, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 Dan Naddor

Gary's Blog Map

Nov 23, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 Dan Naddor

Theme: Double-Q - All six theme words end in I + QUE, which may be pronounced EEK.

17A. Outside-the-box method: UNIQUE TECHNIQUE

37A. Exclusive group seeking old collectibles: ANTIQUE CLIQUE

59A. Indirect evaluation: OBLIQUE CRITIQUE

Argyle here. A Dan Naddor puzzle. Need I say more?


1. Entr'__ : ACTE. An intermission between sections of a show, often a short entertainment itself.

5. Tony winner Judith : IVEY. She looks like she does crosswords.

9. Stories of questionable veracity : YARNS

14. Any of five O-ending brothers : MARX. Chico, Harpo, Groucho, Gummo, Zeppo.

15. Visibly embarrassed : RED AS A BEET

19. Seated yoga position : LOTUS

20. In inventory : ON HAND

21. Plaza Hotel pixie : ELOISE. A series of children's books drawn and written by Kay Thompson and Hilary Knight.

23. Ones who take things the wrong way? : THIEVES

27. Catches some rays : TANS

28. Johannesburg's land: Abbr. : RSA. Johannesburg also known as Jozi, Jo'burg or eGoli, is the largest city in the Republic of South Africa.

31. College e-mail address ending : .EDU

32. Water frozen in mid-drip : ICICLE

35. Missouri tributary : OSAGE

40. Cooked in 35-Down : FRIED

41. Henner who played Elaine on "Taxi" : MARILU

42. "Gross!" : "ICK!"

43. "Whirled peas" is one : PUN. We will never have world peace if you don't eat your "whirled peas".

44. Slanted type: Abbr. : ITAL.

48. Capone catchers, familiarly : THE FEDS. Al Capone's reign ended when he was found guilty of tax evasion, and sent to federal prison.

53. Opt for a career without the band : GO SOLO

55. Euro predecessor, in Portugal : ESCUDO. The escudo was subdivided into 100 centavos.

58. Hurled : THREW

63. Agreement before marriage : PRENUPTIAL

64. Wacky : NUTS

65. Small sample : TASTE

66. Fancy tie material : SILK

67. Heroic deed : GEST. We just had GEST in Sunday's puzzle.


1. Lucky charm : AMULET

2. With 35-Down, healthful cooking liquid : CANOLA and 35. See 2-Down : OIL. What is the recommended oil to deep fry a turkey.

3. Son of Poseidon : TRITON. The Greek family of gods.

4. Especially elegant : EXQUISITE

5. Hot temper : IRE

6. White House no : VETO

7. Heaven on Earth : EDEN

8. Marina craft : YACHT

9. One-named New Age keyboardist : YANNI

10. Put up with : ABIDE. Funny placement. I can't 10D 9D.

11. Mil. supply order : REQ. Requisition.

12. Nicht alt : NEU. German: Not old / NEW.

13. Sault __ Marie : STE. It is in the eastern end of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, on the Canadian border, separated from its twin city of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, by the St. Marys River.

16. 1979 Iranian exile : SHAH

18. Battleship letters : USS. United States Ship

22. "ER" actor La Salle : ERIQ. Portrays Dr. Peter Benton.

24. Calf meat, in Calais : VEAU. I put in VEAL and waited for the perps to fix it.

25. Brink : EDGE

26. Go after in court : SUE

29. Lowlife : SCUM

30. __ of faith : A LEAP

33. Spain's El __ : CID. Chief general, of Alfonso VI, and his most valuable asset in the fight against the Moors.(c. 1043 – 1099).

34. Light brown color : ECRU

36. Making a walking-in-mud sound : SQUISHING

37. St. Louis landmark : ARCH

38. "Just do it" sloganeer : NIKE

39. Suffix with weak : LING

40. Emotional outburst : FIT

45. Rotation-causing force : TORQUE. Just as important as horsepower in engine ratings.

46. Native Alaskans : ALEUTS

47. Most shameful : LOWEST

49. Boxer's maneuver : FEINT. Fakeout.

50. Roman ending : ESQUE. Often regarding a nose.

51. 60-Down spec : D-CUP and 60. Victoria's Secret staple : BRA. No Image Available.

52. Sheep fats : SUETS

54. Polo Grounds legend Mel : OTT

56. Twice CCCI : DCII. 301 x 2 = 602

57. Word-of-mouth : ORAL

59. Choose : OPT

61. "__ Misérables" : LES

62. Class : ILK

Now I'll continue looking for a suitable image for 51D/60D.

Answer grid.



  1. Good morning, Argyle, C.C. and gang - what an outstanding way to start the day -- a Dan Naddor puzzle AND a D-CUP!! ("No image available"?? NO IMAGE AVAILABLE??????)

    This was a very smooth run today - there were some clever clues, but in a simpler, Tuesday fashion. I always try to think of a theme title as the theme uncovers itself, and mine today would've been 're-cuse'. Obviously not much left of my mind.

    Argyle pretty much covered all the good stuff; favorite clue was 'Ones who take things the wrong way'. And for some reason, the crossing of 'oral' and 'pre-nuptial' made me smile.

    From last night: Jeannie, no, the mustache isn't 'prickly' - I think you have the areas confused...`

    Today is National Cashew Day and Eat a Cranberry Day (seems a bit early for that one).

