, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Thursday, April 21, 2011 Neville L. Fogarty

Gary's Blog Map

Apr 21, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011 Neville L. Fogarty

Theme: Backronyms, sort of. Common internet TLAs (Three-Letter Acronyms) are reinterpreted as a new phrase, and the pairings appear together, each pair on the same row in the grid..

17A. Acquire incriminating info (on), as hinted by 19-Across: GET THE GOODS.

19A. "I'm heading out," in netspeak: GTG. Got To Go.

32A. "Here's how I see it," in netspeak: IMO. In My Opinion

33A. Lament about a lost opportunity, as hinted by 32-Across: I MISSED OUT.

38A. "Break time's over," as hinted by 41-Across: BACK TO WORK.

41A. "Oh, and did I mention ...," in netspeak: BTW. By The Way.

55A. "That's too funny!" in netspeak: LOL. Laugh Out Loud.

56A. Charity for young alopecia sufferers, as hinted by 55-Across: LOCKS OF LOVE. Getting long hair cut short to make wigs.

Hi all, Al here. That's one way to minimize the effects of having small abbreviations as grid fill, make them be part of the theme!  Eight theme entries today; it's "odd" to have a high even number of clues.


1. "__: Legacy": 2010 sci-fi sequel: TRON.

5. Chihuahua city: JUAREZ.

11. Is for all?: ARE. Verbs, forms of "to be".  I am, he is, you are. Just another reason English is maddening to learn.

14. Top-notch: A-ONE.

15. 2010 World Cup campeĆ³n: ESPANA. Champion, Spain.  Waka Waka. I could have linked a vuvuzuela vid instead...

16. Polar abbr.: NEG. Battery poles, negative and positive.

20. Ethically indifferent: AMORAL. Neutral, as opposed to immoral.

21. Facebook friends, e.g.: USERS.

23. Pearl weights: CARATS. 1 carat = 200 milligrams, 0.007055 oz, the weight of an average carob seed.

25. Stone's 14: Abbr.: LBS. One stone = 14 pounds.  no longer a "legal" measurement, but still customarily used to express a person's weight. Not all stone measures are the same, just as troy pounds do not equal avoirdupois pounds.  So a pound of feathers really does weigh more than a pound of gold...

28. First-century B.C. pharaoh, briefly: CLEO.patra

29. "... but a __ without a cat!": Alice: GRIN. Alice in Wonderland, the Cheshire Cat.

30. Pay-per-view event: BOUT. Old English byht, a bend, in the sense of a circuit, as a plow path. Evolved to a "round" of any sort of exercise, to a round at fighting, or of drinking.

31. Color in a stable: ROAN. Reddish brown cattle or horses.

36. Unexpected issue: SNAG. The stump of a tree or a branch, Old Norse snaggi, a clothes peg. From the sense of steamboats getting caught on stumps lodged in riverbeds.

37. Bracelet bit: BEAD. From Old English gebed "prayer", as the beads of a rosary.

44. Bullish start?: TAUR. Latin prefix form of taurus, the bull.

45. Eliza's 'elper: 'ENRY. George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion. Oh, ok, if I must, the movie My Fair Lady.

46. Storied cocky racer: HARE. Aesop's fable

47. Poet Pound: EZRA.

48. Check out: SEE.

49. Slatted containers: CRATES.

51. Rich soils: LOAMS.

53. Wood shop device: C CLAMP. Shaped just as it is named.

61. Scrape up, with "out": EKE.

62. Turn right?: ORIENT. To right something, as in to put it in an upright position, not to "gee" as per horse instructions.

63. Mideast airline: EL AL. Hebrew, to the skies.

64. "Norma __": RAE. Sally Field. The subject matter of unions has been much in the news of late.

