, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday January 13, 2010 Dan Naddor

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Jan 13, 2010

Wednesday January 13, 2010 Dan Naddor

Theme: DEFENSE (36D. Stadium chant, and word that can follow the ends of the answers to starred clues)

16A. *Dictated reminder: NOTE TO SELF. Self-Defense.

19A. *"We must be nuts!": THIS IS INSANITY. Insanity Defense. Pleading "Not guilty by reasons of insanity".

32A. *Restricted airspace: NO FLY ZONE. Zone Defense. Basketball/football.

50. *"We answer to a higher authority" brand: HEBREW NATIONAL. National Defense. I've never heard of the kosher hot dog/sausage brand Hebrew National, made by ConAgra.

55. *Marquee name: MOVIE TITLE. Title Defense.

A healthy 63 theme squares. Heavy themage. The first two and the last two theme answers are overlapped. A feature of many of Dan's puzzles.

Today's Dan Naddor Index (non-theme entries with 6 or more letters) is 24. Very high. Nice stacks of 7-letter Down entries in each quadrant.

My favorite clue is WMDS (51D. Scary arms, briefly). Nailed it immediately. Did fall into trap of calculating the clue for EFFS (9D. 40% of fifty). Not enough blanks for TWENTY or SCORE. Then I realized the letter play trick. There are two letter Fs in the word "fifty", hence spelled-out EFFS.


1. Dadaism co-founder: ARP (Jean)

4A. "I'm serious!": NO JOKE. Three Js in this grid.

10. Egyptian viper: ASP. The kind that killed Cleopatra.

13. Chase, in a way: WOO. Wanted RUN.

14. Supposing: EVEN IF

15. Zig or zag: VEER

18. Wrath, in a hymn title: IRAE. "Dies Irae".

21. Word with car or bumper: POOL. Have never heard of the billiards game bumper pool, which only has 2 pockets.

22. Dover's st.: DEL. Where Biden is from.

23. Skedaddles: SCATS. And SPLITS (61A. Skedaddles).

24. Derby drinks: JULEPS. Have you been to Kentucky Derby? I bet Windhover has.

26. Moor on stage: OTHELLO. The only Moor I know.

28. Beef source: STEER. Oh, real beef, not complaint.

29. Flowery welcome: ALOHA

35. First name in tyranny: IDI. Uganda's Idi Amin.

38. Donnybrook: MELEE

39. __ talk: TRASH

43. Classic TV family: NELSONS. From "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet". Stumped me.

45. Filmdom: CINEMA

46. Second of three black keys: A FLAT. No idea. I've never touched a piano.

49. Sea depleted by irrigation projects: ARAL. The Shrinking Sea.

57. Italian vineyard region: ASTI. In northwest Italy.

58. "It __ matter": DOESN'T

59. Years and years: EON

60. The Carolinas' __ Dee River: PEE. Named after the Pee Dee Tribe.

62. CD players: DJS


1. Barley bristle: AWN. Like this. Last time it's clued as "Grass appendage".

2. Destroy completely: ROOT OUT

3. Asphalt fault: POTHOLE. Nice rhyming sound.

4. Clears: NETS

5. Eggs, e.g.: OVOIDS. Always thought of "ovoid" as adjective.

6. Longtime North Carolina senator Helms: JESSE. Not fond of the clue because SEN is the answer for 31A. VIP on the Hill.

7. NBC newsman Roger: O'NEIL. Total stranger to me. Can't even find a picture of him.

8. Potter's need: KILN. Was worried that it might be Harry Potter related.

10. Shots from above: AERIALS. Was picturing snipers.

11. "Grey's Anatomy" setting: SEATTLE. The answer emerged itself.

