, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday 24, 2009 Norfleet Pruden

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Aug 24, 2009

Monday 24, 2009 Norfleet Pruden

Theme: Scope of a Thorough Search





Argyle here.

Four theme entries is unusual for a Monday puzzle. The first three consist of words that are opposite each other. The last one is not.

That said, let's see how many more we can come up with. I'm sure most of us will have extra time on our hands after breezing through this weak start to the week.


1A: Dogie-catching tool : ROPE.

5A: Looking like you've seen a ghost: ASHEN.

10A: Poi base: TARO.

14A: "Iliad" or "Odyssey: EPIC.

15A: Not a soul: NO ONE.

16A: Greek war god: ARES. Thor in Norse myth.

19A: Rod's companion: REEL.

20A: Sweater wool: ANGORA.

21A: Mythical city of gold: EL DORADO. What they drive in EL DORADO and who might drive them while ELO plays on the radio.

23A: Ottoman governor: BEY. Under the Ottoman Empire a BEY was the governor of a province. Other Turkish titles are AGA & PASHA.

24A: Nightmare street of movies: ELM. And MAIN (54D: Common street name).

26A: One having a little lamb: EWE.

33A: Planetary shadow: UMBRA. Still in the dark?

36A: Thinks (over) carefully: MULLS.

37A: Partner of a tournament "am": PRO. Pro-Am golf tournaments are usually a lot of fun and raise money for charities. The AMatures will pay a lot to play with a PROfessional.

38A: Chat: TALK.

39A: Roman senators' attire: TOGAS.

40A: Immense: HUGE.

41A: Previously: AGO.

42A: Pine product: RESIN.

43A: Headquartered: BASED.

47A: Walking on __: elated: AIR.

48A: Doo-wop horn: SAX.

49A: Play segment: ACT.

52A: Gloria Steinem, notably: FEMINIST. Yesterday's CATT ("Friend of Anthony") too.

57A: Home beverage counter with a sink: WET BAR.

59A: One with burning pants?: LIAR. Liar Liar Pants on Fire! is an expression of unknown meaning but well-established origins. In its most complete version, it is rendered “Liar, liar, pants on fire/ Hangin’ on a telephone wire!” It is most commonly associated with accusations of dishonesty

62A: Very dry: ARID.

63A: Up in arms: IRATE.

64A: Bad day for Caesar: IDES.

65A: Lottery-like game: KENO.

66A: Dressed like a superhero: CAPED.

67A: Keeps after taxes: NETS.


1D: Post-op treatment: REHAB.

2D: Offer one's view: OPINE.

3D: Word with bank or back: PIGGY.

4D: Canyon phenomenon: ECHO. Also a lovely Greek nymph who pined away for Narcissus.

5D: Historical records: ANNALS.

6D: Instant lawn: SOD.

7D: Digger's creation: HOLE.

8D: Carbon compound: ENOL.

9D: Renegotiated contracts: NEW DEALS.

10D: Paved: TARRED.

11D: Vicinity: AREA.

12D: Physician Walter for whom an Army hospital is named: REED. Dr. Walter Reed (1851-1902), Conqueror of the Yellow Fever.

13D: Norway's capital: OSLO. Previously Christiania.

18D: Venue for games: ARENA.

22D: Has title to: OWNS.

25D: Champagne and orange juice cocktail: MIMOSA.

27D: Bug: IRK.

28D: Made trenches: DUG IN.

29D: Spiral-horned antelopes: ELANDS.

30D: Numbered work: OPUS. Plural can be OPUSES or OPERA.

31D: Encourage: URGE.

32D: __ the line: obeyed: TOED.

33D: Brigham City's state: UTAH. Home of the Jazz.

34D: Wise men: MAGI. Singular is magus.

35D: Stain: BLOT.

39D: Fabulous: TERRIFIC.

40D: Solo played by Harrison: HAN. Also the name of a Chinese dynasty.

42D: Jockey strap: REIN.

43D: Put in cartons: BOXED.

45D: Arrangement of locks: HAIRDO.

46D: Acted sleepy: YAWNED.

49D: Put up with: ABIDE.

50D: West Point undergrad: CADET.

51D: Rapunzel feature: TRESS.

52D: Anti-aircraft fire: FLAK.

53D: Emerald Isle: EIRE. Sometimes it's ERIN.

55D: "Nobody doesn't like __ Lee": SARA.

56D: Mouth, in slang: TRAP.

58D: Duplicate: TWIN.

61D: Had lunch: ATE.

Answer grid.

Picture of the Day: Here is great photo of our fellow solvers T Frank and his lovely wife Jean. They are going to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary this coming weekend. The invitation to the reception contains this photo taken at a NROTC Ball held in the armory at Brown University. It was taken shortly before they were married. Jean was a senior at the Rhode Island School of Design, where she majored in fashion and design.