65. Large TV family: BRADYS. It's the story/ of a lovely lady/ who was bringing up three very lovely girls...

66. Marathon prep, maybe: TEN-K. 26.2 miles (42 Kilometers) vs 6.2 miles (10 Kilometers)


1. Playground runaround?: TAG.

2. Fish delicacy: ROE. I wonder about the first person who thought it would be a good idea to eat fish eggs.

3. Michigan neighbor: ONTARIO. As has been previously mentioned, a part of Windsor Canada lies south of Detroit.

4. Court figure: NET MAN. Tennis, badminton?  Others?

5. Greets the visitors: JEERS. Sports rivals, not Big Box Mart.

6. Open org.: USGA. Golf.

7. Good-lookers: APOLLOS. Adonises.

8. 1991-'96 Indian prime minister: RAO.

9. Put the kibosh on: END.

10. Silents star Pitts: ZASU. Two family members named EliZA and SUsan each wanted her to be named for them.

11. "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" autobiographer: ANGELOU. Maya.

12. Private place: RETREAT.

13. Exhorts: EGGS ON. From Latin exhortari "to encourage, stimulate"

18. Gossip-worthy: HOT.

22. New England catch: SCROD. A guy hops into a cab and asks the driver, "My good man, take me someplace where I can get scrod." The cabbie replies, "Pal, that's the first time I've ever been asked that in the passive pluperfect subjunctive."

23. "Avatar" spec. effects: CGI. Computer Generated Imagery.

24. Upper limb: ARM.

26. Water bearer, maybe: BUSBOY.

27. One in a herd: STEER.

30. It often gets away, so we've heard: BIG ONE.

33. Cartridge filler: INK. Printers, not ammunition.

34. Partners: MATES.

35. Deadwood's terr.: DAK. An HBO series about crime and corruption in early South Dakota.

36. "Get lost!": SCRAM. Could be a shortened form of "scramble" or possibly from German "schramm": depart.

38. Antitank weapon: BAZOOKA. From name of a junkyard musical instrument used as a prop by U.S. comedian Bob Burns; extension of bazoo, slang for "mouth" or "boastful talk", probably from Dutch bazuin "trumpet."

39. Civil War love song: AURA LEE. The melody was used by Elvis for "Love Me Tender".

40. Totaled: WRECKED.

41. Robin's way down: BATPOLE. Robin's pole was smaller in diameter than Batman's.  Just sayin'...

42. Uno e due: TRE. Italian (I think).

43. Bentley of "Ghost Rider": WES. Played a demon, Blackheart, pitted at the end against Nicolas Cage's Johnny Blaze, who sold his soul to Mephistopheles, Blackheart's father.

44. One taking a lot of notes: TELLER. Bank notes, i.e. money.

46. Claudius' nephew: HAMLET.

49. Congeals: CLOTS. As with cream or blood.

50. Brit. fliers: RAF. Royal Air Force.

52. Pig at the table: SLOB. I wanted CHOP or LOIN first, but tricksy Thursday.  Although, there wasn't too much of this today.

54. "Ohio" folk-rock quartet, initially: CSNY. Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.

57. Hockey great: ORR. Bobby.  Played defense, but won the league scoring title.

58. "Covert Affairs" org.: CIA. Central Intelligence Agency.

59. Soccer mom's need: VAN. Don't see all that many station wagons any more, or at least, I don't.

60. Hooved grazer: ELK.



  1. Morning, all!

    Tough Thursday outing for me. The theme was definitely helpful once I got it, but it took awhile to get since I initially picked the wrong "netspeak" initials for 19A (I had BRB for "Be Right Back") and I've never heard of LOCKS OF LOVE before.

    The SW corner was the second most difficult spot, due to TAUR crossing AURALEE. I'm not familiar with the song, and the prefix looks like it's missing a letter on the end (although I'm pretty sure I've seen it in puzzles before).

