, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday May 31, 2010 Donna S. Levin

Gary's Blog Map

May 31, 2010

Monday May 31, 2010 Donna S. Levin

Theme: Dirty Harry - The first words of 20A, 31A and 41A form the famous quote made by Det. Harry Callahan, portrayed by 53A, in the movie, Sudden Impact.

20A. Rise from the ashes, so to speak: MAKE A COMEBACK.

31A. "Pygmalion" on Broadway: "MY FAIR LADY".

41A. Tourist who doesn't stay overnight: DAY-TRIPPER.

53A. Born 5/31/1930, entertainer associated with the phrase formed by the starts of 20-, 31- and 41-Across: CLINT EASTWOOD.

Argyle here. "Rise from the ashes" is a reference to the mythical bird, the phoenix, who is reborn from the ashes of its former self.

"The Pygmalion myth". Pygmalion was a sculptor who fell in love with a statue he had carved. In My Fair Lady, Prof. Henry Higgins transforms Eliza Doolittle into a "Lady", then falls in love with her.

Leave out the hyphen on "Day-Tripper" and you get
Day Tripper by the Beatles.

A strong Monday puzzle with one possible quibble, tea grade, which I'll parse when I get to it.


1A. Buck in the forest: STAG.

5A. Mil. three-stripers: SGTS.
Image. Worn on uniforms to indicate rank.

9A. Big name in insurance: AETNA.

14A. Wahine's dance: HULA. Where IS our Hawaiian contingent?

15A. In __ of: replacing: LIEU.

16A. Sink outlet: DRAIN.

17A. Slightly: A BIT.

18A. Slightly open: AJAR.

19A. Fictional chocolatier Wonka: WILLY. The original Roald Dahl novel was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

23A. Employ: USE.

24A. Laboriously earns, with "out": EKES.

25A. Gets the lead out?: ERASES.

28A. Two sizes above sm.: LGE.

29A. When the Kol Nidre is recited, vis-à-vis Yom Kippur: EVE. A dramatic introduction to Yom Kippur on what is often dubbed "Kol Nidrei night". It is written in Aramaic, not Hebrew. Its name is taken from the opening words, meaning "all vows". (I hope we get a more personal enlightenment.)

30A. 1970s radical gp.: SLA. Symbionese Liberation Army, kidnappers of Patricia Hearst.

36A. Not this: THAT.

37A. Breath mint brand: CERTS.

38A. Yalie: ELI. Elihu Yale was the benefactor of Yale University.

39A. Pirate's spoils: BOOTY. Just the sort of
image I was hoping to find.

40A. Sticky stuff on a stick: GLUE. Remember we use to use tongue depressor sticks to smear paste on each others as kids.

43A. Prefix with center: EPI.

44A. "Blues Brother" Aykroyd: DAN. Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi, The Blues Brothers.

45A. Connections that help you get ahead: INs.

46A. Think highly of: ESTEEM.

48A. Clue weapon: ROPE. From the board game. The weapons are knife, candlestick, rope, wrench, lead pipe, and revolver.

50A. "The Silence of the Lambs" org.: FBI.

56A. Easy __: AS ABC.

58A. Golden rule word: UNTO.

59A. Green Gables girl: ANNE. The story, Anne of Green Gables, was set in Prince Edward Island, Canada.

60A. Tea grade: PEKOE. It is legitimate, mostly. The tea industry uses the term Orange Pekoe to describe a basic, medium-grade black tea consisting of many whole tea leaves of a specific size. 63A. Prepares 60-Across: BREWS.

61A. Complaint: BEEF. "Where's the beef?"

62A. October 15th, e.g.: IDES. It's not just for March, you know.

64A. Low man on the feudal totem pole: SERF. That would be a figurative totem pole.

65A. Ultimate: LAST.


1D. SeaWorld star: SHAMU.

2D. Oompah brass: TUBAs.

3D. More than similar: ALIKE.

4D. Garden portal: GATE.

5D. Goof-off: SLACKER.

6D. Military action doll: GI JOE. We finally get to use JOE.

7D. Sides in a game: TEAMS.

8D. Certain: SURE.

9D. Online pop-up source: ADWARE.

10D. Soap vamp __ Kane: ERICA. Erica Kane is a long-running fictional character from All My Children and portrayed by
Susan Lucci who finally won an Emmy in 1999.

