, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday, February 1, 2010 David W. Cromer

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Feb 1, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010 David W. Cromer

Theme: Gambler's Action - The first word of each familiar phrase are things one might do while playing POKER (69A: Texas Hold 'em, e.g., and a hint to this puzzle's theme).

20A: Broadway premiere: OPENING NIGHT. First official presentation of a new play.

28A: Making lots of noise: RAISING A RUCKUS. Ruckus (1890), possibly a blend of ruction "disturbance" (1825) and rumpus (1764), of unknown origin.

47A: Start of a wide-area police radio alert: CALLING ALL CARS. Aka, APB.

57A: Seating for extra guests, maybe: FOLDING TABLE. I thought it would have been better to clue this as "Seating for the kids" to lead away from FOLDING CHAIR.

Bonus fill: SEVEN (23A: __-card stud). This is related to poker, of course, but not to Texas Hold'Em or to an action.

Update (7:25am): What with Texas Hold'em so big, I forgot some of us may not understand the poker terms.

OPENING: making the first bet.

RAISING: increasing the size of the bet.

Which leads to the last two entries.

CALLING: matching the bet and any raises.

FOLDING: discarding one's cards and losing out on the current pot.

Argyle here. Not bad for a Monday. Four theme answers and a clarifying clue (and a bonus). Can't you just see Bogie hailing a taxi and asking the cabbie, "Where can I find a little action in this town?"


1A: Cribbage pieces: PEGS. Is there any gambling involved in cribbage? It's not what Bogie was looking for.

5A: Shaving gel alternative: FOAM.

9A: More than disliked: HATED.

14A: Power co. product: ELEC..

17A: Volcano feature: CONE.

18A: Equestrian's control: REIN. In dressage, control is done mostly with the knees.

33A: Genealogist's chart: TREE.

34A: No-treat consequence?: TRICK. Trick or Treat. At Halloween.

35A: Speech impediment: LISP.

39A: Arises (from): STEMS.

42A: Till bills: ONES. Fine rhyme.

43A: Like draft beer: ON TAP.

45A: 1492 Atlantic crosser: NINA. With Pinta and Santa Maria

54A: By way of: VIA.

55A: Athletic shoe's turf grabber: CLEAT. Forgot about the Pro Bowl. No biggie.

61A: Yell: SHOUT.

64A: __ club: singing group: GLEE. Anyone watching "Glee"?

65A: Decisive victory: ROUT.

66A: Lower in esteem: ABASE.

67A: Name on many Irish coins: EIRE. Pic

68A: Far Eastern detective played by Lorre: MOTO. That's Mr. Moto, if you please.

70A: Boys: TADS.

71A: British weapon of WWII: STEN.


1D: __ Bill: legendary cowboy: PECOS. Freshest entry today.

2D: Romeo or Juliet, marriagewise: ELOPER. Were they married?

3D: Swiss city on the Rhone: GENEVA.

4D: First part of an act: SCENE I.

5D: Plant with fronds: FERN.

6D: Designer Cassini: OLEG.

7D: Ugandan dictator: AMIN. Forest Whitaker portrayed Idi Amin in "The Last King of Scotland" (2006).

8D: Seles of tennis: MONICA.

9D: Discuss thoroughly: HASH OUT.

11D: La Brea stuff: TAR.

12D: CPR giver, often: EMT.

13D: Hair styles: DOs.

21D: MIT, for one: Abbr.: INST.. An institution of higher learning

25D: Porous organ: SKIN.

26D: Brownish purple: PUCE.

30D: Keep after taxes: NET.

31D: Davis who played Thelma: GEENA. "Thelma & Louise"(1991). Geena Davis played Thelma and Susan Sarandon played Louise. Thelma quote: "I've had it up to my a** with sedate."

32D: __-Magnon: CRO.

35D: Bonkers: LOCO.

36D: Words before instant or emergency: IN AN.

37D: WWII invasion city: ST LO. Saint-Lô is a commune in north-western France.

38D: Good bud: PAL. Primo.

40D: Wire diameter measure: MIL.

41D: NBC weekend hit, briefly: SNL.

44D: One doing a pirouette, e.g.: PIVOTER. Worst entry.