    The most difficult spot, however (and the place where I almost threw in the towel) was right at the top central section. I did not know Juarez, did not know RAO (strongly considered TAO), once again had SASU instead of Zasu (will I never learn?) and it took FOREVER for me to get the trick with JEERS. I actually had _EERS at 5D for quite awhile and kept going through the alphabet from beginning to end with no luck. I finally went through the alphabet with _AO at 8D, and when I put in the "R" everything quickly fell into place in my mind -- I realized that 10D was actually Zasu, I remembered Juarez from somewhere, and finally got that "visitors" were the visiting team and not guests in your house.

  2. Other slightly less difficult spots were CSNY at 54D (who?) and TENK at 66A (what's a tenk? Oh -- it's a 10-K). I also had BUCKET instead of BUSBOY for awhile at 26D, which slowed things down considerably.

    All in all, a challenging, yet still fun, puzzle.

  3. Good Morning Al, C.C. et al.

    Al, your write up was a virtual encyclopedia of information this morning! I cracked up over your explanation of the tense for SCROD. And the BATPOLE. Hmmm, mini-theme?

    I picked and poked at this one until it was done. I can't say that I had particular trouble in any one spot. The entire thing was just slow going. But with a few letters peeking out, the entries finally came into focus one by one.

    I liked "Water bearer" for BUSBOY and "One taking lots of notes" for TELLER. I had _ELLER, and had to resort to Barry's trick of going through the alphabet before I finally had the V8 moment.

    Nice Thursday level, and great use of internet lingo to round out a puzzle, IMO . LOL. ...GTG! !

  4. Good morning, friends. I thought this was a very clever theme. It came to me with BTW.

    When I had my long hair cut, about 10 years ago, I donated it to LOCKS OF LOVE.

    I thought it was THE ONE that got away, but I guess the BIG ONE can get away as well.

    If you haven't seen TRON:Legacy, I recommend you skip it. I loved the original movie, but the sequel, which came out 20 years later, could not live up to the original.

    I heard a variation of the SCROD joke at an official Boston promotional event years ago. I was rather surprised, since the joke, although very funny, is a bit risque.

    I took my sister, who is visiting me this week, to Avery Island, where we saw critter that is my avatar.

    QOD: I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. ~ Robert McCloskey

  5. Good Morning C.C., Al, and all,

    Al, you really got me sorted out on stuff. Fill that made no sense to me- that’s what I’m talking about.

    TAUR and AURALEE, in particular; NEG too. I finally parsed TENK. A rough puzzle for me; yet, lots of fun and satisfaction.
    I wanted ‘car’ for VAN forever, which kept me wanting to say ‘locks of lice’- egads no!- the one thing alopecia suffers don’t have to worry about.

    When I saw Neville’s name I couldn’t remember whether he was tricky or not . 11A confirmed he was a master at ‘tricky’.I won’t be forgetting this workout any time soon. Thanks.

    Going back to Al’s Place for a couple of links.

    Have a nice day everyone.

  6. "Passive pluperfect subjunctive":


  7. WTF, I actually knew the "netspeak" soooo the themes fell early.

    The rest I EKEd out, slowly but surely.
    Though it was tough going, there will be no JEERS for this 'smart and FUN' Thursday offering.

    Since I WRECKED (totaled) my Scion Tc on 1/4/11 that was a gimmie.
    (New Honda-CRZ is getting an avg.of 37 MPG's each fill).

    Fave was that BIG-ONE that often gets away.
    (Could also be 'something-to-bite').

    Had SUV for that Soccer Mom before the TEN-K got her a VAN. (Yeah, Barry G. I looked at 'tenk' a while before the V-8 can-smack brought it into view).

    Cheers to all at Sunset !!!

  8. Good day folks,

    After looking over Neville's offering, I began with a feeling this was a definite DNF. The netspeak lingo had me concerned because of my techie limitations and what appeared to be several clue beyond my scope of knowledge. But lo and behold, this turned out to be one of the most pleasant solves I've experienced in some time.

