, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday October 3, 2010 Arthur S. Verdesca

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Oct 3, 2010

Sunday October 3, 2010 Arthur S. Verdesca

Theme: Argot - Ar got. Add R to a common English word and form a two-word new phrase where the same R-following letter string in the first word also starts the second word. Then contract the two.

23A. Width of a freeway exit? : RAMP 'AMPLITUDE. Did this tip you off the theme gimmick immediately?

25A. Collection of complaints? : RANT 'ANTHOLOGY

39A. Apartment party? : RENT 'ENTERTAINMENT

50A. "I slept about eight hours"? : REST 'ESTIMATE.

53A. Indifference to Dr. Dre? : RAP 'APATHY. I was wondering if Dr. Dre knows how famous he is in Xword world.

69A. Mai tai decoration? : RUM 'UMBRELLA

89A. Slam dunk component? : RIM 'IMPACT

92A. CBer's handle? : RIDE 'IDENTITY

99A. Like permissive dog owners? : ROVER 'OVERINDULGENT

121A. Lazy time for Huck Finn? : RAFT 'AFTERNOON

123A. Idiot driving a semi? : RIG 'IGNORAMUS

I don't quite get the title "Argot". Am I right in understanding the "ar got" gimmick? Argyle thinks so.

The title reminded me of Henry Hook's "Element 18" puzzle where letter Rs are deleted from all the answers. Element 18 is Argon ( R Gone) in periodic table.

I had a tough time getting into the constructor's mindset. The theme concept is quite unique. Also, no cheater square in the whole grid.

Not fond of the IN repeats in the grid, though I do understand the difficulty in avoiding the little duplications in a giant 21*21:

57A. Bamboozled : TAKEN IN

32D . __ town: recently arrived : NEW IN

74D. Entered : WENT IN

79D. Fill, as another's shoes : STEP INTO

101D. Up __: indignant : IN ARMS


1. Tot's call : MOMMY

6. LAX listings : ARRS

10. Cabbage with crinkly, curled leaves : SAVOY. It's Savoy Cabbage. Not savoy alone.

15. Knopf, e.g.: Abbr. : PUBL. Publication. Not a familiar abbr. to me.

19. Domingo solos : ARIAS

20. No, to Nureyev : NYET. Russian for "No". Alliteration.

21. Adler who outwitted Sherlock Holmes : IRENE. Drew a blank.

22. Capital on Upolu island : APIA. Samoan capital.

27. Ad writer's award : CLIO

28. Treacherous place : MINE FIELD. Treacherous indeed.

30. Flips : UPENDS

31. Potentially offensive, in a way : UN PC

33. TV chef Martin : YAN. Great personality.

34. Venerable one : ELDER

36. Movie buff's collectible : POSTER. See "Metropolis". Over half a million. Nuts.

45. Covert maritime org. : ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence)

46. Use a towel on : WIPE

48. Old pros : VETS

49. Bradley in uniform : OMAR

56. "O patria __": "Aida" aria : MIA. Literally "Oh, my dear country".

58. Deck out : DRESS

60. No more than : MERELY

62. Seine views : ILES

63. Navigable connection : STRAIT

65. In concert : AS ONE

67. Measure out : ALLOT

72. Scroogean look : SCOWL

76. Former jockey Smith who was married to Fred Astaire in the '80s : ROBYN. First encounter with this lady. She looks pretty.

78. Online exchange : EMAILS

80. Surveyor's measure : AREA

81. Writer Leonard : ELMORE. Have any of you read his "Get Shorty"?

84. Below, in verse : 'NEATH

86. Finished : AT AN END

88. Damone of song : VIC. What's his famous song?

94. Qatar bigwig : EMIR

96. Wine opener? : OENO. Prefix for "wine".

97. Listening to every word : RAPT

98. Completed : DID

105. Historic Honolulu palace : IOLANI. The palace where their last king lived. Had difficulty spelling the name. So many vowels.