46D: Brokerage cust.: ACCT..

48D: It's nothing: NIL.

49D: Thingamajig: GADGET.

50D: Security devices: ALARMS.

51D: Start again, as after a computer system crash: REBOOT.

52D: Military greeting: SALUTE.

56D: Wyoming's __ Range: TETON.

57D: Firecracker cord: FUSE.

58D: Hip bones: ILIA.

59D: Socially inept type: NERD

60D: Thousands, in a heist: GEES. Gee stands for a grand($1000)

61D: Maple syrup base: SAP.

62D: "True Blood" network: HBO.

63D: Acorn's destiny: OAK. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.

Answer grid.



  1. Good morning, Argyle, C.C. and gang - very simple puzzle this morning; no pauses, no perp help until near the end. Didn't see the theme until the third theme answer, then confidently put 'folding chair' for the last one, which pretty much screwed the SE for a while. Other than that, not much to comment on that Argyle hasn't covered already; I agree that 'pivoter' is the worst entry.

    Today is National Freedom Day.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." -- Mahatma Gandhi

    A couple definitions:

    - Neurosis: a secret you don't know you're keeping.

    - Laws: spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught.

  2. Pretty typical Monday puzzle. No real surprises or difficulties. 13 minutes.

  3. Good morning Argyle and All, not much to say about this one. Non stop writing until there were no more spaces to fill.

    I would prefer a bit more of a challenge, but that will come later I am sure.

    Dennis I like the definition of neurosis. LOL

    Hope you all have a great Monday.

  4. Good Morning CC, Argyle and All,

    My only hang ups were Glee, Eire, and Tads. The fills took care of them.

    Have a great day!

  5. Morning, CC, Argyle, and Friends. A good Monday puzzle. I had a little trouble with the lower section, but didn't need any outside help to complete. I did, however, immediately think of LADS instead of TADS, which required a re-write.

    My grandfather taught me to play cribbage when I was quite young. I have good memories of playing the game with him for hours. He died when I was 12. If there is gambling involved in the game, he didn't pass that along to me.

    OLEG Cassini designed a lot of clothing for Jackie Kennedy

    QOD: Victory has a thousand fathers; defeat is an orphan. ~ John F. Kennedy.

  6. Today was perfect fill day. Early in the week I see if I can do the puzzle with no mistakes or erasures. I won't put in an answer until I am sure it is correct. I was able to do that today. I liked FOLDING TABLE as that is often what one uses to play cards when having guests over. This was a good theme with a typical Monday difficulty. Don't play poker around here, but I love cribbage. CALLING ALL CARS was a hoot too. Haven't heard that in years.

    We watch GLEE at our home. My son loves the music (although I think he likes all that inane drama that goes with it too). I think it goes a little far, but he is right, the music is very entertaining.

    Have a good day all.

  7. KQ, thank you for reminding me that not everyone is familiar with poker so I added definitions to my original entry.

  8. A nice fast run today, with the only doubt being after I had TADS because I wasn't sure of it. It, like some others, was produced by perps, but some others I didn't notice until I was here and saw the clues for those I hadn't looked at.

    I think cribbage was the only card game I ever played a lot. After growing up I never got into cards at all. So I know nothing about poker, other than what I've seen in movies, but that was enough for me to understand the -ING words today.

    I pretty much agree with Dennis on PIVOTER, and had the same experience with the theme and CHAIR too, though that was only until perps proved it wrong.

  9. Good Morning All, Nope,
    a "pirouette" "a rapid whirling about of the body; especially : a full turn on the toe or ball of one foot in ballet" and a PIVOT "the action of pivoting; especially : the action in basketball of stepping with one foot while keeping the other foot at its point of contact with the floor" aren't the same thing at all.

    Other than that, I have no gripes. It was Monday easy. The folks who are unhappy with Friday and Saturday puzzle difficulty have their turn now for a couple of days.

    GAH plays Texas Hold 'Em once every couple of months with some PALs. There are pretty strict betting limits, so an evening's entertainment doesn't cost anybody more than $30 or $40.

    I play cribbage with my PALs every month. There's no gambling involved, but I suppose a way could be found.