  1. Good morning, Argyle, C.C. and gang - a fun/easy puzzle this morning, again just a tad under 4 minutes. Have we seen Norfleet Pruden before? I look forward to seeing what Jerome can do with that name.
    Simple but effective theme, which made things even easier. No unknowns, no pauses, and really nothing for me on which to comment.
    Today is Vesuvius Day. So many lines...
    Today's Words of Wisdom: "If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security a man can have is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability." -- Henry Ford

    Some more Fun Facts:

    - Jerry Springer worked on Robert Kennedy's presidential campaign staff.

    - Marilyn Monroe was 1947 Miss California Artichoke Queen.

  2. Morning, All. A good Monday puzzle. Not too easy, not too hard. One that could easily be finished … plus I liked the theme.

    Favorite clues: Digger’s creation (7D). One doesn’t generally think of a HOLE as a “creation.” And one with burning pants (59A) LIAR.

    I wasn’t familiar with a Planetary shadow (33A), but the perps easily filled in those blanks.

    This date in history:

    1932 ~ Amelia Earhart became the first female pilot to fly non-stop across the United States. She flew from Los Angeles to Newark in 19 hours, 5 minutes.

    1956 ~ The first non-stop transcontinental helicopter flight was completed. This trip took 31 hours, 40 minutes.

    QOD: Give the people a new word and they think they have a new fact. ~ Willa Cather.

  3. TFrank, congratulations on your upcoming 60th anniversary. Just an amazing accomplishment and you guys look great together.

  4. TFrank and Jean: You make a beautiful couple. Congratulations to you on your 60th Anniversary. I hope you have a wonderful celebration.

  5. Dennis,
    Could he be this Norfleet Pruden? Why "So many lines.." for Vesuvius Day?

    I was not familiar with the "Planetary shadow" meaning of UMBRA either. In fact, I bollixed on the intersecting MAGI fill, penned in SAGE first.

    Marvelous EL DORADO links. Nice write-up. I really liked the LIAR and EWE clues. How about UP AND DOWN?

    What's the difference between HITHER AND YON & "hither and thither"?

  6. "And now, here's something you are really going to like", to quote Rocky, the Flying Squirrel.

    For our searching the Silver Beatles...Searchin'.

  7. Good morning Argyle, C.C. and all, today was finally a walk in the park for me. After struggling the last three days I needed this one. Maybe this will be a better week for puzzles.

    Congratulations to TFrank and Jean, I bet you wonder where 60 years have gone so fast. BTY neither of you look old enough to have been married that long.

    Not much to comment about on the puzzle, it was easy and straight forward. I liked the clue for 26A “Ewe” and 59A “Liar.”

    C.C. I also wrote in sage for 34D which caused a brief stop there until I got “hither and yon” and that revealed magi for 34D

    Hope you all have a great Monday.


    Oh and I didn't think this was a weak one at all! Doesn't it feel good being able to do a puzzle without googling? I got MIMOSA from the perps.


  9. CC: I see you are taking the Willa Cather quote to heart. LOL! Didn't we all learn a new word yesterday with BOLLIX?

  10. A tad under 4 minutes? I must have been really flying because I made it in just under 3 and a half.

    It has been a long time since I have been here. Almost a year, I think. But, I am on vacation this week and have a bit of time.

    Nice to see that Dennis is keeping up with Today Is and his words of wisdom. Also, I see Hahtool is doing something I did on my blog that is no longer kept up to date, i.e., This day in history.

    Not much else to say. Have a great Monday.

  11. Dr Dad, great to see you back for a visit. You are missed.

  12. Drdad, you're still the man - that's a great time! Hope you can stick around a bit; as Dick said, you've been missed.

  13. Hi everyone!
    Nice to see Dr. Dad back again. And a big congratulations to TFrank and Jean! Wonderful photos!

    As has already been said, a nice easy Monday puzzle. I did have to erase ISLAND for WET BAR though, and was thinking of something George Harrison might have recorded as a solo before HAN came to me, and then that was my favorite clue.

    HITHER is related to hence: as in to this place, while THITHER is related to THENCE: from that place. So hither is closer and thither is farther away. YON is given as an equivalent of THITHER, or a shorter form of YONDER (over there). So there really is no difference between the two expressions, just another example of English richness of vocabulary.

  14. I will try to stick around this week. Then it's back to work so who knows? Nice to know some people miss me. Haven't been in touch as much as I like.

    These puzzles are much better than the old Trib. More difficult as the week progresses. I don't do them in under 3 and a half come Friday.