107. Sri __ : LANKA

108. Latin word of affection : AMO. Te amo.

109. Author __ Morrow Lindbergh : ANNE

110. Andean beast : ALPACA

113. Removed with a chisel : GOUGED OUT

117. Generational disconnects : GAPS

125. Long sentence : LIFE. Prison sentence. Awesome clue.

126. Force : MIGHT

127. "Law & Order: SVU" actor : ICE-T

128. Oak-to-be : ACORN

129. Remnants : ORTS. Classic crosswordese.

130. Final word : SAY SO

131. Vat sediment : LEES

132. Kids : TYKES


1. French grape-skin brandy : MARC. No idea. Pomace brandy.

2. Hard exam : ORAL. Why is it hard?

3. "La Bohème" heroine : MIMI. Easy guess.

4. Plan : MAP OUT

5. Maker of the fragrance Opium : YSL. I am using Opium.

6. Silly bit : ANTIC

7. Record-setting miler Jim : RYUN. Nope. Another stranger.

8. Aptly named flight : RED-EYE

9. Edberg of tennis : STEFAN. Swedish.

10. Paddock parent : SIRE

11. Disappearing sea : ARAL. In Central Asia.

12. Family feud : VENDETTA. Great word.

13. N.Y. neighbor : ONT

14. Violinist Menuhin : YEHUDI. Well, one more foreign name to me.

15. Sicilian seaport : PALERMO. Capital of Sicily.

16. Soon after : UPON

17. Cowboys' city, familiarly : BIG D. Dallas.

18. Attacks, with "into" : LAYS

24. In the first place : IMPRIMIS. New word to me also.

26. In full bloom : OPEN

29. Mtge. payment part : INT

35. Make it : LAST

36. "The quality of mercy is not strained" speaker : PORTIA. The girl in "The Merchant of Venice".

37. Common soccer score : ONE ALL. Tied. One to One.

38. Ebert's longtime co-host : SISKEL (Gene)

39. On a pension: Abbr. : RET

40. Gabor and others : EVAS

41. Exercise units : REPS

42. Single-named supermodel : EMME. Always want EMMA.

43. Get the goods on : NAIL

44. Cafeteria staple : TRAY

47. Storage site : PANTRY

51. Pizarro's treasure : TESORO. No idea. It's Spanish for "treasure".

52. Party cheese : EDAM

53. Back off : RETREAT

54. Med. care provider : HMO

55. Hungers : YENS. I've got the yen for pickled herring.

59. Pick on : RIB

61. Eat one's words : RECANT

64. Clear out : RUN

65. Boxing biopic : ALI. Will Smith.

66. Lipton alternative : SALADA

68. Unit of pressure : TORR. Mystery answer. It's named after Italian physicist Torricelli, who invented barometer.

70. Hwy. mishap respondent : EMT

71. 1939 Garland co-star : LAHR (Bert). Cowardly Lion in "The Wizard of Oz".

73. Steam n' Mash maker : ORE-IDA

75. Bride of July '81 : LADY DI

77. "__ Mir Bist Du Schoen": 1937 hit : BEI. Can never remember the song. "To Me, You're Beautiful".

81. Sometime : EVER

82. Oscar night rental : LIMO

83. Twice DLII : MCIV. 1104.

84. TV alien's word : NANU. Nanu Nanu. From "Mork & Mindy'.

85. Green's sci. : ECOL

87. Composer Bruckner : ANTON. No idea. Sounds Russian.

90. Abbey resident : MONK

91. Teaching : PEDAGOGY. Perfect consonant & vowel arrangement.

93. First NYC subway : IRT

95. Tells : RELATES

100. Streak : RACE

102. Skit part : GAG

103. "Farm to Fork" author : EMERIL (Lagasse). "Bam!".

