, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Dan Naddor LAT Puzzle Summary

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Apr 17, 2011

Dan Naddor LAT Puzzle Summary

This is it. Audiovisual Aids is our final puzzle from Dan Naddor. 

Dan started constructing in the summer of 2006. He had total 158 puzzles published by the LA Times, 37 of which were given to us after he passed away in Dec 2009. Dan also had 4 puzzles published by the NY Times. He also contributed to The Crosswords Club.

Rich Norris, editor for the LA Times Daily Crossword & The Crosswords Club, has kindly provided us the below list of all puzzles Dan constructed, with dates, theme type & the theme.

Argyle broke down the total 158 puzzles to (Thanks for catching the missing one from Cruciverb, Al):

Monday 4
Tuesday 11
Wednesday 36
Thursday 37
Friday 49
Saturday 1 (It's a themed 4th of July puzzle)
Sunday  20

76 of the above puzzles were covered in this blog.

Dan was talented, hard-working & passionate about crossword construction. He knew what he wanted and he did it his way, always squishing in more theme entries. He's not afraid to defend himself when he's wronged, and he's not afraid to apologize when he's wrong, as we have witnessed a few times on the blog. In Dennis' word, a very stand-up guy.

I feel lucky to know him a bit via his puzzles.


Stats from Rich:

Sunday puzzles:

2/18/2007 SUN wordplay Idiotic Idioms

7/1/2007 SUN anagrams Home Remodeling

12/2/2007 SUN wordplay An Ical for your thoughts

1/13/2008 SUN wordplay contrived phrases with four consecutive bigrams: did idi divide ugandans, etc.

3/2/2008 SUN trigram drop ITY

5/25/2008 SUN related names California Pros

7/13/2008 SUN sound change Chuck Schwa

10/12/2008 SUN sound change thr -> fr "On Finn Ice"

11/23/2008 SUN wordplay Not more of the same

1/4/2009 SUN sound change "-ed" to T

2/1/2009 SUN embedded words Buried Treasure

2/22/2009 SUN special Star search

4/19/2009 SUN trigram add TOP - Put a Lid on It

8/30/2009 SUN letter add Organ Transplants

10/11/2009 SUN sound change Why Yes -- added Y sound

12/6/2009 SUN embedded word Subliminal Messages

1/3/2010 SUN bigram add LI - "51 Pickup"

2/7/2010 SUN trigram add SUB - "Hero's Welcome"

4/4/2010 SUN bigram add DL - "Sidelined"

4/17/2011 SUN bigram add AV - Audiovisual Aids

Weekday puzzles:

10/11/2006 synonyms Baloney

10/26/2006 word after out of

1/3/2007 repeated clue MAJORS

1/25/2007 word before guard

2/28/2007 related expressions hot dog toppings

3/14/2007 repeated clue DRIVE

4/2/2007 special baseball

4/18/2007 rhyme escher

4/27/2007 puns state names

5/8/2007 word after shot(s)

5/23/2007 word before keepers

6/1/2007 wordplay reversals

6/7/2007 related expressions two-letter alpha lead-in

6/20/2007 ending initial

7/19/2007 word after pay

8/2/2007 same clue PRESS

8/17/2007 puns elmer fudd

8/30/2007 special cross country - geographical puzzle

9/13/2007 repeated clue hang tough

9/26/2007 word before weight

10/12/2007 wordplay literal placement of idiom

11/2/2007 bigram drop SC

11/14/2007 wordplay contiguous opposites

11/23/2007 same clue beats around the bush - graphically in puzzle (THE BUSH in center, answers to BEAT clues surrounding it)

12/11/2007 related expressions banking

12/21/2007 puns metal

1/2/2008 homonyms saks

1/18/2008 letter add SS -> SSS

1/30/2008 related expressions current events

2/8/2008 letter add O -> OO

2/20/2008 letter sequence II in phrases

3/7/2008 embedded words Wheres the beef

3/18/2008 sequence eighth, quarter, half, whole

3/27/2008 word before BOARD - both parts of answer

4/4/2008 letter sub IA for AI

4/17/2008 unique compass pt. puzzle

4/28/2008 initials J and B

5/8/2008 related names fictional bird names

5/21/2008 same clue euphoric

6/5/2008 synonyms leave

6/13/2008 wordplay name addition

6/19/2008 homonyms mayne

6/27/2008 puns monkey / ape

7/9/2008 homonyms thai, ty, tae, tai, tie

7/23/2008 related expressions animal coverings

8/1/2008 bigram add OB

8/8/2008 trigram drop ENT

8/22/2008 puns film mickelson

9/3/2008 word before service

9/11/2008 sequence aeiou in phrases

9/19/2008 against the grain

9/26/2008 puns clothes

10/8/2008 word before MAN - superheroes (Dan and Mike Naddor)

