, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday June 7, 2009 Mike Peluso

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Jun 7, 2009

Sunday June 7, 2009 Mike Peluso

Theme: Taking The Bite Out of the Dog

23A: About to land in northern Ohio?: (GR)OVER CLEVELAND

31A: Incredible hole-in-one?: AMAZING (GR)ACE


76A: Traditional ghost stories?: (GR)EEK MYTHOLOGY

93A: Aristocratic Machu Picchu women: (GR)ANDES DAMES

106A: WWII intelligence oversights?: (GR)OSS NEGLIGENCE

37D: Angry gorillas?: (GR)APES OF WRATH

40D: Little queen in the library?: RESEARCH (GR)ANT

I glommed onto the theme immediately after I obtained AMAZING ACE. My favorite theme entry is APES OF WRATH, very evocative. I like how it crosses ORANG (80A: Malaysian ape). I am also fond of OSS NEGLIGENCE too. OSS is often clued as "CIA forerunner".

Very clever theme. Also neat to have three "Pay" in the following clues:

29A: Pay: SALARY. Wrote down AWARD first. Two letters fit.

38A: Not pay, as taxes: EVADE.

8D: Pay dirt: ORE

Several tricky clues today. I dodged a few. But struggled mightily with OPIATE (60A: Dentist's number?). Only realized a few minutes ago that I have to parse number as numb-er, stuff that numb me.

I still don't understand the cluing for NAS (105D: __ in November). Why? Is it related to the rapper NAS somehow?


1A: Photographer's buy: TRIPOD. And RIMS (82A: Lens holders)

7A: Maker of Infiniti hairstyling irons: CONAIR. Also the name of a Nicolas Cage movie.

13A: It precedes Blue Jays' home games: O CANADA. I got it immediately.

20A: Actress Swank: HILARY. Loved her "Million Dollar Baby".

21A: Defoe title surname: CRUSOE

22D: Rhine siren: LORELEI. This has become a gimme. Sirens are sea nymphs.

25A: Starry-eyed type: DREAMER. Life is too realistic to be a DREAMER now.

26D: 1931 Garbo role: MATA HARI. Unknown to me. I don't think I've watched any Garbo movie. MATA HARI was executed in 1917.

27A: Binding words: I DO. Sweet clue.

39A: Word in proof: ERGO

40A: Some NFL linemen: RGS (Right Guards). Not a football fan. Wanted RTS. Are right tackles linemen also?

43A: They're found under long hair: NAPES. D'oh. Of course.

44A: Douglas Aircraft jets used in Nam: F- TENS. No idea. I also did not know GIRO (75A: Old rotorcraft, for short). It's short for autogiro.

47A: Iowa college town: AMES

48A: Rice-: A-RONI. My husband loves their Spanish Rice.

51A: Follow: ENSUE

52A: Matter of law: RES. Latin thing.

56A: Spacemate of Michael and Buzz: NEIL (Armstrong). Aboard Apollo 11. The Moon Walk.

57A: "Strange Magic" gp.: ELO. Easy guess.

58A: Thing to go through: PHASE. Great clue. I kept thinking of LISTS.

59A: Twist, as floorboards: WARP

62A: Smooth style: FLAIR. Got the answer with Down help.

64A: PB &J cousin: BLT. I like peanut butter and honey combination.

65A: Kitchen gadget: CORER. Thought of PEELER immediately. I peel everything.

66A: In addition: AS WELL

68A: "Leaving Las Vegas" costar: SHUE (Elizabeth). Nice picture. I wrote down the other costar CAGE first.

70A: Time between mediodía y seis: TARDE. Spanish for afternoon. Between noon (mediodía) and six (seis). Stumper for me.

72A: USN rank: CPO (Chief Petty Officer). Another stumper.

79A: Throne letters: HRH. His/Her Royal Highness.

83A: Materialized: AROSE

84A: Reagan secretary of state: HAIG (Alexander). I remember his "I'm in control here".

85A: Facetious suggestion to public kissers: GET A ROOM. Funny.

87A: Layers: PLIES

88A: Mozart's "__ Alla Turca": RONDO. Here is a clip. I was stymied.

89A: __Kosh B'Gosh: OSH. New brand to me. What a strange name!

90A: "Same Time, Next Year" actor: ALDA. Not familiar with the movie.

91A: Badgers, in "Jabberwocky": TOVES. Anything "Jabberwocky' is beyond me.

92A: Softened by love: MELTED. Sweet clue too.

