, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday January 6, 2010 Gareth Bain

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Jan 6, 2010

Wednesday January 6, 2010 Gareth Bain

Theme: Classic Music Contracts, A-List - Classic Rock hit songs that follow a pronoun and verb contraction & A & noun pattern in the titles.

17A: 1966 Monkey's hit: I'M A BELIEVER. Written by the Lovely Wife's favorite, Neil Diamond.

65A: 1968 Impressions hit: WE'RE A WINNER. Must not have impressed me. No recollection of it.

11D: 1971 Tom Jones hit: SHE'S A LADY. Or at least a woman. What's new, Pussycat?

36D: 1962 hit attributed to the Crystals but sung by the Blossoms: HE'S A REBEL. Here are the Crystals.

And, at no extra charge, 50A Original iPod, as it's now known: CLASSIC. Not really part of the theme, but I co-opted it, so there.

But wait, there's more -

31A Put on the HiFi: PLAY. Spin them platters!

Hi Gang, it's JazzBumpa, your HOT LIPS trombonIST. Nice retro theme for the CLASSIC rock lover in you. The puzzle is one letter J away from a pangram.


1A Distinguishing feature: CACHET. News to me. Merriam-Webster tells us:1 a : a seal used especially as a mark of official approval b : an indication of approval carrying great prestige. 2 a : a characteristic feature or quality conferring prestige. Well, OK, then.

7A "Is this _____ time to talk of Pensions and Grenadiers?": - Sterne: A FIT. Beats me. Can't track it down. Anybody have a clue?

11A Wailing instrument: Must be SAX. Harpoon won't fit.

14A Hit the big time: ARRIVE. You know you've arrived when you ___________. (Fill in the blank.)

15A Quote as a source: CITE. Like Sterne in 7A.

16A Dress bottom: HEM. Per Wikipedia, "To hem a piece of cloth (in sewing), a garment worker folds up a cut edge, folds it up again, and then sews it down. The process of hemming thus completely encloses the cut edge in cloth, so that it cannot ravel. A hem is also the edge of cloth treated in this manner." That's getting to the bottom of it!

19A Bard's "prior to": ERE. "Able was I ere I saw Elba" Your palindrome for the day.

20A Bright Star: NOVA. Also, an old Chevy. Also Spanish for "No go." Great name for a car.

21A Basic French verb: ETRE. Crossword staple, usually travels with RAISON D'.

22A "Beware the Jabberwock _________" MY SON. Excellent advice from my mom. "The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!" The Jabberwock, I mean. Not mom. She's a sweetie. Anyway, it was Lewis Carrol, not mom.

24A Warehouse stamp letters: REC'D. Received. Got it?

26A "Washboard" muscles. ABS. Abdominals. Six pack. Very gutsy. We watched "The biggest loser" tonight. Yikes!

27A Briney expanse: SEA. I couldn't force-fit PICKLE BARREL into 3 spaces.

28A "M*A*S*H" nickname: Major Margaret J. "HOT LIPS" Houlihan. Played by Loretta Swit.

34A Wildly eccentric, briefly: SCHIZO. Schizophrenic. Doesn't fit the clue very well. Nor does it refer to multiple personality disorders. My alter ego is a SCHIZO, but we get along OK.

37A Sniffling and sneezing cause: COLD. "Viral upper respiratory tract infection (VURI), acute viral nasopharyngitis, acute viral rhinopharyngitis, acute coryza." Not a low temperature, as we all seem to be experiencing. Anyway, I wanted DUST.

39 ________ Carte: A LA. A la Carte, meaning "according to the menu", or "on the wagon," or something like that. May or may not involve an extra charge. It's all very confusing.

40A Roll call response: PRESENT. My alter ego always responds, "ABSENT." He's incorrigible.

42A How some suits are made: TO ORDER. Mine are off the rack at Penny's.

44A Toys: "R" US. Couldn't fit "IN THE ATTIC", nor type a backward R. My alter ego says he knows how, but he went to bed.

45A Wild outbreak: RIOT. Very crosswordese. Wanted HORSES, or PANDEMIC.

47A Victimized, with "on": PREYED. Literally, caught and ate. Figuratively, used and abused. There are other options.

48A Wine bottle datum: YEAR. Some are very good. Also known as vintage.

52A Narrow inlet: RIA. Learned from doing crosswords. A wide inlet is RIA GRANDE.

54A Chick _____: light women's fiction: LIT. How politically incorrect is that. These books not read on "The Biggest Loser."

55A Nordic Runners: SKIS. Cute clue. The blades of skis are RUNNERS, I suppose.

58A Knight's Job: QUEST. A search or pursuit for something valuable. Like a shrubbery. And 2D Knight suit: ARMOR. Not Jammies.

60A Ice sheet: FLOE. A floating sheet of ice. Very COLD.

62A Burned, in a way: ON CD. You can do it yourself.

64A City area, briefely: URB. Short for an urban area, aka city.

68A Get older: AGE. Father time wins in the end.

69A Yemen city on its own Gulf. ADEN. Lots of trouble in Yemen, these days.

70A Early ascetic: ESSENE. I think I read somewhere that John the Baptist was an ESSENE, not a Southern Baptist.

