, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Thursday November 18, 2010 John Doppler Schiff

Gary's Blog Map

Nov 18, 2010

Thursday November 18, 2010 John Doppler Schiff

Theme: O What a Theme! - O is added to the end of each two-word common phrase and changes the last word into a celebrity name. The theme entries are clued in a wacky manner as indicated by the (?).

17A. Marx as a Druid?: CELTIC HARPO. Druids were an ancient order of Celtic priests in the societies of Western Europe, Britain and Ireland + Harpo Marx. Here is a Celtic (folk, lever or Irish) harp with a little bit of Led Zeppelin.

55A. Well-dressed Swedish actress?: FORMAL GARBO. Greta Garbo, in formal wear never said "I want to be alone." She said she wanted to be left alone, while on vacation. A common celebrity complaint with all the paparazzi fuss today.

11D. Godfather portrayer turned shop owner?: STORE BRANDO. Marlin Brando + store brand. Like Roundy's green beans. Those are also called "private label" brands by the packaged goods industry.

25D. Beatle in a bout?: BOXING RINGO. I can picture Ringo Starr in a grudge match with Yoko Ono.

Al here.

Nice to see a pinwheel theme formation in a weekday grid, and not too many names other than the theme, which did help me get the "ending with O" parts of two answers. I found this easier than yesterday's for some reason.


1. Encircled by: AMONG. Related word: mingle.

6. Persian faith: BAHAI.

11. One with a cover: SPY. Like 61A. Bullwinkle nemesis: BORIS. Badenov and Natasha Fatale. The cartoon spies from Pottsylvania always making trouble for Rocky and Bullwinkle.

14. More of a novice: RAWER. As with a raw recruit. Latin novus: new.

15. Lunch hr. end, often: ONE PM.

16. A victory may break one: TIE.

19. Rio hello: OLA. Portuguese, not Spanish.

20. PD precinct boss: CMDR. Police Department, Commander.

21. Chants of a lifetime?: MANTRAS. Not sure whether Rich or John were trying to be clever with the clue, a play on "chance", but this book actually exists: Chants of a Lifetime is a collection of stories, teachings, and insights from Krishna Das, who has been called "the chant master of American yoga".

23. Works: LABORS. The simple answer this time. Was caught trying to figure out an art or music related answer.

26. Cell component: BAR. A Jail cell. Anyone else thinking biological cell at first? Maybe it refers to a cell phone, but one bar isn't very good, right?

27. Lift with effort: HEFT.

28. Win by __: A NOSE.

29. Built up charges: RAN A TAB. Glad it wasn't "staticy" charges.

31. Parts of personal music libraries: MIX TAPES. I used to make mix tapes from my LPs in the 70's, but does anyone even use cassettes anymore? For that matter, 18D. Vinyl successors, briefly: CDS are probably on their way out as well, with ipods, cell phones and computers storing and playing digital music.

33. Musical intervals: THIRDS. Fifths and sixths would also fit.

36. ASCAP rival: BMI. American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers vs. Broadcast Music Incorporated. Music rights groups that collect license fees and distribute them as royalties. Maybe SESAC, the third such US-based organization, will be in a puzzle someday. I doubt it, though, probably too obscure.

37. First rabies vaccine creator: PASTEUR. Also largely responsible for hand and equipment sanitization for doctors before operations. Prior to Pasteur few doctors bothered to wash their hands. If you listen to some nurses stories, they still don't...

39. Interior decorator's concern: ART.

40. Classic breath freshener: SEN-SEN. Licorice flavored.

42. Certain counter's woe: INSOMNIA. Counting sheep.

44. Iron supplement brand: GERITOL. A marketing ploy, named to sound like "geriatric", and originally targeted towards older people with "tired blood". Unless an actual condition of anemia exists, it is not needed by women past a certain age, and not by men at all. Over-consumption of iron can cause hemochromatosis, a serious condition which needs to be treated by bloodletting.

46. Spread out: WIDEN.

47. Memo opener: IN RE. Latin "in the matter of", form of "res", commonly seen in puzzles clues as "thing, in law".

49. Bengals, on scoreboards: CIN.cinatti football team.

50. Noble address: MILORD.

51. Question of advisability: DO I DARE.

53. There are pins at the end of one: LANE. Bowling.

54. Columnist Landers: ANN.

60. Biker's chopper: HOG. A Harley Davidson motorcycle.

62. Stravinsky and a lab assistant: IGORS.

63. Barcelona bear: OSO. Spanish.

64. Bright: SMART.

65. Not schooled in: NEW AT.


1. Ring piece: ARC. Briefly wanted GEM, but decided to wait and see a perp first.

2. West of Hollywood: MAE. Come up and see me sometime. Called Charlie McCarthy (Edgar Bergen's ventriloquist dummy) "all wood and a yard long".