    Did You Know?:

    - Matisse coined the term cubism in 1908 as an insult to another painter's work.

    - The man who created the Thighmaster was a Buddhist monk.

    - You can lose up to a third of your blood and survive.

  2. One more thing -- am I the only one holding my breath for Rich's announcement that we've seen the last Dan Naddor puzzle? I do hope that he'll give us advance warning that we're nearing the end. I try to savor each one, but the last one -- well, I may put it aside and not solve it for a while, or maybe do one clue every so often. Gonna be a sad, sad day, one that I'm not looking forward to.

  3. Morning, all!

    Nice puzzle overall, and the theme was cute. A few unknowns slowed me down (ESCUDO, IVEY, VEAU) and I was completely able to parse the clue for NEU (until I came to this blog, of course). It all worked out in the end, though...

  4. Hello all!

    Cool puzzle from Dan! Loved all of those Qs, not just in the themed answers. Favorite answer: OBLIQUE CRITIQUE.

    Bob is correct--there would have been no mathematical reason for me to comment on Occam's razor. Incidentally, I first encountered this principle in Sherlock Holmes stories, long ago.

    Hooray for you BILL G! Are you going to an AA meeting everyday for 90 days? (That got rather boring for me, as I still had a pretty good memory.) That was, as I mentioned, about 15 years ago. My rehab experience--with all young druggies--sounds much the same as yours.

    Happy Tuesday!

  5. Argyle, I was LOL when I read that there was "No image available."
    Yeah, Right! (Me thinks you have a stash with thousands available).

    Donna Levin on Monday and now a Dan Naddor on Tuesday.
    Boy-oh-boy, this IS turning into a wonderful Thanksgiving week.

    Really enjoyed these themes. A tribute to James Bond's weapons maker "Q" ???

    Really liked how Dan sneaked in a shot at Rex Parker with OBLIQUE CRITIQUE.

    OK, ELOISE, IVEY & ERIQ were all via perps.
    Otherwise a nice fun solve.

    Plus, again I'm in the grid w/SCUM!!!

    Well, time to walk to the gym.

    A 'toast' to one-and-all at Sunset.

  6. Good morning Argyle and all, another fun and interesting puzzle from Dan this morning. For the most part it was smooth sailing today. I started to recognize the QUs early on and that helped a lot with the solve. There were a few unknowns such as Ivey, encudo and veau. Like Argyle I inserted veal and waited for the perps to make the correction(S). I created a bit of a problem when I misspelled feint as fient, but the error was quickly revealed

    My favorite clue today was Ones who take things the wrong way? = thieves.

    Hope you all have a great Tuesday.

  7. Good Morning Argyle, C.C. et al.

    I just love seeing Dan Naddor when I open my LAT link. And I also wonder how many more of his gems are out there? Hopefully, enough to give us an entire week of his puzzles at the end of December.

    Great write-up, Argyle. But Dennis pointed out one serious omission, LOL.

    My favorite answer today was "SQUISHING". The word says it all...squish squish squish. Many clues that had me headed in the wrong direction, like "White house no". I was thinking of 1600, because I was sure there was a period after "no". Turns out it was a piece of dirt on my screen. But a little white-out took care of it ;-D

    I just read last nights blog - welcome back Bill G. !! I hope you keep a positive outlook, and know that it's all good, even though it's tough. We're all here for you.

    Eat a cranberry? Really? Has anyone ever tasted one of those bitter things, without first adding a ton of sugar and boiling the h--- out of them? Pucker up! I'll stick to cashews, thank you very much!

    Have a great day everyone, and remember to check in tomorrow to say "hi".

  8. Hello all,

    Great puzzle and write up, for a perfect Tuesday. As everyone has said, Rich obviously is stacking this week with little gifts for us. It was a bit hard for me, as some people alluded last night, I underwent eye surgery yesterday, and I am working with just my “bad eye.” The doctor was pleased with his work, and while I am sore, I am feeling optimistic about this situation.

    Not trying to be too pushy but I remind you all who read this blog, I would like all our posters, dating back to the original 2008 ones, to all newbies and lurkers who ever check in, to stop by on Wednesday, November 24, in the spirit of thanksgiving and post a comment, no matter how small, as a quick thank you to CC for starting this blog and providing us with so much entertainment, information, feedback from the constructors, and all in all a great service to any and all who love solving crossword puzzles. I also want you all to join me in thanking Rich who brings us the puzzles, and I want us to thank Dan Naddor, who used the last months of his life to bring so much pleasure to ours. I also want us to thank all of the wonderful constructors Jerome Gunderson, John Lampkin, Barry Silk, Jeff Chen, Fred Jackson, Fred Piscop, Doug Peterson, Donna Levin, Don Gagliardo, Brad Wilber, Nancy Saloman, Mike Peluso, Gareth Bain, David Cromer, Pancho Harrison, Alan Olschwang, Gail Grabowski, Will Nediger, Jack McInturff, Bruce Venzke, Pamela Amick Klawitter, Kelsey Blakely, Scott Atkinson, Ed Sessa, Joel Fagliano, Mark Feldman, Mark Bickham, Mark Diehl, James Sajdak, Timothy Meaker, Harvey Estes, Robert H. Wolfe, Robert A. Doll, Robert Harris, Robert Fisher, Todd McLary, Jim Page, David J. Kahn, David Poole, Dave Eckert, Dave Mackey, Nathan Miller, Victor Fleming, Julian Lin, Joon Pahk, Daniel Finan, Jascha Smilack, Neville Fogarty, Mangesh Sakharam Ghogre, Bonnie Gentry, Matt matera, Matt Ginsberg, Pete Muller, Tom Heilman, Victor Barocas, Jared Banta, Ron and Nancy Byron, John Doppler Schiff, Corey Rubin, Allen E. Parrish, Joe DiPietro, Michael Doran, Gene Newman, Steve Salitan, C.W. Stewart, Dan Schoenholz, Charles Barasch, Gary Whitehead, Betty Keller, Mike Nothnagel, Paul Guttormsson, Anthony J. Salvia, R.M. “Bob” Peobles, Clive Probert, Elizabeth Long, Anna Gundlach, Meredith Ito, Kristian House, Jennifer Nutt, Arthur S. Verdesca and of course Verge. These are just the past six months and if I left anyone out, it was clearly unintentional. Finally, it would be nice to hear from as many constructors as possible.