12. Victimizes: PREYS ON

15. Country singer Gill: VINCE. What's his most famous song?

17. Actress Brennan: EILEEN. Oh, she's the terrible officer in "Private Benjamin".

20. People or region of Ghana: ASHANTI. New word to me. Only know the singer Ashanti.

21. Dr. Dentons, e.g.: PJS. Not familiar with Dr. Dentons at all. Don't wear PJS.

25. Hype: PROMOTE

26. Slip through the cracks?: OOZE. Why question mark?

33. Squishy lowland: FEN. Marshy swamp.

34. Verdi title bandit: ERNANI. The opera was based on Hugo's play "Hernani". I was clueless.

35. Piled any which way: IN A HEAP. Parallel with another 3-word entry I'LL BITE (37D. "It's a trick, but tell me"). Terrific entries.

40. Effervescent, perhaps: AERATED.

41. IHOP order: SMALL OJ

42. Dave's "2001" nemesis: HAL. The "2001" computer.

44. New York restaurateur: SARDI (Vincent). The owner of Sardi's Restaurant in Broadway.

45. Customer: CLIENT

47. Subject of contemplation?: NAVEL. Contemplate one's navel.

48. Formal "Who's there?" response: IT IS I

52. Don Knotts denial: NOOP! Easy guess.

53. Baseball's Mel and Ed: OTTS. Only knew Mel Ott.

56. Dash widths: ENS. Or EMS.

I'd like to share with you a very touching story Rich Norris (LA Times crossword editor) told me about Dan Naddor's memorial service:

"There were more than 100 chairs set up in the room. I paid little attention to the decor until the first speaker pointed out that it was not an accident that some chairs had white covers and others had black covers. When viewed from above, the black-covered chairs were in the same pattern as the black squares in Dan's last puzzle (Deliver-ANCE) published before he passed away! I thought it was a brilliant touch. "

LA Times also made available Dan's "Star Search" mentioned as one of Rich's favorites in Dan's obit.

Answer grid.



  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - another treat from our late great constructor. It was great to see Dan's name again so soon atop the puzzle this morning, but I do hope Rich spreads Dan's other offerings out far enough so we'll have them for months to come.

    I got through this one fairly quickly, but had more than a couple snags. First, I always thought 'root out' meant more 'to uncover' than to 'destroy completely', as in "I finally rooted out the answer." The 'IHOP order' misdirected me into thinking something food-related, as opposed to drink. I did know the Pee Dee River, as I cross over it every time I run down to Atlanta. Unknowns were 'Ashanti' and 'Ernani'. '40% of fifty' took me a bit to figure out as well. All in all, this one was a lot of fun, with Dan's touch evident throughout.

    C.C., you've really "never touched a piano"? What about an organ?

    Great story about Dan's service; terribly clever.

    Today is supposed to be International Skeptics Day, but I kinda doubt it.

    Today's Words of Wisdom, plain and simple: "Do what you are afraid to do." -- Mary Emerson

    Here's a handful of International Proverbs, presented without comment:

    "The best way to get praise is to die." -- Italy

    "Hold a true friend with both hands." -- Niger (Lois?)

    "The advice of a wife is worthless, but woe to the man who does not take it." -- Wales

    "If only the young knew; if only the old could." -- France

    "No chupa, so shtupa - no wedding, no bedding." -- Yiddish

    "The palest ink is better than the best memory." -- China

  2. Dennis,
    Organ, yes. Have one at home. Don't know how to play it though. What does "No chupa, so shtupa - no wedding, no bedding" mean?

  3. C.C. said, Organ, yes. Have one at home. Don't know how to play it though.

    Well, practice, practice. Those things can take time to master...

    The saying basically means no sex until it's official.

    Off to the gym.

  4. Good Morning, CC and Friends. This was a bittersweet puzzle, being a Dan Naddor one to savor. I loved the puzzle. It was a challenge that I truly didn't want to end.

    What a lovely story about the chairs set up at Dan's memorial.

    CC, a Chuppah (it has many spelling variations because it is a transliteration from the Hebrew) is the canopy that the bride and groom stand under in the Jewish marriage ceremony. It symbolizes the couple's first home together. Traditionally, it is the groom's prayer shawl that is held up by four poles.

