, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday November 25, 2009 Gareth Bain

Gary's Blog Map

Nov 25, 2009

Wednesday November 25, 2009 Gareth Bain


Yikes! I never imagined seeing that here. Or anywhere else, for that matter.

17A: 360 degree artwork: CYCLORAMA. Never heard of it.

26A: Former resident of Lhasa's Potala Palace: DALAI LAMA. Easy answer. Hard to spell. Had to rely on perps.

41A: Wildly exciting, in slang: RING-A-DING. OK, I guess - but not very common.

52A: Long Time Chinese Leader: MAO ZEDONG. Another easy answer, but a real spelling challenge.

And 43D Named for a car model, group who sang the 1961 hit formed by the end of 17-, 26-, 41-, and 52-Across: EDSELS. I went from Freshman to Sophomore in High School in 1961. I remember the song, almost, and the car, but not the group. The YouTube link says 1957-58, not 1961, and that sounds right to me.

Hi, gang - it's Jazzbumpa, your displaced OHIOAN trombonist. Let's dedicate today's puzzle to Buckeye and Crockett. Hope I didn't miss anyone.

Rather a fun puzzle. I had no clue on the theme until I got to 43 D.

Quite a few long fills and nice 5-stacks. I counted 36 black squares. Let's work it out.


1A Workout room: GYM. Dennis can give us the details.

4A Bit of hardware: SCREW. I think of it as a machine part, but hardware is OK, too. Other meanings are possible.

9A Suffix with sea: SCAPE. I wasn't sure what to expect here. Had to get perp help.

14A Extinct ostrich like bird: MOA. The MOA, the merrier. Too bad they're gone.

15A Games authority: HOYLE. He wrote the book on many card games.

16A Give_________: care: A HOOT. I tried A DAMN first, thinking about Rhett and Scarlet. Then I got A____T from the perps, and was a bit concerned for a while.

19A Hardly the gregarious type: LONER. Thought of this guy. Wonder if he's in solitary confinement?

20A Buckeye: OHIOAN. Needs no explanation. But here, anyway. I have a semi-closely related horse chestnut tree in my backyard. I think Buckeyes were declared illegal in Michigan last Saturday. We had a great time at the game and tailgating, but the outcome was sure hard on the locals.

21A "Skip the sordid details." SPARE ME. Or a bowler requesting assistance on a 7-10, perhaps.

23A Like many Airports: Abbr.: INTL. Internal, like near the center of a continent. Oh, wait - maybe it's international.

24 A ________ FIRMA: TERRA. Well, what else could it be?

25A Well fluids: INKS. The stuff in the ink well. Nice, clever clue, it you're old enough to remember ink wells. Did anybody under about 50 have trouble with this?

30 A God of hawks: ARES. We think of him as the god of war, and therefore hawks = warmongers. But Wikipedia points out that ARES is the god of bloodlust and slaughter. Lovely.

31 A Gear part: COG. A single tooth, a cogwheel, or someone like Mongo, only pawn in game of life.

32 A Frank: WEENIE. I stumbled all over this one. Like Diogenes, I was looking for an honest man. Or at least some nice buns.

33A Fanzine, e.g. MAG Abbrv. fr. Mgzn. I gss.

34 Limerick's place: IRELAND. The Emerald Isle. Ye Olde Sod. Home of Guinness. Oddly, I have a limerick on my blog today. First one ever. Go figure

36A Old Prizm automaker: GEO. And 1D Canyon or Sierra: GMC. Correct, and correct. This time there can be no dispute.

37A Represent as Identical: EQUATE. Do you equate EQUATE with "make identical?" How about correspond, match, similar or analogous? Just askin . . .

39 A _______ And outs. INS. Are they talking about doorways, or something else?

40 A East Berlin's Cold War Counterpart: BONN The two capital cities.

43 A Guesses "true" when the answer is false: ERRS. Or drops the ball. It's only human.

44 A Pulizer winner Walker: ALICE. Won Pulizer Prize for "The Color Purple." I forgot.

46A Golfer who won the 1992 U.S. Open: TOM KITE. I couldn't tell you who won the 2009 U.S. Open.

49A Prescription measure: DOSAGE. It's just the right amount.