  9. Morning All you Puzzleheads,

    Whenever I see Dan's name I wonder if this is the last. I'm sure Rich will give some warning. This one was a pleasure. Once I got the "Ques" everything flowed into place. Hand up for my favorite for Thieves as well. Nice to see some Roman Numerals again. Seems like its been awhile but I don't do the weekend grids. Dennis, I have to admit you're not alone on the oral, prenuptial cross chuckle.

    My wife gives me shit because my minds in the "sewer". My response: "What can I say, part of my job is to run a Wastewater Plant".

    Hahtool, Great QOD time appropriate. One of the many things I will be toasting on Thursday is having a job. We have also donated food and turkeys to local drives last week to be distributed to those who may not be in as fortunate a situation as we are. Also, great looking cat!

    Thanksgiving is definitely my favorite holiday. Food, Football and Giving!

    Have a great Tuesday!

  10. Good Day Folks,

    Mr Naddor certainly exhausted a years supply of "que" today. Oh well, as Doris Day long ago sang...."Que Sera, Sera."

    The only difficulty for me today was again caused by my faulty spelling. For 32A I initially entered "icycle" instead of "icicle" and "Eric" instead of "Eriq" for 22D. Both were corrected in short order. The rest of the puzzle came together without any major issues.

    Count me in as disappointed that no image is available for a D-cup. I guess I'll have to meander over to a near-by Victoria's Secret for a look-see!

    Turkey arrived yesterday, today the table will be set up and tomorrow my better half's fruit basket will mysteriously appear. Thursday can't come soon enough.

    Have a good day.

  11. Good morning, Argyle, C.C. et al.

    If I have to awaken at 4:30, it's lovely to see Dan Naddor there!

    What a brilliant puzzle with QUEs all over the place. I thought all the theme answers were clever and fun to say.

    Hand up for liking "ones who take things the wrong way," THIEVES. This must be Rich's clue because it has appeared before.

    I liked it all and what's not to like about ERIQ LaSalle, a beautiful man.

    Not enough Ds for me in D CUP.

    Hear! Hear! Thank you to all those you mentioned and very especially to C.C. who has made all this possible.

    And thank you to all you who post frequently and entertain us with your wit and wisdom.

    I am returning to bed but I hope all have a delightful Tuesday!

  12. Lemonade:
    I am so happy for you that your procedure went well. I hope your eye continues to mend.

  13. Well, duh...I just figured out today's theme. Liner.

  14. Dennis et al,
    I am not quite certain, but we might have 8 more Dan Naddor puzzles left, which will last us til next March at the current pace of 2 puzzles per month. Of those 8, Dan completed 6 when he passed away, Rich hopes to complete the remaining 2 himself or finds someone else to construct.

    Glad your surgery went well. Awesome constructors list.

  15. Good Morning C.C.,Argyle and all,

    Thanks, Argyle for the write-up; you're the greatest guy. Also, I think your theme solution is the best title ever!How completely clever and smart of you.

    I liked the puzzle- lots of fun. Many perps and WAGs for me though: Eriq, Escudo,Neu and Yanni.

    My fav was my new gift from Sunday, 'gest'.Thanks.

    Lemon, I would like to reiterate what Lucina said; that your procedure results are all you wanted and that you mend quickly.

    Dennis, I think your theme title is definitely legit!

    Have a nice day everyone.

  16. C.C., that's great news; thanks for providing yet another reason for thanks giving tomorrow.

    HeartRx, you're right about cranberries; we have several cranberry bogs nearby and there's an annual Cranberry Festival held in a town near here. Those little guys are nasty-tasting before processing.

    Argyle, funny and clever.

    Lemonade, congratulations on a successful surgery; I hope recovery's quick.

    Not enough Ds for me in D CUP.

    Lucina, um, could you expand on that comment?

  17. Fun puzzle. Dan's are always fun. Off to the coroner-again. Will post again when I know more.

    Looking forward to Thanksgiving here at the GBRV. We're having our traditional "Spurkey" dinner. It's a can of Spam carved in the shape of a turkey, a boiled sweet potato, canned green beans and an apple. Yummy! For desert, it's our favorite orange and black jell-o. (You don't want to know.)