104. Curt refusal : NO DICE

106. What you will : LEGACY. Nice clue.

109. Pittypat and Polly : AUNTS. Who's Aunt Pittypat?

110. Alice's chronicler : ARLO. "Alice's Restaurant".

111. Cub's place : LAIR

112. Up-in-smoke sound : PFFT

114. Shows amazement : OOHS

115. "Do __ others ..." : UNTO

116. Architectural S-curve : OGEE

118. Crazily : AMOK

119. Unadulterated : PURE

120. Office IDs : SSNS

122. Long on screen : NIA. Nia Long. Gorgeous clue, with Long in the beginning.

124. Stinker : RAT

Answer grid.



  1. Morning All,

    Now that's rentertainment! Great fun just to say them out loud. So evocative.

    I didn't even mind that I sat here lookin' at oreida for the longest time before ORE-IDA appeared.

    Of course, your solving experience may vary.

  2. Anyone who can figure out this theme gets a big gold star (as opposed to a BIG D). My thinking cap certainly wasn't on tight this morning.

    Favorite clue: long sentence = LIFE. We've seen it before and it is one of the few clues I actually knew on the first pass.

    Not keen on Leonard Elmore's writing style, but have enjoyed the movie adaptions of some of his novels.

    Aunt Pittypat is a character in Gone with the Wind.

    Enjoy your Sunday. Mine will be spend in airports.

  3. Huh?

    I came here all set to complain about slogging through a puzzle filled to the gills with names I've never heard of and/or didn't know how to spell, only to discover that I did the wrong puzzle? AAARGHH!!!

    We're going to the Topsfield Fair this morning, so if I have time to do the real puzzle I'll be back. Otherwise, well, I guess I won't...

  4. Any one else read, "The Wind Done Gone?"

  5. Good Morning C.C. and all,

    I've had the same experience as Barry G.; downloaded the puzzle real early this morning; Dogpiled 3 entries; came to this site with my finished puzzle only to discover that I had worked the wrong puzzle.

    Need a break; my heart's not in it.
    maybe later. I'll read posts for a while.

  6. Good morning:

    C.C. and gang:

    Well PUBL. is the accepted abbreviation for Publisher, which is what Alfred Knopf is.

    I have read Get Shorty and many other of Leonard's books, and they can be fun. However, as H. says, some of the movies have been really rentertaining.

    Beautiful day in the neighborhood

    ciao chow

  7. OK, I'm back. Did half the puzzle before breakfast and just finished the other half.

    Overall, a great puzzle. As you know, I love puns, so this one was right up my alley. Got the theme early on and just ran with it.

    The only sticking place was the far east section, where I erroneously put SLIP INTO instead of STEP INTO for 79D. I don't know why I did that, but it really messed me up. It didn't help that I also had ACRE instead of AREA for 80A. As a result, I couldn't get ATANENED to save my life and RIDIDENITY ended up being the one theme answer that stymied me. Then, I really wanted DIANNA for 75D, mostly because I misspelled 105A as IOLANA instead of IOLANI. And yes, I know that her name is really spelled DIANA....

    Gotta run!

  8. C.C. Excellent write-up.

    I've probably read everything by ELMORE Leonard, including his early Westerns. Like his style and found the books much better than the movies (the 15 or so that have been adapted).

    I agree with Argyle, this was a FUN Sunday.

    Am I "Potentially offensive" UN-PC because I have RAP APATHY?

    Never heard of the Violinist YEHUDI Menuhin or Composer ANTON Bruckner. Probably will forget them by noon.

    Disagree that 54D, HMO's are Med.Care Provider's. Trust me, that is way down their list of priorities.

    AMOK, my life blueprint.

  9. Good Morning all.

    When I do the Sunday LAT puzzle, I do it on line because my local paper doesn't carry it; only the weekdays. So today, waking up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, i did it on line. Alas, you can imagine my consternation when I logged in here to find out I had masterfully completed the wrong one. Reminds me of Wrong Way Corrigan.

    So since I am averse to doing 2 Sunday length puzzles in one day, I will pass, on any direct commentary. The other one, by Bursztyn, was fun though; it had a lot of first names beginning with 'A', ie; Antonin Dvorak, Antal Dorati, and Alfred Dreyfus. Also had und, elle, sel, nada, and rio. A real eclectic mix of fill.


