, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday February 14, 2010 Natalie Dyvens

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Feb 14, 2010

Sunday February 14, 2010 Natalie Dyvens

Theme: Crazy Love - All of the 13-letter theme answers are anagrams of VALENTINE'S DAY. In cryptic crossword, the word "crazy" is an indicator of an anagram.

24A. Run-down old Roman truck?: SEEDY LATIN VAN. Run-down = Seedy.

32A. Tax expiration headline?: LEVY IS AT AN END

59A. Out-of-work Baltic natives?: NEEDY LATVIANS. Latvia is in the Baltic region.

80A. Attack the Falkland Islands' capital?: INVADE STANLEY. Stanley is the capital of The Falkland Islands, an archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean. Who knows?

106A. Cowgirl in a crib?: TINY DALE EVANS. Dale Evans is crowned as "Queen of Cowgirl".

118A. Some gondola passengers?: LADY VENETIANS. Gondolas are widely used in Venice.

16D. Shrink everyone wants to be like?: ENVIED ANALYST

58D. This puzzle's theme - each of seven answers is a 77-Down of it: VALENTINE'S DAY

And non-symmetrical cross-referenced ANAGRAM (77D. Roped, to Pedro). Roped is an anagram of Pedro. Plus a hidden 13-letter VALENTINE'S DAY anagrammed constructor's name - Natalie Dyvens. Is that you, Rich?

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. And Happy Chinese Spring Festival! 新年快乐! 恭喜发财!

Today is Dennis's two-year anniversary with the blog, so we decided to team up and co-write today's puzzle analysis. (No, C.C. decided. And it's now 2 am and I'm still writing.)

Very creative theme concept, perfect for Valentine's Day, but it also results in some strained theme answers. A necessary sacrifice for a "crazy" theme. Both of us thoroughly enjoyed this puzzle and were amused and entertained by many clues.


1. Register: SIGN IN. Reminds Dennis of the old 'What's My Line' show -- "mystery guest, sign in please."

7. '70s-'80s FBI sting aimed at corrupt politicians: ABSCAM. Got several Philly politicians in that one, including the late Congressman John Murtha.

19. Frito-Lay corn snacks: CHEETOS. Dennis loves the crunchy ones, as opposed to the puffy ones.

21. Secret: ARCANE. Same root as the "tarot card group" ARCANA, which stumped many of us last time.

22. Biden predecessor: CHENEY (Dick). No one's idea of a great hunting partner. He definitely knows the Halliburton founder ERLE.

23. Crisis phone service: HOTLINE. From Dennis: I could've used it for several clues in this one.

26. Ajar, in poems: OPE. As in open, which is not necessarily ajar.

27. Drudge: SERF

29. Salem-to-Portland dir.: NNE

30. CNN launcher: TBS. Turner Broadcasting System launched CNN in 1980.

31. Desperate: DIRE. As in dire straits.

36. Start of a French oath: SACRE. "Sacre bleu!". Mild French profanity. Literally "sacred blue!"

38. Sailing or whaling: ASEA. Clever rhyming.

39. CFO's degree, maybe: MBA. The constructor opted CFO rather than CEO for the clue to avoid duplication with the answer CEO (37D. Co. leader), who more often has the MBA degree.

40. Chelsea zoo opening?: ZED. The opening letter of "zoo" is Z, which is pronounced as ZED in Chelsea, England.

42. Mug with a hinged lid: SEIDEL. German for beer mug. Rooted in Latin "Situla" (bucket). New word to both of us.

45. "G.T.O." singers __ & the Daytonas: RONNY. A gimme for Dennis, both because the car's a favorite of his and the time-frame of the song. GTO is often clued as "Ronny and the Daytonas hit"

47. Million-millennia period: AEON. A variant spelling of eon.

48. Schooners' contents: ALES. Then we also have PALE DRY (71A. Ginger ale type). A regretable clue/answer duplication. Ginger ale was created in 1904 by Canadian pharmacist John J. McLaughlin.

50. 10th century Norwegian king: OLAV I. Jeez, just how many Olavs were there up there, besides Jerome's grandpa?

51. Numerical entry aid: KEYPAD. Dennis wishes his laptop had one.

53. A big fan of: INTO. Dennis is currently into Wendy's doubles. The hamburgers, that is.

55. Quick cut: SNIP

56. Service abbr.: NAV. The Navy. The Marines are a department of the Navy. The men's department. A joke, of course - all the services are equally great and equally important.

64. Jolson and Jarreau: ALS

65. List ender: Abbr.: ET AL. From et alii; "and others".

67. "__ you sure?": ARE: From Dennis: C.C., are you sure you want me blogging?

68. Stephanie's dad: EFREM. Efrem Zimbalist Jr. A Purple Heart recipient from WWII. Loved him in 77 Sunset Strip and The FBI, two '50s/'60s-era TV series.

