, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Thursday July 15, 2010 Jerome Gunderson

Gary's Blog Map

Jul 15, 2010

Thursday July 15, 2010 Jerome Gunderson

Theme: Route Puns - Double word roadway terms (all in plural form) are humorously reinterpreted and clued as if they are "Routes to work" for a person of certain occupation.

17A. Routes to work for a bell ringer?: TOLL ROADS. Toll is the sound of a bell, or a price to pay.

32A. Routes to work for a water company engineer?: MAIN STREETS. Water main, the name of the principle street in many towns.

41A. Routes to work for a window treatment installer?: BLIND ALLEYS. Window blinds, and a road with only one way in or out.

59A. Routes to work for a diet guru?: FAST LANES. To abstain from eating, (usually) the innermost lane on a highway, freeway, or turnpike.

Other words in the puzzle loosely related to the theme:

16A. Mayflower employee: MOVER

62A. Unlucky fisherman's catch, in comics: TIRE.

63A. It's hard to run on it: EMPTY.

31D. Classic Jags: XKES.

Here we go, dissecting an offering from our own Jerome. I found this puzzle to be a bit easier than the past couple of Thursdays, no black marks for me from AcrossLite. Seemed like there were quite a few proper nouns, but a pretty good balance of perps that allowed enough room to guess at them.

I especially liked: 46D. Who's on it (FIRST), 60A. gadget on a pad (MOUSE), and 63A It's hard to run on it (EMPTY). There was a bit of crosswordese here and there, but sometimes those are all I have to get started. When that happens, I know I'm in trouble. Not today though.


1. Balkan native: SERB.

5. "Fernando" singers: ABBA. Their group name for their first commercial single was originally Björn & Benny, Agnetha & Anni-Frid (Frida). Why would you ever change that?

9. Obviously impressed: AGAPE.

14. Maker of Java Freeze: ICEE. 210 calories = 58 minutes of brisk walking.

15. No bull: TRUE. Apparently from old French boll, deception, trick, scheming, intrigue

19. "SNL" alum Cheri: OTERI.

20. Mourned poetically: ELEGIZED

21. Leave in the dust: OUTRUN. "Blow the doors off of" would have made this word theme related as well.

22. Do an usher's job: SEE IN.

23. New Ager with the album "Dare to Dream": YANNI.

25. View from la costa: AGUA. Depending on which coast, the view today would more likely be el petróleo instead of water.

28. Hood's heater: GAT. Old gangster movie slang for machine guns, from the original rapid fire weapon invented by Richard Gatling. Gat eventually came to mean any gun. Another term for a gun was an "eraser" as in 37A. Rubs out: OFFS. Shortened form of "kills off".

29. "Sour grapes" critter: FOX. Aesop's Fable.

36. Proceeding normally: AOK. Unrelated to this, but worth mentioning, Karaoke means "empty orchestra" in Japanese.

38. Peace personified: IRENE. Greek goddess.

39. Shipwright's tool: ADZE. Related to axe, hatchet

40. Response to "Speak!": ARF. Talking dogs.

43. Cracker Jack bonus: TOY.

44. Tyler of "Jersey Girl": LIV. A pic with her Dad Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. Sure, the resemblance is obvious...

45. Divided sea: ARAL.

46. Knocks for a loop: FAZES.

48. Like a milquetoast's spouse, often: BOSSY. Caspar Milquetoast, the timid soul, an old comic strip.

52. Wish for: DESIRE. I wish I had not done a google image search for desiree with the safe search option off. What has been seen cannot be unseen.

55. Payload's place: NOSECONE. Payload originally referred to the revenue producing portion of a conveyance. With a bomb attached to a rocket, that lends a whole new meaning to the term "money shot".

58. Ornament: ADORN. Used as a verb, not a fragile glass ball.

60. Gadget on a pad: MOUSE.

61. Bug and more: RILE.

64. Tons: A LOT.

65. Chows down: EATS.


1. Developer's offerings: SITES. Real estate.

2. Nice school?: ECOLE. French word for school. Nice is French city, pronounced like "niece".

3. J.E.B. Stuart's boss: R. E. LEE. Confederate generals, James Edward Brown (Stuart), Robert Edward Lee.

4. Antwerp natives: BELGIANS. Also Flemish, but that was a letter short.

5. The whole kit and caboodle: A TO Z.

6. Scottish hillside: BRAE. From old words for eye and eyebrow becoming the brow of a hill.

7. One to hang with: BUDDY.

8. 1950s political monogram: AES. Adlai Ewing Stevenson. Defeated twice for the Democratic bid for president by DDE, later because Ambassador to the UN.

9. Is equivalent (to): AMOUNTS. That don't amount to a brae 'o beans.

10. "The Teflon Don": GOTTI. Almost all attempts at getting a conviction didn't stick to him.

11. State firmly: AVER. Related words: verify and very. To make true or prove to be true.

12. Emperor Atahualpa's land: PERU. The last Incan emperor, died in 1533.

13. The Auld Sod: ERIN. The old land, Ireland.

18. Audi logo quartet: RINGS.

21. Painting the town red: ON A TEAR. A riotous spree.

24. Chairman's list: AGENDA.

26. Put into play: UTILIZE. I hate it when someone utilizes this word (see how silly that sounds?). It just sounds like the person is trying to impress you with his vocabulary instead of his (lack of) knowledge. Reminds me too much of corporate-speak, a faker's language used to make a lot of noise without actually saying anything at all. Just use "use".