    Have a good day

  10. The theme for the Bursztyn was "10 A.D.", like ten names with the initials A.D.

  11. Good morning all

    sigh...yep, wrong one for me too.I will enjoy reading all your posts though. Have a wonderful day.It's beginning to feel like Fall.

    CC, will this one be used on another Sunday?There were 10 L O N G names(I knew 4) and another 6 partial names which were easier.I finished most of it...all but a stack of 5 unknowns for me in the mid west.

  12. JD,
    No, we won't see 10 A.D. puzzle again. Just a glitch.

  13. Good Morning C.C. et al.

    I did the puzzle in my local paper (it was the "Argot") one. Then I went online to check my answers and discovered that the LAT was a different one. Having plenty of time on my hands, I finished that one online.

    When I came here and read your write-up, I didn't even realize that it was about the one I did on paper, not the LAT online puzzle.

    I did enjoy both both puzzles today, but I think the "Argot" one was more enjoyable.

    Have a great day everyone!

  14. I did a quick, no frills blog of the "10 A.D.", by Sylvia Bursztyn, if you need a look.


  15. Good Morning All, I had no idea there was a puzzle glitch until I came here. Fortunately Cruciverb had the ARGOT puzzle. I don't know if I would take the effort to try a second Sunday puzzle.

    This one was tough enough for one Sunday least for me. The first theme answer I got was RUMBRELLA, so I had been skipping around for quite a while. After RAPATHY, I zoomed around the grid and filled in the beginning Rs. Hey, I needed all the help I could get.

    Once I finally got them filled in, I loved the theme. It must have been tough to come up with all the connected word/phrases.

    Things I didn't know and probably won't remember anyway....MARC, STEFAN, PALERMO, TESORO and IOLANI.

    110D...Oh, that Alice. I was thinking of the Wonderland version until the perps kicked in.

    I wanted RONCO for 73D, thinking "Steam 'n Mash" was some kind of machine, but there was a pesky extra square. The perps gave me ORE-IDA, but what is the world coming to when we can't even peel a couple of potatoes? If I am short of time, I microwave the spuds, scoop 'em out and mash the innards with butter and salt. Works great, quick work and doesn't cost a dollar a serving.

    VIC Damone was a ballad singer who had a lot of medium size hits. His only #1 hit was 1949's You're Breaking My Heart. Jerry Vale, Eddie Fisher and Steve Lawrence were a few other pre-rock singers. Our parents loved them.

    Our temperatures dropped 20 degrees overnight....with thunderstorms to boot. We woke up last night to rain pounding on the roof. It is still cloudy and we are hearing thunder in the distance. We are definitely ready for some autumn weather.

  16. It isn't Ronco, but Westinghouse makes a machine called Mash 'n Steam. I am reminded of the "Hot Dogger" steamer and the "Salad Shooter". All more trouble than they are worth.

    BTW, add a little milk along with the butter and salt to the microwave mashed potatoes. Quick and easy.

  17. Hand up for doing the wrong puzzle, but it was a fun ride. 'nuff said.

  18. I peel and cut the spuds a bit if large, add a little water in the bottom of a microwave safe casserole dish for steam, and microwave. I usually add salt and/or chopped onion before cooking, then mash and add butter and milk after. Keeps the vitamins since whatever water remaining is mashed in. It's ready to serve then in the same container as it was cooked in.

  19. I too did the wrong puzzle. Names, names, names. I didn't enjoy it much. I did this one at Cruciverb and liked it better.

    You guys have made me hungry for baked or mashed potatoes.

  20. Well shoot, I did the wrong puzzle. I'll do the correct one and be back.

  21. Wow, what a gRRReat puzzle. I really like it a lot. Nice balance of challenging difficulty and doability. Took me about an hour and a half to finish it. With no lookups (yay!)