  10. Good morning all! Quick puzzle, fun theme. KQ, I liked the FOLDING TABLE reference too, even though I fell for the CHAIR... when I was a kid we'd go visit my grandparents in northern WI on their dairy farm. Not much TV meant we set up the tables and played hearts with all the cousins til all hours of the night. Gambling? I'm sure, but I don't remember it. The whole thing made me feel more grown up than I was!

    Also liked PECOS Bill although I thought of Buffalo or Wild Bill at first. Have I crossed references??

    Didn't like TADS. My fraternal grandfather's name was Tad, short for Tadashi, and I never would associate him with boy! A stern one he was...

    Anyway the best puzzles for me are ones I can handle (!) and ones that invoke a lot of memories. This one fit the bill. Hope it's a good one guys.

  11. How could I forget to link Kenny Rogers' The Gambler.

  12. good morning c.c., argyle and all,

    i think this was my fastest monday ever, under 6 mins, never even saw half the clues. was zipping along so fast i didn't pay attention to the theme until i got to 69a POKER. don't know that i've ever heard of ROUT before, so i still learned something.

  13. Hi Argyle, C.C. & gang, I thought it was an easy puzzle also but I learned a new word today for boys. I'd never heard tad used to describe boys? So we had GADGEL instead of GADGET.

    Here's an interesting clip from the 2004 Alamo movie.

  14. Didn't check in yesterday (Sunday): too busy licking my wounds. I obviously had a tougher time with it than most of you.

    Feeling much better about today, thank you. Not sure about TADS, though. And I hardly think a basketball player moving on his PIVOT foot thinks of himself as doing a PIROUETTE. Just minor complaints.

    I do enjoy Glee. A bit over the top at times, but love the energy.

  15. Hello all.

    The ING endings didn't work for me
    but, if that is what the constructor wanted, ok.

    Don't know how one could gamble on cribbage except by who won. Have my father's board somewhere.


  16. This one was a “quickie”. It took less than 10 minutes out of my lunch hour. I had never heard of Pecos Bill but the perps took care of that. I have never heard of a boy being called a “tad” so naturally wanted lad. Being a frequent user of the word, thingamajig made me smile. My nephew is waiting to find out if he gets accepted into MIT. He wants to design NASCAR engines of all things. We used to gamble on cribbage in college. We would keep a running tab, it was usually a nickel per point. You jsust hoped you didn't get skunked. Enjoy your Monday. It’s gray and cold here and the sky is starting to spit out some snow flakes.

  17. Hi gang -

    Nice, easy, enjoyable puzzle. Not much challenge, but hey- it's Monday. My only quibble is with TAD. I've never seen that used to mean "boy."

    I do like the TREE - STEMS stack.

    I'm the one who most staunchly insists on clue-fill correspondence, and I'm going to defend PIVOTER.

    The definitions C.A. gave are variations on a theme, and the point of commonality is that single foot maintaining contact with the floor, while the body turns around it.


    1. A short rod or shaft on which a related part rotates or swings.
    2. A person or thing on which something depends or turns; the central or crucial factor.
    3. The act of turning on or as if on a pivot.
    4. Basketball.
    1. A position taken by an offensive player usually facing away from the basket near the foul line to relay passes, attempt a shot, or set screens.
    2. The stationary foot around which the ball handler is allowed to pivot without dribbling.

    I would say it's impossible for one doing a pirouette not be be a pivoter.

    I always thought strip cribbage might be an interesting variation.


  18. Hello everyone:

    I learned how to add and subtract by watching my father play cribbage with a local pharmacist, and they bet on every game. The loser paid a penny for each unpegged hole, 2 pennies if you were skunked, and a nickel for a double skunk. Seldom more than two dollars changed hands, but it was a competition.

    We were card players, pretty much every game you could think of playing, except bridge very infrequently because my father would lose his temper when his partner played or bid badly. In fact we had a once a week game of OH HELL where my aunt and uncle, my parents and some number of me and my brothers would play. What a hoot; the card throwing and swearing were memorable. Dad would call my uncle and say, "La tasse est vide, la femme attende," as the signal it was time to play. I was surprised to learn Bill Clinton liked this game.

