, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Thursday November 5, 2009 Xan Vongsathorn

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Nov 5, 2009

Thursday November 5, 2009 Xan Vongsathorn

Theme: SILENCE IS GOLDEN (57A. Apt adage for this puzzle ) - Common phrases signaling "mum's the word" (I'll be quiet and say nothing). "Non-speaking line" means "saying a line about not speaking".

17A. Non-speaking line?: MY LIPS ARE SEALED

22A. Non-speaking line?: I'M ALL EARS

34A. Non-speaking line?: WORDS ESCAPE ME

50A. Non-speaking line?: NO COMMENT

Today's constructor Xan Vongsathorn is a student in Pomona College, CA. Xan is pronounced as “Chawn”.

This puzzle reminds me the quote "Don't talk unless you can improve the silence" Dennis or Hahtool brought to the blog a while ago.

As usual, I jumped around. Got MY LIPS ARE SEALED very quickly and filled in SILENCE IS GOLDEN immediately. Then I thought the theme is about keeping secret.


1. Thumper's buddy: BAMBI. Thumper is a young rabbit in "Bambi". Unknown to me. We often see ENA clued as "Bambi's aunt".

6. La Scala production: OPERA. And AISLED (45D. Like theaters)

11. Cap seen on a brae: TAM. Scottish cap. Brae is Scottish hillside.

15. Ad target: BUYER. Sigh! I hardly use my Jack Lalanne juicer. The TV ad was just so appealing.

16. "If you ask me," in chat room shorthand: IMO

21. Spill the beans: TATTLE. A contract to "Silence is Golden".

27. State of rest: REPOSE

28. Little women: PETITES. Good play on the novel "Little Women". And LARGE (56A. Soda size).

31. Aurora's Greek counterpart: EOS. Gimme, correct? I've been mentioning Aurora every time EOS shows up.

32. Romantic hopeful: SUITOR. Silly, but I struggled with the answer. I like to be romanced.

40. Vital anatomical passage: AIRWAY. No idea. It's a passage by which air passes from the nose or mouth to the air sacs of the lungs.

41. George Gershwin's brother: IRA. The clue is a full name, the answer is only a given name. "George's songwriter brother" is much better.

43. Blankety-blank type: SO AND SO

46. Jaime Sommers, TV's "__ Woman": BIONIC. Bionic stands for Bio(logy) + (electro)nic.

49. The Phantom of the Opera: ERIK. Oh, thought it's ERIC.

53. Magnetic inductivity units: TESLAS. Named after physicist Nikola Tesla.

63. Too trusting: NAIVE

64. Prefix with surgery: NEURO. Neurosurgery. Neuro = nerve.

66. "Li'l" guy: ABNER. Li'l Abner.

67. Bygone anesthetic: ETHER


1. Mooch, as a ride: BUM

3. Start to practice?: MAL. Malpractice. Great clue.

4. Under-the-sink brand: BRILLO. Latin for "bright". I am using the S.O.S. pad.

5. Gets moving: IMPELS

6. President with a Grammy: OBAMA. Two Grammys, for the spoken word books of "Dreams from My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope".

11. Attack à la Don Quixote: TILT AT. He tilts at the windmills (fights against an imaginary enemy). Tilt here means "joust", using a lance.

12. 2001 French film starring Audrey Tautou: AMELIE. Ah, Embien liked this film. So did I. Just lovely.

13. Cover girls, e.g.: MODELS. CoverGirl is a cosmetics brand.

18. Hook's right hand: SMEE. In "Peter Pan".

19. Worn things: ATTIRE. Might have got it quickly if the clue were "Things to wear".

23. Cat call: MEOW. Not the rude catcall. Several nicely worded clues in today's puzzle.

24. Lhasa __: Tibetan dog: APSO. Literally "bearded" in Tibetan language.

25. Like much Thai cuisine: SPICY. That's why they use coconut often, to balance out the spiciness.

29. Greek "H": ETA. See the shape.

30. High point: TOP

32. Attach, as a patch: SEW ON

33. Country where Häagen-Dazs H.Q. is: USA. Man, somehow I always thought Häagen-Dazs is based somewhere in Europe.

35. Continue to irritate: RANKLE

37. Some coll. students: SRS. Xan Vongsathorn is a senior in college. Very unusual name.

38. Diamond source: MINE. No more baseball diamond. Damned Yankees. What Lola wants, Lola finally gets! I kind of like Andy Pettitte though. Very honest handling of his steroid use. Congratulations, Danabw and Democrat in a Red State.