95A: Eternities: EONS. Wrote down EVER first.

99A: Ring floorings: KOS (Knockouts). Needs "briefly" for hint, doesn't it?

100A: Church challengers: HERETICS

104A: Qom inhabitant: IRANIAN. Wikipedia says Qom is the largest center for Shi'a scholarship in the world. Very close to Tehran.

110A: South African liberator: MANDELA

111A: Show contrition: REPENT

112A: More to the point: TERSER

114A: Lists of candidates: SLATES. Our governor Tim Pawlenty just announced that he wouldn't seek for a third term. I am certain that he is aiming at the GOP presidential nominee.

115A: Prosecutorial staff member: Abbr.: ASST DA. Have watched so many "Law & Order" reruns, yet I still had trouble obtaining this answer.


1D: Shoe retailer McAn: THOM

2D: 1972 Derby winner __ Ridge: RIVA. No idea. Wikipedia says he won 1972 Belmont Stakes as well. Very exciting race yesterday. Calvin Borel almost pulled it off.

4D: "The Prodigal Son" and others: PARABLES. I did not know what "The Prodigal Son" is about. Thought it might be a novel.

5D: 14-Down flowers: ORCHIDS. And CORSAGE (14D: Gift for a big date). DIAMOND came to my mind when I read "Gift for a big date".

6D: Songwriters Bob and Jakob: DYLANS. Only know the father Bob DYLAN.

7D: MXXX ÷ V: CCVI. 1030/5=206.

9D: Match __: tie game, in Bordeaux: NUL. New term to me. NUL is French for "void".

11D: Give a charge to: IONIZE

12D: __wip: REDDI. I forgot this brand again. Only use Cool Whip.

15D: Seattle's 206, e.g.: AREA CODE. Stumped. I only know Seattle's #51. My first ever baseball card is a Topps' Ichiro.

16D: 1960 Wimbledon champ Fraser: NEALE. No idea. He is an Aussie. Hope Roger Federer realizes his Grand Slam dream this time.

18D: Forest bounders: DEER. Nice clue.

24D: Fraction of a joule: ERG

28D: Like the simplest process: ONE STEP

32D: Out of control: MANIC. AMOK is one letter short.

33D: Spots: ADS

34D: Garson of "Mrs. Miniver": GREER

38D: Detachable collars: ETONS

41D: Astronaut's garb: G-SUIT. Oh, I did not know they are called G-SUITS.

42D: "O Rare Ben Johnson" is engraved (in error) on one: STELE. My answer was STONE. The correct name should be Ben Jonson, a contemporary of Shakespeare.

44D: Brother in a hood?: FRIAR. Superb clue. I was thinking of those street gangs.

46D: Navel phenomenon: INNIE

49D: Camping pest: GNAT. And NOODGE (55D: Pest), a word I quickly forgot after it appeared in our puzzle last time.

50D: Unlike this ans.: ACR (Across). This answer (50D) is Down, not Across. I got it right away.

63D: Hotelier Helmsley: LEONA. The Queen of Mean.

64D: Believes: BUYS. Did not come to me readily.

65D: Angry: CROSS. IRKED popped into my mind.

66D: Disco era phrase: A GO GO. No idea.

68D: Protection for a bank job: SKI MASK. The robbery. I was imagining those surveillance cameras in the bank.

69D: "Let me think about that": HMM

70D: Whig opponents: TORIES. The parties in the UK?

73D: Fall preceder: PRIDE. I wanted Summer.

74D: "Lordy": OH GOD

77D: Weaken, as confidence: ERODE. Calvin Borel probably jinxed himself by talking too confidently.

78D: Cut a sandwich, say: HALVE

84D: Piece keepers?: HOLSTERS. I did not know a pistol is also called a piece Nice play on peace keepers then.

86D: Savvy sailor: OLD SALT

87D: Lap dog, for short: POM. The real dog. I was in the figurative direction.

88D: Commits an act of betrayal, maybe: RENEGES. Don't promise what you can't deliver.

91D: Mortarboard hanger: TASSEL

92D: Pat of "The Karate Kid": MORITA

93D: "Intervention" airer: A AND E. The answer emerged itself. I've never heard of "Intervention".

94D: Concerns of the god Janus: DOORS. January is named after him.

96D: Tucson is its county seats: PIMA. got the answer from Across fills.

98D: Tilted position: CANT. New definition to me.

100d: Alts.: HGTS. Altitudes & Heights.

