, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Donna S. Levin

Gary's Blog Map

Apr 5, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Donna S. Levin

Theme: Down by the Sea - The end word of the theme entries relates to water movement.

20A. Chocolate-ribboned ice cream flavor : FUDGE RIPPLE

27A. One setting a new high : RECORD BREAKER. Waves as they break (fall over themselves and crash onto the shore) are known as breakers.

49A. Salon treatment : PERMANENT WAVE

56A. "Nifty, huh?" : "ISN'T IT SWELL?". A wave, especially when long and unbroken; What causes boats to rise and fall out on the ocean.

Argyle here. Too bad Donna couldn't get the entries in order, from slight movement to tsunami.


1. Shoppers' aids : BAGS

5. Chantilly product : LACE. Let the Big Bopper get your blood going. Clip.(2:27)

9. Religious subgroups : SECTS

14. Kareem's alma mater, briefly : UCLA. Basketball Hall of Famer Abdul-Jabbar played three seasons for the UCLA Bruins from 1966–69. He was known as Lew Alcindor at the time.

15. Airline with famously tight security : EL AL

16. Hackneyed : TRITE

17. Custardy Spanish dessert : FLAN, Image.

18. O'Hara homestead : TARA. Theme from the original soundtrack Clip.(3:51)

19. Nattered away : RAN ON

23. Two-outs-in-a-single-AB stats : DPs. Baseball's double-play.

24. Mai __ : TAI. Cocktail.

25. Asian cat breed : SIAMESE

32. Windsor Castle initials : HRH. His Royal Highness or Her Royal Highness.

33. Fabled fiddler : NERO

34. "All By __": Celine Dion hit : MYSELF. Clip.(3:59)

37. Spread in a dairy case : OLEO

39. Spots on a screen? : ADS. TV screen.

41. Inter or et follower : ALIA

42. Setting where a medium isn't rare : SEANCE

45. Nepal's continent : ASIA

48. Pioneered : LED

52. Aptly named boss at the quarry where Fred Flintstone works : MR. SLATE

54. Livy's "I love" : AMO. Titus Livius (59 BC – AD 17), known as Livy in English, was a Roman historian.

55. Mouse spotter's shriek : "EEK!"

62. Stockpile : AMASS

64. __'acte : ENTR. French for "between the acts", intermission.

65. Thought : IDEA

66. Capone henchman : NITTI. Francesco Raffaele Nittoni, AKA Frank Nitto, AKA Frank 'The Enforcer' Nitti" (January 27, 1881 – March 19, 1943) was a Prohibition gangster in Al Capone's gang.

67. Vaulted cathedral part : APSE

68. Sask. neighbor : N. DAK.

69. Isaac with a bow : STERN. Ukrainian-born violin virtuoso.

70. Inner Hebrides isle : SKYE. Home to Talisker single malt Scotch.

71. "... the slithy toves / Did __ and gimble ...": "Jabberwocky" : GYRE



  1. Good morning, Argyle, C.C. and gang - I think this is the first time (for me, anyway) that one of Donna's puzzles became a speed run. As with JLamp yesterday, she's shown her versatility in creating puzzles both simple and mind-blowing.

    Not a whole lot to comment on; Argyle pretty much covered it, but I loved 'Setting where a medium isn't rare' and 'Big butte'. Fun puzzle.

    Argyle, another nice job blogging - haven't heard Chantilly Lace in quite a while. I still remember how disbelieving I was upon learning of that plane crash. Has there ever been a bigger loss of musical talent (in terms of talent/numbers)?

    Today is Go for Broke Day. Fun to do once in a while, huh?

  2. Morning, all!

    Definitely a speed run for me as well today. In fact, I almost managed to solve it all on my first pass through the acrosses. Oddly enough, the one hangup was right at 1A, where I needed some perp help.

    The theme was cute, but it didn't register with me at all during the solve.

  3. After the first two, I thought maybe it was tax related theme: you know, FUDGE RECORD.

  4. Good Morning, Argyle and Friends. A Donna Levin following a John Lampkin. Life is Good!

    I caught on to the theme after getting RIPPLE and BREAKER. Must be my early years living near the coast.

    Some amusing clues/answers today. I especially liked Big Butte (as Argyle noted, snicker, snicker), and Setting Where a Medium Isn't Rare = SEANCE. I also laughed at Isaac with a Bow = STERN.