71A State that's only 9 mi. wide at its narrowest point: DEL. Note Abbrv in ans. MD gets pretty narrow, too.

72A Had second thoughts about: RUED. I thought this was more along the lines of deep regret.

73A Put away for later: STORED. These guys do it, and they're very protective.


1D Abel's slayer: CAIN. Original sibling rivalry. Why can't we all just get along?

3D Have a jones for: CRAVE. From the diction of addiction.

4D Japanese grills: HIBACHIS. A simple charcoal grill.

5D Noted victim of temptation: EVE. Clever clue. Mom of the original siblings, and early fig leaf HEMMER.

6D Prefix with vision: TELE. Television. Yeah. Whatever.

7D Biting: ACERBIC. As, wit. Same root as acid, I'll bet.

8D Fin: Am I done? No. It's a FIVE SPOT. A five dollar bill. Old slang. Anybody know where it came from?

9D Meteor ending: ITE. With or without, what's the difference?

10D Contract details: TERMS. Be sure to read the fine print.

12D Related to flying: AERO. That's plain.

13D Marvel Comics superheroes: X-MEN. Should be X-persons.

18D Emphatic type: Abbr.: ITAL. Italic. As you can see.

23D "Sho 'nuff": YEP. I agree. Though one could quibble about where to place the apo'strophe's.

25D Earth moving machine, and hopefully not the one driving it: DOZER. I love this clue. Short for bull dozer, hopefully not somebody taking a nap.

29D G and T part: TONIC. Gin and tonic. I needed a lot of perp help. My gin mixes with vermouth and drowns olives.

30D Spills, as from a bucket: SLOPS. Traditional method for hog feeding. Perhaps Windhover can elaborate.

32D Sheltered, in a way: ALEE. Away from the wind.

33D Place for a sale: YARD. Or garage. Or Target.

34D Nimble: SPRY. Agile, graceful. Somehow, "Jack be spry" just doesn't work.

35D Rockers Motley: CRUE. Ugly noise, IMHO.

38D Day of films: DORIS. Doris Day, clean cut sex goddess, before sex was invented. Clue got me - needed perp help.

41D Like 1-800 numbers. TOLL-FREE. That's why we like 1-800 numbers.

43D "I guess": RECKON SO. YEP.

46D Last bit: TAIL END. Sounds like a military expression, like tail gunner. Maybe Dennis can fill us in.

49 Grafton's "______ for Ricochet" R IS. Forward R this time. From Sue Grafton's alphabet mystery series. I got bored somewhere around F.

51D One often bordered an agora: STOA. Another crossword stalwart. I believe an agora was an outdoor market. A STOA is a collonade. In those days, "I'm goin' to the Stoa." was rather ambiguous.

53D Clashing, big time. AT WAR. That's about as big as it gets.

56D _________ Tube: INNER. An inflatable rubber bladder inside a tire.

57D Part of an act: SCENE. Acts of plays are divided into scenes. Or one can make a scene. Making many scenes is a bad act.

58D Campus area: QUAD. Short for quadrangle, a four-sided area surrounded by buildings.

59D Yearning: URGE. Should I give in . . .?

61D Ram's dams: EWES. I would feel sheepish if I didn't get this one.

63D Scott in an 1857 case: DRED. A much RUED decision.

66D Campus URL ending. EDU. ITE was already taken by the meteor.

67D Performer's suffix: IST. As in SAXophonist. Are there other examples?

That's all folks. Cheers!

Answer grid.



  1. Good morning, Jazz, C.C. and gang - this seemed fairly easy for a Wednesday puzzle, with simple clues and several 'crossword words'. I did need perp help for 7A and 22A, but other than that, things went smoothly and quickly.

    Jazz, great job with the write-up; nice timing with 'wailing instrument' appearing today. Also, the quote about Pensions and Grenadiers is evidently from Tristram Shandy, by Laurence Sterne. I don't know the context; maybe one of our more erudite members can fill us in.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "America is the only country in the world that's still in the business of making bombs that can end the world and TV shows that make it seem like a good idea." -- Bill Maher

    And a couple interesting definitions:

    - Dancing: the vertical expression of horizontal desire.

    - Dilemma: a politician trying to save both of his faces at once.

  2. Just a little harder than Monday and Tuesday. 15 minutes. No problems. No help.

  3. Good Morning! Been a long time.

    The original was Margaret J. "Hot Lips" O'Houlihan.

    Nice Job Jazz.

    Usually, ala carte involves extra money.

    John the Baptist was, according to some religious scholars, influenced by the Essenes but not actually one of them. Jesus has also been postulated to have been influenced by them. The Dead Sea Scrolls are considered by many to be their 'library.'

    Maybe Del. and MD get narrow but RI is still the smallest.

    A meteoroid is a sand- to boulder-sized particle of debris in the Solar System. The visible path of a meteoroid that enters Earth's atmosphere is called a meteor, (a shooting star or falling star). If a meteor reaches the ground and survives impact, then it is called a meteorite.

    Enough useless wisdom for the day. Here's hoping everyone has a great Wednesday.