    In high school, my brother Barry dated the daughter of OLEG CASSINI Christina, who we called Tini Cassini. Sadly neither he nor I were cross-dressers so we did not benefit by knowing her. My mother along with half the world did follow the Jackie look for a while.

    Am I the only one offended by "Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." -- Mahatma Gandhi.

    This puzzle really does balance well with Saturdays. Enjoy.

  19. Some interesting new avatars, but I think we need to post an description of what we are doing; e.g. Maniac? Hahtool? IPO are those men you know or just a picture from a magazine?

  20. Hi all - Good ol' Monday puzzles!
    Restores my sagging confidence after last Friday and Saturday. I breezed through this without stopping, but did have a small hesitation because I too tried to put CHAIRS in for 57A, but realized the clue was singular.

    Argyle, who is the cute kitty?

    I love poker, and have played for many years.
    Cribbage is also one I have played since I was about 8. It is not a 'gambling' game but our family always bet pennies on how many points one lost by. One cent per point and two cents per point past the skunk line. In later years we upped the price to dimes and quarters. When Joe and I play, we don't play for money.

  21. The Close but No Cigar awards-

    GLEE, GEES (which the BEE GEES renamed themselves just for the joy of it)

    In puzzles, STLO finds a SLOT LOTS of times.

    In REBOOT you can find the start of Hamlet's soliloquy-"TO BE OR..."

    The Baloney award- PIVOTER is a poor entry? I say, PROVE IT!

  22. The Close but No Cigar awards-

    GLEE, GEES (which the BEE GEES renamed themselves just for the joy of it)

    In puzzles, STLO finds a SLOT LOTS of times.

    In REBOOT you can find the start of Hamlet's soliloquy-"TO BE OR..."

    The Baloney award- PIVOTER is a poor entry? I say, PROVE IT!

  23. Lemonade: It's sheep. I was on a sheep ranch recently. I am not doing anything to them or vice versa.

    It's not too late to start cross-dressing. It happens all the time here during Mardi Gras season. Last night the Dome was filled with men in dresses.

    I have seen Glee a few times and think it is a riot. Jane Lynch was interviewed on NPR recently about her role as cheerleading coach on the show.

  24. JzB got me looking...pirouette and pivoter basicly mean the same - in French.

    Carol, the kitty was Sparky. I snapped it just as he was bristling about something. He belonged to my cousin and developed health issues that couldn't be resolved. They still have his sister, Bella, and she doesn't have any issues. Het, you never know.

  25. Hahtool, Jane Lynch is one of my favorite actresses. I've seen Glee a couple of times and it is Jane Lynch I look for. Her roles in the writer/director Christopher Guest mockumentary movies and Julie & Julia are the best.

    Pirouette is french, as are the majority of classic ballet terms. While gritting my teeth, I will acknowledge that a pirouette is "the act of turning on (or as if on) a pivot" (one definition of the word PIVOT). I don't have to like it though. There are some words for which no other single word will do. I doubt many ballerinas or danseurs would appreciate being told, "Hey, you're a pretty good pivoter."

    Kazie, en français, doesn't the verb "pivoter" mean "to swivel"?

    I think Gandhi's WOW are in keeping with his modest view of his individual importance. Most of the rest of us would like to think that what we do isn't totally insignificant, but Gandhi was probably more right than wrong.

    Jeannie, Lemonade & Carol, I'll suggest the penny+ payoff to my cribbage group. Sounds like fun.

  26. We've always played "nickle a point" cribbage games. The bet doubles for a skunk and triples for a double skunk. I played in a "buck a point" doubles tournament once when the local golf course decided to run a bar one winter. My partner and I were down over $500 and came back to win the $1500 prize which entry fees paid for. I'm not much of a gambler but I couldn't resist the competition. We blew a bunch of the pot buying drinks the remainder of the night. Young and foolish!

    My parents taught us all how to play. They still play and keep a tab on who is winning or losing per summer or winter season. Both my boys play and our three handed matches are infamous arguments/wrestling matches! Cribbage can be a contact sport also.

    I did try strip cribbage once or twice. Works good!!

    Off to a meeting.

  27. Hahtool:

    Well obviously it is MONDAY, I am very busy, but it is gray and nasty and I am not in the mood to work, so...