27. Make it big: ARRIVE. After 30 years of practice you too can become an overnight sensation.

29. Lose vitality: FADE.

30. Like sap: OOZY.

32. Zoo barrier: MOAT.

33. Early Jesse Jackson do: AFRO. Hairdo.

34. Up in the air: IFFY.

35. Bard's nightfall: EEN.

39. Parcel out: ALLOCATE. To locate, to place.

41. Flattery: BLARNEY. Lady Blarny, the smooth-talking flatterer in Goldsmith's "Vicar of Wakefield" (1766) preceded naming the Blarney Stone (1796).

42. Bar code's place: LABEL.

46. Who's on it: FIRST. The old Abbot and Costello routine. Who is the name of the man that is the first baseman.

47. Spiral-shelled creature: SNAIL.

49. Widow of Rajiv Gandhi: SONIA. Never even saw this clue, got it all through perps.

50. Hägar's dog: SNERT. Comic strip characters by Chris Browne.

51. Toadies' words: YESES. Originally, a toady traveled with a medicine man and literally ate a toad (which was thought to be poisonous) to enable his master to "cure" him and sell to all the easy marks. Not so different from ads on TV today.

52. Title for Kiri Te Kanawa: DAME. Operatic soprano.

53. Nation of Esau: EDOM. Esau was the brother of Jacob, the founder of Israel. Talk about sibling rivalry.

54. First course, sometimes: SOUP.

56. City founded by King Harald III: OSLO. Burned to the ground, then was rebuilt and renamed Christiana. Later it was renamed back to Oslo again.

57. Proofer's mark: STET. Let it stand, change the change back to the original text.

59. Monk's title: FRA. Friar. Probably derived from the French word frère ("brother" in English). According to Wiki, friars and monks aren't quite the same. A Monk is devoted to and lives within a single community away from the rest of the world, and a Friar has a wider range, spending time in each of several different provinces, but doing similar work.

Answer grid.

Here are some great pictures Gunghy took from his recent bike trip to Texas via California, Arizona & New Mexico. He finished 13 miles short of 4000 in 11 days in his Yamaha Raider. He's racing for High Sierra Regatta today. Good luck, Gunghy! Kazie's Oz Series will continue tomorrow.



  1. Good morning, Al, C.C. and gang - soon as I saw the name at the top, I knew it was gonna be a fun puzzle, and it didn't disappoint.

    I understood the theme after the first theme answer, but still needed some help with the remaining three. I was sure 23A was 'Yonni', which had me confused over 24D, 'Chairman's list'; couldn't think of a word starting with 'ogen'. I liked the crossing of 'snail' and 'fast lane'. Had one unknown in 'Sonia' Gandhi. And as with Al, I loved 'Who's on it' and 'It's hard to run on it'. And three 'Zs' in one puzzle? Wow. Jerome, thanks for a fun solve.

    Al, great job with the blog/links, and Gunghy, pretty neat pictures; thanks for sharing.

    Today is Cow Appreciation Day. I'll leave the puns and jokes to the udder guys.

    Did you know:

    - (in honor of the day) You are more likely to get attacked by a cow than a shark.

    - The densest substance on Earth is the metal osmium.

    - The billionth digit of pi is 9. I'm gonna take their word for it.

  2. Good Morning, all. I quickly filled in the top half but slowed down a bit when I got to the bottom portion. Not any major Road Block, though, but just enough to make me slow down and really enjoy this puzzle.

    I quickly caught onto the theme. After filling in the X and Z, I was looking for the Q to make a pangram.

    My favorite theme response was BLIND ALLEY.

    My other favorite clue was It's Hard to Run On = EMPTY.

    I initially wanted Conch instead of SNAIL for a spiral-shelled creature.

    As Al pointed out, Liv Tyler's father is the frontman for Arrowsmith.

    Dodo: Here is one explanation for the term Downeast. (Be sure to check out that site for some beautiful pictures of the Maine coast.)

    In honor of 8D, here are today's QODs: Accuracy to a newspaper is what virtue is to a lady; but a newspaper can always print a retraction. ~ Adlai E. Stevenson

    A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular. ~ Adlai E. Stevenson

  3. Hahtool, I believe it's Aerosmith.

  4. Al thank you for the write up, I was especially impressed with the melding of Jerome's theme, and Gunghy's Road Trip pics. I do like the concept of a TOLL TOAD....

    On to Jerome's creation, there is so much enjoyable fill, BLIND ALLEYS and FAST LANE are great, EMPTY and WHO were wonderful; bringing back GAT, including long suffering SNERT, a beautiful word ELEGIZE, made this solve a quite diverse experience. Throw in little echoes like ERIN and BLARNEY; and GOTTI, GAT and OFFS and you can almost picture Jerome amusing himself as he created.

    Remember, when you go into BLIND ALLEYS you might see A SILLY BLEND, but be careful going in the FAST LANE or you might hit some TAN FLEAS.

  5. Good morning C.C., Jerome, and solvers extraordinaire.

    A quick check of my thesaurus shows that Jerome distilled the best of the possibilities. There is also FIFTH AVENUE Routes to work for a bartender?
    But it’s a singular so it’s not usuable.. Nice attractive cheater-free grid. Congratulations, my friend!

    Jerome, I know you are going to be extremely busy today answering all of your fan mail on this blog, so without your kind permission allow me to do your daily anagram routine for you. Just sit back and bask in the glory!

    TOLL ROADS are of course where TOADS ROLL.
    Using FAST LANES was a SAFE SLANT.
    And the best for last, totally appropriate for the SPO, DF, rampant naughtiness on this blog: To come up with entries like MAIN STREETS, Jerome RENAMES TITS.

  6. Wow - is it any wonder this blog is so great, with these guys contributing? John, that last one is brilliant.

  7. Good Morning All,

    This was a fun, challenging, twisting and turning solve. Blind Alleys was my biggest struggle because of the crosses with Utilize, Blarney and Arrive. I needed red letters for Blarney, the rest popped and I went On a Tear. Sonia Gandhi was new to me. I with the rest of you with Who's on It. Also loved Main Streets as one of my responsibilities is supervising the Water Division. Great puzzle Jerome!

