, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday January 15, 2010 Jack McInturff

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Jan 15, 2010

Friday January 15, 2010 Jack McInturff

Theme: HE'S GETTING AWAY (52A. Cry during an escape, and this puzzle's title) - HE is removed from the start of the second word of a familiar phrase.

20A. Air-conditioning commuter trains?: COOLING ONE'S (HE)ELS. Cooling One's Heels. Commuter trains = ELS.

32A. Pitch from a personified spud?: MR. POTATO (HE)AD. Mr. Potato Head (the toy). Pitch = AD.

41A. Like finger-painters?: YOUNG AT (HE)ART. Young at Heart.

Cute unifying theme title. Rather light theme entries. Maybe I am used to Dan Naddor's heavy themage on Fridays.

Not fond of the three "GO" entries:

18A. Continue: GO ON. "Thug" for GOON would have avoided the GO repetition.

9D. Rotten: GONE BAD

42D. Enter: GO IN

Lots of Wite-Outs for me. Fell into every possible trap. Favorite clue is BAIL (46A. Cost of freedom?).


1. It's rarely a hit: SIDE B. Sometimes it's B SIDE.

6. Acted like a rat: SANG. Sing is slang for "squeal".

10. Pre-bedtime fare: NEWS. Was thinking of food/drink.

14. "The Three Faces __": OF EVE. Have never seen the movie. Starring Joanne Woodward (wife of Paul Newman). Enviable long-lasting marriage.

15. Lickable treat: OREO

16. Apple for the teacher, perhaps: IMAC. Apple computer.

17. Let fall, as tresses: UNPIN

19. "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" musical: GIGI. I liked Leslie Caron better in "An American in Paris".

23. Old comm. giant: ITT

24. Demure: COY. I often confuse "demure" with "demur".

25. Ill humor: BILE

26. Allocation word: PER

27. __ flakes: BRAN. Plunked in SNOW.

29. Anteater's slurp in the comic "B.C.": ZOT. No idea. ZOT does not sound slurp-y to me.

36. Set of standards: CODE. Wrote down NORM first.

37. Craters of the Moon monument site: IDAHO. I've never heard of Craters of the Moon. Lava fields.

38. Eastern sash: OBI. Literally "sash" in Japanese.

39. Piercing weapon: TALON

40. Poet Sandburg: CARL. His poetry was mostly focused in PJB's Chicago.

43. Quiz: ASK

44. Some fiction: PULP. Pulp fiction.

45. Sue Grafton's "__ for Outlaw": O IS. The only possible clue for OIS.

49. Single, for one: Abbr.: SYN (Synonym). (Added later: Single is a synonym of "one").

56. Mitchell with the 1969 album "Clouds": JONI. I can't think of any other Mitchell.

58. In the slightest: AT ALL

59. Ocean hunter: ORCA

60. Alençon's department: ORNE. A department as well? Man, I thought it's just a river name.

61. Fool in "Pagliacci": TONIO. No idea. Italian for Tony?

62. Automobil route: BAHN. Automobil is German for "automobile" I presume.

63. Student stats: GPAS

64. Doc Golightly portrayer in "Breakfast at Tiffany's": EBSEN (Buddy). I finally saw "Breakfast at Tiffany's" a few weeks ago. Did not pay attention to the Doc actor though.


1. Sans __: carefree: SOUCI. Literally "worry" in French.

2. Otherwise: IF NOT

3. Station: DEPOT

4. Mean business: EVIL. I don't understand the clue. Why "business"?

5. Treat kindly: BE NICE TO. Mine was BEFRIEND.

6. Overwatered: SOGGY

7. Buck add-on: AROO. Buckaroo. Switch/smack add-on is EROO.

8. Strip lighter: NEON. Oh, Las Vegas Strip.

10. Bruce of Sherlock Holmes films: NIGEL. Stranger to me. The British actor who played Watson.

11. "Thérèse Raquin" novelist: EMILE ZOLA. Not familiar with the novel. Thérèse Raquin is the eponymous heroine.

12. Funny ones: WAGS. That's our Lois.

13. It's not always exact: Abbr.: SCI. Science?

21. Nick's wife: NORA. From "The Thin Man". Asta is their dog.

22. It may be deadly: SIN. Seven Deadly Sins. Jack likes to have biblical/church clues or fill in his puzzles "as a reminder of eternal values".