    Well I did recognize sheep, I actually went to school where they raised sheep and found them to be incredibly stupid, smelly animals. I was seeking their significance in your life.

    At the self same school, speaking of cross-dressing, now my memory was jogged, I did play Gertrude in the spring performance of Hamlet, but it was an all boys school, and I was secure enough to not care. I did have a nice blue, royal looking dress, but I did not much like her. I also come from a long line of no glutes, so.....

  28. I did try strip cribbage once or twice. Works good!!

    I've tried strip solitaire several times, but it gets boring after a while...

  29. Good afternoon Argyle, C. C., and all.

    I don't play Poker, but love the rich vocab heard watching movies and tournaments on TV.

    Pretty hassle-free solve, except TADS and GEEs. I got the PIVOTER from the perps, and just assumed it was an English word I didn't know. It still made ok sense, as did ELOPER. [I wonder if people who do that often are "re-elopers" or maybe just "relopers"!]

    Google confirmed PIVOTER it's a word in Eng., but it took some scrolling to find it actually being used.

    @ClearAyes: Oui, it's a verb meaning swivel/turn/rotate in French, literally & fig., too. Mme Kazie can elucidate.]

    Played lots of cribbage growing up but haven't been near a board since highschool. Still remember the fun but not the rules. The dog would eat the pegs if we weren't careful....

  30. Entropy, no, I didn't see the game. Spent most of the day/night at the poker tables in Atlantic City, getting some of my money back. Heard it was a real stinker.

  31. Has anyone actually used the word TAD (70A) for ‘Boys’?

    2D: I didn’t think Romeo & Juliet ever tried to elope, either… It has been awfully long since I’ve read it though. Did they?

    Dennis: I liked the definition of Laws.

    I don’t think I lasted 2 minutes on the 1st episode of Glee. As much as I enjoy a sarcastic remark or two, the coach does it too much and takes it too far over the line for me… Her sarcasm is more ridicule and very un-PC to me.

    Lemonade714: I’m not exactly offended by it – I experience it at work often enough… Some days are very disheartening. As you can tell, I’m going through one of those phases now.

    As for PIVOTER: Taking dance lessons many years ago, the way they explained travelling spins across the floor was by pivoting, and each time you pivoted, you’d find your “spot” so you wouldn’t get dizzy (I don’t know ladies , when someone finds your “spot”, doesn’t it sometimes MAKE you dizzy…?) I believe even in the waltz there was a move where you pivoted on both feet, like a military pivot.

    My initial visual for PIVOTER was that GADGET used in Math/Algebra/Architecture/Engineering classes when most of us were younger to help you draw pretty circles. It had a sharp point on it, and had a contraption you slide your pencil into and locked in place while you drew the circle. Were those called protractors, or were protractors the half-moon-shaped thingamajigs? I wonder if they still use them in school…or do they go the way of slide rules?

    Carol: What DO you and Joe play cribbage for now, if not for money? ;-)

    It’s grey, rainy and a little cool here today. People think I’m crazy, but I love it like this! Sitting at lunch, watching the rain outside, I was wishing I were out running errands in it. It remind me of a vacation I took to Alaska. Of course, the next day I’d probably be sick and miserable, but that one day would be fun!

  32. Annette and Argyle, Romeo and Juliet did get married. Friar Lawrence hitched them. According to the rumors, R. & J. spent a night together too. At least they went off in the evening together and appeared the next morning all goo-goo-eyed. Although it wasn't spelled out, I'm sure those crazy kids had been up to something.

    GAH read my post about his poker buddies each playing for $30 or $40 in a night. His comment was, "Ha!". I'm sure it's nothing like Dennis' Atlantic City bets, but I guess I have been deluding myself. As long as he doesn't come around the next day and ask me how much I have in my wallet, I'll just mind my own business.

  33. Quick solve, typical Monday. Low on cleverness.

    Favorite Clue: "No-treat consequence" TRICK.

    Thought of the day: If Jimmy cracks corn and nobody cares, why is there a song about him?

    I miss the good old days of 41D "SNL" with Chris Farley and Phil Hartman. It has not been the same since.

    I give it a 7/10 on my "enjoyability, worthwhile, and solvability" scale.