69. Easy to use: WIELDY. Hardly ever used. Its antonym, unwieldy, is quite common.

73. Not seen as much: RARER

74. Near the beginning: EARLY ON

75. Bullfight cheer: OLE OLE. Did the duplication fool anyone else? Wasn't expecting six letters.

76. English cattle breed: DEVON. Named after the English county where the breed was first developed. Are they used in Wendy's doubles, Windhover?

77. Flying stat.: ALT (Altitude). Kinda critical to flight.

78. Electronics time meas.: MSEC (Microsecond). Any more, it's all about nanoseconds. FYI, a nanosecond is to a second what a second is to 30 years.

79. Salon acquisition: TAN

84. __-80: old computer model: TRS. An early model (late '70s) from Radio Shack (Tandy Corporation).

85. Like SFO and LAX: INTL. Both San Francisco and Los Angeles have international airports.

87. Senior housing?: DORM. College seniors, of course.

88. Scottish property owners: LAIRDS. Scottish variant of LORD (108D. Titled nobleman)

90. All-time Blue Jays' winningest pitcher Dave: STIEB. Pronounced like "Steeb". A gimme for both of us.

94. Cranberry sources: BOGS. Nice spin on "Cranberry sauces". Got lots within an hour of Dennis's place.

95. Golfer's problem: SLICE. Yeah, most golfers are slicers. Some are hookers. Dennis has a feeling C.C. isn't cursed with a slice or a hook.

99. Medieval estates: MANORS. Here is a good example.

101. D.C. player: NAT. Washington Nationals, the perennial doormat of the NL East.

102. Berne's river: AAR.. Should be a gimme for most by now.

103. Auth. of many quotes?: ANON. Becoming a four-letter word on the blog.

104. Scandal-plagued giant: ENRON. Dennis feels "Scandal-plagued" is a bit of an understatement. .

111. Egg holder: NEST. Clever.

113. Clear: RID. Verb "clear".

115. John, to Paul: LOO. John is a slang for "toilet/LOO". We've seen "John, to Ringo" gimmick before. Did anyone not think of the Beatles first?

116. "__-Dick": MOBY. DFettes, what was your answer?

117. Morgantown sch.: WVU (West Virginia University).

122. Graceful antlered critter: ROE DEER. A Eurasian species of deer. Pretty common in crosswords. They do look graceful.

124. Head cases?: CRANIA. Literally yes. Plural of cranium, the "case" of our heads.

125. Renoir subject: BATHER. See this picture. "Degas subject" would be DANCER.

126. "Let's Make a Deal" option: DOOR ONE. Of three. You could keep the prize you'd won or gamble and take what was behind doors one, two or three. C.C. has never watched "Let's Make a Deal".

127. Most insidious: SLYEST. Or SLIEST.

128. Risky dates: TRYSTS. Really? Why risky? Isn't it just a meeting between two lovers?

129. Barely made a ripple in, as during a dive: KNIFED. Very difficult to do properly. The meaning is new to C.C.


1. Bookman: SCHOLAR. Dennis's initial reaction was something CPA-related.

2. "God willing!": I HOPE SO

3. Settle a score: GET EVEN. "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

4. Donizetti aria "Regnava __ silenzio": NEL. "Regnava nel silenzio" is literally "reigned in silence"/"silence reigned' in Italian. NEL is "in the".

5. Response at the door: IT IS I. If someone said that at Dennis's door, he'd leave it closed.

6. Canonical hour: NONES. Dictionary says it's usually the ninth hour after sunrise.

8. Three-time Oscar-winning character actor Walter: BRENNAN. Tied with Jack Nicholson for most Academy Award wins by a male actor.

9. Hollywood shooting: SCENE

10. Concerto's extended solo passage: CADENZA. From Old Italian, cadence. Dennis has one of those in my office. Oh wait -- that's a credenza.

11. To some degree: ANY. Weak to Dennis.

12. Soften: MELT. Doesn't strike Dennis as synonymous. OK with C.C.

13. Takes the role of: ACT AS

14. How-hot-it-feels meas.: THI (Temperature-Humidity Index)

15. They can climb the walls: TENDRILS. Love Morning Glories.

17. Close: NEAR

18. Force unit: DYNE. Fraction of a newton. Another frequent crossword visitor.

20. Fluids in shots: SERA. Plural of serum.

25. Six-pack makeup: ABS. They're in there somewhere.

28. NSA headquarters site: FT MEADE. South of Baltimore.

33. Pull hard: YANK

34. "Gin __ meet ...": Burns: A BODY. No idea. From Burn's poem "Comin' Through the Rye".

35. Drop off: DELIVER. Nice deception.

41. Leisure fabric: DENIM. Nothing says leisure like jeans..

43. Villain: EVIL DOER. Hmmm... why does this sound familiar?

44. Fakes it, in a way: LIP-SYNCS. As in Milli Vanilli.

46. Longing: YEN

47. Mimic's talent: APERY

49. Concourse locale: Abbr.: STA (Station)

52. Time for an audit: YEAR- END. Dennis is not sure he agrees with that one.

54. Miraculous way to walk?: ON WATER

56. It's a family affair: NEPOTISM. Like what Kim Jong-Il practices.

57. Mythological woman raised by hunters: ATALANTA. Greek myth. The only woman who sailed with Jason & the Argonauts for the Golden Fleece.