    Also, great write up Al. Excellent reading as always.

    Back to our preparations!!

  8. Good morning everyone.

    Great puzzle. Not too hard for a Thursday. Very clever theme words. Other clever clues included those for ARAL, ECOLE, EMPTY, and MOUSE. SW was last to fall but no searches were needed. Had 'diva' before DAME.

    For Antwerp natives, I tried 'Flemings' before BELGIANS became obvious.

    EEN - For a change, could be clued something like: 'one' in Haarlem; ala the ECOLE clue.

  9. Too easy to be a Thursday but too clever not to be. A real gem, Jerome. Kudos.

  10. Is John Lampkin single?

  11. Al,
    Enjoyable blog today, thank you.

    John L,
    Great puns. I guess it was expected that Dennis would love the last one, especially after yesterday's discussion.

    I disagree--you take photos too--not just snapshots. The lack of salient features in the landscape made that a lot harder with what you had to work with. There are areas in Oz that would be just as featureless too. The only reason I was so enthralled with what I saw this trip was its uniqueness. In addition, you are amazing to have stuck with that journey under those weather conditions! I loved the GPS message with 301 miles to go. Did it keep repeating with updates on the mileage?

    The puzzle was a fun ride today too. For some reason I didn't come up with sNail, thinking more of seashells. Then, not knowing sONia or sNert, I was trying to fit CAKE where CONE needed to be, since I also had no idea about what payload referred to.

    In the NW, I got from perps, but had no idea about RELEE and ATOZ, taking them both as single words. I've never studied US history, so didn't know of J.E.B. Stuart.

  12. Good Morning All, A fine puzzle Jerome. I wish I had lots of time to comment on all the goodies, but I am in the FAST LANE today.

    Gunghy, I bet the next time MOJAVE shows up it a puzzle, you will be the first to have it filled in. :o)

  13. Hello Puzzlers - Thanks, Jerome, enjoyed this clever puzzle! Good work, Al, and I agree wholeheartedly about Business Babble, the dialect that tries to sound important. It's one of the forces that made me leave the cubicle.

    Yanni is one of those many entertainers I just can't stand. He may or may not be a capable pianist, it's hard to tell - his televised Acropolis performance, for instance, showcased more of his hair and costume than his actual playing. Blechhh.

  14. For Curious Mom, at 8:36:

    Yes, I'm single in the sense that much to the relief of many, there is only one of me.

    I'm also happily married to my long-suffering wife of 39 years. We tied the knot on Halloween.

    Gunghy, I enjoyed your photos also, particularly your last shot with the strong vanishing point. It's worth mentioning also that although the terrain looks much the same, the change from Joshua Tree to Cholla and Yucca marks changes in elevation. As you climb to higher elevations in the Mohave, suddenly the Joshua Trees disappear. Also, the shrub in pic 4 is Creosote Bush, if anyone is interested. Kazie nailed it when she said those types of shots are difficult. But somehow you managed to show us variety through subtle changes in the vegetation.

  15. Not a difficult puzzle today. 15 minutes. Besides being a Greek goddess, "irene" (Greek είρηνη) is the Greek noun for "peace."

  16. Have been a reader for a while now and truly enjoy all the comments. Had to comment today on Gunghy ride. I made the same ride a couple of years ago, when my son was a Marine at Twenty Nine Palms. There is a lot of nothing but at least you stay on the same road (I-10) for the entire trip.
    Enjoyed the puzzle, took a while to get a foothold but was finally able to finish but not nearly as fast as some of you

  17. OMG, "Arrowsmith" --- almost fell out of my chair.

    John Lampkin, you have an exceptional wit. I enjoy your puzzles because I can sense the intellect behind them. It might even be enough to get me to change my long standing lurker status.

    Al, a very nice blog.

  18. Hi Al, C.C. and gang, a tough puzzle for us, we only got 1/4 of it done before my wife left for work. I finally got the theme which helped lots. My wife remembered that Antwerp was in Belgium from the Shane Co ads but we had problems figuring how to spell Belgians for some reason.

    Here's a 1977 hit by Jackson Brown 'Running on Empty'. I think that the original version of this song is still the best.

  19. @John Lampkin - We are 39 years too late. My family love your puzzles.

  20. Hi gang -

    Jerome -
    BUDDY, what a brilliant puzzle! FAST LANES got a SNERT out of me, but I laughed aloud (is that allowed?) at BLIND ALLEYS!

    The theme was obvious after TOLL ROADS, but none of the theme entries were. I had to tease them out a perp at a time. Unlike most of you, I found this puzzle to be quite challenging. Having IN AWE for AGAPE gave me some problems. It's tough giving up a wrong answer with 2 correct letters out of 5!

    ON A TEAR, EDOM, BRAE, (was yesterday's pic a BRA E?) ELEGIZED and IRENE did not come easily.

    Speaking of IRENE . . .

    Then, is it IFFY to UTILIZE this?

    Al - Well played, sir! I always learn something from you. Too bad I have memory like a sieve.

    John -
    You anagrammists amaze me. I am AGAPE.

    No BLARNEY - I'd lots rather see 'A TO Z" than "A TO B," as we often do; it's too cutesy, and not really in the language.

    Is the thing that you AVER an AVERAGE? And if what you AVER is characterized by malice, would it be a MEAN AVERAGE?

    JzB who, if pressed, would actually chose Barry Manilow over YANNI

  21. The Who Cares department-

    Fleet Street- Where sprinters live
    Rodeo Drive- Where cowboys live
    One-way Street- Where idealogues live
    Fifth Avenue- Where sots live (you're channeling me John)
    These were some of my earlier theme ideas. It all morphed into today's puzzle.