  15. Morning all,
    Oh no, I messed up a Monday puzzle! Put in bone instead of rope and quickly said oops. Nice easy puzzle to start the week. Unfortunately can’t wear angora or cashmere--just too itchy for me. But I can drink mimosas; should do it more often.

    @drdad, good to see you again. @tfrank, beautiful pictures and happy 60th. We just celebrated our 40th anniversary and would be blessed to have 20 more years. Have the temperatures eased up in Texas? Have a good day all.

  16. Hi CC, Argyle and gang: Good job on the interview "Miss Lois Lane"...:) and on the puzzle blog, "Mr. Scottish clan of Campbell."
    Learned something new today: "Ottomon governor."
    Being a teetotaler, the only drink with orange juice I could think of was "screwdriver" but "mimosa" fell with "mulls' and "insideout." Nice, easy Monday puzzle.

    Congratulations Tfrank and Jean. I heard someone say once that, "The secret to a successful marriage is to never go to bed angry. We stayed up all night many times." Hubby and I are planning our 50th in a little over a year.

    Drdad: Nice to know the "go to" person for chemistry questions will be around this week!

    Jimbo! Calling Jimbo!

  17. While I usually don't like repeating clue theme puzzles, this one didn't present any problem. My only unknown was BEY. It is always nice to learn something new.

    Hahtool: I knew UMBRA because in law school we named our student paper 'Penumbras and Emanations' from the famous birth control case Griswald v Connecticut in which the Supreme Court based the right to contraception (and later abortion) on a privacy right that was found in the penumbras and emanations of other constitutional rights. The current Supreme Court majority doesn't believe there is a constitutional privacy right.

    tfrank and jean: You look as happy today as you did 60 years ago. My parents are married 62 years and my in-laws 60. They are are an inspiration to us all, as are you.

    I really laughed at and was pleased to see 'burning pants', because of that 'liar, liar' quote was the inspiration for the title of my novel 'Lawyer, Liar, Pants on Fire'.

  18. Good morning Argyle, CC, et al., Great job, Argyle, as usual. And thanks for the Silver Beatles link and your ref to Rocky. I loved that show..even as a grown up. 'Searchin' was perfect for today!

    My kind of puzzle, fast and easy- not a 4 min one but under 10. Skipped around and LMAO at 'jockey strap' 42D. Had that then saw
    S _ X (48A) sittin' there and started getting excited. When SAX came in it reminded me of the President's Gold Urinal joke I got the other day. Cute joke. Was relieved when 59A 'one w/burning pants' wasn't 'Lois'. I prefer mine to be just smokin'.That was another fav.

    Loved 'mimosa'25D - reminded me of the 'new deals' at Bally's- a brunch buffet in Vegas. Free flowing champagn w/ lobster and caviar. Excellent! Thought I might have to go to 'rehab' after that whole 'terrific' experience.It was a party of 'epic' 'pro'portions.
    We 'dug in' and 'ate' until we 'yawned' and got 'tarred' of eatin' and drinkin'. We finally came up for 'air' after a few hours. Felt like a 'toga' party of long 'ago', just didn't p'urge'. 'Huge' fun. 'No one' left hungry. I was so full, I wished I was a 'twin'.

    Drdad!!! Soooo good to see you again. You have been sorely missed! I'm so glad we get to have you for a week. Yippeee!

    TFrank: great picture of you and Jean. So good to 'see' you. Congratulations on your outstanding 60yrs! Remarkable!

    Going to go celebrate Mt. Vesuvius Day.... Gotta love this day! Hallelujah, baby!

  19. Hi All,
    Busy weekend, great to be able to catch up. No trouble with this puzzle.
    Great photos TFrank and Jean. Congrats on 60 years. We hit 42 this year.
    I remember 'liar, liar' from grade school days. A favorite of all then.
    Argyle-thanks for The Silver Beatles today. Beatles were my fave' in high school. Ok, they still are.
    Think I will put some of there music on while I clean house today. It's boogy time!

  20. Dennis - By my rough tally, this is our first Norfleet Pruden. I'm still amazed at you "4 minute" guys (you, Dr.Dad, and others). I like to make an enlarged copy of the puzzle so I can work on real paper and take it with me places. I thought I was doing well to do today's in 13 minutes. I don't think I could write in the answers in 4 minutes if you were reading them to me!

    Favorite clues today were burning pants and jockey strap. I figured Lois would take off with those and of course, she didn't disappoint!

  21. LOOK! Exclusive video of treefrog boogie. Indeed, it's boogy time!

  22. Hi gang -

    I agree with Martin - not a weak puzzle at all. The theme was fun - but maybe the problem with this kind of patterned theme is that it gives away too much. On the other hand, maybe that's not bad on a Monday.

    Mandatory quibble - Carbon compound is a horrible clue for ENOL. First off it seriously lacks specificity, and b) in this case, it's the oxygen and hydrogen that make the molecule what it is.