3. Athena's attendant: OWL. She is the goddess of wisdom (and war, civilization, strength, justice, etc.) In Homeric poetry, Athena is most often referred to with bright or gleaming eyes, like owls that can see in the dark, and was often pictured with an owl. The evolution of this constant association is why owls became associated with wisdom.

4. Discounted price: NET COST.

5. Antonius Block's chess opponent in Bergman's "The Seventh Seal": GRIM REAPER. There's an abbreviation used in internet chat rooms and message boards: "tl;dr" (too long; didn't read) for something that you can't be bothered with or get too bored to read all the way through. To me, that's this wiki article on this play, but I linked it just in case you're curious.

6. Nuclear Nobelist Niels: BOHR.

7. Prefix with gram: ANA. Jerome's favorite wordplay: anagrams.

8. Author Wouk: HERMAN. Among other books, The Caine Mutiny, The Winds of War, and War and Remembrance

9. Paraphernalia: APPARATUS. From Latin prefix "ad-" meaning: to + parare: make ready.

10. "That's my cue!": I'M ON. Show biz.

12. Dinner side, perhaps: PILAF. Rice boiled with broth, often with meat. Turkish pilav, from Persian pilaw.

13. It can raise dough: YEAST. And that can be used in a bake sale to raise dough...

22. Chiang Mai resident: THAI.

23. Ewe kids: LAMBS.

24. Asian cartoon genre: ANIME. Animation, usually adapted from Manga, which is the printed form, somewhat like a comic book.

26. Fortification: BASTION. Middle French bastillon from Old French bastille, literally fortress, stronghold.

29. Musical seconds: RES. Right after Do, a deer.

30. Not charging for: THROWING IN. But wait, there's more!

32. Safe place with a counterintuitive name: PANIC ROOM. A 2002 thriller movie starring Jodie Foster.

34. Less soggy: DRIER.

35. Stop asking for cards: STAND. Poker.

38. Like a USN volunteer: ENL. Enlisted in the US Navy.

41. Parakeet's eats: SEED.

43. Distance on a tank: MILEAGE. Not the army tank.

45. __ del Fuego: TIERRA. Spanish for "Land of fire", named by Magellan. The southernmost tip of South America.

47. Its southern border is about seven times longer than its northern one: IDAHO. Borders six other states + Canada. Name the three states with more state borders.

48. Prohibitions: NO-NOS.

50. Bad start?: MAL. Prefix.

52. HQs for B-2s: AFBS. Air Force Bases.

53. Not leading anyone: LAST.

56. Highest Russian territory, once?: MIR. The former space station. Not an acronym, but a Russian word for (peace, world, society).

57. Kerfuffle: ROW. Spat, ADO, a fight.

58. Grille cover: BRA. A "bug" shield.

59. From Essen to Leipzig, locally: OST. German for east.

Answer Grid.



  1. Good morning, Al, C.C. and gang - not an easy puzzle for me by any stretch of the imagination. I got through it without outside help, but wasn't thrilled with some of the clues. I don't believe 'among' necessarily implies being 'encircled by', and in my stores anyway, 'net cost' doesn't always mean a discounted price. Other than those, I enjoyed the solve, and applaud all the fresh clues. Fun theme as well.

    Didn't we just see 'Athena's attendant' recently, or am I thinking of another puzzle? 59D, 'From Essen to Leipzig, locally' really had me going, especially after 'Formal Garbo' gave me an 'o' to start. Wasn't until I got the remaining two perps that I figured out the significance of 'locally'. Nicely done. Favorite clues were 'Distance on a tank', 'There are pins at the end of one' and a great play on words, 'Chants of a lifetime'.

    Al, as always, great job with the blog; I never fail to learn something from yours. I, too, went the biological route with 26A, 'Cell component'. And is Sen-Sen still around? That was the standard alcohol-breath concealer back in the day.

    Today is Occult Day and Great American Smokeout Day. It is also the birthday of our old friend, Jimbo. Jimbo, if you're still looking in, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and we miss your presence. Hopefully you'll check in today.

    Did You Know?:

    - Women have a keener sense of smell than men.

    - Muhammad Ali once appeared in a DC Comics edition. He knocked out Superman to save him from aliens.