26. Four-time Hugo winner Frederik: POHL. Nope, sorry! Four-time Hugo does not mean anything to me.

27. Emerge suddenly: BOB UP

28. It's forecast in percentages: RAIN.

30. Glade target: ODOR. Glade is the air freshener brand.

31. Caterpillar's creation: TENT. No idea. It's cocoon also called TENT?

32. Glittery mineral: MICA. I've never associated mica with "glittery".

33. Nutritional stds.: RDAS

34. Stroller's rest spot: PARK BENCH

35. Saw, e.g.: TOOL. Thought of "old saying" saw first.

36. Musical with Grizabella and Growltiger: CATS. Waiting for Buckeye to comment.

39. Stadium party site: TAIL GATE. Great entry.

41. Hot Christmas staple: YULE LOG. Tom and Jerry jumped to my mind first.

44. Babe, for example: PIG. Babe is the name of the pig in the movie "Babe".

47. Turk, most likely: ASIAN. Some are European.

48. They have highs and lows: TIDES

49. Trumpeters on a lake: SWANS

50. "Boola Boola" singer: YALIE. "Boola Boola" is Yale's fighting song.

51. Hose material: NYLON

52. Dance that may involve a chair: HORA. The traditional Romanian and Israeli round dance. Was a chair involved in your wedding dance, Hahtool?

53. Diamond cover: TARP. Baseball diamond.

54. Albacore, e.g.: TUNA. Toro (in Sushi bar) is the fatty belly portion of tuna. Delicious!

55. From __: slight progress: A TO B

56. Assignment: JOB


  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - now this was a fun puzzle, along with a neat theme. Had a great time doing it.

    I did have some unknowns, including 'the fool in "Pagliacci"', 'Doc Golightly's portrayer' and the 'Musical with Grizabella and Growltiger', although that last one was kind of a giveaway. The perps gave me the beginning of the 'Therese Raquin' answer, and since we've had Emile Zola twice in a short time period, it was a gimme. My only criticism? 'Bob up'. Pop up, yes. Never heard 'bob up' used. Oh, wait. I didn't like both 'go on' and 'go in' in the same puzzle either.

    All in all, though, this one was pretty damn good. Favorite clues were 'strip lighter', and 'cost of freedom'.

    Had multiple answers for 'lickable treat', but only 'oreo' fit.

    Today is National Hat Day. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to KQ; may it be your best yet! Anything special planned?

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "Whether you think you can or that you can't, you're probably right." -- Henry Ford

    And a couple different perspectives on life:

    - "What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset." -- Crowfoot

    - "Life is like a very short visit to a toy shop between birth and death." --Desmond Morris

  2. Good Morning, CC and Friends. I thought this was a good Friday puzzle, although, I did finish it sooner than most Friday puzzles.

    I was amused by seeing Mean Business (EVIL) right beside Treat Kindly (BE NICE TO).

    I was sure that the Flakes were made of CORN. Even after I realized that didn't fit, I couldn't for the life of me think of BRAN.

    Sometimes doing the crossword ISN'T AN EXACT SCIENCE.

    My favorite clue was They Have Highs and Lows (TIDES).

    Happy Birthday, KQ. Have a good day and stay warm!

    QOD: Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together. ~ Carl Zwanzig

  3. I thought 10-A "pre bedtime fare" was kind of lousy.

  4. 27 Across______ Flakes I wanted Corn.

    51. Hose material: NYLON
    Nothing beats a great pair of legs!


    In honor of 51 down enjoy this classic from the Texas Top!

  5. Good morning C.C. and All, a slow slog for me this morning. A few unknowns today: Frederik Pohl 26D, Joni Mitchell 56A and “Thanks Heavens for Little Girls” musical 19A. This in addition to some very clever cluing and multiple word answers made for a fun and interesting puzzle, but also made for a difficult solve.

    I started this puzzle form the bottom up and it really helped because I got the theme early on and it helped with the other theme clue answers. The SE corner was the last to fall and I did need some help there. A to B was a long time in exposing itself as I wanted a tad and even after I got the fill I kept wondering what the he** is an atob.

    I guess “bob up” is ok for 27D, but I think pop up would have been better. I misspelled 10D as “Nagel” and never went back to make the change. so I had “aMac” for 16A which probably would have made sense to me if I had seen it. I entered corn in lieu of bran for 27A.

    Oh well I got er done.

    Hope you all have a great Friday.

  6. Here are a couple of other Mitchells. The first one I'm sure you know, C.C., it's John Mitchell who served as U.S. attorney general from 1969 to 1972 under Nixon. The other was The Chad Mitchell Trio, a vocally accomplished and politically controversial of the 1960s popular folk groups, which I'm sure Nixon and Mitchell hated.

    Here they perform a traditional song(Tell Old Bill) collected by American poet Carl Sandburg in the 1920's. (nice tie-in. Some of their other songs shouldn't be heard or seen at breakfast [Lizzie Borden, The Draft Dodger Rag].

  7. 19. "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" I was thinking of Nabokov's Lolita. But wonder what it could be since it was 4 letters.....The was played briefly during the 1997 version although I couldn't find a clip.

    Humbert Humbert played by Jeremy Irons. Lolita portrayed by Dominique Swain. 1997 version.


  8. Usual Friday challenge, but everything fell into place eventually. No help or errors. 26 minutes. I still don't understand 49 Across. Maybe someone could explain it.