60. Time off: LEAVE. Is this ever used outside of the military?

61. Fuzzy dos: AFROS

62. 16th century council site: TRENT. Council of Trent (1545-1563). The Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church.

63. Round Table title: SIR. Knights of the Round Table.

66. Heavenly lion: LEO. The constellation.

70. Shade provider: ELM

72. Caesar's 551: DLI. The obligatory Roman Numeral clue.

73. Lamb, e.g.: RED MEAT. Dennis was thinking something related to the essayist Lamb. Faked himself out.

74. Onetime immigration center __ Island: ELLIS

76. "Mack the Knife" singer: DARIN (Bobby). Huge back in Dennis' day.

81. OED unit: VOL (Volume). OED = Oxford English Dictionary.

82. Plenty: A LOAD. No, not touching it.

83. NFL rushing nos.: YDS (Yards)

86. Price of many operas: LEONTYNE. American Soprano Leontyne Price, best known for the title role of Verdi's Aida. Tricky placement of "Price" at the beginning of the clue.

89. Czech, for one: SLAV. Ok, this one's getting a little tiresome.

91. "It's sooo cold!": BRR. We both can relate.

93. SUV part: UTILITY. SUV = Sport Utility Vehicle.

94. Weapon attached to a rifle: BAYONET

96. Amazed by: IN AWE OF

97. Meet: CONVENE. Usually a committee or something similar.

98. Made certain: ENSURE. Insure too.

100. Not happy with: SORE AT

105. Diarist Anaïs: NIN. Erotic diaries.

109. Online read: E-BOOK. We both still prefer the real thing.

110. "I've got my __ you!": EYE ON. "Hands" didn't work, unfortunately, for Dennis. Lots of fill-in-the-blanks in this grid.

111. World Series qualifying matchup, briefly: NLCS (National League Championship Series)

112. Sandwich guy?: EARL. Earl of Sandwich, who popularized sandwich in England.

114. Owed money: DEBT

119. Haze reduces it: Abbr.: VIS (Visibility)

120. Sailor: TAR. GOB is also a slang for "sailor".

121. Many Soc. Sec. recipients: SRS (Seniors). Raising hand.

123. Soft & __: deodorant: DRI

More from Dennis:

Today, in addition to Valentine's Day, is National Organ Donor Day. An excellent idea on at least two levels ...

Today's Words of Wisdom: "Don't get sucked into doing a Sunday blog for C.C. when you have to be up at 5:30am the next morning." - guess who

Answer grid.

Dennis & C.C.


  1. A puzzle with JEROME and AL in mind, with ANAGRAMs flying rather than just puns. It is amazing how many exist, like, Compulsive Hun: Invades Neatly, or Devil is missing Ham? : Satan Deli Envy.

    I really loved, Price of many operas: LEONTYNE, even though opera is not my favorite music. I also enjoyed the mental picture of TINY DALE EVANS SERANADING. She was pretty good without old Roy to keep her company, or even Buttermilk.

    I also learned a new word as I did not know SEIDEL other than as a name.

    I wonder how many remembered ABSCAM, which was not far from CHENEY, accident?

  2. BTW:

    Happy Valentine's Day to you all. Sorry CA, but:

    Valentine's Wish

    Sometimes I make a wish and there you are.

    Sometimes I make a wish and find you live so far.

    Sometimes I make a wish and that wish fades away.

    Sometimes I make a wish that the earth would spin the other way.

    Sometimes I make a wish to hear the rain come out to play.

    Sometimes I make a wish and hear children whisper it's ok to play, and play, and play all day.

    Sometimes I make a wish and hear God's laughter. Am I insane?

    Sometimes I make a wish and feel the earth beneath our feet.

    Sometimes I make a wish and silence is all we speak.

    Sometimes I make a wish and our eyes meet.

    Sometimes I make a wish and our hands intertwined like roots of a tree.

    Sometimes I make a wish and my heart leaps.

    Sometimes I make a wish and watch you catch it.

  3. Lemonade,
    I thought of Jerome & Jazzbumpa, not Al though. I bet Jerome has to stop for OLA?? too.

    Sweet Santa, you are simply amazing figuring out the Natalie Dyvens anagram. You rock, as Lois would say.

    Re: "When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking". A sure Satori moment for me. Thank you so much for the hint.

  4. Dennis,
    Happy Anniversary! No puzzle is as sweet as one co-blogged with you.

    It took me quite some time to get on Buckeye's "I must be off" wavelength. I also feel that he's probably the most observant guy on our blog.

  5. Happy Valentine's Day, CC, Dennis and Friends. I'm not a fan of anagrams, but once I got Valentine's Day, I realized what I had to do to get the other theme clues. I had immediately figured out INVADE STANLEY (and changed to avatar in honor of this clue).