    The crossing of UCLA and ACLU was also amusing.

    I have been a big fan of LIEV Schreiber ever since seeing him in The DayTrippers.

    And thank you both Dudley and HeartRx for your assistance yesterday.

    QOD: Patience is a minor form of despair disguised as a virtue. ~ Ambrose Bierce

  5. Off to court again today; what a start to the week with a JL masterpiece and Donna's gem.
    I like simple anagrams like UCLA/ACLU and ALIA/ALAI as well as LIEV and LIAM.

    She could have clued EDDYm with DUANE, and I love CINDERELLA and CRAISINS stopping by for a quick hello. Thanks Donna and Argyle.

  6. Good day folks,

    Semi speed run for me, the South was a slow go... again! One hang up was I kept thinking Tpke instead of Tnpk. I didn't pick up on the "liquid" theme until I entered Lake. But I sure could go for some Fudge Ripple.

    Argyle, some wonderful links today, especially the theme music for GWTW. I'll probably be criticized for this, but why do todays movies, for the most part, stink? For every "The Kings Speech" there are dozens of so called action movies that seem to be no more then an overly loud car chase (or some other kind of chase) from beginning to end. I often feel acting , good acting, has become a lost art.

    Enough ranting for today... Wet and soggy in Ct, but it is the home of the NCAA Men's basketball champions.

  7. Good Morning C.C., Argyle and all,

    Really enjoyed your write-up this AM, Argyle. “Chantilly Lace” was super, as was Liev Schreiber’s Wiki bio.

    I was thrilled to see Donna at the helm. The theme was NIFTY; the fill was SWELL and exact.
    As well as the aforementioned, my fav clue was Spots on a screen.
    GLAD that RODAN was perped-same for GYRE and NITTI.

    Going to be out and about today.

    Have a nice day everyone.

  8. Good Morning Argyle, CC and All,

    A fairly quick grid from Donna this morning. I'm usually not on the same wavelength as she is. Rolled through the top half and needed perp help for Permanent Wave, where the theme popped in and Isn't It Swell filled in easily. Fun puzzle.

    I sang Chantilly Lace when I was 12 at a summer camp talent show. My brother and his camp counselor buddies put me up to it. Slicked our hair back with Prell shampoo and rolled cigarettes up in our sleeves. Spent an hour in the shower getting the shampoo out of my hair. The beginning and swift end to my singing career.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  9. Good Morning, folks! Thank you Donna for a great Tuesday puzzle. Thank you Argyle, as always, for a swell write-up. C.C., kudos to you for being the boss.

    This was the second day in a row I had to use the newspaper. My printer was acting up this morning. I will check it tonight. Thank goodness for a back up.

    Enjoyed the puzzle. Got through it quite easily. I am getting used to ONEL now. I once saw a Jai ALAI match while visiting my father in Florida. Never heard of LIEV Schreiber, but got it with the perps. The theme was neat.

    Never heard of BUFF being used as Fit and Muscular. After I finished the puzzle I checked my 1956 Webster and could not find that as a part of the definition. Any thoughts?

    I used my Free Rider Card today for the first time on the Metra train and the Pace bus. Finally!

    I had to write this blog entry twice. The first time I went to send it and Poof, it disappeared.

    See you all tomorrow.


  10. Good Morning, all. Argyle, I just knew we would have a couple of great musical links today. You didn't disappoint.

    The top half went extremely well and I didn't realize that there were several down clues that I hadn't read. Donna made me work a little more on the bottom half, as I needed both across and down to complete.

    Fudge Ripple is OK, but give me some Edy's Caramel Delight and I'm a happy camper.

  11. Good Morning Argyle, C.C. et al.

    Thanks for the great write-up and interesting links this morning, Argyle. You got me rocking right off the bat with “Chantilly LACE”.

    This was one of those puzzles that I flew through, and was disappointed to have finished so fast. So I spent several minutes just looking it over and admiring the spot-on clues and fill. Loved seeing CHEAPSKATE and MR SLATE. Wasn’t so crazy about TNPK as the abbreviation for “turnpike”. I thought it should be TPKE.

    Since today is “Go for broke day”, do we all have to 5D (with “it”)?

    Have a great one, everybody!

