, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Thursday January 28, 2010 Donna S. Levin

Gary's Blog Map

Jan 28, 2010

Thursday January 28, 2010 Donna S. Levin

Theme: Sex Change - "Sex" in each familiar phrase gets a vowel change.

20A. Music lessons for Bill Clinton?: SAX EDUCATION. Sex Education. Clinton loves sax.

39A. Documentary about Chicago's relationship with its team?: SOX AND THE CITY. "Sex and the City" (TV series or the movie). Chicago White Sox.

57A. More equitable of two civil case juries?: THE FAIRER SIX. The Fairer Sex (Women). Was unaware that civil case only needs 6 jurors.

Rather unexpected theme concept. Light but amusing theme clues & answers.

My favorite is SAX EDUCATION. Received no sex education when I grew up. Sex was a forbidden topic in our school. I also laughed at SOX AND THE CITY. Great documentary title. Complicated relationship I am sure. "The City" probably loves the Cubs more.

A friendlier Thursday for me. Plenty of "fill-in-the-blank" partials definitely helped.


1. Trip with much hardship: TREK. Easy start.

5. Ampule: VIAL. Misread the clue as "Ample".

9. Bikini blast, briefly: H-TEST. No A-TEST wobbling today due to the intersecting HANOI (9D. Capital on the Red River).

14. Prefix with port: HELI. Heliport, a landing place for helicopters. I blanked.

15. FAQ responses, e.g.: INFO

16. Belittle: ABASE

18. "Gosh darn it!": RATS

19. Language that gives us "floe": NORSE. I only know Norse gives us "troll".

23. Oscar-winning role for Forest: IDI (Amin). In 2007. What's your favorite Forest Whitaker movie? Mine is "Good morning, Vietnam" .

24. PC backup key: ESC

25. Corrosion-resistant metal: IRIDIUM. Used in hardening platinum for alloys (as for surgical instruments). The suffix "ium" suggests metallic element.

29. Letter flourish: SERIF

31. Sgt. Snorkel's pooch: OTTO. Used to stump me.

33. An A will usually raise it: Abbr.: GPA

34. Science opening?: NEURO. Opening of the word neuroscience.

36. Most congenial: NICEST. Like PJB-Chicago.

42. Event with a piñata: FIESTA

43. Stuffing stuff: EIDER. Eider down. Pillow stuffing. I was thinking of Thanksgiving turkey.

44. "Exodus" hero: ARI. Learned from doing Xword.

45. At the top of the heap: BEST

47. Roman __: thinly disguised fiction: A CLEF. Real story depicted in fictional guise. Like Sylvia Plath's "The Bell Jar", her semi-autobiography. "Roman à clef" is French for “novel with a key.” Roman = Novel. Clef = Key.

51. Often scandalous book genre: TELL- ALL. It's a genre?

54. Dawdle behind: LAG

56. Old name of Tokyo: EDO. Before 1868.

60. With alacrity: APACE. "Alacrity" is a new word to me. I do know "celerity" though. Same meaning: "speed".

63. Ruminate: MUSE

64. Prefix with dextrous: AMBI. Ambidextrous. Prefix meaning "both".

65. Its capital is Apia: SAMOA. More often we see APIA clued as "Samoa capital".

67. Despicable: VILE

68. Almost boil: SCALD. Always associated the word with "boiling" rather than "almost boil".

69. Political cartoonist Thomas: NAST. The guy who created GOP elephant/Democratic donkey.

70. Israeli statesman Weizman: EZER. Former Israeli president Weizman in 1990s. I forgot. Hebrew name meaning "help".


1. One of Luther's 95: THESIS. Martin Luther's "The Ninety-Five Theses".

2. Like "The Day the Earth Stood Still," in 2008: REMADE. Easy guess.

3. Alchemist's creation: ELIXIR

4. Hawk family bird: KITE

5. High-tech invader: VIRUS. Took the Geek Squad guy almost two hours to get rid of the virus on my computer last time.

6. Of one mind: IN ACCORD. Very well matched.

7. Aptly named shaving lotion: AFTA. "After".

8. Became unhinged: LOST IT

10. Govt. security: T- BOND. How is it different from T- BILL again?

11. Otologist's concern: EAR

12. Org. dodged by draft dodgers: SSS. Plenty of D alliteration.

13. Driver's starting point: TEE. Golf club "driver".

21. Take down: DEFEAT

22. Did a laundry chore: IRONED. Ironing can be soothing.

26. "__ a Kick Out of You": Cole Porter: I GET. I figured it's either I GET or I GOT.

27. "__-daisy!": UPSY

28. Welcome spot: MAT. Welcome mat.

30. "What You Need" band: INXS. The Australia band. Pronounced like "in excess". I've never heard of the song.

32. Carryalls: TOTES

35. Lacking capacity: UNABLE

37. 2002 movie with Manny the Mammoth: ICE AGE. Was unaware of the movie. Is Manny the big guy?

38. Newspaper concern, esp. lately: CIRC (Circulation)

39. Bold Ruler, to Secretariat: SIRE. Unknown trivia to me.

40. Versailles eye: OEIL. French for "eye".

41. Schedules of problems to be dealt with: HIT LISTS. I always connect "hit list" with Mafia murder.

42. More than plump: FAT

46. Jenna of "Dharma & Greg": ELFMAN. Her name escaped me. She's pretty good in "Keeping the Faith".

48. Musical based on an 1862 novel, for short: LES MIZ. "Les Misérables". Who can forget Susan Boyle's "I Dreamed a Dream"?

49. Safe to put away: EDIBLE. Thought of the storage. Was ignorant of the "eat" meaning of "put away".

50. More artful: FOXIER. Not SLIER this time.

52. Henry Blake's title on "M*A*S*H": LT. COL (Lieutenant Colonel). Stumper.

53. Good place to get?: AHEAD. "Get ahead". Got me also.

55. "Give it __!": A REST

59. Uninhibited party: RAVE

60. The law, according to Mr. Bumble: ASS. No idea. From "Oliver Twist". Mr. Bumble said " The law is a ass, a idiot".

61. Lobbying gp.: PAC. NRA came to mind first.

62. Org. for GPs: AMA

Answer grid.



  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - I knew this was gonna be a good puzzle as soon as I got to 'sax education', and it didn't disappoint. Outstanding, funny theme, and clever clues that made you think outside the crosswordese box. Did I mention I loved the theme?

    I always like seeing 'Les Miz' in a puzzle; by far my favorite musical. So many great songs. Had to use the perps to figure out which 'corrosion-resistant metal' it was. Also needed perps for 'Ezer' Weizman, 'One of Luther's 95' and 'The law, according to Mr. Bumble'. Favorite clue, 'stuffing stuff' -- as with C.C., I went down the wrong path.

    C.C., I agree, Forest Whitaker was outstanding in 'Good Morning, Vietnam'.

    Today is Fun At Work Day, and National Kazoo Day. So have some fun at work and blow a kazoo. (Can't wait to see what this triggers.)

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." -- Bill Cosby

    Mr. Fun Facts is back:

    - First movie kiss: May Irwin and John Rice in The Widow Jones (1896).

    - Humphrey Bogart's lisp was the result of a Navy injury: A prisoner smacked him in the mouth.

  2. Am I the only one having trouble connecting to

  3. The president is a fan of The White Sox.

    INXS What You Need


    My fav INXS song was Original Sin 1984


    The original lead singer Michael Hutchence committed suicide in 1997.


  4. anon@5:50, no, it looks like they're having server problems.