    Half of us dress up as Indians and this year I get to be "Whachamacallit", Chief of the "Wonkapedia" tribe. (Hope it's warm because we eat outside at the picnic tables and all I get to wear is a thong loincloth with a feather stuck in my ear. It ain't pretty - but we DO know how to have fun!) Hope I'm well enough to participate.

    I must be off!

  18. Buckeye, you old dog. Good to hear from
    you two days in a row.

  19. Buckeye, great to see you. Keep a stiff upper lip at the coroner's.

    I fully expected you to be a member of the Fuggawee Tribe. And when I started reading, "all I get to wear is a thong loincloth with a feather stuck in my......" -- well, I stopped reading.

  20. Good morning all!
    And what a great one it is. Dan's puzzle was a joy today, no names to speak of, and lots of word tricks that gave aha! reactions along the way.

    Unknowns that I perped: ELOISE, MARILU, ERIQ--notice they were most of the names that did occur today. Everything else was a clear run with lots of fun.

    I too am wondering every time I see Dan's name about how many we have left. Now thanks to C.C., we can have an idea, if only we can keep count.

    What a wonderful collection of constructors' names. Grandiose effort on your part with the eye problem to deal with! Thanks. I'm very glad the surgery went well, now just take a rest and let it heal.

    I LOL'ed on your transposing comment last night.

    Have a great day everyone!

  21. Good morning all. Nice write-up, Argyle.

    Dennis, hands up for your 2nd post. It is a special gift to get to solve yet one more of Dan's UNIQUE puzzles.

    The right difficulty for a Tuesday and much bright fill. Liked all the IQUE theme words. Did not know IVEY or NIKE, but the perps got them. NEU was a gimme, but I had to tinker with VEA_ to get the 'U'.

    While USS is part of the name of every Navy ship in commission, battleships have the designator BB (before their hull number). ie, USS New Jersey (BB-62)

    BillG - welcome back, and congratulations on your success thus far. My hat is off to you on your progress.

  22. Once in a while I like to throw in some trivia (as one of many anonymous) so today is 33D,

    Ruy Dias de Vivar aka El Cid Campeador.

  23. Spitzboov's comment that it is IQUE that is repeated made me rethink the theme again and I found this:

    The iQue Player(pronounced "IQ" or "Eye cue") is a video game console that was manufactured by iQue, a joint venture between Nintendo and Chinese-American scientist Dr. Wei Yen. The iQue Player was first announced at the 2003 Tokyo Game Show, and it was released in mainland China on November 17, 2003 but Nintendo currently has no plans to release the iQue Player outside of China.

    I still feel QE2 is more Naddoresque.

  24. Dennis, multiply by 3.

    Yes, Argyle. Brilliant theme.

  25. Hi all -

    So nice to have a Dan Naddor puzzle to start Tuesday in a fun way.

    Caught on the 'que' right away so that helped me.

    YANNI brought on the shudders; how can he be taken seriously? I saw him once (that was enough) on a TV segment.

    We have lots of cranberry bogs in Oregon. While we were in Bandon last August, with Dick, JD and their spouses, we drove past a few bogs. We later learned how they were harvested. I like the jellied kind in the can. Joe cannot stand them in any form.

    Buckeye, so good to hear from you. Hope you won't freeze your ---- off in that costume (?) you will be wearing.

    We woke up to 19 degrees this morning, but by some large stroke of luck, had no silver thaw. It rained quite a bit yesterday so I expected a solid sheet of ice over everything but it didn't happen - Yay!!! :)
    It is now 23 heading for a HIGH of 32. I know that sounds odd to you winter-toughies in the middle and NE part of the country but we don't get these cold temps that often.

  26. Good morning everyone.

    Yes, today was great fun. Agree with all the comments.

    Lemonade, best wishes for a continuing recovery. And I have tomorrow's assignment on my calendar.


  27. Another theme could be, QUE PASA?
    (What's happening?)

  28. Hello Puzzlers - I'm glad I found Crossword Corner in time to appreciate Dan Naddor's puzzle legacy. Thanks C.C. for making it all possible! IIRC, I first posted in January.

    This was an optimum Tuesday puzzle. Unknowns: IVEY, ESCUDO, VEAU - in other words exactly the same as Barry again.

    Argyle, I'm with you - I can't stand Yanni.


  29. Committed Asian WomanNovember 23, 2010 at 10:47 AM

    Lemonades quaint ( if I may call it so, ) request struck a chord, or an arc, or a note , or whatever - and I feel I must 'display myself' - I am a perineal, ( or is it perennial ? ) lurker - and I am quite content to read other people's comments, and let it go at that.

    The puzzle was easier - for a Dan Naddor - I had ANCE instead of ACTE and I had TALES instead of YARNS - but the downs were wags anyway so I didn't realize my mistakes. For my low IQ, I got (to )the 'QUE' pretty quickly - that helped.

    Not to be too personal, but, I always thought Hahtool was in the Govt law enforcement business , and since she travels, by air, a lot, I thought she was with the TSA ( no harm there ! ) ... until I saw her TSA linkup of T slogans.( lots of lol's ) - Now I guess she's in something else.

    On another thought, I wonder what sort of personality profiles - gropers fit into ? Could be an airway to heaven for a certain kind. Imagine getting paid to satisfy your yearnings !@#

    Have a grrreat Thanksgiving - ever considered slow roasted Peking duck instead of a boring turkey ?