    On the other other hand, I liked the long fills. The Caddy dealer around the corner is offering TERRIFIC NEW DEALS on ELDORADOs to FEMINISTs.

    Maybe there's a cash for clunkers joke in there somewhere.

    Have you ever YAWNED while reading the ANNALS?

    After 5 days of a continuous houseful of people, today, it's just me and the LW. And she went to T-town, so I have the place to myself.

    The quiet is very strange, indeed.

    Guess I'll go cut the grass.


  23. Just checking in so all will know I'm OK. Getting ready to do my volunteer stint at the hospital.
    My congratulations and well wishes to TFrank and Jean. Would be celebrating our 63d if my wife was still alive. She passed on at 591/2.

    Not even close to 4 minutes, but did finish the puzzle with no outside help.

    Blessings on all of you.
    Vaya con Dios

  24. This was an easy, easy puzzle today. I just typed them in as fast as I read the clues. The only perp help I got was with Bey, and enol. My favorite clue was “one having a little lamb” – ewe; and the liar, liar pants on fire reference. I even remembered eland this time around, and it was fun seeing duplicate “twin” as an answer. I had to chuckle at mimosas as we teased Dennis a while back that he and his marine buddies had them for their reunion breakfast.

    TFrank, you and your wife Jean are very lucky to have 60yrs together. Did Jean design that gown?

  25. I was wondering about 48A: Doo-wop horn but if Jazzbumpa doesn't have a problem with it, it must be good.

    I think I'll go mow the grass.

  26. Good Morning All, Another great job, Argyle.

    Although it wasn't difficult, I enjoyed some of the more unusual fills. ANGORA, MIMOSA, UMBRA and FEMINIST. The clues were all "Monday easy" though. It's all about clues!

    Didn't we have NO ONE clued as "Peter of Herman's Hermits" a while back, so it came out NOONE?

    I'm not a champagne fan, but mix it with orange juice and I'm there. Last year, when a neighbor was having a yard sale, she served MIMOSAs to browsers. I bet she made a lot of extra sales.

    C.C, Before I even started the puzzle, I wondered about Norfleet Pruden. I wouldn't be surprised if your link is correct. Our constructors tend to be very accomplished people in other fields.

    tfrank and Jean. Your photograph is beautiful. Congratulations on your anniversary, what an amazing landmark.

    Dr. Dad, Gone for a while, but certainly not forgotten. I loved seeing that your friendly timing competition with Dennis is still going strong. Seeing your post brought a big smile.

    Sam (The Man) Taylor played sax on many 1950's rock & roll hits. Harlem Nocturne isn't doo-wop, but it is one of my favorites. It was always played to end "sock-hops"

  27. Mimosa!
    Being that it's a workday, during business hours, I will spare you the details of a time in my life when the sun was hanging in the sky like a ripe peach, ready to pluck in all its tenderness....Oh wait, isn't this the website for the FICTION contest??!?

    Yes, it's Monday, the puzzle wasn't too difficult, and ...neither Al Gore nor I will be appearing on People magazine covers as most dashing male humanoid. (c.f. yesterday's posting) anytime soon.
    Today's puzzle still had its charms, in a pina colada sort of way. Very mint julepesque...
    Stop me before I make up more words.

    Enjoy the day.

  28. What an excellent puzzle for a Monday morning! It had a rather classic feel to it to me, with its near absence of famous and not so famous people's names and pop culture entries in the grid. I half-expected to see an old xword term like "esne" fit into the grid somewhere. I found it exceptionally well (and fairly) clued. My compliments to the constructor and editor.

    Happy today's puzzle 'irked for me, and didn't get me too 'ired up! Now the Sara Lee slogan, well that's another matter; I don't like nobody doesn't liking it at all!


  29. Elissa, I too thought of your book with the 'pants on fire' clue.

    Lois, just how does one celebrate Vesuvius Day??

    JimmyB, does Lois ever disappoint?? No way.

    Argyle, the treefrog boogie clip was funny as hell - where do you find this stuff??

    Jimbo, good of you to check in - what do you do at the hospital?

    ClearAyes, Harlem Nocturne indeed brought back sock hop memories - and you're right, it was always the closing song. That either meant the girl's mother or father was waiting outside in the car, or....the fun was just beginning. Unfortunately, more often the former, but even then the girls, knowing it was the last dance, would often make it a memorable one, just so we'd have something to think about. Sometimes for days.

  30. Good morning Argyle, C.C. and all...

    Fun, fast puzzle. I had no trouble and the only words I did not know were BEY, UMBRA and ENOL but got them with the fills.

    T.Frank, you two are 'picture perfect' and 60 years together is wonderful. Enjoy your celebration!