    I have no idea why my favorite fill is BLARNEY and IFFY. I know exactly why AES gets the Navajo Blanket Award.

    Tuesday, the day I thought this puzzle would run.

    Jackson Browne. Beautiful writer. Not many laments as great as "The Pretender"

    Thanks, Corner. You're all awesome blossoms!

  22. Loved the pics, Gunghy. At Fort Stockton, you traveled not too far south of where I live. You probably didn't notice, but you passed a small town named Balmorhea. I lived there when I was sixteen. It is a lovely little town, an oasis in the desert with a huge spring-fed swimming pool. I loved living there. Also, you traveled north of one of the prettiest places, Big Bend National Park. Used to go there a lot when I could still climb mountains.

    Jerome, you done good! Loved this puzzle. Loved the theme. It was easy with some tough spots.

    My only glitch was that I put Belgium instead of BELGIAN and when I changed the "m," I forgot to change the "u" to an "a." I got tired of looking for my mistake, so I switched to red letter. I either knew everything else or got from perps.

    My favorite clue is "Nice school." My mind ran through all the major universities before it dawned on me that "nice" was "Nice."

    I hope everyone has a very good day.

  23. Wow what a fun puzzle Jerome! It always helps me when I get the theme right away and today I did just that. I loved “hoods heater” – gat; “payloads place” – nosecone; “Nice school” – Ecole (yep, Lemonade nailed it); and “one to hang with” – buddy. Elegized was a new word for me today but was obtainable via the perps. I thought perhaps I was wrong on “toll roads” when reading the blog, but “toll toads” is kind of funny to me. If one “adorn”(s) something that makes you “agape” does that “faze(s)” “desire”?

    John, loved your anagram on “main streets”, I had no idea you had reached the DF ranks.

    Gunghy, great pics. May the winds fill your sails this weekend.

  24. Repeat of Rozzoli & Isles tonight.
    Also new episodes of Burn Notice
    abd Royal Pains.

    Would disagree with nose cone carring the payload.

  25. Good morning Al, Jerome, C.C., and all happy puzzlers.

    Al, great stuff in the write up. So enjoyed the "Talking Dogs".Didn't realize that the Aral Sea is drying up at a fast rate.Got an a-ha from your rings.

    Jerome, I could picture you having fun with this one. Loved BLARNEY! I had to Google a few times. Nothing came easily, but it was a fun ride. I had to look and look at some words that needed only ONE blasted letter to complete, like gat, irene, edom, nosecone. Loved your theme, esp. blind alley.

    John and Lemonade, youse guys are punny!

  26. Good afternoon Al, C.C. and everyone.
    A bit easier than most Thursdays but it was an enjoyable ride throughout.

    Mr. Lampkin. nice anagrams especially the last one..."entries like MAIN STREETS, Jerome RENAMES
    TITS". Surely that IS MEN'S TREAT...IT STEERS MAN to a STARE MET SIN scenario. Would that lead to the birth of SEMEN STRAIT? I better stop before I get kicked out of the blog.

    Have a good day everyone.


  27. Jeannie, you could adorn a burlap sack and you would never faze my desire. Are you single?

  28. Hello. My first post.
    Got going with 'BlindAlleys'! But ran into a few blind alleys myself when all those vowels in Atahualpa gave me Oahu, and 'hood's heater' shot 'gun' at me. But it's so pleasant when such 'wrong turns' put us on a path of progress!: errant 'Oahu' gave 'outrun', & errant 'gun' gave 'agenda'.

    Worse than a blind alley was my 'dead end' when 'divided sea' sang out 'Reed', and for the longest time I came up dry on ‘View from la costa’.

    Fave, though slow in coming, was that name that leaves me feeling irenic.

    Two missing clues today:

    "Routes to work for an apprentice lathesman?"

    "Routes to work for work for a mortician?"

    A pleasant puzzle today!

  29. Hello, puzzlers. Kudos all around today!

    Al for an excellent blog; I'll check the links later.

    Jerome for a wonderful, funny and really enjoyable puzzle.

    John for joining us and sharing your wit.

    Jazzbumpa, you may not be an anagramist, but your humor is just as clever and funny.

    We are a fortunate lot! What great entertainment we have here.

    Most of this was fairly easy with only a few bumps on the "road;" cute misdirection led me to DIVA instead of DAME, NOSETONE unitil I saw NOSECONE and ALLOCATE where I had ALLOT---.

    Really clever, Jerome. I chuckled all the way through it.

    Atahualpa was familiar because I am rereading the book Indian Givers by Jack Weatherford wherein he explains the many gifts we received from Native Americans and their exploitation.

    When Francisco Pizarro invaded Peru he seized Atahualpa and demanded a roomful (literally) of gold for his ransom. Bearers from all over the Empire gathered jewelry and stripped their temples to fill a room. The hoard was the greatest ransom every paid and though the Incas complied, Pizarro nevertheless killed Atahualpa. (I used the author's words almost verbatim.)

    What lovely photos. Some may think that the desert is "nothing" but I find it starkly beautiful and remarkably fertile, as your photos show, even with the intense heat and lack of water.

    Good luck on your race!

    Have a lovely Thursday all!

  30. Al, Excellent, informative write-up.

    Gunghy, great photo's.

    Like Hahtool, I wanted conch for SNAIL, Spiral-shelled creature.

    R.E.LEE, J.E.B. Stuart's boss was a great clue for this History buff. Also, the last INCA name yielding PERU.

    Liked that the TOLL ROADS crossed RINGS.

    Wasn't familiar with the DAME Kanawa or SONIA Gandi but the perps did their job.

    FIRST, Who's on it. was my fave today.