  9. My solving was patchy today. Eventually got the top parts, but didn't know ZOT--I had ZOD/DENT, thinking of the Caterpillar machinery. Started with SHY for COY, couldn't get my (he)ad around stds. Thought of students, studies, but not standards. Had to G'spot IDAHO, still don't connect SYN with single--single what? The rest of the bottom was easy though. I did get all the names by perping and guessing.

    Sans Souci is the name of a palace complex in Potsdam, just outside of Berlin. There were times in German history when it was probably more important for the upper crust to know French than it was for them to use German.

    Had multiple answers for 'lickable treat'--had or have?

    Happy Birthday!

    I always thought Guy Mitchell, who had a couple of hits in the late 50s/early 60s(?) including Singing the Blues was the one after whom "Mitchell Blue" was named. But on trying to find him to look up his first name just now, I came upon Richard Allen Mitchell, who had the nickname of Blue and was a trumpeter. Maybe Jazzbumper will know more.

  10. Good morning. A fair slog but finally nailed it without erasures or lookups. Got the theme early which helped. Did not know NIGEL. Had ATOB but did not realize the connection to the clue until coming here. The perps helped a lot.

    Thought SYN and BAIL had clever clues. GONEBAD gave an aha moment, as did BAHN.

    ASIAN - do not see how a Turk would be 'most' likely, given the great ethnic diversity of Asia.

    San SOUCI in Potsdam is well known as one of Frederick the Great's palaces. He favored the French language even tho he was the Prussian leader.

    An IMAC was used in this post.:-)

    38º here today

  11. Good morning all! A better day for me today although I needed some help. Liked the theme, had to say "He's getting away..." over and over til it made sense...

    Had a really rough time with "piercing weapon," put ARROW in and was too stubborn to change it. Messed me all up. Also didn't know some names, Emile Zola and Nigel, TONIO, EBSEN. But it was pleasing nonetheless. Also had an arg moment with SIDEB.

    Can someone explain 49A? Single for one? Don't get it.

    Also welcome Chuck! I'm new too and having fun already.

  12. I had a little trouble with this one, like CC. Really liked "cost of freedom" and "strip lighter" like the others. I got the theme early on, but it still didn't help with filling in some of the answers. Was able to get it all done with some red letter help.

    I too am confused by TENT. I wanted MOTH instead.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. It is a rather biggie. Got my AARP card last week. For some reason I thought they started at 55 so I wasn't expecting it, but looking forward to using the discounts. I am working at the kids school today - my usual Friday gig. One year my son came in with all his friends and sang Happy Birthday to me - so sweet for a high schooler to do that. Hopefully today he will be as nice, although he left with a scowl on his face this am. We shall see. Otherwise, just nice dinners out so no cooking, always a good thing.

  13. Spitzboov,
    Wasn't Frederick the Great the one quoted as saying he only used German to talk to his horse? He used to go out on horseback and advise the peasants on planting potatoes (cut them so each pice has an eye), so I bet he spoke German to them as well.

    I'm wondering if SYNonym is for a single meaning for two words. But if so, the clue is still a bit vague, I think.

  14. amieeAya said Can someone explain 49A? Single for one?

    SYN = synonym; which single and one are. The clue called for the abbreviation.

  15. Kazie. I'm sure you are right about him knowing German. It's just that he preferred French when discussing philosopy, etc. He was absolutely delighted when I believe it was Voltaire came to visit and stayed for some time.

  16. Oooooohhhhh... I was reading too much into it. Thanks! And happy birthday KQ! I just love birthdays. A holiday all to oneself.

  17. Good morning all.

    I don't get a chance to comment often, but I still stop by every day to read.

    It was an easy puzzle for me today unlike most Fridays. I still wanted milk for pre-bed time fare
    snow flakes
    lance for piercing weapon
    aim for it may be deadly
    also moth for caterpillar's creation.
    here is some information on tent caterpillars

    Have a great day all

  18. Hi C.C. & gang, a real slog today, we only got ~25% done before my wife left for work.

    A very clever theme, only I didn't understand it until I came here.

    Here's Maurice Chevalier's version of thank heaven for little girls

  19. Happy Bithday, KQ.

    Oh! "he" is getting away. Clever. Another "oh" moment - "atob." It always takes me a while to sound out that kind of answer.

    Pretty much of a slog for me today. Didn't know most of the "pop culture" clues, although I did get "Joni" Mitchell right away. Had to "G" several of them. I guess I'm the only oldie who penciled in "soap" for flakes!

    Dennis, I love that quotation by Crowfoot. I used to have it on a plaque in my office.

    46º right now. Should be in the 50s today. That's OK for this time of year.

  20. Happy birthday, KQ!

    I was enjoying today's puzzle online while waiting at the repair shop (I love having WI-FI now!). They finished the car when I was only half done with the puzzle. So I paid the bill and sat back down to finish while I still had their connection! I couldn't walk away from it...