39. Celtic land: ERIN. Or EIRE. Hibernia is Latin for Ireland.

43. Goes after: SETS AT

44. Tater Tots maker: ORE-IDA. Portmanteau of Ore(gon) = Ida(ho).

46. Five-time Wimbledon champ: BORG (Björn)

47. "Later, bro": I'M GONE

48. Brunch staple: OMELET. I like plain one. No cheese, or meat or vegetables.

51. Source of edible oil: OLIVE

52. Crime planner: CASER. Case is a slang for "to check out a bank/house in planning of a crime".

54. "Happy tune" whistler of Broadway: ANNA. No idea. The song "I Whistle a Happy Tune", from the musical "The King and I".

55. Picketer's bane: SCAB

58. "Ich bin __ Berliner!": EIN. JFK line.

59. "How could I miss that?!": D'UH. No difference from D'OH, correct?

Answer grid.

Thanks for the newspaper information yesterday. I am so sorry some of you lost LAT puzzle. Do go to LA Times' website and join us for discussions when you have time.



  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - this was really a fun puzzle - great theme, lots of fresh cluing.

    I still don't like 'unarm' even though it's obviously correct; 'unarmed' is very common for an adjective, but 'disarm' is the commonly-used verb. Not real fond of 'caser' either. For 40A, I was expecting some very scientific, latin-based word, and was surprised to just see 'airway'. All in all, though, a most enjoyable puzzle.

    Got a kick out of seeing the Tater Tots clue - one of the local restaurants just started offering a Tater Tots w/melted cheese and bacon bits appetizer. Deadly good with sour cream.

    Today is Gunpowder Day, and Guy Fawkes Day.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it." -- Woody Allen

    And on the same theme:

    "Women are the most powerful magnet in the universe. And all men are cheap metal. And we all know where north is." -- Larry Miller

    "Women should have labels on their foreheads saying, 'Government Health Warning: women can seriously damage your brains, genitals, bank account, confidence, razor blades, and good standing among your friends.'" -- Jeffrey Bernard
    Congratulations to the NY Yankees on their 27th World Series championship, and to the Phillies for back-to-back trips to the Series; it's been a fun run.

  2. Welcome to a new constructor who combined some old crossword clues, with some new stuff, all with a nice many lettered theme.
    Diamond source: MINE; Little women: PETITES; Start to practice?: MAL

    It was a quickie, but sometimes they are great. The pronunciation of "XAN" did surprise me.

    For once, I would like to see the combination, Hook's right hand: GONE.

    AMELIE was very entertaining, and I still love Don Quixote references.

    Tater Tots at a restaurant! Dennis you must tell our resident chef about this in detail!

    Have a great day; Dan get healthy.

  3. Morning, all!

    I wasn't overly fond of CASERS, but other than that I thought the puzzle was fine, albeit not terribly difficult.

    As for DUH vs. D'OH, I still maintain that DUH is what you say to other people when they do (or say) something stupid, whereas D'OH is what you say when you do something stupid.

  4. Morning, CC and Friends. This was a fun puzzle. Challenging, but not impossible. I loved the theme clues. The perps help me fill in the themed clues.

    I also liked the fresh clues, including those CC mentioned such as Thumper's buddy (BAMBI) and Worn Things (ATTIRE). That was a D'UH moment for me.

    A late hurricane is brewing in Central America.

    QOD: A man is what he thinks about all day long. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  5. Good morning C.C, and all, the puzzle today was a tough one for me. I think we stayed up too late watching the Yankees win number 27 and then continued to “Cry in our Beer” for too long afterward. The mind just did not function this morning,

    I never really got a good foot hold anywhere in the puzzle and just kept jumping all over the grid. I finally got a couple of the theme answers and this allowed me to get most of the fills, but I still needed outside help. For me a long hard struggle today. Also, similar to Lemonade's comment I did put "stub" for 18D, Hooks right hand.