  4. Good morning JazzB et al,
    A very entertaining workup on the puzzle today. I hope I can't remember most of it when I actually work this puzzle a few days from now. Irish works today, so maybe, unlike the last couple of days, I can get a special request fulfilled. Come to think of it, maybe that's the same trouble a couple of problem posters are having. May I suggest a little a la carte (at extra cost, but always worth it)?
    Sorry I can't offer any insight on 30D, Jazz. My only experience with pigs is that one blind date in college. She did have, as advertised, pretty eyes.
    Winter storm headed our way late today and tomorrow. How's your weather in A2?

  5. Ah, the cold weather seems to bring out the heat in us all. Wonderful job JB, you worked hard on this write up. Happy belated b-day to everyone I have missed, but it gets busy here in the frozen (well we are spoiled) south. Robin, it is a pleasure to know Marisa Miller's doppleganger. BillG., you like some of our other posters, can always start your own blog and post 50 times a day. CA, great choice of poem. Dennis, you look better than ever. Jeannie, daisies? Oh, and the puzzle was nice. We will not hit 60 today, only the 5th or 6th tim in the last 30 years. Also, all the new pics and new people, send C.C. your pictures and she can post them where we old blind people can see them full size. (Robin, can just send some directly to my email!)

  6. Regarding today's (Wednesday, the sixth) puzzle, in 7 across, the word "fit" means proper. It's a bit old-fashioned and it helps to be old to know this.


  7. Good morning Jazz and all, a very nice puzzle today and a superb write up by Jazz. I guess Jazz and I have the same warped sense of humor as I really enjoyed the write up today. The puzzle was very doable and I had the AHA moment with “Hot Lips” as I was thinking along the lines of Medivac, Hospice or some other name for a hospital.

    All of my unknowns today were gettable from the perps and I did not need any other help.

    Yes Argyle, old fashion is good!

    Dennis, I like the definition of dancing, very descriptive.

    Another morning of snow plowing here. Yuck!! High today low 20’s. So much for global warming.

    Hope you all have a great Wednesday.

  8. Great entertaining blogging Jazz.

    And very wise WOW Dennis--welcome back, BTW.

    A fairly easy Wednesday for me, but I couldn't "see" ON CD-- stared at ONC- for ages, didn't know DRED either. Had HAWKEYE for a while before switching to HOTLIPS when nothing else was working around it.

    Had to think a bit, (but not RUE) some of the song titles, but in general, everything else fell in without too much brain power.

  9. nice write up, thanks.

    FYI, the "he's a rebel" link is of a different version to the one I regard as the definitive, that being the one sung by the great (and uncredited) Darlene Love. (of the Blossoms, as mentioned).

    Search Youtube..."Crystals - He's a Rebel - 45 rpm"

  10. Got it, Terry.

    He's a Rebel

    9-8-62 written by Gene Pitney

    phil spector, 1962, 45 rpm, darlene love, wall of sound

  11. Hi Gang -

    Thanks for the kind words. I had a lot of fun with this.

    CC - Thanks for fixing my typos, and the theme help.

    Dennis - the definition I heard of dancing was, "a navel encounter with no loss of seamen."

    Dr. Dad - I had used up all my apo"strophe"s. Thanks for the meteorology.

    Windhover - The eyes have it, sho "nuff. I'm an easy 45 minute drive from AA. We get pretty much the same weather. Now 29F, overcast and quiet. Snow forecast of 3 to 6" later in the week.

    Dick - "I guess Jazz and I have the same warped sense of humor"
    We all have our cross to bear.

    I have to go get some gas for the snow-blower.

    JzB the SCHIZO trombonIST

  12. Yeah! Rock N Roll theme! Right up my alley. Didn’t have to hit the g-spot but got a lot of perp help with a fit, Ria, Aden, R is and stoa. One of my first cars was a 74 Chevy Nova. I loved that car, and I beg to differ with it’s Spanish translation as Brutis COULD GO. My definition of when you have “arrived” is when you don’t have to worry about your mortgage anymore.

    Jazz nice write up today. How about flutist?

    Lemonade, I promise when I finally do procure a digital camera you will get some pics.

    Windhover, I hope your request gets filled today.

    Jazz, what’s with the “jammies” link but no ABS?

  13. Jazzb: Clever write-up. Great job.

    Moderate difficulty. Blew SAX, but other unknowns came from perps. Never heard 'to have a jones for', but CRAVE made sense. Thought ONCD, DORIS and particularly DOZER were cleverly clued. Had not heard chickLIT, but a neat fill.

    ETRE; Fr. for 'to be' .

    Have a good day Stay 'cool'.

  14. Oh, BTW, I was inspired by Argyle's music links yesterday, mixed with some other remains of the day, and wrote a new poem. It's up on my blog, if you wish to cheer, jeer, or toss a tomato.


  15. Good Morning All, When I first saw "Wailing instrument", I thought of Jazzbumpa, even though I knew the answer had to be SAX. What a nice surprise to see his enjoyable blogging this morning.