10/23/2008 synonyms

10/30/2008 related expressions RR crossings

11/7/2008 sound change p to b

11/13/2008 word before dollar - with $ sign in grid

11/20/2008 puns oo endings

12/3/2008 sequence w/ wordplay first second third last

12/11/2008 punchline entry what's the damage

12/19/2008 wordplay truncated it's

12/30/2008 sequence

1/9/2009 special Battleship puzzle

1/15/2009 related names cities ending in EE

1/23/2009 sound change the -> DE

2/13/2009 letter add R becomes RR

2/27/2009 bigram add AR

3/5/2009 hidden word insect

3/13/2009 bigram add UM

3/24/2009 wordplay reverse cities

4/2/2009 homonym in clues pauly, pauley, paulie, polly, poly

4/15/2009 same word ending ough - all different pronunciations

4/23/2009 hidden word bean salad

4/30/2009 wordplay word + ATE = homonym

5/8/2009 bigram drop EY from key words

5/18/2009 initials R and B (foods)

5/29/2009 letter sub I to U

6/4/2009 synonyms flops, duds, bombs, etc.

6/18/2009 related expressions two X's in each theme answer (Dos Equis)

6/26/2009 sound change ed -> eld

7/4/2009 special July 4th "themeless" style

7/9/2009 related expressions brokerese

7/17/2009 letter sub DD for TT

7/23/2009 repeated clue Take 6

7/31/2009 sound change SK to X

8/6/2009 synonyms palling around

8/14/2009 trigram drop no WAY

8/21/2009 letter add N + N

8/26/2009 related expressions court business

9/11/2009 word substitution two for one

9/17/2009 word after table

9/22/2009 rhyme / homonyms russell, mussel, muscle, rustle

9/29/2009 related expressions food combos

10/9/2009 bigram add GO

10/16/2009 letter sub V for W

10/22/2009 rhyme--different spelling

10/30/2009 letter drop Q (sound)

11/4/2009 anagrams inlets

11/13/2009 letter add R to make ER

11/18/2009 word before bar patrons

11/27/2009 puns medieval

12/10/2009 synonyms phenomenal

12/18/2009 bigram add RY

12/25/2009 trigram add ANCE

12/30/2009 bigram repeat PH - two in each answer

1/8/2010 letter sub MM to MP

1/13/2010 word before defense

1/19/2010 related names nicknames

1/26/2010 word before San (cities)

2/3/2010 hidden word jabber - synonyms start phrases

2/19/2010 trigram drop AGE - phonetically

3/4/2010 word chain

3/19/2010 puns German

4/16/2010 trigram drop TLE

4/28/2010 wordplay dishes

5/10/2010 related expressions names with J

5/26/2010 word after world - WORLD LEADER

6/10/2010 related words silent letters begin

6/23/2010 letter pattern esses

7/8/2010 word after shoot the

7/21/2010 synonyms fast

8/5/2010 synonyms arrest

8/18/2010 synonyms changers

9/2/2010 palindromes

9/14/2010 related expressions meds

9/29/2010 split word stock

10/13/2010 sequence wealth

10/27/2010 related things tools

11/12/2010 letter add U

11/23/2010 related words two word -ique -ique phrases

12/8/2010 synonyms midgets

12/22/2010 word before panel

1/14/2011 letter drop K from CK

1/27/2011 word before grudge (Dan Naddor & Doug Peterson)

2/18/2011 pun presidents

3/2/2011 unique one syllable words, nine letters

3/18/2011 trigram drop ing

4/1/2011 special backwards theme for April 1, 2011


  1. Thanks for this synopsis of Dan Naddor's puzzles, C.C. I can no go back and either catch up on some I missed, or re-do some favorites. This was a nice tribute to Mr. Naddor.

    Through your blog, I gained an appreciation of the puzzle constructors. Thank you, C.C.

  2. Thank you C.C., Rich, Argyle and Al for putting together that summary. Just like all of Dan's puzzles, you provided a bonus level to this special day.

    Dan, you were appreciated, your work was enjoyed, and your memory will live on forever. You had a huge impact on a lot of people, and are greatly missed.

  3. C.C. et al: Thank you for this great piece of history and work. I probably have done some of Dan's puzzles in prior years, but did not know it. I never used to look at the names of the constructors. I do now.


  4. I, too, would like to thank you C.C. and Rich for the list of Dan's puzzles. What a remarkable achievement! He presented us with wonderful enjoyment and great challenges and I appreciate not only the privilege of doing his puzzles but it was the obscurity of some clues that brought me to this blog.

    Dan is missed and remembered. RIP, Dan.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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