    Hope you all have a great Thursday.

  6. Good Morning All,

    I didn't get rolling on this one until I started in on the down clues. I caught onto the theme and the rest filled in. I had At Ease instead of Repose and So and So was my Duh moment.

    Nice WoW. It is truly a viciously fun cycle.

    Have a great day!

  7. Good morning! Hope everyone is fine.

    Unarm? C'mon. Disarm that. And I agree with Dennis. I never heard of the guy who 'cases' the joint being called a 'caser'.

    I guess trachea didn't fit and airway did.

    The Li'l Abner clue would have been better a couple of days ago. November 2nd was, I think, Sadie Hawkins Day.

    Robin was correct yesterday about the Chicken Lady.

    Dennis - here's one that could sound ominous to some. It's "National Men Make Dinner Day." All men should give their wife or girlfriend a break today and whip up something to eat for dinner without any help. BTW - don't Gunpowder Day and Guy Fawkes go hand in hand because of the Gunpowder Plot? I thought they were the same, just different terminology.

    Anyway, have a great Thursday.

  8. Once again, no googling. It's been two weeks no googling (although there have been four puzzles in the past two weeks I haven't done, including the two Sunday puzzles). I feel like I'm at a GA (Googlers anonymous) meeting. Googling is still considered cheating, right?

    Anyway, across was tricky so I looked at all the down clues first and wanted CHASES for SETS AT and OOH for DUH. I finally got DUH and thought "Oooh".

    We had a couple of major earthquakes in central Taiwan today, one at 5:32 this afternoon and another at around 9:30 this evening. The first one was 1 6.0 and the second was a 5.7. Apparently they had a mjor earthquake ten years ago that was a 7.2, which is more than ten times as powerful as a 6.0. I'm glad I wasn't here for that.

    Yesterday people were talking about what is considered appropriate in the comments section. I think we need to think of this blog as C.C.'s home and that, therefore, she gets to decide what is appropriate here. By the same token, she gets to decide if a link to seven pages of women wearing bras is appropriate. It's all up to her what gets and does not get posted here. It's the same with anybody's blog for that matter.


  9. DrDad, thanks for the heads-up about Men Make Dinner Day. I will indeed whip something up for dinner, without any help.

  10. Hi c.c. and all:

    Really had a fun time with this puzzle. No mistakes and no googling, but did start off slow just putting words in that I knew and finally the theme answers popped into my head!

    Dennis and Dr. Dad: I agree with you both on "unarm" and "caser" never heard of that.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  11. Did *not* like "I'M ALL EARS" — not at all indicative of silence except by implication. The others all directly address the idea of shutting up. But Xan (who has had a puzzle in the NYT before) is my homeboy (graduated recently from my alma mater— can't be older than 23), so I'm gonna let it slide ...


  12. CC,

    I never knew that ORE-IDA was Oregon and Idaho. I never really thought about it but who knows this might come in handy if this ever comes up in a trivia contest.

    Dennis have you ever seen the movie V for Vendetta? Hugo Weaving is V and he is a modern day Guy Fawkes.

    Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture

    November 5th

  13. Morning all -

    Nice challenging puzzle today. Had to work at it, but finally managed to get it all without outside help. Quickly got the theme at 57A, which helped to go back and fill in the rest. Initially had draino instead of brillo, up and at em vs. lemme at em, Swe instead of USA (d'oh!) and plant vs. olive. So lots of inky crossouts... but eventually worked it all out. Completely lucky guesses at the sets at/Erik/Teslas crossings.

    Re: owie vs boo boo, Zoe says both, although owie is usually for a pain like a tummy ache or stubbed toe. Bandaids always make boo boos feel better, but not all owies need one.

    I may add Tater Tots to my shopping list today...

    Just firmed up Thanksgiving plans. Indiana next weekend for an early gathering with family and friends. The actual holiday will be spent locally - still deciding if at my house or my brother's house. I LOVE hosting here, but we often go there and are joined by my s-i-l's family too.