    - Mesquite bushes growing in Death Valley can have roots reaching 100 feet down for water. By comparison, a typical redwood tree's roots are only five to six feet deep -- but spread out over an acre.

  2. Morning, all!

    This was an easy puzzle for me, except for the parts that weren't...

    The theme was cute and it helped me figure out the long answers. And I was proud of myself for remembering SEN SEN from puzzles past. I had a lot of false starts, however, such as MYLORD for MILORD, NEWTO for NEWAT, CHORDS for THIRDS, etc. That last one had me staring at APP_RACUS (9D) and _HAO (22D) for the longest time, until I finally got MANTRAS at 21A and was able to fix my mistake.

    Have a great one!

  3. This was a great challenging puzzle, but a tad easier, for me, than yesterday's puzzle. There were lots of fun clues in here. I caught on to the theme quite quickly, but that didn't diminish my enjoyment of figuring out the rest of the puzzle.

    I wanted Black Death instead of GRIM REAPER.

    Is GERITOL still sold?

    We've seen BAHA'I before in puzzles. It's world center is in Haifa, Israel.

    I recommend you put TIERRA del Fuego on your bucket list. Ushuaia, Argentina is one of my favorite places.

    One with a cover = SPY was a favorite clue in today's puzzle.

    QOD: Nostalgia is heroin for old people. ~ Dara O'Brien

  4. Good Morning Al, C.C. et al.

    Great write-up, Al. Three states with more than 6 STATE borders?
    Kentucky - 7
    Missouri - 8
    Tennessee - 8
    OK, OK, so I had to actually look at a map for that one.

    I really enjoyed this puzzle. It did take me a while to finish, but I did it without any help. I thought the theme was clever, and the clues were just misleading enough to make me have several V8 moments.

    Like Barry G, I had an eraser crumb at MILORD. I also had "lost" instead of LAST for 53D, but it soon got corrected when I figured our FORMAL GARBO.

    And Dennis, yes I did think first of "biology" for "Cell component". Arc didn't come until I finally changed 1A from "midst" to AMONG.

    Loved the clue "Kertuffle" because it's such a funny sounding word. I'll have to try to get that into my vocabulary, Like CA's "Whilst"...

    Have a lovely day everyone!

  5. Happy Birthday, Jimbo! Come back, we miss you.

  6. Hey Al and all the Allies,
    I also found this puzzle significantly easier than yesterday’s offering.

    I enjoy these themes which are both Across and Down, and the awareness of these interesting celebrities with names ending in “O” proves puzzle ideas come from anywhere. I also liked the symmetry of two first names and two last names.

    I really was not aware of CELTIC HARP as being a regular term.

    I liked 53A. There are pins at the end of one: LANE. Bowling, and 56D. Highest Russian territory, once?: MIR

    KERFUFFLE always reminds me of KARTOFFEL, which reminds me of this MOMENT IN HISTORY .

  7. In Brazil (19A. Rio hello), they say "alo," not "ola." That's from spanish-speaking countries.

  8. Al, Wonderful write-up.

    I loved these themes. 'nuff said!!!

    RAN-A-TAB ... Moi? NEVER!!!
    I prefer to "pay-as-I-go" SOOOO when I want to leave I can do so without having to find the bartender.

    Wanted Scotch for 'Dinner side, perhaps' ... alas I had PILAF. Which is fine with me, too.
    Got to have a veggie.

    Fave was SPY, 'One with a cover.'
    Hmmm, Hey, Tin wasn't your's being a boring accountant? Maybe yes, maybe no ...

    Also like the MILEAGE for 'Distance on a tank.'
    Yup, I check this every time.
    Part of my nature I suppose.

    FUN Thursday from our Weather Guy.

    Dennis, thanks for the info that it's "Great American Smokeout Day" ... I guess I'll get a carton and smoke Two Packs (for a change of pace).

    Toast to all at Sunset !!!

  9. Good Morning Al, CC and All,

    Tough puzzle for me today. I just couldn't get in sync with the constructor's frame of mind. Net Cost doesn't match up with something on sale or discounted IMHO. I filled in Capt for 20A. I've thought Cmdrs were part of the administration. 29A had me thinking of static electricity rather than Ran A Tab. Very nice deception. I also liked the clue for Igors.

    Blowin like stink here today. Barely hitting 40.

    Great write-up Al.

    Have a great day.

  10. Good Morning C.C.,Al and all,

    Al, thanks for the great write-up.
    You have a special style of delivering information that comes across as effortless conversation. Its difficult to accomplish this; and I enjoy it.

