, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday February 24, 2010 Scott Atkinson

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Feb 24, 2010

Wednesday February 24, 2010 Scott Atkinson

Theme: FASTEN (60A. Attach, perhaps with hardware that begins the answers to starred clues) - The starting words of the four theme answers are all fasteners.

17A. *Stable storage enclosure: TACK ROOM

61A. *Benjamin Button portrayer: BRAD PITT. What's your favorite Brad Pitt movie? I liked "Troy".

10D. *Wacko: SCREWBALL

34D. *Game that goes down to the wire: NAIL-BITER.

And one more fastener U-BOLT (29A. Letter-shaped hardware).

Simple theme, just as Scott Arkinson mentioned in his interview. The defining FASTEN, without which the theme would still be apparent, further clears up & unifies the four theme entries. Plenty of long & lively fill, esp the Down entries.

Quite a few names in this puzzle. But most of them are easily recognizable. I noticed that on Wednesdays, besides providing the film name hint, Rich Norris tends to give either the surname or the given name of the movie stars to further ease up the clues. EMMA (37A. Mrs. Peel of "The Avengers") is a good example.


1. Mesmerized: RAPT

5. Medicinal amt.: TSP. 14 Ts in this puzzle.

8. Fenway Park city: BOSTON. Home to the Red Sox.

16. Concert bonus: ENCORE

19. They save the day: HEROES. Nice clue.

20. Affliction: DISEASE

21. Be scared to: DARE NOT. Not Dennis. He dares everything.

22. Bank acct. entry: INT (Interest). And T-NOTE (32D. Conservative IRA asset). Matures in 2-10 years. T-Bill matures in one year or less.

23. Symbol on several keys: ARROW. Computer keys.

24. No __: menu notice: MSG. Chinese dumpling tastes so much better with MSG.

27. Company featuring cavemen in its ads: GEICO. So easy even a caveman can fill the blanks.

33. Chinese currency: YUAN. Chinese dollar. We call US dollar as Mei Yuan. Mei = American. Another currency is DINAR (50D. Iraqi money).

35. Play thing: PROP. Stage play.

36. It's a wrap: SARAN. Have seen this clue a few times. Still love it.

38. Arias, e.g.: SOLOS

40. Plastic surgeon's offering, for short: LIPO (Liposuction). Lipo is just prefix for "fat".

41. "Ghostbusters" co-writer Harold: RAMIS. Wikipedia says he also co-wrote "Caddyshack".

