TEE though. From TEE to GREEN, "Golf is a good walk spoiled", as scoffed by Mark Twain.

I am more used to aiming at the "hole" rather than at the "CUP". Cute clue for 17A though. I like the consistency of all the theme entries, all placed at the very beginning.

More bonus golf fills:

46A: Golfer's position: LIE. Tough to hit a good shot when the ball lies below your feet.

28D: Golfer's choice: IRON. I started golfing with my 7-IRON.

53D: Golf legend Walter: HAGEN. Gimme. I read some tidbits about him, Bobby Jones and Gene Sarazen in various Jack Nicklaus' books. He was the first American to win British Open. And he had 11 major wins, just behind Jack (14) and Tiger (18). He was also very flamboyant, so unlike Ben Hogan, who was such a mysterious & secretive loner.

I did mis-hit a few shots though. The worst club in my bag definitely is my brain.


1A: Cab fare calculator: METER. Nailed it immediately. Spectacular start at the upper left corner for me this morning.

6A: Old saw: ADAGE. "Saw" means maxim/ADAGE.

3A: Jazz style: BOP. Learned from doing Xword. I don't really know what BOP/bebop is.

15A: ___ dance: BELLY. Look at Shakira's abs. Her father is of Lebanese descent. Guess that's how she loves BELLY dancing.

16A: Game with Skip and Reverse cards: UNO. Obtained the answer from down fills. Is it really the world's #1 family card game? Or just a wordplay on numbero UNO?

19A: "If I ruled the World" rapper: NAS. Learned his name from doing Xword. Can't stand rap.

20A: Woman with a habit?: SISTER. Good clue.

25A: Distance runners: MILERS. COE is often clued as "Miler Sebastian".

27A: "Who cares?": BIG DEAL

30A: Sesame Street grouch: OSCAR. The trash can muppet. Schindler of "Schindler's List" is OSKAR.

31A: Discount rack abbr.: IRR

34A: Dispenser of theater programs: USHER. Wonder why USHER's parents named him USHER.

39A: Curved sword: SABER. OK, it's curved, too-edged too.

41A: What to do just before the surprise party starts: HIDE. Not if the party is for me.

42A: Calendario page: ENERO. January. Caldendario is Spanish for calendar. I did not get the answer immediately.

44A: Stunning weapon: TASER. Love the clue.

47A: Guitar parts: NECKS. See this picture. Strange defintion of heel.

49A: Detected, as a rat?: SMELLED. Nailed it immediately.

51A: Cascades peak: SHASTA. Is it a Native Indian word? What's the meaning of SHASTA then?

53A: Port-au-Prince's country: HAITI. Just learned that French is HAITI's official language. I thought they speak Spanish.

54A: Bodybuilder's pride, briefly: PECS. Has anyone seen Gerard Butler's "300"? Incredible body, all those Sparta soldiers.

57A: Command used when creating a new file name: SAVE AS

64A: "__ Got a Secret": I'VE. Easy guess. Have never heard of this TV game show.

65A: Nurse, vis--à-vis medication: DOSER. Is DOSER a common word?

67A: Avignon article: LES. Like "LES Misérables", Dennis' favorite musical. I think he only likes Susan Bolye's voice though.


1D: Apples with screens: MACS. I am a PC person. This kind of apple clue can't fool anybody now.

2D: Needle case: ETUI. Will Nediger clued ETUI as "Notions holder" last time. I like that clue better.

6D: Blood classification letters: ABO. Has anyone tried Blood Type Diet? Scroll down and see which food you should allow/avoid in your daily diet. I am a type O, and I can't give up cauliflower.

7D: Skim, as soup: DEFAT. Oh, it's a real word.

8D: __ Romeo: sports car: ALFA. Learned this name when Kazie suggested ALFA Romeo for a possible ROMEO clue in late March. They belong to Fiat now, according to Wikipedia.

12D: Studio sign: ON AIR

13D: Internet forum messages: POSTS. "Blog messages" too. By the way, what are your favorite movies? Come to the Comments section and share with us. I like "The Godfather" (I & III), "Major League" & "Cold Mountain".

22D: Symbol after "Http:": SLASH

24D: Soccer player's shoes: CLEATS

26D: Post-op section: ICU. Reminds me of my SKIS ("Street supplies?") confusion last time. I was not familiar with the Olympic skier Picabo Street. Buckeye later joked that she made a large contribution to a Denver hospital, and they named a wing after her. And the wing is called "Picabo, ICU".

27D: Light meal: BITE

30D: Ukrainian port: ODESSA. Interesting. I did not know all city names in Greek/Latin are feminine.

33D: Org. for Bucks and Bulls: NBA. Alliteration again.

35D: Pop singer Brickell: EDIE. Paul Simon's wife. What song is she famous for?

36D: Sax or oboe: REED. Only learned this morning that saxophone is named after its Beligum inventor Adophe Sax.