    This puzzle seemed made TO ORDER for this blog. All the personality types who drop by make an appearance. ACERBIC, X-MEN, HOTLIPS, CLASSIC, WINNER, REBEL, LADY and maybe even a SCHIZO or two. Sometimes, there is a RIOT, or someone makes a SCENE. We have come to DRED it, when some Anon CRAVEs too much attention, or has the URGE to raise CAIN. But most of us love to PLAY and are BELIEVERs in C.C. and this great blog. (Even the YEAR (20-10?) made the grid. :o) I'm sure there are lots of other tie-ins too.

    I saw the 2006 movie based on Tristram Shandy. "A Cock and Bull Story", was similar to "The French Lieutenant's Woman", in that it was a movie-within-a-movie. I understand that the original novel was nine volumes. No wonder it isn't read much!

    Nice to see WOW back, Dennis.

  16. Good morning, everyone.

    I'll add kudos to JazzB's write-up.

    I had trouble getting started, but then it went pretty smoothly. Did not know how to spell Motley Crue, so that messed me up for a while. The perps helped, since I don't listen to modern music much.

    Nice to see you back, Dennis. I surely hope you took this miserable cold weather with you. It is now only 47° here in Naples.


  17. About harpoon not fitting in wailing--that would be whaling (as in whale.

  18. It almost wrote itself today. Perps filled some before I could even read the clues. I did not know the Tristram Shandy quote. I thought it was something from "The Walrus and the Carpenter" by Lewis Carroll, from which we get:

    "The time has come," the Walrus said,
    "To talk of many things:
    Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
    Of cabbages--and kings--
    And why the sea is boiling hot--
    And whether pigs have wings."

    I didn't have an inkling about the theme, although I did notice the contractions in all the song titles.

    When I was very young and we were very poor, we would go to town on Saturday to do the grocery shopping. We always went to Woolworth's for lunch, but we had to get the special because it was cheap ($.49 or so.) I always dreamed of being grown up and being able to "order ala carte."

    Enjoyed the write up, Jazz.

  19. "Robbie" Sheila,
    Allow me to be the first to direct you to the Roger
    Miller penned Janis Joplin classic "Me and Bobby McGee", and the words "I took my harpoon out of my dirty
    red bandana".

  20. Nice little challenge this morning. Just right for a Wednesday.

    Jazzbumpa - Excellent write-up. Loved the SCHIZO undercurrent, and I appreciate your "warpedness". We are so blessed to have C.C., Argyle and guest-bloggers like yourself to continually enlighten and entertain us. Wail on.

    Robin - (from yesterday). Your avatars always crack me up. But the last one's my favorite. It must be hard to schedule your swimsuit photo shoots between your Flight for Life missions, or is that your standard uniform? No wonder your patients get better!

    Clear Ayes - Nice channeling of Lois this morning!

  21. CA if Lois gets sent up for a long time I guess we can count on you to fill in for her. Nice use of the clues/answers. LOL

  22. Hi Jazz, C.C. and friends-

    Jazz, very entertaining write-up! I loved it and the puzzle. I thought of Bagpipe when I first read WAILING INSTRUMENT...but obviously it was too long.

    CA, great post!!! You really hit it with that one.

    Dennis - The dancing definition is a great classic line..have laughed at it/and used it for years.
    Hope you had a restful vacation and don't let the Floridians blame their cold snap on you.

    Windhover (7:12) I am still wondering if I interpreted your post correctly.
    What a classic way to express it, if that is actually what you meant. LOL.
    Very clever! ('course it could just be my ---- mind at work again)

  23. Jeannie -

    Sorry for the oversight. My little pea brain gets sluggish after midnight. Will you grant me ABSolution?

    By way of compensation, Here is a little something for

    "Robbi" - Shiela -
    You obviously don't know me. Allow me to introduce myself; I'm a man of neither wealth not taste. What"s harpooning in your neck of the woods?

    JzB the REBEL trombonIST

  24. about old songs, there is an increase in the use of oldies for movies (my favorite example:In "Chicken Little" they use "I love you and that`s all I know.") And that`s okay...but I can`t listen to another favorite "Be My Baby" anymore because of the associated "product." :( Many oldies are "ruined' by being associated with products.

  25. Good Afternoon Jazz and All,

    Finally getting to post and can't add much new to what's already been said. It was a typical Wednesday difficulty for me. I did need the red letter help for the last bit in the south. The only theme answer I had heard of was the Monkees. My brother had most of their albums.

    Jazz, Great write up!! Loved the jammies link.

    Being part of the "We don't need no abs" group being fat, furry and funny is the only way to go. Either that or being happy, hairy and...............well you know!

    Have a great day!

  26. @MPK, gone already?

  27. Good afternoon, everyone!

    Jazzbumpa, what a sparkling write-up. You da man!!

    Busy day today, so I'll check back in later. Let's all play nice together today, OK?

  28. Chickie, Tom Williams of Scotts Valley (Mon. SJMN) is another idiot
    who also doesn't know any thing about math.
    This puzzle was another Ho-Hum and would have been a waste of time, paper and ink if I had down-loaded
    the empty grid.
    Don't forget to wash the brown stuff off your noses before leaving the house.


  29. Thanks, gang, I just couldn't resist all the easy blog tie-in answers, but Lois is the queen of those DF interpretations. I'm always ready for a laugh when she gets going.