    FUN Thursday.

    Good job, Jerome

  31. Very fun puzzle and write-up today. I did get the JEB Stuart clue. I grew up in Virginia and the confederate soldiers were viewed as the underdog good guys.

    Anon. 11:29, I see no sign of a repeat of Rozzoli and Isles. What time and channel?

  32. I just read this in the Cleveland Plain Dealer corrections ( errata ) colm.(Thursday, July 15, 2010 ).

    What follows is "ad verbatim " ...

    The '23 down' clue in Tuesday's crossword puzzle,'Jerusalem is its cap.', was incorrect for the answer,'Isr', that was given in the solution Wednesday. Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel.

    I have seen several websites and Googled, and I have found that many people make the same mistake.

    Apparently despite the country of Israel itself having declared Jerusalem to be its capital, and with the exec., legis, and jud. systems all being in Jerusalem ... since no other country has moved their embassy from Tel Aviv, ... thus, Jerusalem, is it not the capital of the Israel.

    Curious ... I always thought a country decided its own capital ... never mind what others thought to the contrary.

    I have no ax ( or axe ) to grind ... this being only an idle comment ... strictly in the terms of accuracy for the benefit of the Xworders.

  33. Good day all. Fun puzzle today, any time I can finish a Thursday puzzle without pulling my hair out is a good day.
    Todays sour grapes critter Hangs on my wall. It spent almost two years in the repair shop but it was worth the wait.

    Kazie and Gunghy thanks for sharing your pictures they are fantastic.

    Thanks to all the bloggers you do a great job of informing and entertaining.

    Have a great day

  34. Anon @ 1:01 pm brings up an interesting point: The '23 down' clue in Tuesday's crossword puzzle,'Jerusalem is its cap.', was incorrect for the answer,'Isr', that was given in the solution Wednesday. Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel..

    This is from the web site of the US Dept. of State. (See Note 5.)

  35. gGerry, thanks for joining us; judging from your post, I think you'll fit right in.

    Lucina, good stuff about Pizarro - I didn't know that.

    August, well done!

  36. jfbutcher, I missed your post this morning; welcome to the blog, and congratulations on having a Marine son.

    I had a couple chopper rides from Camp Pendleton to Twentynine Palms and back, and you're right, lots of nothing, especially from the air. I'd still like to drive it someday though, especially after seeing Gunghy's great pictures.

    When was your son in?

  37. Another Jeannie admirerJuly 15, 2010 at 2:16 PM

    @Anon 11:54am, you have obviously seen Jeannie’s avatar. Do you think someone that pretty is single? Also, from what I have observed she isn’t too keen on spineless Anon’s that don’t even come up with a name. Good luck buddy.

  38. Al, word origins fascinate me and no less the ones you provided today for "kit and kaboodle" and "sour grapes." I had read most of Aesop's fables, but, sigh, time has warped so many memories.

    Anyone who has or has had a teenage girl knows that Caboodles is a favorite brand name for a box of keepsakes and/or cosmetics.

    And since I am in a historic frame of mind, I researched our stalwart xwdese filler, Adlai Ewing Stevenson and discovered that not only he, but his great-grandfather had been in politics. he entered the race(s) in 1875 and many years later was elected the vice president under Grover Cleveland. Some of you may know that, but it was new to me. It broadens AES much farther than the perennial presidential loser of the 1950s.

    Yes, Dennis, I found that information interesting and sad.

  39. Hello CC, Al, and all,

    I had a tough time with today's puzzle and had to refer to Mr. G quite a bit. I especially had trouble with the east section. I don't know anything about cars, and I had oily instead of oozy, so aOk and adZe were just not fitting. I guess that's what happens when you don't do the puzzle all week and try to do it on Thursday!

    It has been a very busy week for me and this is the first puzzle I attempted. I got very ill around midnight on the Fourth and my surgery Friday was cancelled. Not sure if we are going to reschedule (more on that later).

    I really liked the theme today and was excited when I figured it out. I usually have trouble deducing them even after I have solved the entire puzzle. My favorite clue: Who's on it? FIRST I just love that old Abbott and Costello routine. I could watch it over and over and still laugh every time!

    Al, great write-up. I love the Talking Dogs video. Too funny. Thanks for all the links, and the information on toadies (that was my "something learned" moment of the day).

    I definitely agree with all on the use of the word utilize. I cringe every time I hear it USED. It is such an unnecessary term.

    I also agree with JD - you guys are all quite punny!

  40. Lucina- Aes is also Latin for "bronze". I only know that because I've had to clue it so many &%$(*@ times!

  41. Hi everyone -

    Al, great job! Enjoyed all the comments.

    Jerome, very nice puzzle, I could actually work it without screaming. Loved 63A and 46D, very clever.
    You got me on 3D (J.E.B. Stuart's boss)and 49D Gandi's widow...but I managed to work through them.
    Very surprised that I actually did a Thurdsay so easily.

    Dudley, I agree with you about Yanni..geez, what a creepy guy.

    Gunghy, I loved your photos - I could feel that desert.

    Cow Appreciation Day made me wince a bit, I still have part of that earworm "Cow's with Guns" thingy stuck to me.

    Welcome to the newbies, stick around and I don't think you'll be disappointed. Mostly we play nice.

  42. To Lucina:

    Re: The kidnapping and killing of Atahualpa ...

    To find out how a small bunch of Spaniards could have overwhelmed the whole kingdom ( and a huge army of ) of the Inca king ... and got away with a holocaust(ic) mayhem ... you may want to read (if you haven't already ...)

    Guns, Germs and Steel ... the fates of human societies... by Jared Diamond... a Prof of Physiology (!?*#?)at UCLA ... the book won a Pulitzer ... he is a MacArthur fellow ... and personally I think, the Nobel Prize would not do him enough justice.