38D: Bride's purchase: DRESS. Katherine Heigl's "27 Dresses" is pretty silly. This is her famous thong bikini shot (0:18).

40D: Careless: REMISS

45D: Hollywood do-overs: RETAKES

48D: Explosion sound: KABOOM. I like this fill.

50D: Horse stable: LIVERY. Got the answer from across fills. I've never heard of "livery stable" before. Dictionary defines it as "a stable that boards horses and keeps horses and carriages for hire."

51D: Go bad: SPOIL

52D: Throw with strain: HEAVE

58D: Harrow rival: ETON. Both Churchill and Nehru are Harrow graduates.

59D: Elec. designation: AC/DC. Or the rock band name.

60D: "__ Gotta Have It": Spike Lee film: SHE'S. Another easy guess. Have never heard of this film. What a strange blurb: A Seriously Sexy Comedy.

63D: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., e.g.: HRS. Just saw Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" the other day. Very silly too.

Answer grid.



  1. Good morning, C.C. and fellow campers - always good to be back home, except for the monsoon I drove back in, and the fact that it's hanging around for a few more days.
    No problems with today's puzzle; a shade under 4 minutes.

    I'm sure Dick and C.C. enjoyed the theme. The puzzle, to me, seemed a bit like deja vu, taking me back to the Williams days. Several 'crossword words', some stretches like 'doser', and a very easy theme. Still, these puzzles have been such a breath of fresh air over the 'old' days.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "The older one gets, the more one feels that the present must be enjoyed; it is a precious gift, comparable to a state of grace." -- Scientist Marie Curie

    Mr. Fun Facts is back with just one today - The AutoTrain is the longest train in the world, at 3/4 of a mile total length.

  2. Good Morning, C.C. and Dennis

    After reading the L.A. Crossword Confidential, I see I was REMISS in discovering all the theme answers yesterday(B All You Can B). Two six letter entries were there, too: BIO LAB and BAR TAB. Oops, MY BAD.

  3. Dennis,
    Really? The Rich Norris honeymoon freshness & excitement are gone for you already? I am so happy to see you back.

    Did you actually read my post yesterday morning? I added what you missed when I saw your draft. Don't underestimate me.

    Well, don't be too sensitive. I am sure Isaac Stern was proud that he is a Jewish, just as I am proud to be a Chinese. Welcome to our blog. You sound like a person with depth and perception.

  4. Dave from Montana,
    Great to hear from you!

    See MAUL. The #1 definition for the verb is "to handle roughly". I enjoy your posts very much. Very constructive criticism.

    I normally don't list the answers that give me no trouble during the solving. Or sometimes I am just careless that I forget to list certain words. Now, my question: why do you name yourself Luxor? Egyptian culture lover?

    Clear Ayes, Buckeye , Lemonade et al,
    Thanks for the great musical list. I love some of them. Hate several others.

  5. Good morning C.C. and all,..the normal Tuesday walk in the park. No unknowns today and the fills just came so automatically. I was in Cincinnati over the week end.
    My wife wanted to walk half a marathon in the "Flying Pig Marathon" so I have not done the Sunday puzzle. I will give it a go later today if the weather doesn't clear up. BTW she finished in a little over three hours. Compared to the real marathoners not too fast, but none the less good for a Sunday walker.

    Hope you all have a great Tuesday.

  6. Good Morning All,

    Even though I have never played golf this was pretty easy.

    I like Edie Brickell's music.

    Have a nice day!

  7. C.C., no, I didn't mean to imply that the freshness is gone - I couldn't be happier with the switch.

    I read your 'blood type diet' link - being AB+, I was crushed to see that I should avoid lima beans. Kinda like being told to stay away from hypodermic needles. Also, thanks for the Shakira video - that's a nice way to start the day. The video is too.

  8. Dennis,
    By the way, I feel LA Times Spring Training was over last Sunday when you were riding the longest train in the world. I think the future Friday/Saturday ones will excite you.

    "Flying Pig Marathon"? Sounds so impossible. Congratulations to your wife.

    No, butter beans are quite different from lima beans. My husband does not touch butter beans, though he loves the frozen green lima beans.

    Elissa, Tarrajo, Kazie et al,
    Thanks for beatniks/ICE SAW & Italian plurals and other answers yesterday.

  9. Almost forgot - Happy Cinco de Mayo! A great party day.
    Today is also National Teachers Day, National Oyster Day, and National Hoagie Day.

  10. Close. I couldn't get ADAGE, BELLY, ABO or DEFAT. I had LOFAT for DEFAT. I had BLADE until I got GLEAM.


  11. Good morn, CC and all,
    I appreciate your kind replies to yesterday's post.

    Coincidently, after reading the posts about favorite musicals, I got this in the mail today. Pretty funny, I thought. (My favorite musicals are Guys and Dolls and West Side Story.)
    Today I'll have to think about favorite movies, as CC asked.
    Have a good day, all, and check this out:

  12. Welcome back Dennis and Mr. Fun Facts. Glad to have your comments but will miss your vaka emails - appears you had quite a time.