    QOD: Who says nothing is impossible. I've been doing nothing for years. ~ Author Unknown

  5. Good Morning All, I was pleased to see a Dad N. puzzle so soon after the last one.

    I thought the same about ROOT OUT as Dennis....another "live and learn" moment.

    ERNANI? I'd never heard of that one either. Dan's perps are always kind with those tough ones, so it wasn't a problem.

    Dr. Denton's were a staple for my daughter until the time she was about 4 years old. They keep the little toesies warm.

    HEBREW NATIONAL, I always buy kosher hotdogs. You can be sure there aren't any yucky parts or fillers ground up in the meat mix. They taste better too.

    What red-blooded teenage girl of the 1950's wasn't in love with Ricky NELSON?....Sigh!

    Best clue of the day for me was
    "40% of fifty".

    Dennis, can we believe a single thing you say?

  6. This one stressed the brain a bit, but finally everything fell into place. No help or errors. 23 minutes.

  7. Well each of the remaining Dan Naddor puzzles will be met with mixed emotions as his wit and originality were so entertaining. I must confess to spending some time contemplating my NAVEL and learning much about belly buttons. Of course not all tummies are created equally.

    Dennis, your vacation obviously was what you needed as you are on top of your game, even if we have to wait for Lois and Lo li ta to fall over laughing from your musical inquiries. Though I am not sure anyone ever perfects the instrument.

    A fun but challenging Wednesday, with references ranging from modern country VINCE GIL, actress EILEEN BRENNAN to the NELSON family from 1950’s television. Throw in a beginning with ARP and AWN crossing, and it was a workout.

    My entertainment of the week came from my son, who recently acquired his first puppy (REMUS, who is now my avatar) a Jack Russell Terrier. Aaron did not understand why people cropped the tails of these cute little guys, until A Dog’s Tail .

    We are slowly warming back to paradise, enjoy all

  8. I especially liked the symmetry of seeing ARP and ASP in the top corners.

    I agree with Dennis, that ROOT OUT doesn't really describe destroying completely. Nor did I care much for SMALL OJ as an IHOP order.

    Pray for those in Haiti who were harmed by the 7.0 earthquake yesterday evening.

  9. Good Morning CC and All,

    I know its going to be a great hump day when I see that Naddor is the constructor. Today was no let down. All of the names sent me on line to get red letter help. Vince, Othello (Moore), Sardi, Ashanti, Ernani and Eileen, wow, bunch of holes. Hebrew National (great hot dogs) gave me some footing and I finally started filling from the bottom up. My favorite clue was Word with Car or Bumper because they go together quite well. I felt the same about Root Out and wrote Pancake for IHOP order originally. Excellent Wednesday grid!!

    Red Snappers (red snappahs) are a Maine tradition and what is an easy lunch meal out on the ice. A plate of beans with onions along with a couple of the "red missiles of death" and your good to go until sundown.

    Chickie, My mom still enjoys putting on a formal dinner and getting her "whites" out. I like it on occasion too, but get the most enjoyment playing sous chef to the master in the kitchen. I've taught my kids how to set the table and work from the outside in with the silverware while eating. Of course they enjoy seeing me get the fork in the elbow (my seat is still next to Mom's)when it rests on the table or when I dribble gravy on the linens!

    Have a great day everyone!

  10. Good morning, All! I couldn't sleep last night so did this puzzle online in the 'pee' wee hours of the morning. Had some trouble with ones already mentioned; Ashanti, Ernani, small OJ IHOP? Give me a break... I tried every which way to force pancake into those squares! At that hour, I tried to do the math for 40% of fifty and couldn't make that fit. Filled in EFFS but only said, "WTF??", until this morning when it finally clicked.

    Nelsons fell into place since I remember the show (original) from my childhood. Too young though to have a crush on Ricky.

    Enjoyed the puzzle though and it was completed much too fast.

    Dennis, your 'musical' question/comments made me laugh... I'm not touching it...question, comments, or anything else! LOL!!