11D. Discusses business: TALKS SHOP.

12D. Zero: NIL.

13D. One or another: ANY.

21D. Protection: AEGIS. Derived from a large collar or cape worn in ancient times to display the protection provided by a high religious authority.

22D. Quail group: BEVY.

26D. Really delight: ELATE.

27D. Lecherous woodland deity: SATYR.
Image. (for C.C.)

28D. Tardy: LATE.

29D. Blue-pencil: EDIT.

31D. "Me and Bobby __": McGEE. A song written by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster, originally performed by Roger Miller, and later by Janis Joplin.
the Miller version.

32D. Pound sounds: YELPS.

33D. "Nutty" individual: FRUITCAKE.

34D. Taboo for Mrs. Sprat: LEAN. From the nursery rhyme. "Jack Sprat could eat no fat. His wife could eat no lean."

35D. Prince __ Khan: ALY. Aly Khan married the American movie star Rita Hayworth. He was quite the playboy. The titles of prince and princess are claimed by children of the Aga Khan(Aly's father) by virtue of their descent from Shah Fath Ali Shah of the Persian Qajar dynasty. Large entry in Wikipedia for
Qajar dynasty, if you're interested.

36D. Blouses and shirts: TOPS.

39D. I.Q. test name: BINET. Alfred Binet

41D. Rhett's last word: DAMN. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" In the novel Gone with the Wind, Rhett does not say "Frankly," but simply "My dear, I don't give a damn." The context is also different; he is speaking quietly to Scarlett in a room, not storming dramatically out of the house.

42D. Swipes: RIPS OFF.

44D. Prepares for a winter takeoff, as plane wings: DEICES.

47D. Jab with a bone: ELBOW.

48D. Actress Zellweger: RENÉE.

49D. Western movie: OATER. Mr. Eastwood has made a large number of films of this genre.

50D. Henry, Peter or Jane: FONDA. Father, son and daughter, all actors.

51D. Forensic TV drama: "BONES". One of my favorites. Very low-keyed finale, main characters are going away for a year(but the show returns in the fall).

52D. That is, in Latin: ID EST.

54D. Beat-up boats: TUBS.

55D. Cry like a banshee: WAIL. Another meaning would be KEEN.

56D. Police broadcast, briefly: APB. All-Points Bulletin.

57D. Rev.'s speech: SER. Sermon.

Answer grid.



  1. Morning, Puzzlers - Happy Memorial Day!

    A nice, easy Monday romp. Loved the theme. Clint's name came to me waay too slowly.

    It's a perfect holiday in my country town - pancake breakfast at the church, parade on Main Street, and speeches. Our hotdog roast starts at 5:00. See you!

  2. Good Morning, CC and all. This was a fun, but easy Monday puzzle. I didn't realize that today was Clint Eastwood's 80th birthday. I hope he did today's puzzle.

    My favorite version of Me and Bobby McGee is Janis Joplin's rendition.

    My favorite clues in today's puzzle included:

    Jab with a Bone = ELBOW; and

    Nutty Individual = FRUITCAKE.

    Kol Nidre, as Argyle pointed out, means "all vows." The Kol Nidre service marks the beginning of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. As we have discussed here before, on the Jewish calendar, a new day begins at sunset. Kol Nidre, therefore, begins at sunset. It is a solemn service, marked by some beautiful Music. Kol Nidre has a rather complicated theological significance, which is too involved for a discussion here. Basically, however, it relates to vows made between an individual and G-d.

    QOD: The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet. ~ James Oppenheim

  3. Good morning CC etal and a happy Memorial Day - my thanks to all current & former members of the military out there.

    Quick solve today - no real challenges. AMC is running a Clint Eastwood marathon all day today - several OATERS on the list early, Kelly's Heroes (one of my faves) and of course Dirty Harry later tonite.

    My local newspaper, the New Orleans Times Picayune, is running a crossword survey. Those of you who might be inclined are encouraged to vote for the LAT to displace Newsday (please and thank you).

    Hope all have a great day!

  4. Thanks, Chris in LA for pointing out this survey. ... And as Al Capone once said: Vote Early and Vote Often.

  5. While I defer to Hahtool on most things religious, I must disagree on two levels.

    First, Kol Nidre is chanted prior to sunset and precedes the actual Yom Kippur service.