51 A Nebraska city: OMAHA Founded in 1854, the nations 42nd largest city.

55 A Boston Airport: LOGAN. It's just about surrounded by water.

56 A Throw out: EXPEL. Like, from school.

57 A Nitrogen based dye: AZO. Al? Dr. Dad?

58 A Pork Cuts: LOINS. Them's good eatin'!

59 A Essentials: NEEDS. If you need it, it's essential.

60 A Go one better. TOP. Lions over Browns. Crazy finish.


2 D Toy on a string: YOYO. Or a honker, dinger YOYO jamboree.

3 D Rapid fire weapon: MACHINE GUN. Rat-a-tat-tat.

4 D "Eats, ______, & Leaves" : Punctuation handbook: SHOOTS. Beware of koalas with MACHINE GUNS.

5 D Reef Stuff: CORAL And starfish fodder.

6 D "Saving Private ______" RYAN War really is hell.

7 D Common street name: ELM Formerly, a common tree. Now ash is in trouble, too.

8 D Cunning sort: WEASEL. Seems wrong. Should be "a sneaky, untrustworthy, or insincere person".

9 D Not paid hourly: SALARIED. Either way, it's take home pay.

10 D Bach Work: CHORALE Bah! I can't find a YouTube link to one actually being sung. We'll have to settle for this.

11 D Superior: A ONE. Or Minnesota's Lake.

12 D Keats work: POEM Better than a Yeats work, C.A.?

13 D Raison d'_________: Reason for being: ETRE. A bit strained, IMHO.

18 D Golf course: LINKS. Or breakfast before a round, perhaps.

22 D Shrimp like crustaceans: PRAWNS Anybody know the difference?

24 D "In space no one can hear you scream" for "Alien.": TAG LINE A memorable branding slogan used in advertising.

25 D Mosul resident: IRAQI

26 D Forest female: DOE. And the start of a genuinely horrible song. I won't link to it.

27 D Source of mohair: ANGORA GOAT Rather a handsome fellow.

28 D Bearings: MIENS I wanted more machine parts, not demeanor.

29 D Near eternity: AEON When you need a bunch of vowels, you need a bunch of vowels!

30 D From the U.S.: AMER. Abbrv. in Cl. Abbrv. in Ans.

31 D Cash Alternative: CREDIT Use it if you have it.

34 D Neopolitans, e.g. ITALIANS Originating in Naples, or Napoli

35 D Director Lee: ANG Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Brokeback Mountain, etc.

38 D Shi'ite leader: AGA KHAN The hereditary title of the Imam of the Nizārī Muslims, I had no idea.

40 D Server's basketful: BREAD In a retaurant, or at the sermon on the mount, with fish.

42 D Bygone bringers of cold blocks: ICE MEN They were cool.

45 D Leaked Slowly: OOZED. The word sounds viscous and slimey.

46 D Turnpike fee: TOLL To pay for the snack, I suppose.

47 D Melville Novel: OMOO. Unknown outside of crosswords.

48 D "The gift of the___": MAGI Sad, ironic story of loving and giving, by O Henry.

49 D Info: DOPE I haven't heard it used this way in AEONS.

50 D Auto designer Ferrari: ENZO. Must have a picture.

53 D Stump creator: AXE Sharp clue.

54 D Red State Org.: GOP. Grand Old Party. The erstwhile party of Lincoln. 'Nuff said.

Answer grid.

Pictures of the Day: Here are four fantastic photos J.D. took during her Safari expedition. Click on each one, the picture will enlarge.




  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - really enjoyed this puzzle and absolutely loved the theme. I remember the song well, from back in the early '60s, but had no recollection of the group's name.

    I liked seeing 'cyclorama', a word you don't see very often - Atlanta has a cyclorama of the civil war that's absolutely amazing. Didn't particularly like, however, 'Amer' as the answer for 'From the U.S. Yes, it's legit, but just doesn't look right to me. Other than that, I thought this was an excellent puzzle, and a nice way to lead into what is hopefully a 4-day weekend for everyone.

    Jazz, excellent job with the blog - lots of great links. I checked on our theme song this morning, since I thought it was an early 60's song, and it appears that it was released in '57, but didn't become a hit until '61, reaching #21 on the Billboard Hot 100 that year. A rather long dormancy.

    J.D., wonderful pictures; thanks for sharing. Off to the gym.

    Today is National Parfait Day.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "Any piece of clothing can be sexy with a passionate woman inside it." -- Unknown (AMEN)

    Even more from the Washington Post:

    - Negligent: Absentmindedly answering the door when wearing only a nightgown.

    - Testicle: A humorous question on an exam.

  2. Also, from last night, Melissa Bee, congratulations on landing that 'killer job'! Wonderful news; good things come to those who wait.

  3. I had trouble on the right hand side: the only car maker I could think of with three letters (besides GMC) was KIA and that obviously wasn't right. I wanted MEANS for MIENS so I had GAO instead of GEO. I actually thought of MIENS but as the plural of MIEN which would be one of the ways of saying mine in French. MEANS made more sense to me because I had WEINER instead of WEENIE: frankly (no pun intended) I thought a WEINER was a "Frank" and a WEENIE was a small, weak person. Go figure. I also wanted CHOPS for LOINS and ICE CREAM for ITALIANS. Oh and ENZO and EZO were just complete unknowns: I didn't even have a guess as to what letter would go there. A Z? That would have been my 26th guess.