    Good day everyone.

  34. Happy Groundhogs Day Eve.

    Another good reason for Scotch.

    I also enjoy draft beer, ON TAP with FOAM, a little head never hurt anyone.

    Brandon, yes it was an EASY Monday.
    The puzzle rated itself at 23a, a SEVEN.

  35. Annette: We play for and with each other, LOL.
    If you love rain, we would welcome you in western Oregon!

  36. Ipo, I know it's a hard thing to grasp, but ice fishing really is kind of fun. I do prefer fishing in the summer in a regular boat while catching some rays, but you have to adapt up here.

    Carol, do you and Joe play "strip cribbage"? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Dennis, OH HELL, strip solitare? And here I thought you were a seven card Stud.

    Mainiac, I never thought of 3-way cribbage being a contact sport, but now that you mention it...

    Bill G, aren't you sweet. If I ever make it to your side of the coast I will be sure to look you up and make you a nice fish dinner.

    Lemonade, the beauty of this blog is you can let out your feminine side. I bet you looked rather stunning in your royal blue dress. I bet it showed off the highlights in your hair. I hope you used some "foam" for shaving though. Lo-li-ta.

  37. Hello All--Today's puzzle built up my ego from the crash last Friday and Saturday. I'm always up for a puzzle that I can finish without any outside help.

    Everything has already been said regards the CW so no new comments on that front.

    In our Mercury News today was an article about The Silicon Valley Puzzler's weekend tournament in a nearby town. Some of the comments were so right on as to this blog and the people who contribute every day that I had to share.

    Quotes from our paper: The attraction in solving a number or word puzzle is the "satisfaction of getting something completely right. In real life, it's not always that black and white".

    "It turns out in the world of puzzling, there's little distinction between 'word people' and 'numbers people'. There are just quick-thinking, smart people. Those who master one (CW's)tend to also be good with another (Sudoku).

    I think we have a great number of quick-thinking smart people here on this blog.

    One of the judges at this Puzzler's weekend was Tyler Hinman (Age 25) who has won the American Crossword Puzzle tournament for five straight years.

    Have a great evening, everyone.

  38. It's funny what we each have problems with. I had no trouble with TADS for boys. It's not a common word in my vocabulary but I've read it enough to be familiar with it. I had no trouble with PIVOTER and ROUT. But I didn't like FOLDING TABLE for seating for extra guests. A card table isn't seating in my mind but folding chairs would be. I think seating has to refer to, or at least include, chairs.

  39. Lemonade, My avatar is a 24" Lake Trout (Tougue) I caught two weekends ago. Weighed in at 4 pounds. Very average size for that lake. Of course the whiskey bottle was among the many shenanigans pulled that day, albeit rather mild. We've hung everything from beer bottles to ice scoops from tip ups from always suspecting fishing mates. The real trick (or treat) is getting the attention of whose tip up you are screwing with. Good times always. I caught another last weekend and threw it back even though my oldest said to keep it. I fillet and freeze them for smoking when the weather warms up a bit. Smoked tougue on Saltines. Wicked good!

  40. Carol: Good for you! I'm sure it keeps you both young, and the marriage alive. Driving home tonight I was thinking I needed to move to Seattle or Oregon. Maybe I need to start planning a vacation...

    Dennis: I can't believe you ever have to resort to solitaire!

    Chickie: Thanks for sharing the information about the Puzzler's Weekend.

  41. Mainiac, my love for fishing didn't start here in MN. I grew up on Lake Michigan and most of the fishing on that lake was for lake trout or salmon. I got my first fishing pole when I was 4 yrs old, and no it wasn't a Barbie fishing pole like you see young girls have today. I had no trouble with worms, leeches, grubs, minnows or anything else you put on for bait. My problem was touching the fish and taking the damn thing off the hook. I used to carry around an old gardening glove for that. I still do. You are right, besides freshly caught sunny's, crappies, and walleyes, there is nothing better than smoked trout. I am drooling right now for salmon as it's really high here in the grocery store. $8.99/lb. I just talked to my dad the other day and he has up to five in his freezer.