    Carol, re WH@7:12, why would you even doubt it?

    Maniac, I do like a man who has some fur on his chest. GAH is great to cuddle with this time of year...nice and warm. Hmmm, now I'm curious, ladies, your preference?

  30. eddyB, what exactly is your problem here, and why are you staying if you find it so distasteful?

  31. Dennis, welcome back. Looks like you knew when to leave the south.

  32. Looks like somebody has their nose out of joint, doesn't it eddyb?

  33. Good afternoon, all! Just a few minutes to post:
    -JazzB: You wailed well--classy, fun, smart guestblogging. You have a good way with words. Will click links later.
    -Gareth B.: You're a clever man and built a very good puzzle. Nice to see your byline.
    -Dennis: Welcome back and thanks for the post at 4:03. My thoughts precisely, but said more politely.

    More later, time permitting!

  34. Hello All--I enjoyed the puzzle today and did it with the help of Mr. G. for the musical hits. The only one I knew was the Monkees hit. But did a head slap when She's A Lady appeared. I misspelled "Reckon-reckin" so In CD didn't make any sense until I came to the blog to check my answers.

    The phrase "Have a Jones for" was something I had never heard before. The perps filled it in for me, but does someone know what part of the country this comes from?

    JassBumpa-I had some real chuckles today in reading your write up. It was super entertaining.

    CA--You did a great "Lois" today.

    Jazz, The "Is this a fit time?" quote IS from Tristam Shandy--a 9 volume saga. This quote apparently comes from Book 4 and is in Chapter 5 according to Google. Sorry, but I didn't read any of the books, and unlike CA haven't seen a movie based on them either.

    Jimmy B., Is that our San Jose State U Spartan you have in your new Avatar?

  35. You're one sharp cookie, Chickie!

  36. I forgot to answer the statement, "You know you have arrived when--your granchild says that you are the 'Best Grandma in the world'." I melted at that one as it came with a big hug from my 25 year old who has been living in Boston and was home for Christmas.

  37. Chickie - re: 'have a Jones for' - that was a new one for me too. I know about the 'big Johnson' and maybe that was where the phrase 'keeping up with the Jones' came from.:)

    CA (4:00) LOL - I shouldn't have doubted it, I know how his 'mind' works & I love it!

    Dennis (4:03) and Mr Ed (4:26) ditto!

  38. O mighty and all powerful Dennis.

    I stay because I get to LMAO every morning reading the comments.

    #2 if youre counting.

    Mr Ed. Why yes it is. It was every color but brown when I fell and broke it.


  39. The perps took care of anything I didn’t know in the rest of the puzzle, but I had to set it aside and come back to finish the SE corner after lunch. With a fresh mind, one word came to me, which was enough to help with the rest. I g’d a couple words afterwards to confirm my fills, even read the story about DRED Scott, but didn’t notice that I had it crossing ONCE instead of ON CD until I came here. Must be my eyes…

    Dick: Very belated Happy Birthday to you!

    "I'm goin' to the Stoa." It sounds like a regional dialect for “store”. Pittsburghese, perhaps?

    You know you've arrived when you “receive a shout-out from the Original Post page of the blog.” Jeannie: Funny, I felt like I’d arrived once I HAD a mortgage! Then I felt like I’d been trampled when I had two mortgages for a few years! So glad to be back to just one.

    Performer's suffix: pianist, cellist, accompanist, vocalist.

    CA: Nice tie-in to the blog! Great job!

  40. I stay because I get to LMAO every morning reading the comments.

    Well, that answers part 2 of my question, and certainly speaks well of the rich and full life you must have, but you never answered as to just what is the problem you have with the blog? I know we're all ears, so that we can learn from someone on a much higher plane than us lowly bloggers.

  41. I think the term "jones for" or "jonesing for" comes from the drug culture. I really don't know why "jones" and not "smith" or "martinez" or something else. Maybe from "keeping up with the Joneses"?

  42. Alice In Wondering LandJanuary 6, 2010 at 5:33 PM


    From your comments, it doesn't sound as if your LMAO in the morning has much to do with enjoyment. You seem to resent the fact that a lot of people here have fun with their comments, like each other and don't mind saying so. What is wrong with people telling Jazzbumpa that they liked his blogging, or complimenting other posters for their contributions? Why are you trying to be mean? It makes no sense at all.

  43. Re: wailing instrument

    It took me a bit of Google time to get the harpoon=mouth harp connection. Other interesting (and sad) bits were that Kris Kristofferson wrote Me & Bobbie McGee for Janis Joplin, who was his inamorata at the time. She recorded it just before her sad death, never knowing what a spectacular hit it was to be.

    Roger Miller also had a huge success with his version as, of course, did Kristofferson.

    What a marvelous blog this is! I spent a great two hours reliving the time and the music of those three.

  44. MPK: Thank you! I never did get the harpoon=mouth harp connection. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

  45. Good evening Jazz, C.C. and all. Nice banter Jazz. and Gareth I DID like your puzzle and are you a brit? I am wondering, such a cool name.

    I did have issue with Schizo, perhaps because I am, but don't consider myself eccentric'. Oh, excuse me, do I have a little brown stuff on my nose? EDDYB, I keep asking you to sit by me in class and I get no love!!!!