  4. 52A: Long Time Chinese Leader: MAO ZEDONG. Another easy answer, but a real spelling challenge.

    I always thought his name was spelled MAO TSE TUNG.


    34 D Neopolitans

    Naples is also synonymous with pizza, which originated in the city. A strong part of Neapolitan culture which has had wide reaching effects is music, including the invention of the romantic guitar and the mandolin as well as strong contributions to opera and folk standards.


  5. Good morning. No clue on the theme. Never heard of the Edsels or the song. Other parts din't 'equate' either.

    Coral and Chorale.

    Mao Zedong - reminds me that I'm off to China in January. there are several ways to spell his name. Kind of like all the different ways of spelling Gaddafi / Qaddafi.

    Omaha and Lincoln are the two largest Nebraska cities. On football Saturday, the Cornhuskers' Memorial Stadium becomes the third largest.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all! Have a great Wednesday.

  6. My favourite commercial. One way to end McConnell is for the Supreme Court to rule that corporations are not a person and as such do not have a voice in politics so donations from corporations would be persona non grata.

    I think it's we leveled the playing field. To get elected any person should have to give reasons why anyone should vote for them not how much money can I raise and spend to steal an office. Convince us with your words not cash!

    Ditch Mitch

    end of an error


  7. Good morning Jazz, C.C. and all, a somewhat difficult puzzle for me today. The NE corner was the hardest as I did not see 9A “scape” for a long while which made getting 10D difficult chorale, yikes???

    There were a number of nice clues and I particularly liked weenie, but it was my DOH moment.

    Jazz, great blog this morning with great links.

    Hope you all have a great Wednesday and an even better Thanksgiving

  8. Morning, CC, Jazzbumpa and Friends. My newspaper wasn't delivered on time this morning, which threw off my puzzle experience. I don't much care for doing the puzzle on line.

    Although I didn't much care for the theme, I likes some of the clever clues. It seemed like some were designed especially for this blog ~ Buckeye: OHIOAN (where is our friend, anyway?); Limerick's Place: IRELAND (there are frequently limericks here, but CC's BLOG just didn't seem right).

    I've a lot to do between now and tomorrow's big dinner. Fortunately, my husband is a big help in the kitchen.

    Congrats, Melissa Bee on your new killer job. What will you be doing?

    Happy Thanksgiving, Y'all.

    QOD: The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not. ~ Mark Twain.

  9. Biscuits &Gravy @6:45,
    We may disagree about Madonna, but
    I'm down with you on Mitch. The Supreme Court decision that would need to be overturned is Southern Pacific Railroad v. Santa Clara County (1886), which granted "personhood" (whatever the hell that is) to corporations, in a bizaare but calculated interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Being "Born in the USA" hasn't been the same since.
    Happy Thankgiving everyone. Irish and I, after an alcohol-assisted Turkey Day at my brother's place in NE Ky, are headed to her ancestral hollow in remote North Western North Carolina. No newspaper, no Iphone reception. See you next week.

  10. Wow, those pictures are great JD, thanks for sharing. You really blew them away with a very active write up Mr. Trombone- well done.

    I remember the song, but it did not help get the puzzle done, and I appreciated working coral and chorale in the fill, the new ones like cyclorama were nice, and I must run and work today. BOO!

  11. Nice blogging today, Jazz. I enjoyed those fun links.

    Congrats to Melissa!

    Wonderful photos, JD!

    Easy puzzle for me today. My only stumble was not ever remembering Hoyle: I always wonder is it Doyle, Coyle or HOYLE? And I would never have remembered the song, so the theme meant nothing to me.

    I did know GEO Prism, because DH had one for about 9 years. He loved it dearly, as it was reliable and cheap to run. He finally gave it up, not without a struggle, when he got too embarrassed about the duct tape holding the driver's seat together on one side. As a financial advisor, that didn't give quite the right impression!

    In Oz, all normal shrimp are PRAWNS, jumbo shrimp are called king prawns. The only ones called shrimp are the very tiny ones. So maybe it's just a geographic difference.

  12. This EU ban summary page is all you need to know about AZO dyes...

    Odd. Aeon and eon mean the same thing, but over the eons, the meaning has changed. "age", "forever", "eternity", "generations", "a billion years". In Gnosticism, they were actually beings or gods (scroll down a bit).

  13. Good Morning, all.
    Wonderful, snappy puzzle today by Mr Bain, with sharp, funny blogging by Mr JazzB himself. Great kickstart to the day!

    AZO and CYCLORAMA were complete strangers to me. My Dad loved HOYLE's still-classic books on cards, so we had a few around the house. No doubt part of my college education was funded thanks to items learned from Mr Hoyle!

    * KEATS today, Yeats yesterday, so maybe tomorrow we get the "Beats"? (Kerouac et al.) *Thanks JZB for not linking the dang DOE song! *The MOA will never be forgotten as long as there are puzzles.