  30. Not too difficult a puzzle today (15 minutes). A couple of unknowns that I could figure out, like 5A IVEY, 22D ERIQ, and 21A ELOISE.

    TORQUE (45D), is a Physics 101 term that comes from Latin, torqueo, meaning "to twist, turn, or bend." It is the force needed to make an object rotate. It must be applied perpendicularly to the object's axis of rotation (up or down), and rotational speed will be proportional to the applied force. Hold a yardstick in the exact middle between thumb and forefinger (axis of rotation) and push up or down on either end of the yardstick (perpendicular force). The force you are applying is "torque," and you will make the yardstick begin to spin around the axis of rotation (thumb and forefinger).

  31. @HeartRx: Agree squishing is an exquisite word.
    Last week, my seven year-old granddaughter's spelling list included onomatopoeia. To my recollection, it seems few of my first grade spelling words contained six letters, none with six syllables.

  32. Committed Asian WomanNovember 23, 2010 at 11:04 AM

    Lemonade, I forgot why I posted in the first place - I too have gone thru a serious eye problem - a detached retina in one eye ( with 4 operations ) and a partial det ret in the other. Dennis, once posted, sometime back, that losing one eye only reduces your vision by 15% - but small comfort that - you lose 3D and all that - I pray, to God -Fate- and Karma and hope for your recovery to be soon, speedy and significant.

    On another note, the cashew nut grows as an end projection of the Cashew apple - which is, as big a normal apple, but is ten times more sour than a cranberry - but makes a delightful and heady liquor in East Africa and southern India. Also the nut is originally covered with a very caustic, toxic,skin irritant and pungent resin to protect it from being eaten by birds. The whole nut is roasted and the shell ( with the resin) has to be peeled BY HAND ( to protect from breaking the nut itself - which reduces the market value significantly). This is possible only because the poor manual workers have developed calluses on their fingers - thus rendering them (somewhat ) immune from the caustic effects. A good thought for the day, would also be to spend a moment to commiserate about the fate of those poor workers.

  33. Dan Naddor's name caught my eye right away. I enjoyed the puzzle. Not too difficult. I also enjoyed "Those who take things the wrong way."

    Boy, you guys are so clever so early that there's not much left to say.

    Thanks for all the well wishes (Jeannie twice!). It is nice to be sleeping in my own bed again. Fermatprime, no, I'm not up for 90 days. The constant repetition gets tedious for me quickly. It is tough to keep a positive outlook but I'm working on it one day at a time.

    I've never had a deep-fried turkey though I'd certainly be willing to try it. As I said last year, we cook the turkey on low heat breast down. The white meat gets basted from the inside by the juices running down and comes out very moist. Of course, Buckeye's menu is hard to beat!

  34. Magnifique, Duck! And am I to assume that SQUISHING is an inside joke between you and Rich? :)

  35. Before Dennis beats me to it, I'm owning up right now. I am a long term (perennial, you might even say) perineal lurker. Thank you, CAW, for the set up of the year.

    DDD? Wow!!!

  36. Good morning Argyle, C.C. and all,

    Delightful puzzle!Perfect for a Tuesday.Didn't get going very quickly as I do not know Judith Ivey, only Judith Light.Put in myths before I saw Yanni.Always love the uniqueness of Dan's work, although most are beyond me.

    On our trip to RSA, we did not stay long in Johannesburg, but I was intrigued by all the trees. It is the biggest man-made forest in the world(6-10 million trees). In the 1880's it was just a savanna. Now the streets are lined with beautiful purple Jacarandas. They pronounce them JACKaranda trees, while we say YOCKaranda in CA.

    So, where is your "eden"? Mine is the island of Kauai.Always green, and you can always find a rain shower or rainbow.

  37. Dennis:
    Please stop it. The Irish just spit Coke all over my windshield, and now she's having a convulsion.

  38. This was a fun Dan Naddor puzzle. I loved all the “que’s” which helped me a lot in the puzzle. It must have been hard to come up with all the “q” words. I had a couple of unknowns with Escudo, Triton, and Eloise, but with some WAG’s and some red letter help I finished without visiting the g-spot. My favorite clue was the same as everyone else’s. And hey, who doesn’t enjoy that squishing sound?

    I thought of you Lucina, for the yoga/lotus clue. I can’t begin to even sit like that.

    Buckeye, I can’t get the picture of you with a loin cloth on and a feather in your hair out of my head.

    Windhover, you got the opening of the year. Dennis, still pouting 8 minutes after your "dammit" post?

  39. Committed Asian WomanNovember 23, 2010 at 1:02 PM

    Windhover : I just looked up the word 'perineal' - OMG *! - is that a Freudian slip or what ?

    * or as atheists would say ' OMG, there is no God !'.- attributed to the Readers Digest.

    Jeannie, the yoga/lotus position can be 'exquisite' for certain pastimes ( including mere Yoga ).

    So the Buddhist monk actually created the 'Thighmaster ' ? That means --- either he was thinking of 'High Master' or - meditation leaves too much time on your brain and hands.

    I almost forgot - Big Big Thanks for dear C.C. for this wonderful blog - an excuse to solve crossword puzzles and blow off on everything else. And thanks for the wonderful 'explainers' who guide us carefully through the uncharted seas and reefs, and their sparkling comments. God bless us all.