  5. INXS The one thing Best song ever! :-)

    The one thing


  6. Morning, CC and friends. This was a good Thursday puzzle, but a tad easier than I expected. Great theme. I like puzzles that change a vowel in the theme.

    For Govt. security, I was trying to figure out a response that related to airport security. Aha, the other kind of security.

    I, too, was thinking of food for stuffing stuff.

    Paul Newman played Ari in the movie "Exodus." Still a classic.

    Thanks to all who gave me advice on a scenic California trip.

    QOD: I believe that the good Lord gave us a finite number of heartbeats, and I'm damned if I'm going to use mine up running up and down a street. ~ Neil Armstrong.

  7. Good morning all, and a special shout out to all the fish hairs out there.

    I liked the VIAL, VILE echo, and the state of mind misdirection of Govt. security: T- BOND (which are for longer terms than TBILLS. We have Bills as very short term, TNOTES are medium term and then TBONDS. I also liked Safe to put away: EDIBLE

    While not my favorite, I will never forget FOREST Whitaker in The Crying Game , though I never understood why so many were surprised by the plot.

    For those who have been blogging a while, we once had a heated debate about "__-daisy!": UPSY, hmm, sounds silly.

  8. Good morning! This was a really fun puzzle, I was tickled by Sax Education early on and it continued to please.

    I learned a new word today. Didn't know that alacrity meant speed. I thought it meant clarity. If we learn something new every day, I got mine out of the way early!

    Also didn't know "roman a clef", and Les Miz was a d'oh moment for me. Scratched my head for a while over the clue.

    We're in the deep freeze here today, but it's better than the storms happening elsewhere.

    Enjoy the day!

  9. Good morning, C.C. and all,

    I enjoyed this morning's puzzle and found it to be a little harder than yesterday's. My time was 27. I had to work around some of the show biz clues such as Elfman and Les Miz. Best clue for me was a good place to get, seconded by safe to put away. The theme was clever and disclosed itself pretty easily.

    We are bracing for our second major cold front of the winter, scheduled to blow in tomorrow morning and take us down to freezing again. My house and many others here was built in the '70s when energy was cheap. It is all electric, and my bill for last month was almost $500, unheard of for this area.

    Have a great day.

  10. Morning all,
    I did this puzzle online today because of a light coating of snow and was too lazy to get my boots and walk down the long driveway. It seemed easier than a usual Thursday but fun answers. I thought Forest was great as Idi--so believable. It has been a long time since I read “Exodus”; may have to put that on my reread list. Ironing is actually a household chore I don’t mind doing--especially with a T.V. on. Ray Romano was Manny and I love him in his new TNT show, Men of a Certain Age. It really is a well-written and acted series.

    Yesterday was a great day with my neighbor home from Afghanistan and I also became a great aunt to little Mia born yesterday at 1:10 p.m. So excited for both families. I’m going to include my recipe for chocolate cake even though that is Jeannie’s forte. I have made this cake for over 25 yrs. with great results.

    Moist chocolate cake
    2 cups flour
    1 tsp. salt
    1 tsp. baking powder
    2 tsps. Baking soda
    ¾ cup cocoa
    2 cups sugar
    1 cup oil
    1 cup hot coffee
    1 cup milk
    2 eggs
    1 tsp. vanilla
    Mix all dry ingredients. Add all liquids. Mix for 2 min. Add eggs and vanilla and beat 2 more min. Bake at 350 for 35 min. I use a recipe from 10x sugar box for the frosting. Enjoy.

  11. Yep, liked the theme today, lots of fun.

    Not much time to comment, with such a busy day ahead. Senior day at our son's swim meet, so it is lots of planning for the captain's parents. I have bunches of errands to run.

    Read last nights comments. Hahtool, I too will mention my San Simeon experiences. Everyone is correct that the scenery is unbelievable in that area. Well worth the drive even if you don't see the castle. However, I have taken the tour twice and I absolutely love it. Each tour guide will have different stories to share about a man who was larger than life and a house gone out of control. Well worth the time IMHO.

    ClearAyes, yes we do sometimes drink wine, if there is a celebration of some sort or if we are scrapping an entire weekend we would of course never skip imbibing some. However, as I have kids to return to in the afternoon, we tend to keep that to a minimum. We still have a lovely time and create incredible memories for our families.

  12. Good morning C. C. and everyone. Nice cw today with some challenges; no big kerfuffles. Had to 'ruminate' in the SE corner. Had mOXIER, so missed ACLEF. No lookups, tho. Theme helped with much of the fill.

    EIDER - cleverly worded clue. Also a border river between Schleswig and Holstein in Germany.

    Capitals: HANOI, Apia, EDO.

    FLOE - (ie. ice floe) Sometimes misspelled as flow.

  13. Jeanne said Yesterday was a great day with my neighbor home from Afghanistan and I also became a great aunt to little Mia born yesterday at 1:10 p.m


  14. Does anyone remember that today is the 24th anniversary of the space shuttle Challenger explosion? For some reason, probably the death of the non-astronaut school teacher Christa McAuliffe, this event had a profound psychological effect on me at the time. After
    not owning or watching a TV since 1973, I went out that day a purchased a small color portable TV, and probably viewed the explosion a hundred or more times over the next few days. Luckily, I "lost" the TV in a subsequent divorce, and haven't watched much since.

    During one of my very infrequent forays into the rest of the blog world (this is the only one I view regularly), I recently read a comment on the other xword blog saying that the attention of this group tends to stray away from the puzzle in the afternoon and evening. I suppose the above comment is an example of that, although more commonly the drift of the conversation is based on a word or clue in the puzzle. As many posters here have noted, after a time everything that can be said about the puzzle proper has been said. Although I took the other-blog comment as criticism of this one, I'm pretty sure the interesting flow of conversation (and the tendency to DF-ness) is what keeps many of us coming here day after day.
    Any thoughts?

  15. Good Morning All, The SEXy theme dawned on me with 39A SOX AND THE CITY. It seems that Thursdays usually have more theme entries, but I don't think S-X could have gone anyplace else after SAX, SOX and SIX.

    I had TREK for 1A and then wrote in TENETS for 1D. That took a while to sort out.

    As is happening too often, the NE slowed me down the most. I entered H-BOMB for 9A and then spent way too much time trying to figure out a state capital on North America's Red River. That didn't happen, but I was reminded of the song Red River Valley.

    I did the picket fence thing and eventually, after lots of "D'oh!", the perps got me straightened out.

    Kitty Kelley is a well-known TELL-ALL book author. She has written revealing and scandalous biographies of Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Frank Sinatra, Nancy Reagan, and the royal family.

    I agree with Lemonade. I thought Forest Whitaker was English when I saw "The Crying Game". He died early on, but he was terrific.

    Jeanne, can't have too many chocolate cake recipes. Thanks.

    WH, "Any thoughts?" Yes....and that is why I like to post here.

  16. Windhover, one only needs to consider the source of the comment.

    You hit it on the nose, the allure of this blog is that it goes well beyond just dry crosswordese. People are social by nature (well, most here), and I think we all enjoy each other's company. To me, this is a bit like sitting at a big table in a bar, with people coming and going, and talking about things we feel like talking about along with dissecting the day's puzzle.

    Yes, there was a time when some thought the conversation got a little too, uh, risque, but that's long since been reined in. I think we've got a mix now that is firmly on middle ground and doesn't offend any but the nut cases at either end of the spectrum. C.C., again, my compliments.