    I had two blanks, today. 6A/D and
    36A/24D. I didn't remember Bahai or the 'B' in Bohr. 'Anime' was new to me, as was the 'M' in 'BMI',; alas, no perps there.

    Otherwise, this puzzle was slow going- letter by letter, and many 'aha' moments. Lots of fun; good challenge. The theme helped bit by bit, also.

    Good time,John. Thanks.

  11. Two Dennis' but only one knows the official language of Brazil is Portuguese, not Spanish and OLA is correct answer for 19Across.

  12. OLA everyone. Greetings from the OST. Nice commentary, Al

    Tough one today. Two passes, across and down, before I got substantial traction. Loved the theming and the pinwheel construction. HERMAN Wouk was a gimme. He served on 2 destroyer minesweepers during WWII in the Pacific. I always felt that gave him a leg up when writing about life on a destroyer in "The Caine Mutiny". BAHAI, CDS, and RES were WAGs. I liked the clueing for LANE and SPY. THAI, MIR, SENSEN, and OWL were gotten from the perps. No searches were needed.

    Enjoy the day.

  13. Now I know:

    Portuguese - oi, boas, olá or alô (informal); bom dia or bons dias (good morning, used before noon or before the noon meal); boa tarde or boas tardes (good afternoon, used after noon or after the noon meal, until twilight); boa noite or boas noites (good evening and good night, used after twilight).

  14. Hola, Ola, etc. Al, et al, I got ‘er done but the starting NW corner was the last to fall and I kept looking at it as I got through this lovely assortment of clever and fun clues. The theme came from STOREBRANDO as only Nebraska-born Marlon was the obvious end and it helped with the other theme answers!

    Write-up was very informative too. OWL?

    Musings –

    - Loved Chants of a lifetime, Counter’s Woe and Ewe Kids

    - Had no idea on chess opponent but it became pretty obvious

    - Had to get over Works not being a noun

    - Did anyone else think SALAD for dinner side?

    - Thought Cell component was DNA/RNA

    - I have looked everywhere for a “Whatsamatta U” shirts in all the theme parks I have been to but no luck so far. I’ll have to go online. Who are this fine institution’s most famous alums?

    - Am always amused by Hollywood types who receive incredibly disproportionate compensation for their meager abilities and then decry lack of anonymity in the real world. To whom much is given, much is expected. Get over it!

    Finally a day off today! I was awake at 6:30 am because that is when the phone calls come for last minute subs (not welcome to my lovely bride!) but it did not ring. I have not used an alarm clock for many, many years. Does anyone else have this mixed blessing of not being able to sleep past 6:00 a.m. Yesterday, I taught asymptotes and limits and had not seen those concepts since Lyndon Johnson was president.

  15. I felt I was defeated before getting started today, because of the names and needing to g'spot everything I looked at. I battled on and ended up only needing help for a few. I nudged out the east alone, but it took forever.

    Lookups were: GRIM REAPER, SENSEN (never heard of), CIN, BORIS, AFBS. I had trouble with BASTION too, because I was going for a variation on CASTLE/CASTILLE, but couldn't make it work. The C didn't do anything for BAR at the top, and I was into anatomy there too. Also started with LOST for LAST and DO I DO IT for DO I DARE. I managed to drag BOHR out of somewhere and caught the theme early, but it didn't help with the other names which were numerous.

    Here's Edith Piaf singing Milord with a spoken translation before she sings it. A French icon.

  16. Hello Puzzlers -

    Husker, it's Rocket J. "Rocky" Squirrel and Bullwinkle Moose! I remembered the school, but didn't remember that Moose and Squirrel were there on football scholarships.

  17. Hi gang -

    This is not the tune I was searching for, but as a theme song for todays puzzle, one could do WURST. Enigmatic images, and not bad for the eyes, either.

    Today's theme was helpful, and I caught on right away with HARP-O. Still, this called for a number of erasures, aha!s, and a couple of V-8 dents. Eventually, made it through without technical assistance.

    MIX TAPES, SEN SEN, and GERITOL are the daily retro.

    THROWING IN was very slow to uncover.

    INSOMNIA is an affliction some of us share, here at the corner.

    RAWER is one of those wordoids - looks like a word, and could be used as one, but nobody ever would - probably because it's hard to say, and sounds weird. You'll never see it outside of a puzzle. Well, maybe once in a lifetime.

    Chords are build up of THIRDS, but every imaginable interval occurs, both melodically and harmonically. THIRDS, fifths (right Tinbeni?) and sixths are consonant. The most harshly dissonant interval is the minor ninth.