    I thought of OLE OLE, but was reluctant to used it at first because it seemed redundant. After the first pass, however, I realized that was the correct response.

    I especially liked John, to Paul (LOO) even though we see that fairly often. I almost fell for that trap again today.

    I also liked Risky Dates (TRYSTS).

    This is what I think of when I hear DIRE Straits

    QOD: A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author. ~ G.K. Chesterton

  6. You were mistaken. It's Hera who briefly sailed with Jason and the Argonauts. Not 57-Down ATLANTA.

  7. anon@6:40, there are several versions of the story, and some say Atalanta sailed with them. Unless you were there, we'll stick with what we have.

  8. Anon:

    Were you there with Jason? I do not remember you....why be antagonistic, secretive and closed minded?

    Atlanta is one of the few heroines from Greek mythology, whilst there is an even mixture of gods and goddesses, the status of hero is almost always a male domain. Atalanta appears in a number of stories, although with the majority of such tales, there are a number of different versions. The differing versions may indicate two heroines of the same name, though I will presume there is only one.
    Atlanta was the daughter of either King Iasus and Clymene, or Schoeneus of Boeotia. The father though desired a son so much that on her birth she was taken into woodland and abandoned to her fate. Instead of death though, Atlanta survives and the goddess, Artemis, sent a female bear to suckle her. A group of hunters eventually find her and raised her as one of their own.
    Growing up amongst the hunters, Atlanta soon comes to love the hunt, and begins to compete amongst the males of the group. By the time she reaches womanhood, Atlanta is the best at many of the male preserves, including hunting, running and wrestling. Growing up against men, though also saw Atlanta have no desire for a partner, in fact she received an oracle that her marriage would end in disaster.
    As a notable athlete, Atlanta’s name appears on some lists of those who travelled with Jason on the Argo. Whilst in some tales, Jason refused Atlanta passage, fearing a woman on board would result in problems, other versions see Atlanta fighting with Jason at the battle of Colchis.

  9. Y'all, no gal traveled with the Argonauts. End of discussion.

  10. Well, I guess this answers the recent question, "Does Dennis ever guest blog?". Yes, and damned well. The two of you make quite a team. Nice work.
    My puzzle this morning is Dan Naddor's from last Sunday, (very enjoyable so far), so I'll just make a few comments and shuffle on.
    I doubt you'll find any Devon beef in your Wendy's burger. Devons are a very minor breed of cattle. They were developed in England as a dual purpose (meat and milk) breed, and there aren't many of them in this country. I believe the Livestock Conservancy, an organization devoted to preserving the genetics of rare breeds, considers them somewhat endangered. Dave, the founder of Wendy's, originally used his restaurants to market only cattle from his own farm, about 150 miles from here near Athens, Ohio. I believe thar breed was Charolais, although I'm pretty sure that is not the case now. Most of the fast food joints buy cheaper imported beef.

    128a - tryst: yes, two lovers. Or more.

    82 d could, if the puzzle appeared in a different type publication, be clued as: three cc's, on average.

    109 d - Ebook - there is a one panel cartoon in my paper called "Speed Bump". A recent cartoon showed four older ladies sitting, 3 with books in their lap and one with an Ebook. The caption was:
    " If you choose to read on a Kindle in the privacy of your own home, that's your business. But we're still calling this a @#%* book club".
    My sentiments exactly.

    Hello Zeus @ 8:06.
    I am an atheist. You do not exist.

  11. Good morning C.C., Dennis, and all,
    Happy Valentine's Day to all, and Happy Chinese Spring Festival!

    I struggled through today's puzzle, with many false starts and misspellings. I had all the theme answers (except the unifying 58D), as well as ANAGRAM, but still didn't get the theme. A number of problems in the SW including "ser" for 56A, and "dye" for 79A, no idea about Dave STIEB, and had LEONTiNE. When it finally occurred to me that one could get a TAN at a salon, that gave me NEPOTISM/NAV and the "Aha" moment. I am in awe of the constructor's ability to create such a delightful puzzle.

    Enjoy the day!

  12. @windover, there must be something indigenous in the Ohio area as far as cattle raising is concerned. Bob Evans, founder of Bob Evans Restaurants, is from Rio Grande, Ohio and also raised his own cattle when he started his restaurant. His first restaurant was in Gallipolis, Ohio.

  13. Hi all, happy year of the tiger, although it's not supposed to be too good of a year for me. Tigers and Monkeys are mortal enemies.

    I had to find out why it's sacre "Bleu". Turns out it's because it rhymes with "Dieu", so it is a euphemistic oath, used by those who do not want to say Holy God, similar to how we might say good grief instead of good God.

    And Seidel is a beer mug? I'll never watch Fiddler on the Roof quite the same way again. (Yes, I know it's really supposed to be Tzeitel.) @Hahtool? any comments on spelling?