  17. Interesting musings, WH. I agree that the tenor of the postings on this blog begin to change as the day wears on. It becomes more noticeable at about the time the cocktail hour rolls around, IMO, but that may be because I am in recovery. It definitely becomes more risque as the DFness kicks in, and folks tend to more readily take offense at the comments of others.

    It reminds me of what takes place at most cocktail parties. Voices become louder and more raucous, and inhibitions begin to slip away.
    People begin to act more like themselves.

    I think this is all perfectly natural, and I enjoy reading late afternoon and evening posts for this reason, although I do not participate much. In short, we behave like a large family, whose members feel comfortable with each other.

  18. I had a wonderful time with the CW today. Fast as I could write for most of the top, then slowed a bit in the south. No help and one misstep: I didn't know EZER so confidently wrote LES MIS for the abbrev. of Les Misérables so ended up with ESER. For H-TEST, I paused to see what the perps would bring, since we've had H, A, and N TESTs before, and I couldn't remember which it was on Bikini.

    I got and loved the theme right away. Cute, and easy to latch onto.

    When talking about Kazoo day, please don't confuse it with my blog name--I don't want to be blown (away or any other direction!)

    I agree about the integrity of our comments. C.C. has said she expects a puzzle analysis the first comment each day, and after that, taking it wherever we go just makes it more interesting, doesn't it?

    Regarding "tell all" books, I wonder what makes us want to tell about our missteps in life. I started writing our family history in a creative non-fiction format, but have become aware that what I say abouat our last generation will affect their kids still living, so I stopped and haven't had the time or guts to continue yet.

  19. Hi gang -

    I'd say Dennis nailed it. I enjoy the ruminations, barn yard stories, anecdotes, recipes, anagrams and humor. There's only so much to be said about a puzzle.

    Other opinions differ - Maybe that's why there's more than one blog.

    T-notes are issued for terms less than 1 Yr, T-Bills are issued for terms of 2,3,5, and 10 Yrs, T-Bonds for 30 Yrs.

    After SAX and SOX, I confidently put SIX at the beginning of 57A. Just as confidently as I put _BOMB in for 9A. After TEST forced itself in, I confidently put A at the head. It's always A-TEST, not H-TEST, right?

    I went APACE to DEFEAT. Entire sections had to be REMADE. So much for confidence.

    I would have liked the VIAL - VILE echo, but by the time I got to VILE, I had LOST IT. Some sort of NEURO LAG. I do have to quibble with the clue for 54A "Dawdle behind." When I'm on a 2 lane road, the dawdler is always ahead of me.

    I have a mental block trying to read music in treble (G) clef. I grew up on bass (F) clef. Symphony trombone parts are often (boo, hiss) in tenor or alto (both C) clef. I won't let no ROMAN force me to learn A CLEF!

    In keeping with recent conversations, and taking a clue from one of today's theme entries, here are examples of THE FAIRER SIX packs

    Cold and windy here today. Snowed earlier, sunny now.

    And cold. Did I mention cold?

    JzB the non-dawdling trombonist

  20. Kazie:
    I know I'm burning a post frivolously, and it isn't even the cocktail hour (well, it is somewhere), but some high hangers are just too good to pass up.
    I'd say your kazoo disclaimer puts you in a distinct minority here. Won't you reconsider?

    tFrank: Right on.

  21. The collective intelligence and humor here are the draw for me. Post limit only adds the allure. The two free-posting branch blogs created because of the CC's cap only proves how wise she was/is.

    I post anonymously so I can speak honestly.

  22. It's just that other than my DH, I wouldn't consider it. Not that some of you wouldn't do it well, I know. I just thought the warning was a precaution I should take before someone else went for it.

  23. anon, I don't think you need to post anonymously to speak freely here. There's examples of brutal honesty almost every day. Yet another allure of this blog.

    I will say this: it's not necessary to trash someone else's blog to make your point. Your first two sentences said it well.

    Kaz, yes, definitely in the minority...

  24. Good morning C.C. and All, I struggled mightily with this one. CA, I had exactly the same mistakes in the NW corner, trek and tenet and it was all down hill from there. I seem to be in the minority today in thinking that the puzzle was very difficult. Oh well, Friday’s is coming soon and maybe I can do better.

    C.C. you said Bill Clinton loves sax, I think he loves sex better.

    I have more snow to plow today so I will be gone for awhile. See ya later!

    Hope you all have a great Thursday.

  25. good morning c.c. and all,

    well that was fun. perfect theme title, c.c.

    loved all the x words (get it?), and had no idea who mr. bumble or sgt. snorkel was.

    in keeping with all the kazoo talk, i'll just say 53d was inspired.

    haven't seen many forrest whitaker movies, but i loved him in phenomenon. great shaving scene in that movie.

  26. Anonymous @ 10:11,
    A-------- is a lousy name, and besides, it's already taken. You'd never guess it, but Windhover is a psuedonym, a nom de plume. Get one, and join us. If you've been reading long, you know that, as Dennis said, speaking freely is the norm here, short of insults and ad hominem attacks. Honesty should have no fear. Anonynymity reeks of fear.


  27. Wow, you have never heard the INXS song What You Need? That is really surprising! But then I never knew blogs existed discussing crossword puzzle andswers so I guess we both learned something today.

  28. PhotoGirl, welcome. Stick around -- you'll learn far more than you ever wanted to...

  29. Good grief, it's already afternoon. So good afternoon everyone.

    This one was fun, but I disagree with ironing being a laundry chore. Even though a few women have said they enjoy it, I think most of us – men and women – don't. I haven't ironed anything for years. Won't buy things that need it, and don't use stuff that does.
    End of rant.

    It's beautiful in Naples. 70° and sunny.


  30. Good morning CC and all,

    Rats!I knew I was in trouble when I had to look up ampule in the dictionary.I also filled in H Bomb. Today was either I know it or I don't, and so it ended up looking kind of cheesy.Loved saxeducation.

    Ray Romano was the mammoth in the Ice Age films. I liked the 1st one which had a good message for kids and enough adult humor, but it looks like they are adding dinosaurs to a sequel;they were extinct long before mammoths.

    WH, kudos to you for being such a good neighbor.

    Frenchie,thx for the reata/ristra info.

    tfrank, well said."we behave like a large family, whose members feel comfortable with each other."

  31. Good afternoon CC, et al.,
    Dick: I'm with you. I thought this was a difficult puzzle. I skipped around and finally got a foothold in the center but was never 'in accord' with Ms. Levin. Loved the theme tho'. Really cute.
    I about 'lost it' when I saw 'fat' and 'ass' close together. And speaking of which, I saw Ice Age but didn't remember the name Manny. No surprise, I have to check my ID regularly to remember who I am. Loved Les Miz, the musical; blew the answer here tho'. That's about all the blowing I'll do today too. My Kazoo, and all other instruments, will have to wait. Apparently I was on the 'hit list' for a stomach
    'virus' today. I'm taking
    La Miz to a new level. A little 'vial' of 'elixir', some tea and my 'aura' should be 'emit'ing high intensity vibes again soon.

    Melissa: LMAO 53D Hilarious!

    Sallie: I'm with you too on ironing. If it needs ironing, I don't need it. A few minutes in the dryer is the way I iron now. No muss, no fuss.

    Enjoy your day.

  32. Hello All--I had to give up and come here to finish today. The SW corner was a disaster.

    I couldn't think of a nickname for Col. Blake that began with L. Doh moment when LT. revealed itself. Apace for Alacrity completely escaped me.

    I had to look up several things in order to finish the top half of the puzzle. All in all I spent way too much time trying to finish on my own. I did get the theme, however, and thought it was very clever.