    We also talked about having a shindig at the restaurant for the staff members that don't have family in town, but the Packers play the Lions this year, so we will be parked in front of the big screen at home. Staff can come here! Guess I just solved who's hosting...

    Dan, my thoughts are with you. Seeing your name on the puzzle always brightens my morning.

    Enjoy the day.

  14. Hey RSD,

    Remember remember the 5th of November the gunpowder treason and plot I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot!

    I like the quote, "The people shouldn't be afraid of their government, government should be afraid of the people."


  15. RSD, no, I've not seen it, but I will now. Thanks for the recommendation; looks like a good one.

  16. Hi all!

    I was like Andrea: Completely lucky guesses at the sets at/Erik/Teslas crossings.

    Otherwise it was smooth, but interesting sailing. Lots of new fun clues, and several, including CASERS which came via perps. Casers was a term I've never heard before.

    Amazing skill for such a young constructor. Loved the theme too.

  17. Hi gang -

    I agree with most of what has been posted. Surprised nobody mentioned the rest/REST gaffe of 27A and 9D. And AISLED? Looks like an act of desperation.

    I like the theme, and think that Rex is splitting hairs (or hares, if you want to make stew) with I'M ALL EARS. It's no more by implication than "WORDS ESCAPE ME" is it? Thematically rich puzzle, too, with 5 themes answers, 2 at 15 letters, and one at 13. Also, lots of nice 6-letter fills.

    This one took a while. Needed perp help and thought time. Seeemed about right for a Thursday. (Never could get the hang of Thursdays.)

    What I disagree with is "Start to practice?" for MAL. I absolutely hate that kind of too-clever-by-half clue, used to disguise the fact the answer is not a valid word. If you have to use a prefix, at least be honest about it.

    But, no work of human hands is perfect.

    Grid thoughts:

    Does extra virgin oil come from PURER OLIVES?

    I'll pass on the BRILLO OMELET.

    The anti-theme: LEMME TATTLE.

    The housing crisis has victimized many a NAIVE BUYER.

    Grousing aside, this was a pretty pleasant puzzle.

    JzB the critical trombonist

  18. JazzB: Malpractice is a valid word. Just ask any doctor or attorney. Malpractice insurance is big business in this litegious society.

  19. Pretty sure JazzB meant that "MAL" was not a valid word. Everyone knows "malpractice" is a valid word. MAL is certainly a valid word in French, and (here) it's a valid prefix (prefixes being completely acceptable fill, in small doses). Quibble seems to be with kind of clue (deliberately tricky). Don't mind it myself, but I understand where JazzB is coming from.


  20. Morning all.

    Didn't like SETS AT and CASER but nothing else fit.

    BTW. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
    on line edition carries the Universal C/W.

    The LAT wasn't available on untill after 11PM. ?

    The Matt Jones c/w was like a monday LAT

    Have to cut the south forty (front lawn) before it rains today. The lawn mower started after sitting for 6 months.

    Also need Trend Micro for the new
    PC before turning it on.

    Busy day ahead so I better get started.


  21. You're a clever one, Xan, but you can't fool me! How big was the smile on your face when you crossed I'M ALL EARS and OBAMA?

  22. Hi C.C. & gang, my wife got the "silence is golden" adage before she had to leave today and I finished the rest of it online where I found a few mistakes.

    RE: Yesterday's comment about onions and H1N1?

    I think I finally found the details at:H1N1 vs. Onion
    "When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home,..."

    So I was wrong about slicing the onion. This might actually work? Who can say?

  23. Good morning C.C. and all -

    I struggled in a lot of places with this one but I liked it anyway :)

    33A brought to mind a show I watched on the Travel or Food channel not too long ago. Haagen-Dazs is a made up word and through clever marketing, people think it is a 'foreign delight'. Who knew?

    Never heard of 12D "Amelie".

    Ore-Ida was a gimme for me. We don't eat Tater Tots but I am sure they are good. Dennis, if you are going to enjoy that decadent appetizer, you are going to have to get to the gym more often in order to keep your 'manly figure'!