  12. Good morning Argyle and all,

    I was looking for the progression from ...RIPPLE to 'tsunami', too, but I'll take the ones Donna gave us. Fairly easy throughout, but got hung up at ADS of all places; (not knowing RODAN) but finally sussed it out. Very clever, as was OLEO. No searches were needed.

    APSE - Depending on the architecture, the nave can be as vaulted as the apse. TNPK quickly took care of the anomaly.

    Have a great day.

  13. Hi gang -

    I got off to a lovely start with FUDGE MARBLE. Finally sorted that out. Stared at all the theme answers and couldn't see any connection. So, I have to ask Donna - WATER you up to?

    Oh, well. I did get LACE, BRA and SIAMESE cats.

    For some reason, I really like IN A TREE!

    Sorry to CARP, but had MYSELF a bad night. Couldn't stay asleep. If I try to GYRE, I'll FADE fast.

    JzB hardly a BUFF trombonist

  14. Smooth running CW today added to by the nifty blog with music I loved. I also enjoyed finding out about Liev's interesting upbringing. I'd seen him in a few movies but never remembered who he was.

    thanks for the Daytrippers link. I'll have to put that on my Netflix list after I get back in May.

    Other than a few unknowns (RODAN, MR SLATE, NITTO, GYRE (the spelling would have got me there), it went well with perps. Not bothering to look at the clue for FADE when I had ALII for ALIA left me with one error. I looked at FIDE and just thought, oh yes must be BONA --.

    Altogether a fun RIDE for me.

  15. Good Morning All, What a pleasant way to start a "go to the doctor day". Thanks to Donna Levin for a bright and clever Tuesday offering. I am always amazed at how constructors manage to gather phrases with a word that matches a theme word in another phrase. It never would have occurred to me that FUDGE RIPPLE and PERMANENT WAVE had anything in common.

    FUDGE RIPPLE is my third favorite ice cream. Pecan praline and pistachio come first and second. What a terrific triple scoop sundae they make!

    Like Hahtool, I've been a 35D LIEV Schreiber fan for quite a while, but I had no idea about his unusual childhood until Argyle's link.

    89A Isaac STERN's playing is so distinctive. He is one of the few violinists I can recognize on hearing. I remember seeing Fiddler On the Roof (movie) and thinking "That's Isaac Stern", even before his name appeared on the beginning credits.

  16. Hi There ~!

    Yeah, I had NAVE to start instead of APSE, too, Spitzboov, and it's true - they can both be vaulted.

    And again, I was on the same plane as BarryG as I had to wait for BAGS to appear - CARTS, TOTES, nope...


  17. Good morning Argyle, CC, et al., Love Donna Levin. Like HeartRx, I was sorry to finish so quickly and missed some of the perp clues. Argyle, great job! thank you for all the links.

    Jazz; thank you for those links too. Your 'tree love' made me LOL. She's really out on a limb and taking the 'idea' of a woody to a new level. I think she needs a 'stern' talking to. 'Let ride' was misunderstood as was 'sects'
    in 'T Tops'. Maybe she lost at Going for Broke. Well, being a blonde, I feel vindicated. Thank you Jazz!

    CA: thank you for that Stern link.

    Maniac: Love the image of you at 12w/hair slicked back and crooning Chantilly Lace. I'm sure you rocked!

    Enjoy- at least survive- this day. bad storms in our area. And more snow for you in the NE? Geeze!

  18. Nice catch Hahtool. But I think the charming and elegant Ms. Levin was tweaking our noses crossing ACLU/UCLA. :)

  19. Argyle, et al, spring seems to have settled in and here I am subbing on a beautiful golf day! All I’m doing is proctoring tests and so my main goal is to stay awake! Nice puzzle that came easily!

    -Didn’t really look for a theme
    -I remember teams practicing with tennis rackets on defense to try to compensate for shooting over Lew Alcindor!
    -Seinfeld was having dating issues and said to girlfriend, “Well, I don’t think more FLAN is the answer!”
    -Loved Eric Carmen’s version of “All By Myself”
    -Kevin Costner as Elliot Ness did not read Frank Nitti
    his rights when he killed him in the movie “The Untouchables”. Classic Brian De Palma!
    -My sister is a hoarder and has AMASSED an incredible amount of junk.
    -All over ONEL! What else could Chantilly be?
    -CA, mine’s butter brickle!