  14. Dick @ 9:57:
    On the other hand, it could be that Windhover (moi) is just a hillbilly dumbass who, in the aftermath of a rough Friday night/ Saturday, confused Bob Evans with Dave Thomas. I have cousins who grew up in Racine, Ohio, not to far from Rio Grande, and attended Ohio U. In Athens. I used to drive by Bob's farm on the way to see them. And I once met him at a farm conference Where he spoke to discuss the progressive grazing schemes he used on his farm.
    Next time I should look it up. Thanks for the addition/correction.
    The test of my post, I think, was accurate.

  15. Good morning, CC, Dennis, et al., What a Dynamite Duo! Great job, you two! Loved the combined posting, cute comments and the comparative analyses. Really enjoyed that more than the puzzle itself, altho' this was a fun puzzle. I still didn't get the anagram theme and was saved only by its doable perpablility.

    Thank you for the link to that beautiful estate for 99A.
    Sure puts a new spin on the concept of the British 'minding their manors'.

    And thank you also for the 14D THI explanation - had no idea. Loved it tho'. My mind was going in another direction for that one -tongue-hand index which determines how much one has to blow? Ok, I can work with that.

    LMAO at your 95A comment about hookers being golfers. Very cute!

    And then 116A -Dick and 4 letters
    - Holy Hotwick! The perps eliminated all my fun options.

    Had to laugh at 82D being so close to 116A. For some reason, I thought of Dennis's thumbs. Don't know why.

    As for 'trysts' - it always implied a risk to me - one lover was married perhaps, whereas a rendezvous doesn't carry the same secretive, deceptive, 'risky' meaning. I know the dictionary doesn't say that, but just sayin'.

    Lemonade: thank you for all the links and for the poem. Really sweet. Perfect!

    Happy VD to all.

    Enjoy this loverly day.

  16. Good Morning All, I could easily have been awake at 2:00 AM like Dennis trying to work on this puzzle. It was the roughest I've attempted in a long time.

    It was as choppy as a bowl of cole slaw without the dressing to smooth it out. (Where did that analogy come from??)

    Even when I got 58D VALENTINES DAY, I wasn't sure where this was heading. "AHA!" and a "D'OH!", one right after the other.

    I've never heard of SEIDEL, I always thought it was just a STEIN.

    I did get NEPOTISM, ATALANTA, LEONTYNE, EVIL DOER and LIPSYNC pretty easily and had to work from the edges in.

    I still had a few scattered blank spots and finished up here, so I could get on with a relaxing Valentine's Day.

    We are recuperating from a fine dinner, a few dances and several glasses of wine from last night. Yes Robin, I did hug a couple of firemen. They are a wonderful group.

  17. In addition to Wendy’s, from Ohio, there was Arby’s and Ponderosa Steak House, which while formed in Indiana, was moved to Ohio for its expansion. The final shout outs to the late lamented Burger Chef a franchise which also is from Indiana, and our own Burger King which was begun as InstaBurger King in Jacksonville, Florida; how about them patties, IPO?

    I also join in the wishes for a Happy Year of the Tiger, for all, even the Acrobatic monkeys who might be jealous.

    Thanks Lois....

    WH: I thought you were an agnostic?

  18. 95. Golfer's problem: SLICE. Yeah, most golfers are slicers. Some are hookers.

    Made me spit my coffee.

  19. C.C. and Dennis. Thank you for the tandem write up. Dennis does things with others besides flying united.

    Dennis, happy 2nd to you. As others have said, I look forward to your comments daily. Miss you when you're down south.

    So, for those of us who are anagramattically challenged, what does Natalie Dyvens convert into?

    Got a few more Singing Valentines to deliver today. Happy Valentine's Day and Year of the Tiger.

  20. Crockett,
    Natalie Dyvens is an anagram of VALENTINE'S DAY.

  21. Lemonade:
    I'm an agnostic in terms of knowing there are things that I don't (can't) know.
    I'm an atheist in terms of what I believe/suspect is the truth.
    The difference isn't big enough to argue over, nor do I care to.
    Note to those who want to argue/ correct/ reprimand me: try to comprehend this concept: what you believe and what you know are two totally discrete things.

    I believe (maybe I know) that the name is another anagram for Valentines Day.

    To the powers that be (you know who you are):
    if this post is a violation, delete it. No offense will be taken.

  22. I cannot believe it deleted my hyperlink to Acrobatics . Kinda dulled my sentiment. I will not w[h]ine and release the seditment.

    Well I am off for the day, enjoy allllllllllllllllllllll, especially you grumpapotamouses

  23. Hello all.

    According to the BBC, Dick Francis,
    89, has died. He was one of my favorite novelists. I have enjoyed
    all of his horse racing books.


  24. Lemonade et al,
    Rich Norris just confirmed that he's the author of today's "Crazy Love".

    Thank you also for the additional information on the vowel walking (one syllable word). I've got no proper education on English pronunciations, so I value every language input. So far, my bed/bad, sex/sax are still the same.

    What incident(s) prompted you to stop believing in God?

  25. Hi gang -

    Dennis & C.C. - excellent blogging, amigos! Lots of fun with the puzzle and the write-up.