    Lemonade, gosh Marissa and I could be twins, at least from below the BOOBYS down! And JimmyB, I have a little tooth ache I wish you would look at or a least recommend a decent wine, To go with it ! I am trying to get the most viewed profile, therefore the frequent avatar changes! Yes I am that shallow!!

    Carol u r so funny and is the Big Johnson what I think It may be? LMAO!

    Jeannie thanks for the ABS.

    WH, You are in luck, Dennis forgot to mention that it is Special Requests are Granted Day!

    Dennis, BTW nice tan and does it come with lines?

    Spitz, I too just heard the term Chick-lit today on facebook.

    Have a chillaxin evening all!

  46. OK. Dennis is ahead in this ping-
    pong game 3 to 2.
    I am all ears also.
    But come on folks, even the lowlyest has to admit that some of you are "funny" and very doting.

  47. anon@6:16, the important thing to remember is that we're all enjoying ourselves here. If others are jealous of that, sobeit.

    Perhaps you could explain "funny and very doting".

  48. Fifteen or so minutes before my appointment, here's a few comments for my #2 post.
    * Ever notice that the word SPRY isn't used to describe young folks? Nor is "feisty," I think
    * Gareth Bain is South African (see the interview) and young enough not to have seen a real HI FI, in all likelihood!
    * What's the opposite of "Chick lit?" [just kidding!]
    *ClearAyes: Your "Lois-isms" are spot on.
    *I knew I'd almost ARRIVEd when a 34 y/o told me "I hope I'm just like you when I'm 50." [for the record, I am 47]

    To steal Mr BuckEye's line, I must be off.

  49. Robin - yeah, the Big Johnson is exactly what you think it is... ;) and just so there is no Miss Understanding, it is not the one you throw on the grill.
    (can't you just feel the sphincter muscles of the men on here do the 'tighten-up'?????)

  50. I find the term "chick lit" a bit condescending. Oh, well, I don't look at the pictures, I just buy it for the articles. LOL!

  51. oh yeah@Carol! and wasn't there a song, "It's nice to beat your meat on the Mississippi Mud?

  52. OK. Dennis is now ahead 4 to 2.
    Maybe just may be no responce is deemed deservedable. Never knew watching AKing could be so much fun.

  53. Ok, I think at this point the best thing to do is ignore the child that is EddyB/anon. Nothing productive there.

  54. Good evening JzB,CC and all,

    You bet this group is funny,probably covering most definitions :droll, comical, unrestrained,strange,queer,wry, but mostly entertaining.

    JzB, you were a laugh a second..enjoyed your write up immensely.LMAO at your response for 54A-LMAO.Wish I could lmao,sigh. I just finished U is for Undertow..It is probably a chick lit, a new term to me.I liked it.

    I wondered what "rus" was until I got here.d'oh! I put in asorbic for acerbic for a bit. I had 2 empties-too?rder/?eck?nso. I couldn't read them and felt silly when seeing answers.

    Does anyone else hate going to restaurants when EVERYTHING is a la carte?

    Dennis/Mr Ed/Carol...triple ditto
    Talk about needing negative attention!

    CA, you outdid yourself today..a very fun write up. Now we will expect where are those fancy jingles, Carol????

    Carol, never having heard that phrase before, the "big Johnson" came to mind for me too.Well, I never had a jones for Tom.Ick..or a hairy chest.I have enough problem keeping my legs shaved.

    Chickie, kudos Grandma!

  55. Holy Cow, and I was just about to post a recipe. Here's one especially for you eddyB.
    If you don't like this blog go take 2 Tbspn of bitters and leave.
    If you like it stay and take a nice shot of whatever and enjoy the banter.
    If you are on the fence take 2 tspn hot sauce and 2 tspns of honey and decide. I am really tired of you picking on every one. Are you the mean anon keeping score with Dennis? If you are, you aren't as bright as you think you are as you have put him in the lead. Alice in Wonderingland you make a great point.

    On a lighter note...yes Clearayes, chest hair is a definite plus, but I must confess I like a big chest with big arms attached.

    Jazz, you have earned your ABSolution.

    Robin, just for the helluva it what's the temp in AZ? You must have overshot MN when you flew to pick up Dennis. Hey, it's been known to happen before.

  56. Wow, I was going to post something like I had Hawkeye instead of HOT LIPS, and did anyone see the game last night? (being a Hawkeye fan of course) but it looks like everyone is going a little SCHIZO today. What fun reading everyone's comments, and Jazz's write-ups.

    I do wonder where the term COLD came from though. How is that associated with being sick?

    Only knew two of the four songs, but was able to complete the grid anyhow.

    Jeannie, no offense, but if I was Robin I would have skipped over MN too given the weather right now. Arizona sounds much better.

    I felt like I had arrived at my first completion of a Sunday crossword without help!!!!

  57. Lemonade714 said: "BillG., you like some of our other posters, can always start your own blog and post 50 times a day."