  43. Anon@2:58. You are absolutely correct about Jared Diamond. I love his writings. He used to be a regular contributor to Discover magazine. Collapse is another good book by him. He did get into a spot of trouble over an article he wrote for The New Yorker a few years ago about tribal feuds in Papua New Guinea.

  44. Good morning, happy people!

    This puzzle was a delight! A few little snags: 'in awe', 'slav',
    'elegized' (Kept thinking there should be 'eu'),
    'dazes' for 'fazes' which gave me 'Dirst' and I thought that must be a celebrity I didn't know! All of them were quickly vanquished except 'dirst'. My aha only came when I got to the blog!

    For once I got the theme right after 'toll roads' and the other theme fills came easily. Jerome, you've done it again! Thanks a bunch!

    Hahtool, thank you for the 'downeast' explanation. I checked out some of the pictures, too. My, what a beautiful state! I can see why the First Family chose it for a vacation!

    Spitzboov, thank you, too, for the word 'Flemish'. I thought of
    'Flanders' while entering
    'Belgians' but couldn't for the life of me think what a native thereof would be called! Is Flanders a region in Belgium as Holland is one in the Netherlands?

    Gunghy, good pix. I'd love to see your route on a map.

    Jazzbumpa, wasn't that Renee Zellweger? What's the reference here?

    Al, thanks for the informative and entertaining blog. I always enjoy the bits of learning you give us. Even though I may not remember them from one day to the next, I know they'll pop up when an occasion arises, the way things do when solving.

    We certainly have some fine photographers in our midst. C.C., how about posting some of the ones you've taken with your new Nikon?

    For now, th-that's all, folks.

  45. Hi CC and all

    Jerome. loved your puzzle, as with some one else, I had 'dirst' and couldn't figure out what that was until I came to the blog.

    I loved your pictures. I lived in Arizona for 20 years and made that trip back to the midwest many times.
    The desert can be beautiful and dangerous, but I loved it at the time.

    I've always wanted to visit Australia and your pictures are allowing me to do just that.


  46. Dodo: re Flemings. Flanders has several meanings and concepts.

    Please see this site

  47. Good afternoon Al, CC, et al., Yea, Jerome! Great job! Fun, clever, and perfect for a Thursday!And excellent write up, Al. Loved all the links. Very fun.

    Like Hahtool, the south got me a little- esp the SW corner. no surprise, I guess. I struggle w/'desire' frequently. Don't usually come up 'empty' tho' but 'dame' if I didn't today. I blame 'a-ver'y long but fun night. Now I couldn't 'out run' a 'tire'd
    'snail'. Speaking of which, I too loved how snail crosses fast lanes. Really a well done puzzle, ever so clever.

    John Lampkin: hilarious! Love the DF side showing. Also thanks for pointing out the subtle changes in Gunghy's pix about elevation and vegetation. Very interesting.

    August: you rock! LMAO! well done.

    Anon: 1:01..thank you for that correction and Spitz for the additional link. So, Tel Aviv vs Jerusalem. eenie, meenie.

    Mariposa: beautiful clock and so perfect for today. How old is that? What's its history?

    Gunghy: Great pictures. Love that part of the world. Good luck w/the sailing today.

    gGerry: excellent additonal clues. Way to go! Welcome aboard.

    Enjoy your night.

  48. Jerome, congratulations and thanks for the fun puzzle today. It was a great theme, with fresh, playful clueing. I needed to Google a couple clues, but they were very specific details I didn’t know, so they were learning experiences and didn’t detract from the enjoyment at all. Receiving so many nice comments is great, but I’d bet the ultimate pleasure is seeing the creativity and fun your puzzle generated from its audience! Well done! Oh, wait…that was yesterday’s theme. :)

    I liked the horizontal TRUE entry, offset by the vertical BLARNEY.

    Interesting pairing in the clues for 37A Rubs out & 38A Peace personified…

    16A When ROWER didn’t fit, relating to the pilgrims, did anyone else wonder if it was asking for employees of the Mayflower Madam?

    I loved seeing SNERT in the puzzle.

  49. All. Sorry about all of the typos.
    Only one cup of coffee this morning. Had to fix the fence.

    Bill G., For Rozzoli see TNT @ 10PM. I'll watch it again. Have a crush on both.

  50. Better recheck your research. Atahualpa was from Ecuador, not Peru.

  51. To Hahtool and Anon@2:58:
    Thank you for adding titles to my reading list! I love knowing about new (for me) authors.

    I've added aes, Latin for bronze to my growing word list! I'll be ready.

    Not to milk the cow appreciation theme any further, but I'm avoiding all leas where cows might lurk.

  52. Thank goodness Tel Aviv and Jerusalem differ in length!

    “Guns, Germs and Steel” mentioned by Anon @ 2:58 pm was also a televised multi-part documentary. I don’t recall what channel though. You could probably watch it online.

    Jerome, you even got 48D BOSSY in there for Cow Appreciation Day!

    The fast food chain “Chick-fil-A” celebrated Cow Appreciation Day recently too. Anybody who came in dressed like a cow received a free meal. If you only had a purse or tie with a cow print on it, you received only an entrée. My college age nieces, nephew, and their significant others all made the funniest costumes! I wish I had a photo of them with me to share.

  53. According to Wikipedia, the Inca Empire extended across most of western modern day South America which would include Peru, Columbia and parts of Ecuador.

  54. Great puns and play on words from all of you. August, very funny!

    In honor of Cow Day: I hope it 'moooves' you:

    The bull spotted a cow in a field
    and then he suddenly reeled
    when she flashed him her udder,
    he said 'oh, brudda',
    I know just how she's going to yield.