    I didn't like 43D 'sets at' for 'goes after'. I guess I was thinking 'seeks' or 'hunts'. Sets at just sounds odd to me.

    We had such a beautiful day weather-wise yesterday and today we will be blown away! 60-65 mph winds at the coast and 2+ inches of rain coming at us. Hope it stays mostly at the coast! (Dennis, I know you are wishing you were here ;))

  24. Good morning all.

    This was a little more of a challenge. I had to jump all over the place before things started to 'gel'.
    I also thought the theme was about Keeping Secrets.
    My favorite clue, the over used 24D and my favorite dog, Riley!
    Dennis I think you have the "National Men make Dinner" menu set. I have to admit that Tater Tot idea sounds pretty good.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Hope you are feeling better today Dan.

  25. Re: Onions and H1N1,
    as I said a while back, the elephant repellent I have scattered around the farm continues to work superbly.

    not sure exactly what you're whipping up, but don't get too enthusiastic before dinner, if there's to be anything FOR dinner. And without help? That's just wrong!

    Biscuits and Gravy,
    I've asked this before, but it was late and you may have missed it. Where in the Bluegrass are you? I live near Lancaster in Garrard County.

  26. Jerome, that's funny. I didn't even catch it. Also, he's gotta be the only president with both a Grammy and a Nobel Peace Prize, right?

    Carol, you know me too well. I long for the coast now.

    Robin, that appetizer is delicious, but cooking tater tots exceeds my skill level.

  27. Windhover, sound advice as always. I'll enlist aid.

  28. Hello All--This was an enjoyable puzzle with some nice long theme fills. I did struggle with the CW but managed to finish it without any help. However, I misspelled Eric, so rankle was rancle. I knew it looked odd, but didn't look it up.

    I thought the clues of Hook's right hand, Cap seen on a brae, and "Lil" guy were clever and ones that I haven't seen before.

    Set at was a bit of a problem for me. I have heard set to (work), but not set at (work)

    As a nine year old, I broke my arm and was put under with ether. I can still remember what it felt like--weird halucinations, and dreams. I swear to this day, that I could hear the Dr. and my father talking. Maybe just another halucination, but it was just weird.

    Martin, take care. Earthquakes of that magnitude can be very devastating. The aftershocks sometimes are as bad as the original quake. I hope you didn't have any damage at your place.

  29. 11:28 today. I had a bit of a struggle in the SW as SETS AT didn't seem quite right with the clue (Goes after). Took a while to sort that out.

    c.c. is correct: Amelie is a favorite movie. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and check it out from the library or Netflix it. It is a lot of fun and very satisfying (maybe not for the littlest ones, though, as they are unlikely to understand it). I wonder if Amelie is the origin of Travelocity's travelling garden gnome?

    I thought at first it Hook's left hand that was missing, so the clue wouldn't work for "stub" or "gone". Subsequent research proves my initial impression was incorrect--it was his right hand that Peter Pan lopped off Captain Hook

    Oh, and it's not MY LIPS ARE SEALED, but who can forget The Go-Go's Our Lips Are Sealed. An amazing (all female) group back in the early 80's with talented Belinda Carlisle (who looks remarkably like my sister in this video, when she was blonde) as lead singer and Jane Wiedlin (song writer) in the group.

    Since I no longer cook at home, Thanksgiving will be at a fancy-schmancy restaurant in town (one hour drive away). Chances are a nice bottle of Oregon Pinot Noir will be involved.

  30. @embien Which fancy schmancy restaurant will get your business?

  31. @crockett: I'm thinking The Heathman for Thanksgiving. I figure about $150-$200 for two.

    Oh yah, for those who have no clue about what the movie Amélie is all about, here's the trailer, which should leave you totally confused: Amélie trailer

  32. Good afternoon all. Nice write-up C.C. Fun puzzle Xan.

    Hate to rain on anybody's parade, but you might look at this:
    tater tots

    This is sans extra bacon fat and cheese, not to mention sour cream.

    Your fussy Health Nut

  33. LorraineL., you're right, they're perfect!! I'll have to double my next order.

  34. Can we stop with the onions and flu stuff? I was ignoring this for a while, but it's getting out of hand.

    You could go check the Urban Legends page at and see that the whole thing is likely an urban myth.