    CC - can you explain the diff between butter beans and lima's - I don't get it. Although like Dennis I'm AB+ so avoiding limas presents no hardship. And seeds?

    Usual Tuesday 'walk in the park' - flew thru but not quite as quickly as Dennis' sub 4 minute puzzle mile. Interesting how the constructor carried golf thruout the puzzle - finished in about 1/2 cup of tea which is how I'm now calculating puzzle time.

  13. Wow! Today's was easier than yesterdays! Zipped through in about 20 min. That's good for me!
    Only one I didn't know was NAS. (I guess I'm not a rap person.) But, when the rest filled in, voila, there it was.
    Jano, don't eat the whole crow! Leave some for me, 'cause sometimes get a little out of line too. Welcome!
    6 and a wake up!!
    CY'All Later

  14. Good morning CC et al., Welcome back, Dennis. Glad you had a great time and are back safely.

    Loved this puzzle. I just started golf lessons last wkend and was thrilled with the theme. Lord knows I do love a good putter, but haven't made it to 'irons' yet. Am pretty good w/clubs - country and canadian being my favs. Some very cute clues and some HOLY HOTWICK answers!

    Just look at this! Macs, tips, erect, big deal, iron, lie, posts, syncs, heave, emoted, kaboom, creams, amens, bra, dress THEN enero-oct (9 mos) belly, another 'big deal', usher, uno,
    she(s), save as, gleam(s). The 'defat' process happens and ends w/a 'retake' and a 'sister'. Great puzzle!

    Thank you for the links, CC. Great job. I'm a Type A (in many ways) and could be a happy vegetarian. That was very interesting.

    Dick: congrats to your wife. good job. I'm in one in 3 wks for my daughter's hospital. I'm in training.

    Fav. movie: The the music, plot, actors...oh, and My Cousin Vinny, and You've Got Mail.

    Enjoy your day.

  15. Easy puzzle for me. Got about 2/3s of the answers from the A's and everything else on one pass through the D's. What I didn't know fell easily from the perps. I didn't like DEFAT or DOSER, though I concede these are real words. I really enjoyed the theme and got the theme answers right away, which always helps.

    As for favorite movies - when my husband and I combined our VCR movie collections, I had 50 tapes and he had 150 and we had one movie in common - Casablanca. It is more than 20 years later and it is still our favorite movie and it was the top of the list of American Film Institutes list of 100 Best Movies. You probably wouldn't want to watch it with us, because we can - and often do - recite all of the dialog along with the actors. (We are also both suckers for a good chick flick and have watched "You've Got Mail" and "Love Actually" dozens of times.)

  16. Good morning,
    Well this puzzle has to be off the charts of the new ones for easiness. Like Dennis, I felt it was one of our "old friends" back again, though over breakfast, I wasn't nearly as fast as he was.

    Going through c.c.'s blog, I wondered about some of the clues I hadn't even realized were there, but which had fallen into place effortlessly. Like Mainiac, I've never played golf--left-handed clubs were never available when I was young, but the only golf clue that cause a pause was LIE. I guessed it but didn't know if it was right until here. My other unknown was NAS, but the perps filled that in.

    I also like Lois' choices for movies as well as Dead Poets' Society, Scent of a Woman, and a whole bunch of chick flicks, adventures, and the comedies that make me giggle out loud, like Grumpy old Men. I just love movies! I'd watch anything other than horror movies or dumb comedies.

  17. So nice to have Dennis back at the top of the posts!

    Enjoyed today's theme. Interestingly, my husband had NO trouble waking up today as he's hitting the links for the first time this season. Any other morning, it's a bit of a struggle to get both him and our daughter up and out of the house on time. (Late hours is definitely one of the less glamorous aspects of owning a restaurant...)

    Dick - sounds like your wife did a great job at the Flying Pig. Congratulations to her! I've run two half marathons, and finished in just under three hours both times... I haven't run at all since my daughter was born (she'll be three on May 15), but am starting to get back into it for a Free to Breathe 5k benefitting the National Lung Cancer Partnership. I'm on the steering committee for the run, so if my training doesn't go well, I can sign myself to work at the registration table instead. :)

    Favorite movies: I can quote virtually all the lines to Steel Magnolias and American President. North by Northwest and Rear Window are always fun to watch, too. And I still hope that the ship won't sink every time I watch Titanic...

  18. Lois, vegetarian?? sure about that?

  19. Dennis: LMAO yeah, I KNEW you'd catch that! You know too well that I couldn't live w/out meat at least once a day...and I like it rare.