    Mel B. Congrats--I hope your good fortune is contagious! JD thanks for the "wild" pics!

    Must run, The ICEMAN arriveth (refrigerator guy, actually)

  14. Not so difficult, today. No strikethroughs. INKS clue was clever. Thought WEASEL clue was poor; agree with earlier 'insincere' comment.

  15. @PJB, are you really going to call her "Mel B"? Should we all start to refer to her as "Scary" now? Come to think of it, she didn't mention what her new "killer" job entails. <insert smiley face here>

  16. Shrimp versus Prawn. They are two distinct suborders of crustaceans. They look similar, however, the prawn has a different gill sturcture. It is branched, whereas the gill structure of the shrimp is plated.

    There is often a similar confusion between sweet potatoes and yams. The words are used interchangeably, but are two different tubers.

  17. biscuits/rsd, if you would please, let's keep the political agendas off the blog.

  18. Good morning Jazzbumpa and everyone!

    Wow, a dedication. I'm honored. Great write-up and links! I think you now have the record for the number of links for a single clue: 5 for 38D.

    I was surprised to see WEENIE. Wondered if that would pass the breakfast test. Cute link, though.

    Have a great Wednesday, everyone!

  19. Hi gang -

    Thanks for the kind words.

    Full disclosure: Most of those links for 38D (DF, anyone?) came over with a cut and past from Wikipedia.

    This sounds really horrible but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to combine crustaceans with the official rock and roll song of OHIO.

    To which I will be heading shortly, to pick up me mum, who will be spending Thanksgiving with three generations of her progeny.

    That should present some great photo ops. (If we can get a smile out of Em.)

    JzB the crustacean loving, intra-generational, Ex-Ohio trombonist

  20. From Vern (Thanks a lot, Google)
    The puzzle really generated visions of my early life. Filling inkwells (from a tall bottle of ink)into little metal containers on our wooden desks at Cameron School in Chicago. (Some bad boys actually put little girls' pigtails into the small ink well on the desk, but not me, of course).
    "" recalled the iceman hollering "I YAY" & putting a leather piece on his shoulder as he carried up the block of ice to our second floor apt. Also ran after the truck and got small pieces of clear ice that had been chipped away. Brought to mind also, the "waffle man" who came around in a red & yellow truck, blew a bugle signalling his arrival and made excellent powder covered waffles. And finally the scissor-sharpening guy & the rags-o-iron and peddlers who seemed to lean on their scales as they weighed our produce. Miss a lot from the simpler days! (Sorry for the lengthy nostalgia trip)

  21. ODEA: I mean, Oh Dear.
    It's good to know people who know things--in this case Mom, who was slightly appalled I didn't know RING A DING was an expression used by the Rat Pack, among others. She's in town whipping up mashed potatoes "to die for" laden with cups and cups of butter, cream and buttermilk, too.

    @Al: ya got me! i'd forgotten about the Scary Spice a.k.a Mel B. Apology to Melissa B., who is smart and funny but not scary.
    @Hahtool & Kazie: thanks for the shrimp/prawn info.

  22. Vern, what a great post! You should definitely share more of those memories with us. I'm not old enough to remember any of the ones you mentioned (jeez, I love saying that), but I think we'd all enjoy hearing about life in a simpler, more innocent time.

    Keep that nostalgia coming.

  23. Very nice job of blogging, Jazz. I loved all the links, particularly the YOYO Jamboree. The Bach piece was rather sadistic, wasn’t it?

    More difficult puzzle than yesterday, naturally, but I finished with no serious problems except for a brain freeze on Moa and GMC.

    I’m sure the guys will appreciate the picture of the Ferrari, but for me, ENZO will always be the name of the wonderful dog in The Art of Dancing in the Rain, by Garth Stein. Of course, he was named for Enzo Ferrari.

    JD, what a wonderful Safari! I’m so glad you shared it with us.

  24. good morning c.c., jazzbumpa and all,

    GREAT job jazz, fun links! really enjoyed this one, such fun words. A HOOT, CYCLORAMA, WEENIE, YOYO, DALAI LAMA, SPARE ME, RINGADING .. just great. made me giggle to see TOP at the bottom.

    love the pics, jd, so beautiful. thanks for sharing.

    s'okay pjb, i'll cop to scary now and then.

    thanks for the congrats, i'll be a massage therapist and esthetician here. still keeping my other jobs, but this will help fill out the week. another thing to be thankful for.

  25. RE: Edsels. June 1958 LAMA RAMA DING DONG - Released in Apr 1961 as RAMA LAMA DING DONG. ref: Rock On by Norm N. Nite (the solid gold years). Nite has several pubs based on the era.
    Gene Carter CSM(R)

  26. Thanks, Dennis!

    Great pics, JD. Must have been a wonderful trip.