  55. Anon- NOBODY said Atahualpa was born in Peru. Yes, he was born in what is now Ecuador.

    The puzzle clue for Peru says "Emperor Atahuala's land". That is correct. Peru was the base of the Inca empire and Atahualpa certainly lived there. No one said he was born there.

  56. Annette, it was on PBS; hopefully they'll show it again.

    Carol, you've got way too much time on your hands. Outstanding!

  57. I thought the xword puzzle was relatively easy for a Thursday ... but hey, I'm not complaining. I rarely try Thursday's child ... but I guess I was lucky today. If I can solve a puzzle without cheating ... God bless the creator.

    I think it is a distinct honour for the puzzle creator to actually be with us today... This blog has gone mainstream !! ...

    Congratulations CC and Dennis and all of you, regulars.

    I always thought of die-hard xword solvers to be savants ... you know your English, and all foreign words and phrases... and the name of the singer who crooned 'My wife gave me the shaft and OD'ed on the dressing table' etc. ... and the MVP of the Negro League of 1909 ... and who played the sexy slave girl on 'La Traviata ' or was it 'Aida' at the La Scala opening in 1913.

    But some of you have had problems knowing who ( or what ) Sonia Gandhi is. I think I can detect a chink in your armour. Apparently foreign politics ( and statesman ) are your Achille's heel.

    Sonia's claim to fame is not that she is the widow of one of the ex-Prime Minister's of India, but that she has been and is currently the most powerful person... behind the throne ... of the current Indian Government. Despite the fact that she has been elected member of Parliament ( MP ) in her own right and is the head of the current ruling party - she has resolutely ( and in my humble opinion, wisely ) refused the PM -ship and has handed over it to ( a real Indian ? ) ... Manmohan Singh, who has been the PM since 2004. She currently holds no official post in the government, except as MP.

    Pretty good, huh ? ... for an Italian Catholic.. of undistinguished parentage or academic qualifications, or connections ( before her marriage ) , who fell in love ( at Oxford, no less ) and married Rajiv Gandhi ( tho' no scholar he ... ) and was a full time housewife for the entire period of their lives together.

    It was only after his death ( in a suicide bombing, by a Sri Lankan Tamil ) that she came unto her own ... and propelled by Congress party ( yes, that is the name of the ruling political party ... ) that she reluctantly got involved into politics.

    But make no mistake .... everyone, from the Prime Minister on down, in the Central ( equi- Federal ) Government cabinet and ministry and party is very beholden to her, for their job. She is the velvet glove behind the throne.

  58. Apropos of our "Who's on First" discussion today, is this update:

    ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you?

    COSTELLO: Thanks I'm setting up an office in my den and I'm thinking about buying a computer.

    ABBOTT: Mac?

    COSTELLO: No, the name's Lou.

    ABBOTT: Your computer?

    COSTELLO: I don't own a computer. I want to buy one.

    ABBOTT: Mac?

    COSTELLO: I told you, my name's Lou.

    ABBOTT: What about Windows?

    COSTELLO: Why? Will it get stuffy in here?

    ABBOTT: Do you want a computer with Windows?

    COSTELLO: I don't know. What will I see when I look at the windows?

    ABBOTT: Wallpaper.

    COSTELLO: Never mind the windows.. I need a computer and software.

    ABBOTT: Software for Windows?

    COSTELLO: No. On the computer! I need something I can use to write proposals, track expenses and run my business. What do you have?

    ABBOTT: Office.

    COSTELLO: Yeah, for my office. Can you recommend anything?

    ABBOTT: I just did.

    COSTELLO: You just did what?

    ABBOTT: Recommend something.

    COSTELLO: You recommended something?

    ABBOTT: Yes.

    COSTELLO: For my office?

    ABBOTT: Yes.

    COSTELLO: OK, what did you recommend for my office?

    ABBOTT: Office.

    COSTELLO: Yes, for my office!

    ABBOTT: I recommend Office with Windows..

    COSTELLO: I already have an office with windows! OK, let's just say I'm sitting at my computer and I want to type a proposal. What do I need?

    ABBOTT: Word.

    COSTELLO: What word?

    ABBOTT: Word in Office.

    COSTELLO: The only word in office is office.

    ABBOTT: The Word in Office for Windows.

    COSTELLO: Which word in office for windows?

    ABBOTT: The Word you get when you click the blue 'W'.

    COSTELLO: I'm going to click your blue 'w' if you don't start with some straight answers. What about financial bookkeeping? You have anything I can track my money with?

    ABBOTT: Money.

    COSTELLO: That's right. What do you have?

    ABBOTT: Money.

    COSTELLO: I need money to track my money?

    ABBOTT: It comes bundled with your computer.

    COSTELLO: What's bundled with my computer?

    ABBOTT: Money.

    COSTELLO: Money comes with my computer?

    ABBOTT: Yes. No extra charge.

    COSTELLO: I get a bundle of money with my computer? How much?

    ABBOTT: One copy.

    COSTELLO: Isn't it illegal to copy money?

    ABBOTT: Microsoft gave us a license to copy Money.

    COSTELLO: They can give you a license to copy money?

    ABBOTT: Why not? THEY OWN IT!

    (A few days later)

    ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you?

    COSTELLO: How do I turn my computer off?

    ABBOTT: Click on 'START'.............

  59. Hello, Hello....


    i dont know how to do it .....

  60. I thought C.C. didn't want long posts??

  61. anon@4:38, it's taken care of.

    anon@4:40, to clarify, C.C.'s request was that subsequent posts, after your first one, be kept fairly short. As you can see, we're not always very good at that.

  62. Hello everybody. Just a quick check-in to say hi and then get back to work. What an excellent bunch of comments these past few days! And an excellent bunch of common taters!
    Best wishes to you all.