43. Laugh from a Stooge: NYUK. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, Curly's laugh. Unknown to me.

44. In unfamiliar territory, maybe: LOST

45. Dandruff site: SCALP

46. Commonly cluttered room: ATTIC. Any old baseball cards there?

48. Maiden name lead-in: NEE

49. Reward for merit: BADGE

51. Egg carton no.: DOZ. I wonder who first thought of putting a dozen instead of ten eggs in a carton.

53. Great Plains terrain: PRAIRIE

56. Mötley Crüe's two: UMLAUTS. The diacritic marks above the vowels in Mötley & Crüe.

62. Fellini's realm: CINEMA

63. Site of the smallest bone in the body: EAR. Good to know.

64. Lowly worker: PEON

65. Sleep apnea sufferer, often: SNORER

66. The Hartford logo: ELK. No idea. See this sign. Why are so many insurance companies based in Hartford?

67. Egyptian snakes: ASPS


1. Former gen.'s status: RETD (Retired)

3. Cam's output: PICS

4. Sulu portrayer on "Star Trek": TAKEI (George). Surname in the clue, surname in the answer.

5. Lively "Texas" dances: TWO- STEPS. Texas Two-Step. I obtained the answer from crosses.

6. Cobbler's concern: SHOE

7. Spitz-type dog, for short: POM (Pomeranian)

8. Joy of "The View": BEHAR. She's quite bubbly.

9. Burdensome: ONEROUS

11. Ren or Stimpy, e.g.: TOON

12. Its creme may be eaten first: OREO. I don't like the creme at all. Also dislike icing on the cake.

13. Hornet's home: NEST. Was worried that Hornets might refer to a sport team.

18. Tolled: RANG

21. Fail to finish school: DROP OUT

23. Altar boy: ACOLYTE. Seldom see this word in a crossword.

24. Clinton press secretary Dee Dee: MYERS. She sure knows how to spin.

25. "Poison" shrub: SUMAC

26. Beta follower: GAMMA

28. Early metalworking period: IRON AGE. When people started to use coins.

30. Belted constellation: ORION. Why is it "Belted"?

31. Forgetful moment: LAPSE

39. Sudden-braking result: SKID MARK. Two Ks.

42. "I don't want to hear the rest": SPARE ME

52. Rock artist Frank: ZAPPA. Father of Moon Unit.

53. Cpls.' underlings: PFCS. PFC = Private First Class.

54. Picnic spoiler: RAIN. For once it's not ANT.

55. "It will come __ surprise": AS NO

56. River through southern Russia: URAL

57. One-eighties: U-IES

58. Corvette roof option: T-TOP. Three Ts in this corner.

59. Train sched. list: STNS

61. Blossom visitor: BEE. Hey, Melissa!


  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - well, so far this has been a pretty easy week. Another fairly simple puzzle today, with a theme that became apparent early on. I think most of us would know the answer to the majority of clues without even seeing the grid.

    Favorite clue: 'Play part'. And favorite answer, of course, 'Bee' -- Mustang Mel, we hardly see you any more, which is not a good thing. Least favorite clue: any reference to those stupid-ass Geico cavemen.

    Today is National Tortilla Chip Day.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook." -- William James

    Couple more political comments from Will Durst:

    "Bush isn't dumb; he's just a Wheel of Fortune President in a Jeapordy world."

    "The reason the Democrats are so intent on passing a stem-cell bill is they're depending on the research to grow themselves a spine."

    8 & a w/u.

  2. Dennis,
    Now I don't know which politician on earth has the spine after Senator McCain's various compromised efforts during the last presidential campaign.

    I don't believe you had told us the BLUES FOR NATE story, though you did mention Nate's name a few times. Thanks for sharing the story. I am very touched.

  3. Good Morning, CC. I loved this puzzle. As soon as I filled in TWO STEPS, I knew I was in for a good time. (I do all the perps in the first row first, then go back for the acrosses.)

    FASTEN was one of my last fills, but after reading the clue, I knew what to look for in the other theme clues, which I was able to fill quickly.

    I liked seeing GEICO intersect with IRON AGE. Did the Cavemen live during this period?

    My favorite clues were Play Thing (PROP) and Smallest Bone (EAR).

    QOD: Middle age is when you've met so many people that every new person you meet reminds you of someone else. ~ Ogden Nash

  4. Good morning:

    This week has been a text book example of the fun of doing puzzles whether they are easy or hard.

    The mythologic history of Orion is interesting, and a little off-putting, but astronomically, the constellation is Astronomy awesome.

    Enjoyed this one, NYUK was a gimme from my childhood, but it took a moment to focus (yes) on CAM: PICS, being a reference to Cameras; it came tome in FLASH.

  5. Good Morning, C.C. and all,

    A good puzzle this morning - a little harder than yesterday, I thought.

    C.C., some of the stars in Orion seem to form a belt on the upright hunter figure. In my area, Orion first appears in the Eastern sky just before dawn about August first. As the year progresses, he seems to work his way across the sky and becomes visible only in the evening. It is one of the most easily identified constellations, except for the big dipper.

    In my Navy days, I had many "watches" to stand on the bridge while underway in the night, which provided an excellent time for stargazing. I was also the Navigator on an LST, which required that we "shoot" stars at dawn and twilight to establish the ship's position. This was long before the days of GPS devices.

    MY unknowns today were takei, yuan and Ramis, but solved them thru the perps. Nyuk was a different spelling for me; I thought it was "yuk".

    Have a great day!

  6. Good Morning All,

    I would agree that this week has been easier but there were still challenges for me, which makes it fun. Today I spelled Ramus instead of Ramis. Tack Room fell then Brad Pitt and I got the theme and corrected my error getting Nail Biter. I also wrote PVTS instead of PFCS which slowed the solve. Fun puzzle.

    Jazz, Great story. I would love to get a chance to hear the song myself. Is there a way?

    TFrank, My grandfather began to teach me how to "shoot the stars" and then how to plot a ship's location. Unfortunately our time ran out before my education was complete. I wonder if the Navy even teaches Celestial Navigation anymore in our high tech era? My nephew got his 100 ton license at a merchant marine school and said they only touched on it.

    Dennis, LMAO at the Will Durst quotes!

    Storms a brewin', have a great day.

  7. Not much harder than yesterday's puzzle. 13 minutes.

  8. Why so many insurance companies in Hartford? The explanation begins with geography (The Connecticut river was a destination port connected to the ocean) back about 70 years before the US declared independence where seafarers gathered together to share voyage risks.