  20. Good morning, everyone. Had to replace HOGAN with HAGEN, but everything else fell into place. NAS was from the perps.

    @dennis Nice to see you back. Hope recovery from vacation isn't too harsh. Is it also National Cartoonists Day?

    @jano Cute link.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  21. Hi C.C. & gang, It was a good puzzle today, slightly harder than Monday's but still doable without online help.

    Mount Shasta
    From the above link:

    The origin of the name, "Shasta," is not known, but one hypothesis suggests that it derives from the Russian word "chistiy" (чистый), meaning "pure," and given by early Russian explorers in the area. Shastina, the name given to the smaller satellite cone, is the Russian diminutive form of Shasta and is never referred to as "Mount Shastina."

    An 1821 survey by Spanish Captain (and future Governor of California) Luís Antonio Argüello made reference to a "high, snow-covered hill" called both "Jesús María" (a name also given to what is now called the Sacramento River) and "Los Cuates" ("The Twins"), both of which most likely referred to Mount Shasta. The name "Shasta" also applies to the native inhabitants of the vast area ranging from Mount Shasta to southern Oregon, one tribe of which was called Sǔsti'ka, another possible source of the modern name.

  22. Super easy puzzle today for me even though I have never played nine holes in my life. My favorite clue today was Woman with a habit” Sister.

    My favorite movies are Pulp Fiction and U571. Love that Matthew McConaughey!

    My blood type is B and by the looks of it I can have all the “sweets” I want! Yippee!!

    Anybody else ever played polish golf

  23. Corrected chocolate cake in a cup recipe:

    4 Tbs flour, 4 Tbs. gran. sugar, 2 TBS Cocoa,1/8 tsp. salt, 1 egg, three TBS milk and 3 TBS oil and a "splash" of vanilla. Sorry for your "mess". It realy is good when you have the right ingredients.

    Got it all but roughsketch...which was my first thought but I just knew rda was mda so that threw me. Mis-spelled (hard to believe, huh!)"sync' as "sinc' so "livery" didn`t fall as quickly as it should have. Took a little longer and I haven`t finished NYT yet...but still fun. Working on getting a yard sale ready...ruff!

    Crockett1947: Do try the cake again...(that`s what happens when you try to remember without consulting the recipe)and as to being can also add a TBS. of choc. chips. Then, it`s "death by chocolate."

  24. L714: With all Aarons`s accomplishments, (via his web link), it nearly makes up for his being a "`nole." :)
    Had a second-cousin to graduate from FSU the same day with a double-major: music/classic literature. You have to appreciate all the opportunities they give their students. She spent a summer in England at Oxford.

    Anyway, Go Gaters!

  25. Tarrajo. Here, we call that game Polish Horseshoes!

  26. Bill, here is what I know as polish horseshoes. I sure have some fun camping don't I?

  27. This was about right for me as a Tuesday puzzle. I’m not a golfer, so I wasn’t sure about the theme answers without the perps.

    Dennis, I love the new picture.

    My favorite movie is Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson. I like almost anything with Emma Thompson or Kenneith Branagh.Kinda too bad they split up.

    Also love A Good Year with Russell Crowe, and O Brother Where Art Thou and Medicine Man.

    Guess I just love movies; I’m rarely disappointed.

  28. Boy, real life is really cutting into the time I can spend here lately.

    Easy enough puzzle today, not a speeed-writing exercise, though.

    Linda and Anon-hp had the cryptic answers right yesterday. For today, instead of giving some clues, I found quite a good interactive flash tutorial. When she tells you to fill in the clue, don't try to type it in (like I did :-), just click the button next to the grid:

    How to do cryptic crosswords

  29. Good morning:

    Really a very nice puzzle, but nothing too exciting, or maybe I am just too tired.

    I did like the SISTER clue. I grew up watching the sisters march from one end of the street where they had a school to other where their convent was located. When my niece was three, she used to go outside and tell us that all the Kings were coming. Our male dachshund also loved them and the attention he would get.

    Linda, remember, I went to law school in Gainesville, and had to watch my oldest go off to Tallahassee. Life is full of curves.

    If you look at my profile, I love a zillion movies, and today I am most curious to see what they do with the Star Trek mythology. So much depends on the mood as to what is entertainment.

    WALTER HAGEN plays an important part in the BOBBY JONES biopic STROKE OF GENIUS.

    UNO is a very popular game in the Northeast, my grandmother always traveled with her UNO and SKIP BO cards.

    With the success of retooled JEOPARDY and FAMILY FEUD, I keep waiting for I'VE GOT A SECRET to resurface, after all American Idol is just Ted Mack's Amateur Hour and Star Search updated.

  30. @tarrajo Never heard of the game. Is it something that you've played in your family? Is it regional?

    @linda Add chocolate chips? Yum! Yum! Yum!

    @bill Now there's Polish horseshoes?! How about Cornhole?