  11. Thanks Argyle, not sure how I screwed that up.

  12. Good morning, C.C. and all,

    Another log consumed from Dan's dwindling woodpile, and what a log it was! My time doubled from yesterday's 22. There were several unknowns for me: ernani, Hebrew National, ashanti, Vince, and the very clever effs. Thank goodness for the perp help; I was otherwise a goner.

    I think I remember the Pee Dee river from a long ago puzzle, but don't think I have ever crossed it.

    Thanks for the clip on "Private Benjamin". I have never seen it, and may have to order it from Netflix. It reminded me of "No Time for Sergeants", one of my favorites.

    Have a great day.

  13. I spent a lot of time with Mr. G, but finally rooted this one out. Started with WALTONS for NELSONS, OMELET? for SMALL OJ, WHAT IF for EVEN IF, DEAD for ARAL. Didn't know what Dr. Dentons are, or what SCAT means (I thought is was animal poop). Looked up the names except ENID, and OTT, which has come up so often even I know it now. Have never heard of HEBREW NATIONAL but perps helped to guess it. Had no idea about derby drinks(poured into a hat?) until perps again, then misspelled JULIPS so had to look up EILEEN. As always with Dan, culture problems.

    I did figure out that the piano clue would end in FLAT, and then just waited for perps to decide which one it was.

    This was hard for a Wednesday.

  14. Touching anecdote about the black and white chairs, thanks.
    Wanted "waltons" for TV family, never heard of Ozzie and Harriet.
    Being non-american there were a few toughies, namely Hebrew National, even when I got it I didn't think it was right. Sounds to me like a lobby group. Couldn't remember what IHOP was, had "small--" and still didn't get it as I had no idea who Dr. Denton is. Finally sussed it and felt very pleased with myself.
    A challenging yet fun puzzle.

  15. Very touching story about black and white seats.


  16. Quite a slog but fun all the way. Didn't need any outside help, though. For some reason, I always seem to get initial traction in the center of Dan's puzzles; then the fills migrate on the NE-SW axis. Got ASHANTI early, but thought they were more of Nigeria, but no matter. Thought NOTETOSELF and HEBREWNATIONAL were great fills. WOO and DJS had clever clues. AERIALS finally gave me an aha moment.

    For 8D wanted clay for the longest time until NOJOKE gave me KILN. Quite a few J's in this cw.

    C.C. thanks for sharing the story about Dan's service.

  17. Dennis, keep practicing BAITING. You may become a MASTER.
    Well, this was better suited for a Thur I thing.
    If it was Thur I wouldn't feel so badly about my stumbling around. Need a little help with some of the names. And SMALLOJ? Believable, but if I go to IHOP I want something a little more substantial.
    Nice picture about Dan's service. Checker board chairs. I wonder how many people figured it out before being told?
    CY'all Later

  18. Good morning, all!

    For the life of me I couldn't finish SMALLO_. Finallly had to reveal that final J and get my congratulations.

    @dennis Let us not forget that there is another instrument that shares the organ moniker -- the mouth organ. It's eminently portable, you can just keep it in your pocket!

    Have a fantastic Wednesday!

  19. Dennis, are you sure it isn't International Windhover Day? No matter, I'm pleased to join him and others (you know who you are) in the celebration.

    Here's a poem from one of my favorites, a life-long skeptic. Maintaining her philosophical views must have been difficult for a Victorian age spinster. This poem deals with her skepticism about love.

    Sweet Skepticism of the Heart

    Sweet Skepticism of the Heart-
    That knows-and does not know-
    And tosses like a Fleet of Balm-
    Affronted by the snow-
    Invites and then retards the Truth
    Lest Certainty be sere
    Compared with the delicious throe
    Of transport thrilled with Fear-

    - Emily Dickinson

    Got a cribbage date. See you all later.