    Melissa, congrats on the new job. Hope it is everything you want it to be.

    I had a few problems today. Wanted Kia instead of Geo, sea SHORE, intead of sea SCAPE, and chops instead of loins. Also wanted something like men's room for the place for a limerick. I got the theme answers quickly, but did not guess the theme until 43D because I had never heard of the group or the song. (I'm probably the only person in the world who liked the looks of the Edsel.)

    Hahtool, thanks for the QOD. In that vein, it is amazing how easy it is to form a bad habit and how hard it is to form (and keep) a good one!

    Lowest temp this morning was 28º. It is up to 55º now. Could be worse.

  27. Good Morning All, Thanks for the memories, Jazzbumpa. I loved today's puzzle. Like Vern, I had a trip down memory lane.

    In Canada in the early 1950's I had lots of experience with fountain pens (no ballpoint pens allowed) and refilling them. We had to buy our own bottles of INK, which we kept in our hinge-topped desks. Never a year went by that there wasn't an accident with someone's ink bottle tipping over and staining the desk and usually their books too.

    My family had an icebox until about 1950, so I also remember chasing the ICE MAN down the street and begging for ice chips.

    No problem with remembering RAMA LAMA DING DONG. In the slang of the day, "It was bitchin'"

    If you ever get the opportunity, visit the Gettysburg Civil War site and see their CYCLORAMA. It is very impressive.

  28. You're a fine one, Jazz!

    This puzzle is way too cool. AGAKHAN, MAOZEDONG, and DALAILAMA in the same puzzle is close to spectacular. Throw in WEASEL, WEENIE, MACHINEGUN, and ANGORAGOAT and you've really got lots of good stuff happenin'. Take a bow, Gareth. You earned it.


  29. Good afternoon CC Jazz and all.

    Most enjoyable puzzle today. Great write up,links and comments.
    Buckeye was a gimmie as my wife is from Ohio.

    Terrific blogging from the "linking trombonist".

    Lucas Glover won the 2009 U S Open.

    Never heard of "cyclorama" but sounds fantastic.

    Super picture J D.

    Vern, as a non native I really enjoyed your nostalgic look at the "good old days". Thank You.
    Fountain pens, I also remember very well.

    Wishing everybody a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

  30. 38d was of interest to "old folks" ... Aga Khan had a son..Ali Kahn, who married a beautiful young film star ...Rita Hayworth.. She of "Gilda" fame.. PR

  31. Dennis,

    Thanks for blowing the whistle on Biscuits & Gravy. He should perhaps review C.C.'s rules about using this blog. Since I am labeled a weenie by Gareth Bain, I am happy to have someone else fight my battles!

    Like most of the gang, I enjoyed this puzzle and some excellent clues. I was not familiar with the theme song, but managed to figure it out with perp help.

    Congrats to you Vikings fans. My morning paper shows Bret Favre is the league's highest rated QB. We may see him versus Drees in the playoffs.

    Have a great Thanksgiving, everybody.

  32. Hiddy, everbuddy!!

    Great job Jazz. I think the Michiganders are getting used to losing to the Buckeyes. May it last an AEON!

    Great puzzle. Didn't know AZO(57a) (Nitrogen-based dye) but got it thru the perps. Thanks to Al for the additional info on AZO.

    Congrats Melissa B. Looks like a great spot to work. Enjoy it! I'm accepting visiting invites.

    Good to see "Buckeye" and Ohioan in this puzzle. For Xmas try making these "Buckeyes";

    Roll a chunk of peanut butter into an orb about the size of a ping-pong ball (or slightly smaller), dip in a good melted chocolate, leaving a space for the peanut butter to NOT be covered (about the size of a dime or slightly smaller). Cool and re-dip until the desired chocolate covers the peanut butter. Looks just like a buckeye and tastes like a Reese's cup. Yummy!!

    To my Oregonian friends. It looks like Ohio State will play either the Ducks or the Beavers in the Rose Bowl. I know which one I would rather play with.

    Turkey Day here at GBRV is going to be a bummer. Last year we got into an argument over fresh and frozen turkeys. We bought a live turkey, built a pen outside and fed the ugly varmint all year. We were going to slaughter him for Thanksgiving this year but too many people got too close to ol' Tom and refused to kill him. Now we've got to eat the Village's dog.

    Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and invite a Native American to dinner. He'll bring the corn (maize).

    P.S. Friday is Jimi Hendrix's B-Day (1942-1970). You can have all the booze and drugs you want, and break any guitar in sight. Have fun!

    I must be off!

  33. I was wondering if I should post a poem by Keats, or one about Ireland. I'm pretty sure that Keats will have another puzzle entry soon, so after Irish Jim posted, Ireland won out. There is also a ballad by Robert Dwyer Joyce that has the same title, but I'm not sure which one came first. Irish Poet Katharine Tynan Hinkson poem was published in 1898.