    @al Thanks for the cryptic crossword lesson. She's a hoot!

  31. Al,
    The tutorial was fun, but they made it pretty easy. There was only one I wasn't ready for when the answer could be filled in.

    I didn't say so before, but I'm glad you made it back to normalcy safely, and the new photo is nice. We can see you better now!

  32. Hi C.C. and everyone:

    Easy puzzle today. Cute theme and I knew the terms even though I have never golfed for real. I think it's from watching all those tournaments that Tiger Woods was/is in.

    Great new picture Dennis!! Your wife is very pretty and you both look so relaxed. Nice what a little tropic sun, sand, water (night boat racing) can do, huh?

    Dick, congratulate your wife on her 1/2 marathon walk. I walk too, but could never do 13 miles at once. Did she always walk or do special training for this event?

  33. Good Morning All, Tuesday's puzzle was easier than Monday's for me. Dennis is right, there were many déjà vu moments. ETUI, BOP, AAA, NBA and PECS were reminiscent of our old puzzles. I'm not a golfer, but I've heard all the golf terms many times via GAH's tales of woe. The golf theme was evident early on, although I thought C.C.'s "Of course" title was very clever.

    One of the more fun books I've read, that is kinda about golf is, Cinderella Story: My Life In Golf by Bill Murray.

    SandbridgeKaren and Dennis, Let's hear it for the AB+'s! We are lucky, because, even though we are relatively rare, Blood Type Chart, we are universal recipients. If we need blood, we don't have to wait for a special match. We can use any type that is available.

    Although giving up lima beans would not be a hardship, I don't think I'll be going on the Blood Type Diet for AB's any time soon. No beef, chicken, pork, shellfish, corn, avocados, bananas, ice cream or distilled liquor, and what Californian can forgo oranges? No thanks.

    C.C. Another tough question is to come up with all-time favorite movies. As you know, I am a big movie fan. But, if my criteria is what movies would I stay up late to watch on TV, for the tenth time, the top five are Lawrence of Arabia, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Deer Hunter,The Quiet Man and The African Queen.

    GAH wouldn't stay up late, but his favorites are Scent Of A Woman, Cross Creek, Unforgiven, Pulp Fiction and Tombstone.

    BTW, C.C. What were the musicals you loved AND hated?

  34. Dennis: Forgot - love the new picture. As you said, no more distant pix and your wife certainly adds an additional
    'stroke' of beauty. Is there a story about where you are?

  35. Jano,
    Very funny "Worst Side Story" link. Thanks.

    Nice shirt!

    The frozen butter beans in our local grocery store are creamy white, but frozen lima beans are green. However, Wikipedia says they are the same. Maybe those butter beans are re-hydrated dried lima beans?

    Thanks for Shasta. I thought it's an Native Indian name.

  36. Barb B,
    That's a great picture of you and Melissa. I also like "A Good Year" & "O Brother Where Art Thou".

    Thanks for the clip. Eye-opening for me.

    What are your favorite movies? Do post often. I like your offbeat take on various topics.

    Clear Ayes,
    I like "Fiddler on the Roof", "Les Misérables" & "South Pacific". And hate "Oklahoma" & "The Music Man". I guess I don't understand the fun.

    I adore how you spell golf backward and flog the fun out of every innocent term. Wish Sam Snead were still alive.

  37. Doreen,
    Thanks for the further explanation on whoever/whomever.

    Where are you going? Why 6 and a wake-up?

  38. Tarrajo, interesting link; I liked the marshmallow blowgun.

    Clear Ayes, SandbridgeKaren, I used to give blood all the time when I was in the Marines and needed money, because they always paid a hefty premium for my blood. I never have understood why, since only AB+ recipients can take my blood, but those same AB+ people can also take anybody's blood. Strange.

    Thanks for the kind words about the picture; you're right, Carol, about as relaxed as can be. Lois, no real story, just a nice waterfront Italian restaurant; the picture serves as a reminder of the 10,000 calorie (or so it seemed) dessert that occupied that empty plate in front of us 30 seconds before the picture.

    Lois, I suspect you'll do quite well with woods.

    BarbB, outstanding picture of you and Melissa Bee; I'm glad you guys had a great time.

  39. I'd like to share my excitement that today is the first time ever that I finished a crossword 100% correctly and completely on my own: no help on a single clue from friends, no cheating/looking things up or anything... and I don't know anything about golf! I must be learning, :). Thanks guys!

    Dennis - AB+ people can take anybody's blood, but it's always better to transfuse a perfect match. AB is the rarest blood type, so in a way, it makes more sense that they find it valuable. I wonder if they pay more for AB-, which is even rarer than AB+. I'm A-, so I'll need to get shots if I ever have more than one kid fathered by a guy with + blood type.

    My random fact contribution: Barack Obama's blood type is AB. I'm not sure if he's + or -, but they carry supplies of AB blood with him on trips, just in case.