    Jeanne, your chocolate cake recipe sounds delicious. I've added it to my computer recipe "box".

    Not only have I enjoyed the "family atmosphere" on this blog, but I've met seven of the bloggers in person. What better way to expand friendships? Couldn't be better in my opinion.

  33. Maybe the below zero temps this morning froze some of my brain cells, or someone slipped me a vial of a bad elixir but I found this one somewhat difficult. The ones I didn’t know: iridium, serif, a clef. Jazz, I too, confidently put in six at the start of 57A after getting “sax education” and “sox in the city”, and that really screwed things up. I, like many others wanted some ingredient for stuffing. I tried bread first (hey it fit). Also, can someone explain to me how “kite” is a hawk family bird?

    Gracie, what part of Michigan do you come from? I grew up there and that is where all of my family still live.

    Kazie, I would continue with the “tell all” book. One of the neatest things my Mom and aunts did was “interview” my Granny on tape. She had some really interesting stories of growing up and living in KY.

    Red State Democrat, I believe we have had this discussion before but it is believed that Michael Hutchence of INXS died from autoerotic asphyxiation.

    Now, off to blow a kazoo or two….

  34. Everybody get your "Thinking Hats" firmly planted upon your melon because tomorrow is -

    Puzzle Day!!!!!

    I must be off

  35. I found an interesting clip: Marty Robbins singing about racing. He raced NASCAR even though he had a heart condition but I think it would have broke his heart if he couldn't race. Marty Robbins, Twentieth Century Drifter

    Next to last picture looks like a '59 Plymouth. I raced a '58 one time.

  36. Windhover- Through a constructor's point of view this blog is heaven sent. People here get it. They understand that a puzzle is a nice diversion from life's nastier aspects. A puzzle is meant to be fun and entertaining and shouldn't be taken too seriously. I'm firmly convinced that the other crossword blogs were created by some strange vortex that has the uncanny ability to suck into its center all the unhappy and grumpy people of the planet.

    I appreciate the positive attitudes expressed here. It begins with C.C. and Argyle writing with obvious enjoyment about the solving experience. And I think it's fabulous that Dennis usually comments first. It's clear as a bell that he's having nothing but a good time, and his fondness for constructors is appreciated immensely.

    Thanks to all... everyone one of you have made my constructing experience nothing less than one of the beautiful things of my humble life.

  37. Vern Said:
    trank mentioned that energy was cheap in the 70's. How's this. In 1967 we were expecting child #4 in a very small house. We had the back wall knocked out, went out 18 feet & across 30 feet. Ended up with a cathedral family room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a basement underneath + resided our house. Total cost....
    under $9,000. Of course, when we were finished we only had $12 (total) to our name.

  38. Nice challenging puzzle today. It took a while of re-working things, a couple attempts on google, and finally had to get the last ones here. Some spelling errors gave me EKE instead of IDI…! Duh! Most of my problems being that the visible letters from the perps were too spotty for me to discern the answer: H_ES_ for HTEST, and _ESM_ _ for LES MIZ which I’ve never seen... Had DANG instead of RATS for 18A – took it out, put it back, took it out again. Had BREAD for EIDER initially, so I went in the food direction first too.

    Favorite fills were:
    5D High-tech invader: VIRUS (Not that I like them, just the musings it took to come up with it!)
    28D Welcome spot: MAT

    Jeannie: My sister “interviewed” my mother too. The rest of us never saw it until after she passed away. It’s the first thing I’ll grab in a fire!

  39. I agree with Windhover. I seldom get here until after 15 to 20 posts about the puzzle have been made, usually echoing the things I appreciated or had difficulty with. So I look for something else to respond to (like the beautiful drive on the way to San Simeon) or an original topic to add (like the orangutan/dog video). It's fun to talk to intelligent folks about crossword puzzles and lots of other stuff too.

  40. I loved the puzzle today. I usually struggle more on Thursdays, but the theme answers were a real help. Even so, I was feeling a little sludgy today, and I blanked on H Test . I decided to google, and found this, which seems to fit rather well with the theme.
    bikini blast

    Jerome, thanks. My sentiments exactly.

  41. Good Afternoon Everyone,

    I bounced all over the place on this one this morning. I chuckled when I counted the boxes to find that Sax Education would fit and kept moving on. Then I laughed when I was filling in the perps and realized it was actually the answer! Not much more to add which hasn't already been said. Enjoyable puzzle.

    We've got a bit of snow to contend with tonight and then the cold air TFrank is talking about will hit us. Wind chills are supposed to hit 20 below zero. Great ice fishin weathah, deah!

    I must be having a Fun at Work Day because it's flying by and I've only blown my top once.

    Have a great remainder!

  42. Sallie, yeah, I'm the exception - I really do like to iron. No idea why.

    Lois, hope you feel better quickly. Something you ate?

    Chickie, it's really great that you all got to meet. Maybe one day we'll all have a group get-together in the center of the country.

    Argyle, that is indeed a '59 Plymouth, one of the ultimate 'finmobiles'. Like a pair of sharks going down the road.

    Jerome, very kind words. Your presence here means a lot to us as well.

    Annette, by all means see Les Miz; you won't regret it. Very moving.

    Barb B, great to see you again! You've been very much missed, and you even came back bearing presents!

  43. About the same difficulty level as Wednesday, but I made two errors along the way. Didn't know 23A and guessed Ike instead of Idi. I also didn't know 70A, so ended up with Les Mis instead of Les Miz. I've read every word of the unabridged novel in translation but have never seen the modern production, so I rather naturally went for an abbreviation of the book title rather than the common term for the production. A fun puzzle though. Just under 16 minutes.

  44. Interesting theme. C.C., I think President Clinton likes more than SAX education!

    Is "tucked in" and idiom for eating that is also unknown to you? When someone "tucks in" to a meal, they are enjoying it immensely.

    I don't think of ironing as a soothing activity. If I'm going to make an effort to get out those wrinkles I'm going to be concentrating so hard that relaxing would not be possible. Of course, thus is something that happens only rarely in my life, LOL!

    @hahtool I had TBILL, but gradually changed over to TBOND and the perps pointed out the error of my ways. LOVED you QOD!!

    @lemondad714 I totally forgot about TNOTES. Thanks for the reminder.

    @jeanne The more recipes, the better, IMO. I think if someone shares a recipe, then we all know it's going to be good.

    @kq Will also put ion a plug for the Hearst castle tour. It's quite an edifice!

    @spitzoov Love "kerfuffle."

    @windhover Yes, I would agree with your assessment of the comment over at the "other" LAT blog. I think I'd much rather follow the strands here than there. There are some "regulars" who will pitch in and repeat things that have been already discussed, and I find that a bit of an annoyance. That's one reason I don't usually make many comments here, but today see4ms to be unusual for me (blame it on the coffee). I'll continue to read/comment on both, but this is definitely the prime blog for me.

    @clearayes LOVE the new hat picture. Quite stylish.

    @tfrank I heartily agree!

    @jazzbumpa I had to re-do REMAKE to REMADE. I played flute an piccolo, then picked up Sousaphone/tuba, so had to learn a bot of G clef as well as C clef. I'm now singing baritone, and have almost made peace with the G clef, especially on the upper half.

    @anonymous@10:11 I'm sorry that you can't post honestly with an identity.

    @dick See above.

    @photogirl Hand up for INXS. Not my style. Welcome!

    @sallie Hear, hear!

    Gotta go. Have a great Thursday!