    I was trying to get NATALIE DYVENS to morph into JEROME GUNDERSON, but couldn't force it to go.

    I am really bad at anagramming, so this theme, though brilliant, didn't help me. Yes, some of the theme entries are strained, but I am IN AWE OF this achievement.

    I'm surprised by the amount of croswordese in the fill. But this time it was welcome, since it gave some traction.

    I had DANNY and the Daytonas, then DONNY. Who would name anyone RONNY?!? So SCHOLAR escaped me, too.

    MELT seems OK for soften, but it was still too hard for me, alas. Missed a couple more things along the way, but was able to finish with lots of perp help, and a few scarlet letters.

    My take on tryst is, if a gentleman has a date with a lady who is his wife, it's not a tryst; but if it's with someone else's wife, it is.

    EFREM in the puzzle is Jr. Steph's Bumpa was Efrem, Sr. one of the most prominent concert violinists of his generation. You can bet he played a fine CAZENDA. HIS father was a conductor. Lots of talent in that clan.

    Dick @ 31:07 yesterday -
    Yes, my education is as a Chemist. I have a B.S (everyone knows what that means) 1968, M.S. (more of the same) 1974, PhD (piled higher and deeper) never.

    Haven't done much actual chemistry in my checkered product development career, but I do speak the language. And I've worked a lot with polyurethanes. One common use is seat cushion foam for vehicles and residential furniture.

    JzB the PALE DRY trombonist

  26. Happy Valentines Day everybody. I enjoyed the blogging. Thanks.

    This seemed harder than usual for a Sunday puzzle but I enjoyed it and managed to suss out the theme though it didn't help much. So if Natalie Dyvens is an anagram too, who constructed the puzzle? Rich Norris?

    I was sorry to hear about Dick Francis.

  27. Jazz, in my working life I designed, manufactured and installed equipment and systems for making polyurethane automotive parts. Started up lots of IP lines, seat and arm rest lines, steering wheel lines etc. Was a fun area to live and work in.

  28. Very nice and appropriate poem Lemonade, is it yours, or is there another poet to credit?

    Rich Norris, aka Natalie Dyvens, is amazing. I wonder how long it took him to come up with all of the anagrams and then to fit them together into the puzzle. I'm in awe.

    I'm glad to see that both Jazz and Dick, as well as our too infrequent visitor Dr. Dad, will keep me thinking chemically. I'm so lousy at science that I am always glad to see explanations.

    GAH and I are having rosemary grilled RED MEAT lamb chops for dinner tonight with stuffed artichokes. I got a basket of Theo chocolate goodies and a bottle of champagne. Rats, I know he expects me to share. He gets his favorite dinner, which we definitely will share. Some chocolate and champagne will be after dinner treats. Any other after dinner treat is nobody's business. ;o)

  29. Ca, I was going to volunteer to teach you chemistry if you would share that scrumptious sounding dinner. But, after yoiur last sentence I am sure nobody else is welcome. LOL Have a great night.

  30. Ms. Natalie Dyvens, can you make the Saturday puzzles at least half solvable for this 78 years old?

  31. Loved the theme (I bet Jerome did too!), and may never have finished if I hadn't figured it out! I was ready to give up before getting that aha moment. The only parts I didn't get were that crazy was an indicator of an anagram (but 77D took care of that clue), and that V'Day itself was an anagram of the constructor's name that was provided...a classic Rich Norris! Talk about a gift that keeps on giving!

    When would something be 'ajar' but not 'open'? I can understand something being wide 'open', so it's more than 'ajar'.

    51A KEYPAD Dennis, that was one of the primary selling points of my laptop - having a separate numeric keypad - and I love it! Now it the Delete key were only positioned in the same spot as the one on my Desktop PC at work!

    77A made me think of the DEVONshire sandwich, which is a delicious, rich open-faced turkey/bacon sandwich smothered in a melted cheese sauce! Totally heavenly...

    115A John, to Paul: LOO - I've known it for past puzzles, but this time I went down the biblical route, instead of even the Beatles. Maybe because it's a Sunday?

    60D We call it LEAVE, as well. But then we're still a government entity...although it does feel regimented at times.

    So, when they want us to fill in only one OLE now, they'll use the "Half of a..." clueing???

    Lemonade: Nice poem today!

  32. Jazz.

    I am still called Ronny or Ronnie
    by folks back East. A diminutive of my middle name. Eddy or Eddie also a diminutive form of my first


  33. Dennis, CC and ALL, Happy Valentines Day and Chinese Spring Festival.

    BTW@Lemonade714, Sometimes I make a Valentines wish for a poem, and it comes true and makes my heart glad!

    Go USA!

  34. You make my day complete as I am one of those who want "instant gratification" and cannot start my day without seeing my puzzle completely finished. I used to spend hours researching answers and found that the housework/civic duties/family/exercising...were being neglected.This old lady had to remark re "Let's Make A Deal". When I lived near L.A. I was chosen to be on that program and ended up choosing a door..did not get the biggest prize but didn't care as I wanted to be on tv so my family back east could see me.