  40. Crockett, Believe it or not we've had all 3 of those games in our camper at one time or another.
    I think the one I call Polishhorseshoes (Bola)is at my sons house for the grandkids.

    CC, A week from now we'll be well on our way to Amelia Family Campground For the Bluegrass Festival.
    Grand daughter got a reprieve from school for the week, so she's going along. (But, she'll still have homework!)

  41. Welcome back Dennis, we missed you. Dick, congrats to your wife.

    Have been traveling again and am very tired with only a few minutes. Maybe will comment again later. As most of you will know, I loved this puzzle as we are avid golfers. Very nicely done.

    Have looked at the blood type diet. Checked out a book on it once but it was way too detailed for me to ever get through. I too am O and hate what they tell me not to eat. Although, I do try to follow it as much as possible. Thanks for the link CC as that is much easier to read than the book. Don't like all that recommending of kelp though.

    Was in Iowa City for a presentation of rings to the Senior athletes graduating. It is a very nice ring that the athletes get for being letter winners. does anyone know if any other colleges do this?

    Loved the SISTER clue too. Hate RAP also, but unfortunately, my teenage boys don't.

    Favorite movie Return To Me starring David Duchovny and Minnie Driver. Directed by Bonnie Hunt. Really special.

    Hope to visit again later.

  42. @ Carol, My wife trained for about six weeks for the race. She slowly working her way up to 12 miles and the final of the 13 miles was accomplished in the actual race. There were many blisters until she found the blister resistant soxs and then that problem went away.

    She used to run in marathons when she was in graduate school, but I didn't know her then.

  43. Kazie, Al, C.C., et al: Did you notice how the cryptic clue instructor almost always spoke or underlined the answer prior to asking one to fill in the clue?

    Anyway, here are a couple of new ones for you:

    1) Teacher in the classroom (12)
    2) Unleasher of evil gets a pardon (7)


  44. Guday, all.
    Dennis: welcome back to the daily grind. (Look for my lime LifeSavers.) Love your WOW>

    Bill: where ya goin'?

    Dick: Congrats to your rib. 3 hours is a good time for the Flyin' Pig going at a walk. Did you guys get any Cinci chili?

    c.c. Please rate the puzzles again for me. I'm fighting to keep the idiots in my area from getting rid of the LAT in my rag. I think you said it was 2,2,3,4,4,3. Is that right?

    Clearayes: "My little girl, Pink and white, as peaches and cream is she." And both of my daughters ARE JUST THAT.

    I must be off!

  45. C.C. Understandable. Oklahoma and The Music Man are two of the most "American" of musicals. They presume a knowledge of late 19th and early 20th century American history and colloquialisms.

    This little poem can only be appreciated, hated, or thought to be funny if you are familiar with the animosity between cattle and sheep ranchers in "the territories" during the late 19th century. My apologies in advance, Windhover :o)


    Mary bought a little lamb
    Whose fleece was white as snow.
    She put it in her fenced in yard
    So she wouldn't have to mow.

    She petted it and talked to it.
    Her boyfriend came and heard her.
    Then he left in a stormy huff,
    "I ain't datin' no sheepherder."

    - Hilma Volk

  46. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know my blood type. So I called my doctor to ask. I have never been tested so there are two options; one is having a test, which I would have to pay for, or donate blood and they will tell you. Looks like I'm taking Pete's advice and looking for the next blood drive!

    We play polish golf at camp because the ground is to uneven for horse shoes. Great fun!

  47. Dick,

    I think the blisters are just age, too much walking over the years. I never used to have problems, now I have to bandage my feet up to walk the mileage watching my daughter golf. Sometimes I will end up in bare feet carrying my shoes walking on the grass for the last 9 holes. Totally embarassing.

  48. Yee How and Yaah Hoo!!! (That's not Chinese, as you know c.c.).

    Tore through today's puzzle like my butt was on fire. The "peeps" here at the GBRV were gathered around goin', "Look at Buckeye go! Thar's more lead aflyin' off that there pencil than they was at that ol' O.K. Ko-Ral. Sumbudy git the far distinguisher, 'cause Buckeye's "smokin'" and whar thay's smoke, thay's far."

    Nurse Ratchet heard us, and came running down from the second floor.

    "What's going on, Dixie?"

    "Buckeye's doing that damned crossword again, and he's got the inmates -er, residents- all worked up. Adam Zapple just seized and swallowed his tongue, and the twins, Jack and Trip Hammer just soiled themselves. I think we need to take that damned thing away from him. He creates a turmoil".

    "No," replied Ratchet. "It'll seek it's own level soon. Just kick Zapple into a corner, and get an aide to clean up the twins. Some things can't be stopped, and when Buckeye's on a "roll", it's best to ignore him".

    No erases.


  49. 7:01 today. Loved the golf theme.