    The Wind that Shakes the Barley

    There's music in my heart all day,
    I hear it late and early,
    It comes from fields are far away,
    The wind that shakes the barley.

    Above the uplands drenched with dew
    The sky hangs soft and pearly,
    An emerald world is listening to
    The wind that shakes the barley.

    Above the bluest mountain crest
    The lark is singing rarely,
    It rocks the singer into rest,
    The wind that shakes the barley.

    Oh, still through summers and through springs
    It calls me late and early.
    Come home, come home, come home, it sings,
    The wind that shakes the barley.

    - Katharine Tynan Hinkson

    "Ochone" is an expression of sorrow or regret.

  34. Mr. Ed, the clue wasn't terra (blank), it was (blank) firma.

  35. Hi Jazz,C.C. and all -

    Jazz, great write up!! Loved all your links - and I am sure the guys loved that 'certain' one ;)

    JD - great pictures! Thanks for sharing.
    (thanks for the e-mail too).

    Melissa Bee - Congrats on the job! What a lovely place to work. I must admit that I had to look up the word 'esthetician'...but at least now I know what it is.

    CA - I am down the same memory lane as you are. We are very, very close in age. I remember the ice man on our street when I was about 5...I have mentioned that here before but we all would see him coming and run to our Mom's for dish towels to hold the ice he chipped off. What fun and the stuff wasn't even flavored! There was also a bread man and a milk man. Wish they were still around.

    More later...late for a bike ride!

  36. Good morning Jazz, CC and all,

    Very fun c/w today, but I must say I fell flat on my prat in the SE corner--about the time when Truman arrived for a fun filled day with Grandma.Felt like dope as I oozed errs.Still don't grok miens and odea.Loved ring a ding!

    Jazz, you are terrific at this blogging stuff,almost more fun than the puzzle.Thanks for the time you put into all those extras.

    Like others, I used an Esterbrook ink pen until I graduated from H.S. We could only write in manuscript. The ink cartridges sure made filling our pens a lot easier.

    Had forgotten about Atlanta's cyclorama. That is such a great city to visit. It also has the CNN bldg, Coca Cola, and Stone Mt Park, which blew me away. Plus, I was born there. My old house is now a restaurant!!!

    Melissa, I'm so excited for you; what a fabulous place Corde Valle is. My daughter had the Amer. Cancer Soc. golf tournament there in July.

  37. From Vern:

    I still run across people who haven't seen "The Christmas Story" with Ralphie who simply wanted a bb gun for Xmas. Talk about nostalgia. That movie could be the story of my life except for the gun as my mother always told me "You'll shoot your eye out." (If you haven't seen this classic film, be sure and rent it!)

  38. hello, I stop by here a lot and enjoy reading the puzzle reactions. I've never been compelled to write until today. In the Santa Clara court case the verdict/court never names corporations as individuals. NEVER! It's in the clerks notes, if you (anyone) took to the courts disputing a corporations freedom as an individual you would surely win. The trouble is finding a reason to do so.


  39. Meant to comment earlier about Melissa Bee's new job. Are you sure you're not paying them for letting you work there? What a lovely place.

    Vern, "A Christmas Story" has been a family Christmas season tradition for many years. Anyone who grew up in the 1950's or before is seriously nostalgia-ized by this movie.

  40. Melissa, I would clean toilets to be able to work there! Better yet, I'll come as your guest - hint, hint.

    I remember ink wells. We had to use those ink pens with the "bladder" inside that you had to refill. It was several years before ballpoint pens were acceptable to school teachers. My mother's hobby was cursive writing. She used the old fashoned stick pen that needed to have the "nib" changed regularly. She just dipped the nib in the ink well or bottle. It was lovely handwriting, but not a practical occupation.

    My husband watches "A Christmas Story" every year. His name is Ralph and he was always called Little Ralphie to distinguish him from his father. He still has female relatives who call him Little Ralphie, even though it doesn't fit him in any way.

  41. Ah, we are waxing nostalgic!! I LOVE it!
    I love the movie A Christmas Story...I (we) watch it every year - I have the DVD now. I still laugh about Ralphie's dad's cuss words weaving a tapestry. I cannot remember the exact quote but it has always struck me as funny. The whole thing is a flash back to my childhood, even the over loaded wall socket and the flash and smell of ozone as the tree is plugged in.

    Fountain pens are another fun memory, until they leak all over inside your purse! They were a mess to fill at times, but it was all we knew.

    Now, who has a rotary phone??

  42. Melissa B.

    Wow, fabulous. Just looking at the setting is relaxing....all of the best there.

  43. Wow, Melissa, what a place! I think I need to be estheticianized...

  44. Hello All, I didn't have a problem with the puzzle today. Just spent way too much time trying to figure out the spelling of MaoZeDong, and Dalai Lama. Oh well, another learning experience.