    Second, the meaning of Kol Nidre, as a legal concept has been debated and used as a basis for persecution of Jews for centuries.

    The chant basically says, I know I am about to fast and pray for forgiveness for all the things I did wrong in the past year, as well as promising to live a pure life next year. But before I do that, I ask I be forgiven in advance for any vows, or promises I break, because I am after all human, and we both know I will fail.

    Historically, this has been presented as an excuse by Jews to not be bound by civil law, and for their promises to be worthless. This interpretation of course ignores the context of the prayer, as a dialogue between the individual and his deity, not the grocer or his landlord. The internet is replete with diatribes and “proof” of this grand Jewish conspiracy.

    The single strongest basis of Judaism is the concept of mitvot which literally means commandments, but also encompasses the doing of good deeds. While Hahtool is correct, this is not a forum for presenting religious belief, nor proselytizing, I do believe my comments are intended as educational, with the hope understanding promotes brotherhood.

    It seems appropriate to discuss brotherhood on this day when we honor all who have fought for what this country believes is right. While we may not always agree on every detail of what our purpose is, I do believe the United States also stands for good deeds and forgiveness.

  6. Good morning all. Argyle, thanks for the commentary. Wishing everyone the best on this Memorial Day, and special thanks to all those who have served and their families.

    Enjoyed Donna's puzzle today. Fairly easy but lots of bright fill like FRUITCAKE, BEVY, and DAYTRIPPER, a 'wag'. Briefly considered 'Assam' for PEKOE. No searches needed; got ERICA from the perps.

    Loved the Clint Eastwood theme.

  7. Usual easy Monday puzzle. 10 minutes. Made my day.

  8. Argyle, Excellent write-up.

    GI JOE crossing SGTS three stripes was a great Memorial Day start.

    Was watching TCM "A Fistful of Dollars" as I did this tribute puzzle to CLINT EASTWOOD on his 80th Birthday. DAMN, he got old as I aged.

    Nothing to BEEF about today.

    Another FUN Donna S. Levin Monday.
    Perfect for this SLACKER.

  9. Hello, does anyone know if SF Chronicle prints constructor name beside the puzzle?

    Thank you.


  10. Good Morning All, Donna Levin made my day. I’m not used to seeing the “Big Hint” clue at the bottom of a Monday puzzle, so it took a little while to figure out how the first three theme answers linked up. When I got to 53A, the light bulb went on. A very Happy Birthday to CLINT EASTWOOD!

    I’m reminded of a story I heard about him when he married his current wife Dina Ruiz, who is 35 years younger than he is. The story goes that after they were married, Clint was being interviewed. He was asked if he weren’t concerned about the difference in their ages. Clint, who was 66 to his bride’s 31 years, answered with a sly smile, “Well, if she dies, she dies.” Definitely a “live each day as it comes” kind of guy.

    LOL, I just googled the Eastwood antecdote and a link came up for a similar post I made on this blog on July 25, 2008. I knew I had heard it somewhere. :o) Careful what you say folks. It is out there forever.

    Back to the puzzle. I liked the nine letter fill, 11D TALKS BACK and liked 33D FRUIT CAKE even more.

    I don’t know why I knew 10D ERICA Kane. I’ve never been a soap opera watcher, but I guess she has been around for so long, that her name just rubbed off on my subconscious.

    I definitely didn’t know 9D ADWARE, but that one came with the perps.

    No BBQ’s, just a quiet day at home is planned.

  11. Happy Memorial Day, everyone!

    A fun, easy puzzle today. My favorite clue was 1A 'Buck in the forest' because it made me think about my father, "Buck", who had passed away while sleeping in his tent on a canoeing trip in a NJ forest. He and my mother loved Clint Eastwood movies! And he retired from as a Lt. Col. from the Army. So this clue became an early Father's Day tribute for me!

    Thinking of Clint Eastwood's going to make anyone's day - whether you're thinking of his oaters, his war movies, his Dirty Harry role, "Paint Your Wagon", his directing, or the wide variety of other styles he's done.

  12. Yesterday we had Conrad AIKEN in the grid. I didn't post one of his poems then, but I will today. This one, although very sad, is a beautiful tribute to those who are no longer among us, but will always be remembered. That is what Memorial Day is all about. I am in awe of all of you who have lost friends and family members in the military. To those who let them go, your sacrifice is just as unbelievably brave.