101D: Technical sch.: INST

103D: Antitoxins: SERA

107D: Luxurious getaway: SPA

108D: Nothing but __: perfect hoops shot: NET. Ha ha, I thought it's Nothing but DUNK. I don't follow NBA.

109D: Charlotte-to-Raleigh dir.: ENE.

Answer grid.


PS: For those who are not familiar with today's constructor Mike Peluso, here is his interview again.


  1. Wow! Never thought I'd be first! I missed yesterday because of preparing for a houseful of guests for the day. I did start the puzzle on paper but only got a few and didn't have time to devote to it.

    A normal Sunday XW for me--online with quite a bit of red letter help and many clues revealing themselves through perp help. Several d'oh moments too. I remembered the Janus discussion of a while back. Didn't grok ACR until coming here. Figured F-TENS was a clue made for Dennis. I really liked the theme and had it on the first one, OVER CLEVELAND.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!

  2. CC; Did the Rapture take place? Where is everyone? Got most of it BICH...wanted "pilaf' for "aroni"...couldn`t remember how to spell "Lorelei" had to look up "nas November..." evidently that`s when all charts etc are updated...playing in the sun with grandbabies today...

    hasta lunes!

  3. its the letter n as in november

  4. Ahhhhhhh....what kazie said! lol

    Most of this was fun to do. I needed a little red letter help in the center right of the puzzle.

    The on-line puzzle theme wasn't legible, so it took me a while to catch on to the missing letters.

    It's overcast in Chicago...with rain moving in, a good day to be quilting.

    I hope you all have a couch potato day.

  5. Just had a great bike ride; only a minute for now - fun puzzle, and fairly straightforward. C.C., as anon said, the answer is 'N as in November'. And I think I know every American fighter ever made, especially Vietnam era ones, and I've never heard of an F-10.

    Hopefully more later. Have a great day.

  6. may be sour apes but I did care for some of the clueing, like (N as) in November and Little queen in the library.

    Founded in 1895 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, OshKosh B'Gosh, Inc. has grown from a small-town manufacturer of adult workwear into a global marketer of children's clothing and accessories.

  7. Hi:

    I thought the theme was entertaining and done with humor, the cluing was mostly very easy, especially for those who remember trivia and the arcane, but OPIATE, fooled me with the numb-er, though it filled, and I liked Brother in a hood?: FRIAR. OSH KOSH B”GOSH make the best and cutest kids clothes, I have so many pics of my boys in their finery. Same Time, Next Year is a movie about a couple who have a once a year illicit rendezvous that becomes complicated when one of their spouses dies. ALDA and ELLEN BURSTYN were quite good, with the smarminess of it all done well. Ms. SHUE is a pretty girl.

    As for the BELMONT, Borel lost to a better jockey. The winning horse is a brother of MINE THAT BIRD, both sired by BIRDSTONE who won the Belmont in 2004. Belmont has derailed many a triple crown hopeful, horse and jockey. I bet 2 on the 4 horse and won $25.60.

    Dennis, I have a nephew who loves military aircraft, but he is not around to ask, so all I know is that the computer spits out F-10 .

    Enjoy the day.

  8. The Prodigal Son - Luke 15: 11-32. It is one of my favorite stories in the bible. I work with kids and had a troubled child. I remember this parable when kids are headstrong and insistent that they know it all. It's worth the read.

  9. I'm chiming in now before there are more posts...Did the puzzle again last night(on paper) when my brain seems to be more the theme right off and then started to have fun. Most favorite clue/answer:76A EEK MYTHOLOGY...LOL!

    Did a duh moment with OCANADA once I reread the clue...Toronto/Canada!...had gotten it from perps. Thanks to anon/Argyle, I now understand NAS.

    C.C. A GO GO would be like in Cafe a go go...silly term, no real meaning. Mozart's Turkish Rondo.

    Nothing really too difficult, but I really had to work up and down, side to side...just clever cluing for the most part and enough easy clues to help fill in except that I did think that OH GOD was a little strong for the clue "Lordy" which is more like and "Oh my Gosh"

    Luxor from last're welcome and just my thoughts on it.

    The movie Same Time Next Year was filmed at a lovely hotel called Heritage House in Little River in Mendocino County(with views of the Pacific) and the movie company built the building that was used in the movie and it was kept as one of the rooms you can now stay at. All the rooms are different and quite lovely. My mom and dad used to go up there all the time and she like the idea that you could rent the place they had used in the movie...

    Overcast, cool and lovely...great day to you all.