    My favorite Brad Pitt movie is really an Anthony Hopkins movie: Meet Joe Black, a remake of Death Takes a Holiday. Although Mr. and Mrs. Smith takes a close second.

    Agree with Dennis on the cavemen, much prefer the gecko.

  9. Today was more challenging than the last two days. Some unknowns for me were TAKEI, YUAN, UMLAUTS and while NYUK is not a complete unknown, who would have known how to spell that? I am also not familiar with TACK ROOM, although I was able to get it through the perps and the theme. All in all a good puzzle for a Wednesday.

    Jazz, I too was touched by your story. Would love to hear the music that came from it if possible. I think music can be such great therapy.

    Did anyone watch the women skate last night. The Canadian did an awesome job given the circumstances. Simply amazing. I have been glued to the TV every day watching all the events. So much fun. I always love the Olympics, but am almost glad to see them end as they are so incredibly time consuming.

    CC, do you stay up all night getting the blog done as well as the interviews? How do you get in touch with these constructors anyway? Great job with the latest one as always. So fun to see the comments the day the puzzle gets done.

  10. Maniac,

    I am sure you are right. Celestial navigation is probably becoming a lost art. As you know, it requires extremely accurate timekeeping. I remember a PBS program which aired years ago,and which traced the history of the development of accurate chronometers. It took years and years.

    I believe the early navigators would sail to the required latitude of their destination (which does not require a chronometer) and then go East or West until they made landfall.

    It always amazed me that with a simple sextant, an accurate timepiece and a celestial atlas, you could determine your position in the middle of the ocean accurate to a mile or less.

  11. @C.C.
    I relish the opportunity to learn the technical analysis of each puzzle from the other blog. I enjoy more reading your informative and relaxed posts. Cheers!

    Salut to whoever get the "disorder" from both blogs while I was away. I told you so.

  12. @C.C.
    I used YUAN in Xi'An and Nanjing.

  13. Hi all!
    I was stumped by RAPT for some reason. Couldn't see PICS from cam, since I read that clue as toiled--still sleepy eyed, I guess. Didn't know most of the names, and two of those I do know were a problem: TAKEI--I always forget what the first two letters are, and I didn't know ZAPPA was an artist, but since he was the only Frank that would fit, I put him in.

    Other than those, all other problems came via perps. I started with LIFT for LIPO, and would never have got NYUK were it not for perps. Is that really a word? I've never seen it as anything but YUK.

  14. Good morning, everyone.

    C.C., the constellation Orion has a prominent three star feature that is a portrayal of his belt on his hunter's tunic. It is a readily recognizable part of the winter sky. @lemonade714, nice link. I see tfrank also chimed in. That's one of the realities of being on the left coast -- comments are already made by the time we see the light of day.

    @kq I was also challenged on the NYUK spelling.

    The fact that C.C. can give us interviews with the constructor of the puzzle on the day of publication indicates that she is in the know behind the scenes. To be in that position is a validation of her credibility in the Greater Crossword Community. We know she is the best, and it's nice to know that she has the respect of others in the biz. Thank you for this fine community, C.C.

    Have a great Wednesday, all!!

  15. Good Morning C.C., Argyle, and sweethearts (and by that, you know who I mean!)
    Wednesday and I'm still going
    strong so I know tomorrow will be like this Florida weather, nice one moment and the next torrential rain!
    Low Battery...will write more after I plug in.

  16. good morning c.c. and all,

    FASTEN-ating interview and theme today. nyuk nyuk.

    play thing was inspired. i wonder if scott atkinson enjoys the arts, with encore, prop, cinema, solo, elia, emma, ramis and brad pitt, not to mention toon, screwball and nyuk.

    and yeah ... i smiled at bee.

    touching story bumpa, thanks for sharing.

  17. Good afternoon, everyone.

    Good fun with this puzzle. Messed up SE with serf rather than peon. Not believing that a U turn was spelled uie didn't help. (Spell check doesn't like it either.)

    tfrank, Maniac, et al: Even better than a PBS program is, IMHO, the book
    "Longitude" by Dava Sobel.It is a fascinating read about the time and effort in making a chronometer. That was so seafarers could measure where the desired longitude was. We take so much for granted now.


  18. I am surprised there is any controversy about NYUK as the sound made, so clearly (to me) begins with N. That and the WOO WOO are classic. As is CURLY . Do you believe they are thinking of a new movie, directed by the Farrelly Brothers Movie 2010 ?

    Frenchie, how is Florida treating you? We had soem really nice weather here in paradise, though today is warm and sticky, already near 80 and the rains appear on their way.