    Music I Heard

    Music I heard with you was more than music,
    And bread I broke with you was more than bread;
    Now that I am without you, all is desolate;
    All that was once so beautiful is dead.

    Your hands once touched this table and this silver,
    And I have seen your fingers hold this glass.
    These things do not remember you, beloved,
    And yet your touch upon them will not pass.

    For it was in my heart that you moved among them,
    And blessed them with your hands and with your eyes;
    And in my heart they will remember always,
    They knew you once, O beautiful and wise.

    - Conrad Aiken

  13. Good morning everyone.

    Terrific write up, Argyle. And the satyr surely gave my day a boost!

    Not that my day needed it. I got it all. Thanks to Monday for sure. I kept looking for a theme, then got to 53A, which told me.

    Lois, we'll be thinking of you today and your sacrifice.
    And maybe some of us will pause at 3PM local time to thank those brave young men who didn't come home. And thanks to all of you who have served. I shall be thinking of my most beloved brother who received two silver stars, a bronze star, and had an 80% disability until he died a few years ago. World War II.

    Remember when it was Decoration Day?

    Best to you all on this special day.

  14. Re: New Orleans survey

    Just checked the totals on the crossword suvey I metioned earlier being conducted by the New Orleans Time Picayune. Am happy to report that "big improvement" (over Newsday) has a significant lead which I am (selfishly, I admit) attributing to this community and so would like to thank those of you who voted already and encourage those of you who haven't yet to please do so.

    Let's demonstrate the power of our happy little group!

  15. Hi CC, Argyle and all:

    Good Monday puzzle with a nice birthday wish for Clint Eastwood.

    Loved that booty, Argyle.

    Hahtool and L714: Thank you for your comments on Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur.

    The clips of Day Tripper (dig those go-go girls) and Janis Joplin were great.

    Excellent, moving poem, CA.

    In honor of all our veterans and in memory of those who gave their lives, our sincere gratitude.

    Good holiday everyone.

  16. Greetings to you all.

    I enjoyed the puzzle today. Some nice entries. Love the Clint Eastwood theme. Noticed that it is his 80th birthday today; hope he is having an especially good day. I remember watching Dina Ruiz reading the news on television.

    Took me a while to get MCFEE out of my head, especially since FLUE didn't strike me as any sort of sticky stuff on a stick.

    Gonna have a relaxing day today, me and my wife.

    Very cool you have Kofi Annan's autograph, C.C. How did you obtain it?

    Thanks to Hahtool and Lemonaid for your explanations of Kol Nidre. Always a pleasure to learn new things.

    Thank you, Clear Ayes, for the poem.

    Yes, I remember when this day was called Decoration Day. I also remember when there was no "President's Day" too. Is there still an Arbor Day?

    Best wishes to you all. May this day be especially special.

  17. Thanks, Lemonade, I appreciate your comments (and a good example of constructive criticism.) I was painting with broad strokes, leaving out the subtleties, which you elaborated upon.

    Back to Memorial Day. When I was a kid, Memorial Day was a big holiday. School was still in session, so it marked a day off. All of the school children, however, marched in the town's parade, along with veterans of previous wars. I remember the ubiquitous crepe paper poppies. It was an event to look forward to. Later, when I was in Junior High School, the VFW sponsored an essay contest, which I entered and won second place in the county. The winners had to read their essays at the awards ceremony. It was my first taste of public speaking.

    I'm headed to your hotdog roast, Dudley! LOL.

    Chris ~ Good to see that there is strong support for the LAT in the Times-Pic.

  18. Jen- A couple of years ago a semi-organized group of constructors contacted the SF Chronicle and requested that they give attribution to the puzzle writers. They agreed to do so. The answer to your question is yes. In case you don't know, The SF Chronicle's puzzles are supplied by the LA Times.

  19. Happy Memorial Day to all.

    An easy Monday puzzle as noted, yet sparkly as well. Gotta love a puzzle with FRUITCAKE in it. It takes great talent to make an early week crossword doable and enjoyable at the same time. Thank you Donna.

    Lemonade and Hahtool-I always appreciate the information you share on Jewish history, religion, and culture. I find it very educational.