    I had to jump back and forth from the start, filling in one or two across then a couple of downs, and things began to come together, I figured out the relationship between the netspeak clues and the clue associated with it with IMO.

    Still there were plenty of clues that did not turn my bulb on. 1A, ... Legacy; 28A Was Cleo a Pharaoh? I always thought it was a Masculine term.56A alopecia is a new term to me.

    Of course there were some initial entry goofs too. Had one for is for all. Still don't get are. Wanted Annalee for Auralee, car instead of van for 59A and added up for totaled.

  9. (continued)

    Really tried hard to get Steno in for 44D, but Teller is one of my favorites today. Also like Jeers for Greets the visitors. I remember those receptions from "back in the day."

    There's plenty more I could address about todays puzzle, but I've already overstayed my welcome so I'll close simply by saying, I'll look forward to some more of Neville's constructing in the future. It was a fun trip that had to be worked, but proved doable.

    CC, my apology for the length of todays posts,

  10. Hondo:

    I had the same question about Cleopatra -- I've always thought of her as a queen. But I guess Pharaoh is probably just the generic term for "Ruler of Egypt" or something. And according to Wikipedia, "Cleopatra was titled Pharoah in 51BC after the death of her father, Ptolemy XII and the other siblings in her family."

    With regard to "Is for all," it's simply asking what form of "to be" would be used with "all". In other words, you would say "he is" and "she is" but you would say "all are" instead of "all is". But don't worry -- all is not lost if you still don't get it... ^_^

  11. Barry,

    I get it now, but if I was starting anew, I'd still go with one "for all." Just another DUH moment.

  12. That's fine -- as I said, all is not lost even if you do have trouble with it. But don't worry, all is forgiven. After all, all is fair in love and war, right? All I ask is that puzzles have precise clues.

    All of this is giving me a headache...

  13. Good morning Al, et al.,

    Thank you for the write-up! I hope the netspeak wasn't too tricky for anyone - I tried to make this theme accessible to everyone wherein getting one answer would help immensely on the other side of the puzzle - it seems there's a fair amount of agreement there. :)

    creature, I don't know that I'm usually too tricky - there's a heavy hand that goes into editing my puzzles by Rich Norris. I'm gladit gave you a worout either way.

    Have to run - Easter traveling!


  14. Good morning all. Again, I could use Barry's first post to describe my problem areas, but the problems he related in his second post were smooth sailing for me.

    Hahtool, your avatar and my avatar should get together sometime... or maybe not. LOL.

    FWIW, IMO, this was a really good Thursday level puzzle. BBL, GTG.

  15. Al, et al, what a fun puzzle! The abbr.’s served as a Rosetta Stone on a couple of the fills and fresh cluing abounded – NEG, LBS, TAUR, BATPOLE, TENK. Great references Al, especially CSNY! Protesting kids facing kid soldiers.

    -Juarez is the murder capital of the world. What a mess!
    -I am firmly convinced you have to be raised with soccer to enjoy it.
    -I thought all pharaohs were male.
    -Marcia Brady’s tell-all bio shows that this was NOT Ozzie and Harriet’s home!
    -AURALEE was a staple of boy’s high school choruses in my salad days
    -I know a lot of coaches who have had issues with soccer moms. “Hey, I didn’t pay $300 for my kid to sit on the bench!”
    -X Across Web obscenity for, “Huh?” – WTF
    -Y Across Production Company for Rowan Atkinson - Working Title Films

  16. Thank you for the great puzz, blog, and comments this a.m. All top notch and immensely enjoyed! GTG,LOL.

  17. Good morning all. Great commentary, Al.

    Enjoyed most of the solve. I had to ggl HAMLET and CSNY to get the SE. Had TENK and then finally parsed it correctly 'ten k'. Loved some of the misdirection such as JEERS. My visiting daughter helped with the CGI/GRIN cross. Nice challenge, Neville.

    Enjoy the day.