  20. Good morning everyone, almost good afternoon. Thanks for the welcome yesterday, made me feel as good as, well, 70 degree weather in January. It's been so cold here in the midwest that's all I can think about. That and sunshine, which thank goodness, we will get today. Don't rub it in, those of you in warm climates.

    Loved this one today. Loved all the two and three word answers although I did need a bit of help. I especially enjoyed writing down JULEPS and MELEE, and AFLAT even though I had to draw a keyboard on my page. A bit of insomnia last night and recently makes everything a bit hazier than normal.

    As usual you guys and your banter make me laugh. It's nice to read about other people's obsession with words. Makes me feel more normal not to be the only one who will keep thinking about SMALL OJ throughout my day... Oh, and I mentioned you guys in my blog, which so far, only my mom and one out of two sisters read (my husband can't figure out how to follow a blog yet, yikes) so yeah, it's a big hit, I know.
    Oh yeah, and how awesome was EFFS? Just so great. Since I am a bit new to the crossword-world, I didn't really know Dan Naddor or any of the authors. I will enjoy these last puzzles, and thanks for the story CC.

  21. AmieeAya,
    Glad you feel so much a part of our group already. I looked at your blog, which is delightful. A word of warning though, I would be careful about using your kid's picture along with his name, and the town you live in, all on the same blogsite. There are many people who read this blog that we don't know about. You just never know to whom you're giving out too much information.

    I just got back from my weekly tutor volunteering, so have a bit more time now. Sounds like Dan's service was very moving, and I would expect many of those there did guess about the significance of the chairs.

    We are expecting a heatwave today in the 30s. Yesterday on my way to Madison, I was cursing having left the camera at home, the trees all the way were so beautiful with hoar frost. Not today, even the ice on the streets is melting.

    I had CLAY for a while too, and that was only after giving up on REALLY(?) for NO JOKE. It was definitely a slog today.

  22. Hi gang -

    Dan got me today. I'm not even going to tell you how many red letters I needed. A virtuoso puzzle, fer sure, and way too tough for a Wed. I have never been so defeated by a week day puzzle.

    There were three fills I didn't like, most especially EFFS. Brilliant clue, but a spelt out letter is always poor fill.

    Other than that, masterful. I've finally learned AWN, but didn't know IRAE meant wrath.

    But, seriously, what is NO JOKE doing in a Dan Naddor puzzle?

    Sunny here today, and mid 30's. Is it Spring yet?

    Back in full swing with rehearsals on Mondays and Wednesdays. Tomorrow, my two oldest grandsons have a middle school band concert. Should be fun.


  23. But, seriously, what is NO JOKE doing in a Dan Naddor puzzle?

    I wonder if Dan was saying don't look for the usual puns in this one.

  24. For some reason this one wasn’t a problem for me today. I thought the cluing was fun. My favorite was chase in a way – woo. I did need some perp help with irae, Arp, and Hal; and Ashanti was just a WAG. The one that threw me was navel. I can’t say I’ve ever contemplated my navel. Mid winter melt is on here in MN. I can’t say I’m not happy about that.

  25. Jeannie,
    Where I'm from, contemplating one's navel is a euphemism for sitting on the toilet.

  26. I had trouble in the bottom half, not being familiar with ASHANTI, ERNANI or SARDI. But, like someone said, Dan was kind with the perps.

    Bill (9:51 am) - Touche!

    AmieeAya - What you perceive as an "obsession with words" in this group is often just a front for an obsession with something else more primal. Which is exactly what makes this group so charming. Welcome aboard!

  27. FYI
    @Jazzbumpa writes "...didn't know IRAE meant wrath." Technically, "ira" means "wrath" in Latin. The hymn referred to is "Dies Irae" (you can Google it)and translates literally to "Day of Wrath" or a bit more loosely, "Judgment Day." If you have a Latin background, "irae" in this instance is genitive singular and means "of wrath." ....Probably more than anyone wanted to know.

  28. Can someone explain 10-DOWN AERIALS?

  29. anon@2:47, aerials are photos 'shot' from above.