    Interesting symmetries: MAE West - BRA, HOG-TIE.
    It's MAL-surgery that will WIDEN A NOSE.
    Step-son Tom can say, "I'M ON AFB'S all over the world."
    MILEAGE is a component of the NET COST of vehicle ownership.

    I like RAN A TAB at the BAR.

    Duty calls. IMBO.


  18. Good morning Al et al. Nice writeup.

    After giving in to Mr G yesterday, I was determined to see this one through without outside help. I spent waaay too long but I kept picking away (better than picking 28a) and finally completed.

    There were lots of clever clues and a couple of questionable ones. Hand up for not liking "among" and "net cost" as clued.

    "Salad" was my first thought but "spy" and "tie" were so obvious, along with "heft" that "pilaf" filled easily.

    "My Lord", "dryer" and "Im set" instead of "stand" led to a major mideast (or is that ost") conflict but I resolved it without a major bout of "insomnia" or "throwing in" the towel.

    Fave clue was "Built up Charges/ran a tab". "Pins at the end/lane was cute but obvious". Also liked "Bad start/mal".

  19. Hi all =

    Al, great job as usual...learned new things and that is good.

    64A did not apply to me today!!!

    I am never good a play on word puzzles and this was no exception. I did get the Beatle one (25D), then 17A came next (I was thinking of Karl Marx, not Harpo so that took a while).
    As you can tell from the position of those answers, I was all over the place.

    I have never heard the term 'MIX TAPES'.

    I remember Sen Sen's but thought they tasted like soap, so I never bought them....of course, I was a kid then and they didn't appeal to a child's taste buds.

    I have never heard of PANIC ROOM. Sounded funny to me, I thought, gee a special room to go nuts in. Would make sense in a mental hospital.

    Husker Gary - we used to have to set the alarm at 4:30 a.m. It took a long time before I quit waking up at that time...gradually that moved along to 6:00 and since I have not set an alarm in about 6 years, I will wake up (for the day) anywhere from 6 to 7:30.

    Re Did you Know, When we were in the Redwood forest about a year ago, we learned about the root structure of these giants. There are only a few areas where people are allowed to walk. The roots can be damaged by hoards of people tramping over the ground and these trees are in enough trouble. I am glad they are being protected now....they are so breathtaking.

  20. Good morning everyone. Great write up, Al.
    The Do I Dare comes from "The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock" by T.S.Elliott. It's great for those of us who are aging rapidly, although I first loved it in college in 1950. I have tried to make a link. But we shall see. If not you can google it.The specific do I dares are: To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?"
    Time to turn back and descend the stair,
    With a bald spot in the middle of my hair—  

    Do I dare
    Disturb the universe?

    Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?

    T.S.Elliot's Love Song

  21. Another hard one for me this morning. Hello everyone and happy crosswording to all. I got the theme early on but still had a hard time with GARBO and had a mental block on BRANDO. Thought there were some clever clues like "chants of a lifetime".

  22. Not that you care, but I misspelled T.S. Eliot because my maiden name was Elliott, so I put in an extra l but not an extra t. Go figure.

  23. Good Morning All, I really liked this one. Other than the theme answers, fill like GRIM REAPER, APPARATUS, PANIC ROOM and INSOMNIA were terrific.

    5D GRIM REAPER came easily. I've seen "The Seventh Seal", but I like Woody Allen's and Monty Python's parodies better.

    Best Clue - "Chants of a lifetime?" for (21A) MANTRAS.

    About (16A) "A victory may break one/TIE". May? Gee, wouldn't a victory always break a tie?

    On Al's 31A comments, wasn't it just a couple of days ago some of us mentioned that we still have,and buy CDS? I know I do, although I did transfer my MIX TAPE cassettes to CD a few years ago. I still play them and sing ago when I am in the car.

    Hahtool's QOD, Nostalgia may not quite be heroin, but it is, at least, a mental pepper-upper like GERITOL was supposed to be. (I wouldn't haven gotten (40A) SENSEN without a zap of nostalgia.)

    Argentina sounds like a great bucket list addition.

    Happy Birthday, Jimbo.

  24. OLA Al and blogger friends.

    Great write up today, Al, with many learning moments for me, especially about Athena and her attendant, OWL. New to me.

    I was on John's wave length as soon as CELTICHARPO emerged and knew waht to look for. Loved STOREBRANDO.

    BAHAI appeared as an answer on Jeopardy yesterday so that was fresh in my mind.

    Hand up for SALAD before PILAF; YEAST gave my SPY, TIE and OLA though.

    HEFT yielded THAI, I love that: TIE and THAI.