    I'll post about the puzzle later. Today is a forced furlough (unpaid)day for our organization, so I'm off to find a way to enjoy it. Interesting method of dealing with the enconomic crisis - close down business for a day... This is the first of 5 days spread throughout the year.

  21. I wore out my eraser on this one. Often had to go to a second and third guess, only to find out my first one was correct. Just couldn't get on the same wavelength, I guess.

    Least favorite: OREO. I've done a lot of things to an oreo, but I can't remember ever licking one.

    Mariposa - Thanks for the link on TENT caterpillars. That one was just not making any sense before.

    But other than the aforementioned whining, it was a nice Friday challenge. I always enjoy the ones where I learn something new.

  22. Hi c.c. and all:

    Loved this puzzle, made me ponder a lot for the answers to some. I wanted food or drink for pre-bedtime fare; snow instead of bran flakes. Did not know the theme til the very end when I had that "aha" moment. Once I got Imac, then Emile Zola was a gimme. I had Gags instead of Wags at first. Although I had Atob for the answer didn't know what it was until I came here.

    Favorite clues: Cost of freedom? Some fiction and Stadium party site.

    Dennis: I was okay with Bob up, as in bob up and down in water or bobbing for apples.

    Have a great day everyone.

    71 degrees currently and supposed to reach 76 degrees today in Port Charlotte, FL

  23. CC: yes we did do the traditional chair lifting at my wedding. We also had a chuppah that Dennis referred to earlier this week.

  24. @g8rmonx2, keep that warm weather there as I will be in Port Charlotte next week. I will be happy to see the 70's as yesterday was the first day above freezing this year.

    Happy Birthday KQ, have a lot of fun in the 70 degree heat.

  25. Hi gang -

    BOB UP works if you're going to give your teacher an apple with tooth marks on it. Like Dick, I had NAGEL and A MAC. A MAC actually works, as MAC could be a Macintosh apple, and constructors sometimes put an indefinite article a the start of a fill - though I hate it when they do.
    Didn't care much for the NE corner. Clue for NEWS is not good, clue for SCI was inexact.

    Yes, "single" and "for one" are synonyms, but there seems to be something a bit dishonest about a self-referential clue. Is this being misleading in an unfair way? I'm conflicted.

    Went through CORN and SNOW before settling on BRAN, which the perps forced.

    I remember ZOT in B.C. when somebody got struck by lightening, which was not uncommon. I think that preceded ZOT, as used by the anteater, and perhaps justified it in context.

    Kazie - sorry, can't help with the Mitchells. Though I think Dennis the Menace was one.

    I like this theme a lot, and I think 4 entries, is fine, espacially with two @ 14. YOUNG AT ART is fabulous, though I can remember hating finger painting as a kid. My reaction was: you can't be serious, AT ALL!

    Lunch time. Gotta run.


  26. Wow! Had a tough time with this'un. Couldn't get wrapped around the theme. Finally got it, but it took forever. I guess it goes back to the recent study from John Hopkin's that said men think about sex seven times a day. I guess I need more sleep.

    Jazzbumpa; From a trumpet player to a trombonist; keep the mouthpiece moist. In hoc. (To anyone who is a Sigma Chi).

    I must be off

  27. Jeanne: "I'll Be There".

    My old Irish friend, Colon Oscopy stopprd by to say "Hiddy". It was good to see him, but I refused to shake hands with him.


  28. I know you don't think I'm funny, but I sure crack ME up. Oh poop: Here comes Ratchet with the electrodes. Pain and slobber ahead. Bye, ya'all.


  29. The Hugo is an award given to science fiction authors. My favorite Frederik Pohl book is "Gateway", in which humans find a cache of ancient alien devices. Most of the book describes how humans use trial and error to learn how to operate these devices. The technical part of the story seems very realistic to me.

  30. Jazz,
    Thanks for trying anyway.

    I changed my avatar again, because Trudi's coloring wasn't bright enough for me to find easily when counting posts. The new one is another flower from Olbrich Gardens in Madison. As long as we had a caterpillar's TENT in today's puzzle, I thought I'd point out the caterpillar on the flower's leaf. He's really rather spectacular if you zoom your page to 400% so it's clearer.

  31. OK.I get 49A now. "Single" is a synonym for "one." Working out some clues is like looking at optical illusions. You have to get out of your usual mindset and think creatively. I'm usually pretty good at that, but for some reason this one stumped me this morning. I worked out the right answer but couldn't figure out exactly what it meant. Thanks for the hints provided in various posts today.

  32. Good Morning All, High school French kicked in pretty easily with SOUCI, although Keat's poem "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" was the first thing I thought of. Not the same thing at all.

    After the NW corner, I had a lot of blanks the first time around...picket fence galore!

    The last place to finish up was the mid-east. ZOT, TENT and TALON were a long slog to figure out. Thanks for the TENT information, Mariposa.