  10. Also...I have a very random question. My husband was doing a crosswrd the other day and the clue was HANG FIRE...the answer was PEND???? I have no idea of the connection...anyone?

    Thanks in advance.

  11. Well, I tried to be first today and I got tossed out two times!

    All I wanted to say was:

    Grrrrr puzzle today!

  12. What is nas in november????? Never heard of it and stumped me.

  13. Good Morning All, I just finished got around to finishing the puzzle. We were busy this morning with an undecided truck buyer. We are selling one and the guy just couldn't make up his mind, even though it is a great deal on a very well maintained truck. GAH finally said, "If you decide to take it as is, give me a call." It isn't worth the effort to coddle a whiny buyer. We aren't in that much of a hurry.

    Now, about the puzzle...AMAZING ACE was the first theme answer I got and was quickly able to figure out the missing GR. My favorite theme clue was for ANDES DAMES. I didn't like "Little queen in the library?" It was really too much of a stretch.

    Aside from the theme clues, I really liked "Dentist's number" and "Brother in a hood".

    I didn't like N AS (in November) either, but it is part of the NATO/aviation alphabet, which is the most common Spelling Alphabet. As long as we aren't expected to know the Turkish N AS in "Neptün", I can't complain too much.

  14. Hi C.C. & gang,
    A tough one again today. My wife picked up on the GR theme.

    Re: November NAS? I found this
    link that says

    the hip hopper NAS to drop his greatest hits in November? Does that mean release a CD or MP3 or?

  15. Lemonade, thanks for the heads-up on the Skyknight; that plane, to the best of my knowledge, was always called an F-3D, and I have no idea why they'd give it a secondary designation. Perhaps Hayrake can shed some light?

    BeckyJ, a couple of us have mentioned in earlier posts that it's 'N as in November'.

  16. WM,
    I am familiar with HANG FIRE meaning to wait and see. Not sure of its origin though. This is whatWiki says.

  17. Today seems like a rather slow one on the blog. Perhaps our participants are out enjoying this lovely June day. (Sorry KittyB, maybe tomorrow.) Apropos of nothing, this poem made me smile. I hope it makes you smile too.


    When clover fields are blooming;
    And ale is fresh and pure;
    When your love is sitting near ye;
    And your heart is beating sure.

    When lakes are clear as crystal;
    And gaelic songs abound;
    May your lover's voice outdo you;
    As she buys another round.

    When day turns toward evening;
    And the tavern fills with friends;
    May frothy ale be flowing;
    In joy that never ends.

    When golden rays of springtime;
    Kiss verdant hills of dew;
    May your love endure forever;
    And the pub belong to you.

    - Mike Shay

  18. Good afternoon, c.c. and aficionados,
    It took me quit a bit to finish this one, as i started last nite online and on paper.
    I do both, so to learn, grasp and hold ! Hah .

    Anyway, did my spinning this morning and then finished the puzzle.
    Didn't know there was a theme, until i came here so , all the stuff that was emerging seemed pretty weird , such as Amazing Ace, Apes of wrath, OwingConcern, etc., etc.
    And Nas, had no clue, Opiate, wow , clever !

    Had never heard of F-tens, Hellcats came to mind but they were before Nam.
    Another learning experience !

    Watched the real Pearl Harbor last nite on the, fascinating history and i so like to hear the old Vets recant their personal experience.

    Embien - thanks for the clarification of pairs, had no idea.

    Ca, lovely poem.
    You are such a romantic, love it.

    Well, the skies are rumbling again and it looks like rain coming ,

    Buona sera, y Buenas tarde, to all.

  19. 28:46 today.

    Oh. My. This one kicked my butt bigtime. I got the theme immediately from the title and filling in AMAZING ACE with no crosses, but had immense problems with (GR)OWING CONCERN. I had the OWING part, but CONCERN just wouldn't come for the longest time. Sigh.

    @c.c.: Are right tackles linemen also?

    Yes, c.c., the line is usually Center, Guards, Tackles and Ends (a split end is often also called a wide receiver--he's "split" off from the rest of the line). There is only one center, the others come in left and right flavors.

    Also, c.c., I'm surprised to hear that you use Cool Whip. Reddi-wip uses real dairy products and not the fake stuff that's in Cool Whip, so that's the only topping in our household. Cool Whip vs. Reddi-wip Of course, Cool Whip is by Kraft Foods so you see it advertised all the time.