  35. Happy Valentine's Day to all - esp. C.C. and Dennis. since it is a day to send love, not just romantic love, I send love to you all.

    I never studied mythology for some reason so its my husband who usually gets the answers to questions from mythology. What I know I've learned from the CWs. So thanks to Lemonade for the Atlanta info.

    C.C. The vowels are all formed by the position of the lips. 'e' the lips are not parted very much but are spread out wider from side to side than for any other vowel. For 'a' the mouth opens a little wider and the corners of the mouth pull in toward the center. Does this make sense? Its a lot easier to explain in person when one can demonstrate. for 'o' the mouth is shaped like the letter; "i" pull the corners of the mouth, and 'u' has the smallest air space of all with the mouth barely open. My Spanish students have had more problems between the 'e' and 'i'. The only Chinese student I've had also had problems between the 'a' and 'e'. Maybe you've been told this before but if not, it may help a little.

  36. @Dennis and CC,
    Thank you for the elucidation on anagram indicator crazy. I could not wrap my head around the theme title.

    Kung Hei Fat Choi, CC!


  37. Eddy -

    Re: my "Ronnie" crack.

    There are very few people who call me Ronnie, and quite unexpectedly, I had a long phone conversation with one today.

    The other one is my female cousin, who is quite a few years older.

    I keep my middle name under wraps. It's even worser;-)


  38. Happy Valentine's Day to all! You have all echoed my sentiments, great tandem analysis by C. C. and Dennis, beautiful puzzle although I'm not really good with anagrams; the theme was not helpful to me, but most of the clues were quite straightforward, well, except for "Chelsea's zoo opening" and John to Paul. Why oh why do I fall for that every time?

    I have loved Leontyne Price since I first heard her in the 60s: gorgeous voice. Also, I can still picture Dale Evans in those old Saturday movies we attended

    And nones was a given for me; I entered the convent at age 14 until 31 when I decided to leave in 1969 and reciting the canonical hours was a daily ritual, but we started at 6 instead of 2 A. M. as the monks and cloistered nuns do.

    i inevitably Ggle the Oscar winners because my memory doesn't hold them.

    Happy holiday to you! I failed to mention that in the vowel sequence, words like head, bread, weather, etc. are clustered at "rule brakers" in the language of 4th grade phonics.

    Thanks for the poem, Lemonade, it's very nice.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  39. Happy Valentine's Day, all.

    Great puzzle and even better blogging. Thanks CC and Dennis! I caught a glimpse of the theme when I came to this site to launch the puzzle. Thankfully! It was just enough to get me started, but it still took me quite a few passes to get the job done. Also thankful we don't get this puzzle in our paper, otherwise I wouldn't have had red letter help.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the day!

  40. Happy Valentine's Day and Chinese Spring Festival to all!

    That said, I have to add that I didn't get to the puzzle until late this arvo, so not much left to say on it. Only that I missed several clues which the perps answered, and I needed red letters on a few.

    I also was not aware of the work Seidel, even though we own a couple of them. The word Stein, (note the German vowels don't follow English walking vowel rules!), refers to stoneware, which is the literal meaning of Stein (stone), so perhaps Seidel is more generic, in that it can refer to one made of glass. My dictionary doesn't elaborate, but I'm guessing the pewter lid probably is a relevant feature too.

  41. oops! I meant to say WORD Seidel. DH is bugging me for tax forms and I didn't take the time to proof read properly.

  42. Was "crazy love" the caption in your edition? Ours had "mad love" which further bogged me. I always do the newspaper puzzle.

  43. Happy Valentine's Day to all! And Happy Spring Festival too.

    Such fun to see the clever blogging by copilots C. C and Dennis. Lots of laughs. Thankyou.

    Had quite a slow go on the solving this tricky grid but the anagrams were lifesavers. I thought "it must be by Rich N" and that guess was right. Better than my hunches on some clues !

    I'll be back here in the blogosphere in just a few more days. I'm reading the write up and comments every day so am not too far behind. Miss you all. Really!

  44. CC @ 1:06:
    Here is the short answer to your question. If you're still interested I'll write a longer version off-blog.

    As a young (early thirties) I was quite religious, and for a period of time felt what we (former) Baptists refer to as a "calling" to be a minister. I began a several year study of my own religion (Christianity) that evolved into a comparative religion study. That more than any incident(s) resulted in my present beliefs (or lack of same).

  45. Thanks for the author anagram help. I don't know why I have such problems with anagrams, but I certainly do! Pass me that large V8, will you?

    @windhover Nice response to what could have been a can of worms topic. I was quite surprised to see the question coming from blog central.

  46. Argyle. I found the same photo when
    I G'ed " beer mugs with lids ". It was called a Stein. I had never heard of a Seidel. Have a few Steins from my fraternity days.

    Jazz. My father had the same initials. He was always BIG ED and I refused to be called LITTLE ED. So, I used my middle name through
    HS. My college friends call me Eddy.