    Now, about the Peking Duck - is there ANYONE creative enough to try it ?

  40. Windhover, keep your hands on the wheel and that doesn't happen.

  41. CAW - Since you asked, let me get a clarification.

    When I was a kid we raised large, all-white ducks that were called White Pekings. (We never cooked them.) Is that the type of duck that becomes roast Peking duck, or could any duck be used?

  42. CAW:
    Thank you again for the shared laugh, Freudian or not.
    Irish and I will be serving lamb for Thanksgiving.
    I have on occasion enjoyed a "new" Duck, but to the best of my knowledge, none were from Peking. But adventure is good.

  43. "One who takes things the wrong way"?... A Dan Naddor puzzle solver on the first pass through! i love his misdirections.

    A fun and doable puzzle with no outside help needed, although I held onto TALES for too long before erasing and finally seeing the YANNI/YARNS entries.

    Buckeye, here's hoping a picture of you in that costume NEVER shows up on the web. Could be quite traumatizing...

    All of the talk about food choices for Thanksgiving... we have a flock of Muscovy ducks in our back yard. I've read that they are quite tasty. Is there a recipe for pressed duck that doesn't start "first run over a duck"?

  44. Still looking for that D-cup bra but I did find this one for the ladies. What say? D-junk?


    (Gustwiller's is a clothing store in Ottawa, Ohio, that has an online site.)

  45. CAW: my Peking Duck recipe

    Peking Duck
    1 4lb duck
    ½ tsp of cinnamon, ginger,
    ¼ tsp of nutmeg, white pepper
    1/8 tsp ground cloves
    3 tbsn soy sauce
    1 tbsn honey
    1 scallion
    In a small bowl mix together all of the spices. Sprinkle 1 tsp of the mixture into the cavity of the duck. Add one tbsn of soy sauce into the remaining spice mixture in the bowl and rub evenly over the entire duck. Also tuck the scallion cut in half into the cavity. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours or overnight.
    Place the duck breast side up on a rack in a big wok or pot and steam for an hour, adding more water as it evaporates. Drain the juices from the cavity and prick all over with a fork. Roast breast side up for 30 min in a 375 degree oven. Mix together the rest of the soy sauce and honey and brush the top of the duck after the 30 min of roasting. Turn the heat up to 450 degrees and roast for an additional 5 min to brown the skin. It is best served with hoisum sauce or you can mix together ½ jar of plum jam, 1 ½ tsp of sugar and 1 ½ tsp distilled white vinegar and ¼ cup of finely chopped chutney.

  46. Hi all,
    Yesterdays puzzle was fun. My one comment on that was when I realized Lonesome Pine was listed as a western and I knew it was an "Eastern." Also knew Kona because we had some when we were in Kona on our first trip to Hawaii.Have'nt had any lately.

    I enjoyed todays puzzle , had to look up a couple things. I liked the double Q theme. Wisconsin grows a lot of cranberries, we are one of the largest producers of cranberries. They start about 50 miles north of Baraboo. There are at least 2 Cranberry festivals in Wis. every year. We have been to the one in Warren.

    I am surprised Eloise was new to so many of you. Of cource I like any stories about kids. She used to be on a radio show for a short time in 1956. However, there have been some TV movies. Most recently it was 'Eloise at the Plaza', with Julie Andrews as her nanny. It is fun to watch, I'm sure it will be on again thei year. It's on one of the cable channels.

    I also want to thank C.C. for this blog and all the interpreters. YOU ALL DO A GREAT JOB.

    We are leaving Thursday (yes Thanksgiving day) for Georgia if the weather permits. We have tickets for 8 people to the Packer-Falcon game on Sunday with most of our family members going. All you fans of other teams can enjoy them but I will take the Packers. I'm sorry Viking fans to the north of us, but I did enjoy that game last Sunday.

    We will be staying in Ga. until after Christmas. If I can't find the L.A.Times puzzle in the paper,I'll have to do it on line, I Guess.

    Have a nice Thanksgiving all. I hope to read the blog a lot.


  47. BTW, if I missed a birthday or anniversary recently, sorry; many happy returns of the day. Dennis you are clearly getting sharper as you get older, I agree with WH, I almost fell off my chair. For those of you unfamiliar with the slang TAINT we are talking pun genius here.

    Bill G., great to see you back ( as opposed to seeing Buckeye from the back in the thong) Buckeye, like Dennis, I was concerned for that feather.

    Eye update, some cornea swelling and increase in intraocular pressure, so we have more drops, but the doctors are still optimistic, so I guess I am too.

    Mr. Han in Gainesville makes a Peking Duck to die for, and lake tahoe would be on my list along with hawaii for eden, but then parts of NZ and Australia look pretty nice as well.

  48. Hi all.

    Argyle, thanks for naming all five.
    I was scratching my head trying to

    Dennis, hand up for second comment.
    Twill be a sad, sad day.

    C.C., thanks for the info on Dan.

    Love cranberries as mentioned before. Bring to a boil in simple syrup (1c water and 1/2c of sugar).
    Reduce heat and simmer untill berries open and add Grand Marnier.

    Am all footballed out. Not watching any more untill Dec 11.

    Still can't find eddy's password
    so take care.