    I guess we will all have to go out and by a 24 ounce container of frijoles negra and bust it open and count, as our whirlygirl has left us up in the air.

    Speaking of which, I am curious Lo-li-ta, to which of us the dog biscuit recipe was aimed? my take may be all too sarcastic.

    I AM AT HOME nice vague comments, are you related to our missing SPITZBOB ?

  19. Hi C.C. and all -
    I got 'er done! Loved 36A (It's a wrap).

    Lemonade, I had trouble with CAM too, I was thinking of engines (cam-shafts). The perps took care of it.

    I hate the stupid caveman too!!!

    57D ONE-EIGHTIES really had me stumped for the longest time...and when I saw the answer, I realized that was the first time I have ever seen the word 'UIES'. Weird looking word. :)

    One of my favorite breed of dog is the Pomeranian - I saw 2 of them on our bike ride yesterday and just had to stop and comment on them. The woman walking them was very gracious, and let me pet one...I love the look and feel of them, but admit they are a high energy doggie and would probably drive me 'wacko' in no time. LOL

  20. At night, the angle the North Star (Polaris) makes with the local horizon determines latitude, so long as you can see it. I imagine you can derive latitude from the sun during the day, although I don't know how it is done, and it would be trickier since the sun isn't fixed in the sky as Polaris is, and once you near the equator you lose Polaris anyway and need an alternative method. Longitude requires computation of the time differential between Greenwich (zero degrees longitude)and your position. Every hour of difference translates into 15 degrees of longitude. You can get the local time from the sun's elevation, but it takes an accurate clock to keep track of London time (GMT or UT), and that certainly was the technological bottleneck in the 18th century, since pendulum clocks were the norm and were upset by the ship's movements in the sea. You have to hand it to John Harrison's persistence for solving the problem. Despite the new GPS technology, celestial navigation remains an interesting exercise in logic and spherical geometry.

  21. Good morning CC and all,

    Another fun c/w today. Reviewing the clue answers here gave me the theme a-ha; hadn't given these fasteners a thought, but did wonder why Brad Pitt was there with 1st and last name. D'oh. I sometimes wonder why I keep telling you how clueless I am.I could pretend I did this in 7 min.

    hardest spot: uies/umlauts
    Perps filled Takei and Ramis

    fav clue: plaything=prop; liked "it's a wrap" too.One of my students used that for the title of her mummy book.

    Hahtool, there were different ages going on (Stone Age/ Bronze Age/Iron Age)at the same time, dates varying according to region.Obviously, if you were living in a cave, your clan was probably still living in the Stone Age, not yet into house building. No cavemen in Africa (but maybe) as it was hot and caves not part of the landscape.Europe colder with lots of caves.While some still lived in caves, the wheel was being invented in Mesopotamia. You probably knew all of this.

  22. AZnative8i327Buen dia, C.C. and all:

    What fun, not a nailbiter, but clever. I danced around a bit until I finally got traction, but once started it fell in somewhat easily

    Favorites: it's a wrap, saran (everytime I see it, I like it too, C.C.)
    play thing, prop.
    I'm amazed I remembered Takei and I used the yuan when visiting China.
    Umlauts was also clever, that took thinking.
    My favorite Brad Pitt movie is also Meet Joe Black.
    I,too, thought "yuk" was the spelling but then I've never watched The Three Stooges. I think it's a guy thing. I'll check the link later.
    I believe the iron age was much later than the cave men. They used stone tools and weapons.
    Here in the Southwest there are numerous "tack rooms" as horses are still part of the culture. Developments are encroaching on them,however. One of my friends fell from her horse last week and was seriously injured when a dog spooked him and he bolted.
    Sallie, I'm always glad to see a book recommended. Thanks. I plan to read it.
    Adios. Have a great Wednesday, amigos.

  23. Well g'mornin dontcha know. I sat and counted those GD beans 3 times, not that I didn't trust ja, I couldn't believe the amount. It was exactly 480 BEANS!!! and no I wasn't drinking or under the influence of any pharmaceuticals!! Good job and those Haitians love you and so do I! We will have to figure out what to do with the extra 96?? Throw them at Jeannie and Bill G!