    I'm not sure why you would say that. I thought I made it clear now that I knew C.C.'s guideline, I would try harder to follow it though I politely expressed a couple of questions about it. I haven't been whiny or unpleasant and have tried to make interesting posts, even though sometimes too many of them. I enjoy this blog and try to fit it. Your comment seemed a little unfriendly and I'm not sure why. No big deal. Just sayin'...

    BTW, while going for my bike ride along the ocean, I couldn't help but think about some of you who are coping with freezing weather. I would enjoy seeing a little snow from time to time but having gone to college at Cornell in upstate New York, I know you can get tired of it long before winter is over. If you were going to pick a place to live with weather as one factor, Manhattan Beach would certainly be high on the list.

  58. Okay Clearayes, this one is for you. I attended a party at one of my friends house and her daughter in college brought her boyfriend and this is his recipe. I of course changed it up a little bit when I made it. Jury's out who's was better...

    Tomato Bacon Cup
    1 roma tomato chopped and seeded
    1/2 cup of mayonnaise
    1/2 cup of crumbled bacon
    1/2 cup shredded swiss
    1 small onion chopped fine
    1 tspn basil flakes
    1 tube buttermilk biscuits

    Divide the biscuits in half and line them in a small non-stick muffin pan. Mix all the other ingredients together and spoon into the biscuits. Bake 10-12 min at 450 degrees. These are great hot and even great luke warm.

    My variation:
    I used asiago instead of swiss, used a shallot instead of the sm onion, used a small can of drained and finely chopped artichokes, and added about a breast of chicken finely chopped. Still used the bacon and basil but nixed the tomato. As I said both were really good.

  59. Jeannie, Nothing boring here. Bacon makes the world go round! This recipe sounds delicious. I will definitely be making it soon. I'll let you know how it turns out. It doesn't sound like it could possibly go wrong.

  60. BIll G., I'm positive Lemonade meant nothing nasty or hostile in his post. It's definitely not his style. I believe he was simply pointing out that if one wants to express themselves freely without limitations, the best way to do it is by creating a blog.

    It's very difficult to read tone and inference into a bunch of typed words, but I think we should try to give each other the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

    As to the hair on the chest issue, I do have hair on my chest; they number about 8.

  61. OK JD: I couldn't resist the 'challenge':

    There is the Big Johnson of fame.
    He swells when someone mentions his name,
    He loves to have fun
    With his big gun
    and just hope she is happy he came.

    As to the chest thanks I have enough trouble with the other type.

  62. Hey guys. I thought we'd agreed not to feed the trolls. Enough with this back and forth insults and replying to them.

    The teacher in me objects to all this foolishness. DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS.

  63. BillG, I think I have mentioned before that my daughter was born in Manhattan Beach's next door neighbor, Redondo Beach, too many years ago to talk about. You're right, the weather is fantastic.

    Sallie is a very sensible lady.

    Robin, don't be greedy.

  64. JazzB-Your blogging and parsing today was first rate! Thank you for the links and comments!

  65. Never ClearAyes! Charity is my middle name!

    4 can work just as well :)

  66. Clearayes, let me know which variation you like the most.

    WH, by your absence I can only assume...

  67. For those of you counting....NAILED IT AGAIN TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW...

    Yours truly, Lo-li-ta....

  68. A very late stop in as today was shop for mom day, but I hope that Jazz reads previous days posts(was there supposed to be an apostrophe there somewhere?) I just laughed my way all the way through your(Jazz) blog, we are definitely on the same wavelength. Fun puzzle, easy, no probs. Was iffy on RUED, SCHIZOand URB, and started out with the wrong answer for QUEST, but I corrected quickly and zingo! finished.

    Jeannie...yummy recipe and I do love anything with bacon in it!

    I'm on the Dennis-style side with chest hair...not a fan.

    Made baby steps in the studio but had to lose today and tomorrow. Cleared off 10 days that, hopefully, someone won't find something that I have to do in...getting back on this bicycle has been tougher than I thought. Jeannie, I appreciate your patience.

    CA...great write up!

    WH...there is an addition

    Cheers to all.

    And what Sallie said. :o)

  69. CA said: "I think I have mentioned before that my daughter was born in Manhattan Beach's next door neighbor, Redondo Beach, too many years ago to talk about. You're right, the weather is fantastic."

    Good schools too. And to think it was all happenstance. I got three job offers from my senior college interviews. The most prestigious (and the most money) was Hughes Aircraft Company in Culver City. So I showed up my first day (living in a hotel) and looking for an apartment. One of the other engineers heard me talking about apartments and suggested I meet him over the weekend to check out places near where he lived, in Manhattan Beach. I did and found a cute little studio apartment about a half-block from the sand. I moved a couple of times but always stayed in the area. Later after Barbara and I got married, we decided to go looking for a house to buy. We tried several nearby areas like Culver City and Santa Monica and were driving home when we passed a For Sale sign. We wandered in and liked the sunken living room and stone fireplace right away. The realtor on the job was a jerk but we found our own realtor and bought the house in Manhattan Beach for $43,000. We added on in about 1983 and have been here ever since. Great weather, schools, restaurants, etc. All luck, not planning. Thank you whoever is responsible.