  35. embian said, Can we stop with the onions and flu stuff? I was ignoring this for a while, but it's getting out of hand.

    Out of hand? It was mentioned once today, some 6 hours ago, and then referred to jokingly a bit later. Hardly "out of hand".

  36. Rex is right about me being right.

    I do recognize that malpractice is a word. A little credit, please. (I'm not carrying cash.) And my quibble is more than 75% with the clue. Not specifically because it's tricky, though. I do like and appreciate tricky clues. But, there are good and not so good versions of tricky. IMHO, "start of," "end of," "leader," "follower," and other variations on that theme for answers that are affixes are quasi-clever cover-ups for second-rate fills. Worse, they have become cliches.

    But, this is much ado about little.

    On balance, I liked the puzzle, and look forward to seeing more from Xan Vongsathorn.

    JzB the opinionated trombonist

  37. Out of hand? It was mentioned once today, some 6 hours ago, and then referred to jokingly a bit later. Hardly "out of hand".

    Well, I was carrying an onion a while ago, then I dropped it . . .

    JzB the onion out of hand trombonist

  38. Oy, people seem extra sensitive today. Why all the attacks?

  39. I'm sorry if I offended anyone about the Onion story, I only put it up because of Robin's question yesterday and it looks like it's an urban legend.

    BTW, My wife and I are taking a short vacation starting tomorrow and we won't get back until next Monday sometime. We're going to stay in Carson City NV and search for fall color with our photo group.

  40. I just re-read all the posts -- what attacks? C.C., did you delete something?

  41. I thought it was fairly obvious that I was being silly.

    I mean, we are talking about the onion here.

    JzB the Allium cepa trombonist

  42. Good Evening All, I spent a lovely day with my daughter. She took a personal day off from work so we could goof around. I didn't get home until an hour ago, worked up the puzzle and came here to see what was going on.

    It's hard to believe that Xan Vongsathorn is a college student. If his first few efforts are this good, we will undoubtedly hear a lot from him in the future.

    I'll have to go with the experts about DISARM, but I had no trouble getting UNARM. I grimaced a TAD when I filled in CASER, but other that those little quibbles, I thought this puzzle was just fine.

    I really liked the clues "Little women" for PETITES, "Li'l guy" for ABNER and "Hook's right hand" for Smee.

    Does a person say, "Happy Guy Fawkes Day"? As a convicted traitor, Guy Fawkes was sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered Clever Guy jumped from the gallows, breaking his neck and thus avoided the more grisly portion of his punishment. For some unknown reason, my father was a Guy Fawkes fan and repeated the Remember November rhyme every year on November 5th.

    Jazzbumpa, love The Onion!

  43. Jazz, please forgive me but I clicked on your link to the 'Onion' and there was a story that said JFK may not have been shot, so I clicked on that and there was nothing at all about JFK...just wondering what depth of spoof the 'Onion' is.

    Dennis, you'll be happy to know that the wind is really picking up here...I know how you like to 'stand out' in it. ;)

  44. Anonymous @ 5:23, Darling, you can BITE my onion...

  45. Ok, I'm completely confused.

    embien, where's all the onion talk?

    hahtool, where's all the attacks?

    robin, was that anon remark directed at you?

    Jeezus, I need a drink.

  46. joining Dennis for a cocktail. Not directed at me, me thinks, I just have issues with people who are not able to identify themselves.

  47. I'm not anonymous, never have been, never will be, but if there are onions to be bitten (I'm sure that's a euphemism for something much more tasty), I'm in ( so to speak).
    On the other hand, if we're actually talking about onions, I'll take mine on the side.
    BTW Dennis, how did dinner turn out?

  48. Dennis (and others) maybe I'll join you for that drink! Some people seem to be off their meds.... or maybe should be taking some :0

    I am totally ignorant of onions except for cooking with them. What am I missing here???

  49. Well, I'm glad I'm not alone in my confusion.

    Carol, as to the onion, slowly peeling one is one of life's great pleasures.