    Dr Dad: A big HELLO again! So good you have you back, we missed you.

    CA: Mimosa's are a great idea at a garage sale (use cheap champagne)...same principle as they use in the casino's..get 'em feelin' loose and they'll spend more. :)

    Lois: exceptional comment as usual! LOL
    I couldn't help thinking of you when I read 'JOCKEY STRAP' and 'INSIDE AND OUT'. I can just see you in your ANGORA sweater enjoying EL DORADO with those cowboys you so love.

  31. Good morning Argyle, CC and all,

    Great puzzle today and Argyle, you always have a nice write up.Umbra, opine and flak were new to me, but easily filled in with perps. L for liar was my last fill which made me giggle. I immediately thought of Elissa's book, which is wonderfully funny.My puzzling time is more like Jimmy B's. It takes me a few seconds to come up with the words, even when I know them.That's why I keep at it.

    Searchin'(the Coasters' version) brought back fond memories of hot summer nights where we lounged around a fake lake(LOL) listening to 50's tunes from a free juke box. When camping was no longer comfortable for my parents we spent a month at a VERY rustic resort(complete with ice boxes)in a tiny "spot" just below Sequoia Nat.Park.Many of the same families showed up each year. Scenery? "A River Runs thru it."

    TFrank and Jean, WOW! 60 years is impressive, and that is how I'd like to look in 20 years!!!!

    Dennis, your FF's always are interesting and make me smile.

  32. oops! I got so carried away with my blast from the past that I forgot to say "hi" to Dr. Dad. It's sooo good to hear from you again.We have missed you.

  33. Oh, I do love Mondays. It’s so nice to start the week feeling competent. No problems today, and it was an enjoyable puzzle. My favorite clue was JOCK STRAP, of course, followed by ONE WITH BURNING PANTS. I see I’m in good company.

    TFrank and Jean, Happy anniversary. Hahtool, you too. Sorry I didn’t say it earlier. It’s so nice to know about happy marriages.

    Dr. Dad, It’s good to see you again.

    C.C., you may be right about Norfleet Pruden. Or it could be that congratulations are in order. Wedding Bells

  34. Barb B, Actually the clue was "jockey strap". LOL, I hope Melissa Bee and Windhover don't see where your thoughts have strayed.

    Apparently Norfleet Pruden is an old family name I hope our constructor checks in with C.C. and clears up the mystery.

    Monday blogs are always nice. We get to see comments from the folks who are off and running on the weekends.

    PJB, You asked me about secrets to a happy marriage. I had said earlier that being able to make your spouse laugh was in my top five. Actually, that is all my top five. You have to have a sense of humor (the ridiculous?) in order to make it through for the long haul.

    Linda mentioned not going to bed angry and she also has a sense of humor about it.

    Does anyone else have a happy marriage hint? I bet tjfrank is loaded with them.

  35. Oops, I don't usually correct spelling errors, but when it is someone's name, I feel bad and want to make it right. I don't want tfrank (not tjfrank) to think I haven't been paying attention.

    tfrank is the one who should be able to furnish lots of clues to a happy marriage.

  36. Good Afternoon Argyle and All,

    CC, A well done interview as always.

    TFrank and Jean: Congratulations on your 60th anniversary! You both look quite happy.

    Dr.Dad, Good to hear from you again and good to have a speedster back in the mix.

    Finally slowed down enough to do the grid. Nice way to start the week after a crazy Sunday. Umbra was the only slow spot for me. Perps filled it in.

    Mother Nature flexed her muscles in the form of high surf related to Bill and an astronomical high tide. Some hairy moments at the Town pier which I didn't think would hold up to the pounding it received. The seas were forcing air then water up through the pavement. The waves were huge! Apparently we made the national news (I haven't seen it yet). A group of visitors were swept off some cliffs by a rogue wave which was reported to be nearly 30 feet tall. Three ended up in the water and unfortunately a 7 year old girl didn't survive. About a dozen folks with broken bones and deep cuts. I was helping the FD with traffic control and funneling friends and family members to the injured at the Life Flight area which is right across the street from my office. A coworker was at the scene and told of an 11 year old boy that came out of the water wearing boxer shorts only and was shaking more from shock than the cold water. All he could say was the wave took his clothes. Unbelievable power in that surf.

    I'm thankful more weren't injured or worse.

    Have a great day!

  37. Hahtool,

    A belated happy anniversary to you also!

  38. It is impressive how many of this band of bloggers are part of long standing marriages; perhaps knowing how to decifer clues is important in solving the puzzle of happy marriage. My wife and I had 11 happy years, too bad we were together for 20. In any event, many more years of joy to you both, TFrank and Jean. It really is amazing to see all the pictures....
    The first thing you notice is the name--J. Norfleet Pruden III. ..... Hobbies: golf, running, jigsaw and crossword puzzles, Scrabble, reading, flying
    Born: Sept. 1, 1948 (he is 5 days younger than I).