  63. Re: Cow Appreciation Day

    Hell, that how us country kids learnt geography.

  64. Haha, Spitzboov, good one. Tierra del Fuego right down there getting all the milk.

  65. Lois from what my Mother tells me the clock belonged to my great grandparents, The best we can determine is the clock was made some where in the late 1800s. It hung in my home as a child for as long as I can remember. I asked Mom for it many years ago, when we had to move her to a home I got possession of it. It promptly went to a repair shop and they took almost two years to fix it. It now runs only on special occasions. I would hate for my cats to decide they want to play with the chains.

  66. I dont know whether the blog allows tangential jokes ... but with all the cows and bull going around ... I am going to try my luck at one. If you see this I got past the censor...

    When VietNam situation first started in 1963, the American GI's and officers were sent there strictly as 'advisors'. They were to do none of the actual fighting ... only 'advising'.

    Well, some Peace Corps guys also went over there and they were helping the Vietnamese improve their living standards... and they got some ideas on upgrading the animal husbandry and the genetic stock of some of the cows. So, ... they imported a great big pedigree longhorn bull from Texas to Saigon, and put him in a 'lea' with some of them cows.

    But the bull was least interested ... he just kept on minding his own business and chewing the cud... and took no interest in the you know what.

    Finally, in desperation, they flew in the bull's rancher from Texas... who looked at the situation, and went over and whispered something to the bull ... who promptly started making the proper advances to the cows in the field.

    The rancher explained to the onlookers ' I was able to clear up a misunderstanding .... the bull thought he was here strictly as an advisor'.

  67. Hahtool:
    Your dialogue is priceless! I cannot stop myself laughing every time I read it. You have talent!

  68. The reason most nations will not acknowledge Jerusalem as the cpaital of Israel id for politico-religious reasons. Since both Christianity and Islam claim Jerusalem as the birthplace of their belief, it would be unacceptable to deem Jerusalem a "Jewish" city. In fact, it was the UN brokered divided Jerusalem which existed from 1948 until the 6 days war in 1967. There is much written on the subject, such as ARTICLE but this division is the heart of the unending conflict. No other sovereign nation has been asked cede control of one of its cities.

    Welcome newbies and lurkers; we are in the midst of another addition to our blog photo collection, as well as the map Crockett maintains of our various home ports, so send in your location, your pictures, and the ten dollar bills, you send to me.

    Jerome, you are too quick for words, gGerry, if you pose a question and it is answered in a whit, it is nice to say, Good Job Jerome; Mariposa nice of you to flutter by and say hi.

    ciao chow

  69. dodo -

    Indeed that is Renee. Couldn't resist another opportunity to link to her. The connection is that she played IRENE in the movie "Me, Myself, and IRENE," which I didn't see because Jim Carey creeps me out.

    I offer this, in appreciation of cows: An old bull and a young bull were wandering across the countryside and, from a brae espied a lea full of cows.

    The young bull got very excited, and started snorting and stomping. He said, "C'mon, old timer let's run down there and have a good time with a couple of those cows."

    The old bull turned slowly toward him and responded, "Son . . . let's walk down there, and have a good time . . .
    with ALL of them.


  70. That Abbott & Costello bit has always been a favorite; there's one out there for Windows 2000 as well.

  71. Jazzbumpa,
    Have you ever seen The Truman Show? It changed my opinion of Jim Carey. I always saw him as a sophmoric comedian. I was stuck in a hotel in Florida for job training with nothing better to do than go see a movie (which I don't do often-more of a rent them at home kind of person). I almost went back to my room when I saw the offerings, but gave The Truman Show a chance. It was quite funny and interesting, with none of Carey's usual stupid humor.

  72. Lemonade- Thanks for being honest and, perhaps, biting your tongue. Screw dogma and let us sit down as sisters and brothers and find a way to stop killing eachother. The alternative is a horror. Always has been and always will be.

  73. You speak the truth Brother Jerome, from you it just comes in interesting wrapping.

    I was watching a segment during today's Open about a man who bought an apartment overlooking St. Andrews, and after 25 years, has moved their permanently. He was very happy, and appreciated the courtesy of the locals, and the overall behavior (or should I say behaviour). I liked that thought.

    But then GOOD MANNERS are naught but MOON GARDENS

  74. Hello All--I almost finished the whole puzzle without any lookups today. I got bogged down in the middle section. For some reason I didn't get agua--I wanted mer or mar. This was a v-8 can moment for me. I did get the theme answers, but some of the shorter fills were my downfall doay.

    I loved the Gadget on a pad/mouse, and Who's on it/first clues today. Very clever, Jerome.
    John Lampkin--Your anagrams reign today.

    Gunghy, Thanks for sharing your trip via the pictures. Riding in the rain doesn't look too pleasing to me.

    Jazz, I enjoyed your questions today. I got a good chuckle out of them.

    I have to agree with several others today about our great group of Bloggers. I learn something new every day. Thanks to all of you.

  75. Good evening, all.

    Al, great blogging, You always have such informative links.

    Terrific puzzle, Jerome. My fav was 46D: Who's on it.

    John Lampkin-You were on your mark today. Loved the anagrams, ETC.

    August, have you considered constructing? You're very talented with words.

    Gunghy-great pix.

    Dennis and Hahtool, I definitely like your "Did you knows", "Today is", and QOD. Please keep them coming.

    Night all!

  76. The recent Leverage was just as unbelievable as usual. Ear buds so they can all talk to each other over great distances? I don't think so. Fun though.

    The Closer was good but uncomfortable. I could feel her pain with the new office space.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

Please click on Comments Section Abbrs for some blog-specific terms.

Please limit your posts to 5 per day and cap each post length at about 20 lines in Preview mode.

No politics, no religion and no personal attacks.