    What does that "Opium" fragrance smell like? Sweet? Pungent? Flowery? Spicy? Stupor-inducing?

    More later.

  22. I loved how adding an R in front of a word made the R + the first 3 letters of that word mean something else. The first one I got was RAFTERNOON, then I got RAMP and couldn't decide if it was going to be AMPLIFIER or AMPLITUDE, or maybe even something else entirely since in my mind amplitude isn't really width. After that, the other Rs fell into place. "Argot" is pronounce Argo, so I assume the idea is that once you make the R "go away" you are left with a sensible word. I love RIGNORAMOUS!

    Gimmes for me included YEHUDI Menuhin, ANNE Morrow Lindberg, VIC Damone, SISKEL and Ebert, and ANTON Bruckner (who's symphony number 4 I adore.) Having a few gimmes is always good because it gives one some foothold into the unknown, treacherous territory.

    Much praise for this puzzle.

  23. says ARGOT may be pronounced with or without the T.

  24. Argyle, you are absolutely right.

  25. Hola Everyone, I don't usually do the Sunday puzzle, but printed out the correct one from the PDF file that C.C. posted. It was fun to do, even though I didn't quite finish it all.

    The theme answers were all excellent. I especially liked (R)overindulgent. My daughter has had many clients who have brought in undisciplined animals and has worked very hard at correcting (R)overindulgence. IMHO it is usually a matter of correcting the master's problems.

    Tinbeni, HMO's vary, I'm sure, but our HMO uses our Medicare dollars to provide us with a very satisfactory Senior Advantage plan. We transitioned from regular patients covered under our employers to Senior Advantage patients with little or no problems. It has been a great service and we have never been without health care. Besides there is NO Paper work to fill out and turn in. Our HMO does it all.
    Yes, we pay, but not an exorbitent fee and we have peace of mind,also.

  26. Dang, ever since the name of Vic Damone was mentioned, a song has been going through my mind. I don't know if he sang it or not. The song starts out, "Anywhere I wander, anywhere I roam ..." Did Damone sing that? If not, who did? I can't find it on the internet or on iTunes. It's driving me nuts.
    Never mind. I think I found it. Among others, Julius LaRosa sang it, and I think that's the version I remember. Whew, my mind can restimate now :)

  27. Yehudi Menuhin was a given today. He lived in Los Gatos,CA for a short time, but his parents lived there until their deaths. (JD lives in Los Gatos.)

    He was a very famous violinist and
    his name was in our local news often, especially during the war. He returned to Los Gatos about once a year to visit his parents. He called the area his family's "Garden of Eden." No matter where in the world he lived he always called LG his home. The family property was sold to open space preservationists in about 1999.

  28. Good evening, puzzlers.

    Very late for for today's
    (R)ENTERAINMENT, I know but I got sidedtracked.

    I finished a good deal of this before going to church, all except the eastern topmost section. Great fun all the way as you have all mentioned.

    My older granddaughter was here overnight and after Mass she wanted to go to brunch so we did, then I decided to buy and plant more lantanas as the ones I planted in spring are gorgeous.

    I planted only one because the ground is really hard and I perspired at least a gallon of water. Manana.

    What you will, LEGACY
    A long sentence, LIFE

    were brilliant clues and the theme answers were very amusing.

    When I think of Aunt PITTYPAT I recall either multibraids with bows on them or tiny curls. I'll have to watch that again,

    RAPATHY most likely describes my feeling about rap.
    I hope you all had a restful and entertaining Sunday.

  29. Tinbeni:
    I have to say I'm also very satisfied with my HMO plan. I've had excellent doctors and really good care.

    I'm sorry if that has not been your experience.

  30. C.C. et al, Well Jack Frost came to the Great Plains last night and it was very white on the lawns and roofs this morning! No real harm done but "the seasons they are a changin'" (with apologies to Bob Dylan!)