    My "D'oh!" moment was SYN for "Single, for one"

    When I "go to town", any of which is about an hour's drive away, I often bring one of my musical sountrack CD's. I was listening to CATS just last week. (Watch out passers-by, I sing along!)

    KQ, welcome to the best half of life. Always the optimist, I think a hopefully healthy 100 year life span is a reasonable expectation.

  33. Good morning, Everyone! Frustrating but fun puzzle once I gave up trying to work it from the top down. After filling in the 'mid' west, I got 'mrpotatoad' so thought I was on to the clue with 'toad' so was looking for a frog theme. Only cleared that up when I filled in 'hesgettingaway'.

    Filled in Zola with the perps and then Emile was a gimme.

    I had silk for caterpillar's creation. When I filled in zot, that forced me to think of something else which helped that side fill in.

    I have a real problem with talon as a piercing weapon. I guess I can buy piercing claw which is used as a weapon but that was my least favorite clue.

    Loved Carl Sandberg which brought me back to probably 3rd grade English class and his poem, Fog.

    The fog comes
    on little cat feet.

    It sits looking
    over harbor and city
    on silent haunches
    and then moves on.

    Thank you, Argyle, for the memory prompt of the Chad Mitchell Trio. Had forgotten about them. Enjoyed the clips.

    And who doesn't like ZZTops, Legs. Thanks, Red State Dem!

    I'm enjoying the snow melt today. High of 37! Woo Hoo! Spring can't be far behind!

  34. KQ,
    ClearAyes is right. With the possible exception of last year, the year I was fifty was the best year of my life. Hope it is for you, too.

    What you said. All of it. There is no reason not to be optimistic. Thanks.

  35. G'mornin' all. Fairly easy go today. I had my wife helping as she in on her 2nd forced furlough today. When she is on her game, she's pretty sharp. She guessed Emile Zola, and got the theme when I was still trying to wake up. I got stuck trying B side in 1A, but figured it out with the perps. Was stuck with talon, cause I didn't think of it as a weapon, but, I guess if a fist can be a weapon, so can a talon. And, although I do like some of ZZ Top's music, that video was totally goofy.

  36. GAH and I had dinner with friends last night. She is 66, sweet, intelligent and amusing. He will be 91 years old in a couple of weeks. He is charming, courtly and utterly fascinating. I can understand how he, at 51, swept his 26 year old oboe student off her feet.

    He and GAH are out on the course today. Our friend golfs about his age plus 10 or 15. No wonder I am optimistic about a long healthy life.

    I know I have posted this before, but it is such a lovely sentiment, so here it is again, a verse from "Rabbi Ben Ezra" by Robert Browning.

    Grow old along with me!
    The best is yet to be,
    The last of life, for which the first was made:
    Our times are in His hand
    Who saith "A whole I planned,
    Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!"

  37. Red state democrat- I like your link for nylons.

    Dennis, 'lickable treat' comes in two shapes besides a cone that I know of. heh heh.

    The original 'Lolita' starred James Mason but I can't think of the girl who played Lolita.


  38. Good afternoon, everyone.

    I surely didn't do well on this one. Clever theme, but the kind I don't like – leaving out letters that we're supposed to grok. I never do. And I could not think of anything for lickable ( my spell check wants two words, or at least a hyphen) treat except cone. Never eat oreos, let alone lick them. And I could not get beyond corn flakes.

    Liked iMac – this is written on one – and Mr Potato Ad.

    Happy birthday KQ, and welcome to the AARP crowd.


  39. The original 'Lolita' starred James Mason but I can't think of the girl who played Lolita.

    Sue Lyon.

  40. Hahtool: A Yiddish proverb: No chupa, no schtupa."
    Rough translation :" No wedding, no bedding"

  41. Never a negative post from Dennis. Thanks for being constructive and positive, Sir.

  42. Oh, I almost forgot. At the reception after my son's marriage about a year ago to an Israeli girl (young woman), those zany Israelis did the Hora dance & had me in a chair held over their heads, no small feat! I would have been scared if it wasn't for the wine!

  43. Hi C.C. and all you smart people!

    What a puzzle - it fit my expectation for a Friday. Got nowhere in the top area and finally found my footing at the mid to lower part. Worked my way back up but the SE was the hardest part. I did get Nigel and Gigi but that was it. I never watch the news before bedtime. I always am fooled by Apple clues, I rarely think of the computer. Why is WAGS 'funny ones'? Don't get it.

    Mariposa, thanks so much for the link on those caterpillar's. I had never heard of 'tent' as a species. I absolutely detest moths of any kind but don't know why as the poor things are harmless. I guess it's the fluttering (silently). I actually jumped out of our car (it was moving VERY slowly) when I saw a moth in it.

    Happy Birthday KQ...hope you really do something special...and remember it to talk about.