    DF will be missed by many. He rode
    over 350 winners and the Queen Mum's horse in the Grand National.

    The new furnace will be here at 8AM
    and I have to cut the front forty.


  47. Great puzzle Rich. The theme eluded me until I filled in Valentine's Day (with lots of help in between I might add) which didn't help at all.

    Great blogging you two. How fun to have it be a combined effort. Dennis, why on earth did you have to get up at 5:30 on a Sunday morning? I think reading the blog was almost more fun than the puzzle today.

    My only other question is where is Jerome?

  48. Happy Valentine's Day to all my blog friends. I spent most of the day on the ice and for what...I guess commaraderie. I did win a tire guage. That should come in really handy someday.

    Gonna be absent again until about Wednesday. You might hear from me at night.

    Lemonade, you made my heart melt with that poem....some truths untold. Lo-li-ta.

    Clearayes, what were those artihokes stuffed with?

    Windhover, love that avatar of the rainbow...Wolfmom....

  49. Crockett:
    Thanks. And I would not have answered otherwise.



  50. Yvonne: Great game show story! It makes good sense to me...

  51. Jeannie, don't stay away too long. About the artichokes; it's a pretty standard mixture of Italian bread crumbs, chopped portebello mushrooms, salt, pepper, garlic, then lightly pan toasted in a whole lot of butter. After stuffing the trimmed, dechoked and pre-cooked artichokes, sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese and bake in the oven to reheat.

    It's just about time to pull them out of the oven right now and get them on the table. GAH just finished setting the table and is sitting down with knife and fork at the ready. Gotta go!

  52. eddyB, I cant find your picture. This is the url for my picture

    As you can see, it is seidel in the address and the caption on the site it comes from says "Seidel mit Zinndeckel".

  53. I am loving the pairs figure skating. Go USA!

    RIP Dick Francis

    Have a great gold medal evening!

  54. Yvonne mentioned "Let's Make a Deal." Do you all know the Monty Hall puzzle? There are three doors, one with a million-dollar prize and the other two with booby prizes (DF, I know) behind them. You choose a door, say door one. Monty Hall then open a different door and shows you a booby prize behind it. He then asks you if you want to stay with your original guess or switch to the remaining door. What's your best strategy? Should you switch doors, stick with your original guess or does it make any difference what you do?

  55. @crockett1947, "I was quite surprised to see the question coming from blog central".

    don't be so condescending. c.c. is not an american. she has a curious attitude.

  56. Lucina, our paper had "Mad Love" too. Does Mad signal anagram also?


  57. Great blogging CC and Dennis- very enjoyable,

    I am in awe of anagramers. I filled in about 1/2 of today's c/w. Loved "it's a family affair"-nepotism is a great word. Sometimes it's been a good thing, but many times not so good.Since I didn't know these clues were anagrams, I was at first disgusted with the silly fill ins , like tiny Dale Evans, because it was hard to perp them. Now, of course, I feel silly belittling Rich's fine puzzle.Kudos sir.

    "Coming thru the Rye" was one of those songs we sang as kids and had no clue what we were even saying except for a phrase here 'n there.

    According to legend, Atalanta spent her 1st year with her lover, Meleager, traveling with Jason on the Argosy.Later Meleager died and she vowed never to marry.When she challenged all those men in foot races she knew she would win and their heads would be cut off. By the time she raced Hippomenes, I think she finally wanted companionship.

    Lemonade, sweet poem.

    Hugs to all
    Gung Hay fat choi

  58. Anon at 8:48. I'm an American and I'm curious too. Why don't you get a name? Why lurk behind Anon?

  59. The figure skating is wonderful and I do not have to go to work, so I can watch the Olympics until it is all over. Did either of our two resident skaters, do pairs? Who are your favorites (national pride aside). Did you skate C.C.? The Chinese really are making a push in the Olympic events. It was so odd to see the Japanese girl who became a Russian to win.

    Sunday puzzles just take so long, even if you know anagrams, they are like work.

    I never thought of ATLANTA being named after a Greek mythologic figure.

  60. Good Evening C. C., Boomer, Argyle, Al and folk,

    Answers to recent inquiries...

    Blogger Frenchie said...

    Annette, I'll pass through Ocala. I've known people who lived there, though they have long since moved on.
    I land in FT. L and do sun and fun activities.
    I will visit the campus and look up old college friends, too! I'm really excited as I arrive there on Wed. evening!

    C.C., D.O.C. is 'Drug of choice.' It is a rather crude expression I learned from the two A&E series, "Intervention" and "Dog The Bounty Hunter." As it is said, we learn new things every day!

    It is once again quite late, so I'll repost this tomorrow to make sure it is seen!

    Happy Heart Day all!

    February 13, 2010 3:29 PM

  61. Windhover,
    Thanks. That's all I need to know.

    Nope. I've never skated.

    Ann & Lucina,
    Both "Mad" and "Crazy" are anagram indicators.

    Thanks for the explanation on D.O.C. as well. Hope you have a fun time in FL.