  18. Hello fellow solvers!

    Great puzzle, Neville! Really got a kick out of it. Write-up excellent, Al. JEERS was my problem word, even though I put in JUAREZ immediately after having the Z. ARE was no problem. We have had this before several times, methinks. Would you believe that I read ETHICALLY AS ethnically on the first pass?

    Have been horribly sleepy the past few days. As some of you know, that is very peculiar. What now?

    Heck--I was really looking forward to Tron on cable!

    C.C. and Don--thanks for yesterday's fine puzzle!

    Am slogging through early version of Dr. Zhivago on DVR. Tough to follow, for me. Some extremely depressing action. Probably should read the book instead. Anyone else seen it recently or remembered the details?

    EFN--enough for now!

  19. I found the puzzle rather tough - am not familiar, and consequently ignorant of net acronyms.

    Al, wonderful writeup - you put in a lot of effort ( as ALL of you do - ) and it shows. The scrod joke was superlative present perfect !

    'Rao', means 'gentleman' ( generally an educated fellow -). This Rao was not particularly noted for anything, and kept his job because of simple inertia. Probably the most common last name among south indians - C R Rao ( statistician ) is prob the most distinguished.

    Hahtool, there are 2chapters on the McIlhenny family and Avery Island in Mark Kurlansky's magnum opus and best seller, 'Salt' which you perhaps may have read. (Not to be confused with the bogus, nonsensical Salt starring Anjelina Jolie.)

  20. Hello.

    Really loved the theme.

    Did the puzzle while listening to
    WXYT-FM again. PHX is the first to be eliminated from Round 1. Now they have to wait to see if and when they play next year. They could move back to Winnipeg.

    Two games went to double OT last night. It is getting very tense on the ice.

    How can someone not love Hockey when there are games like SJ coming
    from 4 goals down and winning in OT?

    Take care.

  21. Hi gang -

    This was a really good puzzle with a clever, original theme, and pretty close to crash and burn for me. I totaled the most favoritest car I ever had on the Southfield freeway about 20 years age, and still couldn't suss WRECKED.

    Couldn't get the LBS - STEERS cross. Pried ORIENT out very slowly, but still didn't get it.

    All things considered, not having a good brain day.

    Neville - thanks for stopping in. You got me today.

    Well GTG, and BACK TO WORK - it sucks, but I have to run the vacuum.

    JzB who first heard it as "might have been able to get scrod" ---> "present perfect passive subjunctive"

  22. Good day, Puzzlers! Thank you, Al, for an always informative blog and a joke! Very funny. LOL

    It took me a while to get into this one as I'm no techie, but familiar enough with IMO, LOL, BTW and WAGGED GTG. I never text messages.

    My daughter has twice donated her hair to LOCKSOFLOVE.

    Very nice to see JUAREZ stacked over ESPANA.

    JEERS didn't make sense at first and neither did TENK until as most of you, the light went on oh, TEN K.

    CSNY escaped me completely so had to Ggle it and then CCLAMP emerged. Oh! May I borrow the V-8 can?

    I knew BAZOOKA as bubble gum.

    I would like to say I loved this but can do so only in the sense that I love all xwd puzzles. Great effort by Neville.

    Have a beautiful Thursday, everyone!

  23. This felt more like an early week puzzle for me. Perhaps if 19A, 32A, 41A, and 55A were each clued solely as "NETSPEAK" with no other qualifiers...

    @FermatPrime - TRON:Legacy is definitely worth seeing. Not as good as the original, but still a fun popcorn movie. Just don't expect a sequel on a par with Godfather II, and you'll be fine.

    @Al - Eight theme entries is not odd - it's even.

  24. Hello everybody. What Barry G said. Bye everybody.

  25. Barry G, you really do have skill at explaining things. Articulate, too.

    I never did fill in the U where TAUR crossed AURALEE. I want to think it's because I forgot to go back to revisit it after filling the rest, but actually I think it's because I really didn't know it. Like many of you, I didn't "get" JEERS until coming here and reading Al's terrific writeup. CSNY had me going "Huh?" for a while, too, but the light bulb did finally go off (on?).