  20. Fun puzzle today. Laughed at myself when I figured out that I was not to be trying to figure out the feminine form for the name Isaac. Another "Duh" moment for me.

    Hondohurricane--I like and agree with your comment about the movies. I did hear that movies today are being made only for the young. If I did not have Netflix, I would be seeing no movies. Watching a great series right now from the BBC called the Monarch of the Glen.
    It is another beautiful day in Vacaville and will be in my garden for most of it.

  21. Good day, fellow puzzlers. Great blog, Argyle and wonderful links.

    AMO LIEV and LIAM! they are not only good actors, but eye candy as well.

    Thank you, Donna, for a fun run this Tuesday. I loved setting where medium isn't rare, SEANCE and spots on a screen, ADS.

    I misspelled CRAISIN as CRAISON so had NITTO instead of NITTI whom I did not know.

    Argyle, we have seen SKYE many times in xwds but I did not know about a distillery there. No wonder it's famous!

    Interesting clue for RODAN instead of the sculptor.

    GLAD is a brand of plastic BAGS.

    Thanks again, Donna, for only one sports clue and Argyle for explaining it.

    Go for broke, everyone! Have a terrific Tuesday!

  22. Hello Puzzlers - Smooth and speedy today, even though I hadn't noticed the theme as usual.

    Cherylptts - I'm with you there. Netflix has been our salvation through this back breaking winter. We've been catching up on new-ish and old movies, staying well away from the high cost of the cinemonster. Monarch of the Glen really captivated us when it aired on PBS.

  23. Lucina- I love Rodan's, "The Thanker"

  24. Good afternoon everyone. (It's almost afternoon - on the east side - by the time I comment because we don't get up 'til 8 or 9 and then have a breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast, and juice. Then I do the paper and puzzle is last.)

    This was a fun puzzle; it seems more like a Monday in that I could do it.
    I also got a kick out of the crossing of UCLA and ACLU. And did figure out the theme for once.

    As always, Argyle, great write up. Many good links.


  25. Jerome, damn near cost me a soda.

  26. Good morning everybody. I solved this one pretty quickly and enjoyed the whole process.

    Abejo, I'm thinking you need a newer dictionary if you want to look up words like BUFF. Among other definitions, it's used for people who hang out at the gym and have a body that shows it off. Dunno when it first appeared but I'm guessing in the 1990s.

    HH, I know what you mean about many of today's movies. Barbara was watching The Way We Were on a DVD from NetFlix. It's her favorite movie and what a great song by Marvin Hamlisch. I get most of my movies from cable.

    Speaking of Lew Alcindor, do you remember that the powers that be legislated against 'dunking' a basketball when he was at UCLA?

    We had lunch out yesterday and split a creme brulee for dessert. Much like flan but maybe a little subtler.

  27. Donna is probably my favorite constructor. I don’t know why, but I am always on her wavelength. I got the theme right away after I got “record breaker”. I really liked seeing “nattered away” – ran on. You don’t hear “nattered” very often. Perp help today included Gyre, aeneas, and Nitti. My grandfather was a barber in northern Wisconsin and often cut Capone’s hair. Supposedly Capone had a hideout up there somewhere. I also thought “setting where a medium isn’t rare” – séance was very clever, but for some reason I am now craving a nice ribeye.

    Well, I am looking forward to a ripple, swell, wave, breaker in the near future. Now if only the ice would melt off the lakes.

    Everyone enjoy what’s left of your day. It’s 55 and sunny here :)

  28. Ok, Jerome. I deserve that. I know it's Rodin but these days don't see as well as I once did. That's my story and I'm sticking with it!

    Hands up for Netflix. I used to look forward to new, engrossing movies but can't find many these days. It was a treat to see Of Gods and Men on Sunday.

  29. Lucina- Please don't think I'm a card carrying member of the Spelling Police. I know you know it's Rodin. I just couldn't resist a chance for some wordplay.

  30. Jerome and Lucina,
    And here I thought Jerome was being snarky. But I enjoy an opportunity to explain the problem.

    In French, the pronunciation of Rodin and any other word ending with "-in" sounds a lot like our "-an" ending in English. This is because it gets nasalized. How does that work? Well, if you say the original "i" sound as in our word "in", then close your throat, forcing the air to only be able to go through your nose, the result is the nasalized "-in" almost but not quite like "-ang". The final consonant/s is/are never fully sounded, but the nasal sound replaces it/them. "-ain" or "-ein" at the end of words give the same sound.