  49. Good evening Argyle, CC. et al., Loved this puzzle! And there's nothing more to say that hasn't already been said. Argyle, excellent job and thank you so much for that 'D junk' pic. Love it! OMG, hello, hot stud muffin! taint nuttin wrong w/that fine hunk of manhood! Santa baby, can you add one of him to my list? two if you have 'em.

    Dennis, WH: You guys are killin' me. I've just about cleaned out my sinuses twice now.

    Buckeye: so good to see you again and thanks for that burning image of you in a thong loincloth. Just makes me warm all over w/the rush of a heat wave at the mere thought of your hot self in that giddup. If I had a feather, we'd both be tickled.

    Lemonade: hope you heal quickly. Thanks for the list of constructors. Well done.

    Time to celebrate. Cheers! Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.

  50. Committed Asian Woman:
    One of my brothers works for TSA and I can assure you, from him, that security handling is not a pleasure. In fact, he and his colleagues receive an undue amount of abuse.

    I for one, would rather be safe than sorry.

    It's great to see you and realize you are still up to old tricks.

    My EDEN is also Kaui for its beauty and tranquility.

    WH: Yes.

  51. Although the Marx Brother's went by Chico, Harpo, Groucho, Gummo, and Zeppo, their given names were actually: Leonard, Adolph/Arthur, Julius Henry, Milton and Herbert, respectively. (Adolph changed his name to Arthur in the early 1910s).

    Lemonade: Somehow I missed that you were having eye surgery. Glad you could come back with us today. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

    CAW: No, I do not work with the TSA,, but yes, I do fly frequently.

    The Shah of Iran and the Peacock Throne before his 1979 exile.

    I rather like cranberries. They are good when mixed with oranges.

  52. Dennis: I ate a whole bag of cashews early this afternoon on my drive home from therapy. Now that I know it's National Cashew Day, I feel I have done my part.


  53. Buckeye, Good to see you and that your still up for it! Careful with the feather.........

    Needed the laughs this afternoon. Council meeting tonight with a billionaire developer playing 10 pin!
    Love a fight you know your either going to (maybe) barely squeak out a win, with multiple contusions, or loose (more than likely loose with multiple contusions) by a split decision.

    I've never had a non-processed cranberry. I should, behind blueberries its one of our larger exports in the state. I know I like the juice with vodka!

  54. Hola Everyone, A great Tuesday with a Dan Naddor. The theme was Unique, as is our blogger, Arglye, and our other weekday commentators.

    Hands up for Tales instead of yarns, and looking up Ivey. Otherwise this was a truyly enjoyable solve for me.

    We are lucky to have this group as family and thanks to Lemonade we have a very long list of constructors who keep us entertained. I never realized the number of constructors we have seen in the last six months--awesome.

    Also Lemonade, take care and rest and get better. I'm hoping for the best results ever with your most recent surgery.

    A coincidence of sorts. In our paper today a new Rhodes Scholar from Stanford U. played guitar in a rock band named, Occams Razor.

    Maniac, My PC grandson e-mailed yesterday and said that his first big job as a PCV is literally crap! He is going to be building latrines! I had to laught at your comment as we had a good laugh over his e-mail.

  55. Happy Tuesday before Thanksgiving Day,Everybody,

    I had to buy some eggs today and became engulfed by people with really, really loaded grocery carts! It does NOT make me long for the days of the large family gathering for the HOMECOOKED meal!
    We will all enjoy the beautiful Thanksgiving buffet presented here at the "home" , as we like to call our retirement village. Believe me, it's nothing like poor Buckeye's, thank the Lord for that!

    I did once prepare a Muscovy duck and it was delicious, but just about enough for two. Don't remember how I did it, just followed the directions. Your Peking Duck sounds wonderful, Jeannie.

    WH, please don't ask me to believe you didn't know pefectly well the definition for "perineal"!

    And Dennis, I read once that the perfect size for a woman's breast was what would fit in a champagne, not a flute! There's more to be considered than just quantity, y'know!

    Wonderful puzzle today. Being a nincompoop, though, I couldn't remember Yanni's name, thought it was Lanni, which gave me lar-s because I didn't know neu. But he is pretty forgettable. I caught it up after a bit of thought. The rest was a breeze. Loved the theme phrases. Hand up for thieves clue.

    How about "Magnifique Physique?" Too many letters? Argyle, your link would go with that.

    Gotta go. Seeya. dodo

  56. Hi gang -

    What a great puzzle from Dan today, who always minded his (whirled) peas and QUES.

    I guess this is a high I-QUE puzzle, and I cherished every moment of it.

    Poignant, though. For a variety of reasons, I have had death on my mind a lot these last few days. I know -- it's part of life -- but, still . . .

    Those thoughts prompted this senryu.

    What do you do when
    It is over too soon? You
    Celebrate the life.

    So - yes, let us celebrate whenever we have the gift of one of Dan's great works of art.

    Starting in about an hour and a half, I'll have a house full of grandchildren. Posting will be erratic for the next few days, but I will be sure to check in tomorrow.

    Since nobody else has done it, I offer the front of the alphabet.

    Buckeye - you are a work of art. After you were cast, they broke the mold. Rumor has it, they also beat the hell out of the mold maker, too. Really - you restore my faith in the otherwise bleak state of Ohio.