    Loved the SCROD joke! Thanks!

  26. This puzzle had a perfect degree of difficulty for my capabilities. Got TENK from the perps but didn't understand the meaning until reading the summary from Don and CC. I wanted SEATS for JEERS at first, and NETBOY for NETMAN. I also wasn't sure about USGA - thought it might be USTA.

    Had to Ggle the Cheshire Cat's GRIN (I should have had a V8) and the love song AURALEE. I was born a little too late to be a big Elvis fan, so I didn't know that "Love Me Tender" was a derivative of the tune.

    Kudos to Neville for a challenging yet approachable puzzle.

  27. Hi.

    I need a wrench. The wheel chair came and some assembly required.

    Haven't seen Dr Z for a long while.
    Did watch Lawrence of Arabia the other night.

    Used to have scrod at the Parker House in Boston. They served it poached in a cream sauce.

    Off to race up and down the sidewalk.

    See you tomorrow. eddy

  28. It's proper name is "Aura Lea" NOT LEE!!!!! Thats why I was stumped. But I reluctantly changed it. I have civil war books that name it that. Other books state it is incorrectly known as Aura Lee too, possibly after the Southern Gentlemen General. Thanx all.

  29. Hi Al, C.C. and all,

    Al, great enlightener of many sticky spots today. Barry and Jayce said it all, and so much better. I also DNT the taUr/aUralee crossing.The J in jeers had me too for a looong time.

    tenk...what can I say.

    Loved locks of love, such a great organization. It takes 6-10 ponytails to make one hairpiece, and the donations must be 10 inches long. Lucina, what a wonderful daughter to give such a gift!

    Cleopatra was not the only female pharoah. The one we hear about the most is Hatshepsut, who wore the fake beard of the pharoah.Others , not so well known, were Nitocris, Sobeknofru, and Twosret. Most were co regents with a son or nephew that was too young to rule.

  30. JD:
    Thank you. Yes, I believe she is very special. Her work in the mental health area has given her some deep insight into people's suffering.

  31. JD- Don't forget Pharoah Fawcett.

  32. Curse you Jerome, I'm going to tell your mummy. Plus you forgot to mention Mia Pharaoh.

  33. Net man, in doubles tennis, is the partner who is stationed near the net during his or her partner's service. I was thinking it was the net cord judge who is the official responsible for calling lets on service. This judge sits at one end of the net, and rests one hand on top of the net in order to feel vibrations set up if the ball hits the net cord. (let)

  34. JD: - Was one of the Pharoahs named Ludicris - twin brother (fraternal) of Nitocris ?( That was probably the downfall of the dynasty - they all took a bad rap.) Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the pharoah of us all. One of the pharoahs sailed north and settled in the Pharoah islands, and promptly set up an industry making, what else, pharoah alloys.

  35. Al- I may have mentioned this before... if so, I have the luxory of being in denile. But if you'd peer amid my other posts you'd find I once said Farah took a course in Egyptian plumbing. She was a Pharoah Faucet Major.

  36. Lots of funny quotes today, I didn't understand TENK == 10 K until I came here.

    For Anon @2:25 Here's "AURA LEA" - Ladies & Love Songs of the Civil War-Tom Roush

  37. All right you guys. This has gone Pharaoh nuff!


  38. Without interjecting politics, may I humbly state that the song 'Ohio' gives a very wrong and misleading picture of what happened at Kent State University on Monday, May 4, 1970. The Ohio National Guard were called by the Governor because there was rioting, mayhem, looting and vandalism - more than a mere war protest. The shooting by the soldiers was preceded by and instigated by 3 shots FROM within the crowd, directed at the soldiers. This has been investigated by at least 4 commissions and numerous lawsuits - and has gone all the way to the Ohio Supreme Court. Read Wiki ('Kent State shootings' ) for details - and let us at least be aware of the correct version of the truth.