    VTQuiltmom: thanks for the Carl Sandburg of my favorites.

    CA: how sweet that your friends could actually grow 'older' together, being that there is such a difference in their ages. Hope I can still do what I love at the age of 91! Practice, practice so you don't atrophy. Getting out 'in life' is the secret. Be as active as you can for as long as you can. :)

  44. I'm not sure this is true, but I seem to recall that when the original Lolita was made, Sue Lyon couldn't attend the gran opening because she was too young to be admitted.


  45. Hello.

    This cw was delightful. I loved it.

    Sorry to go off topic but would like to contact Spitzboov. His avatar looks and sounds familar.

    Have a nice day.

  46. Hello All--I started doing the puzzle today while waiting for a recall repair on my car. I only finished about half of the puzzle before my car was done. But I needed to Google a lot of answers when I got back home. This was a difficult slog for me today as there were too many unknowns, mostly names.

    I realized the he was gone from art to HEart, but didn't understand the other theme answers until I came here.

    The references to San Souci are interesting. My reference is the last name of a children's author. Actually brothers who write and illustrate excellent children's books. They live here in the bay area and Dan San Souci has been to my school for Author's Days. Interesting that place names become sur names very often.

    KQ, Happy Birthday and many more. Now you are eligible for the Senior Discount. Don't hesitate to use it!

    Kazie, The caterpillar in your new avatar looks like a Monarch Butterfly Larva. I always had these in my classroom at the beginning of school. Their chrysillis is a beautiful lime green color with gold highlights. We have a Monarch butterfly refuge on the coast near Monterey which draws many tourists during the spring.

  47. Chickie, there is another Monarch Butterfly Grove just south of Pismo Beach CA. We've been there while visiting GAH's brother. The butterflies are an amazing sight when they totally cover the branches and look like beautiful gold and black leaves.

    Chuck of the West's comment about "those zany Israelis" made me laugh.

    This morning's "B.C." comic reference reminded me of the needlework gift I made for GAH for his birthday several years ago. It seemed like a perfectly logical response from a non-golfing wife to her addicted husband.

  48. Good afternoon all! This puzzle was "OK" for me, and I had a semi-difficult time. I came here for many answers.

    I didn't get oreo for lickable treat...I usually forcefully 'tongue' the filling off!

    Happy Birthday KQ and many more!

    Many friends in Doctors Without Borders are heading to Haiti and truly having a difficult time
    getting there. The FAA is trying to get ATC in to help them "TURN and BURN" the aircraft faster on the ground. I have also found the Red Cross is ready and easily available to process your monetary donations. I gave to them. It was not much, but I hope it helps.

    Didn't John Lennon use part of that poem- Rabbi Ben Ezra? Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be? Clear Ayes you have such a wonderful 'way' about you.

    Have a great evening! It is 73 here today and the hot tub is ready

    Aimee your blog is very sweet.

  49. Ah yes I almost forgot, JONI was a given as I love her music. As for Lolita, I listened to it on cd and Jeremy Irons narrated. I would highly recommend this as a way to do this book. He was fabulous.

    AmieeAya - I just read your great blog. How cool to have a youngster with us. I am a super scrapbooker also. You are getting a weekend and I am so jealous. I did one in October and got 36 pages done - 3 years of my sons life.

    Dick, why would you think I am sunning in 70 degree weather in MN? Wish I was though.

    JimmyB - there was a commercial about licking an oreo at some point. However, I agree that I would have never thought of that as an answer without the perps.

    Windhover and ClearAyes, I hope you are right, although I cannot complain about the first 50.

  50. "The fog comes on little cat feet". So does my angina. Nothing said, nothing gained.


  51. Good evening CC et al., What a cute and enjoyable puzzle! Really liked the theme and clues. Loved the North Central. Made me miss my cowboys in OK with buck'aroo' who sing like the 'Soggy' Bottom Boys 'sang' in Brother Where Art Thou. And Man, they can really yodel esp when there's a 'lickable treat' in hand. One of 'em can get so high, you could 'tuna' a 'pig' squeal to it but a pig's voice sounds like 'cats' 'gone bad'. His voice is as silky smooth as 'nylon'. I can't wait for those campfires in the cool 'of eve'ning, sitting near the
    'tailgate's, sans 'souci', 'til' the wee hours of the morning. I do love 'mi-ca'wboys.

    Happy belated birthday JD. Hope you have many many more.

    Happy birthday KQ. I hope you have a great time and many many more as well.

    Buckeye: I'll put an order in for some Buckeye Boobs. Anything to keep you with us.

    Enjoy your night.

  52. @Lois: You're response was wonderful. Thanx so much, (I think you're new avatar picture looks just like ya).



  53. Did I really print "you're" instead of "your"? May the "Grammer Nazies" kill me!!

    It's time for self flagilationablitytome. (See Fred).