    Education: bachelor's, UNC Chapel Hill, 1970; law, University of Virginia, 1973 (same year I graduated, I wonder if he is left handed?) .

    Family: wife, Cindy; two children

    The name game: Many settlers of northeast North Carolina and southeast Virginia came from Norfleet, England, a former shipbuilding capital. Norfleet was his great-grandmother's maiden name.

    Family tradition: The Pruden family has five generations of lawyers. Pruden's son, Matthew, was admitted to the bar in September.

  39. Argyl -

    Since you asked -- yeah, do-wop horn is a dismal clue for SAX. Since do-wop was a vocal style, there could be no do-wop horn.

    I'll grant the sax was THE wind instrument in Rock and Roll bands for many, many years.

    So - sorry, Norfleet. Close, but no cigar.

    C.A. -

    Great link on Harlem Nocturn. Taylor's sax is very stylish with just the right balance of schmaltz and grind. Love the piano accompaniment, too. We just played that song a few weeks ago at the last park concert. Closer to a big-band kind of arrangement, with quite a different feel.

    Gotta go finish the lawn. Only 72 here, but it feels a lot warmer pushing a reel mower.


  40. Hello All--Nice easy puzzle today with a fun theme. I managed to get through in record time with no help from anything put the perps.

    Liked the clues, Arrangement of locks, and Jockey Strap with Bey as my new word for the day.

    Umbra was a given. I've seen it in other crosswords but I haven't seen it recently in the LAT.

    TFrank and Jean, congratulations on your 60 years of marriage. You have my hubby and I beat by 5 years. As for a hint to a long marriage, the word is compromise. You have to give a little to get a lot!

    Lois, another fun take on the puzzle.

    Dr. Dad, good to have you back, even if it is for a short time.

    Have a great beginning of the week everyone.

  41. Lemonade, we saw pictures on the late news last night of the people being rescued off the coast in Maine. The sea looked so angry and the newscaster said that three people were found. They didn't mention the others who were injured. I can't imagine the scene you must have been privy to with all the rescue equipment and frantic relatives. This is something for which you are never really prepared.

    My sister and BIL were to leave NY on the QM II on Sunday the 23rd. I have been worrying all weekend about the type of crossing they will have with Bill still churning up the Atlantic.

    I forgot to thank Argyle for his take on the puzzle today.

    C.C., another great interview with another of our constructors. You always seem to know just the right questions to ask.

  42. Argyle...great job.

    Had fun with this puzzle and started at the top and worked steadily down with not a single unknown or guess. Of course it's Monday but his puzzle had a freshness that I appreciated and I grinned at the themes. Once I saw SAX, WETBAR, and KENO in proximity to each other I knew Lois would have at it, and she always finds so many extras I never see.

    tFrank...big congratulations on 60 yrs! What terrific photos! We are filling in our rogue's gallery thanks to C.C. and all of you.


    DrDad...very good to see you, wish you here more often, Dennis could use the competition.

    And finally...for Dennis...since no one else has said it...On Vesuvius Day you try not make an ASH of yourself. :o)

  43. WM, you probably heard the groan from there.

  44. WM -

    I lava your Vesuvius joke.


  45. Dennis and Jazz...I can sometimes be a very punny it from my dad, his favorite form of humor, since telling jokes was out for mom, the woman of very little humor, would ask him to tell a joke by referring to it using the punchline...of course that put paid to the joke, and she never understood. I think my dad just gave up and stuck with puns, which she never got.

    Off to grocery shop for said mom of little humor.

  46. Good afternoon, all,

    Jean and I are overwhelmed by your congratulations and good wishes. Thank you all very much. One way to be married 60 years and look young is to start as I did at 18. I won't say how old she was, but she had a year or so on me.

    Tarrajo, she tells me she did not design that gown, but she has made a lot of clothes for herself over the years. Raising kids kept her from using her degree commercially, but she has enjoyed sewing for hersel and our daughter, Lee.

    We have no great secrets for a happy marriage; compromise is important for sure; so is just doing the next right thing. I often applied the old Ann Landers test, "Am i better off with, or without her", and the with always came first.

    C.C., thanks for your great idea about a Picture of the Day. I think it has drawn us all closer together.

    Have a great evening.

  47. WM (1:45) LOL at the Vesuvius pun!!
    My Dad was also very witty and could make 'pun of the best of them'. He had a wicked dry sense of humor.