    As we remember today those who have given and sacrificed for all, I am especially thinking of you and your family, Lois, Gunghy's son, and JazzB's stepson. My gratitude to all who have served our nation and world, past and present.

    Enjoy the day!

  20. Hello Jerome, thank you. My family loved your Couple of Bucks puzzle.

    Jen in Chicago

  21. I hope everyone is having an enjoyable Memorial Day. Good thoughts for all the service people and their families.

    Is Henry Hook a well-thought-of constructor? I see his name on Boston Globe puzzles fairly often. How about Ben Tausig? I see his name a lot too, neither one seems to ever have a LA Times puzzle.

    Is it considered bad form to use 'the' and 'a' as part of an answer? The clue was Oakland squad and the answer was THE AS.

    Chris, I voted in your survey. I hope it helps.

    Did you like Clint's recent movie, Grand Turino?

  22. Yes, I loved Gran Torino. Nobody can say "Get off my lawn" like Clint can!

  23. Chris in LA
    I voted, but they won't let us "stuff the ballot box." DAMN!

    Bill G.
    Maybe it's a "Guy thing" but I can honestly say I don't remember a Clint Eastwood movie I didn't enjoy. They got better as he aged.
    I liked Gran Torino and Invictus very much.

  24. Morning, C.C., Argyle and puzzlers.Great writeup, as usual, Argyle. Many thanks for enlightening us about Kol Nidre, Hahtool and Lemonade714. I listened to that wonderful clip, Hahtool. It's simply gorgeous and Striesand has the voice for it...what a range, she has! I forwarded it to my daughter, a choir singer in the Catholic church. She's a convert and much about her life is connected with music in the church. I know she will love it.

    I had so much trouble with yesterday's puzzle that today's was wonderfully refreshing. I'm not too familiar with Eastwood's 'filmography' so I didn't even realize there was a theme today. Lots of good clues and fill. I enjoyed everything about it.

    Lovely poem, Clearayes, but yes, sad. It's good to be reminded of the sacrifices our soldiers have made and will continue to do so, and I thank them for what they give. I remember a group of WWI vets and even a couple of GAR vets who marched in our 'Decoration Day' parade every year until they could no longer make it. Now our generation's heros' numbers are dwindling. How long ago that war seems.

  25. Hi, everyone ... and thanks for the kind words about the puzzle.

    The answer to your question, Bill G., is an emphatic "Yes." Both Henry Hook and Ben Tausig are top-tier constructors and extremely well-respected in the crossword world. If you see a puzzle with one of their names on it, it's definitely worth your time.

    A good Memorial Day to all.

    --Donna L.

  26. Father of a soldierMay 31, 2010 at 2:38 PM

    Many people confuse Memorial Day with Veterans Day. While there's an overlapping theme, they are very different.

    Veterans Day honors all of those who have served in the military service of our country.

    Memorial Day, once known as Decoration Day, referring to the decoration of graves, was initially proclaimed to honor those who were killed in the Civil Wr. Since WWI, the holiday has honored those killed in any U.S. war.

    Although all service people deserve to be thanked, today is not their day. Today is for solemnly honoring all those who have given their lives.

  27. Donna L., thanks for stopping by. I enjoyed your puzzle and I appreciate your answering my question. How come Hook and Tausig never seem to show up in the LA Times? Do they have some sort of an exclusivity agreement?

    While I'm not an American Idol fan usually, I think that Crystal Bowersox did as good a job as anyone singing Me and Bobby McGee.

    Thanks for the input about Memorial Day contrasted with Veterans Day.

  28. Bill G- About 40 years ago the editor of the NYT crossword, Eugene Maleska, wrote a puzzle with this hidden theme- YOU HAVE JUST FINISHED THE WORLD'S MOST REMARKABLE CROSSWORD. Soon after, Henry Hook sent him a puzzle in response with this theme- WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOUR PUZZLE IS MORE REMARKABLE THAN MINE. He was 14 years old at the time! He's often cited by constructors as being their favorite constructor.

    Ben Tausig is highly regarded. He's got a steady gig creating puzzles for numerous publications. With some moderation, Ben pays little attention to the "Breakfast test" or convention. Much of his work is simply not acceptable to the mainstream media.