  54. Good afternoon CC and all,

    Thx for all the nice b'day wishes.Our trip to the coast was fabulous. There were 100's of Elephant seals lolling around on the sand dunes and beaches. The females were nursing new babies; the younger males separate themselves from the rest as they are too young to mate or fight. The little ones,"weaner pods",scoot around wondering why they have been abandoned. Four wks after the females give birth, they mate and swim out to sea for 11 months.TMI?

    Happy B'day KQ!!!Hopefully you won't have to cook today either!

    Spitzboov,syn explanation great.thx

    Mariposa, nice link. Have never heard of tent c.Thought it was a name of a company that made tents.D'oh! Wanted pupa, but perps redirected me.

    BTW, this c/w took a lot of visits back and forth, and Truman can't help yet.

    CA, no matter how many times I see that poem, I read it over several times..lovely.Did you know that Alcatraz Island also has Monarchs hanging all over a few of its trees?

    Lois, another terrific write up.

    Buckeye, it is impossible not to like your humor!

  55. I realize that "Buckeye" limited out on his 5 posts, but my name is Dick Enormous, and I spilled coffee on Budkeye's keyboard. He was electrocuted. We thought he was deader than yesterdays news but we backed up an 18 wheeler and jump started his heart. I think he'll make it. Stay tuned for developments.

    He might be off

  56. Geez, Buckeye (aka Dick Enormous - LMAO)
    Damn near spewed my beer all over my screen on that one!

    Maybe you will get a dispensation from the powers and be able to post all you want. Be sure to kiss the 'ring' or whatever will work.

  57. No time to do the puzzle until tonight as I was out and about finding a smaller venue in Mpls to hold our fall foodshow while trying to get the spring foodshow contracts out on time. Anyway, comments: I wanted shy for demure, to me "fare" means food or drink, luckily got "bran" as I had the a and n down letters. G-spot included Therese Raquin and Nick's wife Nora was a WAG. Favorite clues were "may be deadly" - sin and "some fiction" - pulp. Didn't understand "automobile route" - bahn and "from atob?"

    Personal notes:
    Mariposa, good to see your comments here on the blog again. If anyone knows about larva and catapillars it's you.

    Democrat, that get up looks mighty uncomfortable.

    KQ, happy, happy birthday! Did you score Vikings tickets? If you did, can I come?

    Buckeye, I'll leave the light on.

    Dennis, I conjured up another lickable treat spelled, C_N_...yep cone. My favorite is butter pecan.

  58. I completed the theme fills, but didn't "get" the theme itself until coming here.

    Yikes, KQ! I was getting used to 50 being around the corner (okay, in a year and a half still), but it hadn't dawned on me that I'd be AARP material so soon!

    Argyle: Thanks for the Guy Mitchell clip. I have 2 of his other songs on my playlist: "My Truly Truly Fair" and "There's a Pawn Shop On The Corner in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania". Truly Fair is a great toe-tapper, and hard to listen to without improving your mood!

    Chickie: It looks like we started the day the same way - doing the puzzle while getting a recall repair done on our cars! When I read your post, I thought you were replying to mine at first. LOL!

    Jazzbumpa: I liked your Costco/feeding the trolls comment late last night!

    Buckeye and Lois: The Buckeye Boobs must be the ones made with rum, vs. the bourbon Balls. Actually, my sister makes Buckeyes every year at Christmas - peanut butter balls, dipped in chocolate, with just a small amount of the PB showing to make them look like actual buckeyes.

  59. Jeannie--55D is A to B, not atob. And 62A's clue is automobil (German) route, so the answer is "Bahn" (German)--some basic German vocab.

  60. Bob, thanks for the clarification, but never taking any German language classes you can see why it didn't dawn on me. Also thank you for A to B...for the life of me I didn't seem to see it. Kind of like the other day's MA & PA - sts. Sometimes you "see" 'em sometimes you don't.

    KQ, C.C. and all you other MN's out there here is the venue we have picked for our fall show. It is just breathtaking and the very depot that was a big part of MN culture. There is still a lot of history and artifacts included throughout the hotel and subsequent halls you can rent. I was very impressed. I haven't seen their quote yet, but their sales staff was more than accommodating...even bought lunch, which was good by the way.

  61. Jeannie, the reason you don't get the simple answers is because you are a "dumb" blonde. Please realize that you can't get by on your looks anymore. From your profile you are hitting damn near 48. When are you going to quit snowing us intelligent people with your inane comments and recipes. If you are trying to impress us with your "so called" job, it doesn't work as we all have a pretty good idea how you got there, and it probably was on top of something.

  62. Sorry Dennis and C.C. but this one I can't let go.

    Anon, I put myself through college working at a strip club and blew every prof I had. Somehow I ended up with a Cost Accountant degree. Jeez, you are spot on sport. It's a mystery why some company has kept me on so long. Must be doing the guy in the corner office too. Give me and everyone else here on this blog a break and climb back under your bridge.