    Forgot to add my love of Harlem Nocturn and of course Searchin' (The Coasters). I remember when I first heard "Elvira" by what ever that country group was, I said "they stole the Coasters song, they put different words to Searchin! I wonder if they thought they wouldn't get caught (Duh).
    They had to pay the Coasters some amount. I know the story is out on the web somewhere.

  48. Argle, great job, always look forward to your comments.

    Congratulations to TFrank and Jean.
    You both look wonderful. Hope you have many many more!

    I enjoyed the picture with Dick and Carol and spouses.
    My father was a bush pilot back in the 30-40's. He was one of the first pilots to deliver mail to the far north.
    All very interesting.
    Must try and make a trip down to see the Spruce Goose.

    All the best,

  49. Good afternoon all. DH & I finally got around to seeing Julie & Julia. As did everyone else, I guess, we enjoyed it very much.

    I hope you have a great celebration for your 60th, TFrank and Jean. My Hallmark book says the traditional present is diamonds. I also hope you sister is in good spirits.

    Good job, Argyle, and an additional welcome back to Dr. Dad.

    Great, as usual, interview,C.C..

    Oh yes, the puzzle. I agree with the comments that it is good to be able to do it. And it was enjoyable, not just filling in the blanks. I like the theme.


  50. Thanks, Lemonade, for the expert research, which seems to confirm CC's hunch. I hope we hear from Mr. Pruden sometime in the near future. I saw his facebook picture, which looks more casual than his name would imply. Nice looking man,both formally and informally. His talents are impressive, aren't they?

    CA Moi? DF? surely not.

    Frank and Jean, I love having before and after pictures. Marriage has obviously been a good thing for you both.

    Mainiac, what an experience! God bless you for getting involved.

  51. WM: Loved your Vesuvius Day puns!

    Elissa: I am, of course, familiar with Griswold v. CT, and the penumbra, but I wasn't in that mindset this morning when I was doing the puzzle. I was focusing on eclipse for the response, but that didn't fit into the space provided.

  52. Hi everyone,

    I initially thought that today's puzzle was too simple to comment on until I read Argyle's comment on Liar Liar Pants on Fire
    is an expression of unknown meaning but well-established origins.

    Reading on further:


    In contrast, the origins of the phrase are not in question. It is a paraphrased version of the 1810 poem “The Liar” by William Blake, reprinted here in full."

    See the above URL link for the text of the entire poem.

    Just my 2 cents,


  53. Warren, LOL. OK, you got me. I was a little confused about the poem, "The Liar". It just didn't sound like any William Blake I'd ever read. As a matter of fact, it sounded like a downright silly parody of "Tyger, Tyger", which really was composed by Robert Blake.

    After looking for "The Liar" at a couple other Blake sites, and coming up empty, I went back to Uncyclopedia where I should have stayed at the beginning.

    Here is the Uncyclopedia Beginner's Guide.

    Very clever and total nonsense.

  54. Thanks Clear Ayes;

    I understand now what an Uncyclopedia is, pretty clever pun though?

  55. For those that are interested, here's

    THE TYGER (from Songs Of Experience)
    By William Blake

    Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
    In the forests of the night,
    What immortal hand or eye
    Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

    In what distant deeps or skies
    Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
    On what wings dare he aspire?
    What the hand dare sieze the fire?

    And what shoulder, & what art.
    Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
    And when thy heart began to beat,
    What dread hand? & what dread feet?

    What the hammer? what the chain?
    In what furnace was thy brain?
    What the anvil? what dread grasp
    Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

    When the stars threw down their spears,
    And watered heaven with their tears,
    Did he smile his work to see?
    Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

    Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
    In the forests of the night,
    What immortal hand or eye
    Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


  56. tfrank and Jean....God Bless you both.

  57. Dennis 11:13: I am celebrating Mt. Vesuvius day by long lasting multiple eruptions accompanied by explosive if you didn't know or weren't doing the same. High five!

  58. PJB, For future reference, looking over the suggestions for a happy marriage, so far we have -

    Tfrank - Do the next right thing. Maybe that comes under the heading of restraint. We may have to wait patiently for a while until we know what that right thing is.

    Tfrank - "Am I better off with, or without her/him?" is a good one to ask yourself before you say the one wrong thing that could be the deal breaker.

    Linda - Don't go to bed angry. Good advice, but not so easy to do... unless you are not planning to sleep and are looking forward to some making up. :o) Making up sometimes makes the arguments worth it.

    Clear Ayes - A shared sense of humor. You either have it or you don't. If you can laugh at the same ridiculous things, it will carry you through a lot of tough times.

    Chickie - Compromise. That has to be right up at the top. Nobody ever had a happy marriage by having it all his/her way.

    #5 for me. Have a good evening everyone.