  39. Kent State alum, what prompted that?

  40. Anon @ 5:33,
    The CSNY song "Ohio" is about the 'Kent State Massacre' that occurred on May 4, 1970, where the National Guard fired into a crowd of people; killing 4 and wounding 9. The song is told from the point of the crowd and accuses the NG of brutality. In spite of all the commissions mentioned by Kent State alum, the songs version tends to dominate the beliefs of those that lived through that era.

  41. Jerome, JzB, and guys are goof balls! I really only know about Hatshepsut; just liked the sound of those other 3...wonder if they had nick names.

  42. JD, really glad you're back.. you west coast girls know how to go on..yeah

  43. You all are a bunch of goof balls. Ain't it great?

  44. I really loved this puzzle, although it took way over an hour to complete. Got started this morning and then went to work for 6 hours. Came home and attacked it with great determination. I had no trouble with the netspeak clues and theme answers, it was everything else that was a slog.

    Little by little, letter by letter, and clue by clue, I finally finished. Hand up for "one" for "are". I was with Barry on the top central section, but when I remembered Spain won the World Cup, it finally came together.

    Thanks, Al, for a great writeup and for including the link to Waka Waka and not that horrible sounding vuvuzuela that drove me crazy - finally had to watch the games muted.

    Think I'm at the limit. See part II

  45. Have to say it's a good thing I wasn't drinking coffee, or toasting the sunset at 3:02 and 3:25 - Jerome and Al, I'd be out buying a new monitor about now!

    Thanks to Neville for a great piece of work - and I mean that. I had to really work this puzzle, but felt great satisfaction when I finally got it.

  46. A bit of a workout today, huh? I did like it though because the clues, in my humble opinion, were clever but not too obtuse.
    Maya Angelou lives in NC and is a professor at Wake Forest University. Ezra Pound, also a poet like Angelou, was clued in today's puzzle. Pound was an ex-patriot and lived in Italy. His love-child daughter, Mary. lived in the castle where her father spent the last part of his life. For many years the castle has been a place for college students to live while doing a semester abroad. Our daughter spent 6 months there and loved it!
    Thanks for the super blog today, Al!

  47. KSA:
    How many "versions of the truth" are there?
    I'm not sure how old you were in 1970, but I was 25. What I saw were pictures of girls shoving flowers down the barrels of NG gun barrels.
    I've also seen video, not 30 years later by a whitewash commission, but days after the event. The NG fired indiscriminantly into groups of students that were nowhere near them and not threatening them. "Shots from the crowd" is a lie that can not be corroborated. The "truth" is that the demonstrators, while loud and rowdy, were not violent, and the NG commanding officer was responding to Richard Nixon's "law and order" policy, designed primarily to appeal to stupid white people who were afraid of rioting urban black people. What we got was dead white kids, some of whom weren't even involved in the demonstrations, but were onlookers.
    What we learned on May 4, 1970 is that when given the order to fire on unarmed demonstrators, there are those in the U.S., just as there are in other countries, those who will obey the order.
    You can revise history all you like, but in fact truth doesn't come in "versions".

  48. Windhover, AGAIN, please keep the political rhetoric off this blog. It's obvious you like being the 'tough guy' on the blog (by the way, where's Dennis?), but you always push your own agenda.

  49. Ezra Pound wasn't exactly a mild-mannered ex-pat poet. He was an insane antisemitic fascist who called Hitler "a Jeanne d'Arc, a saint,". He was charged with treason for his radio broadcasts from Italy during WWII and spent 13 years in a U.S. mental hospital after the war. He returned to Italy in 1958, where he continued his wacko ways until he withered away and died in 1972.

    It's too bad he was such a nutcase because he was also a talented poet.