  24. If someone could explain uies and how that is one-eighties.


  25. Kazie, Continuing your discussion
    of Capitols and their domes, I checked on the internet and find here are nine states that do not have a dome. Two states - Ohio and Oregon - have interior domes covered by towers. What I found interesting was the fact that several states did not have domes on their original buildings but put them on their newer buildings. I woud have thought the domes were more from an earlier construction period. The ones without domes are: Alaska, Delaware, Florida, hawaii, Louisiana, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia.
    The proportions of the Wisc. capitol are more asthetically appealling than some of the others.
    IMHO Dot

  26. Robin, I'm happy the bean-counting turned out well for you and the Haitians.

    VCSmith, if you think of a 180-degree turn as a U turn, take the U and make it plural, it sort of turns into a slangy Uies.

  27. Hello all.

    Being on the left coast is why I seldom comment on the puzzle.
    Add my name to the list of people who would love to hear Nate's Song.

    Brian had to be rushed back to the hospital when he was about 6 months old. It was very hard to watch him through a glass window.
    He was sand bagged so he couldn't move after the operation. There where tubes and wires every where.

    He was named for Brian Piccolo. So,
    I added Brian's Song to the Netflix
    Anne Frank is on TCM tonight. We get the East coast feed so check your local schedules. TCM also just ran On the Water Front and On the Beach, missed both of them.

    More later.


    after the operation. There were tubes and wires every where.

  28. Good Morning All, Since it is Thursday, I thought I might have some problems, but it went very smoothly.

    It's been a while since we've see our old friends George TAKEI and EMMA Peel.

    I think Frank ZAPPA was referred to as a "Rock artist", rather than a "Rock musician", because he was so innovative and had so many talents. He was also a painter, so the "artist" appellation really does apply. I like this untitled drawing from 1958 and Horny. Jazzbumpa, how do you like the second one?

    I've enjoyed BRAD PITT in some of his quirkier roles, like "Fight Club" and "Burn After Reading". I also like "Snatch", but he was almost impossible to understand in his role as an Irish Traveler (Gypsy).

    I understand that the Texas TWO STEP can be done as a line dance or with a partner. KQ's avatar looks like she is doing some fine line dancing. I also thought of Lois and her Oklahoma vacations. I bet she has swirled around the dance floor more than once.

    I agree with Dennis and others. The GEICO cavemen were amusing for about five minutes...OK, maybe three. I'm pretty tired of the lizard too.

    Robin, that was a very nice thing to become involved with. Congratulations.

  29. Wow, thank you Dot!
    I just got back from tutoring and shopping, and was going to check on that after lunch. It's amazing what you can find out online.

    Uie = abbreviation of U-turn.
    If you turn 180 degrees, you've made a U-turn.

    As to Saran wrap, I like the Walmart house brand better.

  30. I thoroughly enjoyed today’s puzzle and the interview with Mr. Atkinson. My favorite clues were “play thing : prop and Motley Crue’s two: unlauts. I thought of Lois and her cowboys immediately with the crossing of tack room and two steps. Although I knew the answer was Brad Pitt, I have no idea what a “brad” fastener is.

    Lemonade, I really was thinking of Mainiac when I posted the dog biscuit recipe. His dogs…not Mainiac.

    Robin, I told you I was a “numbers” person, and hey those beans hurt!

  31. C.C.:
    Some time ago you asked about Wayne Robert Williams. Today I saw his name on a puzzle that appears in a weekly flyer that is included here in every Wednesday's newspaper. It's called "The Buyer's Edge."

  32. Clear Ayes - bad news, it's only Wednesday.

  33. CA: It is still Wednesday in the Central time zone.

  34. Did I say Thursday? I must be in a time warp. Oh well, I've gained another day in my life. That is something to celebrate.

    U-IES reminded by of "Hang a louie" slang for a left turn. I can't think of slang for a right turn, other than "Hang a right". I'm also reminded of a "Hollywood Stop", which is slowing down for a stop sign and then cruising through. That was probably just a Southern California slang term. I never got a ticket for that infraction, but I know people who did (GAH, where are you?).

  35. @Lemonade714
    Fastenating question. I am pouring you a Scotch. Cheers!

  36. My only problem today was getting down to 3 unknowns that crossed, preventing me from solving it unassisted – 24D MYERS, 33A YUAN, and 41A RAMIS. But was able to clear up all three with just one google of 24D.

    I’ve never been much of a Brad Pitt fan...

    Favorite fill: TWO STEPS, since I’d done quite a bit of that in my time! Since it’s a travelling dance, that’s where they taught spins as 180 degree PIVOT turns, with spotting to keep people from falling over!

    I immediately put in EAR for ‘Smallest bone’, then 2nd guessed myself and thought maybe it was TOE. Finally looked at the perps which confirmed my initial response.