    Liked well fluids, once I decided it wasn't a water well reference. Nothing like bringing back memories. The cliche of putting pigtails into the ink well, actually happened to me in the fifth grade. But it was a long curl which hung over the desk behind me. My mother had to discard the dress I wore that day as the ink stained and wouldn't come out! I actually attended the Jr. Prom with the fellow who did the dipping. At our 40th HS class reunion we recalled those "fun" days.

    Melissa B., congratulations on your new job. Such a gorgeous venue.

    CA, thank you for the lovely poem today.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone.

  45. I remember being expected to use one of those dip-in-the-well ink pens when I first started cursive writing in the 2nd grade. Being left-handed, I could never get it to work without splattering and blotting it with my hand as I dragged it over what I'd written. They of course tried to get me to write right-handed which was even worse. If I'd had the guts I have now, I'd have suggested the teacher try writing left-handed so she'd see how ridiculous that suggestion was.

    Even when in high school (7th grade and up), we switched to fountain pens, it wasn't much better, since I think the nibs were all slanted for right-handers. I was at university before I could switch to a ballpoint.

  46. Oops!
    Dennis, I still don't get it with the pillow case/sham deal, I guess I'm just dense. But thanks for your help.

    Al, thank you for the azo dye stuff. I never heard of it and I'm into chemistry too.

  47. Hi gang, Good job blobbing Jazz. My wife and I did the puzzle this morning and had we some trouble with the upper right until I had a break through and equated frank and beans to get weenie.

    Here's a link to the original rama lama ding dong song that was used in American Graffiti also.

  48. Vern, your nostalgic dissertation brought back memories from my childhood days.
    I got ink all over my cuff filling the ink-well.
    Remember the small poster you put in the window to let the iceman know what size ice you wanted. 1/4, 1/2 or whole block. I got into a tussle with a girl over a sliver of ice on the iceman's push cart and she hit me on the head with a pepsi bottle. She got the ice.
    We would take used newspapers and raggedy clothes to the corner rag-man to sell. Then we'd take the empty milk bottles back to the corner store for the 'penny a bottle' deposit. Hopefully we'd get a total of 18 cents to go to the movies.
    They really were the good ol'days

  49. Ca.
    How nice of you to choose an Irish poem. Always enjoy your choices.
    We are having Dinner tomorrow with people named Keats. Claims to be a distant relative of the poet.

    Carol, My M I L in Ohio has a functioning rotary phone.

    Melissa B. Dont feel insulted but I would forego the masssage to play golf there. Must be my age !!!!!.

  50. I too started cursive in 2nd grade with the stick pen & ink wells and felt so proud when my Dad presented me with my first Parker 21 fountain pen. He worked for Parker Pen for 40 years. I still use only Jotters pens.

    We also had the Fuller Brush man, and, Watkins vanilla was delivered. The egg lady came weekly and we also got freshly killed chickens. The insurance man came with a huge book to keep track of payments. And of course, the occasional doctor's visit.

    The week before Christmas the mailman came twice a day.

    With all the food delivery people I bet there was a lot less impulse buying. Today who runs into a grocery store to buy a gallon of milk and comes out with just the milk?

    Happy Turkey Day all.


  51. Nostalgia, I remember the ink wells, ice man, milk man, egg lady and the Fuller Brush man. I also remember how the fountain pens would leak into my pockets and stain the whit shirts we were forced to wear then. Oh Lord the list can go on and on and now thy are all good, even great memories, and I think it would be good to go back.

  52. I am from oil country, so my immediate thought was that well fluids was oil, but I already had some perps and knew that was wrong.

    We lived out in the country, so my dad brought our ice from town. He wrapped it in burlap and put it on the floorboard of the car. Before he had a car, he used a wagon pulled by mules. No, I'm not that old, my family was just very poor for many years.

  53. Dennis

    what political speech. My post was about Chairman Mao and Neapolitan. Both are clues in the puzzle.

    I on purpose stayed away from mentioning 54 down.

    Jazzbumpa made a comment not me. If I choose to talk politics that what my blog is for.