    I used to play a lot of golf, but tore my rotator cuff at a Brooks & Dunn concert a few years ago and haven't been able to swing a club properly since.

    My favorite movie (and keeping with the golf theme): CaddyshackAnd, for those Robin Williams fans out there, you'll love his golf bit. (Caution: serious profanity involved--not for sensitive ears or the office.) Robin Williams Golf

  50. I have to agree that today was easier than yesterday for me as well. There are small glimers of hope, I only had to guess at three letters today.

    Doser made me think of tractors and big equipment. Maybe I've watched too much Bob the Builder? Somehow I knew LIVERY though I'm not quite sure how.

    My boyfriend and I have a large movie collection as well. One of my absolute all time favorites is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Everytime I watch it, I just marvel at the effects.

  51. Mr Fun Facts needs to check his source. 3/4 mile long train is exceeded every day here in the west (for example, the coal trains out of Bill, WY.) As for the longest train ever, it was a one-time BHP Billington iron ore train from the mines to Port Hedland, Western Australia, which was 7.353 km (4.568 miles) long. the AutoTrain is the longest passenger train?

  52. embien, Mr. Fun Facts informs me that yes, I was told that it was the longest passenger train, but due to senility and other mental handicaps on my part, that word was omitted. Sorry.

  53. Dennis - clearly you have 'better blood'.

    Andrea1263 - LOL at your Titanic comment. When the movie first came out I took my mom; all my dad could say was 'the boat sinks why bother going to the movie - obviously no surprise ending'. He was not a movie fan.

    Crockett1947 - thanks for the cornhole link. Last weekend there was some sort of early Cinco deMayo celebration at the VB oceanfront and they were advertising cornhole contests. Apparently it was hard for some of the announcers to get thru their copy with a straight face (assume it was a straight face since it's hard to tell on the radio, though).

    CC - thanks for trying to help on the bb's vs limas - I wonder if it's one of those local cultural things. When I lived in PA we used the term 'red beets' - when I got to VA I was told in no uncertain terms 'they are beets'. I don't eat them whatever they're called.

  54. Gol durn it, talk about a virtuoso display of Amerikin talkin', Buckeye. That was as clear as a buttonhook in the well water. You went about as fur as you could go. Yessiree.

    Maniac, Don't be embarrassed. You are fortunate your health is so good that you have never had to have a simple blood test for cholesterol or blood sugar. It is a good idea to know your blood type though. You never know when you or someone you love might need a little extra.

    Embien, Caddyshack is one of those movies that gets funnier the more you watch it. You don't catch all those little side comments the first time or two.

  55. Dennis - you deserve a little slack postvacationwise.

  56. Bill, I don’t know if they are Midwestern games or not. It seems Mainiac has played them too and I believe he is in Maine. All I know is I have played them since I was a little kid. One year my dad made all us kids our own Polish golf and Polish horseshoe sets one year for Christmas. They are a staple when going camping.

    Crockett, I might have to add “cornhole” to my collection.

    Dennis, I like your new picture too. You have a very pretty wife. Don’t waste your money on the marshmallow blow gun. It can get kind of sticky.

    Embien, I am not sure I want to hear how you tore your rotator cuff at a Brooks and Dunn concert!

  57. OrAngie,
    Congratulations on your first cheat-free puzzle.

    Yeah, kelp is an acquired taste. I really don't like the fact that all cabbage family veggies are out for the Type O. It's just not realistic.

    On a scale of 1-5, the level of difficulty for our Monday and Tuesday puzzle is 1, Wednesday is 2, Thursday and Friday 3, Saturday 4 and Sunday 3.

  58. Cleareyes, Loved the poem. I have been pretty fortunate health wise. Minor stuff and keep up with my yearly visits due to some family history. I keep knockin on wood.

    Buckeye, Hope you didn't set the sprinkler system off!!

    Embien, I am a Robin Williams fan and really enjoyed that Skit. Although not quite the linguist as George Carlin, he wraps it very well into his routines. This Stuff routine by Carlin is fairly clean and funny. (Five minutes long) Dennis, how much stuff did you take on vacation?

    Council meeting tonight.

    Thanks for the laughs all!

  59. @Sallie - I was wrong. My paper carries United Feature Syndicate puzzles, not Universal. Good luck!

    Linda - Yep, you are a true chocoholic. Chocolate just isn't the same without coffee. Too late for me last night to fix and too busy this morning, now it is too late again. Oh, well, tomorrow I can start all over again. BTW, I did see the corrections, so maybe for once being late was a good thing.

    C.C. Didn't you think today's puzzle should have been 1/2 instead of a 1? Not bragging, it just didn't require much thought.

  60. SandbridgeKaren,
    I think I have an explanation of the beet vs. red beet terminology. PA is a predominantly German ethnic area, and in German there are red, yellow and white beets: rote Rüben = beets, gelbe Rüben = carrots (old fashioned though), and weiße Rüben = turnips. So it's natural that the translation of at least one of these might have persisted there but not elsewhere.