    I filled in every cell! Correctly? Not so much! I biffed on about 9 cells PABL for PUBL, ANON for UPON,POOF for PFFT, and confused ARAL and URAL again but got no relief because I certainly did not know SAVOY.

    I read the sports section from cover to cover, did the puzzle, went to church, ate Village Inn, played golf, had wine and cheese with our neighbors and am just now sitting down to blog! Whew!

    RAMPLITUDE showed up and was a surprise because it is a physics word but more of a height that width. A TORR was also down my alley!

    A very nice and clever solve. Make it = LAST? Oh well. Have a great evening. I am resting up to get in as much pasture pool as I can!

  31. Argyle, a big thanks for the theme, 10 A.D., and yes those 10 long names did have those initials. Haven't heard Andy Devine"s or Angie Dickinson"s name mentioned in a LONG time.

    What color Lantana did you choose, Lucina? I have a beauty that is lemon yellow.Last spring I lopped off a 12 in. cutting from my daughter's San Pedro cactus which has multiple shoots. Yesterday it bloomed an enormous white flower.They plan to cut the plant down, so I am going to take a cutting from each arm and put them on Craig's list.They want lawn, not cactus plants.

    Chickie, very interesting about Yehudi. Didn't Spielberg live here too, but he was not at all happy about his time here.

    Giants finally did it..

  32. Tinbeni- Have basic medicare and then Mutual of Omaha Supplemental. We pay "0" co- pay- I'm with you on "boo! HMO Plan".Our costs are basic medicare,which everyone pays and monthly Mutual of Omaha . My tests would be astronomical,as well as my H., if we depended on HMO. Am I missing something ? Medcare with supplemental is the only way to go.

  33. p.s. Yup, me again! I had no idea on Fred Astaire's squeeze either even though he, Marlon Brando and Henry Fonda were born in Nebraska!

    Ya gotta admire an 81 yr old Husker who married a 35 yr old jockey. It also raised issues about who was in the saddle and who got to the finish line!

  34. Creature, Our HMO covers our tests, and we've had many in the past four years. Also surgeries. Our co-pay for surgery and hospital stay is minimal.

    We've been with the same HMO for over 40 years and would hate to have to add up the cost of our medical care we've had during that time. I'ts all in finding a plan that works for you. Not all HMO's are equal in their services or their philosophies.

  35. Our HMO is good too. It's SCAN. It let us stay with the same medical group we had when we were teaching. It is free in that it is paid for by Medicare B (or something like that). We kept our same doctor. Co-pays are minimal. My prescriptions can be filled at the local Target for three months, usually about $15 for generics.

  36. Jayce, it's been a while since I've worn Opium perfume, but I recall it being a spicy/musky scent. I switched from that to Oscar de la Renta for a while. Then found something that's a third the price, available at the local drug store, and every time I wear it, I get compliments on it's light, pleasant scent.

    No time or concentration for the puzzle the past couple days, but I tried to scan over the blog. Quick glances at the puzzles made me think these were good ones to miss - they seemed pretty hard!

    It looks like we have a few new commenters to welome to the blog!

  37. JD:
    The lantana is orange and it's brilliant. It's in a problematic corner of my patio where other plants have been unsuccessful.

    Tomorrow I shall take a picture and post it.

    Oh, happy day! The temp stayed below 100 today, only 97 and the forecast is downward for the rest of the week!

  38. Evening, puzzlers,

    MMMM, Bangers 'n' Mash! My favorite meal! I do spuds in the micro but haven't done that for mashed potatoes unless I'm making twice-baked (which I do love!) I'll have to try your way, Clearayes. I hate peeling things!

    How lucky I am! I never look at the blog until I've finished the daily xword, but today I wanted to go to last night's input because I turned in fairly early. There may be an easier way to do that, but I have to go all the way through the blog and the one from yesterday to get to last night's comments. If there's an easier way, please let me know!