    GERITOL brought memories of old commercials and SENSEN was buried deep in my recesses.

    My longest hesitation was FORMAL GARBO as I mentally ran the gamut of Swedish actresses until the aha!

    Chants of a lifetime, MANTRAS

    Always like Spanish in the puzzle, TIERRA, OSO.

    A wonderful xwd from John Doppler Schiff, thank you.

    I hope all who were ailing are much improved.

    Have a terrific Thursday!

  25. @11:05, I meant sing-along, not sing ago, although I have been singing (not very well anymore) since a long time ago.

    I didn't think of Al's jail cell for (26A) BAR. I don't have a cell phone, but I still went with that connection (ha, ha). I don't know how many BARs are good, but I know they are there.

    Gotta get ready for that lunch. See you all later.

  26. Hi all, thanks for the comments today. I did have an alternate theme title and explanation for today's puzzle, but C.C. and I agreed that perhaps it was a bit much to put on the main blog page, considering the amount and variety of visitors. If you (possibly) want a laugh, you can find a link to my "rough draft" blog from my blogger profile page. However, if you are one who feels that propriety must be maintained at all times, then you should probably skip it.

  27. Al, went to your profile page, but didn't find your rough draft. What am I missing?

  28. Good day folks,

    Well, on a scale of one to ten, with ten the most difficult, today was a four compared to yesterday's 9.9999.
    Most all the clues that were unknowns were taken care of with the appropriate across or down answers. Lots of fun clues too. Favorites were "one with a cover", "distance on a tank"considering the cost per gallon today, and "certain counter's woe."

    Going back a couple of weeks, my first thought for "lunch hour end" was "after nooner", but it wouldn't fit!

    Did anyone think "prohibitions" may have something to do with Boardwalk Empire? I did until I realized the clue was plural.

    "Do I do it" was my first fill for "question of
    advisability", but the error of my thinking was soon amended.

    "Bug shield" wasn't exactly a snap, but bra was a surprise. New meaning for me, though not as enticing.

    I can never remember Bohr's name. I knew the "ohr" part , but the B was a wag. Had no clue what Persian faith was.

    Overall, I enjoyed today's puzzle. It had a mid-range difficulty factor, but was doable. Finally, I wonder if today's constructor, John Doppler Schiff is related to Adam Schiff?

    Al, thanks for the write up. It helped me better understand some of the murkier clues.

    Enjoy the day.

  29. Creature,
    It's under JACB--his blog.

    Which by the way was very well done as usual.

    I had forgotten to mention earlier that I also went for salad before pilaf was revealed, and I also was confused by CMDR, having tried to figure a way to abbreviate chief. For some reason some names I remember and others take forever to dig up. But today the names were too numerous not to cause me problems.

  30. This one cured of the idea Icould do pretty good on Thursday puzzles.

  31. I caught onto the theme right away with Celtic Harpo, but my favorite theme answer was “boxing Ringo”. For some reason I had trouble with the letter “B”. I had to hit the g-spot for Bahai, and got perp help for BMI, Bohr, and bastian. Favorite today was “built up charges” – ran a tab. I don’t think I remember sen-sen, must have been before my time. Are just Harley’s hogs, or can any motorcycle be considered a “hog”?

    I thought of you Fermatprime for 42A. I hope you are sleeping right now…

    Al, I love your alternate theme :)
    Well, it’s almost one pm so that means my lunch is almost over. Everyone enjoy your day!

  32. Hello again everyone,

    I'm hoping someone out there can help me. To wit, when it comes to computers, I'm a total nitwit. i want to put up a photo as most of you have done. i went to Google, signed in, but found no edit process.

    I'm hoping someone can give me a clear explanation on what to do. Think of me as totally brain dead in this situation, because I am.



  33. Hondo, I had the same issue and Dennis cleared it up for me.

    1. I went to and started an account (there are others too).

    2. I then uploaded picture(s) as per their easy instructions which generates a URL for each picture.

    3. You then just use the usual html code Link text and put in your Photobucket URL and some text for Link text.

    4. Voila! You're cookin' with gas!

  34. Al, I did go to your blog, but found only this one. Not the rough draft. Where is it?

  35. The picture posting question inspired me to post this development they don't tell you about in the retirement pamphlet:

    Helping Out!

  36. @Sallie, the blue link on my profile page is just "JACB". Only the first paragraph about the theme is different from what is here.

  37. Hi all.

    Really miss doing the daily xwds.
    This one looked like a good one to miss.

    Printer broke again and is sitting there like a giant paper weight.
    Son due back from Orlando tomorrow.
    Maybe he can fix it.