    I have type O+ blood, and the one thing which I love on my "should not eat" list for that blood type diet is grains and breads. I make most of our own whole wheat bread, and really can't give it up.

  61. Just to throw more confusion into the butter bean/lima bean discussion, my old Standard College Dictionary says, butter beans are wax beans; in the south, lima beans.

    Linda, I can't find the original 'chocolate cake in a cup' recipe. What are the baking instructions?
    In the oven? Microwave? How long? Thanks, Dot


    From your friends at Corona the drinko for Cinco De Mayo!


  63. Crockett - I have never heard that game called cornhole. We just call it the beanbag toss. It is so popular at the colleges now. They always have them going at tailgate (and any other) parties. Apparently they sell the aparatus, with college logos, for about $100. I think it is a ripoff, but the kids love it.

    Anyone got any good outdoor game ideas? We are having a grad party for my daughter's college graduation. I would love to have a "9 hole golf course" to celebrate, and thinking of doing an outdoor game at each hole - rather than actually golfing. Cornhole would be a good one, as would lawn dice. I am thinking of something easy to do at each hole, and scoring points for each completion. I would love to hear any fun ideas that people have done.

  64. Kazie - thanks so much for that explanation - makes a LOT of sense. It's so amazing how much you all know and are willing to share on this site - way more Mensas than Densas.

  65. C.C.

    Thanks for the kind words.

    Bop, or bebop is a jazz style pioneered in the 40's by Charlie Parker and Dizzie Gillespie. It features technical virtuosity with lots of notes, and complex harmonic structures. One of the bebopper's favorite tricks was to write a new melody over the chord structure of an existing song, to get something fresh and new. Here is Parker's Ornithology, based on the chords of "How High the Moon?"

    Enjoyable puzzle today. Liked the theme and the execution, including the additional golf related answers. Also liked seeing Oscar, and of course, a bra is always welcome.

    Only a couple of nits to pick. Phooey on "etui." I've never seen that word outside of a X-word, and never want to see it again. Enero is a great puzzle word -- in MADRID!

    Bra should have been in front of pecs, not behind - but that might be taking criticism in the wrong direction.

  66. Linda: somehow I can't find the directions for your chocolate cake in a mug. Would love to have it. I saw the corrected amounts today and yesterday, but not the directions. I think I remember all but how long to microwave. Or is it until it starts to go over the top?
    Thank you.

  67. So I am looking at my blood type diet. Do we tend to crave those foods that are not good for us? As an O I am supposed to stay away from some of my favorites, califlower, brussel sprouts, pickles, bacon, and of all things coconut. I LOVE coconut. What is the deal with that?

  68. @sallie Three minutes on high. The original instructions said it will go over the top, but don't worry!

  69. c.c. Thanks for the ratings, again. I hope I can influence our paper to stay with LAT.

    KQ. Try JARTS. They're lawn darts and are as illegal as cocaine, but if you use them at #4 hole -going AWAY from the (club) house,- you may limit serious injuries. I'm sure you can find somebody who still has them. Also set up a twisting croquet course for #9; and have players try to hit a badminton cock into a clothes basket, or something smaller, at a "good distance". Pin the Tail On the Donkey, against a tree, is an idea and so is throwing a dart at a dart board trying to hit 20, double 20, triple 20 or a bulls eye. Count each throw as a stroke.

    There's also a bean-bag tic-tac-toe game I'm sure you can find. Have each person throw until he/she gets 3 in a row and count the number of throws. If you have a "practice putting" thingie, put it out.

    Just some ideas.


  70. @KQ; If all else fails you can set up a Calvinball course.

    The best diet advice is given by Michael Pollan in a New York Times article:
    Eat (real) food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

    I added the word "real" to his title, because that's really what's important. He does mention it later, but I always thought he should have led with that.

  71. @sandbridgekaren Sure enjoyed your post today. Funny how the pleasurable stuff (stoli, rum, corona, etc) seems to get to the gullet much faster than 7 secs!

    As far a being faithful -- I made a commitment 26+ years ago and I've stuck to it since and will continue to stick to it for the future.

  72. Well, I'll try this again. I thought I posted this an hour or so ago, but I don't see it in the comments.

    @sandbridgekaren Your 12:41 post made me smile. It's amazing how the less beneficial liquids form today's puzzle (stoli, rum, corona) can make it to the stomach in under the seven seconds quoted.

    On the faithful question. I made a promise over 26+ years ago and haven't broken it yet -- also have no plans to do so in the future. I'm set, Thank You Very Much.

    @doreen You hit it right on the head, kiddo!

    @sallie You're welcome.

    @lois Another set of priceless posts.

    Now, let's see if this one gets posted.

    Have a great evening, everyone!


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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