    Jazz, no wonder you’re such a proud Bumpa! What an amazing story... I’d heard of all the organs being reversed (maybe that was just Spock on Star Trek though…), but I’d never heard of that situation before. It’s incredible how resilient the human body is, and the advances in medical sciences that enable correction of these anomalies!

    Lemonade: I think Jeannie posted the dog biscuit recipe because it was National Dog Biscuit Day, per Dennis’s introductory post that day.

    I don’t like the Geico cavemen either. But I do love Brian Piccolo! There’s a local skate park named after him.

    Clear Ayes: That was the first ticket I ever got… Probably 10 years after getting my license. I was angry about something, and in too big a hurry to get away from the situation to come to a full stop. The officer's lecture sure cooled me down quickly!

  37. Hello All--A great start of the week as I have finished the puzzles since Monday without any help. I mentioned this to my husband this morning and he said I was just getting better!Ha!

    I thought that Cam output, and It's a wrap were great clues. Both a little misleading which gave this "easy" puzzle some out of the box thinking.

    Ramis, Takei, and Behar were all unknowns that were filled in with the perps and across letters nearby.

    I thought that the different clue for oreo was nice for a change.

    CA, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who needs to look at the calendar or the newspaper heading to know what day it is. LOL.

  38. CA: we call that a "California Roll" here. When I was a judge, I had a lot of DWI cases. A lot of alleged DWI offenders were caught for failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign, which gave the cops the probable cause to question the driver. The legal term for that offense is "disobeying a stop sign", which I find incredibly funny.

  39. Hello folks, I've enjoyed these last three days before the Thursday's inevitable crash to earth.I thought that a good clue for 39D could be: Caused by careless wiping. Oh well. I learned by way of a Michener novel that in Mexico the original peon was a Matador's man servant who also squeezed, and tied tight his suit so as not to snag on a bull's horn.

  40. Jeevsum Jeammie, Veir vreally good! (Gulp) Too bad dogs! Get down!

  41. Hello.

    Took care of that problem.

    Emma and The Avengers may be seen

    Added Black Narcissis, On The Beach, East of Eden and Thunder Road to the list.

    Jill was screaming at the TV and NBC to show the woman's Skating all
    evening. A special shout-out to Joannie Rochette for her personal
    Can't get the USA puzzle to down-load this morning.
    M42 is my favorite object to view in the winter sky.


  42. The Geico Solution: Caveman meets gecko. Caveman eats gecko, chokes on bone.

    Geico starts new ad campaign.

  43. Cheers to you IAH, I will pour my Chopin, potato vodka, chilled, and join you.

    Thanks for the count, the extra beans are for the campfire.

  44. Hi gang -

    Busy day, all good stuff, including a very tough hockey game on TV right now. Subdivision annual meeting tonight.

    Haven't looked at the puzzle or the comments yet. Maybe later this evening.

    Hope everyone is having a fine day.

    Jzb the on-the-go trombonist

  45. Today in history:

    1821- Mexico gained independence from Spain

    1836- 3000 Mexicans attacked 182 Texans at the Alamo. It lasted 13 days.People have forgotten that the Alamo was a mission.

    1868- 1st US parade with floats (Mardi Gras/ Mobile, AL)

    1938- DuPont started commercial production of a toothbrush with nylon bristles, replacing animal hair. The 1st tb recorded (3000BC) was called a chewstick, a twig with frayed edges.
    *Pioneers used a cob of corn with lots of salt
    *China had a tb made of horse tail hairs attached to a stick made of an ox bone.

    Although he didn't like the taste
    George brushed his teeth with pickle paste
    Not ever was his mouth so clean
    Not ever were his teeth so green.
    Arnold Lobel

    1969- Mariner 6 launched for a Mars fly-by
    1986- Voyager 2 launched for Uranus fly-by

    1996- Cuba downs 2 US planes

    2008-Fidel Castro retired

  46. EddyB, wow, you are going to need a lot of popcorn.

    CA, we have always called those "CA stops", but I like Hahtool's label, CA rolls.

    My 1st ticket was a bit like yours Annette. I was angry for some reason and got my ticket for tailgaiting on the freeway. I was humiliated.

    Jeannie, a brad is a flat metal button with 2 little wings that you push thru the paper and flatten. This way you have moveable parts on your paper teddy bears. I really don't know what "big people" use them for.

  47. JD - 'big people' use brads (slender, wire nails) when they don't want what they are building to show large nail heads. How's that for crappy sentence structure ???? Teachers ??