    There's nothing wrong with A or THE in a puzzle if it's needed to make the phrase coherent or if it's commonly thought of as being part of the phrase. Also, you can't remove them if they are part of a book or movie title's official name.

  29. Good day, Argyle, C.C, and everyone.

    Argyle, your blogs are always thoroughly enjoyable. In case I hadn't mentioned it before.

    I'm late for this party sorry to say, but I slept 11 hours preceded by two nights of insomonia. Whew! I hope that's over.

    Loved today's Donna Levin puzzle with Clint Eastwood theme. Enjoyed some of his movies, especially the early ones. Later much violence was introduced. Still love him, though.

    I recall that interview and how it made me laugh.

    Today's xwd was perfect for Monday. No need to get the lead out (erases)or blue pencil (edit) loved those clues.

    Nice salute to our service men and women with GI Joe and Sgts.

    Great fresh cluing as you have already mentioned.

    Hahtool and Lemonde:
    Thank you so much for the instruction. I am woefully ignorant of your culture and do appreciate your valuable insights.

    Lovely poem, made me want to cry.

    Thank you again to our military present, past, and those gone but not forgotten.

    I hope you are all having an enjoyable holiday!

  30. Father of a Soldier:
    Thank you. I just read your comments and appreciate your explanation. I may have known that once, but don't recall. Again, thank you.

  31. About A and THE "you can't remove them if they are part of a book or movie title's official name"

    Thanks for the clarification, Jerome. In the May 22nd puzzle, one of the clues was "1985 John Irving best-seller". The fill was CIDER HOUSE RULES. I mentioned at the time I was stalled for a while because the title is THE CIDER HOUSE RULES. It's nice to know I wasn't off base.

    Hi Donna L. nice to hear from you.

  32. (#3) - re: "father of a soldier" - I understand that today is especially about those who have sacrificed their lives. We memorialize them, especially, and I wouldn't want you to think their sacrifice isn't recognized by those of us who wish "happy memorial day" to all our troops - and especially their families.

    Speaking only for myself I can't sufficiently thank those who sacrificed their lives (and continue to do so) that I might live as I do. I am in awe of their courage!

    I am sorry for your loss, but am grateful for their sacrifice - we are who we are because of them. I wish I could be more eloquent, but I can't because there is nothing more honest that I can say but "thank you".

  33. Based on Jerome's response, I found
    this article in the New Yorker about crosswords and Henry Hook in particular. I thought you might enjoy it.

    ~ Bill G.

  34. Hello All--A lovely Monday puzzle which was easy enough to finish without outside help, but with some fresh fills.

    I had one small blip at the very beginning as I filled in Geico for Insurance company, then Google for Online pop-up source. That was quickly fixed however, when "Willy" went in for Wonka.

    I especially liked Fruitcake for "Nutty individual, and erase for Get the lead out.

    Thank you Argyle for a great writeup, and CA for the lovely Conrad Aiken poem.

    Hatool and L714, The explanations for Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur were very educational. Thank you.

    We found out yesterday that my Grandson has received his Peace Corp Assignment. We don't know where he will be going. He wants to make a difference and this was one way he thought he could.

  35. BillG:
    I just read the article on Henry and Hook and my only comment is Yowza!

    This man is a puzzle fiend (discussion from last week about fiend meanning buff). I plan to look for one of his books.

    If I were younger I believe I would become part of the groupie.

    Thank you, BillG. It has been saved to favorites.

  36. Hi all,
    Glad to see a Donna Levin puzzle today, I enjoy them and usually have no trouble catching her wave length.

    Loved 47D...although a female walrus might have a different take on that answer!

    I didn't realize that Clint Eastwood was 80. Time sneaks up on all of us.

    I agree that Janis Joplin's version of "Me and Bobby McGee" is the best. I saw her interviewed by David Frost and she was surprisingly well spoken and seemed at peace with sad she couldn't get over her addiction.

    We are spending a quiet day at home...did a little yard work after our bike ride. I even got my tomatoes planted on Sat. Now to see if they will grow, our weather is not co-operating this year. I think Calif is having the same trouble.

  37. Although Decoration Day was originally planned to honor the Civil War dead, it woon became a time of remembrance of all our loved ones who have died. That's why all the cemetaries look like flower gardens this weekend. We went to Beloit (60 miles south) on Friday to decorate my in-laws graves. No one ever had better in-laws than I.