    Actually, we usually whip up real heavy whipping cream to put on our strawberry shortcakes (season coming up real soon!!!)

  20. Dennis @ 2:49P

    There was an F3D Skynight flown primarily as a night-fighter in the Korean War. It was a good one according to a couple of Skynight pilots I remember. If there is some confusion among our troops about the F3D-F10, I believe the
    F10 is an extension designation to the F3D. Like F4U-5A for a certain model of the Corsair, which I flew.

    Could someone have mistaken F-10for the A-10 Warthog perhaps?

    Hope this was some help rather than some more confusion.

  21. Kazie...thank you so much on the hang fire...had never heard the term. This place is better than a dictionary! ;o)

    CA...such a fun poem and great for this terrific weather.

    Got mom's grocery shopping out of the way(an hour round trip for me) and have to back tomorrow for a Dr. Appt...sigh :o(. I am now going to try an remember what I was doing on the painting.


  22. Good afternoon, all. My DH who flew his own plane, not in the military, was interested in your discussion about the F10. He thought it was F1-11, which is why I missed so much in that area.
    He researched when your answers came up, and yes, the D 10 and the D 3 are the same. But you all talked about Korea, not Nam. What DH came up with was the F10 was a Chinese plane at some point. So maybe the Vietcong were flying Chinese planes. Interesting dialog.
    Thanks for making some points for many of us to consider.

    BYW, DH served in Thule, not Toolie as I incorrectly observed a few nights ago.

    Enjoy your evening.

  23. Good evening C.C. and all,..this puzzle kicked my butt so bad I thought I was on the Penguin's hockey team. I really struggled with this one, but eventually prevailed with the help of a couple of Googles. The NAS November popped out to me as soon as I saw it. Wish some of the other clues would have done the same.

    Back in the day, ca 1958, I built a Girocopter from plans that I purchased from Benson Aviation. It took about two years to build and it crashed on the first flight during take off. We towed it to a farmers barn and I have never seen it since.

    HOpe you all have a great Sunday.

  24. I found a good link to the F10 plane and there are pictures and specs on this URL also. See:F3D (F-10) Skyknight

    The Douglas F3D Skyknight was the world's first jet fighter designed for use as carrier-based night fighter. Its radar equipment required a wider-than-usual fuselage, so it was nicknamed "Willie the Whale".

  25. Hang fire is a shooting term. When you pull the trigger and a bullet doesn't emerge from the gun, you have a hang fire. You should wait a few minutes before ejecting the cartridge because the powder might still ignite & discharge the bullet. You're pending the discharge in those minutes.

  26. I am super late today, so who knows if anyone will even read this. I got the theme immediately when I got OVER CLEVELAND, but mistakenly figured that the GR was always at the beginning of the answer, so that stumped me pretty good. I really liked APES OF WRATH, and OSS NEGLIGENCE and EEK MYTHOLOGY. I knew that ACE was in the clue about hole-in-one (having had two myself) but still couldn't get the answer.

    I was proud of myself for getting ARONI and FLAIR right off the bat, but had trouble with many of the answers today. I worked this quite a bit, but just couldn't finish it myself.

    When I was in high school, OshKosh B'gosh were huge. We all wore overalls and looked like farmers because they were so comfortable. Of course, I grew up close to Oshkosh anyway. I don't think they started with the kids clothes until the 80's or so, close to the time my daughter was born, but I may be wrong. She wore lots of their clothes though. Very cute.

    Same Time Next Year was my dad's favorite movie so I knew ALDA right off the bat. I always wondered know why he liked it so much. Was he doing the same thing possibly? Or did he aspire to a relationship like that? That will never be answered.

    We got some rain here, but unfortunately it turned cold too. My boys have swim practice outdoors at 6:15am tomorrow morning. I am guessing temps will be below 50. We shall see how that goes!! But we welcome the wet. We desperately needed it.

  27. WM - Me thinks my Dad would have loved to stay at that hotel. Who knows who he would have brought though? Or maybe he did go there sometime and we just didn't know.

    Nice poem ClearAyes

    Embien - I am with you on the difficulty today. CC may not use Reddi Whip because she avoids dairy (I think she said she was a Blood Type O - and dairy is not so good for us). My son just squirts it in his mouth though. I agree, whipping up real cream is to die for, and not too difficult.

  28. Thanks to Donnie for the additional explanation. My husband understood it immediately when I used the shooting reference...he was quite good at target shooting with rifles and won awards all through high school and had one of the highest scores at the time in the Air Force. He hasn't done it for years, but his brother handed him a rifle a few years back and he nailed the target right I guess it is like riding a never quite forget.