  30. VTQUILTMOM @ 8:19,
    If you're going to play it, you must touch it.

  31. Ah, but sometimes it gets 'played' by not touching it...

  32. We must be nuts!!!

  33. Difficulty level of 5 or 6, I think. I tried to work it earlier this am and just couldn't get anything going, so I abandoned it for a while. When I came back, it fell into place quite nicely.

    "Hebrew National" was a given for me because that is all we ever buy. They used to be an independent Kosher company, but sold out to ConAgra a few years ago. I've wondered if they "sold out" in more ways than one and we are getting less Kosher as time goes by. I wonder how regulated that is?!

    From the "You learn something every day" department: I have always spelled it "julips," not "juleps." I knew it was "Eileen" Brennan, so I went looking for the correct spelling for julep. I was going to prove an error in the puzzle. The joke was on me, of course.

    Julep and Ernani were my only trips to Mr. G, but I had "Waltons" instead of "Nelsons," which messed up SW until the very end.

    I took just enough music to know the musical clue, but IHOP order stymied me. Maybe it is because I never order OJ there. Wanted waffles. I also wanted "crazy" talk instead of "trash," which didn't help anything.

    Rather pleasant day here. Hope all you folks with snow are digging out now.

  34. Hello All--Another delightful Dan Naddor puzzle, though I had many white squares until I hit the east and started going south. Once I had the Defense clue, I was able to put in a few more answers, but the NW section was the last to fall. I did have to Google O'Neil and then things fell into place. All I could think of was Roger Mudd.

    My missteps were almost all the same as others had today.

    I had a laugh over Subject of contemplation when I finally got the answer. Other favorites today were Flowery Welcome, and Chase, in a way.

    Dennis, Your WOW for today was excellent advice.

    Maniac, Moms are always moms even when their children are grown. You'll just have to keep your elbows off the table!

    Thanks for the story about the chairs at Dan Naddor's service.

  35. Good afternoon, CC, et al., Short on time, long on 'effs': frustrating, futile, fist, finally folded. Time ran out. Busy day.
    I enjoyed what I did get 'tho' so 'alls' not lost. Fav was 'I'll bite' 37D, b/c I just love tricks
    (and treats as well). Halloween is my 2nd most fav. occasion. I'll be upgrading my broom to a vaccuum cleaner this year. Going high tech. 'No fly zone' may take on a different meaning other than pants now.

    Dennis: I always use two hands when I hold my friends. Why waste an opportunity? I play the piano but the organ is my forte, and have mastered the mouth organ, as Crockett already mentioned. I practice frequently. Carnegie Hall may be a 'pool' hall, but they know I'm coming.

    Lemonade: LMAO at Remus. The story goes that Chopin's Waltz in D Flat was inspired from watching a dog chase his tail. Must've been a JRT. Love it.

    Enjoy your night. I have to go practice.

  36. DCannon: Hebrew National uses an independent certification group called Triangle K, which supervises the koshering process. This is generally considered to be sufficiently acceptable to most kosher standards. The hotdogs are not "glatt" kosher, so many Orthodox Jews and individuals who adhere to the most stringent kashrut (kosher) standards would not eat the Hebrew National hotdogs.

  37. Our family didn't follow the "no elbows on the table" rule at home. A carryover from the middle ages, it seemed strange, since we weren't eating at trestle boards. We were enthusiastic dinner table talkers and when leaning forward to make a comment, elbows seemed to naturally come to rest. But we were taught not to do it when we were guests someplace else.

    My mother's own "don't ever" was using a toothpick at the dinner table, or anyplace in public, for that matter. I never have, but I was quite surprised to see it commonly done in Europe, both at homes and restaurants. I've even seen it done in homes in the U.S. where elbows never touched the table linen.

    Lois, did I ever mention that we have friends, whose last name is Hall? Yep, they named their daughter Carnegie.

  38. It's outdated to keep elbows off the table.

  39. Lois, I knew you were taking piano lessons; the mouth organ was easier to master in my experience. It was hard to hit the right note but when I did it was very satisfying.