  45. Mr. Bumble is a character in my favorite 19th century novel, Dickens' "Oliver Twist". He is the one who claims to have named Oliver as an infant in the Workhouse orphanage. In Chapter 51, he famously says: "If the law supposes that.....the law is a ass — a idiot."

  46. Hello all. is still having problems with their server at 12:45
    pm local. Had to go to to down-load their cw.

    Am checkig the yellow pages to see if I can rent-a-goat for the back
    yard. There is no way a lawn mower is going tyo get through that grass.

    Will sometimes read the other blog.


  47. Windhover: I agree, it’s the “wandering” later in the day that made me JOIN the blog. If all I wanted was the answers, I could just google them, which will usually show little more than that entry of the main blog if you word it right. But you miss out on so many more in-depth explanations, let alone all the fun!

    Tfrank: I like your analogy of this blog being “like a large family, whose members feel comfortable with each other.” I think that’s why so many people lurk and listen for a while before joining in. Then once they feel comfortable with the tone of the group, they dive in and join the family!

    Jerome: I think you hit on another important point. The POSITIVE attitude on this blog. Everybody has their bad days where something sets them off, or they’re extra nit-picky about the clues. But in general, this blog is about enjoyment, not grumpiness, arguments, and boasts. BTW - Do you have any puzzles coming up soon for us to look forward to?

  48. Hi C.C. and all -

    I am in the minority today, but this was difficult for me. I couldn't get on Ms Levin's wavelength at all.

    I still think 57A should have STARTED with SIX.

    CA: LOL at you saying it couldn't go any place after SAX,SOX & SIX. I say that it SUX, but that is just because I am still laughing at 53D.

    Lois, hope you feel better soon. Also hope that it's good elixir you are downing...something to give you a 'surrounding glow' - if you get better and go to a 'uninhibited party' be sure to 'tell all', inquiring minds want to know (ie, we're nosy).

    WH - you had the perfect take on it at 8:57

  49. @EddyB,Cruciverb is hacked.

  50. Aloha all,
    By the time I eat breakfast and do the puzzle, many of you are preparing your favorite beverage and thinking about dinner, so I can't add much in the way of comment on the puzzle answers. But as a follow up to yesterday's "ook-alele not yuke-alele" I'd like to note that 65 across is pronounced SAMoa not saMOA according to Island locals of Samoan heritage.

    On a side note, my mom is from Quebec so I grew up looking at topless women in the national geeOOGrofic. And I wonder why I can't spel gud!

  51. EddyB: Maybe Windhover can hook you up with a goat once he gets thru this birthing season. :-)

    WH: What's the "kid" count up to now? How many more left to deliver?

  52. Bold Ruler, a Preakness champion racehorse, was the father of Secretariate. ( But you are much smarter at these than I. Except for the Monday crossword, I almost always have to go to the computer for your answers).


  53. Good afternoon all. Loved the puzzle and funny theme.

    What are the words that we misuse the most as far as being proper and punctuated accordingly.

    were and so on? and what are the correct forms of each?

    also this is what I type when I want to link something like a youtube vid.

    and I am on a mac

    I get an error msg What am I doing wrong? Robin

    it say your HTML cannot be accepted:Closing tag has no matching opening tag:A

  54. it just eliminates the <ahref and so on

  55. Annette- Rich just informed me that my next puzzle is Monday, February 8th. I hope you enjoy it. I sure did. It's a pretty straightforward Monday, but it does have a tad of an "Aha" moment.

  56. Crockett, you said:
    Is "tucked in" and idiom for eating that is also unknown to you? When someone "tucks in" to a meal, they are enjoying it immensely.

    "Tuck" is also the root of the Oz slang for food: tucker, as in " That's good tucker!" or "He certainly likes his tucker." Or the lyrics of Waltzing Matilda:

    Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong
    Under the shade of a coolibah tree,
    And he sang as he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled
    "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me"

    Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
    "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me"
    And he sang as he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled,
    "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me".

    Down came a jumbuck to drink at that billabong,
    Up jumped the swagman and grabbed him with glee,
    And he sang as he stowed that jumbuck in his tucker bag,
    "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me".

    Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
    "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me"
    And he sang as he stowed that jumbuck in his tucker bag,
    "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me".

    Up rode the squatter, mounted on his thoroughbred,
    Down came the troopers, one, two, three,
    "Where's that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag?"
    "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me".

    Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
    "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me"
    "Where's that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag?",
    "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me".

    Up jumped the swagman and sprang into the billabong,
    "You'll never take me alive", said he,
    And his ghost may be heard as you pass by that billabong,
    "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me".

    Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
    "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me"
    And his ghost may be heard as you pass by that billabong,
    "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me."
    "Oh, You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me."

  57. Jerome: Great news - I'm sure we all look forward to it!

    Dennis: Thanks for the suggestion on Les Miz.

  58. Treasury bills (or T-Bills) mature in one year or less. Like zero-coupon bonds, they do not pay interest prior to maturity; instead they are sold at a discount of the par value to create a positive yield to maturity. Many regard Treasury bills as the least risky investment available to U.S. investors[citation needed].

    Regular weekly T-Bills are commonly issued with maturity dates of 28 days (or 4 weeks, about a month), 91 days (or 13 weeks, about 3 months), 182 days (or 26 weeks, about 6 months), and 364 days (or 52 weeks, about 1 year). Treasury bills are sold by single price auctions held weekly. Offering amounts for 13-week and 26-week bills are announced each Thursday for auction, usually at 11:30 am, on the following Monday and settlement, or issuance, on Thursday. Offering amounts for 4-week bills are announced on Monday for auction the next day, Tuesday, usually at 11:30 am, and issuance on Thursday. Offering amounts for 52-week bills are announced every fourth Thursday for auction the next Tuesday, usually at 11:30 am, and issuance on Thursday. Purchase orders at TreasuryDirect must be entered before 11:00 on the Monday of the auction. The minimum purchase - effective April 7, 2008 - is $100. (This amount formerly had been $1,000.) Mature T-bills are also redeemed on each Thursday. Banks and financial institutions, especially primary dealers, are the largest purchasers of T-bills.

    Like other securities, individual issues of T-bills are identified with a unique CUSIP number. The 13-week bill issued three months after a 26-week bill is considered a re-opening of the 26-week bill and is given the same CUSIP number. The 4-week bill issued two months after that and maturing on the same day is also considered a re-opening of the 26-week bill and shares the same CUSIP number. For example, the 26-week bill issued on March 22, 2007, and maturing on September 20, 2007, has the same CUSIP number (912795A27) as the 13-week bill issued on June 21, 2007, and maturing on September 20, 2007, and as the 4-week bill issued on August 23, 2007 that matures on September 20, 2007.

    During periods when Treasury cash balances are particularly low, the Treasury may sell cash management bills (or CMBs). These are sold at a discount and by auction just like weekly Treasury bills. They differ in that they are irregular in amount, term (often less than 21 days), and day of the week for auction, issuance, and maturity. When CMBs mature on the same day as a regular weekly bill, usually Thursday, they are said to be on-cycle. The CMB is considered another reopening of the bill and has the same CUSIP. When CMBs mature on any other day, they are off-cycle and have a different CUSIP number.

    Treasury bills are quoted for purchase and sale in the secondary market on an annualized discount percentage, or basis.

    With the advent of TreasuryDirect, individuals can now purchase T-Bills online and have funds withdrawn from and deposited directly to their personal bank account and earn higher interest rates on their savings.