  59. CA: I would add being a good 'listener' and 'patience'.

    Hearing somebody is not the same as 'listening'. Repeating what your spouse is saying to you in your own words helps clarify their intent and adds a sense of understanding and support to what they are saying. It also helps prevent misunderstandings. Communication is the root, the most basic element, of maintaining a good relationship.

    And God knows, patience is so important. 'My way or the highway' is so manlike, in my experience, and even though one's way may be a good way-even the best way- there are many ways to get from A to B w/excellent results. Women and men are wired differently...thank God and Viva la Difference! But patience will allow the spouse to learn that it will all work out in the end. Let it ride. IMHO

  60. First off, you know I am a late poster and "hats off" to TFrank and Jean. You have something that is really wonderful and rare. My parents will celebrate their 50th in March of 2010 and plans are already in the works. I have a background in planning parties, hence my lack of daytime posting.

    I don't know about you, but we have an abundance of sweetcorn here in middle MN, US of A and I just tried a new recipe that I would like to share. C.C. if you find that these recipes shouldn't be posted here let me know.

    The BEST Creamed Corn:

    Boil 8 ears of sweet corn, let cool and cut off the cobs in a large bowl and make sure to take the back of your knife to get any of the milky mixture off the cobs. In a small bowl, mix together 2 Tbspn sugar, 1 Tbspn of flour, a pinch of salt and ground pepper. Toss that dry mixture in with the corn. In a large skillet, heat up 2 Tpspn of bacon grease (yes I use my cast iron one) though not necessary. Saute' the corn mixture in the grease for a sec and add one cup of heavy whipping cream and 1/2 cup of water. Stir repeatedly as it thickens. I also add a fresh grating of parmesan cheese and stir that in. This can be transported in a casserole dish for reheat, but is best served hot with a slab of butter melted over it.

    I'm telling you folks this is to die for. I am suddenly glad I spent the better part of my day on Sunday blanching and freezing MN sweet corn!

    Bon' Appetite!

    Dennis, I read the posts today and had so much to say about that eruption stuff and just couldn't find the time and I KNEW Lois would get my back.

  61. BTW, Dennis...your pew was suspiciouly empty this week. Not passing judgement, just an observance.

  62. Jeannie: thanks for the creamed corn recipe. It sounds delicious! I gained 2 lbs just reading it and can not wait to taste it. Va has a lot sweet corn too. One of my favs!

    I always have your back!

  63. Lois, and I yours...if not on line subconciously anyway.

  64. Yep, anon. I am MN corn fed, dairy fed, fish fed and proud of it. I could probably take you on...and undoubtedly win.

  65. .Sorry to post so late. Took M-I-L to the airport. Her plane was delayed so we hung out and overdosed on peanut brittle and buffalo wings. Usually she cabs it there but tonight she wanted to take the train. Lucky for me she is a delight, tells great stories and stifles her laughter when I speak to her in her native tongue, which is Swedish, and which I speak quite badly. Her English is perfect, except when she gets very, very tired. My favorite example of that is her way of saying good night~~"Sleep Tightly!" The one thing she gets a little wrong is that she occasionally reverses word order, so she makes "eggs and bacon" for breakfast, instead of "bacon & eggs," etc. Of course, there's no logic behind why we usually say it one way and not the other. To her way of thinking, the main dish should be followed by what accompanies it.
    She aced the puzzle today. Folks, we have a convert!

    ClearAyes: thank you (and others) for following up re: happy marriages. I take that advice to heart, personally and as someone who friends call on when their relationships hit a rough patch. Usually my first reaction is to refer them, gently, to a first-rate therapist, That suggestion rarely flies [flys??]. I was blessed early on to have an exceptional clinical supervisor who walked me step by step through the first 50 or so couples I saw seeking couples' counseling, (because someone else FORGOT to teach that in grad school!). Point is that one of the things that bring people in is that somewhere along the way, they stopped having fun together. No psychopathology, just the need to get some of that back. Couples can weather illness, scary offspring, hard times and infidelity but don't do so without that secret ingredient.
    I can't say that I performed miracles, or that I'm a shining example of Mr Consistent in the fun department but what you told me confirms what I learned the hard way. We were too focused in the 1980s on "communication training." (eek)
    Thank you.

    I will say this though; the number of couples square dancing, playing Scrabble, having weekly "movie night" and investing in funny hats increased greatly in that town for the 8 years I plied my craft there. In Chicago, the percentage of people seeing comedy with their mates and playing piano duets has likewise jumped up, albeit to a lesser degree. I don't see couples anymore, professionally, but friends' relationships still matter to me, lots.

    WM, your painting on my tiny phone screen already has garnered positive reviews. Thanks.

    TFrank & Jean, belated congratulations on your anniversary.
    Argyle, solid write up. I was half-sure that Norfleet Pruden was a nom de plume. Me was wrong.
    Sleep tightly!


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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