  50. And while I'm at it, there is nothing political, and no agenda, involved in relating something that happened. I have friends who are KSU grads, one of whom was present that day, and it was reported exhaustively for weeks. The revisionism came later.
    I am not antimilitary, and what happened in Kent, Ohio should transcend all politics and political philosophy. My comment was not political, but in any case, what I say here is none of your damned business. Butt out.

  51. Windhover, I lived near there, had friends going to school there and knew and worked with the NG Major. I've been on Blanket Hill many times, both before and after. You're entitled to believe your version of what happened. I happen to believe your version is badly distorted when you say there was no threat. I suppose the fires at the ROTC building were spontaneous combustion.

    Yes, it was a tragedy, brought on in large part by inexperienced troops that were faced with a different type of situation than what they had been trained for. Add to that the outside agitators that were determined to create an incident and the results were almost inevitable.

    America did learn lessons that day that hopefully won't be forgotten.

  52. You do like to hear yourself talk, don't you?

  53. Grumpy1:
    I'm posting one last time tonight for two reasons:
    To let you know that the previous Anon post was NOT me, and probably was addressed to me rather than you, anyway, and
    To let you know that you have earned my respect here over months, and we will agree to disagree, respectfully, about those events. And whoever is right or whatever the truth might be, you're right in calling it a tragedy.

  54. Wow. I have learned many lessons today reading the blog. First of all, I didn't have the chance to attempt the puzzle as "something called chasing a late truck" came into play as well as getting last minute accounting done as our period ends tomorrow.

    Anon, WH has his own opinons and reader beware, is very well READ. The only thing I would ever challenge him on is a recipe for Fried Chicken. Then again I have the secret recipe from Thelma (also from KY).

    As MFCounselor would say, breathe easy folks!


  55. Since in 1953 I was stationed in the USARMY at Ft. Bliss/White Sands,and spent every off-duty minute of my time in Ciudad Juarez,I had no difficulty with this wonderful puzzle! Ole Amigos!

  56. One other thing, I have been curious on what the "Irish" is all about. She is obviously well read as well as very attractive. Having the "Irish" in her can you just imagine the conversations that exist in their humble home? I'd love to be a fly on the wall.

    I'm thinking WH loses, and it's never a dull moment.

    In honor of the puzzle today...


  57. We all learned a slightly different version of Aura Lea in Junior High:

    "If you have to take vaccine,
    Take it Aura Lea.

    For you know the other way
    Is more pain-full-ly."

    Well, it sort of rhymes and it was funny in Jr High!

  58. Good Evening, folks. Wow, what a puzzle. Congrats to Neville Fogarty for a great job. Al, your write-up was the best.

    Well, I started this puzzle about 5:00 AM. Worked it at home, then on the bus, then for a short time at work. After work I worked it some more on the bus. Then went to my lodge meeting. Worked it for a while before the meeting was opened. When I got home about 10:15 PM, I finished it. Took a while.

    But, when all is said, this was a great puzzle in my opinion. I felt exhilaration when I finished it. Made many errors along the way, but eventually corrected with over-writes. Some of these were, INDIANA instead of ONTARIO. That goofed me up in the NW for a long time. Had NIX instead of END for 9D. Fixed that. Had LOCKSOFHAIR instead of LOCKSOFLOVE. Eventually I saw the light. Had ICE instead of VAN for 59D. Fixed that.

    I did not get the theme immediately, but figured it out with 19A GTG.

    Had quite a few that I had to use perps for. I won't list them all.

    In summary, This was a great Thursday puzzle, maybe leaning toward a Friday. I really enjoyed the clever cluing and theme.

    This puzzle was an example of why I like to do crosswords.

    See you tomorrow.


  59. I have been advised by many different sources not to take WikiPedia too seriously. After all, the content thereof is submitted by users like you, anon., and me, and maybe Windhover, whose statements are usually correct!


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