  59. Windhover: You asked this morning about thoughts on this blog. I, as well as probably most who comment here, fell onto this site as a result of googling for an answer. This blog was my virgin foray into the blog world. I was immediately taken by the lively spirit. Never having sampled "the OTHER" lat blog, I can't comment on that, but being here, I found no reason to stray. It even convinced me that I might venture into my own blog world.

    The dates of three world events are forever engrained in my mine (events that occurred during my lifetime). One of them is January 28, the space shuttle's explosion.

    J.D. Salinger died today at age 91.

  60. Ben Confirmed for 4 more yearsJanuary 28, 2010 at 4:21 PM

    I hope the above information makes it easier to answer clues about Gov't. security.

  61. Rats! I just wiped out my comment, most of which was a compliment to Dennis on his tactfulness and thanks to Jeanne for the cake recipe. Now I'm later than ever. Someday I'll get out of the DFs. And inre the references to difference in mood later in the day, it's only just past lunch time here in gloomy NoCal, nowhere near cocktail hour,so we can't be accused of being surly drunks!

    It's all been said, but I,too, really liked this puzzle. It seemed fairly easy. Had some of the same problems as the rest of you. Didn't know Ezer and wasn't sharp enough to think of LesMiz. Also had a problem with Idi, putting in the plural of thesis so it became Edi.

    I spend enough time reading and digesting this blog, so Ihaven't looked at the others. I'm happy being here and feel the same as Anonymous about the company.

  62. I forgot: Question: Where does one find the blank grid every day? I solve my xword in the daily paper, which doesn't have the Sunday one. I do get the SF Chron. so I can get it there (just discovered that). But I would like to be able to use the one on the screen.

  63. Kazie @3:52
    Your post reminded me of the phrase best bib and tucker . It seems to ratify your comments about the food connection.

  64. Dodo, on C.C.'s front page, upper right, you'll see a hyperlink for 'LA Times Daily Crossword'; just click and you're there.

  65. My computer would not let me post at lunch time, but I did want to add my now redundant sentiments, and as always thank you Jerome.

    So it is lunchtime in the sunny south (78 degrees, cloudless and dry) and I am glancing at the comments which seem to stem from a 'negative' comment on the OTHER LA Times blog site, and I not only concur with you WH, but I am proud of the fact we do not take ourselves and these puzzles as seriously as others do. Lie is short and I am sure meant to be enjoyed, and I really am not damaged if I see one more Baseball's MEL: OTT. I do the puzzle for fun, expanding my horizons and amusement, which is the same reason I do this blog. Sure we sometimes get silly, or way off topic, but when my brother died unexpectedly in June, I really appreciated having a whole new layer of people to keep me going with kind words. As such, I have decide we the proud posting peons, declare ourselves as each a CC WRITER, with our theme song already for the public, CC "Writer". I will continue to comment on life and other matters which are actually all related to the puzzle solving experience, as it is what made us capable of deciphering the many misdirections thrown at us. Meanwhile my typing dyslexia really is out of hand; must use Spell Check always. I do read LA Confidential now and then, but they seem intent on focusing on flaws in the efforts, instead of liking the good parts. To me, a puzzle is like a woman (or man, or hamster or whatever your preference) if you wait for a perfect woman, you will spend your life alone. Even though we often go to be at 2:00am with a 10, when we wake at 10, we see a 2 next to us. In the gas station of love, if you are too picky, you will always be using the self-service pump.

    JB nice job posting an abfest for all sexes and persuasions.

    WH, oh btw, I will never forget the Challenger as I was home in bed ill, missing my first day at work in 15 years, and watching the lift off. Because I was sick, I saw it as it happened and was quite saddened by the experience.

    Hahtool, the picture is my oldest, Aaron who is off in Buffalo freezing his educational freedom off. I will look for an appropriate dad and Devin next, as I do enjoy changing my appearance.

  66. Hi C.C. & gang. I think we finished 50 or 60% of today's puzzle before my wife left for work. When I got the 'ironing' answer for laundry chore my wife laughed because I do the ironing and she doesn't.

    For Jeannie: Here's a link to all about Kites.

    "Kites are raptors with long wings and weak legs which spend a great deal of time soaring. Most feed mostly on carrion but some take various amounts of live prey.

    They are birds of prey which, along with hawks and eagles, are from the family Accipitridae."

  67. Crockett: You disappeared! Where are you? Yeah, those are the events. I was in 2nd grade when Kennedy was killed, so there probably aren't too many people younger than me who remember that event.

  68. Hahtool, re: JFK's assignation? I remember being in grade school too and I think we were let out early.

    Re: 1986 Challenger explosion? I remember that it happened when I was at work and I think I was one of the first to inform others about the tragedy.

  69. tfrank's comment about family reminded me of this progression in my own life. The LW and I knew we had succeeded in melding our blended family when the kids were arguing like siblings. All these years later, it's still an exciting ride.

    Annette -
    By all means see Les Miz. Wear something with lots of pockets, and fill them all with hankies.

    Carol -
    I'm with you. this was a hard puzzle. Right off, I spelled TREK as TREC. Then I rejected ABASE for 16A, because it couldn't fit with A BOMB. Also had THESES. Not helpful.


  70. Hello all.

    Anon@3:08. That is what I figured
    since it is still down. It will take awhile for them to set it right. Don't understand people who
    do things like that.

    Annette@3:08. Thought of Windhover but didn't know how I would get one to San Jose. His won't be ready to travel for a while. There is a place in SF that will/can arrange these things.

    Dodo@4:40. Don't know what is printed in the Chron. but, the Chron on-line is a 15x15 while the
    LAT on-line is a 21x21.

    Coven. Maybe you could invite Dodo to your next meeting.


  71. Good Evening CC and All
    Loved the puzzle and it's funny theme.

    J-Rom, Congratulations to you and I can't wait to see your puzzle!

    Kazie Waltzing Matilda, I remember it as the song from the sad, sad, movie, On The Beach. It really stuck in my mind. I also agree on continuing the "tell all" book. My Mom is terminally ill and has been interviewed for our small family. I think it will be priceless for your family, IMO--Take the chance!
    Wow TFrank, that is expensive for electricity. Here in Phoenix my Mothers highest bill was 320.oo during summer!

    WH, I agree with ClearAyes on posting here. It just feels like family, to me.

    Jazz, on the fairer six packs, do men find that sexy?
    It just seems like those women have a little too much testosterone on board.

    I am with you girls. Don't iron, just wash/wear or dry clean!
    Have a question on Cats. I am here with family and in charge of feeding 2 cats. One kitty is acting fine, but doesn't eat for 2 days. Drinking ok and using the box, but no eating. Should I be concerned?

  72. on the fairer six packs, do men find that sexy?

    To me, not even a little.

  73. #4
    Wow, what a day. A little bit of everything. Bestiality - goats & hamsters, self-abuse, as it used to be called before the surgeon-general recommended it, PhotoGirl, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve (I suspected the first Ben was actually Bernanke, but I guess that after his reappointment was confirmed, he felt the need to brag, and was better voice of forum than Crossword Corner?), and Buckeye. Damn, the fun never ends.
    The kite is a relative of the Windhover. If you reread Warren's description (weak legs) and then look at the picture I posted a few days ago, you will see the resemblance.
    The kid total is currently 31 babies from 21 mommas. There are five left to give birth in this round, and then in March there are 12 yearlings who bred late. Betwen these two groups 43 ewes will have lambs in February.
    BTW, EddyB said your suggestion that he get a goat from me, "There is a place in SF that arranges such things". While I am not surprised at anything that happens in San Francisco, or anywhere for that matter, I'm pretty sure that this type of activity is expressly prohibited by Kentucky law. Plus it's about the only thing Tiger hasn't been accused of.