  63. Jeannie. The last time I was in Minnesota, I was fishing and found out the mosquitoes were big enough to stand flat-footed and f*** a turkey. Still true????


  64. Buckeye, it depends how deep into the forest you go and the dampness level. If you keep your grass cut it really cuts down on the infestation from my experience.

  65. KQ and JD-Happy Birthday! I hope you found some way to make your days special!

    CA-Loved your needlework tribute to GAH, which I believe is a counted cross stitch. Too funny!

  66. Annette: Buckeye Boobs would have to be made here with TLC and Southern Comfort. As the name implies, my con-coc-tion has the qualities that will satisfy Buckeye's needs in many ways - give him a spirits- help him reach that full release....of tension - and finally help him relax in full satisfaction. I'll bet he'll eat two at a time and with finesse.

    Buckeye: Thanks for the compliment on the resemblance between Chef Hobie and me. xxxxxooooo back atcha!

  67. Jeannie, loved your venue choice; I've never been in a Marriott I didn't like, and I've never met a person who works for Marriott who didn't enjoy working for Marriott. They will be good people to work with.

    Loved your reply to the a**h** @9:22. Funny how "Mr Intelligent-not" throws your age out there. Doesn't he know that woman just get better with age?

  68. oops, women...oh, and some men :)

  69. MJ, Yup, counted cross stitch. It is hanging in our family room.

    Good for you, Jeannie.

    I can't tell you how annoyed I get when someone insinuates that women over a certain age, aren't attractive or desirable. It is misogynistic and shows a decided lack of intelligence, eduction and understanding. It is a direct attack on all women, not just on blondes...or brunettes...or redheads. Heaven forbid one of us hideous old crones with gray or graying hair should dare to think we could be attractive to the opposite sex. Arrggghh!

  70. Jeannie: I think Anon. has the hots for you, really bad! But he knows he hasn't got a chance with such a pretty, classy, intelligent woman as you, being the scum that he is. That's why he needs to be so insulting and tries to pick on you. If he ever thought he had a chance with you, he'd sign his name, toss up a photo, and revel in your wit and culinary skills.

  71. Okay, had to count my comments and make the last comment count. I have said before that I can't help how I was born and made to look. I am also going to say that I have never "counted" on those genes for anything and my life has been anything but easy. I will also say, that I am very smart and did well in high school and college. This one is for you anon, I was also a cheerleader. (go into fantasy land now and let us know how that turns out, I am giving you 20 secs). I found this blog pretty much the same way anyone did, and that was hitting Mr. G for an answer. I have been out of line here in the past, got my hand spanked, realized my indiscretions and vowed to never come back. Well, here I am. Back. I have made a great bunch of friends here on this blog and couldn't see myself not contributing. I also think I look pretty damn hot for my age. I, like you don't have a low self asteem. If you find me offensive I will repeat a quote from last night. I don't give a rat's ass. C.C. if I over stepped the boundaries on this one you know what to do. I am just tired of the attacks for no apparent reason and if you think that I am a hinderance to this otherwise fun blog let me know by e-mail and I will become a Linda.


  72. Jeannie - don't let the "snowing us" or "impress us" and "we have" nonsense fool you. That Anonymous is just ONE jealous petty person, not everyone who contributes to, or just reads this blog. I think most people enjoy your comments and your recipes too. Don't let him, or maybe it is a her, chase you away from a blog you are a very nice part of.

  73. Clarifying even further the automobil clue: Bob is right about that spelling being German so it has a direct relationship to Autobahn--the German version of a freeway. The French spelling would be automobile, like English, but their version of freeway (not free, BTW), is called autoroute, so the route is a direct fit in the clue too.

    If anon had more knowledge of "simple clues" than Jeannie, he would have been able to explain that too.

    The Guy Mitchell clip was mine.

  74. Yes, Annette, we both spent part of our morning at the car dealer's service department. Supposedly I won't have an engine fire with the repair that was made today. I'm glad for that!

    CA, I haven't tried to do a link to something on the internet. Thanks for linking the Monarch Butterfly picture. It was beautiful. I didn't know about the Pismo Beach refuge.

    Jeannie the venue for your show looks great. Hope it works out.

  75. Since this a late post, nobody will read it. I want "anon" to keep posting. There is nothing that I enjoy more than comments from an idiot.
    It actually makes me feel intelligent. Imagine that.

    Keep it up, "anon". I'm beginning to think I belong in the "Mensus" establishmentarianisticialism group. (See Fred)


  76. @KQ, my 11:37 comment was said with a "bit of tongue in cheek."

  77. Anonymous @ 9:15 PM,

    You are like school on Saturday NO CLASS.

    Besides if you weren't scared you would post under your real name instead of hiding behind Anonymous.

    I like Jeannie and the rest of the bloggers do also and we like reading her comments. You owe her an apology. Also if you don't like what she writes don't read her comments.


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