  70. Sallie:
    Yes, ma'am.
    It's beat your Feet, but I like your version better.
    Would you consider three? It's a fine number, and can lead to the Big One, in all three ways mentioned yesterday.
    Clear Ayes,
    You are ever the sensible one, the voice of reason.
    you make me hungry.
    Any man can grow hair, anywhere. Takes a good one (in the Flannery O'Connor sense) to keep it worn off. That probably explains Dennis' eight.

  71. I believe from the spelling and childish comments that we have been infiltrated by a teenager trawling for porn, and having not found it, (s)he has tried to create it by jabbing at those seen to be most vulnerable. I agree with Sallie, it certainly is best not to feed this lust by directing attention to it.

    That recipe sounds really tasty. I'll have to try it.

  72. Hey guys, here's Dan's obituary.

    Such a damn, damn shame.

  73. Add my vote to the "bare-ly" there hair on the chest! It's nice to run your fingers through a hairy chest, but...what Carol said! And that I'll deal with because I just couldn't cope with a man who was THAT well "manicured"! That's just putting too much thought into it.

  74. Dennis...Thank you for the link.

  75. Good evening? Jazz, CC, et al.,
    Just got in from enjoying my son in Richmond. We ended up in a town called "Short Pump" (no lie) and if it had been almost any other man, hairy or not, I would have investigated that area a lot more in depth.

    No time for the puzzle but wanted to congratulate Jazz on the great job! Very funny and well done. Thank you for all the links, esp the ABs.

    CA: Outstanding post 10:12. Couldn't have done better myself LOL.

    Drdad: so good to see you here. Thanks for the info...cleared that right up! Sure miss you.

    Carol: you are the absolute queen of limericks! Hilarious!

    WH: love your 'worn off' explanation for hairless chests. I can just see that printed on a card for services provided. What a hoot!

    Dennis: Great WoW! And I do love to dance...

    Enjoy what's left of your night.

  76. Dennis: Thank you for posting that link. I was looking for it last week, but I guess it was too soon. What a sad loss...

    What a testament to the man to have just started constructing after being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. And he dove in with such gusto to have become one of the most highly regarded people in his trade. He could have just done it as a distraction, but he chose to put forth the effort to do it well, and he excelled!

    I wish I'd known as much about him before his passing, as we've learned since. I'm envious of Jerome having known him so well.

    Speaking of which: Jerome, I hope you're doing okay and will jump in again soon. We'll understand if you aren't ready to talk about your loss, but know that our thoughts are with you! This blog provides excellent comic relief!

  77. Dennis: thank you for the link. It is terribly sad. Such a loss!

  78. Dennis - Thanks for the link to the Dan Naddor obituary. It was nice to see the shout out to C.C.'s interview.

    Robin - I was about to recommend a good wine for you to enjoy while filling your cavity, but then I realized I would be inadvertently tip-toeing into Lois-Land, and I don't think I want to go there.

    I will say, though, that you, Lois, Carol, Clear Ayes, et. al. are better than a tank of nitrous!

  79. Dennis, thanks for the link.I liked scanning Dan's earlier puzzles too.

    Carol, that was the best yet!

    WM, it's good to see you are in, out and about.We should be bringing you daisies.

  80. In addition to my part-time OB/GYN practice, I also dabble in dentistry; someone needs a cavity filled??

  81. Well the work week has ht me with a vengeance, so I am not here very often, and only have time to jump in before work, but it is fun to catch up at midnight.

    Bill G., Dennis is 100% correct, my comment was literal, others have started their own blogs, and seem to be enjoying themselves. I have no desire to exclude anyone, and I can assure you, you have been treated very gently compared to others who have gotten carried away and ignored the 5 post rule.

    Dennis, thnak you for the link, though I am sad all over again.

    Lo li ta, something else to look forward to in life.

    Robin can I get a picture of you and Marissa together for my, uh, my scrap book? Yeah, my scrap book; I am very crafty....

  82. Lois:
    The night is always young when you're around.

    Jimmy B:
    My guess is Loisland is like the Trevi Fountain: you throw something in, you're going back.

    Can I get serious for a moment? (probably not, but I'll try anyway).
    Sallie is of course correct. This (or these) anon is not worth screwing (I wanted another word there) up the atmosphere in our little Corner of the blogosphere. Sure, we get a little DF in the evening (and it's always evening somewhere), but it's all in fun and all good. We need to ignore these sick and low self esteem intruders (wanted another word there, too). Ignore AND delete.

    My final words of the evening:
    RIP, Dan Naddor.

  83. Can someone shed light on 11 ACROSS clue?

  84. Read the comments.

  85. @anonymous @11:31 A saxophone is quite capable of making a wailing sound when handled properly. Think a jazz sax and I think you'll have it.

  86. WH: Yeah, sleep is highly overrated. Love your Trevi Fountain analogy. LOL

    JimmyB: Ahh, come on in! The water's fine, the wine is better, and the fun never ends. Coming inadvertently is not an altogether bad thing. The point is still made.

    Dennis: Awwwww, maw toof urts right ere!

  87. 1964 Impressions hit

    Keep On Pushing.

    Kepp On Pushing

    the song appears @ 3:49 in

    The Impressions

    Jerry Butler & Curtis Mayfield were once members of the Impressions.


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