    Fifths are hard to find. They are either 3/4ths or 3/2nds now.

    From the 80s to the 60s. No wonder
    I have a cold.

    Dumb hockey game last night and
    heaven help Suisham the first time
    he misses a trey.

    Take care.

  38. thehondohurricane,
    If all you want to do is post a pic for your avatar, go to your profile, and near the top left is a link to "edit profile", When you click it, you'll see a spot part way down where you can upload a photo from your hard drive. After you do that, just go to the bottom ans save the profile. You can then preview it before coming back here.

  39. That Millay poem that C.A. posted a few days ago struck a chord in me. I was especially taken by the play of emotion expressed with such detached candor.

    Here is my reaction.

    What lips my lips have missed, and stayed too dry:
    The breath of comely girls, and young - or plain,
    Their damp breath uninhaled. But now the rain
    Makes the air moist tonight, Not ghosts that sigh

    In forlorn memories of sad goodbye.
    And in my heart there stirs a quiet pain
    For girls untouched, unkissed, without a stain
    Who never thrilled me with a midnight cry.

    What memories has a lonely barren tree
    Of lovely birds who flew past one by one
    Whose brief beguiling echoed "Nevermore?"
    No memories of nests it's never known.

    The Summer-song unsung holds fast to me
    In Winter's age, more precious than before.

    That's hot of the presses.


  40. Jeannie:

    I'm no expert and I don't think it is written in stone, but I would say that only Harley-Davidson's can be called "hogs". Although the term goes "way back", the company recently changed their NYSE ticker symbol to HOG. And there is a club called H.O.G.(Harley's Owner Group).

    However, I would question today's clue implying that all choppers are hogs. Yes, the chopper from Easy Rider was a hog but a recent episode of American Pickers showed an old Kawasaki chopper.

  41. Ola Al and to the rest of the Geritol Club, et al,

    I also found this one easier than yesterday's, but I did go to Mr.G. a few times.I was doin' acrosses and downs at the same time.Got the idea about the ending o, so I was filling them in along with my s's and ed's. Anyone else do that? I fill in ANYTHING that will help me move along.

    Loved the words like kerfuffle, apparatus, bastion, and insomnia. Yes, I also wake up at 6, and 5 and 4.....hope it's just a phase..
    Husker, I don't take calls at 6; I HAVE to know beforehand, but then I only go to one school.And days like today I am free to take care of a grandson.

    sen-sen, weren't they tidbits of licorice? I know I liked them, but they were extras, and couldn't afford any extras back in the day.

    Hands up, best clue: chants of a lifetime.

    Jimbo, happy happy 85th!!!!!

  42. Al, I don't see anything off color or offensive in your original theme choice. Am I missing something?

    Happy birthday, Jimbo! I hope you check in.

    Just returned from the grocery store for the big Thanksgiving day shopping and was amazed to pay only $51.04 for over $100 worth including the 20 lb. turkey which cost $5.81. but marked $23.01. Kroger's (Fry's here) has many specials and I had several coupons. I love it!

  43. Lucina,
    I'm with you! I couldn't see anything offensive in happy endings either,

    I bought some gifts at Penney's one-day-sale earlier in the week and saved almost twice what I spent. And knowing how many "sales" they have, it makes one wonder what the true cost to them is of all that they sell.

  44. I think we're all in agreement: I certainly find nothing offensive in happy endings either. Happy endings for everybody!!

  45. Great poem Jazz!

    Jeannie, the only two wheeler I get on has peddles, but I think only a Harley can be a Hog. Everything else is a rice burner.

  46. I'm with Lucina, Kazie and Dennis;
    Al, your theme explanations are both well done. Maybe, C.C. felt one was more general than the other.

    Al, I love your sensibilities period. Thanks.

    Kazie,Thanks for clearing up my delimna. I think Sallie and I were both,thinking that the whole blog had been revised, and I was skipping over the intro part.

  47. Hi c.c. and all:

    Just popped in to say that when I looked at my puzzle today, everything looked familiar and then I saw the date on the bottom quarter of the puzzle which said 10/08/10. So, as usual they will probably figure this out and I will get today's puzzle tomorrow.

    Very disappointed!

  48. Jazzbumpa:
    You are a talented poet!

  49. Happy ending is a term used to describe a massage with "extra services" ala what Al Gore was accused of demanding from his masseusse.

  50. Hola Everyone,
    This was a very hard puzzle for me and it kicked me around the block and back. I wasn't able to finish it without coming here for some of the long answers. I didn't catch on to the theme, so that made it doubly hard. I couldn't spend any more time trying to suss out just one more answer which wouldn't come.