  48. best brad pitt movie for me is "a river runs throught it" great movie...caused a spike in tourism for montana although probably not welcomed. fisherman love their isolation. slang for right turn for my friends comes from clint eastwood..."right turn clyde" lol

  49. JD: It sounds like "grown-up" brads are similar to what you use to FASTEN manilla envelopes closed. And I was pretty humiliated by the ticket too.

  50. If the first brad description applies, I used them in the classroom to construct a laminated construction paper man with moving arms, hands, feet, legs, neck and head to teach the names of the body parts in French (one side labels) and German (other side labels). His German name was Wolfgang and in French classes he was Antoine.

    They also formed the center of the clock faces we used to tell time--I had the kids make a class set of these to hand out each succeeding year when we got to that.

    The second type I use for hanging pictures on the walls. They're leftover from the construction of the house, and match the walls.

    I'm with CA--I don't like the Geico cavemen or the gecko. I do like the E-trade babies. I've said before I read when ads come on. It takes a funny one to grab my attention, and a good one to have me remember what the ad was for after it's over. Some of the most annoying ones do that.

  51. brads are use for fastening woods floors to the subfloor so nails do not show or snag your toes

  52. Quick puzzle but had to do a bit of rearranging in the NE section and also started with LIFT instead of LIPO. Some terrific clues and a good solid puzzle all the way around.

    C.C. another terrific interview. I do so love the insight into construction and admire greatly all those who can create so much fun for us.

    Will try to check in off and on.

    Yesterday was mom's shoulder replacement surgery which went well. Our oldest daughter has dubbed her the Bionic Woman for all the replacement parts she now 84 and with the parts warranties she will probably outlive me.

    Dennis, thanks for the continuing Durst quotes...he is a fair minded political pundit who takes pot shots at both sides in equal measure.

    Jeannie, so glad you love the daisies and very much look forward to a photo once the snow melts. I set it up so it wouldn't need a frame so enjoy.


  53. CA, I have done that wrong day thing before too. My avatar is in fact doing a line dance. Each year my kids school hosts a Mother-Son event. We go to a place where we bowl, play laser tag, bumper cars, etc. It is really fun and the kids are rewarded for hanging with their moms rather than ditching them.

    The senior mom's always do a little "dance" for their boys who will be leaving the nest very soon. We actually practice, and have lyrics to a popular song that we change to something very cute about our boys. The boys look on fondly. It is all very cute. The dads and daughters have their own event which is equally as fun. And that is how I made a fool of myself that evening.

  54. Good evening CC, et al.,
    Great fun puzzle, and nice interview. Can only echo others in appreciation of Mr. Atkinson taking the time to give the interview and to stop by. Very impressive on both accounts. And it is a huge credit to our wonderful CC to get the interview in such a timely fashion and to be so recognized in the field. We all know she 'rocks'. Way to go, CC! Congratulations! We do vodka you!

    Loved seeing 'Boston' here. I met one of my 'heroes' (Dr. Philip Zimbardo) there a while back and he kissed my cheek. After that, I was dancin' more than the 'two steps' out of that place. I was singing arias! Since my singing sounds more like a 'disease'd
    'elk' in heat, I 'dared not' sing too loudly. Actually, I was singing 'so-lo-s'o nobody would have to 'behar' the pain or say "'spare me' an 'encore', you 'screwball'!" My voice does have its advantages though. Out on the OK 'prairie', when I sing it causes the horses to put their 'ear's back, make dramatic
    'uies' and head toward the 'tack room'. Works like a charm when we're 'lost'.

    I'm kind of out of the loop. Hope all who are sick/broken/ailing are improving.

    On my way to play pool w/my school cohort who is a tall 'Brad Pitt' look alike. We call him Mr. McCutie. Maybe I'll get some 'pics'
    up for you to see. I'm no
    'acolyte' but I'm not robbing the 'nest' either. He likes the competition. I like the 'prop'. It's all good.

    Enjoy your night.

  55. Well, now that I finally have all the snow shoveled and the gutters and roof cleared, what's coming tonight/tomorrow but a "snowicane", according to the weather people. This one's 12 - 18 inches of wet snow, with 50-60 mph winds. Unfriggingbelievable - we've already passed freaking Buffalo in terms of snowfall.

    Argyle, are you getting this one?

  56. @Dennis,
    We are due for another 6-12 inches and high winds. The snow is a pain but the winds really bother me. We lose power on bright, sunny days with no wind. Got gas for the generator today and the snowblower. I really, really need some sun and warm temps--getting the February blues right about now. May have to plan a visit to friends and relatives in Florida. Take care.