  54. Well for all the foodies and for the impending feast tomorrow, one thing I believe goes hand in hand with crossword puzzles: trivia. So

    1. Astronaut John Glenn ate the first meal in space in 1962 which was what pureed food item?

    2. Capsaicin, which makes hot peppers hot to the human mouth, is best neutralized by casein, which is found in what?

    If I do not get drunk at dinner, I will post the answers later

  55. RSD:
    I think you took the rap for my comment following B & G's. Sorry.
    I hope my next comment doesn't violate either the letter or spirit of Dennis' request, which is very reasonable. The subject here is not politics , but law.
    Thanks for your comment. You are completely correct that the long-lasting effect of the Santa Clara decision derived from the clerk's notes, not the actual decision written by the Justices. I believe it is generally believed that there was some level of conspiracy involved in attaching the notes to the decision.
    I don't believe however that your conclusion that one could successfully challenge the "personhood" concept for corporations. Subsequent Courts have over the years upheld the clerk's interpretation, most recently
    in the Valeo decision, which ruled that political donations, including those made by corporations, are a form of speech and thus protected. There was also a decision, the name of which I can't recall, that held that advertising language, even when misleading or false, is protected speech. The underlying premise in these decisions was that a corporation has civil rights as if it was an individual person. The basis for this ruling is and has been for over 120 years the Santa Clara decision.
    BTW, I am not a lawyer, just a farmer who has an interest in history, especially Constitutional law and history.
    Again, I appreciated your comment.

  56. Lemonade:
    Just in case you do get drunk, I believe casein
    is found in milk.

  57. FYI: I looked in the OED and there is no READDS(Monday's puzzle).

    Nobody has mentioned it was really "Ring-a-ding-DING!"

  58. New to the crossword game, been going about a week, just wanted to say that following up on this blog afterwards is my favorite part! Love the commentary and links.


  59. My maternal grandfather was an ice man. I have a picture of him wearing the leather shield on his shoulder and holding large tongs. When refrigeration became affordable, he parked his ice truck on the street and quit working. Spent every day at the pool hall after that.

    I also remember tinkers.


  60. Just catching up with you folks as I missed work Friday and Monday due to illness. I am pointing my finger at hamburger that sat too long in the fridge. I missed those days at period end and had to scramble to get my monthend stuff done; hence no puzzles for me in a while.

    Melissa, congrats on your new job and especially for having your Mom there. I miss mine dearly. I also enjoyed your tag/team blog. I always thought that MN was beautiful but that setting is fantastic.

    Jazz, you are a natural at this blogging stuff. BTW, I am an "Innie."

    Lois, I haven't read anything from you in a while so I hope your daughter is on the mend.

    WH, how do you retain so much knowledge?

    C.C. cranberries in the stuffing this year?

    JD, wow those pics are great even though I can honestly say an Africa safari isn't in my wish list destinations to see.

    Jerome, once again a great anagram for the theme.

    Carol, yes I do own a functioning rotary phone I purchased from an antique shop. I also remember a "party line" shared by about 5 neighbors in the rural "hood" in MI I grew up in. Very interesting conversation you could listen in to.

    Just got out of the kitchen making the "Screamin' heads" and corn pudding. Also got a Wild hair and decided to make my Mom's "mashed potato rolls". Second batch in the oven as we speak.

    Linda, I have missed you very much and thank you for doing what I asked of you. Bless you.

    Sorry for the long post C.C., as I had some catching up to do.

    Everyone, enjoy your Thanksgiving and remember what it means.

  61. Good evening everyone. Great job, Jazz.

    There were two clues that pleased me: since Orangeman's day is my birthday, it was fun to see that one; and "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" is one of my favorite books.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

  62. Jeannie - nice post! :)
    You brought back memories with the reference to the old party lines. We had one when I was a are right, lots of interesting stuff to listen in on but we, as kids, mostly made fun of what we heard - we really didn't get the real meaning of most of it. I think it was just the novelty of being able to listen in on 'forbidden' conversations.

    To all of you who still have parents living, treasure them! I still miss mine at this time of year...I know all of you who have lost them do too.

    I wish all of you a peaceful and happy Thanksgiving.

  63. Not drumk, drinkrf, ajhhl , anyway the other answer is apple sauce, like all the newborns.

  64. For all you "oldies" and "newbies" that I missed...sorry just trying to catch up.

    DrDad, nice to see you again. Are the ones "looking over your shoulder" not so much doing it anymore?

    Wolfmom, I hope you and yours are okay. We haven't heard from you in a while. I am still looking for my daisies and I can only assume you aren't painting.

    Tarrajo, I hope you and Bradyjoe are doing okay. You are missed here.

    Judy, where are the "WTH" happened on this day?

    Boomer, ever pick up a 7 - 10 split?

    Dennis, ever pee in the wind that took you off guard?

  65. Going for it...Lemonade have you ever gotten a "hole in one"?

  66. Awe Jeannie just when we thought you were being had to take the blog into the crap that is you.

  67. Anon 12:02am, if you can't say anything nice go away. I for one enjoy Jeannie's posts and love her recipes. Go crawl back under your rock if you don't even like looking at her avatar you've got a prolem.

    JHG from CHI town.

  68. to anon @ 12:02,

    don't be a booger brain! Leave your comments to yourself I like Jeannie and I like reading her posts!

    Besides stop hiding behind anonymous and sign your name to your posts but my thinking is you aren't man enough to do that!

  69. Melissa, Do you ever use Lavender in your work?


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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