    What I was able to fill in on my own was all correct, except for Bastion. I put in Rampart. That really threw a wrench into the whole middle section.

    My father was a smoker and Sensen was his choice for a breath freshener. This was one answer I knew for sure.

    It's interesting to note that when I find something fairly easy, others don't, and visa versa--re: yesterday and today.

    I'm taking a page from CA's book today and doing a lot of baking. I have two big platters of Christmas cookies to freeze for a big fund raiser the first of Dec. and the persimmons are ripening faster than I can bake the Persimmon Bars that are my family's favorites. Three batches today.

    Have a great evening everyone.

  51. anon:

    Its not the massage itself but the big "O" at the end (brandO, garbO, ringO and harpO) that is the "happy ending".

  52. Hello all you old friends
    (and newbies). You can't get rid of ole Jimbo. He is
    still reading your comments every day.
    Also trying to do the puzzles and thought I was getting better, but I believe they are getting harder as well.
    Thanks to all for the "happy birthdays" and yes I am very happy at 86.
    Got bowling tonight----

  53. Woo-Hoo! Good for you Jimbo.Bet you liked "pins at the end.". It was not an obvious answer to me, Grumpy, but I loved it.

    Seen, that is a scene nobody will ever forget :))

  54. Not too difficult for Thursday (32 minutes), although it took a few minutes just to get some traction. I started out with a lot of isolated fills.

  55. Jimbo, you handsome fellow! I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday today! I sure hope I can even lift a bowling ball when I turn 86!! Please stop in more often. We always enjoy your stories.

  56. Jimbo, I want to add my Happy Birthday wishes to you!! 86 is something to be proud of, especially when you can still heft a bowling ball. Enjoy, enjoy...and visit us more often, we have missed your wit and fun comments :)

    Yes, that movie scene was hoot! Can you imagine sitting in a restaurant and witnessing that??? LMAO!

  57. This is the second Dennis again. Argyle, I know they speak Portuguese in Brazil. That was my point. I've been there over ten times, and spend most of my time here in the U.S.hanging around with Brazilians. They don't say ola, they say alo.

  58. Maybe they were dyslexic?

    (Dennis #1)

  59. JIMBO, GREAT to see you again - hope you bowled a perfect game on your birthday.

    anon@3:55, you mean it isn't the dessert you get at Friendly's? Jeez, you learn something new every day.

    Melissa Bee, yes, yes, and yes.

  60. Dennis II, are you saying OLA doesn't mean HELLO in Portuguese?

  61. Dennis II, Argyle etal.

    According to

    Hello = olá

    Hello (phone) = alô


  62. Hello everyone,
    We're instructed to "SEE NOTEPAD" in tomorrow's puzzle (Across Lite). Go to View and click on Notepad. It says "Five clues in this puzzle are deliberately left blank".

  63. Dennis @ 7:35,
    And that is why you are #1.
    Good one.

    Great picture. Happy ending, indeed.

  64. @Dennis #2, if you were are used to hanging around more Brazilians, you'd think you'd be a happier, upbeat guy. Just say'in.

    Ola, alo, whatever. I just say Hi.

  65. I just heard this commercial tonight on my way home from work and had to check out the website:
    for these pants. The slogan was "when you crouch you don't say ouch."

  66. Jeannie, why they continue to let you post on this site is beyond my sense of reasoning. The last two are totally against all the rules put down on this blog. Do you not know this is a crossword blog???

  67. @anon 9:59, I don't believe I talked religion or politics. I have been a member here long enough to know the rules.

  68. Thanks guys, I knew I fed the trolls...couldn't help it. Now, what did you think about those jean's...You should hear the commercial, ILMAO and just had to look it up. Marketing genius is all I have to say. I hope it was a guy though, "that came up with it."

    Forgive the pun...

  69. Just got in from 3 days diving on California's North Coast. Abalone every night with some for the freezer.

    I haven't done yesterdays, so I can't compare, but this one was easy. Didn't like NETCOST. The rest was all good.
    Carol, if you are still up, this might help you understand mixtapes.

  70. I live in India and the Times of India publishes the same puzzle. Most days I'm stumped by the clues; rarely do I complete the puzzle. I was googling some of the answers and came across your blog which I will now bookmark for future reference. Tks. Having this avalilable will help me lots.

  71. Hi, Mercy D'souza,

    I understand you get the puzzles long after we do but rest assured that C.C. and I welcome you and will read (and answer) your posts.



For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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