  57. I have a small reflecting telescope. Orion has several things that are enjoyable to look at including the Great Nebula, the trapezium and several double stars. I got my first telescope from Santa Claus when I was in high school. I remember the joy of seeing the details of the terminator of a half moon, the rings of Saturn, Alberio, the double cluster in Perseus and especially Jupiter with the four Galilean moons doing their Texas two-step from night to night.

    Do any of you have an astronomical telescope?

    ~ Bill G.

  58. First of all, WM, I now know how you would hang "Jeannie's Daisies". I am very inept to anything mechanical so have asked a friend to help me hang "HER". I don't want to make major damage to my walls. He is suggesting something I am not aware of, but it reminds me of a "brad fastener" or a "J-hook" as he calls it. Meanwhile She is propped up on my dresser and is the first thing I see when waking up.

    Robin, I hate all beans except for green fresh ones. You owe me an apology for hurling those at me. The worste torture sent my way would be to actually consume them.

    Mainiac, I am glad you enjoyed the "dog biscuit" recipe. I hope you saved some for the intended recipients.

    Lemonade, has AGB landed?

    Lois, I hope you clean up at pool. A break when the 8-ball goes in is a win and I've only done it once. That of course.

  59. Bill G.,

    I made a 6" reflecting telescope once, grinding and polishing the lens, and mounting it in a cardboard tube. I made a crude tripod mount, which was not suitable for locating objects to observe because pivoting it was very jerky. The tube did not withstand several moves, but I still have the lens.

    On my to do list is purchasing another tube and tripod and using it again. It has great clarity.

    Looking back, I think I got more enjoyment out of making it than I did using it, mainly because aiming it was so difficult.

    It was amazing that one could manufacture a precision instrument at home using only pedestrian tools. I ground mine on an old kitchen table. I got started by buying a kit that had everything needed for the grinding and polishing process.

  60. Bill G. I just heard that Jupiter and those three Galilean moons had a gig doing their two-step in Vegas right after Easter. I sure hope you'll be able to make it.

    Jeannie, For heavens sake, don't use a brad! My daughter sends her paintings to me with a sort of saw-toothed hanger attached to the back of the canvas. Then all you have to do is pound in a nail where you want the painting to hang and hook on the pic. It's adjustable because of all the VVVVVs. If it tilts on one notch, just move it to the next one. You can probably find those VVVVVVVV things at some place like Michaels or Joanne's.

    CC you are absolutely wonderful in your interviewing! Surely all those constructors don't live in Minnesota. Do you do the interviews by phone? Tell us more about your adventures. And by the way, I'm amazed how fluent your writing is. I'm sure your speech is as excellent and a bit of an accent is charming. Don't sweat it!

  61. Lemonade, Please translate AGB. I'm very bad at acronyms and I see a lot of them in this blog. Only recently did I find out what OWI stood for! Please, I need help!

    Dennis, please don't shovel any more of that wet snow. You'll be sick again.

    Where's Buckeye today?

  62. tfrank said: "It was amazing that one could manufacture a precision instrument at home using only pedestrian tools. I ground mine on an old kitchen table. I got started by buying a kit that had everything needed for the grinding and polishing process."

    Probably bought from Edmund Scientific. That was my 'dream' catalogue. I never ground a mirror though I thought about it many times. My parents got me a 3-inch Skyscope for Christmas which I loved. Later on, I bought a 4.5 inch reflector.

    Dodo, those VVV things are easy and handy but I still like the old-fashioned picture wire across the back hung over a hook. More steady I think.

  63. Dodo, you had me scratching my head. I still didn't have any idea what OWI stands for. I had to go to Acronym Finder and look it up. I guess you meant Operating While Intoxicated (or Impaired). The only term I know is the Californian DUI. Luckily, I don't have any up-close and personal experience with either one.

    Weighing in on "Jeannie's Daisies". Any of the solutions mentioned should work. Best of all, what does WM think is the best way to hang it? She's probably the expert on how to hang an unframed painting.

    Robin, anything new on the Ladies Skate, or is Kim Yu-Na a done deal?

  64. ClearAyes, OWI= Office of War Information. That's how old it is. I think before that it was OSS but I can't translate that!

    Come to think of it, I did see OWI in a detective story recently, I think. Maybe your translation is a new one for it. What goes around comes....and all that!

    Bill G. The trouble with wires is the picture then isn't flush against the wall and unframed paintings look better flush. My apartment is full of the VVVVVVhangings and they withstood a 4.? earthquake without a tilt. But chacun a son goute.


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