    Lemonade...Heritage House is a gorgeous place to stay and you can walk along the coast...very romantic in the winter especially and a lot of the rooms have of the rooms used to be water tower...just lovely...perhaps you father made it there at one time.

  29. Hey all, just checking in. As you know I don't spend any time on crosswords on the weekends so I can devote my time to my "little guy." It was rainy and cold here this weekend but that doesn't keep him down too much. A pity too, as I spent the better part of today in the emergency room. It seems his face and the pavement connected and his lower teeth decided to collide with his lower lip. It was a lot of blood and 22 stitches later we are home. He's tucked in bed with his favorite blanket and Shrek on the TV. Mom is doing okay now, but my neighbor had to drive us to the hospital. I HATE blood and you could literally see through his lower lip. Gonna pour a stiff one and try not to dream of it tonight. He's out of school now and we have to transition to a new "day care" facility tomorrow. I might just have to take the day off tomorrow, as I am worried.

  30. Tarrajo,

    We will be thinking of you. Let us know how he does. Have been to that ER many a time with my boys, and it is not fun is it. Hope it goes well. The good news is that kids are really resilient. He will bounce back I am sure.

  31. Thanks KQ, he's a tough little guy, but he's still my baby. As you know, I am on my own here with the boy stuff....It's hard to be just Mom and deal with a young guy that is so MUCH a boy. I am coming to the hard part of being both parents. The first part was easy and natural (Mom's basics).

  32. Tarrajo,

    Sure am sorry to hear about your young sons' mishap. Sounds pretty bad. He will have trouble eating for a while. Especially salted foods. Lots of jello and ice cream. My best to you both.

  33. Tarrajo: I'm sending good thoughts and best wishes for your little emergency room guy. Keep us posted.
    I empathize because my younger son was in the emergency room so often we were worried Social Services would be after us!
    I agree that kids are astonishingly resilient. But keep us posted.

  34. Tarrajo,
    Let me add my best wishes for your little guy's recovery. Blood and stitches are always less fun for the parent(s) than even the kids. They can't see the parts we worry about for afterwards. Having raised two boys, I have some experience though, and I'm sure he'll be OK in the end. You must have been very scared indeed. Have a stiff drink or two, if you haven't already!

  35. Tarrajo:

    Yes the joys of raising boys; when I was 3 I decided to get my own pajamas which were on top of the big oak bureau. Being an adventurous sort, I reckoned if I pulled the bottom drawers out some, I could make a step ladder to the top. It did not occur to me, my puny weight combined with the bottome drawers being out would topple the bureau, but it did. They (the PUs) thought I was mushed, and I too had teeth through lips, but here I am to assure you it will leave only a physical scar.
    It also hurt much more to find my nephew hanging by his chin from the barb wire fence he thought he could climb.
    With all boys in my family there are too many stories, and like the earlier posters, all we can really say is resilience.
    Hang in there you have a whole bunch of support from here.

  36. Okay, Mom has had a couple of drinks, son is sleeping off the meds they gave him for now. I am still planning on the proverbial sick day tomorrow as I think sending him to a new day care with his malady might be a bit too much. I would rather cuddle him (while his reserve is down) and give him my own broth, jello and ice cream; oh, and Mommy time. They grow up so fast. He's such an active guy, that I am sure he'll be out there doing just what scares me the most. I am thinking I have to let him be him.

  37. @tarrajo Reading what you wrote makes me appreciate all the personal hell we put Mom through when we were doing the "boy thing." At least you only have one -- she had four to contend with and corral. Yes, take the time to do that extra mothering and cuddling. I'm sure it will do you a world of good. Best wishes.

  38. @Et al, Mama Tarrajo, just checked on the little guy and he's sleeping soundly. I was able to give him a little smooch on his forehead and he didn't even flinch.
    Thanks to Luxor, Sallie, Kazie, KQ, Lemonade, Crockett and all else I know I am going to miss once I sign off. This is a fantastic site where we don't know one another but all come together when one is in need of a "nod", whether it being a suffering pet, parent, sibling, soul, or what not. I am happy to be a part of it.

  39. I still don't get 40D. Research(gr)ant? Would someone explain this to me as if I were a 4 year-old?

  40. It's a lame play on "Queen Ant".

  41. Good Morning!!! is one of the most excellent innovative websites of its kind. I take advantage of reading it every day. rocks!


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