    Cheers, y'all!
    JzB who has a lot to be thankful for

  57. Lemonade, I hope you have a quick recovery and that your eye drops give you some relief.

    Argyle, thanks for all the work you put into the blog EVERY day. You always seem to find the right link.

    heartRX, "white house no, was not a gimme for me either. I put VEEP, as he doesn't live there.LOL

    Eddyb(or whoever)..I'm going to add Grand Marnier in the cranberries this year..sounds good.

    Dennis,thanks for the heads up on Fair Game - a terrific movie. Too bad it is not playing in very many theaters.

  58. Chickie,

    We always attempt a laugh a day here at the PWD. One of my favorites now that we operate the water system: "We getcha paying when the water coming and going!"

    CC, thanks for the update on the Naddor grids.

  59. #5
    The cherry tree story of the Father of our Country has him saying, "I can not tell a lie."
    The difference between George and me:
    I can, but I won't.
    So, Dodo;
    Yes, Ma'am, I did.

    And Lucina,
    Thank you.

  60. Am upset that I missed description of your eye problem, LEMONADE. I have to take Xibrom for the rest of my life. (They wouldn't let me use it in awful nursing home. Terrible consequences.) Have untreatable mascular degeneration too. You have my sympathies!

  61. Lemonade, your link to taint I couldn't open. How do you guys know all this stuff? I knew what perineal was but just for the heck of it I hit the g-spot, and found a link to a perineal massage. Is that what they call it now? Argyle, I must start hanging out on more mountain sides. It looks like that guy could use a pair of these.

  62. I believe for Buckeye and myself the appropriate phrase is what my father used to tell me, "Son, before you were born they broke the mold."

    Cracks make character, and characters make my day.

    Sorry about the brokem link; still not working with a full deck in oh so many ways.

    PS if there are typos TDB

  63. Dodo: Those cartoons are hysterical and timely, but I don't know how to post them. I only know how to post directly from a website.

  64. I was just reading a Thomas the Train book with Josh, and told him his father's name is Thomas, too. He gazed up at me with that, "Wow, you don't know nothin'" look you sometimes get from an not-quite-3-yr-old and said, "No Bumpa. He Dada."

    JzB the correctly put-in-his place Bumpa

  65. Grandson Jordan used to love Thomas the Tank Engine; books, videos and toys. We took him to visit Thomas at a train station about an hour away.

    He's six now and has gone through several iterations since then. Now he loves to read Calvin and Hobbes. Me too.

  66. Committed Asian WomanNovember 23, 2010 at 7:54 PM

    A final post ( to makeup for my months of no shows)

    I think Mr. Buckeye has a great attitude - I hope I can live as long - and if so, I hope I have half the attitude he displays. God bless him.

    But, I think, he has confused the type of Indian he is supposed to be representing - Red Indians or Native Americans did NOT wear loin cloths - they might not have had access to cotton and weaving technology but they were not stupid :-). They wore a thong like leather thingy, with rectangles on the front and the back, which was pretty modest as an outfit.

    On the other hand, some poor Indians from India wore ( and still do, I think ) loin cloths - primarily because of the heat. Gandhi certainly wore an elongated loin cloth. He even wore one when he met in audience with the British King-Emperor, George the 5th (in 1939 )!

    When asked, by a british reporter, why he had been so insistent on wearing a loincloth, when being presented to the King-Emperor, he replied 'The Emperor was wearing enough clothes for the both of us'.

    Dudley: Sorry, I did not mean to ignore you - I guess any duck will do, the plumpier the better.

    Jeannie: many thanks for your recipe - I can see you must be one fantastic cook - as they say - the path to a man's heart is through his stomach - you must have one contented man in your house. ( Careful - good food can also cause heart attacks !)

  67. CAW, I know some of my recipes are rich, but keep in mind I only use wholesome ingredients. You won't find a "box" of anything in my pantry except good pasta. Nor in my fridge or freezer. Heck, I grow my own herbs and dry them, and go so far to make my own version of "Lipton" onion soup mix. I won't go so far to say I buy only organic, but I want to be at Windhover's abode for his "homegrown" lamb. Gyros come to mind with the leftovers...

  68. I avoided the Taint comment this afternoon because I thought it was too risQue. Thanks for clearing up the link Jeannie. Also, you must have a box of something in your pantry. Your so wholesome you could be considered crunchy in these parts!! BTY, the wife's basil and oregano did fabulously here. Thyme, not so hot but what we've had is wicked tasty.

  69. I have been following you all for quite awhile plus doing the crosswords...what a great group and soooo entertaining as well as educational!

    Thank you for this op...

  70. Todays puzzle seemed more like a Monday's until I got to "netiquette". Never saw or heard the word (or term?) before, so could not make any sense of it, so it threw me for a loop.
    Per the Lemonade, am stopping by to say "Hello", and to thank CC and all who helped to create this blog and have worked so hard to keep it going, informative, educational, interesting, and entertaining. I usually stop by each week day afternoon to check my work and to see how the crew is doing. Seldom on weekends due to complexity of the puzzles and lack of free time.
    I have missed the lady from Sandbridge and the young single mother with the huge crop of zucchinis, and especially the musings of Buckeye. He is my favorite. Has been great to see his smiling face again in the last few days. I wish him well.
    Wishing to all a pleasant Thanksgiving and week end.
    Old Sage in Virginia Beach


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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