  50. Carol -

    Forgiveness not required. The onion has lots of ridiculous satire, and often goes beyond the bounds of even bad taste - a detail that I wasn't thinking about when I posted the link.

    Dennis -

    You do have a way of gettng to the heart of the matter.

    I did have a nice glass of cheap pinot noir at dinner.

    We'll be up early running errands then off to T-town tomorrow for mom maintenance. I'll check in late, probably.

    5 and out for me

    JzB the high 5 trombonist

  51. The Onion is generally a spoof of every subject it treats. Incidentally, two of my former students write for it: Chris Pauls and Joe Garden. I think both got started when it was based in Madison. Frequently if you see an article on the front page with a link or (cont.) to somewhere else, there won't be anything at the other page or link site. It's just the way they are.

    If you search for Joe's name at the link provided above, several articles come up, which I suppose he wrote, but they rarely provide by-lines.

  52. Windhover @8:27, everybody's full.

    How're you making out with the phone/puzzle problem?

  53. To me, D'OH is like "V-8, Aha, I get it", whereas D'UH is like "I did something stupid. Jeez do I feel like an idiot.".

    Dennis: Loved the WOW, and first quote, in particular!

    The puzzle started really slow for me, but once I saw one filled theme answer, I understood how to solve the others.

    GREAT catch, Jerome!!! LOL!

    Did anyone else have a problem with 42D "Behave" = ACT?

    The only way I was able to rationalize 43D "Goes after" = SETS AT, was thinking of the old-fashioned term of "SETting your cap AT" someone, meaning you're going to work at gaining their affections.

    I haven't had a tater tot in years! I'm surprised they still exist.

    Robin: Adorable avatar!

    My initial fill for 66A "Li'l" guy was WAYNE (I'm not sure if he's considered R&B, or Rap) since someone had just mentioned him to me yesterday. It fit with the number of letters, until I saw the perps. Talk about different ends of the spectrum from Li'l Abner!

    Favorite fills were PETITES and TILTS AT. 55D fill of ANNA was my big d'oh (or d'uh?) moment! I should have known that... I was thinking of the 7 Dwarfs whistling while they work, instead.

  54. Dennis, thank you for the 'layered' definition of said onion...sounds like something I love - just never heard it expressed that way..very 'appeeling' :)

    Kazie, glad you smartened me up on the 'Onion'. I had never heard of it before.
    That explains why the link did not go anywhere.

  55. Jeannie signing in late as I got home about an hour ago, completed the puzzle. Some comments, words have never escaped me, I wouldn't want to be all ears...imagine how I would look! I took the cover girls clue to mean "models" that grace a cover of a magazine. I had to grin at "tad" as so many of my Mom's recipes call for a "tad" of this or that. Hence I use tad in my recipe givings.

    Lorraine....don't be a Kill Joy, tater tots are served here in MN as a different side from fries. Everything in moderation. Dennis' run-in with them at the diner sounds absolutely fabulous. Please turn your head when I post my pork tenderloin in peppercorn sauce. Your head might spin off!

    Robin, if Anon bit your onion would he cry?

    Embien, $175 avg for Thanksgiving dinner? Want me to prepare it and send it your way? All you'd have to do is warm it up.

    Dennis, curious how your dinner went. I am thinking you might have enlisted some help. Maybe a phone number to the local pizza place?

    DrDad, so good to see you once again. I too, have had BIG BROTHER tapping into my fun as well.

    C.C. sorry for the long post but I have a lot of catching up to do.

    Thanksgiving: since I have no family in the area, I usually go down to one of the homeless shelters and cook and help serve. It is very rewarding. I happen to have a very good recipe for stuffing and I would like to hear about other people's variations. Just curious.

  56. So surprised that no one remembered that Thumper's mother taught him that "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" in nicely with theme and was the first clue.

    I also think that at least in the Disney version Hook's hand was eaten off by the crocodile with the clock in his belly.

    Up too late and know too much trivia.

  57. Windhover,

    Fayette County


  58. Deborah Kerr starred opposite Yul Brynner in the movie "The king and I". In it she played the part of an English governess who had come to Siam to look after the King's children. One scene in the flim had her whistling the theme song "Whistle a happy tune".


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