    Hahtool (If you're still reading after all that nonsense):
    I am very curious about your response to the Challenger incident, and would like to hear more. (From others, also, if it applies). My own reaction was as I said this morning, profound, bordering on devastation. I still have the Time cover story issue. My Email is in my profile.

    Sorry for the long post, but I burned three early this morning, and not wanting to resort to what I think we will
    hereafter call the "Robin gambit", I'm saving my 5th in case anything interesting appears later.

    BTW, the cocktail hour has arrived at WH Farm, and in
    lieu of a cocktail, I enjoying one of America's finest reasonably priced beers, Leinenkugel 1888 Bock. The Leinenkugel Brewery has been the pride of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin since 1867. Since the bock is from an 1888 recipe, it must have been 21 years before they cleaned out the vats for the first time.
    What is your libation of choice in the evening?

  74. Another busy posting day. I've been gone with my women friends for most of the day. Always good fun, but I had to get home so I could get ready for practice for our new chorus season.

    Kazie@9:43, "haven't had the time or guts to continue" What could it have been your family did that you need "guts" to talk about? Was Ned Kelly a relative?

    My mother wrote "Letters to My Granddaughter" (my daughter). It turned out to be about 50 pages of reminiscences about growing up in the 1920's and 30's. I've done the same thing for my grandkids with stories about my childhood. They've all been put on CD and copies made for many family members.

    PhotoGirl, Inland Empire? Fontana by any chance? My parents lived there for close to 30 years. I graduated from high school there. Go, Steelers!

    Hahtool, Sorry to hear about J.D. Salinger. He was a favorite.

    Robin, we're on the same page with "On The Beach". Such a sad, cautionary tale.

    Carol@3:05, I thought of that too!

    Congratulations, Jerome. We're all looking forward to your puzzle.

    WH, I'm not driving, so it's a glass (maybe another when I get home) of Ménage à Trois Red from Folie à Deux Winery. WM (stop by and say "Hi") knows of and appreciates this wine too.

  75. Clear Ayes - are those names of a real wine and a real winery? I love them! Not a wine drinker myself, but a couple of bottles sure would class up the drinks table.

  76. Warren, thanks for the "kite" information...I never knew there was a raptor called a kite.

    Lois, hope you are feeling better. Nothing worse than an ucky tummy, you never know what end is going to be affected.

    Jeanne, I am more of a cook than a baker and your chocolate cake recipe looks much better than mine. I have a "killer brownie" recipe that has fresh ground coffee beans in it. I'll share it another time.

    Jerome, I do LOVE your puzzles. I am looking forward to it, and thanks for your kind words here and being a part of this blog.

    Clearayes, Menage a Troix wine and a clear invitation for WM to stop by? Hmmm.

    Lemonade, I can only assume your post about changing your avatar was somehow aimed at moi. My current one must not be good enough as it hasn't been "blown" up and attached to the other "family" members pics here. I don't have a digital camera, scanner or even a cell phone at this time. You all will just have to make do with what you see.

    Robin, you in the hot tub? Are our Hawaii friends walking through warm sand? It's supposed to hit 10 below tonight but at least the wind has died down so it will only feel like 10 below. That's a relief...

    Windhover, a greyhound is my drink of choice these days. Lots of pregnant species out there. Any others?

    Dennis, tried blowing a kazoo today and couldn't find the right pitch. Maybe that pitch was hanging too high.

  77. Jeannie, I wish we had done "on tape" interviews too. We would have had her voice as well as her stories. You're very fortunate to have that legacy.

    MPK, Absolutely real. Folie à Deux Winery Their red blend is available in Northern California Costcos for a very reasonable $9.00 a bottle. I've also seen it at Trader Joe's. I don't know about other parts of the country. It is our everyday wine of choice. BTW, their white is very nice too. Enjoy it if you can find it!

  78. CA (7:46) I had to chuckle when reading the name of your wine of choice...when my cousins were over recently they brought a bottle of that...very good wine, and a clever name. We laughed though, since there were three of us but all women.

    We get together every Tuesday afternoon at a local pub an play shuffleboard. Great old board, kept in good condition. There are not too many of the original ones left in taverns and pubs but the interest in them is on the upswing. We have talked to several younger people who asked us how to play and said they like the idea of something 'hands-on' instead of video games. It is a lot of fun! I know some of you remember playing.

    Jerome, so nice of you to post a comment. We have missed your input. I am looking forward to your Feb (Monday) puzzle.

    Barb B, glad to see you post again at long last. Hope all is well with you.

  79. Lois, sorry to hear your tummy troubles. I keep ginger capsules on hand for tummy probs . They work great for me.

  80. The comment about Bill Clinton was in poor taste.

  81. Windhover, tonight it's SoCo on the rocks; warms the body on a 19 degree night.

    Jeannie, practice, practice, practice.

    MrEd, let it go.

  82. Lemonade (4:49) LOL! great comment and I do understand your meaning. You are correct, we are a community of a sort. We can ask questions or tell of our personal plights and we get a response that is helpful. That is a special exchange not always available in any other area, at least in my view since I do not do Facebook, Twitter or any of those things. Posting on this blog was my first experience with 'blogs'. It has been wonderful, and I have met so many nice people. (Thanks C.C.!!)

  83. Good evening all.

    Kazie, have heard Waltzing Matilda many times but had never seen the words written. You dont want to know what I thought some of the words were !!!!

    Read the blog most days and it always entertains, amuses and educates.

    My thanks to all contributors.

  84. So my fine fishy friend, when do we get to hear the other shoe drop on last night's unconsummated drama?

  85. Dennis, upsy daisy (love those daisies, WM) I played that thing like I might have had "a clef" palete. You might think I would have a "lost it" to a "tee" and at least "ironed" out the problem and taken 'em to the "mat". I guess I need another "elixir".

  86. Lemon maybe I should redirect my question to you, I just tend to 'run on' and just adore non consummated drama.......I always love holding the other shoe (a stiletto perhaps) to drop. I do hope you are having a very fine evening.

  87. I like to sip a little single malt of an evening. Usually on a Friday. I'll have a glass of wine (or 2) or a beer (or 2) with dinner fairly often, and a martini 2 or 3 times per month.

    Robin -
    I can't speak for other guys. I prefer a girl to look like a girl. Hard-body look is not attractive, IMHO.

    Jerome -
    Looking forward to your next puzzle.

    Well, it's almost 11:00 here and I'm getting sleepy. Did a litle manual labor today, though nothing involving sheep and goats. Time for beddie-bye. Nite, all.

    JzB the sleepy trombonist

  88. Carol, I'm with you. This is my first and only blog experience and I couldn't have found a better one (unless there's a naked cheerleader blog, of course).

    Jeannie, elixir can only help.

  89. Oh well, cannot make trouble, cannot entertain, must go to bed, except for Naked Cheerleader Blog and a sleep well to all the ladies.

  90. Dammit, Lemon, there was nothing there.

  91. good job fishy

    good night from the east coast

  92. Jerome,
    I too will be happy to see your upcoming puzzle.

    I hope you can get some rest in between your midwifery.

    Ironing is something I do as swiftly as I can in the company of a TV show. Only buy non iron stuff, but DH likes his business shirts crisper than they come out of the dryer and the crease sharpened on pants, so that's all I do.