  42. Jeannie (7:45) to answer your question re cribbage, yes, but only in the glow of a red light bulb...everyone looks good in that! Come to think of it, it could easily turn into a contact 'sport';)

  43. Hello.

    I hope everone has their fingers crossed that Phil doesn't see his
    shadow tomorrow.

    Annette. The pointed thing with the pencil is called a compass.
    The half moon shape is called a protractor. We used round ones for Nav class. Round ones are very useful for plotting headings and intercept reciprocals


  44. eddyB: Thank you for "compass"! I didn't think protractor was right, but I couldn't think of a way to look it up...

  45. Carol, I can think of a certain e-mail sent to me recently that NO ONE would look good in.

  46. Good morning Argyle, CC, et al., Like Melissa, I flew thru this one so fast I missed 'a lot' of the clues. Never heard of 'puce'..
    reminded me of blood puddng esp if the 'c' is changed to a 'k'. Geena Davis is also an ace in archery, and even tried out for the Olympics. Glad to see her here.

    Loved this theme. Just got in from playing Texas Hold 'em...
    survived longer than a lot of others but lost finally. Still a lot of fun but prefer Black Jack and a different kind of 'pok-er'.

    Lemonade; LMAO at the image I get of you in a blue dress. How did you accessorize and how did you wear your hair? I can see you w/pearl necklace and pretty blue ribbons in your up-do. I bet you were quite 'fetching'.

    Dennis: strip solitaire? Hilarious! Funny guy!

  47. Brandon, you are so dating me. My idea of the good old SNL days are Dan Akroyd, John Belushi, Jane Curtain, Gilda Radner, and on and on.

    I never pay any attention as to whether Phil sees his shadow or not. In Minnesota, we always have lots of winter left. Six weeks would be a treat.

  48. Although we first put in lad, we soon changed it to tad which is a familiar term to me. I'll admit I haven't heard it used for eons. Lincoln's son was nicknamed "Tad" which was short for "Tadpole". His father said that was what he looked like when he was born. So the term, tad,as applied to any young boy, may have the same derivation.

    This puzzle was so easy that I didn't even see some of the clues until I came here. But we enjoyed it.

  49. Dennis -

    You gave me a genuine laugh out loud moment with strip solitaire. Very glad I wasn't sipping anything.

    I have an in with some dancers. I'll get the real scoop on pivot.


  50. CA,
    Yes, my little French dictionary says "pivoter" is to turn or hinge. I guess I wasn't thinking about it too much when I did the puzzle or afterwards, so looked it up just now, but don't have access to the bigger dictionaries right now without disturbing the dog.

    It started snowing here around 6pm, and it was so beautiful, all little jewel-like crystals all over the ground. At least it covers the doggie doo on our lawn. I need to invite Mainiac's kids here to clean it up.

    I spent the day doing laundry and making bread, the usual 5 loaves. Then I had a meeting and came home to find the parcel (which had gone astray when I sent it to our son in AR for Christmas) sitting on our doorstep. Nothing wrong with it, no missing labels, correct address and all. Has anyone else ever had something like this happen? It was too late to call the local P.O. to ask, but I will tomorrow. I suppose I should be glad it's not lost.

    Goodnight everyone!

  51. Brandon and KQ:
    I'm "dating" myself here too, but SNL has slipped in my estimation since the late 70s to mid/late 80s. The stuff that Chevy Chase, J. Belushi, G. Radner, Larraine Newman, P. Hartman, Steve Martin, Bill Murray, et al did were so edgy for the time, but they left us with characters we'll always remember. Canadian SCTV likewise (Martin Short, Andrea Levy...) plus some of the skits from departed MadTV will always be my touchstone for sketch comedy.

    I admire some of the political comedy out there today -- Steve Carrell and Jon Stewart, but so much of that is topical that it has a short shelf life, and doesn't often play well in reruns.

    Humans have a very basic need to laugh, and I consider the inability to enjoy laughter as something of a mental issue! Especially when times are tough, humor saves lives, marriages and families. And puts better brands of cheese on my table, and softer TP in the john.

  52. Eddy B, thanks so much for the tip. I really need something to intercept those damned reciprocals when I'm planning headings. I'll be forever grateful.

  53. Dodo, almost lost my OJ. Great line!


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