    I do honor and thank the many men and women who were willing to defend the beliefs that have made our country great. May there be a renewal of these values in our current society.
    I frequently see service personnel at the Mall and I always want to say "thank you" but don't know whether they would appreciate it or think I was strange.

    This was a good Monday puzzle. No problems.


  38. Hi gang -

    Very late to the puzzle today. Got up early, did some yard work (a task category with on end - only a reprieve in the winter.) Then a quite rest of the day at home with the LW. Our BEEF was burgers on the grill.

    Nice puzzle, good comments, all.

    Donna - thanks for stopping by. Good to hear from you.

    Not much left to say, except that one picture showed an impressive balancing act.

    Hatool and lemonade - thanks for the inside information. I agree your posts were informational, and relevant to the puzzle - I don't think any line was even approached.

    Carol -
    Or a female bear.

    Tom and the family will be in on Friday, leaving on Monday.

    Have a blessed and safe Memorial day, everyone.


  39. Good evening Argyle, CC, et al., Excellent job, Argyle. The links were great, esp the booty one. Very cute. You rock!

    Quite an enjoyable puzzle and had several LOLs during it: booty, willy, jab w/a bone and so many more. Such a fertile field for fun but my heart isn't in it today.

    CA: That poem is so perfect, so spot on absolutely true. I will print it and have it caligraphed and framed. Thank you.

    Sallie and MJ: Your kind thoughts are very much appreciated. Thank you on behalf of all who lost a loved one either during or because of their military duty. As Dennis and ARBAON said, They are never ever forgotten.

    Chris in LA: you nailed it. Eloquently said. Well done.

    It's been a big day and an emotional last few days. I'm going to join Tenbini and Argyle and have a serious drink..Scotch perhaps...or several.

  40. Puzzler progression: Solver-Blogger-Constructor-"Henry Hook" Treasure Hunt Maker. (Whew!)

    The one I chauffeur for threw the back out on Friday...we missed two Holiday functions but we were out of the heat/humidity and people were kind enough to bring us food.

    BTW, I always thought quail came in a covey and beauties came in a bevy.

    BTWII, Women should never make coffee according to the Bible: It plainly says, "Hebrews."

  41. Lucina, you are most welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed the article. I didn't know anything about Henry Hook except that I'd done a few of his puzzles. Now I have him (from the article) in the back of my mind when I see his name on a puzzle.

  42. Lois, I'm glad that the Aiken poem meant something to you. I immediately thought of you as soon as I saw it.

  43. A quick trip to the local Border's Bookstore yielded no Henry Hook books, they shall have to be ordered I suspect, but, what do you know, a Rich Norris book! I'll have fun with that for a while.

    Will Shortz, too; he could have his own section at the bookstore. Very prolific puzzle creator.

    I thought of you, too, Lois. Rest easy, my dear.

    I wish you all a good night.

  44. It's late, I worked my butt off all weekend and didn't get to the puzzle until 10:00 PM PDT. Liked the puzzle, Love one song involved, but never count out the song's writer when you discuss versions. Here's Kris.

    Oh, and here'ssssssss Johnny! A good friend of Kris' and one of the few times that he doesn't sound as good or better.

  45. Henry Hook alternates weeks with Emily Cox/Henry Rathvon in the Boston Globe. Occasionally Henry has an NYT puzzle. I suspect he'd rather not accept the lower paycheck the L.A. Times/Tribune Media Services syndicate offers. His book, Terribly Twisted Crosswords, contains super-tough variety grids and remains one of my favorite puzzle books ever. Not for beginners!

    Ben Tausig has his own weekly syndicated puzzle, Ink Well, which runs in the Chicago Reader and other alt-weeklies. He also edits the Onion A.V. Club crossword (and is part of the constructing team). He made a kids' puzzle book (look for "Mad Tausig" on Amazon) and is currently editing a book of literary-themed crosswords for Penguin Classics. He's had a few NYT crosswords, too.

    What Henry and Ben both have in common is that most of their puzzle work is not subject to the vicissitudes of daily crossword editors, as they've built a business that operates outside that stream. (Same with Merl Reagle, Trip Payne, Patrick Berry, Peter Gordon, and a handful of others.)


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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