  31. Hola Everyone, When I saw Donna Levin's by-line I thought I was in for a slog, but much to my surprise I had the first half finished in no time. I did bog down in the bottom part as I didn't know Nitti, but with the perps that righted itself.

    I've always said Eensy Weensy spider, not Itsy, bitsy spider so that was a problem that I had to work out in the bottom half.

    I caught on to the theme after Ripple and Breaker, so that helped with the last two long answers.

    Liev Schreiber was also an unknown, but when I went to the link that Argyle put up, he looked familiar. Great blogging today, Argyle. My learning moment for today was "Chantilly Lace". I didn't know that it was a song! Now I do!

  32. Hi All,

    New to the posting on the blog, but have enjoyed your website, several times before. Being from So.CA. loved the water reference. Beautiful beach weather here lately.

    I have a question. Sometimes you don't have the same Sunday crossword puzzle that is in my Sunday L.A. Times. Do different areas have a different crossword puzzle? I wondered since the website says L.A. Times Crossword Corner.


    Loved the FUDGE RECORD comment. LOL!

  33. I loved the puzzle today. How could I not with fudge ripple right there in the beginning!
    No time for chatting today. We are cooking for the new American and our son tonight. Bonus-we are keeping the grand-darling daughter for a week while they visit Hawaii!

  34. Bill G

    When Lewie was a UCLAN at UCLA, there was only one power to be in Basketball, John Wooden. My guess is "it would be he' whenever legislation was involved.


  35. Kazie,

    Although Riley will only be a pet and will not participate in dog shows, I told his breeder I'd register him with AKC. I want to register him as "Son of Lionheart" in French.

    I gather you know French and was hoping you could help me out.

    If you prefer EMail, I have no problem giving you my address.



  36. Argyle:
    Funny, FUDGE RECORD.

    I almost wish I would have considering that I have to pay the feds.

    You could have fooled me. But thanks otherwise would not have realized the error. That's what friends are for, right?

  37. The Breakers, Vanderbilt's sea-side home in Rhode Island.

    Jeannie, there was just a story on NPR about the eagle web-cam that you linked us to.

  38. Jerome, I'm reading this a little later in the day than Dennis, so I almost lost a glass of wine!

    Jeannie, thank you so much for the Raptor Project link - it was amazing to me, that there were over 135,000 people online viewing it at the same time I was. What a gift to the world, to be able to see these creatures!

  39. Hi All ~~

    This was a really enjoyable puzzle! Everything seemed to fall into place pretty quickly with just a couple of slowdowns. I didn't know NITTI, SKYE and GYRE but perps filled them in.

    Another great write-up, Argyle ... thanks for all the musical links. I was hoping I'd hear the 'Big Bopper!'

    Others have already mentioned my favorite clue, the one for SEANCE... so clever!

    Chickie: Until you mentioned "eensy weensy spider" I had forgotten that that was the way I knew the song too. "Itsy bitsy" reminds me of the yellow polka-dot bikini song from quite a few years later.

    Enjoy the evening ~~

  40. thehondohurricane,
    No problem.
    Son of Lionheart would be Fils de Cœur de Lion.

  41.   Thank you, Donna, for a fine puzzle, with minimal sports and TV series references.

    thehondohurricane, cherylptts, Dudley --

      I've also wondered about the current crop of movies. Maybe it's a selection effect: we do not remember the stinkers from long ago; but we remember the great ones, such as "Singing in the Rain", my own choice as the Greatest Ever. "Miracle on 34th Street". "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers". "Witness for the Prosecution. "Over the Rainbow". "South Pacific". Hope and Crosby in the "Road" pictures. Anything with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.

      Yes, I'm very partial to musicals.

    Barry G --

      I also needed help on 1A "Shopper's aids". I thought BUFF for 1D, but wasn't confident enough to enter it. When the perps helped me with 20A, the leading F pushed me to enter 1D BUFF. I already had 3D GLAD and 4D SANGTO, so BAGS and UCLA were now obvious.

    Abejo --

      I was familiar with BUFF meaning fit, shapely, etc.

      I type my post into a Notepad window, and do a "save" frequently. This way, I can compose as I read the blog, but with minimal risk of loss. A quick Alt-F S and my musings are safe. It's useful to be a touch typist. Thanks again to Mrs.Roller wayy back in high school.