    Dennis, I imagine you are all thumbs when it comes to playing the organ. You have to remember you have another hand and you can make beautiful music combining the two.

  40. CA: LOL! That poor kid! The ribbing she must endure in her life. Gives a whole new slant to the answer to, How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Flowers and a box of chocolates for a start. Then dinner and a movie. If you practice hard and get lucky, you'll make Carnegie Hall. Not as bad as a kid around here, so I'm told, who's first name was pronounced A-sho-lee but spelled Asshole. I was told that by a teacher who had her. And the twins Lemonjello and Orangello, which is also first hand knowledge. Amazing.

  41. I am feeling wonderful and I am hoping all of you are feeling the same way. This is a wonderful troop of people and friends. CC you have done a good job!

    I hope all of you have what you wish or dream of tonight.

  42. Fun puzzle! Good stretch, but doable. I did have to google both ARP and AWN though. But was eventually able to work everything else out, although it took some doing... The SE gave me the biggest difficulty. As usual, there were some great, clever clues in this puzzle, which have already been mentioned by others.

    I felt the same way about ROOT OUT as already mentioned.

    Here's one of Vince Gill's most popular spiritual videos for you. Go Rest High On That Mountain . He's also done ballads and cutesy country pop songs too. I didn't know until I searched him now that he was in the 70's band Pure Prairie League. His current wife is also famous - Christian/Pop singer Amy Grant, who I think's been mentioned in puzzles before too.

    C.C.: I'm assuming the question mark on 26D "Slip through the cracks?: OOZE" is because the phrase "Slip through the cracks" is used to indicate something that had been overlooked, but that Dan wanted us to go in a different direction than that.

    And thanks for telling us about the chairs at Dan's memorial. It sounds like he wasn't the only clever person in the family with a great sense of humor!

  43. I Miss Dan and I know so many of us do.........

  44. Bob -

    Thanks for the Latin lesson, though I'm sure to forget it.

    I recognized DIES IRAE as a hymn title. There are several takes on it available at YouTube, by Verdi, Mozart and others.

    is the original. They don't write music like that anymore!


  45. Entropy @ 9:01,
    Amen to all you said. If there were not women, there would be no reason to strive. For anything.
    As for Anons, why, for the love of god (who, being female, will not even entertain, let alone grant, the prayers of anyone called Anonymous) can't these idiots just make up a name. If you don't want to use the one you acquired at birth, just make one up. Over the last 30 years I have probably owned 50 Cheviot rams, and every one has been named "Bob". I have owned about 20 goat bucks, and every one of them has been called "Guy". Not a damned one of them was "Anonymous". If a sheep or a goat can have a name, even a made up one, then so can the lowest form of Internet life, the Anonymous poster. Get a life, get a name!

    Robin @ 9:24,
    Thanks for the wish. In fact that has been the case here at WH farm this evening. In case anyone wonders, it appears that the key to "have what you wish or dream of" is two gin and tonics (Bombay Sapphire). I had one beer.

    Annette @ 9:24,
    You're very right about Vince Gill and PPL, although he didn't join the band (which hailed from Crockett1947's home town, the Queen City of the West, aka Porkopolis aka Cincinnati) until after their signature hit, "Amy".

    Fair warning:
    Kidding and lambing season is about to start here at WH, so the Irish and I will be up and about at some very small hours for the next couple months. PBJ and I may be conversing alone some nights, along with some insomniac left-coasters.
    Out of here for tonight.

  46. Sleep tight for as long as you can WH !!

  47. Yes, I'm awake! Was sleeping soundly until my neighbors set off the fire alarm, again Either they're careless cooks or running a crystal meth lab. Both scenarios scare me.

    Great puzzle, very tough but fun. What I remember from the a.m. was wanting the family to be the Jetsons and thinking I NEVER would order OJ at an IHOP--small or large. Blech.

    See y'all soon!


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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