    Anyway, because of that I found out about the printing error, so I got the right puzzle printed out and solved it. Not without some lookups, but I did finish it and enjoyed it a lot. Some nice gimmies helped, too:Mimi, Palermo, vendetta,Robyn, Elmore,Yehudi, Stefan,Oreida,Siskel, and some of the small ones. Big help.

    C.C. Your writeup was great and gave me the theme, even though I did catch on from the second theme phrase. That helped a lot.. Thanks a bunch.

    Chickie, was it Menuhin who was killed in a plane crash on King's Mountain sometime in the 50s? It was some famous musician but I'm not sure who.

  39. I'm lucky in my medical coverage, too. It's the same as we had when my husband was working and then with his pension. I have no idea what I pay for it because it's taken out of the pension and I never did know. It has a small deducatible which always seems to be paid up except for prescriptions which are a different company.For them, I pay a small amount until about May when the deductible is paid up and then it's all free till January. Not bad. The supplemental is Blue Cross/Blue Shield, not the prefered provider kind. It's been wonderful.

    My favorite scent at the moment is Red Door, but I'm almost out of it and have a HUGE bottle of Oscar de la Renta to use up before I'll need any more. Probably never, in my case. Got it for Christmas two years ago and just now started using it! Hope no one gives me more this year!

  40. Here are some eyeball-bending optical illusions. I hadn't seen most of them before. Click on the blue titles.

    I had open volume one of the Calvin and Hobbes anthology. I read a couple of them to six-year-old grandson Jordan. Then I stopped and went back to watching the last Dodgers game of the season. He began reading and turning the pages for about 15 minutes. It's the first time he's ever read to himself. I think he identifies with Calvin.

  41. Okay, I just posted a comment that seems to have disappeared into cyberspace. None of it was anything earth shattering, so I won't try to duplicate it. However, I wanted to make sure the following got said.

    dodo - I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that you can maintain your sense of peace and hold on to your good memories of Charlie. I felt the same way when my Daddy died. He had suffered greatly and it was almost a relief to let him go. My deepest condolences.

  42. Speaking of perfumes, the first perfume I ever bought for Barbara was Vent Vert by Balmain. Ever heard of it? I'm guessing not. I heard of it in college from reading a James Bond novel. He commented that it was a favorite of his. "Vent Vert by Pierre Balmain was introduced in 1945. This timeless classic is a fun blend of orange blossom, lemon, lime. Finishing off with lily of the valley, sage and amber. Vent vert is recommended for daytime wear." We both loved it.

    Years later, a woman I played tennis with used to wear a very heavy scent, something like Shalimar. It might have been nice on a romantic evening date but it was murder when she was perspiring on a tennis court.

    It seems to me that usage of perfume and cologne peaked about 20 years ago and is used much less these days. Bonnie's first boyfriend must have bathed in it. I could tell he had come to visit when I was upstairs and he was downstairs.

  43. dpgThank you all for your warm wishes on the passing of my good friend. Though I will miss him it seems that he left us some months ago when he began to fail so badly. We are all happy that he suffers no more. A death is a reminder that we should live every day to the very fullest. There is no forever!

  44. My favorite perfume is Shalimar, but I learned early on to dab VERY lightly.

    Dodo@11:06, words to live by. My condolences are a little late, but they are sincerely meant.

    Oh oh, has anyone else tried and had the message "Forbidden - You don't have permission to access /puzzles/lat/lat101004.puz on this server" pop up?

  45. CA, I just tried it and didn't get that message. I don't remember ever getting it before either. Dunno...

  46. C.C., Dennis and myself have all received that message. C.C. thought it may have been an oversight of not activating the "share with public" button. It has happened with her before.

  47. Dodo, No Yehudi Menuhin was not the artist who was killed in a plane crash in the '50's. He lived to be 83 and died in 1999 in Berlin. He was born in the US, became a Swiss citizen, then a British Citizen. He had a very long performing and recording career.

    His first public concert was at the age of 7 with the San Francisco Symphony.

  48. Put "sneer" instead of "scowl" for 72 across at first and that slowed me down.


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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