    HeartRx --

      I had not watched The Flintstones enough to know 52A Fred Flintstone's boss. It had to be stone-y, and I kept MRSTONE until Argyle taught me better.

    Jazzbumpa --

      I had entered TOP in 30D Bikini part. Thanks for the link showing me the correct answer.

  42. the JVN, just a heads-up; forgot to mention this to you yesterday: please try to keep it close to C.C.'s 20-line per post request. Just break it up into multiple posts if need be.


  43. Kazie:
    Thank you for the French pronunciation lesson which I have been practicing. Nasalization is not an easy trick.

  44. 34 Across

    All by myself. I thought of Eric Carmen and got the clue.

    All By My Self by Eric Carmen


  45. @ Abejo If you have watched CSI on thursday nights LIEV Schreiber was Keppler he came in after Grissom left for a seminar. If you have seen the Angelina Jolie movie SALT he was her partner in the film.

  46. Hi all,
    Haven't been able to post recently, or even do the puzzle, too many things going on.

    Puzzle was fun, I got it fairly well but had some look ups. Lace came fast for 2A as I never heard of a musical group named Chantilly Lace, I only thought of weddings. It shows my age, I guess.

    I started at 1A with cart, but then realized it had to be plural. I came back to it later.

    I remember when Kareem was Lew Alcinder. I always thought it was a nice sounding name. He played for the Milwaukee Bucks 1st, then went to L.A.

    I tried to think of a Canadian province that had a D, other than Newfoundland. I finally realized North Dakota was also a neighbor to Sask.

    Today is an important election day in Wisconsin. I'm sure we will stay up late to see all the results.

    Good evening to all!

  47. No, Marge, Chantilly Lace isn't a musical group; it's a song by the Big Bopper.

    I just found out he penned White Lightnin', also.

  48. Kazie@2:16 You brought back memories of first year high school French. Our teacher would point down the rows of desks and have each student, in turn, pronounce the nasal "in", "on" and the ever intimidating gutteral rolling "r". I had four years of high school French and after all these years I can read some and speak less. But my pronunciation is still (gutterally and nasally) "très bon".

    JVN, I'm also a musical movie buff. "Singin' In The Rain" is at the top of my musical list too.

    A little serendipity today...After my doctor's appointment GAH and I had to pick up a couple of prescriptions at the nearest Rite-Aid drug store. As many Californians know, there are Thrifty brand ice cream counters in Rite-Aid stores. Thrifty is the best bang for the buck ice cream in California. I had a lovely slurpy pecan praline cone. Delish!!

  49. Attn.Kazie. In high school, a French Canadian pal of mine told me to close my nose with my fingers to pronounce French properly. Any comment?

  50. Good night all.

    Jeannie, thanks for the eagle link. We had one last year I think. DH & I spent a lot of time watching.

  51. Evening, all.

    Puzzle went so fast I missed most of the unknowns: Liev, Rodan and several others. I got the theme right after I took out MARBLE FUDGE, (which tastes much better than fudge ripple, by the way.) Mocha almond fudge is my favorite, though.

    Gunghy's Den went into the water yesterday. Not enough wind to sail though. I hope Lo-Li-Ta gets in soon.

    Movies are made to entertain. I only manage to sit through one or two a year. My favorites are the science fiction ones where I can look for science errors. Other than that, I need the car crashes, many of the movies that have been mentioned would just put me to sleep. To each his own, I guess.

  52. Sallie. Same link as last year except it is under new management.
    I mentioned a few days ago that the first eagle had hatched.

    Rent The Tourist. Angelina is stunning and the plot has more twists and turns than a bag of pretzels.


  53. Just to let you all know, there's a French student in my ESL class so tonight I asked him to pronounce a few words for me including Rodin.

    Ah, me, it was musical and charming.
    What a beautiful sounding language!

    Good night everyone! Until tomorrow.

  54. at Eddy B,

    I saw the tourist and I didn't like it. I thought SALT was better.

  55. Hutch,
    It is more authentic if the throat is closed off by flexing the uvula so it shuts the passageway. Cutting off the air flow in the nose probably works by forcing the air through a different narrow space, but you'd look pretty funny having a conversation.

    I knew you were a cultured lady. I'm glad you remember at least some of your French after all those years.


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