    Thanks to all on the writing encouragement. Examples of what might be embarrassing are a couple of abortions and things like an aunt who got drunk at her mother's funeral and did nude cartwheels in front of everyone. My cousin's description said, "with her big floppers nearly covering her face." He is 19years my senior, and was just a kid at the time. He has enriched my knowledge of these people that I only knew 20 years later when they had aged and become more genteel, or so they would have wanted us to believe. My mother was the second youngest of the family, his father, her brother, was the third oldest of ten births, only eight of whom survived. I am an only child, both my parents are gone, but it's the cousins I would be likely to offend if I wrote of their parents' exploits.

  93. Wow, we finally broke 100 posts again! It's been a while, but we've been getting closer all week.

    EddyB: I couldn't remember you saying where you were located. But honestly, I didn't know if you were serious or being funny about the goat.

    WH: I don't regularly drink at home, but keep beer, wine, sangria and Kahlua in the fridge for when the mood hits me.

    Clear Ayes: I've tried the Ménage à Trois Red. It was very good, and easy to find down here in Florida too.

    Make sure the interview for your loved ones is on video too! It was so amazing to see and hear my mother speaking. It really helped remind me of her personality! It was nice having her mention each family member by name and say something special about them.

    Kazie: Personally, I'd love to hear ANY tidbit of new information about my parents. I was telling my sister just a couple nights ago that I always had a feeling there were some secrets about them that we never knew... When I was cleaning out my mother's things, I went through every item, hoping to find something special - especially wishing I'd find a personal note to me. I didn't find anything like that, but I did find several hundred dollars hidden in a vase!

  94. Kaz, I'm with your husband - I like to have that sharp crease in dress shirts. Seems to be a dying art, though.

    Mr. Ed, flurries here this morning; more snow on the way.

    Annette, I just had Menage a Trois wine for the first time at a restaurant in one of the casinos this past weekend. I bought it for the name, but it turned out to be quite good. Not sure if it's available in stores here, though.

    Off to bed; early workout. Y'all have a great night.

  95. Late again am I!
    Not much to say about the puzzle, other than that it kicked my "arse to the kerb" as a Brit might aver. My "lucky puzzle pen" wasn't in the mood to help, spelling ELIXIR wrong, blanking on IRIDIUM and being of no help with EZER. Ms. Donna S. Levin's puzzles seem to be crafted with great care, and I appreciate her cluing, humor, and precision.

    Thanks for the mention, C. C.!

    I took a nasty tumble on the icy stairs getting off the train today. Not much bruised other than my ego. The person who came to my rescue was no other than a lady with a spiffy multicolored cane, who pulled out a full box of tissue from her handbag and helped me wipe off the grime! Her name is Hilde,with an E at the end, and I salute her kindness. Her parting words? "Watch where your feet are going!" Advice duly noted!

    Jerome, I'm looking forward to your next puzzle.

  96. PJB: Glad you're okay, and made a new friend. Something tells me you make new friends wherever you go!

  97. Entropy:
    Glad I saved a post. I went back and reread my first post. I didn't quote you at all. What I said was something less than a paraphrase, although I did say that " I took the other-blog comment as criticism of this one". That is a matter of interpretation on my part, and if that is not the case, I apologize. I suppose your "I like that" line at the end of your post (there) suggested at least implicit criticism. Again, if I'm wrong I apologize. I really didn't criticize the other blog or the commenter (you) and to be honest did not recall the name of the poster when I wrote this morning. I have visited there exactly twice, and don't know enough about it to be critical other than what I have read by other posters here. I wasn't even expressing a preference for one over the other; I was merely saying that I like what goes on here, and why.
    I'm glad to know that someone else was deeply affected by the Challenger disaster. It often troubles me when something iconically tragic or meaningful happens and people I encounter seem to either be unaware or unmoved by it. As an example, when I spent several years working in an academic setting (1999-2006), the day after the Iraq War started the group of PHDs I served as a grant writer/gofer spent their lunch hour discussing a sitcom they had watched the night before. Not a word about the war in an hour. I was amazed and troubled, and still don't get it.
    Good night.

  98. @Annette:
    Thanks, and you're right, I do!
    Our local pharmacy has exceptionally slow cashiers, and on Tue. I was there waiting in line and the old Nancy Sinatra [I think it was her] song "These boots were made for walkin'" came on over the PA, and I started humming along. Next thing I knew we had four people singing along, and two of us dancing just a little in the line! Nancy Sinatra couldn't sing a note, IMHO, and neither could we, but nothing stopped us from enjoying the moment. I'm incredibly introverted, but rarely shy. And never bored!

    @Windhover: AMEN! As always, you're spot on. Be well. Greetings to the newborns, too!

  99. @kazie I'd forgotten that use of "tucker." Wow, ALL the verses! That took some typing.

    @robin (I think as anonymous @3:37&3:39) There are instructions on a sidebar on the blog home page under Olio, on how to Create Comment Links. Hopefully that will get you connected. If not, drop me an e-mail and I'll try to help you out, although I haven't spoken Mac for a number of years.

    @ben Wow! Thanks for the securities education. A lot to digest there.

    @hahtool 9/11 and JFK assassination?

    Above originally posted at 4:29PM, but on Tuesday's blog.

    @hahtool Got busy doing other things. I can still remember the disbelief I felt when the news came over the high school PA about JFK. It was lunch time. We had a basketball game that evening, but didn't want a "pep band" so we needed a recording to play the Star Spangled Banner, and I was able to provide one from the Marine Band. I still have that LP, and will probaly never knowingly part with it.

    January 29, 2010 12:42 AM

    Sorry for the screw-ups! Time to call this one a day!!

  100. Good Night C. C. and all,
    Argyle, I enjoyed your analyses this week and you and yours always C. C.! It is a pleasure to visit with you each day.

    Our comments from the last 2 days are amazing in number, content.

    This quote from a Diana Krall song, Popsicle Toes, is for
    for each of you toughing out
    winter weather. I, too, have popsicle toes tonight...

    Popsicle toes
    Popsicle toes are always froze
    Popsicle toes
    You're so brave to expose all those Popsicle toes..."

    @JD I appreciate you noting the reiata/ristra commonality. Living in a US/Mexico border state, I get some Splanglish word relationships that pique my interest. This having been one of them.

    Let me see, I didn't MIZ anything. I actually got some sax education through various comments and come to think of it, I haven't been in a position to 53D ummm maybe ever!

    I mourn J. D. Salinger...some of my best reading memories are his short stories and novels. "Keep Aspidistra Flying," where ever
    you are!

    @DoDo, welcome! I'm the girl who will be using !!!! often as I can. I like to punctuate to express myself in writing, just the way I talk out loud.

    As for 1969, I do believe you were at your finest. Make love, not war. Burn the bra or was that the draft cards...those crazy kids! and to think, you 'n your buds were in the thick of it all. Woodstock, Joan Baez...all that mud, music and mayhem...yup 69 was all yours!

    I am so tired and I am going to make my husband a beautiful lunch for tomorrow and then hit the sack.

  101. 60's funny:
    a girl was walking down the street, a guy (hippys, both of them) starts to talk to her. He says, "were you ever picked up by the fuzz?" And she says, "No, but I bet it hurts!"

  102. Jeannie,

    According to wikipedia Michael committed suicide. That is the finding.

    The New South Wales Coroner determined that Hutchence's death was the result of suicide. The Coroner's Report states: "An analysis report of the deceased's blood indicates the presence of alcohol, cocaine, Prozac and other prescription drugs.

    Paula Yates floated the autoerotic asphyxiation theory she died in 2000 from a drug overdose.

    However I stand behind the coroners report that suicide was the cause of death.


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